Become a member of Stop Smart Meters Australia!

Stop Smart Meters Australia is an incorporated association.

Stop Smart Meters Australia’s mission is to:

  • Support and assist people who are opposed to the forced rollout of smart meters and other radiofrequency emitters on the grounds of health, privacy, security, safety or costs.
  • Educate the community on the negative aspects of smart meters and other radiofrequency emitters.
  • Lobby on the negative aspects of smart meters and other devices and infrastructure emitting radiofrequencies and to advocate that the installation of smart meters and other devices emitting radiofrequencies should be voluntary.

If you agree with our mission, then come and join us!

Membership fees are used to fight against the forced installation of smart meters and other radiofrequency emitters.  The more members that we have, the more we will be heard!

Membership for each person is $15 per year.
Membership is for the financial year, July to June.

Download the SSMA Membership Application Form 2023-2024

31 Responses to Become a member of Stop Smart Meters Australia!

  1. Salvatore Zamattia says:

    I have a smart meter which backs onto our bedroom wall, we are getting headaches and can’t sleep in that room, can we get it removed?

  2. thomas radovnikovic says:

    Good work

  3. Tonya Middleweek says:


    I have recently come off Facebook because I don’t enjoy it anymore which unfortunately means I can’t access the Stop5g Adelaide group I had joined.
    Can I still help with this cause now I don’t have Facebook?

    Thank You


    • Electro-smog Objector says:

      Maybe the go would be to open a Facebook account with the privacy settings set so you’re the only one who can view your page? That way you should be able to check in to see what the group is doing and message people, without going down the Facebook rabbit hole.
      Off course, even without Facebook, there’s heaps that individuals can do! Tell your local Councillors, State and Federal MPs about your concerns and ask them to help. Put up posters, speak to neighbours etc.

    • Rosa says:

      Hi Tonya, we are thinking of moving to The Fleurieu Peninsula next year from NSW South Coast. Hoping the air is smoke-free and SA is just a healthier state to live in – such a beaut state about 15 years ago when we were last there.
      How is it for 5G plans and EMR background radiation now though?
      Sure appreciate any info you can share with me on this big question.

  4. judith borsos says:

    the smart meter burned saturday 2-3-2019 we do not ask for another

    • evidence please says:

      Judith, have you got photos? You might find it difficult to show them here, but you could write to ‘contact us’ and they can give you the email address to send them to.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Health is everything and also businesses would do better if they cared more about it.

  6. Jo says:

    I am unable to join the manual way, unable to print, scan, etc. I fully understand the $10 dollars and have no problem with it. There are people putting all of this together and spending their time and I am sure out of pockets, so this is very reasonable and we should just be thankful your site is going to save many lives.
    However, I would love to join, but would have to do this online, so as soon as you have this feature available please let me know and I will be in immediately.

    • anonymous says:

      is this group still active? I am experiencing ringing in ears, bad sleep (nightmares) and sleeping in a stressed manner i.e. frowning in sleep and feeling like my head is in a vice and a number of other symptoms. I’ve vaguely linked this with commencing at the time my local power company installed a smart meter (without my consent!) a few years ago. I have had crazy blood test results at times and fatigue also. I have just been absent from home for about 1 1/2 months and slept well, no ringing in ears and feeling relaxed and comfortable (as opposed to feeling “on edge”. I turn my WIFI off when i am not using and at night. I believe that it’s the smart meter which of course, i cannot turn off. Has anyone in Oz had any success with power companies reversing the installation of a smart meter?

      • Electro-smog Objector says:

        What horrible symptoms.

        Sadly, it all depends on where you live in Australia as to whether or not you can ditch the ‘smart’ meter. In Victoria, even with a doctor’s letter, it’s a case of pushing s*** uphill. Hopefully, people from other states have paid attention to the debacle here. Don’t get lulled into putting up with a device that emits microwave radiation 24/7, if you only want a meter!

  7. We left a note that we did not want one installed but was ignored. Is outside the bedroom
    wall and twelve months later my husband developed cancer of the salivary glands – a horrible
    operation, then teeth removed before radiation treatment. Now cancer has spread and is
    terminal. I really wonder if the meter caused this disease. Now I am worried about using
    my computer and is also next to the same wall.

    • nigel roper says:

      Like you Patricia, I seem to have cancer all around me. I am an EHS sufferer thanks to my smart meter, but have found solice in a small ‘Blushield EMF radiation protection device’ , which has given me my life back. My white cell count went up to dangerously high levels and I could not even be in a room with wifi running, the pain was so bad. But fortunately since I have had this small protection device my white count is now normal once again and my life is back on track. I would suggest you look them up and maybe get protection for yourself and the rest of the family. I ordered mine through their australian website You should also google oxygen for cancer. Treatments are avail in Germany and Mexico and they work. Worked for my friend after chemo and radio didn’t.

  8. rob says:

    great also count me in it hasnt been easy stoping a smart meter installation they have turned up plenty of times to change meter only to be seen by me and the no smart meter info on the meter box now they are saying your meter does not comply and a long delay can be expected if their is an outage and a meter reading fee (all ready charged ) will apply from 2015 every one i know who has as smart meter installed has complained that the bill has increased by on average extra 30% with only 2 people in house same useage

    • P says:

      I have just received the same letter from UE and have come here to get some advice as to how to respond. Every time I see a truck in our area or receive a letter from them I go into panic mode. 😦

  9. Anonymous says:

    Had a smart meter installed a couple of years ago.
    I have had the worst sleep. Palpitations are so strong. Can’t breathe. Thought I had asthma. The ringing in my ears is continual.
    Sleep down the back of the house. Rang the company to explain my situation. They told me they would come out and turn the power down to an “acceptable” level. Never heard of them since..
    Don’t think it made any difference.

  10. Lydia says:

    I agree with anonymous above. Not everyone can afford to pay $10 a year for membership to this site which is focused on building community. If people want to donate or pay that’s fine but it shouldn’t be a condition of joining. Many people with smart meters are renters, unemployed, low income earners and are struggling as it is and we should be offering to help people.

  11. yvon says:

    I do not have a credit card , but I have money on a paypal account..when will you accepting this way of funding?

  12. Steve says:

    This may seem like a silly question, but..
    I haven’t had to download and print off a paper membership and then post it for so long – in fact, I can’t remember the last time I had to do that.
    It’s a bit of a bother. You’d get way more members with a simple on-line sign up and Pay-Pal or Credit Card number.

    • Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

      We are currently working on establishing a PayPal payment option.
      We are also investigating the option of creating an online registration form although there are some restrictions with WordPress that we need to overcome.

    • Anonymous says:

      My question is why does it cost to be a member?

  13. Anna Gastaldello says:

    I had a smart meter put in over 18 months ago. It is actually situated in the wall of my bedroom. I developed electromagnetic sensitivity to the point where I was actually feeling electricity all over my body. I couldn’t concentrate. My sleep patterns had altered. I couldn’t function anymore. I moved out of my room but found it did not help. I actually thought I was going to die because I
    could not find any help. I rang the company and I was dismissed. I have
    since had the meter box covered with
    sheets of lead. It has helped but now all EMRs affect me and I have to ‘decharge’ regularly.

  14. Vasiliki says:

    The smart meter microwaves are blitzing my brain. I’m irritable, cannot sleep, there’s pressure on my brain

  15. John Harvey says:

    It’s a good idea to let potential members know what it is that you’re asking them to join. That means letting them know whether it’s an association or something else, and making freely available a copy of its constitution. There’s no mention of either of these in the membership form, and I’m unable to see a link to anything suggestive. Could you please make the incorporated body’s constitution available, at least via the home page?

  16. terry broderick lop says:

    Smart metering sucks .it’s one goal is to relieve the people in our community (the poor majority) of the max amount of hard earned cash as possible .in least accountable forum.

  17. Stevo says:

    Becoming member immediately, but, please, why nobody can comment on my question I put here not so long time ago WHY POWER DISTRIBUTORS DO NOT APPLY TECHNOLOGY SIMILAR TO INTERNET SERVICE means Why they do not count, measure, or whatever they want distantly….if it is possible to know how many mega, giga bytes somebody spends hundreds km from the headquarters of the suppliers…WHY, WHY it is not possible to measure in similar way, or different way??? kwh spent in house, flat or somewhere….or maybe the reasons are in the fact that somebody VERY POWERFUL AND WILLING wants to put these dangerous surveillance devices close to our pillows and beds.. I am willing accept that all smart meters they have installed in the offices and houses of managers of the companies that distribute electricity.. They CAN ENJOY FULL EFFECTS OF THIS SO CALLED BENEFICIAL DEVICE….they will have my full support…but STAY OF OUT OF MY HOUSE WITH THESE DESPICABLE TECHNOLOGIES!!

    • Steve says:

      Stevo, the process of monitoring and collecting usage statistics for Internet billing is a lot different to power usage although there are many similarities. In the case of the internet, you sign-up with an ISP – internet service provider (same concept can be applied with a electricity retailer) and your modem connects to the provider’s servers passing user credentials and thereby creating a virtual connection over a shared telecommunications infrastructure. Because you have to connect to the ISP’s server to do internet surfing metering functionality is set up in the ISP’s servers, not on your PC and not on your modem. With Power the metering is done on your house because the Power Utility has no way of easily knowing at the generation side who is taking power. It would require an equivalent of a modem to create some sort of logical/virtual connection back to the Utilities servers where they can monitor usage in a centralised location. This is what smart meters are designed to do. They use wireless technology to achieve this but they could have used other broadband communication options like Optical Fibre (NBN) or ADSL. Even the powerline can be used for communication but this mechanism can introduce high frequencies on the powerline otherwise referred to as dirty electricity which is also harmful to health if appropriate filters are not put in place.

  18. Jackie Belfort says:

    i have printed the form,and I will become a member’ There are hundreds of units being built in my suburb,and I would like to know if they will all have these smart meters installed.?

  19. Sharron says:

    Great! Count me in, thanks (as soon as I can get this printer to work!)

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