Residents of NSW, QLD, SA, Tas and ACT: It’s time to say NO!

If you live in NSW, Qld, SA, Tas or the ACT, don’t be lulled into complacency by the opt-out provisions of the new national electricity rule starting 1st DecemberThe right to opt-out and keep your existing meter ONLY applies to ‘working’ meters.

If your retailer decides to do a ‘maintenance replacement’ deployment (because sample testing has shown a likelihood of meters becoming faulty) instead of a ‘new meter deployment’, there is NO requirement for your retailer to forewarn you, other than to notify you of a power interruption.

This means that you MUST convey your refusal IN ADVANCE.  If you have taken this step, the new rule provides for you to be given a smart meter if your meter is subject to a maintenance replacement – but it will be one that does NOT have its wireless communications enabled.  A meter reader will continue to read your meter, and you and your family will not be bathed 24/7 in microwave radiation from your own meter.

Don’t be caught out – get your ‘Do Not Fit a Smart Meter’ notice on your meter box and get your letter of refusal to your retailer NOW. 

Taking these two steps also gives an added safety net if a new meter deployment (which comes with the right to opt-out) is being carried out in your area.

SSMA’s presentation on the new rule is now available on YouTube.

The 14 minute 35 second presentation gives a rundown of the problems with smart meters and provides easy steps for opt-out and refusal, plus it clears up the confusion on the various names and functionality of meters under the new national electricity rule.

This presentation was first shown on 28th October at the ‘A Green Life or a Green Lie?’ conference held in Paterson, NSW.  

For previous posts on the new national electricity rule, see:

Smart meters by stealth

Power distributors advocate optional smart meters in Victoria – But will the Victorian Labor Government listen?

Victoria delays implementation of national arrangements for metering competition

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38 Responses to Residents of NSW, QLD, SA, Tas and ACT: It’s time to say NO!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Received an Email from Origin (NSW) stating they’re rolling out smart meters. Called them & told them we didn’t want it, but was told “you can’t opt-out, there’s nothing you can do, it’s going to be installed”. Told them several times no & to not enter the property but was basically told “too bad, it’s going to be installed”.

    We have an older-style analog meter (with spinning disc) that works fine. NSW Gov says

    If you do not want a new meter, you have the right to refuse one if your meter is still in working order. However, if your old meter is faulty or has reached the end of its life, it must be replaced with a smart meter.

    But if Origin choose to do a sample test, what’s to stop them fabricating the results or just saying “meter faulty”? Also, what’s the meaning by “end of life”? If the meter works, then it works, no?

    Can you get independent testers to test the electrical meter rather than having the electrical company do it?

    Besides locking the meter box & gate, what else can we do?

    Has anyone had success where the electrical company backed off or gave up?
    Is anyone still using their old meter? How did you get to keep it?

    What Electrical retailers (NSW) still allow people to use their old meter?

    • Anonymous says:

      Too right, it looks like the current electricity rules give retailers a carte blanche to do as they please. I think your best bet is to kick up as much of a stink as possible. Ask them (in writing) for the test results.  Maybe ask your local MP for help? The media? Origin is not going to want bad publicity, which could also put the wind up other customers.

      But as you say, the testing could be a complete sham in the first place. So you’ll still need to keep refusing. This worked for me and I’m in Victoria where everybody was supposed to get a smart meter.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Look people don’t complicate things. I basically told them to f*** off and not to come on my property or I’ll sue the individual contractor. I have the advantage of locking the front gate and have a no trespass sign. At worst lock your box that the meter is housed in.

  3. David Zeller says:

    I’m in Queensland and I have stated no smart meter to Ergon. They said I have no choice in the matter. Get another call from Ergon 1 WEEK LATER saying they want to make arrangements to install smart meter. I told them I didn’t want it. She acknowledged what I was saying and said “if you change your mind, ring this 1300 number”. I didn’t ring them, and some weeks later I have electricians at the door saying they are here to install a smart meter. I said again, I don’t want one. They are now saying my meter is too old. I asked how old do they have to be? They would not give me any details on use by dates. So, all Ergon has to say is if you have an old meter, we have to change it to a smart meter. Google says I don’t have to have it installed, but Ergon says it’s compulsory. Or they just have to say its faulty when it’s not.

    • Let's get real about RF says:

      It sounds like Ergon’s insistence that you get a new meter is probably a complete con. No wonder they refused to tell you how old the meter had to be, to be “too old”!

      And I wonder, in any case, what sort of sample testing did Ergon do to justify the replacement? I thought that they were obligated to do sample testing to prove the need for a new meter, under the national electricity rule. I bet that they’ve also fudged this.

      Maybe you could ask your local MP to help you. Or can you simply change retailers to get one that isn’t going to try and force a smart meter on you??

  4. Pingback: Smart Meters Agenda 20 30 | Protect Australia Now

  5. smart meter sufferer says:

    My Son & Daughter- in- law are currently living in Queensland. They were starting a new home build so had no choice but to get a new meter. However, they were able to establish the new connection with Origin with a ‘non-communicating’ meter. It was very easy and Origin simply asked their electrician to make a note on the EWR stating “customer does not want a communicating meter”. Origin will not be charging them any additional fees at all for having a non-communicating meter. However, they were advised that this may change in the future as they may charge additional fees to have the meter read. If this happens, they’ll be shopping around to see what other retailers offer!

    • Alan and Jeanette Tighe says:

      We live in Victoria. It makes us so angry that we no longer have the option of being able to build our own home. We’ve been trapped within our own aged and decrepit dwelling simply because we choose not to have our bodies violated by smart meter 24/7 microwave radiation. This situation is not right.

      • Rose says:

        Here in WA we definately didn’t have a choice in the matter and I’m now experiencing the effects of ongoing compounded smartmeter effects. Not impressed but am motivated to do something about it. We here have had the installed by stealth since 2012 and not known about it.

      • smart meter sufferer says:

        Hi Alan & Jeannette,
        We are in a similar situation as you. We want to move house but cannot find a house that does not have a smart meter.We are basically trapped or will be forced to move interstate away from family. An utter disgrace.

  6. D says:

    If youve tried to visit without success like I did then be advised that the opt out form submission information was still contained in the the webpages source details.

    ‘odt-param-emailTo’ :’ ‘,
    ccList’ :’’,
    Hope it still works

    I wonder if the following has anything to do with the opt out form not being displayed:

    .ng-form-generic .form-control-feedback {display: none}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-invalid {display: block;}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-valid {display: block;}

    The relevant part of the pages source is the following:

    .ng-form-generic .form-control-feedback {display: none}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-invalid {display: block;}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-valid {display: block;}
    div[ng-form=”fileinputField”] { margin-bottom: 12px;}



    ‘odt-param-emailTo’ :’ ‘,
    ccList’ :’’,
    Hope it still works
    I wonder if following has anything to do with the opt out form not being displayed:

    .ng-form-generic .form-control-feedback {display: none}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-invalid {display: block;}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-valid {display: block;}

    If Im wrong anyone please correct me.

  7. DF says:

    If youve tried to visit without success like I did then be advised that the opt out form submission information was still contained in the the webpages source details. The relevant paragraph is the following:

    .ng-form-generic .form-control-feedback {display: none}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-invalid {display: block;}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-valid {display: block;}
    div[ng-form=”fileinputField”] { margin-bottom: 12px;}



    ‘odt-param-emailTo’ :’ ‘,
    ccList’ :’’,
    Hope it still works
    I wonder if following has anything to do with the opt out form not being displayed:

    .ng-form-generic .form-control-feedback {display: none}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-invalid {display: block;}
    .ng-form-generic + .ng-scope .icon-valid {display: block;}

    If Im wrong please correct me.

  8. PW says:

    OK. So after MUCH research, many phone calls etc, I have a lot of information to share to help people with this. Below I will detail a campaign that I have done a letterbox-drop for my local neighbourhood. The letter is pasted below, which I printed out, together with:

    – A slightly amended copy of the letters that are available on this site for download. One was to the CEO (John Cleland) of NSW’s ‘Essential Energy’, making the sender’s opt-out wishes known and informing him of legal ramifications if a smart meter is fitted to their meter box. NOTE: If you’re in QLD, you’d need to instead do the same for ‘Energex’ (instead of Essential Energy). Energex’s CEO’s name is Phil Garling.
    – The 2nd (amended) version of this letter was for my neighbour’s energy retailer (Origin, Energex etc etc – whoever bills them). I left the space blank for them to fill out their retailer’s details, their meter’s NIM # and their account #.
    – A copy of the ‘Smart meter fact sheet’ available on this site for download.
    – A printed copy of the ‘Do not instal’ sign for their meter box. For my immediate neighbours, I laminated this, to help the odds that they will use it!

    Below is the letter that I sent to my neighbours, in an envelope with the above. PLEASE DO feel free to copy, amend and print and share this to do your own letterbox drop in your street! PLEASE do share it on social media too, as I’m not on social media. At least let people know that this is coming with a simple post – their mainstream media hasn’t whispered a word of it to inform them!

    ALSO – print and deliver to your kid’s schools – this is very important that your local schools protect the kids by locking their meter box (offer to do it for them if they’re not handy), as other countries continue to ban smart meters and WiFi in schools, while Australia, inexplicably, aggressively follows Agenda 2030 protocol to roll these carcinogenic meters out. I hope this info pack helps you all…


    Dear Neighbour,
    Electricity providers all across Australia will attempt an installation of a ‘Smart’ Meter in our homes & schools starting as soon as December 4th, 2017. As was proven in Victoria’s disastrous and nefarious smart-meter roll-out, this meter will increase your energy bills, surveil your usage habits, sell that information to third parties, limit your supply and most importantly, emit pulsed electromagnetic and microwave radiation 24 hours a day, damaging your health.
    For children, this EMF radiation is proven to be particularly damaging to their development. For adults, over 5,000 published scientific studies have proven serious, harmful effects. Once this meter is installed, it’s been stated that consumers have no right of refusal, it will be fitted even if you aren’t home and consumer requests to have it removed will be refused – as a matter of stated policy. There is good reason that this roll-out across 5 Australian states has not been covered by mainstream media…

    IMPORTANTLY, you can opt-out of the meter installation – but you must do so in advance – prior to December 1st, 2017. State governments were signatory to the National Energy Customer Framework, which made quiet mention that energy customers have the right to opt-out of this meter DOWNgrade as a result of the overwhelming negative health effects experienced in Victoria, the USA and Europe.

    – If your retailer is Origin Energy, they allow you to easily opt-out online here:
    – Call Energex (if this is who bills you) as stated above on 13 12 53 to opt-out of the scheduled installation. State the below:
    – You require emailed confirmation that your opt-out request has been received.
    – Any non-compliance with your rightful wishes will be referred to the State Energy & Water Ombudsman (EWON).

    – I have printed and enclosed a ready-made notice for you to laminate and attach to your locked meter box, stating that a smart meter must NOT be installed on your home. Photograph the sign once in place, as proof of placement. Additional signs may be printed and laminated from here:
    – I’ve printed a copy of a letter for you to simply fill in two details and post to (Essential Energy NSW), to make your wishes known. Scan/photocopy/photograph this before posting it (by registered mail), so you have a record of it.
    – I’ve also printed a copy of a letter for you to send to your electricity retailer. Your energy retailer’s name and details are on your electricity bill, as is your meter’s NMI #.

    – MOST IMPORTANTLY, fix a lock to your meter box, as most installations have been done when people aren’t home – even if they have stated they don’t want a smart meter. The energy corporation owns the meter itself, but YOU own the box that the meter is housed in, so you have the right to lock it. Installers won’t force a locked meter box open because this would be criminal damage. If you don’t have a lockable box for your meter, build a simple one to protect your rights. Just make sure you leave a small window for the meter-reader to still be able to read the existing meter’s screen. Skip this ‘window’ step for a few weeks if necessary – just make sure you get the meter box locked-up immediately.
    If you need help with this:
    – What do to if your home already has a smart meter installed: You need to call a Level 2 electrician and ask him to source a ‘basic’ meter to replace your smart meter. If you have solar feeding in, ask him to instead source a ‘Net’ meter for you. From December 4th, Level 2 electrician’s won’t have the authority to do this swap and you’ll instead need to go through your electricity retailer, stating that you require this due to an electromagnetic hypersensitivity. They will make this hard for you to achieve, so book a Level 2 Electrician to take care of this for you asap. If you’re reading this and the deadline has already lapsed, rumor has it that the roll-out won’t be immediate, so it’s still worth calling and trying to book someone. If you’re in the Northern NSW/Southern QLD area, call Peder from Elford’s Electrical on 02 6672 2090 for this (NOTE: I’m simply recommending Peder highly. I have no affiliation with him or his business).

    What to be aware of to protect yourself from known power company tactics:

    – Australian power companies have been stating that it’s a government mandate that they instal your new meter. Tenants and owners have been threatened with large fines and having their power cut-off for not complying. This is not only misleading – it’s illegal disinformation. The ‘mandate’ turned out to be nothing more than a request by the government for the power companies to use their ‘best endeavours’ to instal the new meters. There is NO mandate, no law and no obligation for you as an owner or tenant to accept the installation of a smart meter, as stated in the National Energy Customer Framework.
    – You can learn plenty more about this technology, your rights and how to protect yourself from it at
    – Note that smart meters are also referred to as ‘advanced’ meters.  In some cases, wireless-enabled smart meters are also being deceptively called ‘digital’ meters; however, the functionality of these particular ‘digital’ meters goes beyond being simply digital as the meters also feature remote communications.
    – GREAT article here:

    IN CONCLUSION: As neighbours, we are only as strong as the next. The radiation emission range from neighbouring smart meters effects us all. Let us learn from the disastrous smart meter experience in Victoria, the USA and Canada (among others) and question why Australia is aggressively pursuing their installation, when the USA, Canada and Europe are rolling them back as a result of proven negative health impacts. Ask your neighbours (and your children’s schools) to also make the commitment to lock their meter box.
    I urge you to learn more at the above website and do your own research – but please do so as a matter of priority, as our beautiful street is scheduled for the implementation of this violation starting as soon as December 4th 2017.
    I’ve put this together to make it as easy as possible for you to act to protect your family. I’ve sent these letters to just some houses on our street, so please do feel free to photocopy this material and share it! Talk to your neighbours – across the road and over the fence and let’s take our power back as a community who have the right to protect our families, enjoy our health and our civil liberties. 🙂

  9. sdjm says:

    Well unfortunately people are in great denial over what has been happening due to their total reliance on harmful technology such as Wi Fi, Apple gadgets, mobiles, etc.These global tech companies continue to mislead the public as to the safety of their products which are another form of addictive drug. Their customers (like sheep!) think all technology must be fabulous and basically harmless because they have been so easily brainwashed, most of them being teenagers or children without enough common sense to think otherwise. Such a trojan horse….

  10. CL says:

    I have contacted my electricity supplier and let them know I do not want a smart meter at my property. I hope I can ask a few questions:
    1. My neighbour’s electric box is only about 6 meters from my house. I need time (probably a lot of it) to hopefully persuade them to at least request a non-communicating smart meter. Could they still do this AFTER 1st December 2017?
    2. If I cannot persuade them, would dense vegetation like bamboo trees reduce the EMR if I place them in between our properties?
    3. A new home has been built close by. A smart meter has been installed there. I stood close to the electric box for about 5 min and my meter didn’t record any higher measurement at all. Are pulse intervals standard on these smart meters and how frequent are they?

    • Janobai says:

      1. After 1st December is fine. Simply it needs to be done in advance of a ‘maintenance replacement’ deployment (bearing in mind that your neighbours won’t be given advance warning of this, other than a notice to say the power will be temporarily off.) If their retailer is instead doing a ‘new meter deployment’, then two notices are supposed to be sent in advance and they’ll be given the right to opt out and keep their existing meter.
      2. Vegetation always helps attenuate transmissions.
      3. The smart meter might not yet be connected to a network. However, transmission activity does vary tremendously from meter to meter. See p. 80 – 81 of the technical report commissioned by the Victorian Government
      They looked at transmission activity for three different kinds of smart meter networks. The average number of pulses for the 3G meters varied between 129 times to 176,201 times per hour.

  11. Paul R says:

    I downloaded the letter you are supposed to send to your supplier but I don’t know what to put here on the line: “…as shown on my electricity bill and/or as shown on your notice to this address dated _____________.”
    I’m assuming that this letter should only be sent AFTER you get a letter from the supplier. If not then what date is supposed to be put here?
    I know it seems trivial but I want to make sure everything is clear.

    • Jess says:

      Hi Paul
      It’s just the NMI number which is shown on your meter and also on your electricity bill which you need to put in the letter refusing a smart meter. I wouldn’t wait to get a notice – it could be too late!

      • Paul R says:

        No, the NMI goes first. The whole sentence should read “NMI number: ********* as shown on my electricity bill and/or as shown on your notice to this address dated _____________.”
        I put asterisks where I put my number but I want to know what date I put on that line, otherwise they will wonder what ‘notice’ you are referring to. Since they never sent me a notice, I can’t exactly refer a date to a notice that was never sent to me.

        • Janobai says:

          Just delete the part of the sentence that says “and/or as shown on your notice to this address dated _____________.” It’s not necessary, as you haven’t received a notice. The template letters are in Word, so can be altered to suit your circumstances.

      • Alan says:

        NMI number is definitely shown on the electricity bill

  12. Paul R says:

    Does anyone know who I am supposed to call to organise to get a lock and a window installed on my meter box? Electrician, locksmith, etc…?
    I know it can be a DIY job but I’m no good at these things and I want to make sure it gets done properly and securely.

    • Elena says:

      Paul get a handyman to build an enclosure for you. Tell the handyman specifically what you want done. Box with a perspex window for viewing and also you need to be able to lock the box up as well, also make sure the the box can be locked securely and it can’t be tampered with.

    • DA says:

      Keep in mind that the main fuse should still be accessible in an emergency so the power supply can be quickly turned off.

  13. Sandra says:

    Encourage your friends/family to watch the free viewing of ‘Take Back Your Power,’ directed by Josh del Sol, available here:

  14. PW says:

    Is anyone aware which electricity retailers (if any), have a stated policy to not actively roll-out smart meters?
    It would be GREATLY appreciated if anyone could name these retailers state-by state, so people can switch to them before December 1st 2017.

    • Mike says:

      PW, follow that up by all means but lock your meter box also. Then you take your destiny into your own hands. Just allow the meter’s reading to be viewable via a cutout window in the box.. Don’t rely solely on utility companies to do the right thing even if they say they are. That’s from experience in Victoria.

    • Judith says:

      Check out the ACT. Their electricity retailer -ACTEWAGL – did an automatic rollout of “smart meters”. People weren’t told, and did not get a choice.

    • Sandra says:

      Origin Energy (based in QLD; not sure if they operate in other States) allow customers to opt out online:
      So I assume they won’t be ‘pushing’ smart meters on their customers.

  15. Hannah says:

    Thanks for this. What can one do if renting? Currently living in a townhouse where all the meters are in one big box? Our neighbours are not concerned at all. They’re not even willing to turn wi-fi off at night while they’re sleeping. It will be almost impossible to get their support. In addition, I have no idea what the RE Agent and Landlord will say about this? What right do I have to say ‘No’?
    Kind Regards,

    • Thomas says:

      The easiest way would be to move if possible……
      That can be an option or a last option to keep up your sleeve

    • Elena says:

      Hannah, you can still say no, you need to send a letter to the retailer or whoever is responsible for installing smart meters where you live. Unfortunately you can’t lock your meter box which is what i would suggest. As for your real estate agent, if they try to force you to get a wireless device then they are responsible and can be held accountable.
      You do have a right to say no everyone does. Speak to the landlord if you can about your concerns and print up some evidence from this website.

    • Elena says:

      Hannah, your landlord doesn’t pay your electricity bill you do. I can’t see why you should have a problem. The landlord doesn’t own the meter and it will not affect the landlord at all because you pay the bill. I would contact the tenants union in your state and get advice and have your evidence ready as you might speak to someone that doesn’t have a clue as to what is going on. If anyone makes any claims ask them to verify the claim with evidence.

  16. dana says:

    Disgusting that this evil agenda keeps advancing. People who impose this on their fellow citizens are collaborators like the Nazi collaborators in occupied France – I hope these people will be sought out and punished when the public realises the harm that has been done to them.

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