Tasmania’s new electricity smart metering roll-out: Why opting out may be your wisest, and healthiest choice

On December 1, 2017, the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) final rule determination, titled: “Expanding competition in metering and related services” came into force in Tasmania, SA, NSW, the ACT and QLD. The rule states that this is a framework which is designed to, “promote innovation and lead to investment in advanced meters that deliver services valued by consumers at a price they are willing to pay. Improved access to the services enabled by advanced meters will provide consumers with opportunities to better understand and take control of their electricity consumption and the costs associated with their usage decisions,

This rule came about as a result of a request from the Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) Energy Council that considered that the previous metering rule allowed and encouraged the continued installation of mechanical analogue meters, which they said had “only limited functionality”.

What this means is that over the next few years we will see a gradual replacement of the existing analogue electricity meters with so called advanced meters (also called digital or smart meters). These meters have the capacity to collect energy use data and send that back to the provider by a wireless network without the need for a meter reader going from house to house to collect that data. As for the uptake of advanced meters (smart meters), TasNetworks has estimated that presently (2017-2019) only about 4% of residential and 12% of small business customers have a smart meter.  By 2024-29, it is expected that this will increase to 31% of residential and 59% of small business customers. By 2029-34, it is expected that all energy customers will have a smart meter.

As a result of opposition to the mandated introduction of smart meters in Victoria [thank you to all those Victorians who stood up against aggressive Government and power companies’ threats and bullying – SSMA comment], including concerns over possible health impacts, the new AEMC rule gives Tasmanians (and in the other states mentioned above), the right to opt out, by contacting their energy provider (Aurora in Tasmania), stating that they do not want a communicating smart meter.

As mechanical analogue meters are no longer available, the opt-out provision obviously does not apply to new connections, homes undergoing major renovations requiring new wiring, homes having solar panels connected to the grid, faulty existing meters requiring replacing, and “maintenance” replacements where testing has indicated that an analogue meter is at risk of becoming faulty.

In these situations the only way the customer can avoid having a communicating smart meter installed on their premises is to notify by phone and in writing to Aurora that they wish to opt out and not have a wireless communicating smart meter (Type 4) but prefer a smart meter which is not enabled for wireless communications (Type 4A).

To opt out

  • For Aurora’s customers who wish to opt out, the number to ring is 1300 13 2003
  • The Aurora postal address (send by registered mail) for a written opt-out notification is: Aurora Energy Pty Ltd, GPO Box 191, Hobart, Tas. 7001

After advising Aurora, it is important to also put up a “Do not Fit a Smart Meter” notice on your meter box. Date the notice, laminate it for the weather and take a photograph of it.

Don Maisch PhD
July 11, 2018

Abridged:  To read the full report go here.

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9 Responses to Tasmania’s new electricity smart metering roll-out: Why opting out may be your wisest, and healthiest choice

  1. nathan paul dunning says:

    What if you already have one how can you return to an Analogue meter? Is that at all possible?

  2. Leo Beuermann says:

    Are these new smart metres made in China, my reason for this question is that the Chinese have been very active in clandestine monitoring of public & private information, if so this will allow the Chinese or other people the capability to shut down large areas of Australia in a very short time. This needs to be clarified with consumer’s before installing the Meyers.

    • TL says:

      Yup, in many cases the whole she-bang is owned by Chinese. Not just the meters, but also many of the electricity networks in Australia. But when you’ve got Australian political leaders continuing to do deals with the Chinese TODAY, don’t hold your breath waiting for them to wake up and fix this situation.

  3. Patrick says:

    This doesn’t give any reason why I should opt out. The heading says its my wisest and healthiest choice, but then doesn’t back up the claim with anything whatsoever. If anything this write up actually makes me want to get one because it points out all of the benefits.

    • Let's get real about RF says:

      You had better read Dr Maisch’s full report if you want to find out why he said opting may be your wisest and healthiest choice!

      The link is in the post.

      He has provided a number of case studies, gathered from Victoria. His report also says “Written evidence submitted to the UK Parliament in 2013 attested to the fact that the
      pulsed radiation from smart meters has resulted in thousands of health complaints
      world-wide. More than 10,000 health-related complaints were submitted to the
      California Public Utilities Commission alone, and included personal testimonies from
      medical doctors, psychotherapists and nurses regarding their own symptoms.”

      Sadly, those of us in Victoria are all too well aware of the unintended consequences of “smart” meters.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Do not under any circumstances permit a Smart Meter to be installed at your home,lock up your meter box cut a small window so the meter can be read, you have the right to refuse a Smart Meter

  5. Heather Reilly says:

    Can Victorian customers get a type 4A digital meter? My daughter’s house has a smart meter
    type 4. Can it be swapped over?

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