
There have been a number of requests to add a Forum to this site. Anyone is free to leave a comment on any post or page on this site, but those comments are generally tied to the subject of that post or page. And so we have added a basic page without a subject where people can make comments about anything they wish to discuss. It is not a forum like others found on the internet but it will allow people to raise questions or discuss issues either anonymously or using their name if they wish. All comments will be moderated.

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1,866 Responses to Forum

  1. Anonymous says:

    We recently moved into a house which has a smart meter and PV on the roof in NSW. How can I tell if it’s a communicating Smart Meter? Can I look somewhere in the menu settings? If a meter reader comes to the house can I safely assume it’s a non-communicating SM? Even if it’s a non communicating SM can they still emit EMR even though it doesn’t use this function? Thanks in advance.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t you just ask your electricity provider? But it sounds like you need your own radiofrequency meter! That would answer your question very quickly, assuming there isn’t some other nearby source (like if you have solar with some sort of wireless monitoring system?) to confuse the issue.
      So are you also exporting electricity into the grid if there’s PV? I would’ve thought that it’s a pretty sure bet then, that you have a fully functioning smart meter. And even if it’s not a communicating smart meter, if it’s electronic, then it’s creating dirty electricity. So not microwaves, but still not great. Plus any electricity meter can be a source of big magnetic and electrical fields at the meter itself, if a lot electrically is happening in the house at the time. So still EMR.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi all, glad I found this website. I am about to write to Aurora (Tasmania) and implement all the advice here about modifying meter boxes and signage.
    I would like to hear of any other experiences from Tasmania. We live in the bush and so far there has not been any suggestion of “upgrading”, I do have neighbors with “smart” meters.

    • Anonymous says:

      We live in Lindisfarne and did receive a letter from Aurora about installing a smart meter. We wrote back saying that we did not want a smart meter installed. Aurora’s response was that they instructed the installer not to install a smart meter on our property. All good but the long term plan is to have no opt-outs in several years’ time.
      See my article available through SSMA.

      Don Maisch

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi i have successfully had my old analog meter read in Melbourne by a reader for the past 10 years. I cut a hole in the box front with glass for a window, and a tube to the button to press it on the meter, whilst the box is firmly locked.

    However now it seems United Energy are up to a new trick, they suddenly seem to be “unable to access your meter” in a letter sent to me and to the 3rd party power company (Momentum), urging me to swap to a Smart Meter (sure…in their dreams). I thought it might be an isolated incident but they have now done it again for a 2nd quarter. I have gone and read the numbers myself, i plan on submitting them to Momentum. However im very suspicious of this…my estimation is that they are not trying to read my meter at all now, just sending out these letters to try and force some Evil action. Surely this cannot go on indefinitely? Has anyone else experienced this new force-of-hand tactic?

    • Anonymous says:

      Their new trick is that they say that they can’t access the box ( even when they can) or that the read failed as they have ” updated” their software and it is now incompatible with the old meters.
      Apparently if you order a ” special” read, that software still works. ( well it used to anyway!!!)

  4. Anonymous says:

    In Victoria we have had some very unreasonable people to say the least
    appointed as state Energy Minister. These are the people that
    we have had to try and speak reason with. One particular minister literally
    ran away when citizens with genuine concerns about smart meter safety
    decided to visit his office. And what do we see when the true colors of
    some of these various and varied so called Energy Ministers are revealed.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I have just received a letter from Western Power saying that they are changing me over to a smart meter.
    I phoned them and said I don’t want on but they said I had no choice.
    I can’t see anything specific on this site for WA. Can someone help me please.
    Cheers Ilona

  6. No Thx says:

    PowerCor/Citipower has joined Ausnet and United Energy in the drive to get smart meters in where property owners were smart enough to refuse. I recently received communications from PowerCor/Citipower inviting me to upgrade my meter. Too late. Those of us who were SMART enough to keep our analogue meter have already seen from others’ mistake that the BS propaganda about the benefits of having a SM are a lie.

    Of course, this ‘offer to upgrade’ came with the threat that if I choose not to upgrade, “this may lead to a meter reading charge being levied to recover the cost of providing manual meter reading services”. Will that then lead to a retraction, a la Ausnet style, that they will not be proceeding with the threatened meter reading charge

  7. LVsA says:

    G’day. You may be interested in the following.

    The Norwegian book “Smart meters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health” by Einar Flydal and Else Nordhagen is now available in English. (currently available for free)

    You can view an intro with free download links here at;

    The book “Smartmeters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health”

    Rgs from the LVsA team
    Association Le Vaud sans antennes. – (Switzerland)

  8. Jo says:

    Does anyone know of a genuinely low emitting phone. I do not use a mobile phone. But I am trying to do certain things, including transfer money into a crypto wallet and one cannot do anything without scanning stuff on a phone. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks Jo

    • Cathy says:

      Environmental Health Trust have a page on how to hardwire a cell phone to ethernet (you can google it). Maybe something they suggest would work??

  9. Say no to smart water meters! says:

    Hey, does everyone know that consultations are about to close in Victoria on the 2023 to 2028 reviews of the water companies? Google Engage Victoria water price review 2023.
    This is our chance to let government know that we DON’T want our water company to force a smart water meter on us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Western Victoria have tried to attach devices, some who have no idea leave them but I just cut them off, and nothing is said as they do not have consent to tamper with the meter, only access to read

  10. Anon says:

    Received a notice from United Energy that they’re “upgrading” me to a smart meter in VIC after locking them out during their previous attempts in previous years. The letter says they will simply remove locks. Advice on resisting this again?

    • Cathy says:

      How dare they. Isn’t it obvious to them that you are refusing?? I’m guessing you have notices up saying this.

  11. Tamara says:

    On the 26 of December 2023 my neighbor installed an Emerald Planet energy monitor by plugging it in to her smart meter. I came home and from my gate I could feel very bad emr and also in my driveway and house.It felt worse than Their meter does not not point onto the road but directly into my house .Since then it is like before limiting my time to the rear of the house and suffering headaches and pressure on my heart and breast. I complained to United Energy and they said the device was not theirs and went on talking in a useless manner. But it was interesting to learn that from 2022 they no longer “offer a service”of turning down smart meters. It was always the work of residents experiencing health effects from smart meters and with medical certificates that struggled to get the radiation lowered. The Emerald energy monitor Bluetooth 5.0 at a frequency of 2.4GHz and updates every 30 seconds, causes large spikes on a EMR reader, further research shows it is able to travel up to 25 M indoors and 80 M outdoors as it reads real time electricity use and sends to a app on the smartphone.
    Yet another device making life hell for near neighbors. Trying to make a useful function for smart meters that are useless as you still need to use power in the home, this device will not save you money and in fact uses more power to run and will cost you money.
    A warning should be placed on this device and peoples should ring the retailers of this device and make a complaint. A power company should be responsible for the detrimental heath effects as it is plugged into their smart meter.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should be able to treat it as an assault and get your local council to issue an abatement order to stop it.

  12. susan says:

    i recently received a letter from United Energy stating that there were doing network maintenance in my area and that there would be a power outage for a certain period of time during the day, and that they would need access to my meter box to carry out testing on their equipment during this planned outage. My meter box has been locked for several years (analogue), they also stated that if i do not provide access to my meter box then i may not be reconnected. I rang them and stated that i do not want a smart meter or 3g/5g card inserted, and the girl on the phone assured me it was only maintenance. I am very uncertain, as to what i should do. any advice would be helpful.

    • Deb says:

      Oh, I’d also be worried. What if the girl on the phone doesn’t really know what’s going on? Is there any possibility you could be there at the time they are doing it so you could supervise? Or maybe get a letter confirming that they won’t convert it to a smart meter?

    • Maria says:

      Hi Susan, What was the outcome. I just received a flyer in the mail from United Energy too saying the same thing. Not sure what to do. Meter is locked , sign on fence and have written letters in the past so not sure what is my next step.

      • Rusty says:

        They say they give four days advance notification before they do anything. Perhaps you ought to check the FAQ for departments to contact.

  13. Susan Stevens-Kelso says:

    We have a small house for rent in Central Ballarat that would suit a couple. It still has all it’s original analogue meters, that is water, gas and electricity. NBN/landline is also hard wired. The house has no wifi signalling. It will be available around February 2023. Anyone who maybe interested can contact us directly.

  14. Nat B says:

    Hi, I’ve just received a letter from AusNet saying that as of 1 July 2023 they will start charging me $34.80 + GST for someone to come out and read my manual meter as they are changing their manual meter reading process.

    • Tamara Hicks says:

      How can they threaten to charge you to read your meter when you can ring in your meter reading eg united energy /AGL . Check with your retailer

    • KAnon says:

      We received one of those too. I’m going to call but possibly email AusNet asking for a copy of the Contract that I signed that agrees to this charge (naturally I don’t have one). From my understanding unless I’ve signed a Contract with a corporation stating to agree to their terms and conditions then they cannot charge me. I didn’t get anything from my retailer who is the one I signed a Contract with so why aren’t they telling me about this so called new charge?
      I’m sure they will tell me that my option is to have a Smart Meter installed which is where I tell them no thanks as I have done so for the last many years and then I will tell them they cannot charge me for something I have not agreed to.
      I will tell them that I will take a picture and send to my retailer on the reading due date and hence be doing the job of the meter reader for them only I won’t charge them!!
      If they refuse this, I will be advising them that I will not be paying this fee and only my power fee…naturally they will have to do estimates. Luckily because we don’t have a “Smart” meter they cannot simply press a button and switch us off and I have a No Trespass sign on my gate so if they do enter and cut us off, I will be placing charges against them.
      I am so over this dictatorial bs that is happening these days and we need to tell these corporations and our Gruberment…NO!

  15. Alice says:

    Has anyone in Victoria with an analogue meter recieved a letter from Ausnet stating as of July 2023 a meter read fee will be charged at $34.80+GST per quarter?
    Considering I’m already subsidising the cost of all these smart meters none of us want, I find this quite insulting. I know it is just a part of their push to move us to a smart meter. I’m happy to put health over money, and will pay this as I can afford to, and our first read after that date is in October, so that’s 10 months away.

    • chrystalage says:

      We got the same letter. I will talk to our retailer about the possibility of submitting an image of our meter reading but I doubt they will agree.

      • chrystalage says:

        For what it’s worth..spoke to our retailer, yes they will accept a meter read from us but it doesn’t help. Ausnet own the meter and the retailer will collect the fee for the meter read on behalf of Ausnet from 1 July. So in other words, get a smart meter or pay a fee to have the meter read. Australia has truly turned to s#%$!

  16. Grant Yearsley says:

    Hello Everyone.
    Has any body got the contact details of SkillTech meter readers in Adelaide. I need to get hold of them and they have NO contact details.
    I need the address and phone if possible.
    Have been told they are based at Wingfield but cannot confirm.
    Many thanks Grant

  17. Four says:

    Hi Guys,

    I am a resident from Adelaide and I recently got a visit to my house by a private contractor, he stated that he’s here to upgrade my meter to a smart meter. He had an iPad with my address but no customer details. I told him I hadn’t been advised by Origin that anything like this was going to take place. He stated Origin had been bad at not telling their customers but that I could also refuse the installation. I refused the install then I proceeded to call Origin about what had just taken place. Once on the phone with Origin, the girl said there was no purchase order or request to have my property upgraded and she said that it sounded strange. She also said that they would have to advise me if the power was going to be taken down for a meter change. She also mentioned that I was the 3rd person to call about this from South Australia. I asked her to put a smart meter refusal against my account and to get that in writing in case anything eventuates in the future. She told me she would send an email around what we had discussed.

    Luckily I was home when the contractor turned up otherwise I would be the owner to a smart meter that I had no idea about.

    Has anyone else had this experience recently?
    Who’s contracting these guys to do a Smart meter change if it’s not the power company?

    • peter says:

      Other possibility is that it was a scam to get your details. Good thing you were able to intercept but even better you have (yet again?) informed the supplier that you will NOT accept a smart meter. Good one.

  18. Truth Teller says:

    Oops, the push for clean, green energy is not going so well. And I have heard in the past that firefighters will not fight a fire in your solar panels because it involves a risk of electrocution.

    And then don’t think you are doing everyone a favour by having solar panels that keep the grid running and

    Stick your solar panels where the sun don’t shine.

  19. Paul R says:

    I’m currently living in a rental unit in QLD and a few days ago three new smoke detectors were installed inside according to the new regulations here in QLD.

    The thing is that there are already two working battery powered smoke detectors in the unit – one on each floor. The unit is not very large and, technically, there should not be an issue with them since they are tested and the batteries are replaced when needed as well as that they cover a large area of each floor. What I found to be disturbing is that the new smoke detectors are not only wireless but HAD to be installed in each bedroom as per regulations. All the detectors HAVE to be wirelessly interconnected with each other so that if one of them goes off then so do the rest of them. I did, however, find out from the property manager that (and I have confirmed this) the detectors are like garage door openers and NOT like any ‘smart’ smoke detectors that use bluetooth. I still find it a bit sinister that a) there needs to be one in every room even if the rooms may only be a few metres apart and b) that they NEED to be wirelessly connected. There are also the issues of multiple levels of sound that the detectors are going to emit if they detect smoke or fire, which can be detrimental to one’s hearing, but the detectors all have red lights that blink every 40 seconds to show that they are working, which can affect one’s sleep depending on the room set up.

    Personally, I don’t trust the whole thing for a number of reasons. Firstly, I remember once hearing from a EMR professional (I can’t remember who it was exactly) that anything wireless can be hacked. That means that with the proper equipment, it could possibly be messed with from the outside. I cannot prove this myself but I can’t deny the possibility. Even if they may be just used as relay points for other wireless devices then that can be just as impactful.
    Secondly, I have heard from a number of sources over the years that mobile phones can actually used to spy on people via the microphone or camera even if the phone is turned off. Whether or not this is possible to do so with the detectors, I cannot say but the possibility can always be there. It almost sounds like a preparation for the Internet of Things even if it’s just the concept of introducing a permanently active wireless device into your home that is intended ‘for your safety’ as they claim.

    I don’t want people to panic or anything but I thought I would mention this in case that someone with some technical knowledge could shed some light on whether we should be worried or not. In that case, the detectors were ‘Clipsal’ wireless (not ‘smart’) smoke detectors but I am sure that other homes will have different brands installed.

    • Cathy says:

      Wow. Thanks for sharing. This sounds totally insane. Just the red blinking lights in a bedroom would drive me crazy. And then wireless??!!

  20. Tanya says:

    For a limited time you can gain access to view the sessions from the EMF medical conference 2021 for the vastly reduced price of $US39 (approx. $AUD55). This price is available until November 21, 2021. There are 29 hours’ of videos. I’ve only just started viewing them, so I can’t vouch for the quality of all of them, but the ones I have viewed so far have excellent info.

    You can elect to pay in Australian dollars, which will help you avoid bank/paypal currency conversion charges. And if you send the conference organisers evidence of your purchase of renting the videos, your viewing period will be extended from one year to two years. Go to

  21. fiona says:

    Not sure if this has been discussed. This may be of interest to many people here especially if you can’t use a smart phone etc. Submission form is due 27th October. It is in its 3rd phase.
    The Australian government wants to digitalise your identity by the end of 2021.

    🌐 This is the direct link to the submission form.

    📝 Here is the letter template link

    🉑 This video is from Aaron John Hale and the original can be found here:

  22. Tanya says: Children’s Health Defense does amazing work and their daily newsletter is full of great links. It costs only US$10 to become a lifetime member.

  23. Lorraine says:

    Today, Western Power came to my house and installed a smart meter. He didn’t need to turn power off whilst doing it. When I turned the TV on in the evening, it was cactus, that is, it turned on and there was sound but the picture was flickering and faint and barely visible, so the TV is now unusable. The TV was turned off when he did the job, but the power plug it was connected to, was on. The power plug is on the same wall, close to where the meter box is on outside of wall. Has anyone else had electrical goods damaged by smart meters?

    • Smart meters destroy appliances says:

      Heaps of people in Victoria had electrical appliances fried when a smart meter was installed! Search for the post titled ‘Angry owners blame smart meters as costly gadgets blow’.
      You should ask Western Power to pay for a new TV.
      BTW surely Western Power turned off the power at the time they switched over the meter? Otherwise, how would they have installed the new meter.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone in Queensland had any repercussions from Ergon when they have refused to let them install the Smart Meter?

  25. Cathy says:

    It looks like we’re being sold down the river about “demand management”. Have a look at this article “Held to Ransom: Smart Meters Shut Off Power Whenever Renewable Energy Output Collapses”:

  26. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    I’m Horrified to see the newest, latest products being rolled out and marketed to our poor, innocent, unaware, fellow consumers, (via the various technology retailers out there who regularly peddle this wretched filth), the offering of “Wi-Fi 6”. Powerful AX Mesh Wi-Fi, “to enjoy 4K/8K UHD streaming and online gaming to multiple screens simultaneously without interruption”……..WITH COVERAGE UP TO 7500 SQUARE FEET.

    Why the hell are they marketing products for home, with that kind of coverage?
    To “keep your connections strong in every room, all he time”, 7500 SQUARE FEET ?????????
    That is Outrageous!

    Saddest thing is, families everywhere (many with young family members, babies, etc) will believe they need this, and adopt it, widely, adding a pile more wireless radiation to what we’ve already got, bombarding us in our homes, and everywhere else we go, 24/7.

    This technology NEEDS TO BE BANNED!
    I don’t want my neighbours adopting this technology! A technology they that will not realize, is not only affecting the health of their own family members, it could also be affecting the health of all those living next door and beyond, which could include ME?

    Understand this is not good for us, and educate others, to the dangers of it.


    • TL says:

      Absolutely agree. That sort of coverage would blanket a 50 by 50 metre property. Given that homes are being increasingly built on microscopic pieces of land, that is overkill. I am able to detect about a dozen wi-fi networks on my land and two of them are about 200 metres away from my home with about 8 properties separating us. I have spoken to staff at those two businesses about the dangers to their health and they dismiss my concerns and their wi-fi continues to blanket the entire block. And then there are the neighbours whose wi-fi penetrates into my house. Tiny houses with wi-fi on steroids. But people refuse to be told, so what can we do? Wait till they get sick and hope they will listen then?

      • peter says:

        An idea. Send each property owner/occupier a friendly though formal letter explaining that they either give you full access to their WiFi network as they are radiating it into your space (private space not property) and as such trespassing. Ask that reply state name with signature to verify a living man or woman is responding. Politely written give them 21 days to respond with full access codes. They probably will laugh and ignore or write to refuse.
        Next letter to the individual by name in the event of no response or a refusing to comply, should state that due to the trespass they must pay you to accept the intrusion into your space of the radiated energy you are being subjected to without benefit and with possible harm.
        Next should be a correspondence as a Notice of Liability pointing out the potential health risks and the potential liability of the owner of the radiating device (identify it if possible by name/code, WiFi code?) for all costs and compensation you may suffer from this. 14 days to respond this time. Last is a Notice of Fault and opportunity to rectify, ie shut it down, no response being acceptance of liability – 7 days to respond. Last is a Notice of Default and a daily payment required of say $10,000 plus interest for arrears.
        Be gentle and very polite with neighbours and business like though equally polite though firm with a business. There is process to this.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I wish to draw your attention to a horrifying and real news story about a plan to use microwaves to kill unborn babies. See – “BEIJING, China, August 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A group of Chinese doctors has published a proposal for killing unwanted unborn twins or triplets by microwaving them. Jialei Xi, Ziyi Cheng, Tianchen Wu, and other authors plan to use microwaves to selectively destroy one of two or more unborn babies sharing a placenta, and they published their protocol in the British Medical Journal on August 13. …”

    I find this plan extremely disturbing and sickening. I apologise for upsetting you yet feel it is important to let you know that microwaves can be used in a deliberately destructive way. The dangers of microwaves are acknowledged by these researchers as they have turned them into a weapon against unborn babies. I feel so sad about those poor babies – what a terrible way to die. This proposal should not be allowed to proceed.

  28. Tanya says:

    Yet another pitfall of solar

    And for all the government’s spin about the need for alternative energy, if everyone keeps looking the other way while companies launch multitudes of satellites and install 5G everywhere, climate change will continue to increase and guess who will be blamed for it? Not the companies launching satellites and installing 5G. No, it will be you and me copping the blame because we’re obviously not reducing our energy consumption enough. And even when we have 24/7 blackouts, you and I will still be blamed.

  29. Paul says:

    Hi, I’m in Southport Qld and have just received a letter from Energex stating that they want to install a “Low Voltage Trial Meter” is this the same as a Smart Meter?

  30. Gavin says:

    A nice fellow, a subcontractor in the Eastern Suburbs knocked on my door and asked me today if they could “upgrade” the power meter to a smart meter. He said the power company wanted to do so, and that police may be called to restrain anyone on premises if needed. So just a heads up to others that these folks are going about their business as usual — since they claim to be “essential” working for the power companies.

    • toecutteraus says:

      Yes, I have received a letter from United Energy today, and a 2nd wave of the attempted rollout is imminent. Letter is from their “Legacy Meter Exchange Project Team”.
      Apparently if I do not wish to do this, I can just contact them (at which time they will threaten etc).
      They say that nonetheless, we must submit to a “Safety Test”, which will no doubt find us in an “unsafe” position and FORCE us to get a new meter).
      I have read about meters that have the radios turned off, or similar, and that you can now insist upon this in Victoria – can someone please point us in the right direction about these “Safety Tests”, that we will surely “fail”, and about the non-broadcasting radio aspect of it? Thanks, Matt & Judy.

      • Let's get real about RF says:

        Perversely, Victoria looks like it’s about the only place in Australia where customers AREN’T allowed to have the microwave transmissions switched off.
        And I suppose they just make up the ‘safety’ test to suit themselves??
        Hopefully, you’re protecting your current meter!

  31. Roach says:

    I Rang my electricity company to express my concerns about installing a new meter at my house , The young lad on the phone said that he understood my concerns but unfortunately he told me that I MUST have a smart meter installed . I cannot have a new analogue meter he said . If i don’t get a new meter the only option is disconnection from the grid . Yep you heard it folks ! If you refuse a smart meter they will cut you off .

    I’m usually not an aggressive person but i feel this may be time for me to misbehave .
    Smart meters are scheduled to be installed soon ( i wonder what the installers will say when they find me blocking their path arms crossed with a slightly red glow in my eyes)

    should be interesting .

    • Agro says:

      Roach, you don’t need to be aggressive. Just borrow someone’s pit bull terrier and let the dog do the work for you! 😉 Good luck.

  32. Tanya says:

    EMR and mobile phones are perfectly ‘safe’, but … Kudos to them for their alert but someone needs to educate them a bit more on cordless phones. Where are they storing the bases of the cordless phones? On their desk next to them, or in the shed down the back of the property where no-one goes near?

  33. Wendy says:

    I watched a news report some years ago on the ABC where a young woman became sensitive and unwell to the 21st Century. She had to live in the country by herself. Over time she could not eat any food other than fish. Her health deteriorated until she was tested for lead poisoning. The fish was making her sick in the first place!
    I would love to see everyone tested for lead. It is in our soils in certain areas of Australia. Have your soil tested as well as yourself. I no longer eat fish for this reason including other metals and micro plastics found in all fish. Perhaps not in farmed.

    • TL says:

      People can have a hair mineral tissue analysis that will show various metals, both toxic and not, that have been in their body over the long term. Naturopaths can assist with this test or you could do it entirely via the internet. However, I am losing confidence in this test because it does depend on how well your body is eliminating metals.

      Farmed fish are likely to contain PCBs. Anything ‘sustainably caught’ is most likely farmed. Even “ocean fish” could still have been raised in farms located in pens in ocean water. If you must eat fish, the smaller fish are likely to be safer. The higher up the food chain you go, the more toxins the fish contain via eating the smaller fish which have also consumed toxins. I’m not entirely convinced by that logic either, but I’m just quoting the so-called experts.

  34. Wendy Rice says:

    Hi there
    Please be aware of a scam about an anti 5G device. Further reading:

  35. Rob says:

    Some people with electrical sensitivities also have chemical sensitivities or multiple chemical sensitivity. I thought I’d share this new resource, which may contain useful info for those people Thanks

  36. Tanya says:

    Interesting article and flyer on how 5G can drive climate change and consume massive energy. But the government wants you to believe that it is your air conditioner that’s causing all the problems.

    • Angela says:

      I have recently learned of TESTBED 1 – a 5G and Internet of Things experiment that is about to start in a mapped area from Melbourne University, including streets surrounding and down to RMIT.

      RMIT has a 5G innovation centre in Building 80. August last year one person died falling from this building and another was seriously injured in an accident in the days following. Apparently the police were investigating.

      For TEST BED 1, the students, staff, residents will not be told of the RF emissions they will be bathed in for this experiment. Furthermore, no-one will check on them as to whether the Microwave RF has a depressing effect or worse.

      Late 2016, Bristol University had a 5G centre and also won ‘TESTBED 1.’ Since that time 13 Bristol University students have been found dead, the majority expected suicide.

      Below is a link to more information from a contact and please share the Test Bed 1 information with everyone you know as this is entirely unethical and should be widely known.

      View at
      5G technology is being tested in Melbourne without residents’ knowledge
      The City of Melbourne recently tested 5G technology in a test bed area, without the residents’ knowledge. The Melbourne Innovation…

      • Angela says:

        We have started a petition to stop TESTBED 1 run by the City of Melbourne. It is due to start in full March 2020 without the students, teachers or residents knowledge or consent. The emission density and military grade frequencies have never been shown to be safe. The reverse is the case. MM waves have shown resonant frequency with DNA, heating it to 60 degrees (Mays Swicord circa 1980) along with damage to cellular structures at density as low as 5 uW/cm2. Arpansa allows in the vicinity of 1000 uW/cm2. This is wrong, this is unsafe.
        All codes, standards and guides implore to minimise RF exposure due to unknown long term health effects. The people in TESTBED 1 without any knowledge of the testing and Microwave emissions they will be subject to have no chance to minimise their exposure.
        Unethical, unsafe. Please sign the petition:

  37. CPJ says:

    Anyone in/near West Gippsland and have some free time on Wed 18DEC19, come and join us!!
    We’re repeating the same session.
    And please tell others.
    Is anybody actually reading this page??

    Hope this shows the flyer all right.

  38. CPJ says:

    Anyone in/near West Gippsland and have some free time on Wed 06NOV19, come and join us!!

  39. TL says:

    This article is a little USA-centric, but there are some useful tips for the direction that the electricity distributors are taking us, ie. mass blackouts, especially in summer, due to all the power generating plants they have shut down and continue to shut down. At least there are long daylight hours during summer. If the greatest strain on the US grid is during their dark, snowy winters, then they would be doing it tougher than us.

  40. SMN says:

    There is a new mob entering the smart meter sphere in Victoria. They set up their display in shopping centres and promote devices that they will fit on your smart meter for about $125. You then download an app to your mobile phone and use it via bluetooth. Like the radiation from your smart meter wasn’t sufficient to kill you off early. Now they get you to increase the radiation by using a mobile phone and bluetooth. Plus they’ll try to sell you irradiating LED light globes, dirty electricity generating solar power, nice pictures of health destroying wind turbines on their website. Clearly our health means less to them than their profits.

    The app looks more useful than the Home Area Network (HAN) devices, costing several hundred dollars, that hardly any one bothered to buy when they were marketed years ago. But all the same, just how fascinating is it to sit there in your armchair watching how much electricity your TV is consuming? Are the TV programs that bad that watching your electricity consumption is more interesting? There are some other features, but they’re all useless to someone who was ‘smart’ enough to avoid a ‘smart’ meter in the first place.

  41. TL says:

    In case you didn’t realise solar panels are a scam (gee, where have you been living this past decade?) The situation is much the same in Australia as in the US. Somebody tell all these people falling over themselves to get the limited government solar installation rebates.

    • Snowy says:

      As an off grid advocate, ………as well as someone who went off grid at age 70, I am on a property with plenty of distance from any smart metered neighbors so as to not be radiated by their ignorance.
      I am happy to have no struggle, no smart meter, a radiation-free hard wired home, and a much better standard of living.
      I love grid defection.
      With that in mind, may I correct what seems to be a possible misperception?
      Solar panels in and of themselves are not a scam per say.
      They are however, government controlled to radically limit each panel’s maximum solar efficiency by restricting it to between 17% and 22% of what is actually possible, (unlike the one’s installed on Elon’s satellites, which operate near 100% efficiency and are all 5G armed).
      This way anyone who chooses to buy or rent solar panels has to buy or rent five times as many of them in order to get the same amount of energy.
      This is a similar profit model to the one used for ethanol in gasoline, which radically reduces one’s mileage because it dilutes and chemically lessens the efficiency of gasoline, so you pay far more than ever to go a shorter distance while they use crop lands to grow ethanol.
      Choosing to provide solar energy to the grid for a middling reduction in massively smart inflated usage fees is not a win/win, no matter how much it appears to be able to defray the cost of those panels.
      The smart grid utility has no intention of allowing any customer to make much money through net metering. Using solar to try to reduce a smart meter doubled bill is like filling a bucket with a hole in it, since they have doubled your faked usage by installing on your house a computer device which they intentionally misname a “meter”, when fake metering is a tiny fraction of what that device is really used for.
      The real profit is made by inducing the willing to buy solar panels at their own expense and then letting them take the cream off the top by using much of that solar energy themselves by selling it at a profit, while paying you a pittance by comparison.
      The real scam is accomplished only when anyone complies with the smart grid utility owners, which is done by remaining grid tied (grid shackled).
      The smart meter is no different than an ankle monitor for those imprisoned in their own homes and literally tied to the grid, especially after if this happens after also spending large sums (paid to Elon Musk) to rent or buy retail solar panels with the narrow single goal iof trying to defray the escalating cost of the smart meter’s clever over billing computer, while doing so at one’s own solar panel expense.
      The utility then redirects the “free” solar energy the customer just paid to collect for the utility, and sends it to your neighbor at no cost to themselves.
      They then tell your neighbor that your neighbor is subsidizing you for having solar panels, while in reality the customer is the one who is subsidizing the utility as well as paying ot of pocket for solar panels to do so. and STILL in the dark, figuratively as well as literally. It is not the customer who is “smart” when a smart utility then plays middle man in all directions. They even has the nerve to charge the customer – who they now call a consumer, instead – by adding administrative fees, energy delivery fees, rural fees, global, fees, debt reduction fees, every conceivable kind of fee which every customer pays for the utility to make billions off private date they extract, at the same time as they siphon off any solar panel owner’s solar generated energy from the customer and sell it at a mark up to that customer’s neighbors. In fact chances are they use the smart meter to siphon the power undetected from the customer’s solar total so that the smart grid utility also makes money when they steal the solar generated power which the customer needs in order to lower their bills.
      Anyone grid tied who has had any option to defect from the grid entirely. is instead loeft sitting in the dark because the whole smart grid is one big arson scheme used as the way to cause and to grow (wild)fires. (ditto for the smart grid ognited San Bruno)
      In summary, the solar panels are innocent players in this Ponzi scheme. Instead, it is what happens when anyone buys and installs solar panels while still on grid and while still without any energy independence that is the actual scam.
      The smart grid IS the battery bank for the grid tied. That means one is just as utterly dependent on the good will the utility does not possess as one ever was, with solar panels or without them.
      The rule is clear. No one on grid is allowed by the utility to have their own energy supply connected to any smart meter, nor permitted to be their own power contractor, not unless they are off grid.
      The grid goes down, the grid tied go down. That is the name of the game. It is Stockholm Syndrome, nothing less than hostage taking.
      Enron showed California just how all of this scam is done, but who learned a thing?
      Since here it is again, bigger and more voracious than ever.
      Anyone who has been double crossed into having a smart meter forcibly installed should know enough to understand that there was a sinister reason for them doing this by force.
      Oh sure, the people with ANY wireless devices are providing all of the other 5G components of one giant IoT system necessary for the 5G system to be set off via small cells on each second pole at the street, but then again, people generally tend to get addicted to what no one forced them to have, and how clever it all is, since wireless is the key to all of it working against the user, potentially lethally.
      Anyone on grid with a smart meter and any common sense should never trust the same double crosser by entering into any contract with them, be it grid tied or just by staying on the grid.
      If you can get off grid do so while the going is good. Do not wait until it is too late and there are no supplies and you are sick from 5G, … or worse than just sick.
      If anyone is grid tied they are going to be a very easy to target for the “connectivity” of the 5G weaponized blanket.
      Everything from the wireless mini cell tower called a smart meter on the wall outside, to your late wireless model computer on your desk or lap, to your wireless modem, wireless tablet, your fibre optic’s wireless router and your latest model of wireless cell phone, every last one of these, of this is all already “5G ready”, right beside you and all around you, and the whole 5G system is waiting only for the final installation or flip of the switch of the small cell 5G “trigger” located on a pole out at the street.
      That said some people would rather die than give up wireless and even fewer would ever have an intact enough survival instinct to want to live life strongly enough to actually take the necessary steps and go analogue for a safe, clean life off grid, using a pure sine wave inverter, a small battery bank, the real secret of reduced energy usage. and an authentic non wireless life, instead of slow death by multiple sources of cumulative concentrated microwave radiation.
      Otherwise? No battery bank. No AC inverter. No way to have power ….. other than from the crack cocaine dealer called the smart grid utility. And that means when Part Two of Enron begins in earnest, and when the utility imposes lengthy power outages for who knows how long on how many more pretexts, too many electrical cars all charging at once, ANYTHING, , anyone who has not defected from the smarter-than-you grid will be hooped.

  42. Adam Lavis says:

    Was told my digital meter (ems 2100 analyser) was broken and needed a smart meter. It’s not broken. It still reads power the same as always and my analogue disc still spins and records power usage as it always has done. I said to them I am not legally obligated to update to a smart meter and they agreed I am not legally bound to update. I said they give off harmful electronic waves. They agreed that there has been evidence that they do indeed give off electronic frequencies that can affect humans. This is Simply Energy who told me this. I asked can I get my (broken digital meter) taken off. They said no. I asked can I get it replaced with a non-smart meter. They said no. I said what can I do? They said you don’t need to do anything, you just have to realize that your meter is broken, but you don’t have to Get a smart meter installed. I’m interested in how they will charge me electricity from now on because I have the right to refuse to pay a bill based on estimates (which tells you on your bill that it’s an estimate rather than a proper reading) and I also have the right to refuse a smart meter. They will have to continue to read my meter from the disc reading or the digital meter that isn’t even broken. Then I will sue them for lying to me about it being broken..

    • Not Gullible says:

      Adam, not knowing which state you are in can impact the advice I give you. However, it seems to me that this is a ruse for them to get out of sending out a meter reader every 3 months, So they will issue an estimated bill, which might be exaggerated. If your electricity retailer is reasonable, they will allow you to phone them with what is the actual reading, This is a nuisance for them, because as a general rule, they then reissue the bill.

      The electricity distributor (or retailer) is obliged to do an actual read once per year. So you could be waiting 12 months to discover how honest they are being about the meter being broken.

      Interesting that Simply Energy admitted that the RF affects humans. Simply Energy is your retailer, correct?

    • Snowy says:

      You do have every right to refuse, yes, true.
      Just bear in mind that the utility has their own rights too, including the right to refuse to provide service to those who refuse a smart meter, even if it is not mandated.
      That is what they did to me and all my refusal friends. And we were all disconnected and now we are all off grid. They would love to outlaw off grid life too, but so far cannot do so unless you are living inside city limits and must have a meter in any case.
      Might as well disconnect yourself rather than waiting for them disconnect you.
      Very “empowering” to be your own source of power.
      Even a large wattage quiet EU honda generator used for daytime or all the time is preferable, although that, just like off grid solar, means lifestyle changes….. and most would rather dies than change.

  43. Tanya says:

    From August 26th till Sep 1st (US time/date, so probably one day later for us) there is an online summit called ‘The 5G crisis’ There are 34 speakers, including at least one Aussie.

  44. Ez says:

    Is smart meter installation compulsory (mandatory) in Victoria still 2019?

    • TL says:

      Smart meter installation in Vic was never mandatory. That’s the lie that installers told us. It’s the same lie, maybe in slightly different forms, that is being told in other states. There are plenty of Victorians who do not have a smart meter and they haven’t been locked up in jail, or slugged with the threatened manual meter reading fees, or had their electricity disconnected as threatened by the power distributors, etc, etc

    • Janice Brewer says:

      Ez, what is compulsory in Victoria is that the Electricity Distributors “attempt” to install smart meters. You have a legitimate legal position to refuse their “offer” to do so and/or to refute any blatant lies from anyone telling you that you cannot refuse installation. Now that means you may have to take the liberty of locking your meter box to ensure that your position is adequately communicated. Of course you are still obliged to allow or provide actual reads on the existing meter for the purpose of billing, most easily facilitated by cutting a small slot in your meter box door whereby the reading (and the meter number) can be viewed.

  45. Janaina says:

    I had Western Power (Western Australia) come and take out the communications card from my smart meter. They left the green sticker on that says communications device has been removed. But the meter still says connected and the little red lights flash. Also it has an antenna symbol at the top left that says LAN. Is it still connected or have they really taken the card out?

    Any info will be highly appreciated!

    • Cathy says:

      The flashing of the red lights correlates with how much electricity is being used in the house at the time. So nothing to do with having communications. (But isn’t this a bit of a breach of privacy? Why does this information have to be shared with any passerby??) Is where it says LAN in the display itself? I would’ve thought LAN would no longer appear in the display once communications are disabled.

      Can you get somebody with an RF meter to test for you? That would be the easy way to make sure that Western Power did the right thing.

    • Andrew Samman says:

      LAN probably stands for Local Area Network. This would be a second communications chip were the grid service provider can shut down HANS (home appliance network) apliances at times of excessive power drain on the grid.

      To best of my knowledge, this network has not been activated in Victoria, although without knowing your meter model, I cannot confirm this.

      • Let's get real about RF says:

        ‘LAN’ appears in the display of mesh smart meters when the meter has remote communications enabled. As WA has rolled out some of the same technology as Victoria, it’s of concern that this is still appearing.

        The HAN function was billed by the Victorian government as being the next best thing after sliced bread as it was going to let customers check the electricity consumption of different appliances around the home. How dumb did they think we were? Obviously, if one is going to do umpteen loads of clothes washing, there’s going to be a resulting high electricity bill. No wonder there’s been so little uptake of HAN by customers. (It was supposed to be up to the customer to ask for this functionality to be enabled.) From what I’ve heard, even the technology for the HAN function is now old hat. More wasted Victorian taxpayers’ money, as every Victorian smart meter was specified to have this functionality available.

  46. Tanya says:

    This is probably a repeat of all the speakers from the EMF summit last year, but if you haven’t previously seen it, the EMF summit will be online 14-20 June, 2019 (USA time)

  47. 'Meter reader' says:

    I’d like to start a conversation about manual meter reading charges. As of July 1st, some Australian states have the right to have the communications card of their smart meter disabled. Some people are already discovering that their retailer is going to price-gouge them to have their meter read manually once the comms card is disabled. Others are finding the opposite, that the reading fee will be minimal. I’d like to know who the retailer, distributor (they manage power poles, lines, etc) and state are and what the manual meter reading fee will be. Others will want to know which retailer they can switch to if they are threatened with exhorbitant fees.

    Other considerations to bear in mind, have you asked your retailer if you can provide three of the annual meter reads to them so that they have to charge you only once per year for the legislated once per year actual read? Did they agree to this and, if so, will they only charge you for the actual read they do?

    Also, will they remove the comms card or merely disable it? People would be wise to request the removal of it, in their presence. However, removal would require attendance by a technician, disabling can probably be done remotely.

    I’d also like to hear from those in states where they do not have the option to have the comms card disabled. Manual meter reading fees vary wildly, whether a smart meter or analogue meter is involved. What fee were you charged and in what year was that, plus the retailer name, distributor and state? This is likely to apply only to people with an analogue meter.

    By the way, meter reading fees are built into the charges applied to our electricity bill when we have an analogue meter. Who saw their electricity charges decrease when they had a smart meter installed because manual meter reading was no longer required? And yet, when it goes in the opposite direction, ie comms card disabled, now there is a manual meter reading fee that needs to be added to your bill. So if you have a wirelessly transmitting smart meter, you are probably still paying to have your meter read manually and then you will double up that payment when you have the comms card disabled. Extortion! Is there any reader who has the same retailer, distributor and state as someone else to compare the fixed (home supply) charge on their bill between someone with an analogue and someone with a smart meter to see if both are paying the same, despite one not requiring manual meter reads?

    Similarly, the cost of the smart meter is built into your bill. Conveniently hidden, so that the power company can tell you that they own the meter. No doubt the fixed portion of bills increased after smart meters were installed, in order to cover this cost, particularly in Victoria where all consumers were expected to accept a smart meter and this increased charge was easier to hide.

    • Chris says:

      Hi mate I live in Metford N S W I recently changed to red energy after getting a letter in the mail telling me i am going to get a smart meter installed on a certain date I rang them up telling them I am not having one ( then the blue started) so they informed me that it will cost between $180:00 and $220:00 depending on were i live for a manual read and over $500:00 to have the communication disconnected

      • anonymous says:

        What price gougers! I’d give Red Energy the flick. Have you talked to Origin? I heard that they weren’t charging for manual reads. And how can Red Energy justify charging $500 for disconnecting the communications? If needs be, this can even be done remotely. (Although I think you need to wait and have this done after 1 July, when the new rule starts.)

    • TL says:

      Energy Australia is charging $2 per day when the comms card is disabled/removed.

  48. nuked says:

    Clearly ARPANSA thinks that dry, burning, irritated eyes and skin are not a health effect. As I interpret this post on their website, it seems that ARPANSA sees such minor inconveniences as nothing that requires their action. When does it require their action? When it burns holes in our eyes and skin that penetrate right through to our brains?

    And Ken Karapidis is described as “an expert on how radiation affects the human body”!!! Yeh, right. No risk that 5G will burn holes through to his ‘brain’.

  49. 'Saul' says:

    There is a crime drama series called ‘Better call Saul’ which has one character who is severely ElectroMagnetically Hypersensitive. This series is a prequel to ‘Breaking bad’ People might find ‘Better call Saul’ useful for opening other people’s minds to the reality of EHS. Your local library might have copies of the DVD and other formats, or you can purchase it at some DVD sellers or stream it. It’s up to about season 5 now.

  50. Agent 99 says:

    Smart meters spying on you in your home

    First they’ll tell you it’s for the benefit of dementia patients. Then you get the incremental creep, ie spying on suspected terrorists, spying of government opponents, spying on everyone. Because it’s all for your good. No, really!!!

  51. Ms. N. O. Solar says:

    If you have solar panels and an analogue meter, look out! The power companies are currently targetting solar customers to force a smart meter upon them. The most common strategy seems to be doing estimated meter readings, using ludicrous consumption data that does not account for the volume of electricity being produced by the solar panels. (What happened to the government’s promise to get rid of these highly contentious estimated reads?) Another strategy is to refuse to connect new solar panels to the grid unless a smart meter is accepted. One lie being told is that analogue meters are damaged by spinning backwards. Not according to customers who have had both solar and an analogue meter for years. An analogue meter spinning backwards will probably outlast the short-lived ‘smart’ meters.

    If you are thinking of getting solar panels, think at least twice. The inverter causes dirty electricity and, thus, the same sort of health problems that a smart meter causes. Then think about the feed in tariff. Don’t expect this to always remain the same. Over the years, the tariff has dwindled. Figures I have heard are a drop from 23 cents kwh to 8 cents, but I think decreases have been greater than that.

    Also, the power companies ensure they are the greatest beneficiaries of solar, not you. They will pay you a measly 8 cents feed in and charge you something like 32 cents kwh for your electricity consumption. And don’t make the mistake of thinking that they charge you for NET electricity used. Hell no. If you feed in 500 kw and consume 800 kw, you will be paid 8 cents x 500. Then you will be charged 32 cents x 800. If you were the beneficiary of this system, you would merely receive a bill of 32 cents x 300..

    By all means, please correct me if I have mis-stated the facts above. Also, there might be some people who got lucky enough to get a better contract on the feed-in tariff.

    Another problem to consider before going down the path of solar is to check how many houses in the area already have solar panels. Solar causes problems with the electricity quality in the area and power companies have been known to limit the number of grid-connected solar customers in the street in order to reduce the negative impact on powerline electricity quality. You don’t want to discover this AFTER you have installed solar and the solar company has no incentive to warn you of this.

    • Snowy says:

      For every poison there is an antidote. Solar is easily kept clean or cleaned up and the benefits of off grid outweigh being on grid.
      Please read my reply to Disenchanted With Solar, below?

    • Snowy says:

      I totally agree with you about the net metering scam. I have posted on this as well, on this page

  52. Lucke says:

    I would like to get a on grid solar system, we still have the old meter locked away, sp ausnet told the solar installer that they would turn off the solar system if we refused to have a smart meter put in, can they do this, and can i stop them from turning it off.

    • Disenchanted with solar says:

      You might want to reconsider going down this path. Converting DC waves to Alternating Current is a far from smooth conversion with the majority of inverters. When the sun is shining, higher frequencies are broadcast onto household wiring, through the air (for hundreds of metres) and along the ground. Hence, solar inverters = ‘dirty’ electricity. Dr Samuel Milham has written an excellent (pretty short) book, called “Dirty Electricity, Electrification and the Diseases of Civilisation”, which you may wish to read.

      • Snowy says:

        For every poison there is an antidote.
        The Magna Sine inverter is a good choice for off grid. It is extremely clean, a pure sine wave centralised inverter (don’t get mini inverters installed on the backs of solar panels, they emit everywhere).
        The Magna Sine emits virtually no emfs from its AC conversion. Nevertheless, to be on the cautious side, anyone can use a sine taming device to readily prevent excess billing.
        Smart meters deceive. The bill is based on reading only the peaks of all transients, maximising the bill by false reading. That is why it is called “smart”.
        A sine tamer ends any emissions from a smart meter at the circuit box. It also stops the over billing by stopping the extreme transients. A smart meter is a money maker because ti also reads its own dirty power energy as if it too were usage.
        As well a sine tamer catches and stops any stray emf/rf emissions that might come from an inverter that is used off grid. Again one can do so by simply installing the correctly designed kind of sine wave attenuation device right in the service panel, one which regulates voltage and flat lines any residual emfs. It works extremely well. The one I have is warranted fro fifteen years, no questions asked. The house has been thoroughly radiation tested and is completely clean.
        This sine tamer device is not an ordinary suppressor, it has variable clamping and is designed to neutralise all smart meter emissions to prevent them from coupling to house wiring.
        For off grid solar neutralisation of any cheap inverter be warned that the wrong type is wrongly designed and emits a very dirty modified sine wave, dirty electricity.
        Presumably the sine tamer also works exceptionally well on this type of emission but personally I would NEVER buy a modified sine wave inverter, they make people sick. Better yet, after you buy the right kind of inverter, locate the inverter in the garage or a separate shed to be extra safe. Additionally, it’s easy to use one roll of uncoated aluminium insect screening to build and then install the inverter inside a faraday cage. A pure sine wave inverter, plus its own faraday cafe plus the sine tamer installed in two 15 amp spare or not circuit breakers plus one groud wire. And lastly put a smartguard.con faraday cage over the smart meter itself. That works very well, I know many who have done this, I have no smart meter so no need,. and live off grid.
        The cable running form the inverter to the service panel comes fully armoured, as is the cable from the panels to the inverter, Then the rf is neutralised by the sine tamer device in the circuit breaker box. End of problem..

  53. Tanya says:

    The EMF health summit, which was available online in September 2018, is going to be available again December 9 (probably December 10th in Australia). It’s free to watch or you can purchase the interviews. If you saw it last time, there is one new interview with Oram Miller this time.

  54. marc says:

    Few very informative video links to research…

    • Tanya says:

      I love the 5G bombshell video. They can make us sick with one hand, but they’ll have to pay for it from the other hand. And I absolutely agree from personal experience that radio frequencies affect blood sugar levels.

  55. anon says:

    I have come into possession of de-classified C-I-A documents. The studies have been done circa 1977, on the effects of wireless EMF based on scientific studies. None of it is good news but these are legitimate studies. I wish to share for the cause, these are legit docs.
    I do not know how to share these with you without being compromised… I guess I already am compromised because of this note, but the documents are from 1977.
    They already knew the detrimental effects.
    IMHO this de-classified science is the smoking gun and should be able to be used in a nation-wide lawsuit. I do not trust this site to be honest, BUT i am willing to risk my safety in order to pass this on. If you are serious and are not @vt agents, contact me.

  56. Ms. N B N Wary says:

    I have been discussing with others the pitfalls of switching to the NBN. A number of EHS persons have had a bad reaction to their new NBN modem. So I want to open up a discussion on this issue and see if others have knowledge that can steer us away from a disastrous NBN choice.

    The problem with the NBN is that the new modems have 2 antennae: one for wi-fi in your home and the other for DECT (digital enhanced cordless telecommunication). The home wi-fi is easy to disable, the DECT is often an internal antenna that cannot be physically disabled and needs to be disabled by either your phone carrier or by going into computer settings. Even if you don’t use a computer, you will be stuck with these 2 antennae as this modem enables you to have a landline phone connection.

    So here are some of the modems and services researched so far:

    If you are in a NBN fixed line location and go with Telstra as your NBN/landline phone provider, you will need to DEMAND that they provide a Sagecom modem, rather than the standard Technicolor modem. The Sagecom modem can have the DECT and Wi-fi disabled, the Technicolor modem cannot.

    Other modems which can have wireless functions disabled are:
    • iiNet’s N600 Dual Band WiFi Gigabit Modem Router with Voice
    • iiNet’s TP-Link VDSL2 modem (and Grandstream IP phone). Wireless can be turned off via configuration or a button.
    • Draytek Vigor 130 for VDSL (Fibre to the node) plus ATA (Analogue telephone adaptor) such as Cisco spa 112, in order to connect the phone

    It may be necessary to request your phone carrier disable wireless services on your connection. If your phone carrier does an upgrade to the system at some point in the future, the settings for your service will revert to the default. This means that wireless functions will return and you will need to contact your carrier to request they disable wireless services again. Also, if there is a power outage in your area, the modem’s settings will return to default, resulting in EMR being generated. In this case, you will need to disable the wireless functions on the modem again. An EMR meter is valuable in helping you to detect such changes in EMR levels.

    Because the NBN and, consequently, your landline phone service, is reliant upon electricity supply, when there is a power outage, you will lose both the NBN and the landline phone service, unless you have a battery backup.

    • Jodie says:

      They are digging and putting NBN into our street this week. I am midway down a block of townhouses and we currently have ADSL2, which took a lot of work arranging but had to be done because I have EHS. What does this mean, what should I do. will they leave my ADSL2 alone. Is it a coincidence that I have been feeling extra radiated the last week and went out to look at what may be causing this and noticed their huge trucks and all their work, etc. What currently would be radiating me so much more than usual, if all is not connected yet and I assume they are only working on putting the cables in the ground. Perhaps the neighbours have installed some RF EMR and that is what it is. But seems very coincidental.

      • TL says:

        Jodie, do you have a cornet electrosmog meter or similar, with which you can measure the radiation and hone in on the source? They are a valuable tool when you are EHS.

        I am not sure why you are feeling more ill right now, but I think it is possible that the work they are doing could be contributing. Bear in mind also that the workmen would all have mobile phones on them. I suspect that the mobile phones of spectators at football matches is behind the reports of footballers suffering heart attacks at matches.

        When NBN is live in your area you will be forced to switch to NBN within 18 months. So make sure you understand what will be a safe NBN connection.

    • Lee says:

      I am still using a BobLite modem from iinet and found out that through the BobLite control panel you can disable wifi, so if anyone is using that modem, you can turn it off easily. I’ve only just found this out and thought I was stuck with WiFi being on all the time, I have to keep my computer on 24/7 and my internet connected also 24/7 so am very relieved I can turn it off as I am sitting next to the modem many many hours per day and had been stressing about not being able to turn it off. I don’t use WiFi anyway but thought it just had to be on all the time. For anyone who is also using a BobLite modem (iinet does not want to change it for a newer one, so I might not be the only one still using this old model) the link to the manual PDF is; To access your control panel copy and paste this into your browser address bar: making sure your computer is connected to BobLite at the time. Default password is ‘admin’ On the second tab “set up my wireless” you can disable your WiFi from there.

    • Jane Jennings says:

      Hi, my online name is eloqwence. I dont have time to read all the posts, but we worked out how to have NBN with NO MODEM AT ALL
      it took two hours on the phone with Telstra talking to all these wizz bang technicians and then the greatest surprise of all: plug an ethernet cable into the 2nd port from the left on the nbn device, and the other end into your computer. all the a/c details and so on are in the device not in your modem!
      There was only one drawback, only one person at a time could use the computer also not move it around. We tried splitters and things but it didnt work. If you want more info, such as the phone plug etc, find me at the new emrsanctuary forum.But you have probably sorted your problem by now

      • Ms N B N Wary says:

        I went into my local Telstra store to see if I could get more info on the NBN modem and box. Not that I’m rushing to entrrust my health and health decisions to Telstra and its ‘experts’, here is what I was told.

        If you have fibre to the node, you need only a modem. If you have fibre to the kerb you need a modem and the box. If your modem is not too old, it may work with the NBN.

        There is only one port on the box, so you would not be able to run an ethernet computer cable AND phone line at the same time.

        Of course I got the usual BS about she hasn’t heard of anyone experiencing health problems from the NBN. She also told me that settings to turn off the internal (DECT) antenna cannot be changed by a network upgrade.

        If the box alone is capable of handling the landline phone then surely the box has DECT capabilities and would emit RF. Otherwise, if the box, on its own, cannot support landline phones, then you are forced to use a mobile phone or get the modem as well, with all the risks that go with that.

        I have heard someone complain about the NBN box making her ill, but because I couldn’t see it myself, i did not know if she was talking about the box or modem. It was a long time ago, before I had even rudimentary knowledge of what equipment is involved in the NBN. Is it possible that there are DECT capabilities in both the box and the modem?

        Does anyone reading this have any experience with either or both of these setups? Perhaps you have fibre to the node and your relative has fibre to the kerb. Has anyone been able to check the EMR levels coming from the box only?

    • Electromagnetic Health & Safety says:

      Dear Stop Smart Meters forum members and EHS sufferers,

      I am about to complete a Diploma of Telecommunications Engineering, and due to my partner suffering from chronic EHS and also having mild EHS myself, I wanted to confirm some things with my teachers who train NBN staff and know all of the ins-and-outs of the entire NBN. To assist others with their questions about the NBN, I have started to develop a document that can be freely shared. Below is a reformatted version for easy posting in this forum. However, you mail email me for a PDF version or any further updates or questions about Electromagnetic Field Testing and Telecommunications. My email is

      NBN installations and potential issues for Electromagnetically Hyper Sensitive individuals.

      [Document prepared by David Bourke (Electromagnetic Health & Safety)]

      Installation recommendations:

      1. New NBN Installations
      In general, the recommendation for any new NBN installations is to request the NBN technician to place the Network Termination Device (NTD) or other powered devices as far away as practical from where the occupants spend time.
      If you are in a rural/remote area and the connection type offered is Fixed Wireless / Satellite, it is recommended to have the NBN technician to place the antenna as far away as practical from where the occupants spend time. Suggestions such as garage, storage room, hallway or another area furthest away from bedrooms, study, lounge, dining areas as possible, then run shielded Ethernet cabling to positions where occupants will be using devices. If shielded Cat 7 or Cat 7A cabling is not affordable or possible, Cat 6 unshielded Ethernet cabling is better than Cat 5 or Cat 5E.
      This recommendation should suffice for most end-users unless they suffer from chronic Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity, in which case, there may be further recommendations depending on the type of NBN technology installed, which should be assessed by an EMF consultant or Building Biologist.

      2. Existing NBN Installations
      For existing NBN installations, it is recommended to speak with an EMF/EMR consultant or Building Biologist if any issues are encountered.

      3. Wired modem/router & telephones
      Despite what your Internet Service Provider might tell you, under very few circumstances is wireless (Wi-Fi) actually required – you may not need to purchase a replacement modem/router for your new internet connection. Some newer modem/routers cannot have the Wi-Fi disabled, so if you do not need a replacement modem/router, it is best not to accept one from your ISP.
      If you have an existing internet connection and bought the router you are currently using, check the back of the router to see if it has a WAN socket (compatible with FTTP, HFC etc) or a DSL port (compatible with FTTN, FTTC). In this case, you may be able to use your current wired modem/router for new NBN installations. Also, in most circumstances you may be able to re-use your old wired telephone by simply plugging it into the appropriate phone socket on your NTD or modem/router.

      4. Backup batteries
      In relation to backup batteries that are offered with NBN’s NTDs particularly in cases of Fibre To The Premises, it is not recommend to request a backup battery installed with the NTD due to the high levels of dirty electricity that is emitted from these units, unless required for medical, disability or other reasons.

      NBN connection types:

      1. Fibre To The Premises (FTTP)
      Fibre optic continuous path from exchange to inside the premises.
      Signal is contained within the fibre for the entire signal path, no concerns about electromagnetic interference near any optical fibre.
      Network Termination Device (NTD) inside premises converts optical signal to electrical signal (this is where an ethernet cable is connected for signal distribution to router, switch or direct to PC or other end-user device).
      In rare cases, the dirty electricity from the NTD and the associated switch mode power supply can cause some issues for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Found in most “greenfield” new development areas, and areas that were some of the first suburbs to have NBN installations offered.

      2. Fibre To The Building/Basement (FTTB)
      Fibre optic connection to the building’s basement then distributed via pre-existing twisted-pair copper in older apartment buildings, or via Ethernet cabling in newer apartment buildings.
      Signal is contained within the optical fibre until it reaches the main communications room in the building. From there it is converted to an electrical signal and distributed to appropriate areas. Due to the high speed data transferred across the older unshielded twisted-pair copper (designed only for voice), there can be issues in some cases for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Found usually in Multi-Dwelling Units ie apartment buildings.

      3. Fibre To The Node (FTTN)
      Fibre optic to a node, from a cabinet on the street to a group of customers. Twisted-pair copper for the “last mile” from the street node to the customer’s home (generally re-using the old Public Switched Telephone Network phone lines which were not designed for high frequency data).
      Due to the high speed data transferred across the older unshielded twisted-pair copper (designed only for voice), there can be issues in some cases for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Found in some suburbs where twisted-pair copper remained installed.

      4. Fibre To The Curb/Kerb (FTTC)
      Optical fibre to the kerb nearest to the customer, and then conversion from optical fibre to twisted-pair copper from the kerb into the customer’s premises.
      Customer provides power from inside the premises to send power through the existing twisted-pair back up to the electronic equipment out at the kerb.
      Due to the high speed data transferred across the older unshielded twisted-pair copper (designed only for voice), there can be issues in some cases for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Found in some suburbs where twisted-pair copper remained installed.

      5. Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC)
      Fibre to a local node, then converted to an electrical signal on coaxial cable.
      Coaxial cable for the “last mile” along streets to taps/splitters from pole to premises.
      Due to the radio frequency used on the shielded coaxial cable, there can be issues in some cases for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Found in some suburbs where cable television and/or cable internet were prevalent during the 1990’s and 2000’s before fibre optic was introduced.

      6. Fixed Wireless
      Wireless technology using a technology similar to 4G. An antenna is fitted to your premises to connect with the nearby NBN tower.
      Due to radio frequency being the medium of communication, there can be issues in some cases for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Customers with this type of NBN connection have the choice to keep their existing copper home phone landline, or switch over to a Voice Over Internet Protocol service through the NBN.
      Found in some rural areas or suburbs on the fringes of metropolitan areas.

      7. Sky Muster / Satellite
      Satellite connection using NBN’s Sky Muster technology.
      A satellite dish is fitted to your premises to connect with NBN’s Sky Muster satellites.
      Due to radio frequency being the medium of communication, there can be issues in some cases for those with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.
      Customers with this type of NBN connection have the choice to keep their existing copper home phone landline, or switch over to a Voice Over Internet Protocol service through the NBN.
      Found usually in remote or offshore locations where other NBN connection types are not practical.

      Electromagnetic field considerations considerations:
      Dirty electricity from NTD / switched mode power supply,
      Dirty electricity from unshielded Ethernet cabling,
      Dirty electricity from end-user’s router / switched mode power supply,
      Radio frequency from end-user’s Wi-Fi enabled router,
      Radio frequency spill from NBN Fixed Wireless antenna or Satellite if this type is installed,
      Electric Fields from HFC coaxial cable, or unbalanced/unshielded electrical or Ethernet cabling,
      Magnetic Fields from power supplies.

      Recommendations for mitigating issues:
      Replace default switched-mode power supply with linear power supply (reduces dirty electricity at NTD/router/switch/modem),
      Install dirty electricity filter next to NTD,
      Replace/install shielded Ethernet cabling eg Cat 7 and install as far away as practical from end-user,
      Move end-user’s router as far away as practical from where any residents spend time (min 1 metre),
      Check all installations & terminations of twisted-pair and coaxial cable for any electromagnetic emissions / RF leaks – re-install if necessary,
      Disable any Wi-Fi on any end-user’s devices including router.

      For more information please visit these links:

      David Bourke
      Electromagnetic Health & Safety
      PO Box 235 Enmore NSW 2042

      • Great nbn resource says:

        Thank you so much for providing and sharing this comprehensive document on the NBN.
        BTW, although with Sky Muster it’s possible to use a voice over the internet protocol, it’s not practical. The time lag with satellite NBN is infuriating for conversations. We need the government to allow us to keep our landlines!

  57. 'Millie Guass' says:

    If this is a growing trend, then be afraid, be very afraid. A school site in Canada is having an electricity substation built underground. Substations emit high magnetic fields which are extremely difficult and expensive to shield against. Standards on magnetic fields are ridiculously lax. 2,000 milliguass is permissible in Canada and Australia, BC Hydro boasts that this substation will emit fields of only 30 mg. But 2.5 mg fields can cause women to miscarry.

    A lot of large buildings, such as apartment blocks and commercial offices are, I believe, having their own substation included in the building. People are living next to high magnetic fields and these substations are not particularly obvious.

  58. geoffrey says:

    declassified us naval medical research institute report of psychical effects of microwave and radio frequency radiation

  59. geoffrey says:


  60. Happy Dissenter says:

    Greg Brown Feb 6. 2018
    2 HOURS AGO | 9.25am
    ‘Consumer’s choice’ on smart meters
    Treasurer Scott Morrison says electricity smart meters that raise the cost of electricity in peak times should not be forced on consumers.
    Mr Morrison this morning said the meters should be used at the discretion of the customer in a rebuff to a parliamentary committee report that recommended they be rolled out to all consumers by the Australian Energy Market Operator.
    “We favour very much a consumer driven approach around these sort of things and when customers want to use their own demand management devices,” Mr Morrison said.
    “Where those things benefit consumers and they want to take them up to help manage their energy consumption then I think that provides real opportunities for them.
    “But when it comes to how and when I see that as the customer’s choice.”

    • Snowy says:

      If each person chooses any wireless device, especially one such as far reaching smart meters connected to cell tower and satellites, they are at the same time choosing to radiate every other person living for miles all around them.
      That way each advocate of participating in the smart grid then becomes responsible for making their own neighbours participate as well, in turn rendering them potentially sick and making themselves subject to potential legal action for so doing.

      When one pursues consumer choice, what gets overlooked is the fact that when homes are located close together, be it in multi-dwelling units or single homes on small lots, one’s neighbour is making this choice to have a smart meter, not just for themselves, but for everyone else all around them as well.
      LIke cell towers and all transmitters, such as 5G, etc, smart meters have a very distant range and are able to impose harmful effects on all biological beings for up to a mile or more.
      Additionally, wireless rapidly increases electrolysis and accelerated corrosion of all metal.
      Houses are held together with metal components, and are wired and piped using metal.
      Phone landlines, ditto.
      City wide wifi accelerates corrosion which eats the metal for bridges. This is already well known.
      As it is, even without the smart meter question, no one is asked whether they want to be beamed down on 24/7 either, be it by satellites or cell towers or 5G transmitters which connect to smart meters.
      Consumer solidarity is best in order to achieve collective safety and privacy, via education and area wide refusal area wide refusal of drought inducing microwaves from smart grid and phone networks.
      Given the microwave blanketing issue covering every inch of the entire planetary ecosystem which has already been achieved by all sources of wireless microwaves, only this approach of solidarity of refusal would make sense.
      This is also a case of illegal mass electronic trespass in violation of property rights, since every smart meter crosses every other property and enters every home and reads every device in that home.
      The IOT or Internet Of Things is not designed to benefit you or me.
      Smart meters and cell phones and wifi do not recognise property boundaries or physical rights, quite the opposite.
      Every smart meter reads and reports data from the appliances and behaviour and daily living habits in every other home as well, not just the one to which it is attached.
      Smart meter break and enter without anyone even realising it.
      In an area wide network each smart meter is merely one node in a surveillance system comprised of hundreds or even thousands of other smart meters.
      Additionally, a smart meter establishes an unprecedented encroachment INSIDE every home, as well as taking over all the essential systems in the home where it’s located. ONce a home has a smart meter the utility might as well be on title. They control what the homeowner paid to have installed and pays to use, all home wiring, all energy, all power, all water all gas.,
      A smart meter is not a meter, it is one unit per house of a system which is essentially panopticon, it covers all behaviour everywhere. If one is foolish enough to own anything else that is called “smart:” or “intelligent” the smart meter is one more data extracting node which networks with all of these other items in the internet of things, one’s security system, one’s phone, fridge, washing machine.
      AS soon as ANYTHING has wireless capacity the software that runs it never belongs to the consumer, the proprietary rights for the software that us used against the consumer belongs to the manufacturer.
      So consumers pay enormous sums to not even own the software which controls electronic devices.
      Cell phones can easily be rendered a hot mic while off, by the utility or government or even the teen next door, or anywhere.
      People are sleepwalking into an invisible wireless prison system without even understanding that these shiny objects are not for their benefit. Indeed, they are detrimental in every way, no matter how convenient they may seem.

      One might aw well be wearing an ankle monitor once one is living inside the wireless cell/meter invisibly imprisoning system.
      A smart meter is one large, up close and personal easily identified part of the much more vast problem, but while it is a key entry point to home invasion it is not the only problem.
      The surveillance system of which smart meters are one part renders everyone all around each meter an involuntary part of surveillance capitalism, corralling them into an overarching enclosure as surely as does any physical prison.
      A smart meter not only interferes with one’s home security, it replaces it, leaving one completely completely insecure. There is even an ethical website that broadcasts the location for all privately monitored cameras including ones used on the outside and interior of so called “private” homes. The website does this to alert people that anyone can use their own home security cameras because most people do not even know how to encrypt their own home security systems. And even if they did, everything wireless is eminently hackable.
      Wireless renders locks anachronistic.
      Wireless bypasses wiretapping laws.
      Wireless is the ultimate tool to destroy property rights.
      A decision about a smart meter (or any far reaching device, be it a cell phone, or wifi or any personal wireless electronic device) is a decision which affects everyone else. The big picture should never be left up to the whims and potential ignorance of each individual consumer and homeowner.
      Note, brew, that customers are now called consumers, because they are making millions by allowing all private data to be bought and sold to third parties without their knowledge or their ability to refuse or control.
      (That said there is a device in North America called a sine tamer which is installed int eh circuit box by an electrician and this device is wonderful because it does stop the pulses and surges from smart meters and even cell phone signals which piggy back on the energised home wiring in every household. This antidote alone prevents smart meter biological harm and privacy loss, as well as lowering bills dramatically. Imagine if entire areas had one installed. they would become their own safe white zone)
      To grant the right to choose or refuse a smart meter is to transfer the liability for harm to themselves and others, an makes the consumer the one who could be sued for damage to health, while taking on that liability a potentially removing accountability away from the utility by placing the responsibility for harm to neighbours directly on to anyone who chooses to accept and comply with and submit to invasion by a smart meter, (same goes for wifi, or any other far ranging networked or non networked device such as baby monitors, portable DECT phones which radiate 24/7 from the charging base, second hand electrosmog from public spaces filled with cell phones.

      • Sick Of Their Lies says:

        Excellent Post Snowy.
        So well said and put together. You raise some really great points. This “wireless world” that is being forced upon us all, is criminal, disgusting and a real concern. The rollout of 5G over the next couple of years really scares me.

        • Snowy says:

          Everythng we use is either not encrypted or is eminently hack-able
          This is just one website, this one is based in Russia.
          Anyone is able to pick a country, a city, even a rural setting, and spy on almost every CCTV security camera system running on wireless all over the globe.
          Any creep can observe the interior occupants obliviously going about their “private” lives, under the illusion that they have a CCTV secured home. Meanwhile they pay a small fortune to have hack-able wireless systems which readily reveal all aspects of their lives and activities inside the former sanctuary of their homes.
          A friend found the live broadcasting from homes of several friends almost immediately. There is a list each country.

  61. Jodie Donnelly says:

    Comment: Wed 31-Jan-18 7:39 AM

    Arthur Firstenberg

    Save NZ’s landlines; Comments due in 2 days

    A bill is pending in New Zealand’s Parliament that would allow that country’s landline provider, Chorus, to abandon its entire copper network. The portion of the bill deregulating copper is here: It would allow Chorus to dismantle its copper network in all areas served by fiber optics. New Zealand is in process of laying fiber optics virtually everywhere. All residents of New Zealand will be forced to have either VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) or wireless for their phone service if this passes.

    Comments from the public are being accepted now, and are due by Feb. 2 New Zealand time, which is Feb. 1 in most of the rest of the world. What happens in New Zealand will affect the rest of the world.

    Comments on this bill, from anywhere in the world, should be submitted here:


  62. Ashlee says:

    Yesterday it was reported on the news that energy bills are going to decrease over the next 2 years, with the exception of Western Australia. The TV news report stated that SA has the highest energy bills or will get the lowest bill decrease (I can’t remember which it was) because of their greater reliance on renewables.
    All other states are heading in the same direction as SA, ie relying more on renewables and shutting down electricity generating plants, so how is it that bills will come down if renewables are driving SA’s energy costs up?
    And on the same day as I hear this news on the TV, I receive a letter from my electricity retailer, telling me my gas and electricity costs are about to go up. Oh, I get it, they’ll increase my bills immediately, by more than they plan to decrease them by over the next 2 years.
    And I’m supposed to believe all this BS? I didn’t get sucked in by the lies about the benefits of smart meters, so why would I believe the latest round of lies?

  63. Jenelle says:

    NSW. Been told that I already have smart meters that are not wirelessly set up to be remotely read. I sent the letter provided to my supplier as advised and put sign on meter box, both before December 1st. Does the wording protect me from having the meters configured to become wireless/remotely read?
    Thanks kindly, Jen.

    • TL says:

      my guess is, yes, it should protect you. However, the Victorian experience is to not trust these liars and bullies. If I were you, I’d be locking up/barricading the meter to ensure they don’t come back to install the wireless communications card, assuming it is not already in the meter, waiting to be activated. You will, however, need to cut a window in the meter box door so that they can still read the meter.
      And while you’re at it, start thinking about how you can protect your water meter.

  64. Joe Mandarino says:

    Can anyone tell me if it is in any way possible to keep my existing analogue electricity meter?
    We are demolishing our house and rebuilding next year and i have been told that when we demolish, we must disconnect from the elec grid and our existing meter will be taken.
    What can i do to keep the meter because i know that the new meter will be one of these new death meters.
    Mant thanks

    • Cathy says:

      Our electrician told us that any work done on the home side of the meter doesn’t involve our power distributor. But he said if any work is done on the other side of the meter (ie between the meter and where it joins the pole) then they will insist on current regulations being met.
      This doesn’t sound at all good for you, especially if you live in Victoria. At least people in places such as NSW will be able to refuse to get a smart meter that is communicating.

    • TL says:

      Joe, you know how when they want to build on a site with a heritage building, they have to leave the facade of the heritage building in place and build the new skyscraper/building around the facade? Well, that’s probably what you would need to do in order to keep your analogue meter. Demolish all bar the section of wall that the meter is installed on and then incorporate that wall into the new house. I say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but if it helps you to think outside the box, all is well.

  65. Jennifer says:

    Since the smart meter was installed in Victoria, we noticed what one may
    call a pattern of behaviour from the meter. Audible arching sounds in the
    walls and ceiling of our property, light bulbs requiring regular
    replacement, pixilation and sound distortion on the TV, wireless
    interference on the half hour, etc. Even when we watch a playback recorded
    movie, there is pixilation and sound distortion on the half hour.This
    pattern was clearly evident at night. My family could not sleep, because of
    the ceiling noises and high pitched ringing noises in our ears. Not to
    mention constant headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentration.
    We moved house, and to our horror this pattern continued relentlessly till
    this day. The circuit board makes loud popping sounds, the smart meter
    makes horrendous thudding noises after midnight and the the ceiling noises
    sound like a stock whip!

    My family sleep with oscillating fans on high and my husband has to wear
    earplugs because the noises in this house is nothing short of insane. Our
    GSD groans on the half hour, whilst he naps and during the evening he is
    visibly uncomfortable so he gets up and moves to the furthest part of the
    house, from the meter. He is micro chipped and we believe he is affected
    more because of this.

    We have conducted many hours online to research this phenomena as I
    honestly believed it was only us going through this. I now know we are not
    alone in our torment but then again we may as well be because by the sound
    of what I have read it seems we are stuck with this damn meter at the
    expense of my family’s quality of lives.

    We have had the smart meter replaced, but to no avail as the problem
    persists. We have had the range hood replaced, the back spotlight replaced
    twice, an expensive Dyson heater caught on fire in the middle of the night
    and our B&O sound system blew!
    Complained to the energy provider, they palmed us to our landlord to hire
    an electrician. Till this day we have had dozens of contractors inspect the
    property and deem it sound and Ausnet services say their meter is without
    defect. Yet my family cannot sleep let alone exist in this house. This is
    why we contacted Ausnet Services via email for their opinion.

    Their responses are rehearsed and from our experiences is a blatant lie and
    one that needs to be exposed to the masses.

    Ausnet Services response

    *”The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are
    evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” ~ Albert

    • Snowy says:

      3 pronged solution: A voltage regulator, a sine wave taming device, a smart meter designed Faraday cage cover the right kind

  66. It’s difficult to find well-informed people about this subject, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about!

  67. Wendy Rice says:

    With regards to my lst post on the NBN. I received clarification from CHOICE:
    Hi Wendy
    Thank you for contacting CHOICE.
    Consumers have 18 months to move to the NBN once the network becomes active in their street; however, in cases where people are getting the cable/pay TV upgrade, known as NBN HFC, the ISPs are able to shut down the existing service sooner because the new service is a replacement.

    We suggest waiting, if possible, and talking to neighbours or others in your area about their experience.

    When it comes to choosing a plan, our NBN plans story can help. Find it at

    We also have an ISP satisfaction survey that can help you choose a provider when the time comes. Find it at

    We hope this has offered some clarification.

    If you have any further queries, please let us know.
    Need assistance? Our friendly Customer Service team can help you. Simply email or call on 1800 069 552 or 02 9577 3399 Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm AEST.

    Kind Regards

    Therefore, we are stuck and have to accept NOW. I have been given two to four weeks!! So unfair.

  68. Happy Dissenter says:

    Energy retailers cut off thousands due to unpaid bills, report shows :Herald Sun
    15 minutes ago. June 30, 2017
    “POWER firms threw the switch on almost 13,000 struggling Victorians in the first three months of this year.
    The 12,718 residential customers cut off for not paying their gas and electricity bills were 2000 more than were cut off in the previous quarter.
    And since last July, firms flouting proper procedure wrongly disconnected at least 520 customers — including six who needed power for life-supporting equipment such as respirators and dialysis machines.
    Annual average energy bills are to surge by as much as $165 for electricity and $192 for gas, and the Essential Services Commission said that over the next year it would work with energy firms to ensure disconnections were a last resort.
    “If performance does not improve, we will pursue enforcement action wherever required,” it said.
    However, demanding stronger protections for those in financial difficulty, Consumer Action Law Centre chief Gerard Brody said: “Retailers have been on notice for several years, yet disconnections are still sky-high.
    “They can’t be trusted.”
    The centre has submitted to the ESC that retailers should be unable to pull the plug without an independent review, and in some cases a home visit.
    “We have proposed … a new agency … to establish whether there are genuine reasons not to proceed with a disconnection before a supplier can flick the switch. People genuinely unable to afford their energy would be put in touch with support services rather than disconnected,” Mr Brody said.
    Retailers are currently required to send a reminder notice and a disconnection notice before pulling the plug.
    Though cut-offs for the first quarter of this year were down on the 13,632 for the same quarter in 2016, the ESC is “closely monitoring” the recent upward trend. The figures don’t distinguish whether people were struggling to pay or were ducking bills.
    Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio’s spokesman David McNamara said disconnections were still too high, but “well below” records under the previous government.
    The latest market update estimates almost 3000 customers on default “standing offers” with Alinta, Click, M2 Energy, People Energy and QEnergy face 5-39 per cent electricity and 10-20 per cent gas (Click and M2) price hikes.
    Similar increases are expected in “due course” for almost 250,000 customers on market contracts.
    Dominant retailers AGL, Origin and EnergyAustralia lifted prices in January. Prices are expected to rise again in the new year.
    The government said it was reviewing whether retailers were “unreasonably taking advantage” of the closure of Hazelwood power station.”

    • Tanya says:

      It’s too easy to flick the switch on electricity supply from the comfort of your leather armchair back at the electricity company’s head office. If they had to send a workman out to manually remove supply, they’d think twice about it.

  69. Jodie Donnelly says:

    Hello SSMA, I just read this about ONJ and wanted to make sure she knew how to best get truly better and heal, but, as usual my comments seem to be removed from the comment page of the article her cancer relapse was reported in. Can you help get this message to her and have her confirm receiving it.

    She is probably bathing daily in all that has caused her relapse, as per below message to her and like many others, she could be brain washed and may not know she is feeding her cancer.

    Olivia Newton-John in second cancer fight

    My message to ONJ, as follows:

    Yes God bless you Olivia, wishing you a speedy recovery.

    You are a very smart lady so I am sure I don’t have to tell you to avoid Wi-Fi/the new electric meters and in particular, solar panels above your living environment, active mobile phones or any avoidable electromagnetic fields/ low-ironizing radiation in close proximity to you. As this will delay and/or prohibit healing and does not only cause cancer, but also spurs on damaged cells:

    There is so much out there that has been suppressed by industry that demonstrates this, but, Dr Neil Cherry is one brilliant man who has helped to bring forward and expose these facts, one of his links as follows:

    Click to access 90_s3_EMR-EMF_and_BREAST_Cancer.pdf

    Electromagnetic Radiation causes cancer: the implications for breast cancer.

    Dr Neil Cherry O.N.Z.M. Associate Professor* of Environmental Health
    World Conference on Breast Cancer Ottawa, Canada, 26-31 July 1999

    1. Cancer development and the role of EMR
    Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) across the spectrum, from extremely low frequency (ELF, 50/60 Hz) to radiofrequency and microwave (RF/MW) causes breast cancer. This conclusion is contrary to “official” and industry authorities but it is based on sound scientific research.

    1.1 Cancer is a multi-stage process:
    Cancer is the result of a cell’s acquiring multiple genetic abnormalities. In addition to the conversion of proto oncogenes into oncogenes, cancer production often involves the loss of a functional tumor suppression gene. About half of all human cancers are associated with loss of the p53 tumor suppressor gene. The p53 gene product has complex effects, including the stimulation of DNA repair mechanisms, but, most critically, it somehow controls the transition from the G1 to S phase of the cell cycle and thus is involved in the prevention of uncontrolled cell division, Elliott and Elliot (1996).

    Cancer development is understood to be a multi-stage process that involves initiation, promotion and progression. The time taken to progress from the initial cell damage to a malignant tumor can take many years and involves many processes, Figure 1
    Figure 1: A multi-stage model of cancer involving initiation, promotion and progression. Initiation results from a single exposure to a carcinogen that damages the nuclear DNA. Promotion involves multiple exposures to agents that do not damage DNA directly. Promotion leads to conversion from benign to malignant tumors, with progression increasing the degree of malignancy, from Adey (1992).

    The greater the frequency and intensity of genetic damage the greater the risk of the cell being transformed into a neoplastic (cancer) cell. Genetic damage increases if more damaging events occur, with more free radicals for example, or if the repair mechanisms are inhibited. “Repair” includes the destruction and elimination of damaged cells so that they can’t produce neoplastic progeny. Within the cell cycle damaged DNA can be detected which usually leads to programmed cell death (apoptosis). Suppression of the p53 gene, conversion of the proto oncogenes into oncogenes and elevated concentrations of intracellular calcium ions can all make the survival of a damaged cell more likely. Hence factors which cause any of these factors to occur are carcinogenic.

    The genes are contained in the DNA and are incorporated into the chromosomes later in the cell cycle. Hence DNA strand breaks and chromosome aberrations are associated with enhanced apoptosis and increased cancer, depending on the circumstances of the cell at critical points in the cell cycle. The vast majority of the damage is repaired and damaged cells are eliminated either before they reproduce. If they survive to be reproduced, they have a high chance of being detected and destroyed by the immune system.

    Cancer cells are transformed so that their growth regulation has been altered so that proliferation increases and they are transformed in such a way that it is difficult for the immune system to detect them as foreign.

  70. Happy Dissenter says:

    The UK is now having problems with smart meter installations. Will they never learn?? “Millions of smart meters may need replacing due to IT blunder”

  71. Jodie Donnelly says:

    I would like to attach my comment, which is an update on my current house hunting journey relating to Smart Meters (SM), Solar Panels, etc. in NSW, that, I left for the following link:
    My comment/Update, as follows:
    Yes you are being pro-active and very wise, to not install these seriously dangerous things around your family.
    I have EHS and get extremely ill just walking in streets that have smart meters (SM) deployed.
    My husband who does not have EHS, yet, has recently realized while searching for a new place to get away from such unhealthy paraphernalia, such SM, solar panels, Wi-Fi, etc, why he gets very ill when I send him to look in meter boxes. He now realizes it is only when he is standing at one that has a SM.
    We don’t bother going further inside the house for the viewing if the meter box, or neighbouring ones has got these evil things attached.
    The feedback from those who have them in Penrith NSW and surrounding areas, such as occupiers moving out and/or their neighbours, that, I have spoken to in my journey looking for a property without a SM over the last few months, many who don’t even know the link yet, is terrifying.
    They explain that ever since they were installed they and their family are not sleeping, are having headaches, feeling ill at home, etc.
    When the occupiers who don’t know the link yet, are asked how they and their families health is at home and if they are sleeping, etc.
    After having looked in their meter box already I now know before they answer what they will likely say. You can always tell a family who has an analogue compared to one that has a SM.
    You can see the wheels turning as they answer, explaining and making excuses for why they thought they weren’t sleeping, many saying they now have to take sleeping pills, etc. or their children have become noisy and restless during the night.
    The most recent property, belonging to a neighbour of a place we looked at in Emu Plains NSW had the trilogy of ill health and beyond attached to her home and I feel her story is the best example of what having this unnatural unhealthy paraphernalia attached to the family home, signifies.
    We got excited when the property we went to look at, away from electrosmog, had a safe old analogue and no SM stealthily sitting there next to it. But the air felt radiated and we both said what could that be. We couldn’t see any solar panels on it or any surrounding roofs, as these are dangerous enough in themselves when placed directly above you, let alone when they are smart metered.
    We lifted the neighbour’s meter box door to have a look and we seen the biggest SM we had ever seen, we didn’t even know they came that big on residential properties, with a standard sized SM next to it.
    Hubby then seen a solar hot water tank jutting from the rear of this neighbour’s roof.
    We quickly moved away from the meter box and went around to the front door and I did a quick survey as I do sometimes once I know what is in the meter box.
    The lady who answered the door (the owner) had a story which I feel best sums up what having these things attached to the family home signifies.
    I told her we were looking at homes but needed to avoid SM. She said, “Oh, that is what I have”. I was surprised that this old lady even knew what they were, or that they were on her property, as most don’t.
    I asked her if her or any of her family had problems sleeping, etc.
    She was agitated and angry for whatever reason so I tried to walk away, assuming it was because I had knocked on her door, but, she wanted to talk, so it was not me, but, the subject that agitated her.
    She said angrily and with a vengeance, “NO I do not have trouble sleeping and I am fine”, she started to talk about the wind turbines and the climate change, etc. She would regularly revert back to the sleeping question for no reason and just say angrily, I have no trouble sleeping, etc.
    I said I am glad you and your family are in good health, sorry to have bothered you and I kept trying to walk away and go back up her driveway to leave.
    All of a sudden she said loudly and begrudgingly, “well ok I am not sleeping, and I haven’t been for some months, but, you would not be sleeping too, if your daughter died”.
    It was then I realized this woman already had suspicions about the dangers of these meters and her bizarre behavior/attitude was more defensive, than angry. She felt guilty about something.
    I turned back around and asked her where did her daughter live, already being pretty sure what the answer would be. She said here and then she said, abruptly thumbing to the back area of the house, “well not here but out there”.
    Like out there was no man’s land, like she doesn’t go out there.
    This would have been where all the solar panels were, as they could not be seen on any other areas of the roof from the front.
    She said “I came home and found her dead in December last year and nobody can tell me why, nobody still now can tell me why”.
    I said, so she slept and lived under the solar panels and she said, yes, but they (the solar panels) have been there a long time, as if this strengthened her argument. When all it did was make the whole other side of the argument make more sense.
    This made me realise she obviously knew something about SM dangers, but not about solar panel dangers, in particular, when putting these two together.
    I asked her how long the SM had been there and she said “since late last year” with a disapproving shake of her head. She then said defensively, “but you have no choice they make you put them in, there is nothing I can do about it”.
    It was then I felt sorry for this woman as I know how hopeless it feels trying to avoid these things when you are made to have them, knowing they are making you and your family ill.
    And then there are those who are just uneducated on the true dangerous of them and choose to have them. I feel this woman was initially the latter. She is carrying a huge guilt burden over her daughter’s death.
    I believe her daughter was trying to tell her that the solar panel area of the house she resided in, in particular, once the smart meters were installed, were making her ill and she (mum) wouldn’t listen, as is very sadly the case with many members of families who have a canary and/or someone who are more heavily exposed and feel it worse and quicker in the family/home.
    After her daughter died in the bed below and surrounded by these things, this woman avoids the back area and spends a lot of time trying to convince herself that these deathly things have not caused, or contributed to her and her families deaths and/or ill health.
    Knowing firsthand and research demonstrating also how fiercely and quickly this type of radiation spurs on mould growth and promotes fungus spore germination, I would put money on it that they also, at least in the back area of the house have a toxic mould problem, which can be deadly in itself.
    If you are smart enough to avoid industry funded “research”, on this type of radiation, there is plenty of unbiased, intelligence/research out there explaining what likely happened to her daughter and why and how it wore her down over years under the panels and then took her out, when these paired up with the evil meters.
    Dr Neil Cherry and Dr Erica Mallery Blythe are a good place to start.

    • Wowed says:

      What can I say but, “Wow”? Jodie, you’ve looked into this issue at length. Do you recall where you found the research about RF causing an increase in mould?

      • Jodie Donnelly says:

        Hi Wowed
        I am able to grab these few quite quickly.

        The first link, below, also has a couple of detailed comments attached from me, explaining how my personal experience made me realized the undeniable link of mould/fungus spore proliferation being spurred on by LIR/EMR and their toxic emissions being made hugely more virulent by this. Leading me to then seek and find research confirming my foregone conclusions.
        Toxic Mold and Electromagnetic Radiation.
        [Effect of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation on physiological features of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain UCM Y-517].
        Fungi Gobble Radiation to Grow, Study Says.
        Radiation-eating fungi. They kill trees and they kill people.

        There are others, but I will have to sift through stuff to find them. I will track them down and send them through.

        Kind regards

        • Wowed says:


          thanks for those links. That’s sufficient to whet my appetite. Interesting about the additional link between Lyme disease and RF. It seems I am hearing more about Lyme in
          Australia and overseas. And if the GPs don’t have a magic pill for it, they tell you that you’re imagining you have Lyme. Just like they don’t recognise EHS because the pharmaceutical companies have not promoted a cure or treatment for it. As soon as the drug companies create a pill for EHS, the GPs will be falling over themselves to diagnose it.

    • Snowy says:

      Solar panels on their own are DC not AC. Off grid, minus any mini inverter on the backside of panels, they are safe.
      On grid? Forget it. All wired sources, all connections become one deadly locus.
      Throw a smart meter into the mix and it all changes, as everything becomes a lethal conduit and links all home areas as one giant radiation field.
      Any smart meter and more so any collector meter about every 21st home, (far worse), will radiate back along all house wiring including phone, all electrical and electronic connections, even hard wired ones, and this will turn the entire house into a microwave oven, with anything biological slow cooking inside that oven. The whole building becomes one single deadly harmonic frequency in sync with the area wide network.
      Solar panels with a mini inverter on the back of each panel located on any non metal roof, are dangerous even if one is somehow without a smart meter. A centralized pure sine wave inverter is the only safe kind to get for off grid, and even that inverter should be located well away from living quarters.
      Analogue meters may not be a source of radiation in and of themselves, but they also do not prevent the smart grid from radiating the home via connection to the grid by all the cable wiring, which carries the microwaves into the home anyway.
      Off grid on large land parcel well away from the dangerously ignorant, is the only real way to escape this seeming eugenics program, depending on proximity to other radiating homes, Distance is your friend, large land parcel with a house in the centre of it acts as a buffer if you go off grid.
      Just cut back your energy needs to essentials and the cut the grid umbilical cord, if you can.
      Otherwise, use a sine wave attenuation device as well as a smart meter guard.
      Relocate the meter where it will not turn the house into an arson site.

  72. Traol Coladis says:

    Unfortunately I have had the rough end of the Stick from Energy retails since having Solar Panels installed at my home in 2012. Going through VCAT twice was Nightmarish and now that the Tesla Powerwall 2 is out I am looking into to getting two of them thus having about 27Kw Hrs. I have never been able to capitalize on the feed in rate as AGL never submitted the paperwork. Then I had to fight Simply Energy for not honoring the contract they agreed to…. Like I said it is a Nightmare.

    My house uses on average 11 Kilowatt Hours a day. The System Generates on average 14kilowatts a day. I have been quoted about $20k to have 2 of these Powerwall2 batteries installed and I am seriously considering giving the electricity retailers the Flick and going off GRID in suburbia. The post code is 3196. In Victoria.

    Do I need to be aware of any other hidden charges that these dodgy electricity companies may try to slug me for after I pay my final bill to them and tell them to come and abolish their Goddamned Smart Meter (remove it from my home.)


    • Ms T says:

      Congratulations Traol. Half your luck! I don’t really have any answers for you, but there is a rumour that the distributors might one day try to bill us for infrastructure (street lights, power poles, etc) as more people follow your example and go off grid. Frankly, I think a lot of people would be well within their rights to tell the distributors where to go, since they forced us to go off grid with their unethical behaviour.

  73. Dimitra says:

    A 3 bedroom home in Brunswick West, Victoria, has been listed for sale by Nelson Alexander and will be auctioned on 25th February, 2017. This was my uncle and aunt’s home, and has the original analogue electricity meter, thanks to my uncle objecting to Citipower about installation
    of a smart meter. The details of the property can be found at:

    • Anonymous says:

      when the electricity bill is transferred to a new name the power company will have a meter installed as part of the supply contract

      • Dimitra says:

        You do not have to accept a smart meter when the electricity bill is transferred to a new name. I transferred an electricity bill to my name for a property in Brunswick West which still has an analogue meter, in 2016. I told Lumo energy that I want to connect the electricity in my name, but I will not accept a smart meter and they obliged.

      • Ms T says:

        What if the new owner barricades the analogue meter?

        I have a more laid back distributor and I have observed that they have failed to install smart meters on small commercial premises that were vacant at the time that smart meters were installed in the area. Those premises now have tenants but still have analogue meters.

  74. Kerrie says:

    We do not have a smart meter, have locked the meter box. Once a month we read the meter ourselves and ring through to AGL with the reading. Have not had an issue, until a couple of months ago. Started to get exceptionally high bills, checked the readings and have been hit with very high usage, contacted power company, they have sent out people to check the readings on three separate occasions. They keep charging us for incorrect readings.
    So l am wondering if anyone else is having issues with being overcharged/ incorrect billing. I have to wonder if it is the power company being sly and are deliberately doing this to be able to say we need to upgrade our (7 year) old meter.
    Anyone having similar problems? Would love to know.
    Thanks you.

    • Lucky says:

      Kerrie, is AGL billing you for a different usage figure than what you are supplying to them? My meter gets manually read every quarter. My meter reader is very helpful and gives me no grief. If he is unable to read the meter and the bill is overestimated, my electricity retailer will adjust the bill down if I ring to tell them that it is too far from reality. I don’t wish to name my retailer as I don’t want to sound like I’m recommending them, because I wouldn’t recommend them. I just think I am lucky to have one of the more co-operative distributors (sorry if I sound like I am on the side of those mongrels), I have a good meter reader, and my retailer believes me when I tell them the estimate is too high.

      I did hear rumours a couple of years ago that the retailers will eventually become responsible for the meters, so I wonder if AGL is getting ready for this change. This means that it will no longer be the distributor harassing you to get a SM, but your retailer.

  75. Manda says:

    Can someone please tell me more about the RED Energy smart Meter roll out in NSW.
    I can t get through on the phone and need to know what type of smart meter they will be installing and what alternatives i have.
    Suggestions/help please ??!!
    We have a 3.5kw solar system which has been installed for 3 years, but recently replaced the inverter to a non- smart one.

    • Tanya says:

      try contacting Peter at to see if he knows. Meanwhile, you might want to lock your meter box or bar access to your meter to ensure you don’t have a smart meter forced upon you. I suspect that they will install a wirelessly transmitting SM, or capable of that in the near future when they are ready, so you need to say “no” from the outset. Even if it is not wireless, it causes dirty electricity, which causes health problems. Don’t agree to a non-wirelessly transmitting SM, because they can potentially remotely make it transmit wirelessly and you will not know why you are suddenly sick.

  76. Asthmatic says:

    I find myself wondering about the possible link between the thunderstorm asthma cases in Victoria and the widespread installation of smart meters in Victoria. The authorities are telling us that thunderstorm asthma is caused by a sudden change in weather and a high pollen count. What they are not telling us is that ElectroMagnetic Radiation increases asthma and hayfever. How many centuries have we been experiencing thunderstorms, sudden weather changes and high pollen counts? And how long have we been experiencing mass deaths from these environmental conditions? And why is it only Victoria (you know, the state with mandated, widespread smart meters) that is in the news so much for this phenomenon right now?

    So someone taking shelter indoors on a day where weather conditions are likely to trigger asthma attacks may not necessarily be helping their cause. If they are ‘sheltering’ near a smart meter the EMR may only serve to increase their asthma. Not that going outside is a better alternative. And frankly, going to hospital may not be a great solution either. All that electronic, electric and wireless equipment in a hospital is not going to be conducive to recovery for someone suffering from asthma.

    The best solution is to get rid of smart meters and reduce other sources of wireless radiation. But that would require that you be ‘smart’ enough to recognise the dangers. Don’t rely on some ‘smart’ device to make you ‘smart’.

    • Allan says:

      True the electromagnetic radiation is causing people to choke. I am not an asthmatic person myself, but since I have become so sick from all this radiation, I’ve had to buy an asthma pump and I’m choking wherever I go. I can feel the radiation in the back of my throat. Before I started taking so many vitamins, I felt like I was cooking everywhere I went…like a piece of meat. I lost my memory and my ears where ringing like a machine. Thank you to the people that did nothing to help me and said I was crazy, the council, doctors ( pharmaceutical drug dealers) and the authorities that are suppose to protect us, but are instead now looking out for the corporations.

      • Vicky says:

        It’s always been their plan. They slowly introduce one harmful thing after another- all the while keeping us distracted with the other hand by new technologies ooh aah… and as sickness creeps up on us we will be as the story of the boiling frog- COOKED and too sick to fight back. To help you I’ve read that when people have sufficient iodine in the body- radiation doesn’t affect them.- We all had iodine once- it was put in bread and salt so people got it every day- but they weren’t getting sick- so ‘they’ had to do something about that- so they said it was POISON all of a sudden (strange how no one was ever poisoned by it before). If iodine is poison why are there ‘iodine receptors’ in the body. Coincidentally BROMINE which they replaced iodine with in bread is a poison to the system and fills the receptors meant for iodine. Oh, by the way what is the antidote given to people rushed in with radiation poisoning????…IODINE. Apparently nascent iodine is GREAT and lugols is good too (they’re different from each other slightly.) Also, If I were you (I plan to do the same thing) get a good EMF protector- I’m still looking for one that works 😉

    • char says:

      Thunderstorm asthma is the biggest load of crock I have ever heard. I reckon it’s from chemtrails. Nothing of that manner has EVER happened, and it was barely covered in the news. You had to search in detail for it in google. If it was from pollen, it would happen every year…..very suss

  77. oren says:

    If anyone has some advice I would be so appreciative.
    I have a home (NSW) which I will be moving into next year with small children. Currently it is rented.

    My tenants did not see the notice to install a smart meter, and NO ONE notified me, as the owner of the building. The smart meter has recently been installed!
    I called the energy provider immediately and they said it cannot be removed.
    I called the ombudsman for energy and she merely said she will pass on the complaint to my energy provider.
    The provider told me NSW will make smart meters mandatory anyway for the whole state starting Dec 2017 so they will not remove my smart meter.

    With a quick google search I found this to be false – it will only be NEW homes that will require smart meters after 2017. Existing homes will be legally able to refuse smart meters after this date.

    I am now very anxious to know what my rights are to demand the removal of my smart meter considering i did not give consent. I need to know what my rights are. If my tenants – who also do not want the meter and are temporary and should not have the power to say what goes on my home – did not receive the notice, do I have a case?? How can I find out the provider’s or govt legislation on this? Should I pay for a visit to a lawyer?

    Time is critical because if this takes moths, and Dec 101 passes, then there is NO chance I will get my meter replaced.


    Thank you!

    • Tanya says:

      Oren, well done; you have done your research and I believe you are right. I feel you have a right to demand the removal of the smart meter and I agree with you that time is critical. I have heard of a case in South Australia where a woman demanded the removal of her smart meter and succeeded. Such successes don’t come often but maybe that’s because the ‘sheeple’ don’t demand their rights. Victoria has been a tougher case, but non-mandated states should find it easier.

      Yeh, you could see a lawyer but personally I would resent having to spend my money to stop greedy power companies from doing the wrong thing. Ray Broomhall is a Tasmanian lawyer with some knowledge in the area of ElectroMagnetic Radiation. Not sure if you want to be using the services of someone so far from home.

      Have you contacted Peter at ? He is a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of EMR and may have more knowledge on the specifics of NSW’s smart meter rollout.

      What might also be helpful for you is to find out if the meter has a communications card, which is what transmits wirelessly An EMR meter costing about $150 would assist in this. However, it is possible that there is a communications card in the smart meter but it has not yet been (remotely) activated. And besides all this, whether the meter is transmitting wirelessly or not, it causes dirty electricity, which is another cause of ill health.

    • Scott says:

      I had a dumb digital meter installed with my solar upgrade in Oct 2016 ( I was extremely happy up to that point), Then a letter from Red Energy they wanted to replace meter with smart meter unless you contacted them to ‘opt out’. I thought I had opted out, but found a smart meter installed 9 Feb. I demanded the old meter to be reinstalled immediately. Guess what It’s under investigation, no resolve, ombusman – no power, Energy minister – no balls, registered letters to Red – no response. I am now an unhappy man, a very unhappy man. Sent an email to Ray Hadley yesterday, sick of the BS. We seem to have no rights.

  78. Tanya says:

    Currently on SBS on demand there is a series titled, ‘Morgan Spurlock; inside man’. Series 4, Episode 2 is titled ‘Toxins’. The primary focus of the program is on chemicals, but there is a substantial section on EMFs. If you can’t view it online, then the series might be available for purchase.

  79. Happy Dissenter says:

    “Electricity companies not doing enough for customer facing financial hardship: counsellors”
    September 7, 2016

    ENERGY companies are being slammed for giving vulnerable customers only three months to settle their bills before they are cut off, financial counsellors say.
    A report out today reveals more than 1000 Victorians were disconnected from gas or electricity services every week last year.
    Peter Gartlan, director of the Financial and Consumer Rights Council, said AGL, Origin and Energy Australia needed to do more for customers in “long-term financial hardship”.
    He said Victoria had the highest rate of disconnected customers in Australia, with 56,000 people cut off last year.
    “Every work day, 215 vulnerable Victorians are disconnected from electricity and gas which is a national disgrace,” Mr Gartlan said.
    “The expectation placed on hardship customers by retailers to rectify their billing situation in just three months is not realistic.
    “We are still seeing cases of hardship customers being placed on unrealistic payment plans.”
    Mr Gartlan said the State Government needed to make it easier to access the utility relief grant scheme, which provides financial relief to energy consumers at risk of disconnection.
    AGL spokeswoman Felicity Nuttall said the company had launched a financial counselling hotline to fast-track calls to hardship specialists and partnered with Kildonan UnitingCare to increase available financial counselling support to customers in need.
    Origin Energy’s general manager of retail Jon Briskin said: “We welcome the FCRC Report and we will continue to work with the financial counselling sector to improve our services and ensure our hardship programs remain responsive to those customers most in need.”

    • geoffrey says:

      has anyone else noticed that their power bills are getting a lot more expensive with the analogue meters still installed compared to those with digital meters? is this the new tactic to force holdouts to switch?

  80. matt says:

    I have the old analogue meter at home and I need a new connection line to go to my house as the old line has metal appearing from the outside. Is their a way I can get it replaced without having to get a smart meter?

    • Anonymous says:

      Matt, you don’t have to legally accept a smart meter, that does not mean they won’t try. Get everything in writing for starters and the name of the person that you can reply to. Trespassing is a crime and you can warn them not to mention or even try to install a smart meter on your property.
      Trespass is defined by the act of knowingly entering another person’s property without permission.
      Have you sent a notice of trespass into the distributor for starters?
      They have templates on the internet, if you have and they try anything then it may constitute trespass and then you can legally do something about it.
      Under Tort Law, a property owner may bring a Civil Law suit against a trespasser in order to recover damages or receive compensatory relief for injury suffered as a direct result of a trespass. you can sue for damages for trespassing but first you need to make sure you have signs up, like private property keep out or do not install a smart meter or just a simple no trespassing sign. Take photos of these signs and you can send them with your notice so they are aware they you have clear trespassing signs up, this might not stop them but you should have them.Anyone that enters your property without consent can be a trespasser. If they do bring up smart meters, then make sure you ask them to leave the property as they will be trespassing, if they are coming to fix your connection then this has nothing to do with a smart meter but it won’t stop them either.
      The analogue meter is not old, it depends what your definition of old is. You have trespass and you can look up trespass cases and put them in your letter. You can also ask them to stop harassing you if that is what you think they are doing. I am not sure what else i can advise, your best option is trespassing as you can sue for damages even if they do not damage your property it’s still trespass if you have sent in a legal notice of trespass and kept a copy for yourself.
      You also need to ask for identification this is important as they won’t give you the name afterwards. I would film them as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Matt, my neighbour had the line from the power pole to his home changed.he got a letter from the distributor, only they did not put in writing they have to check the analogue meter afterwards before turning on the power. he was not home his mother was and they tried to unscrew the meter, they couldn’t so they checked the fuse box and turned the power on. They mentioned the meter was old, so stop saying your meter is old. Anyhow my neighbour is going to take this matter further if he can, as they did not state they were going to enter his property or check the meter. So make sure you get every little detail in writing.You can them warn them not to bring up smart meters and list the penalties if they do, like trespassing, harassment or whatever you want.
      Don’t ever underestimate these people, just make sure you have everything in place so if anything happens you can legally do something. Full name for starters and they have to produce I.D on request. Film them if you can. Just be aware. They have to replace the line.

      • matty says:

        Thanks buddy that’s what i wanted to know. Well the meter board is locked so they didn’t try anything last time when arrived i just got the “we could not install your smart meter today please call xxxx ” card. I have the clockface meters but yeah i wasn’t sure what the go was. see how i go 🙂

    • TL says:

      Matt, I have heard that anything on the distributor’s side of the meter can result in them pressuring you to accept a smart meter. So that would include the power line from the power pole to your house and the mains wiring from the attachment to the house to where the meter is located. As far as any wiring between the meter and the switchboard is concerned I’m not so sure; you might be safe there.

      Now, not all electricians tell this same version, so you might hear different stories out there and which one is correct I cannot vouch for. And it is simply a bullying tactic on the part of the distributors to claim that you need a smart meter if you get new wiring from the street to the house. There’s no logic in that and I’d be more inclined to think that a new smart meter would necessitate replacing the wiring either side of it rather than the other way around. But like the power companies would be up for that!

      If the distributor is responsible for the ‘faulty’ wiring then photograph it for evidence and warn them that they will be held responsible for any damage it causes to your property. Your safety from damaged wiring should not be contingent upon you accepting a surveillance device upon your property. Would they accept it if we refused to pay our bills unless they allowed us to install a ticking time-bomb on their property?

    • Dancer says:

      Matt, a late response for you here. Just keep your meter box locked. Only open it when you’re feeling 105% assured that they won’t attempt to change the meter. The problem is the wire, not the meter. And you know what Matt, it doesn’t apply in your case but even if the problem were the meter, the advice is the same. An smart meter is not acceptable under any circumstance.

  81. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    I recently received one of the new “Telstra Gateway Max” modems but I haven’t been in a real hurry to install it as yet. I need to research it a little more before I set it up, and as requested, return my older one. I am happy that it has an actual Wi-Fi on/off button on it, as the Netgear one I’ve been using for the last few years never had a designated button on it, instead you had to turn the modem Wi-Fi off via the computer software, which wasn’t an obvious, straightforward process. In fact originally I had to ring Telstra to guide me through the steps involved.
    Unfortunately though, most of the public won’t ever be turning their Wi-Fi buttons off, as they are obsessed with Wi-Fi, love Wi-Fi, can’t get enough Wi-Fi, and think it’s the greatest thing out.
    I don’t share their enthusiasm for this unproven, potentially unsafe, dangerous technology, and try to avoid it wherever and whenever possible.
    Once everyone in my neighbourhood has their new Telstra modems set-up, I can imagine it will be a sick, hazardous, sea of microwave radiation that I’ll be expected to live in, whether I like it or not.
    What a sad world we live in now.

    Once I turn the Wi-Fi off on this new Gateway Max modem via the Wi-Fi On/Off push button, is this making the unit “”safe” to use, or is there something else I still need to worry about with this new unit, in regards to the way it works, and my own personal safety?

    • Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

      Telsta’s new Gateway Max modem actually contains two wireless transmitters. One for the home user to use which can be disabled and the second one for creating a public hotspot that cannot be disabled. This can be validated with an EMR meter. There is no user configurable option available to turn off the Public Wifi hot spot. I would suggest you keep your original modem.

      • Sick Of Their Lies says:

        Thankyou very much for this information.

        I knew there was something more sinister about these new Telstra Gateway Max Modems that they’re not telling us about.
        There should be an Official Warning shipped with the modem, stating what you’ve mentioned above.
        The idea of turning my home into a Public Wi-Fi Hotspot without my consent, is sinister in the extreme.
        To have a Wi-Fi button that can turned off, giving me the impression I’ve safeguarded myself (and my family), when really I haven’t, borders on criminal.

        The public really need to be made aware of what’s really going on here……It’s absolutely Disgraceful!

        Unfortunately, Telstra has advised me my previous modem won’t work after 16th August.
        The Gateway Max (imum Wi-Fi…even when switched off) is the only modem they approve/supply to their Cable customers.

        • Sick Of Their Lies says:

          Found this interesting thread online regarding the Telstra Gateway Max modem…..and it’s seriously not good news for those of us who actually care about our health, and the health of our families.

          Seems like quite a number of people have discovered that after switching off/ turning off/ deactivating the Wi-Fi on their Telstra Gateway Max modems, the EMR levels that still emit from this wretched unit are basically the same as if the Wi-Fi was still turned on. There’s no difference, and you cannot turn it off. You can definitely toggle through the Wi-Fi On/Off button and turn the 2.4GHz and 5Ghz LED’s off “BELIEVING” you have switched the Wi-Fi off, but only after you put an RF Meter near it can you verify this isn’t the case at all……and the levels are massive!
          Unsure where to from here, as this is the only modem Telstra approves, that is available to work for their “Cable” customers.
          Very disturbing finding, and very misleading by Telstra.

          We should all be very concerned.

          • Anonymous says:

            I dunno if we have the same modem, but my modem has a on/off button at the back. So what I do every night when I go to bed i turn the whole modem off,and also turn off my wireless phone that roams for the modem. Then in the morning I turn both back on. This means however I can’t be contacted during this time by the landline connection but this is a small price to pay.

        • Vicky says:

          I also read that even if you don’t have a smart meter installed- you get the effects of everyone elses smart meters- the neighborhood. We have to do something to stop this- I’m going to ‘’ to see if there are any petitions to sign against this.

    • Tanya says:

      Thanks SSMA moderator for your advice. I’ve also been reading about the ethernet cables and I believe CAT 7 are the safest type to use. Not sure how easy it is to find CAT 7 type cables in Australian computer stores.

  82. geoffrey says:

    You are no longer allowed to see smart meter plans
    from jim stone freelance journalist

    No kidding. A Washington State court sued a man for posting smartmeter documents the state gave him to begin with, and flirted with terrorism charges.

    From The Register:

    “Mocek was given a mix of unredacted and redacted documents by the city, the meter makers complained, whereas he should only have received and published files they had censored. Seattle officials said they were not skilled enough to know for sure which parts to redact, so left it to the suppliers to edit the files, yet unredacted information managed to make its way into Mocek’s hands and onto the internet.

    Landis+Gyr and Sensus promptly sued the city, Mocek and Muckrock, and filed for an injunction: ultimately, the suppliers wanted the documents taken down, and the unredacted copies banned from public view.

    On Thursday, a temporary restraining order was granted by the King County Superior Court in Washington and Muckrock founder Michael Morisy confirmed the unredacted documents have been taken down pending the outcome of the case.


  83. Ellie says:

    I am interested in selling my home within 3kms from CBD in Melbourne for the market price. I have fought long to retain my good old analogue meter….and am hesitant to pass it on…just for the next person to allow a Smart Meter installation (!!!). One next-door neighbour still has an analogue…but we’re the only two in the whole block. Particularly people from interstate may be interested…as it’s a rarity to find a home in Victoria without one of these beasts.

  84. Snowy says:

    Of interest to anyone with survival instincts.

    This Nixon guy was military, special ops, extremely fit, died “mysteriously”, “untimely”

    Smart Grid. An Explanation For The Layman or.
    How Smart Grid Will Affect Your Life
    by V Nixon


  85. Let's Get Real about RF says:

    I just noticed that an event titled “Wireless Radiation, Children and Safety” is happening on 10 May:

    It looks really interesting. Plus you can take in wireless devices to have tested. It’s been organised by the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre (southern region of Sydney).

  86. Not happy says:

    We installed solar panels on our property recently. A week later a Powercor representative came to inspect the installation and informed us that we need to put a smart meter on, which I promptly declined. The solar power was switched on by the sparkies prior, and the Powercor rep (who was quite nice about it) left saying I would have problems with head office. The solar has been working so well that our analogue meter has spun back way past our last meter reading.
    Our next bill came back as an estimated bill (much higher than normal) and apon enquiry, was told that unless we get a smart meter all our future bills will be estimated. This is despite our excess solar feeding into the grid ‘free of charge’ and us self consuming all our daylight power. We are probably only using 3 KW of power a night but generating way more in return. I told them I want an actual reading (which I can see on my meter) but they refuse to use that data. I told them I am happy to pay for the service charges to be connected to the grid, but I refuse to have an estimate bill.
    The only options are going off grid or excepting a smart meter?

    • Peter says:

      Hi Not happy. South Australia (I’m not sure about the other states) fit none ‘smart meters’ to customers with solar power and they work well, so why can’t the same be done here in Victoria? (Are we being victimised for living in the wrong state?) There is NO LAW forcing Victorian distributors to install these devises, it is entirely THEIR CHOICE! The law states, they are TO CONTINUE TO ACT IN GOOD FAITH AND DO WHAT IS REASONABLY NECCESSARY TO INSTALL A REMOTELY READ INTERVAL METER, nothing more! It does not give them the right to coerce or bully a customer into accepting their choice of meter. Your meter can be read, it is their choice to refuse to read the meter. Ask Powercor how much electricity they ‘estimate’ they have received from you; but have not credited you with.
      Also, ask the Essential Services Commission Incorp[orated if Powercor is complying with the relevant legislation as written, in your case, the ESC Inc is responsible for ensuring that distributors comply with legislation.
      If Powercor refuse to comply with my suggestion in my Oct 25th comment, again ask the ESC Inc if Powercor is complying with legislation, but if the ESC Inc are unhelpful, I suspect they will try to side step the issue, I suggest you go off grid and tell your distributor to put their ‘surveillance and control device’ where the sun don’t shine.
      I believe the only way to make the distributors sit up and listen to their ‘valued customers’, is to hit their hip pocket.
      If you are happy to try these suggestions, I suggest you make and receive all enquiries and responses IN WRITING, do not accept phone calls regarding this issue! If they try to phone, say you will only accept WRITTEN replies.
      I am sure many readers would be very interested to hear what Powercor and the ESC Inc have to say for themselves.

      • A.N.E. Mouse says:

        Surprisingly, there is no lawful power for agents (‘public servants’) of corporations doing business as ‘governments’ to force anything on anyone. EG. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is a corporation registered on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington (search it). Like any business, hamburger joint etc, all such corpses (they are not living entities, just titles or ‘legal fictions’) can only, via agents, make offers. Dumb meter installations are offers, until we unknowingly and unwittingly contract and accept the offer (supposed benefit), at which time it can be argued (incorrectly) that we have to proceed. However, for any contract to be lawful, it must have many aspects, especially full disclosure, which no offer from such aforementioned agents ever has. This is the same for similar offers such as for taxes, licences, summons, registrations, fines etc.

        This is all to do with commerce: offer and counter offer. When one gets an offer, anyone who knows real law would nearly always quickly respond with a counter offer, via a Notice and Affidavit – to the individual, not the corporation title. This requires the ‘offeror’ to respond by sworn affidavit within say 10 days under their full commercial liability and penalty for perjury. This is simply how truth is told in commerce. Consider Prime Ministers before elections. People don’t really treat their promises as being true, do they? If you wanted to know their truth, would it not be wise to ask them to make the statement in an affidavit? If they refuse, have they not answered your question? This is an administrative process and, If they do not correctly respond, you have the basis of a contract: their tacit agreement with what you have written/offered. To comprehend this, search ‘commercial maxims’ and learn the remarkable power of affidavits and contracts.

        Best not to be upset by any of this. It is just part of a grand adventure and spiritual experience. The end result is that we will know who we are and will always come from love. Never from fear, revenge etc. Always, instead of communication fear to people, communicate love. This is not just the fastest way to change ourselves and our world. It’s the only way.

        Have a look at the 5 minute animated youtube video ‘meet your strawman’. An excellent website in oz is larry hannigan. Just search that name. This may begin your study of what the law really is and give you knowledge to be used in thousands of agreements (contracts) we involve ourselves in. A superb site in America is creditors in commerce where you can download free 3 day conferences. When you have this knowledge, not only will you be able to assist friends, family, colleagues, neighbours etc., you can save tens or hundreds of thousands of $’s. This wonderful learning may take many months or years. And you do need to know what you are doing with these matters, particularly when doing business with ‘government’.


    • Anonymous says:

      Ask Powercor what happens if the smart meter makes you sick or gives you cancer? Does that mean that people that have EHS can’t have solar panels because then they would have to have possible cancer causing transmitter?
      you need to look up the electricity code and law to find out what you can use. I highly doubt that you have to have a smart meter, but you need to do some research first, then put all this in writing.Does it say anywhere that you have to have a smart meter if you install solar panels?
      Is it law?
      It has to specifically say smart meter.
      Ask them to provide documentation to prove what they have said, if they can’t then they are just lying and trying to mislead you.
      Other states don’t have this issue. I am assuming that they were told to use Best Endeavours. Look this up as well. If they were, this is not law and they cannot use this against you.Ask for a copy of the law stating that you have to have a smart meter if you have solar panels. I don’t think this exists, because then this then makes them liable.

      • fiona says:

        Besides any smart meter issue, if you have EHS I would suggest you stay away from solar panels due to the inverter. These provide high levels of radiation. Solar with 12volt wiring which does not require an inverter may be okay?

    • Solar Wise says:

      Hi Not happy

      According to the Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria the distributor is obligated to read your meter once per year; this means three out of four bills can be estimated.

      Be aware, however, that it’s not only smart meters that cause problems. Solar also has its dark side. The inverters spew out heaps of dirty electricity (high frequencies going into the radiofrequency range). These frequencies get on all household wiring (even if the inverter is located away from the house) and radiate out via the air and earth. Filtering can be used to eliminate them, but it’s an expensive exercise, and not always advisable.

      Solar voltaic cells also, not surprisingly, keep generating electricity when exposed to light, even if the system has been switched off. This is a disaster in a fire situation; no fire fighter is going to risk their life by squirting water onto your roof if it’s covered in solar panels. Even the brightness of flames or lights on emergency vehicles gives the solar voltaic cells enough illumination for them to do their thing.

    • Snowy says:

      Dear Not Happy:
      Just my thoughts as someone who finally woke up one morning and realized that defraying a bill with panels is not enough, that they still threatened to disconnect me unless a smart meter was tied to those panels to middle man the power I generate which they send to my neighbour at virtually no cost to themselves.
      That was when I realized that total grid defection was the wonderful solution to end a discordant relationship with a utility which consistently fails to act in good faith and violates contract law over and over again. This “marriage” with a utility corporation and its ties to the government will only continue to deteriorate.
      The smart grid is a war against self sufficiency.
      The utilities will use solar panels and call this green while they continue to lobby against solar rights for customers so that they will never have to let you go independent.
      This is no different than a relationship between a junkie and a crack dealer.
      Customers everywhere may not be electricity junkies but we are certainly being treated that way.
      The writing is on the wall. Time to leave, if at all possible. The abuse will only get worse. Get a divorce.
      Being grid tied and making the meter run backwards may seem cheaper in the short run, but how does one measure the cost of the stress factor and blackmail. Essentially they are saying either you put yourself in harm’s way or we will coerce you with disconnect unless you agree to a dangerous device.
      Additionally, when it comes to stand alone solar, inverters are now very sophisticated, and further innovations for stand alone systems are unfolding rapidly, including all kinds of energy storage solutions.
      Think about it: If anyone with solar panels leaves out an energy storage system or inverter to tide the home over during the evenings or early mornings and to offer independence for any eventuality, then these ‘solar panel only’ customers are still potentially just as vulnerable as is anyone who has no solar panels.
      As soon as any sustained power outage happens for any reason whatsoever, solar panels on their own can end up almost useless, since they go down with the grid, unless one has them set up on a separate system with a parallel service panel, and unless one either has some means of energy storage and/or you also rise and set with the sun.
      Further, it has become obvious that all forms of dependency are under assault, and the days of affordable centralized electricity or water or gas are over. It was a fine run while it lasted but that era is pretty much gone.
      Don’t become a “thing”. Get out of the IoT Internet of Things matrix while the going is good and while long life sealed gel or sand or salt or nickel iron or lithium or other wonderful batteries and pure (NOT modified) sine wave inverters are to be found. Then wrap the entire system in uncoated aluminium insect screening and get a whole house sine wave tracking harmonics attenuation device like sine tamer, so that your solar system will be emf controlled and will not re-radiate emr back to your array.
      Oil companies are already buying up non Asian solar panel companies in order to reverse the dramatically lowered price of panels and the new solar affordability, to foil this option for the little guy who has seen the light, so to speak and just wants off this wireless train to hell.
      One does not want to find oneself up the creek without batteries come the day some fourteen year geek old hacks in and collapses power supply, which is dead easy to do now that the grid is digital, poorly encrypted and ripe for hacking by anyone, teen, terrorist, government or utility. (bit of conspiracy there)
      Batteries at that point are not going continue to be easy to get hold of, nor readily for sale if/once any degree of energy chaos begins unfolding, if there IS a protracted outage following a grid hack. And check it out, such hacks are happening right now, many times a day, but it is kept hush hush.
      Grid tied, grid shackled, umbilically tied to your provider, call it what you will, this choice is still predicated on a few mythological, enduring and mostly misplaced assumptions, such as
      – that the electrical grid will always be reliable,
      – that smart meters will always be optional
      – that bills will remain affordable,
      – that gas and water smart meters will not follow
      – that smart meters are insurable (just ask Lloyd’s of London, no, not insurable since 2010),
      – that “smart” equipment is safe,
      – that a fire will not occur
      – that your will not be held liable for anything that goes wrong with what they force you to accept
      – that the grid will never be hacked or breached,
      – that utilities will respect customer health and privacy,
      – that there will never be a sustained power outage which may go on for days, weeks, months, or longer.
      All of those assumptions are patently false.

      • Snowy says:

        PS For whole house power, there is also a new type of generator just coming on market which could work in tandem with energy storage. Sweden offers this unique multi-fuel hot air bio- generator, small, portable, performs well in extreme conditions, Stirling engine, 80 dec, handles 5000 k, accommodates up to 10,000 k of surge, has its own inverter. It is called the Genious.

    • G says:

      Received a letter from Jemena regarding “Interruption to electricity Supply”.
      Work to be done: Service Rectification
      On the day they arrived they came onto private property and decided to replace the wiring from the pole to the house. Then they required parents to open up locked meter box along with fuse box. I was not home at the time so they were dealing with my parents while I was on the phone to them. Next thing they were trying to remove analogue meter stating a standard “safety test” requires them to remove analogue. Fortunately they could not remove it for some reason. One of the workers decided to harass and coerce parents by stating “that is an old meter and needs replacing”. Again parents stated you are not to replace with any other meter. They left peacefully.

      My questions:
      Does this notice for “Service rectification” imply they have the authority to enter private property? It would appear there is no proper and accepted notice for entering private property, only interruption of electricity. If this is simply true it would imply trespass under law of tort.

    • Sherry says:

      We’re in a similar situation, had solar installed 3 years ago and still have my analogue meter and have it locked. Had a letter on Friday from SPAusnet with some forms to fill out for the solar so that they could install what they called a “Solar Meter”. I called them, they told me they don’t send out the letters…it was on their letterhead. Long story short, I argued with her, told her I would never allow them to install a Smart Meter, she told me I had no choice and that because my meter spins backwards during the day I am breaking the law as they consider that to be stealing power. I lost my cool, told her to take me to court and hung up. We’re now looking at costs for going off grid.

    • Christine Crawford says:

      Power cor is banging on about us getting a smart meter.We’ve said
      “no”. We have solar going through our analogue meter. Their latest ploy is
      to get an export limiter installed onto the solar. We would like to have
      more info re this bit of new techno. (Including its cost). Their other ploy
      is to install a sm and put an antenna on the roof to “deflect the wi fi”. (
      A bit of a misnomer, because I thought the wifi on a sm was minimal- ha
      Mrs Spitting Chips

    • Christine Crawford says:

      Power cor is banging on about us getting a smart meter.We’ve said
      “no”. We have solar going through our analogue meter. Their latest ploy is
      to get an export limiter installed onto the solar. We would like to have
      more info re this bit of new techno. (Including its cost). Their other ploy
      is to install a sm and put an antenna on the roof to “deflect the wi fi”. (
      A bit of a misnomer, because I thought the wifi on a sm was minimal- ha
      ha). Spitting Chips

    • Peter Graus says:

      I had solar panels installed and unsuspecting me let them put in a smart meter. I’m getting on to my local MP to see what can be done as I would like to go back to an analogue meter. How did you go with your problem?

  87. Anonymous says:

    united energy have a new trick they are now saying they have to do sampling of meteres between dec 3to 24dec and power will be turned off for 20 mins ,{the same time it takes to change a meter} so if you get a letter as i have call and say you wont be home as i have and have it cancelled.john

    • Peter says:

      Hi Anon, keep us informed on this one?

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone else got a letter from United Energy stating that they wanted to test the accuracy of the meter. Yours sounds different Anon. They are obviously sending different letters out. Don’t be surprised if the rest of them start doing the same.
      I suppose they have to show they are still fulfilling part of their contract. The Politicians are still responsible for any harm and they should be held accountable all of them. Everyone that was involved in this rollout.
      I think everyone now needs to be aware that the others will probably send out similar rubbish in the next few months.

  88. Peter says:

    This Australian Government document confirms that Australia and Victoria in particular has been and is being used; as a testing ground for so called ‘smart meter’ technology. In other words, we are being used as guinea pigs purely for financial gain for corporate businesses without any scientific reference to the medical or other effects of this technological experiment!!!!!!!!

  89. Jon says:

    My name is Jon and I am selling my house that still has the old analogue meter. I have had a lock on it for quite some time and have had no problems with the distributor. The area is Endeavour Hills so if anyone is interested you can contact Hall and Partners Endeavour Hills and ask for Alex or for any other details about the meter you can contact me directly on 0437021823.

  90. smart meter sufferer says:

    Five bedroom house for sale in Rosebud: No smart meter.
    If interested please contact SSMA’s contact us email address and pass on your details.

  91. JoeM says:

    Multinet Time expired gas meter change program:

    I received a letter from multinet today informing me that my gas meter was due for replacement.
    The letter also said: “Please note this is not the electricity smart meter”

    Does anyone know if multinet are lying?
    Do the new meters have wireless capabilities?
    Can i refuse just like i did with the electricity smart meter?

    • once bitten, twice shy says:

      There was no end of lies from the electricity distributors about the electricity smart meters. Would you expect honesty from the gas and water authorities, especially when the gas authorities can be the same as the electricity authority (eg Ausnet can be a gas distributor as well as electricity distributor)?
      I have taken steps to secure my gas meter and water meter. For most people this will probably involve a purpose built enclosure or bracket attaching the meter to a nearby wall or fence. But you need to ensure the meter’s shut off valve can still be quickly accessed in an emergency. I’m not saying this is all fine by the distributor. I’m just saying that they don’t care about your health, so why should you care about them being able to sack their meter readers so they can cut costs while charging you extra to have one of these wonderful new ‘smart’ meters that you didn’t even want in the first place?
      Amongst my immediate neighbours there are 3 different types of gas meter in 7 properties. This suggests that the gas meters were all installed at different times as the need arose. If now, all of a sudden, everyone in the neighbourhood is about to be given the same type of gas meter, shouldn’t that raise suspicions? Have your neighbours been told that they also are getting a new gas meter?
      I am of the opinion that the electricity smart meters and their infrastructure first had to be installed in order for smart gas and smart water meters to tap into that infrastructure.


    • Anonymous says:

      Ask Multinet to give a guarantee in writing that the gas meter is not wireless compatible and also is not a wireless device, or better still send them a registered letter and inform them that they only have permission to place an analogue gas meter on your private property, and if they try anything else they may be charged with trespassing. Make sure you do it soon and get a return receipt. You have to make them aware they could be breaking the law if they go against your wishes.

    • Carolyn. says:

      yeah I have a similar issue. Essential energy put an EM500 without my permission or knowledge. In a rage I rang them up and they assured me that it was NOT a smart meter. I’m wondering if it does what a smart meter does without the name? Anyone know?

  92. geoffrey says:

    stop smart meters uk speaker mike mitcham talks about the internet of things and how smart meters are the hub of this brave new world of big data. and i bet new pm turncoat turnball the tratorious talmudic technophile just loves the smartmeter and will allow them via the tpp to deploy oz wide.

  93. Peter says:

    I posted this info way back in October 2013,(and a couple of times since) on the ‘forum’ page, yet it seems that rather than challenge the distributors and getting a none remote, privacy invasion, dangerous, ‘surveillance devise’, people are quite happy to continue complaining. I have not read of ANYONE pursuing this legal challenge.

    Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1 states quite clearly, that a customer can request ‘a type of metering equipment which is different from the type the distributor or retailer, (whichever is responsible for providing the metering services) would otherwise install’, etc.(6.1(b)) (in the case for Victoria, a ‘smart meter’) the distributor, ‘must use its reasonable endeavours to install that type of metering equipment within 20 business days’. (6.1(d) but you must be prepared to bear the cost of the installation of the new meter, 6.1(b) and (c)

    • Mr X says:


      I take it you have personal experience with employing both these strategies and that is why you are advising others to follow your lead. I take it that these strategies worked well for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Mr X, i don’ think Peter is telling anyone this strategy will work, he is giving people information. It is up to the individual to understand things and be comfortable with what they want to do.
        This might work and it might not, but its better to try then just give up. If this does not work then you find something else and keep on going. Its all depends on what you want.
        I don’t believe one strategy necessarily works, it could be many. Its time consuming and frustrating. It could make things worse or it could fix the problem.

      • Peter says:

        I have not had to try this strategy, as have not had one of these ‘surveillance and control devices’ fitted to my home! I locked my meter box, put up the signs and informed my distributor that they are not to fit one of their devices to my home UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! I still have my trusty old analogue meter. As Anon says, I am providing an avenue that to date, nobody has tried, of course, the distributors will try and fight this legislation, but if you do not try you will never know.

  94. Tanya says:

    I heard Nick Xenophon say on the radio news today that someone needs to tell big business (such as Volkswagen) to stop misleading the public about the benefits of their product. Ok Nick, you are in the perfect position to tell Australian (though largely foreign owned) electricity distributors to stop misleading Australians about the supposed benefits of smart meters.

    And then while you are at it, Nick, tell the various levels of government in Australia to stop misleading the public about the benefits of smart meters, to stop evading responsibility for this smart meter debacle, and to quit telling various authorities to cover up the damage that has been done by smart meters, not to mention other disasters that the government was responsible for taking control of.

  95. geoffrey says:

    Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014, Copenhagen.

    “Health effects of electromagnetic fields” Olle Johansson is associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

    He is a leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. He has also been a professor in basic and clinical neuroscience at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

    He has published more than 650 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience, dermatoscience and health effects of electromagnetic fields.

    His studies have been widely recognised in the media, including newspapers, radio and TV, as well as on the Internet, both nationally and internationally. He has on-going international scientific collaborations with e.g. Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Serbia, Germany, the UK and the USA.

    Olle Johansson’s presentation covers the historic background of electricity and electromagnetic fields, how suspicions arose early on concerning fields and signals producing negative health effects and how this led to today’s global public discussion about the subject. It will also touch upon the functional impairment electro hypersensitivity.

    The lecture will go into depth about the scientific research results regarding the health effects of electromagnetic fields and the urgent need for independent research projects that need to be initiated to ensure our public health.

    These projects should be entirely independent of all types of commercial interests as public health cannot have a price-tag. This is the responsibility of the democratically elected body of every country.

    The body of evidence on EMF requires a new approach to protection of public health; the growth and development of the fetus, and of children; and argues for strong preventative actions. These conclusions are built upon prior scientific and public health reports documenting the following:

    1) Low-intensity (non-thermal) bioeffects and adverse health effects are demonstrated at levels significantly below existing exposure standards.

    2) ICNIRP and IEEE/FCC public safety limits are inadequate and obsolete with respect to prolonged, low-intensity exposures.

    3) New, biologically-based public exposure standards are urgently needed to protect public health world-wide. 4) It is not in the public interest to wait.

  96. A says:

    Please read my statement. If you like it – send to your state or federal MP. Local or main newspaper. Or just distribute.

    My native language is not English, so some odd wording or grammar may happen. I apologize for this.

    I would like to make public submission about some issues related to the so-called “Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project” (AMI) or “Smart meters” in Victoria. Official webpage here:
    Problems with project and my ideas about changes in laws are listed below.

    1. AMI project affects people’s property rights.

    At the start, the AMI should give people benefits, but later it became clear – people will pay for it. Link here:

    Over 2008-28, the AMI Program will result in net costs to customers of $319 million. This is a significant change from previous analyses of the AMI Program, the most recent of which suggested that the AMI Program would deliver $775 million in benefits.

    We were supposed to get “benefits”, but as soon as project passed the point of no return, the real price hit our wallets. For me it sounds like an old-fashioned scam and nothing else.
    For strange reasons, not one official investigated these changes in price and who profited from them from the point of view of criminal law. I understand we are talking about huge corporations and top-government officials, but their position does not exclude them the law covering scams and con-men.

    I believe every project like this must be investigated by default. No need for parliament inquiry, mass-media attention or anything like this.
    Just create a law, according to which every project which fails to deliver promised results, must be formally investigated. Experts, authors, politicians who signed it – all must be held responsible and accountable for each and every cent that is spent on failed projects.

    2. AMI project puts our country security at risk.
    There are five distributors of electricity in Victoria. Only one of them (United Energy Distribution) is NOT fully owned by foreigners. Others have at least 51% foreign ownership, usually China/Hong-Kong.
    It may not have been of importance before the AMI project. But one of features of “Smart meters” is crucial: being able to disconnect customer by clicking button on a computer somewhere in an office. So foreign-owned corporations can shutdown all state of Victoria during just a few seconds.

    Police stations, water supply, military installations, airports, hospitals, every house, workshop, factory – all may lose main power supply if distributor’s foreigner owner will “make them an offer they can’t refuse”.

    Also it gives significant possibilities for foreign intelligence services. By monitoring ups and downs in electricity usage of military installations, police stations, anti-terrorist units it can become possible to know about alarms and exercises (in case of alarm usage going up in unusual time).
    If some residential addresses change their usual way of electrical usage every time then lets say, military base, have changes in usage – it means these consumers have something to do with this particular military base. By statistical analysis addresses and names of military personnel, police officers, intelligence officers may be established.
    Because most distributors are foreign-owned this scenario is not purely fictional.

    Can our law can stop it from happening? As far as I know, no.

    Victorian Electricity Distributors ownership:

    Powercor Australia and Citipower: Their ownership is divided between Cheung Kong Infrastructure (Hong Kong), Power Assets Holdings (Hong Kong) and Spark Infrastructure (Hong Kong). Cheung Kong Infrastructure and Power Assets Holdings, which are members of the Cheung Kong Group of companies, hold a 51 per cent stake in the business. The Cheung Kong Group is based in Hong Kong.

    Ausnet Services: Publicly listed company, owned by Singapore Power International 31%, State Grid Corporation (China) 20%.

    United Energy Distribution: DUET Group still owns 66 per cent of UE, with Singapore Power International holding the remaining shares.

    Jemena: SGSPAA, branded as Jemena for its operations within Australia, is an Australian energy infrastructure company. It is jointly owned by State Grid Corporation of China and Singapore Power.
    3. New tax was introduced by only two people without informing public about it.
    AMI project was introduced by TWO people only: minister and governor through some “Orders in Council”. It is example one of these Orders:

    Click to access GG2008S314.pdf

    There are only 2 signatures: A minister and a clerk.
    Currently every house, office, workshop in Victoria pays about $125 per year for 8 years to finance AMI. In practice it means a new tax was created to support foreign-owned private companies and this tax was created by TWO people!
    The Order is also written in a very odd way, so it is impossible understand what it is all about. As you see authors of new tax did not want to inform people about it.

    I do not want to pay for something which I do not need only because someone in government wanted to make corporations happy (any relations between authors of AMI project and distributors? I have no idea, but it is good topic for investigation).

    I believe it affects my property rights and I believe something is wrong with our political system. Two people cannot be allowed to force 4 millions of Victorian into huge expenses under promises of “benefits” which have never materialized.
    And these two people not just did so, they got away with this, and the majority of the population of Victoria still has no idea why they are paying to foreign-owned corporations for nothing.

    I believe every new tax must be properly discussed in Parliament and public has right to be fully informed about it.

    4. Why I must donate money to foreign-owned corporation?

    I have never heard BP asked their customer to donate them money for new oil drilling platforms.
    I have never heard about Ford asking for new factory at Ford’s cars owners expense.
    But in Victoria exactly this is happening: 5 corporations are upgrading their equipment by forcing their customer to “donate” $125 per year per customer. More, the majority of customers do not know about it.

    At least, may I ask for shares? I believe if I “donate” to them $125 per year for upgrading their equipment I am entitled to have shares for the same amount of money?

    Unfortunately AMI project is 100% legal and I was ripped off “according to the law”. Current laws allow huge corporations (together with their friends-politicians) to steal my money and get away with this.

    5. AMI affects people’s right for privacy and breach Surveillance Devices Act 2004.

    Smart meters inform distributor about usage of electricity on regular intervals, it may happen even every minute. The interval for particular customer may be changed from distributor’s office by clicking on a button on a computer.
    So the distributor may know what time I come home, leave, wake up or go to bed, go away for holiday by watching my electricity usage.
    Smart meters have capabilities of a surveillance device and should be regulated by Commonwealth “Surveillance Devices Act 2004”.
    And in the case of the AMI project, the Act is breached several times. But no one cares about it. And I believe it is very wrong. Because everyone must be equal from the point of view of the law, private persons who illegally spies on his neighbor or huge corporation who spies on customer.
    Distributors claim “all private data is processed according to strict policies and procedures”, but it is just excuse. The Surveillance Devices Act 2004 prohibits the collection of any data unless there is a court warrant, it does not matter how you process it.

    Millions of Victorian houses, offices, workshops have a surveillance device without committing anything wrong and no court allowed distributors to spy on their customers. More: this surveillance data is collected, owned and processed by foreign-owned companies.

    What happens if someone could “hack” the wireless messages encoded with private information without the knowledge of the distributors? It may be not my personal time going to bed. It may be information about member of parliament, top military or intelligence personnel.
    The AMI project has created a danger which was not known in the past: by sending the “right” messages, hackers may be able to shutdown power supply of everyone who belong to the “hacked” distributor, it will be an economical disaster which Australia has never before experienced.

    As far as I know, the system of encoding messages 100% secure does not exist, so hacking is a just a question of time, skills and will.

    Again, all it happening because huge corporations above the law.

    6. Breaching Order in Council conditions and Trespassing.
    Distributors of electricity have the right to trespass to install and maintain electrical equipment. This right was introduced at the start of 20 century, in times of State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV). As a result of privatisation the right for trespassing was passed to foreign-owned corporations. It is VERY different story from SECV. And for me in case of AMI distributors went too far with exercising this right.

    Installation of Smart meters is regulated by some Orders in Council, for example 10 December 2013, which tells: each distributor must use its best endeavours to install a complying remotely read interval meter

    According to section 19 DEFINITIONS, ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CODE Victoria, best endeavours in relation to a person, means the person must act in good faith and do what is reasonably necessary in the circumstances.

    Several citizens of Victoria were against installation of Smart meter. They phoned and wrote distributors to tell them about refusal to have Smart meter.
    But distributors did not care and proceed to install them anyway. Locks on meter boxes were cut off, misleading letters, bulling and cheating tactics was used. I know a case where the police was called because a customer threatened electrical contractor with a gun. So police officers restrained the owner of the house to give the electrician the opportunity to install a Smart meter.
    Some people were disconnected from their power supply until they agreed to have Smart meter.
    There is no way that this approach can be described as “act in good faith and do what is reasonably necessary”.

    But no one in the Victorian government had or has any interest in this. As soon as they hear words “I have issues with smart meter” they do the best to find excuses to buck pass your complaint somewhere else or give you a meaningless answer.
    The Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria is one of them: they pass complaints to the distributor, give a meaningless answer like “smart meters are mandated” and close the case.
    Not one Order in Council related to AMI uses the word “mandated”, not one Order says Smart meters are compulsory, but EWOV prefers to act as though it knows nothing about it.

    Many people have called or written to their distributor about rejection of a Smart meter, they have a sign «No Trespassing», sign on meter box «No smart meter», so proceeding with installation distributors breached not just Order in Council, they breached the SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1966 – SECT 9:
    (c) the person enters that place in breach of a prominently displayed sign erected at that place by the owner or occupier or a person authorised to erect such a sign on behalf of the owner or occupier stating that —
    (ii) persons engaging in that place in the type of activity in which the person concerned is proposing to engage in that place are prohibited from entering that place and the person has no other lawful excuse for entering that place.

    I believe something must be done to force distributors to obey the law (relevant Orders in Council and SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1966) and force our State government and EWOV to keep an eye on it and take action if the law has been breached.

    7. Do we have “asbestos” scenario coming?
    There is a medical condition which is called “Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity” (EHS). It has been known since 1950s. The majority of population does not feel electromagnetic fields as long as they are weak, but there is a minority which feels them. And these people not just “feel”, they suffer in the presence of an electromagnetic field.

    Smart meter emits uncommon and almost not researched kind of wave – pulsing one. There is very limited data available on how pulsing radiation interferes with a living organism. There is some information available and suggests it is more dangerous than “usual”, continuous wave-like radiation, but no big research has been done.
    As soon as distributors started to install smart meters more and more people became sick. They complained to distributors and government bodies, bu the answer was the same “According to the ARPANSA RF standard, Smart meters are safe”.

    I wonder – does the government have no memory? Asbestos also was “safe because standard sad so” for many years. Thalidomide was “safe because research said so”. In the end the truth became known, but how many human’s lives were destroyed?

    Why is no one in government looking into these complains? Why are foreign-owned corporations allowed to install a device which is being claimed to be “safe because standard said so”, despite many public complaints about how it effects people health?

    A very alarming article “Self-Reporting of Symptom Development From Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields of Wireless Smart Meters in Victoria, Australia: A Case Series Federica Lamech, MBBS” was published in 2014.
    And in this study the author claims: “… author of the current study offers the hypothesis that some people can develop symptoms from exposure to the radiofrequency fields of wireless smart meters.” – it means smart meters not just produce wireless radiation which makes life of EHS person uncomfortable, they are much more dangerous – they make previously healthy people hypersensitive to other wireless radiation!

    As far as I know, not one scientific body in Australia took any action about it. ARPANSA does not care, from an “asbestos” point of view they are still living in 1970s “asbestos is safe as long as it below the limit”.
    In the 1970s there was plenty of information suggesting it is not the case, but industry and authors of then existing safety standards did not want to know about it and later they did not hold any responsibility for creating “asbestos safety standard” which made several thousand people sick.
    I believe independent research into Smart meters and how they affect people’s health must be done ASAP.

    Some kind of “alarm bell” system must be created. Which will require a quick reaction to all complaints about everything what is “safe because standard said so”. Asbestos, Thalidomide, Smart meters – they had to be investigated by someone who has NOT declared them safe as soon as first complains were received.

    8. Is ARPANSA standard out of date?
    EHS has been known for many years. But ARPANSA has another point of view:
    “The scientific evidence does not establish that EHS symptoms are caused by exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields.”
    Current ARPANSA Standard (RADIATION PROTECTION STANDARD Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields — 3 kHz to 300 GHz) does not even mention EHS. It may be good for “John Citizen”, but people who are sensitive to radiation suffer and cannot get any adjustment from companies who own mobile phone towers, smart meters or other sources of radiation. They all answer to public complaints with the same “level of emission is below ARPANSA limit, so everything is OK”.

    In 2004 there was World Health Organisation event in Prague about EHS:

    In 2013 there was a case “McDonald and Comcare” in Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia, where EHS was accepted by court as a medical condition which affects ability to work.

    In Europe EHS is recognised as a medical condition:
    A key high-level EU advisory body which formally advises the European Parliament and European Commission, is in the final stage of drafting their ‘opinion’ regarding actions that are needed to address the issue of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS).

    In Australia “A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY: IDENTIFYING KEY RESEARCH NEEDS. Report prepared by the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) and the Office of Chemical Safety and Environmental Health (OCSEH) 2010” tells:
    “Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) … is a condition within the sphere of “environmental sensitivities”, a descriptor used in a wider sense to describe a variety of reactions to environmental factors including chemicals and physical phenomena such as electromagnetic radiation, at levels commonly tolerated by the majority of people (Sears, 2007).”

    ARPANSA does not visit people who complain about Smart meters, they do not want to know about anything that does not fit into their theory. Looks like “If facts do not fit into theory it is a problem of facts”.

    I believe the law must declare experts who declared something “safe” to be responsible and accountable. They must monitor the situation, react to all complaints, meet people who complained in person and run new tests if necessary.

    9. Does the ARPANSA RF Standard really tell Smart meters are safe?

    Several people complained about health problems as soon as they got Smart meter installed in their house. All they got is the same answer “according to ARPANSA standard Smart meter is safe”.
    For me it sounds like no one, government official or distributor, tried to read it. Because actually the RF Standard does not tell anything like this.

    “RADIATION PROTECTION STANDARD Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields — 3 kHz to 300 GHz”
    There is currently a level of concern about RF exposure, which is not fully alleviated by existing scientific data. It is true that data regarding biological effects, at levels below the limits specified in the Standard, are incomplete and inconsistent. The health implications for these data are not known and such data could not be used for setting the levels of the basic restrictions in the Standard.
    Research is continuing in many countries into possible effects on health arising from RF exposure.
    For me foreword like this has nothing to do with “standard said it is safe, so it is safe”. It more looks like “it is safe as far as we know, but we do not know a lot”.
    Has the Victorian health authorities ever read the Standard? I seriously doubt it.

    … the limits specified in the Standard are based on the published 1998 Guidelines of the
    International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
    If we read the document, on which ARPANSA standard is based (ICNIRP GUIDELINES FOR LIMITING EXPOSURE TO TIME-VARYING ELECTRIC, MAGNETIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (UP TO 300 GHZ), 1998) we can find more information which is not really reassuring.
    these guidelines are based on short-term, immediate health effects… So population of Victoria is used as a guinea pigs for research about long-term effects from pulsing wireless radiation? And our Government does not care? Actually our MPs and our health official are guinea pigs as well as me, because they have probably goy Smart meters in their homes also. Congratulations!

    page 506: Interpretation of several observed biological effects of AM electromagnetic fields is further complicated by the apparent existence of “windows” of response in both the power density and frequency domains.
    Is it possible Smart meters emit combination of power/frequency which fits into one of these “windows”? We do not know. And no one tried to find out. Without checking this out we cannot claim “Smart meters are safe”, but the is exactly what is happening.

    There is insufficient information on the biological and health effects of EMF exposure of human populations and experimental animals to provide a rigorous basis for establishing safety factors over the whole frequency range and for all frequency modulations.
    So no one knows for sure about ALL frequencies and ALL modulations. But ARPANSA used this uncertain document to create the Australia’s RF Standard and claims “Smart meters are safe”!

    About effects of electromagnetic field which are below ARPANSA limits:
    Overall, the literature on athermal effects of AM electromagnetic fields is so complex, the validity of reported effects so poorly established, and the relevance of the effects to human health is so uncertain, that it is impossible to use this body of information as a basis for setting limits on human exposure to these fields.
    Does it mean weak fields are safe? It looks more like “we do not know today, but we may find out tomorrow”. Victorian health and energy industry officials received several complaints from people who became sick as soon as they got Smart meter installed on their house and gave them same answer: “Smart meters are safe because standard said so”.

    ARPANSA RF standard is one of most “generous” for emitting devices. There are many countries in the world where the level of emissions of wireless radiation must be many times less then in Australia.
    Some data is here:
    (Australia has same limits as USA).

    But ARPANSA does not want to know about any complaints or reducing limits as many other countries did.
    On the other hand, they wrote the RF Standard in such a way that it protects ARPANSA from any claims if something will go wrong in future. Someone may suffer, but Australian “science” will be blameless and will hold no responsibility for their actions. So why they have to worry about information which do not match their point of view?

    I believe it is very wrong.

    I believe the information which I have provided is very alarming and independent research into safety of Smart meters must be done ASAP.

    And laws must be changed to FORCE authorities react if they receive more than some specified amount of complaints about something. And does not matter who declared “something” safe – if too many complaints are received, new independent research must be done.

    10. Responsibility for wrongful disconnection.
    In Victoria energy retailers are responsible for wrongful disconnection. They may pay $250 for every day a customer is left without electricity (
    And if you are disconnected by one retailer you can sign a contract with another one, so disconnection is a problem but affects your life only in short term.

    Unfortunately distributors have no responsibility like this. Victorian law does not have any compensation in the case of wrongful disconnection by the distributor. They can let the customer live without electricity as long as they like and get away with this. And the distributor has a monopoly.
    So this loophole in law gives distributors practically unlimited power. And they use it. There are people who were left without electricity for months, without explanation why it was cut off and how they can get it back.
    The Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria was not able not just re-connect electricity. They did not even manage to force distributor provide customer with proper explanation why electricity was disconnected and how it may be possible to get it back (actually distributor obliged to inform customer about it BEFORE disconnection, but they did not do it and EWOV failed in this also).
    What is similar about all these people: they all rejected Smart meter to be installed in their home. It is one more example of “best endeavours” and “acting in good faith”.

    I believe it is wrong and the relevant laws should be amended to ensure distributors have same obligations as retailers – pay for every day of wrongful disconnection.

    And absence of action from EWOV must be investigated, because they lose any enthusiasm as soon as they hear complain about Smart meters. This attitude is wrong, EWOV was created to protect consumers, not corporations.

    11. Funds for compensations to Smart Meters victims.

    In the year 2001 Hardie had never admitted to anyone – shareholders or the public – just how may lives its asbestos was likely to claim. They were hidden behind confidential settlements for those victims who had the heart to sue. And when a new Australian accounting standard – ED88 – looked like insisting that Hardie have to declare ALL its estimated asbestos liabilities…

    Currently Smart meters are declared “safe because ARPANSA said so”. So owners of Smart meters (electricity distributors) have no obligations to have funds available (estimated liabilities) for compensations to people who are suffering from pulsing radiation or who became sick because Smart meters made them Hyper-Sensitive to wireless radiation.

    In future it may create situation, when a lot of payments must be made, but no funds are available (see asbestos history). And their insurance company may refuse to pay for Smart-meter related problems or will go into liquidation (again, see asbestos history).

    So we come back to corner one: as long as we have “Smart meters are safe because ARPANSA said so” we cannot even ask distributors to have funds for compensation or proper business insurance, which will cover future payments to victims of AMI project.

    12. Smart Meter Refugees.

    Several people could not stay in their own houses any more because Smart meter in their or neighbor’s house made their life a misery. They were forced to move interstate, in parts of Australia where there are no Smart meters yet, where they do not suffer from pulsing radiation.

    Federal and Victorian Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsmen received many complains about it, but nothing has been done.

    Australia cares about refugees from other side of the world, but no one is brave enough to stop 5 foreign-owned corporations from forcing Victorians from their homes and looking for refuge interstate .

    Here we do not need any changes in laws. We need to force bureaucrats to use existing ones.

    • Peter says:

      Good points “A”, re. ‘introduced by two people’, I can’t see ANY signature on this document, therefore is it legal?

  97. David says:

    We need to start suing those individuals that have violated our rights. It pays to record all video, audio and phone calls of all encounters with any person who has anything to do with utilities or the smart meter agenda.

    Naperville settles lawsuit with smart meter foe
    Naperville smart meters
    In 2012, Naperville began replacing old electric meters, left, with smart meters, right, that transmit data wirelessly. (Chuck Berman, Chicago Tribune)
    Susan Frick CarlmanSusan Frick CarlmanNaperville Sun
    Smart meter lawsuit in Naperville settled

    Naperville City Council members this week settled a federal lawsuit filed last winter by a staunch opponent of the city’s smart meter installation program.

    The 12-page agreement calls for paying $117,500 to Naperville resident Malia “Kim” Bendis, whose Jan. 23 lawsuit accused the city and four of its police officers of violating her constitutional rights.

    A founder of the grass-roots Naperville Smart Meter Awareness group, Bendis filed her complaint in U.S. District Court in Chicago two years to the day after her arrest by Naperville police on misdemeanor charges of eavesdropping and resisting a peace officer, charges on which she was later acquitted.

    Bendis and members of her group opposed replacement of the city-owned residential analog electric meters at their homes with wireless alternatives. Bendis maintained police intervened during an installation of one of the devices at a home, in violation of her civil rights. The filing, which named four Naperville Police Department officers, also asserted that city officials decided in a closed door meeting to arrest Bendis and any other residents who interfered with their plan to “forcibly install the smart meters.”

    Senior Assistant City Attorney Rob Wilder and City Attorney Jill Pelka-Wilger submitted the proposed agreement.

    “This agreement shall not, in any way, be construed as an admission by the (city or police) that they have acted wrongfully with respect to (Bendis),” the agreement states.

    According to the suit, Bendis and other residents made recordings of officers during the forced meter installations.

    “The recordings made by other Naperville residents were made openly and recorded the conversations of the agents and police,” the suit stated. “None of these other residents were arrested for recording the police officers and installation agents without their consent.”

  98. Peter says:

    Here’s your chance to let the legislators know what you think of the ‘hugely effective AMI rollout’ here in Victoria, who knows, if enough Victorians voice their opinion, something might actually happen, after all, the AER is federal, not Victorian.

    Click to access AER%20-%20Consumer%20guide%20to%20Victorian%20electricity%20distribution%20pricing%20review%202016%20to%202020%20-%2009%20June%202015_0.pdf

  99. Anton says:

    Do you know the A1100 ELSTER electronic polyphase meter can affect your health?
    The A1100 A1100 ELSTER is using emf (electromagnetic fields).
    Thank you.

  100. Anton Bounitch says:

    Please let me know if you know the A1100 is an electronic polyphase meter can affect your half.?
    The A1100 is an electronic polyphase meter is using emf (electromagnetic fields).

  101. peter says:

    Hi Guys
    I have just been checking out the ‘service to property’ charges on this web site, this is a fixed charge regardless of how much electricity you use. For some obscure reason, QLD is the most expensive and their grid system has not yet been sold off to private profiteers, which almost certainly will be China!!!!!! Victoria comes next and guess which state has the cheapest, RIGHT ON, the ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also check out some of the TOU pricing, unless you are out all day and prepared to do your cooking and house cleaning as well as your washing overnight or at the weekend, you will save very little! Bear in mind your fridge and freezer will be operating 24/7 anyway

  102. Anonymous says: ask your question
    and check tags “EMR”, “smart meter” and support questions which were asked by someone else

  103. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    A Must See!
    1000’s of “smart” meter fires: New Whistleblower and Court Evidence (Video)

    • Snowy says:

      This video is priceless.
      Demand it be returned & made available for the world to learn the truth.
      This video was downloaded by many before it was yanked on petty grounds by those who care nothing for the rest of the world which needs to know what it contains.
      That said, it continues to circulate widely. This smart meter fire video revealed that this is nothing less than a story of global arson, harm, disease, property theft, home invasion, & smart “meter” instigated deaths.
      Enron II is being carried out right under all our noses by outright criminals at every level of collusion, political, corporate, invisible. In fact the same accounting firm (renamed) that cooked Enron’s books, is a major player this time as well.
      Prepare for impossibly high electricity prices & rolling black outs, hacking & protracted power outages, it is coming, make no mistake, this is all part of it. However, the real trillion dollar profits will come from stolen & resold private personal data of the kind which has nothing whatsoever to do with energy use.
      Search San Bruno.
      A major gas leak there was repeatedly reported by many residents for three weeks prior to the disaster. This was surely a smart “meter” triggered explosion. Yet reports were ignored by the utility for weeks on end. Smart “meters” had recently been installed as an “upgrade” to this high end development. Ignition source meets leaked gas. Boom. Somewhere between 8 & 12 dead, over 200 homes written off. The “smart” grid might as well be a demolition program to deconstruct human civilization. Perhaps it is.
      It is absolutely inescapable that smart “meters” are sources of ignition leading to inevitable conflagrations. These devices cannot avoid becoming fire starters, given strong surges of the kind that occur all the time. Add fuel to this, any gas line or propane tank on or beside the same house as any “meter”. Sooner or later, given any remotely controlled surge, be it accidental or INTENTIONAL, smart “meters” can & do & will explode, catch fire, burn homes, kill people.
      Countless smart “meters” which have done just this continue to arrive at endless meter tech shops, burned up, melted, charred beyond recognition.
      In the tech world this is no secret, but just try to find an engineer who cares. This is why those with influence, for instance, such as judges & legislators, many allegedly on the take, more often than not do not have these on their own homes.
      Why not use Street View to track this down yourself? Find the address of those who support the smart grid & zoom in on the non smart meters on the homes of “delitists”, meaning the most rank smelling sub humans of so called high rank. That seems to be the deal that has been struck everywhere. It is as if those with influence who help the grid along appear to be being offered a covert opt out to keep & to self-read their own analogue meters. That is, IF they continue to use their influence to enforce the incrementalism of what is tantamount to grid fascism & see to it that the rest of the world has to have these insurance voiding, thin bladed, arcing, electrically incompatible, code violating dangerous devices.
      It is YOUR meter base/socket they use to destroy YOUR home. This is not a secret, not any longer, now that meter techs who can no longer be part of the massive cover up everywhere are trying to blow the whistle while they try to find a way to survive the act of whistle blowing, as they witness one pallet load after another of burnt out smart “meter” fire starters arriving in their shops.
      First of all, one key factor for why fire is inevitable is that, unlike with analogue meters, smart meters are NOT grounded. On purpose. This means that you, your baby, your pets, your loved ones, & any unfortunate wildlife caught in this global microwave radar blanket, everything biological on the planet, but most of all those who are the occupants of homes with smart meters, become the smart grid’s path to ground.
      These frequencies pass through your biological system, using your own bio-electricity as the conduit, using you & your appliances as the newly created paths of least resistance to seek ground.
      Secondly, analogues have surge arrestors.
      Smart meters have no surge arrestors. Of course not, why would they? No pulses & surges,. no profits.
      The medium IS the message.
      The customer is expendable, irrelevant, a mere conductor, the frequencies from a commercial radar antenna located on your home couple to your nervous system & brain & you become involuntarily coupled into the grid, for corporate profit.
      Think of it as slow motion electrocution.
      As for the yanked fired education video? Click on the link for it & it will tell the tale, sincee it says that it has been yanked by Stop Smart Meters!
      Rumour has it that a runaway ego led to a hissy fit demand that Utube pull the FABULOUS fire video down.
      And of course Utube is delighted to do so, it profits by & thrives on infighting, since google owns Utube & google , the ultimate voyeur, is a major investor in the global smart grid
      Good news is, many downloaded this fabulous video before this snit fit happened. Everyone is sharing the invaluable info in it anyway,

  104. Laurence says:

    Currently have a petition in progress which will go to Sum of Us org when it reaches 100. – Currently at 86 as I write.– Pls visit & sign petition at

    • Sick Of Their Lies says:

      Please sign if you haven’t already……We’re almost there!!!
      Really important to get our message out, especially with the threat of gas and water “smart” meters in the not so distant future…(if not already, in select locations across the state).

      Thanks Laurence.

  105. Peter says:

    This is not intended as an Advertisement, but simply as information, there are different plugs which can be bought from different shops at different prices.
    I have just bought a Bauhn ‘smart power, power meter’ from Aldi, ($15) It plugs into my wall socket and I can plug in any of my household appliances and It tells me: how much energy my appliance uses, calculates the cost to power the appliance, the amount of co2 emission of the appliance and how much energy the appliance uses in standby mode. Even if I had one of these for each socket in my house, as a one off purchase, it would be a damn site cheaper than the annual cost of the ‘smart meter’ (which I do not have) charge on my bill!!!!!! Plus I do not have to go out to my meter box to ‘scroll through’ the smart meter program and then start doing calculation to get the information I want and, no one else has access to the information. Plus, NO HEALTH ISSUES!!!!!!!!
    If the government was serious about looking after the interests of the customer, rather than the corporate distributors, it could have made these available to Victorians rather than trying to force ‘surveillance and control devises’ into every home in Victoria! But then, it would not have the power to control our power use, or the information it gets from ‘profiling a customers electricity use’!

    • Tanya says:

      Peter, I saw those plugs at Aldi and considered buying one as it would be interesting to have info on my appliances’ electricity consumption. And then I asked myself what impact, long term, would it have on my use of appliances. Would I turn the heater off tonight and freeze to death in order to save 50 cents off my next bill? Would I go out and buy a new fridge that uses less electricity and probably has a smart chip that can’t be disabled? Would I ever be happy to run my washing machine at 3 am in order to save $2 per quarterly bill, at the risk of waking to a flooded laundry, or worse still, a burning house?

      The power companies gave us the spin about smart meters enabling us to use our appliances more ‘smartly’ and save money, while the smart meters, the very devices supposed to be enabling us to save money, sent our power bills through the roof. People think they will use smart meters and Home Area Network devices to monitor their electricity consumption, but these tools become toys that we tire of in just a few weeks and then we fall back into our old habits. And then the power companies can say, “Serves you right if you’ve got a high power bill. We did everything we could to help you decrease your power consumption.” What they won’t tell you is that they hiked up your supposed power consumption figures so much via the smart meter that the only thing persuading you to decrease your power consumption was your new, massive bills since the smart meter was installed.

      • Peter says:

        Tanya, I agree with everything you say.
        Before COAG agreed to the mass roll out of these devises, a trial of AMI installations was carried out in 3,000 homes THROUGHOUT AUSTRLIA!!!!!!!!! As there were no complaints, this was enough to convince the no-brainers that it would be accepted Australia wide!
        In another ‘trial’, 5,000 homes were provided with free In Home Displays, the result was a minimal reduction in electricity use, and more than 30% never even looked at their IHD!
        The point I was trying to make re the plug, is that there are many less controversial alternatives to the AMI; which the governments, both state and federal have not even considered.
        This begs the question, was the Victorian grid sold under some sort of ‘trade agreement’, guaranteeing the investor a huge profit? Was it ‘sold’ at all; as we know a ‘sale’? If you look at the wording in some of the few references to the distributors/providers, they are not called ‘owners’! They are referred to as ‘licensees’ or ‘approved/authorised’ persons. This then raises the question, do the distributors actually ‘own’ the old analogue meters, or are they simply licensed/approved/authorised maintainers of what used to be referred to as ‘public assets’?

        • Gone Anonymous says:

          Peter, here’s an interesting experiment for you to try if you can get your hands on an incandescent light globe. Run the incandescent light globe in a lamp plugged into your Bauhn plug. Measure the electricity consumption. Then try the same experiment with a compact fluorescent light globe of equivalent wattage.

          An expert told a group that the CFL does not use less electricity. I’m curious to know if that is correct. I suspect that might be especially true for those who have a smart meter, which seem to have their own unique way of measuring electricity consumption!!!

          There are other options to experiment with. The new-fangled filament globes (perhaps only available at specialty lighting stores) are not energy efficient. The Federal government, in its ‘power-trip’ has restricted importation of these globes to no higher than 25 watts to punish those Australians who are determined to ‘waste’ electricity. So, if you can’t get hold of an incandescent light globe you could compare a filament globe with either a CFL of equivalent wattage, or with an LED or energy saving halogen. Note, CFLs and LEDs are not healthy. Which begs the question, “Why is the federal government trying to force us to use them?”

          Now I should have bought one of those Bauhn plugs so I could do that experiment myself. Of course, I could always run nothing but a lamp in my house and check my safe analogue meter after about an hour, Not sure how far that safe little disk would spin in an hour. Probably a lot less than the ‘stupid’ meter would over-state my electricity consumption to be.

  106. Barbara says:

    Hi. I’m looking to buy a radio frequency and a low frequency meter to measure my EMF exposure. Can anybody tell me if I’m likely to have a problem if I buy either of these meters from an overseas store as many countries use a different electrical voltage to us?

    Also, what sorts of things should I be looking for in a meter? And were you happy/ unhappy with yours? Thanks.

    • Jan says:

      Radiofrequency meters and meters for measuring the low frequencies coming off wiring are free standing, so aren’t plugged into an outlet. So there is no problem purchasing from overseas.

      There are lots of different manufacturers, models and different pricing points, depending on what you’re after, and exactly which frequencies you want to measure.

      Radiofrequency meters such as the Cornet are quite inexpensive, and a lot of people like it (it’s also quite small, which appeals to some people). Personally, I love my EMFields Acoustimeter (it’s a model AM-10). It gives a peak reading in volts/metre, plus an average power density per square metre in microwatts. It has a large display, plus an audio function, which is really useful. It also comes in its own carrying case. It measures signals that are between 200 MHz and 8 GHz. It also comes with good instructions.

      For the low frequencies you would most probably be getting a milligauss meter (also referred to as a gauss meter), which measures the magnetic fields. Just make sure you get a tri-axial meter so it is measuring all three axes at once (so you don’t have to do complicated calculations to work out your exposure). The Bell 4180 is a good one.

      If you were getting something like a Stetzerizer microsurge meter, which is for measuring ‘dirty’ electricity, ie high frequency voltage transients, on wiring, then you would need to plug it in. However, you can still buy it from overseas, as you just need an adaptor to plug in here (just don’t buy the filters from overseas, as they are not made for our electrical systems).

      • Barbara says:

        Thanks for your reply Jan. That’s some of the things I’ve been stuck on.

        I’ve been looking at a few different models and I’m just not sure if it’s worth spending a lot of extra money for what seems like some small gains (coming from someone with little idea, mind you). For example the Acoustimeter is a lot more expensive than the Cornet ED78S and I wonder if it is worth paying the extra? I want to be able to measure the high-voltage powerlines and cell phone tower nearby and also the electrical appliances in my home. Do you think that it is worth paying extra to measure things like this?

        Also do you know if the Bell 4180 measures the electrical fields along with the magnetic fields? Thanks.

        • Jan says:

          I haven’t used that model of Cornet (I’ve got the ED85EX) so I can’t really compare it to getting an Acoustimeter plus a tri-axis gauss meter. Looking at the Cornet ED78S’s specifications, it only measures magnetic fields in a single axis. Personally, I think that would be a real pain if you want to measure the magnetic fields from appliances and from high voltage power lines. It’s really the total exposure that you would be interested in.

          And no, the Bell 4180 is just for measuring the magnetic fields. (I actually have a different gauss meter, but only because I wanted to measure a slightly different range of frequencies). I’m happy just measuring the magnetic field, however, as AC magnetic fields go hand in hand with electric fields.

          By the way, if you just want to detect electric fields, as opposed to measuring them, a $25 or so electrician’s volt detector works. Mine has a light plus it makes a buzzing sound that is proportional to the field. It’s quite fascinating to use ….I discovered we had electric current running on our kitchen sink. It’s also interesting to see with it the effect that trees near power lines have ….our trees absorb the electrical fields.

          Also note that both the Cornet ED78S and Acoustimeter Model AM-10 say they measure up to 8 GHz. There will be towers that are sending out signals higher than this, so you need to be aware that when you use one of these meters, you may not be getting the full story. (When I have done internet searches on what a tower is being used for in rural areas, I have found frequencies of over 19 GHz being used for NBN wireless backhaul transmissions). Also, both of these meters are single axis RF meters. In the case of radiofrequencies (as opposed to the low frequencies), I think just measuring a single axis can work well …it can help one pinpoint the direction that the radiation is coming from.

          • Barbara says:

            It sounds like these meters may not be enough then. How can I find out what frequencies may be coming out of my local cell tower? I live in urban Melbourne.

            • Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

              You can find out without purchasing any equipment by going to the Australian Communication Media Authority website
              If you do want to independently confirm what is coming from a tower you would need to buy an RF spectrum analyser which can be very expensive at $2000 or more.

            • Jan says:

              1. Go to

              2. Select ‘Assignment/Frequency range Search’

              3. Put in the postcode.

              4. Run enquiry.

              Click on the ‘Licence Number’ to get the location.

              NB There is also a search facility at the Radio Frequency National Site Archive at for getting the EME (electromagnetic energy) reports for telecommunication towers.

              • Barbara says:

                Thanks. It’s a big help to be able to find out what RFs are in my area and what areas I should avoid moving to in the future.

                Well after checking it looks like the cell tower across the road from me only puts out about 2 to 3 Ghz, so thankfully an ordinary meter should be able to tell me how much of that radiation is reaching me.

                By the way, whilst looking at the other sites around my area I noticed that there is a tower that gives out 38 Ghz at the shops I sometimes go to. Yikes! I don’t know how common that is but I think that it is only a matter of time before we need meters with a much broader range at an affordable price.

                Anyway thanks again for your help. Now I just need to pick a meter!

  107. Peter says:

    People of NSW, do you still trust this man?
    You can be sure, if he has done this to the trades people of NSW, he has done the same for the consumers of NSW!
    I have just read some of the ‘spin’ on the sale of your public assets, where these people get off is hard to say. They hold Victoria up as a shining example, claiming that electricity prices have fallen! If that is the case, how come there was a record 6000+ complaints this year alone, regarding disconnection/restriction for credit reasons? The trend continues to rise each year, yet the Essential Services Commission, whose prime commitment is to serve the interest of the Victorian CONSUMER, is only now asking, not WHY Victorians can’t afford their electricity bills, but how the retailers are trying to cope with the ever increasing number of people having to go without, or restricted supply of this ESSENTIAL SERVICE!
    To get a true picture of what is really happening here in Victoria, go to the EWOV web site and read their annual reports in their archives, the figures show a very different situation to the ‘spin doctors’ who I believe are just trying to pay lip service to their masters, how anyone looking at these reports can claim the Victorian AMI rollout is a resounding success is beyond me! I notice that some of the charts show the years reading from right to left, so the lower figures are on the right, so reading left to right without looking at the year, you may think the figures are declining rather than rising! was this done for that reason?

    • Tanya says:

      Another trick of the power companies (Powercor/Citipower) is to point out to customers the graph showing that their customers/Victorians have the lowest fixed charges for supply as a percentage of the total bill compared with other states. Well that’s not hard to achieve when you consider that people’s electricity consumption figures went through the roof after a smart meter was installed.

      All the power companies have to do is exaggerate your electricity consumption and now all of a sudden, your fixed supply charge looks good and you have no reason to complain that you are paying for a smart meter that you didn’t want, still don’t want, and would love to get rid of so that your consumption figure could return to normal.


    • Gwen says:

      Peter, I contacted the N.S.W Opposition before their recent election, to point out that the info being spouted by Baird Inc. was absolutely false re Victoria having the lowest electricity prices of all the States. The Opposition never mentioned it and I think they were in favour of the “selloff” of the peoples property.

      • Peter says:

        Gwen, what we MUST bear in mind, as I have said before on this site, THE AMI ROLLOUT IS A COAG AGREEMENT.
        COAG consists of a chairman and all the state premiers and senior ministers, THEY HAVE ALL AGREED TO IMPLIMENT THE AMI, so it doesn’t matter which party is in power, they are all going to try to install these devises; regardless of whether they are safe or not, whether they invade our privacy or not or whether they cause cancer or any other ailment or not.
        A couple of years ago, I contacted the other state governments for their view of the AMI. ALL responded saying they support the AMI rollout! They did however CLAIM that it would be on a ‘voluntary’ basis. BULL@$#YT! they were also quick enough to quote the same legislation as our pollies! The governments are not going to allow customers to refuse to have these devises for the simple reason that if they do allow that to happen, they will not get any investors to ‘overhaul’ the public assets they allowed to fall into disrepair and/or out of date.
        These documents date back to 2009, does that date ring a bell? It’s when Victoria started their AMI roll out!!!!!!!!!
        See article 4 in the first document refers to a ‘smart grid’.
        Second document also refers to a ‘smart grid’, (table 2.1.2) but significantly also refers to detailed monitoring of household energy use. (table 3.3.7) This is proof positive that they are capable of such highly invasive activity!

        Click to access 2009-07-02.pdf

        Click to access Energy_efficiency_measures_table.pdf

  108. George says:

    I just wanted to ask a quick question about activation of AusNet smart meters . We’ve received a letter today advising that we are eligible for a one-off $125 rebate from AusNet due to inability to read remotely as of 31st March 15.

    It means that the smart meter is not operational and it continues to be manually read .
    I have spoken with AusNet and they have advised that it will be at least the end of 2015 until the network glitch is fixed . My question is simple – does the meter requires a physical activation or it’s done remotely ? The reason for my question is simple . I can lock in the cabinet and install the plastic window to avoid the activation of the smart meter if it requires the manual activation . Alternatively , I don’t see many options to avoid activation if it’s done remotely .

    Any advice would be appreciated .

    • George says:

      Just a quick follow up on my previous post .

      I rang AusNet today . Apparently, the remote antenna has been installed on my junction box, hence it can be activated remotely. It appears that activation process will be finalised between now and the end of 2016 . So I guess not many options for us at this stage .

      • Tanya says:

        George, take everything the power companies tell you with a grain of salt. They have done nothing but lie and bully their way through this rollout. It is possible that they suspect why you are asking this question. I had heard earlier in the rollout that Ausnet would be returning to install the communications card. If I were you, I’d go ahead and lock the meter box just to be on the safe side.

        • George says:

          Thank you all for your prompt response .
          I suspect that power companies are well aware of this forum , as a result the information they give can be ptoentially misleading . I called AusNet again and asked the same question about manual/remote activation ..
          The lady checked NMI and advised that the external transmitting antenna has been installed already . I’ve checked the junction box and there is a black bar-type antenna attached to it . According to AusNet the activation is done remotely , hence no need to activate the smart meter manually.
          I have no problem to cut the window and to lock in the junction box , though I’d be interested to get some advice from another ( and more reliable )source if the information provided by AusNet is correct .


          • Peter says:

            I think Tanya may be correct, some ‘surveillance devices’ were installed without a communications cards, even if there is an antenna, it won’t work without the card, so your distributor may have to come back and install the card. I strongly suggest you lock your meter box anyway and install the window. The longer you debate the point, the more opportunity your distributor has to thwart your protest.

            • Theodore says:

              Hi, don’t bother to lock up your meter box, they cut the lock regardless of the signage on the meter box and replaced the meters with a smart meter when I was at work. They had no consent… I want them to reinstate back to the original meters. Any ideas?

              • Peter says:

                copied and pasted from my submission on the home page dealing with ‘you paid billions for the ami’ etc”.

                Hi Boopsy, hang in there until 2017 when ‘competitive metering’ is to be introduced. It seems only then will you be given the choice of what meter you have. The question is, will be there be any none ‘smart meter’ types available?
                I repeat yet again, Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1 states quite clearly, that a customer can request ‘a type of metering equipment which is different from the type the distributor or retailer (whichever is responsible for providing the metering services) would otherwise install’, etc,(6.1(b)) in the case for Victoria, a ‘smart meter’ the distributor, ‘must use its reasonable endeavours to install that type of metering equipment within 20 business days’. (6.1(d) but you must be prepared to bear the cost of the installation of the new meter, 6.1(b) and (c)
                Obviously, the distributor/government will argue over the interpretation of this code, but I believe my interpretation is valid and until someone argues the point, the distributors/government do not have to worry about the customer challenging them!


                You should have the installer charged with ‘trespass’, (no good putting up the sign if you are not going to proceed) You should also have the installer charged with wilful damage to your property.

          • G’day George,I live in the Ausnet region myself,have you noticed increased activity from Ausnet,Service Stream And Telstra etc?And visual changes to power lines,power poles etc?Regards to a remote connection,they will do that,once the ‘Net Grid’ is up and running and or pertaining to signal strength individually,that aids data transfer.IF,you have an antenna,you can be read remotely BUT ONLY IF Ausnet have upgraded the infrastructure for ‘ Net Grid’ as per signal strength for connection and relay.

      • Anonymous says:

        You have options George it just depends if you want to put in the hard work. Ask them to put your analogue meter back. This is the problem most people will not even try to do anything about this problem because it takes alot of work, so they would rather just take a chance and hope that all those scientists and doctors are somehow wrong and this radiation is safe.
        You have options no one said its going to be easy, but you have to start somewhere. Ask them to prove this radiation is safe for starters. This would be impossible as this evidence does not exist nor do i think will it ever exist.

  109. Happy Dissenter says:

    “Is Wi-Fi making your child ill? ” As France bans Wi-Fi in nursery and primary schools, a British expert who has given up using wireless gadgets says we should do the same.

  110. Peter says:

    Read the preface to this document. Is the ESC thick, or just plain ignorant? The EWOV has been telling them annually since the beginning of the AMI roll out about the complaints they have been getting, and it’s taken years for the ESC to start asking why! The ESC’s own charter says their No1 commitment is to have regard for the CONSUMER, yet in my opinion, they have continued to ignore the consumer and pushed the distributors wheel barrow instead!

    Click to access Issues-Paper-Inquiry-into-the-financial-hardship-a.pdf

    • Anonymous says:

      One of my neighbors wont answer his phone sometimes because he can’t afford to pay the electricity bill, he told me this when i tried to call a few times. He has a smart meter.and hasn’t finished paying the first bill before the second arrives. He told me that he does not always answer the phone as he expects the call to be about the unpaid bill.
      My neighbour would not even use much power nevertheless the bill is still high as is gas and water as well.

  111. Anonymous says:

    Someone mention air cubes for his mobile phone. Dont bother….Just stay off the phone. Doesn’t matter if you are on the phone or not…Or even if you have a phone we are now saturated in radiation. I was told my meter sent rf 6 times a day. It’s 36 times a minute, and so is every house around me…..5 phone towers within 1/2 a km and who knows what else we dont know about. You better get used to radiation because its only getting worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t get used to poison.It will eventually kill you.Its about time the lazy masses, stopped being lazy and did something about this problem. The children will pay the highest price.Even if you don’t have children, we have a Duty Of Care to protect all children even the children that have not been born yet.
      This radiation problem is getting worse, because some people don’t care and expect others to take on the burden. .This is everyone’s problem. If enough people stood up and told the Politicians to get rid of smart devices then they would have no choice.
      People don’t care, because the consequences have not taken affect yet.Cancer can take a long time to show up. That is only cancer, that is not all the other health problems.
      Only slaves accept the inevitable, not free men and women. I suppose everyone has to decide for themselves whether they are a slave or free men and women.

      • Snowy says:

        Dead slaves tell no lies.
        The majority lack a personal history of being hunted down or killed off in the past, and so they are complacent, indifferent, selfish, if it is not happening to them it is not happening at all. It certainly seems as if the vast majority do not care about others, the infants, the toddlers, the young, the elderly, the vulnerable, the weak, the sick, the unborn. Only when it is their turn do the selfish wake up, and mostly even then, they only seem to care about themselves. Modern life has made narcissists of more and more, the futile empty pursuit of the eternal “selfie” and the misery and chronic illness that goes with those isolating, indoor, anti-nature artificial choices, all because self absorption is encouraged by corporations that continue to own the copyrighted software inside those devices useful idiots pay to”own” and use to harm others all around them with second hand radiation.
        Then too, people are seriously addicted to wireless, not to mention to trivia, hooked on a life wasted on the internet. Every age group is already OCD and hooked on tiny screens, the world disappears. Meanwhile this invasive technology has GPS and tracks them everywhere they go, listens to them, drone observes them camera records them, profiles them, but they are far too distracted by what they fail to even recognize as biological trespass, invasion by technology in which they participate and with which they collude.
        Everywhere now people look like idiots, they sit and stare at tiny screens, like slow boiling frogs gradually cooked by radar, no life except to use a screen all the time.
        So the addicted compulsively continue to radiate themselves, neglect children, let infants play with iPads, ignore what is happening so fast to their own kids, a form of abuse, really, children who are soaking up this radar technology and dumbing down, getting cancer, learning to be addicts themselves. Once parenting includes harming one’s own irreplaceable dependents, even pets that one claims to love, it becomes that much easier to ignore the big picture, the disappearance of bees and butterflies, the growing silence of lost birdsong, the depleted environment, the stunted plants and trees. The masses seem handicapped, unable to imagine that something invisible kills just as easily as something one can touch taste, see, hear.
        Those all around you put you at risk because they do not want to recognize that this radar technology is blanketing and suffocating the world. Yet science has known for at least 80 years that this stuff kills, hence the death by cancer of all in the US Embassy in Moscow, which soaked up a mere fraction of what we all now are immersed in.
        The global smart grid and the internet of things makes you and me into “things”, data commodities, expendable, and that is no different than a world wide eugenics program.
        It matters not at all whether the actual intention is to kill off the population or not. When corporations become indistinguishable from government, the net effect is exactly the same, eugenics in action. What we are witnessing is the introduction of policies to allow the compulsory sterilization of school children from wireless, from laptops and wifi, all of it frying young girl’s ovaries in schools. Then they come home to brain fog from the smart meter their parents do not use a good suppressor on to protect their kids, and neither do the parents in all the other homes all around them, no place free of it.
        At the same time there is accelerated die off of the elderly and the chronically unwell.
        Hitler would be proud.
        Just look where they locate cell towers, right near day cares and near nurseries, elementary schools, old age homes, hospitals, churches, universities it seems so obvious.
        Denial is not a survival tool. Just the opposite.
        Do not look to those around you to save you, they are part of the problem.
        The drowning drag the swimmers down if they can.
        Maybe a group of the terminal still able to function ought to get radical and go around and smash all of this, destroy it before they die?
        Just an idea.
        Pardon the rant, feeling a tad futile at the moment, been trying to inspire others to want to survive for way too long on this issue.
        I will finish with an old joke that hits the spot:
        A roving reporter approaches and asks a person on the street, “Which do you think is the greater problem in society, ignorance or apathy?”
        The person replies:
        “I don’t know and I don’t care”.

        • Anonymous says:

          Snowy …great I ditto all you said …but Goverment in 2008 I think …by deceptive means instilled the ANT-Terrorism Laws not cause we are at risk from terrorist but to stop any one trying to get this disgusting technology off their houses or homes …………….How the hell can they continue to place this “UNINSURABLE ” garbage on peoples homes .

          Oh maybe they are wanting to destroy our assests as well as our health ????……

        • Anonymous says:

          I do not look around and wait for others to save me. I look around and am disgusted by the apathy and selfishness that i see. I look and see gloom and doom. I see stupidity and ignorance and people hell bent on destruction. It’s not going to be a nice world to live in for any of us.

    • Mark Berman says:

      I am new to the forum. My name is Mark.

      You meant air tubes! not cubes, and they are awsome!
      I suffer from a mild degree of EHS, when I speak on the phone I get a tingling feeling on my face and hands.
      The headaches occur after a few minutes. I searched on google for a solution.
      I read that an air tube radiation free headset can help, so I did a little research and got one. I have to say that it actually helps.
      I do not have to hold the phone to my head so the tingling sensation stopped both head and cheek.
      I do not want to advertise anything because that usually gets people upset although I really recommend looking in to this. If it helps me it will help you.

  112. Snowy says:

    Further, how is a smart meter not an encroaching easement on the private property owner’s meter socket or meter base as well as the private owner’s whole house wiring system?
    Why not file a procedural numbered complaint with the police to render the utility liable for tampering or attempted tampering with a privately owned meter socket or base?
    Why not pop round to your nearest police station and file a numbered complaint with the most senior person on staff?
    Why not register such as complaint regarding notice received by the utility stating their corporate intent to establish a new easement boundary inside the home by gaining remote control over a privately owned meter socket, privately owned utility service panel or utility circuit box?
    ON a slightly different note: One very elderly chap here filed a complaint for an attempt against his life in direct contravention of his doctor’s orders not to be exposed to such frequencies, due to his pacemaker and his electronic oxygen machine.
    the constabulary had no problem seeing this as a criminal complaint, in fact it opened their eyes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow Snowy .. As a severe suffer I was blasted by 2.4 GJHZ of WI_FI on a windy day .through my body full heavy metals ..bleeding nose,filling blown out ,severe chest bak,throat pain,etc etc …but police were rude ,abusive and arrogant ..”I cant tell them to turn telecommunications down “…and refused to take a report …..urgh ??????

  113. Snowy says:

    How ISN’T a smart meter a device able to establish a legal easement inside the home without benefit of covenant or agreement? How isn’t this an encroachment easement that legally alters property boundaries by establishing a new easement inside the complainant’s own service panel or circuit box?

  114. Peter says:

    Hi All, submissions to the ‘The performance and management of electricity network companies’ period has been extended yet again. If you haven’t already done so, this is your opportunity to voice your opinion on the behaviour of your favourite distributor!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Peter, why does the website state that you can lodge submissions till the 20th of April?
      I just had a look at the submissions and it says they are closed. It is not the 20th of April yet. I have lodged a submission can’t see it on the list.

  115. Peter says:

    Hi smart meter lover, I’m sure that as you love these devices so much, there are many Victorians who would be delighted to let you have their surveillance devices, if they could get them removed by their distributor! What ever happened to the right to say NO????

    Try telling Sofia that she should embrace this wonderful technology, and all the other CUSTOMERS that have health, privacy, and safety problems with the installation of their ‘smart meter’, many of whom knew nothing about these things until after they were installed, as well as the thousands of ‘unrequested disconnections’ in relation to the installation of these things.

    It would be nice to know how much Sofia benefited from the donations for her legal costs.

    I get the distinct impression that all government departments have been told to give as much assistance to the distributors as possible in order to complete this dictatorial ‘mandated’ rollout, while ‘stone walling the complaining customers!

    People of NSW be warned! If you vote to privatise your electricity, expect all your rights to be sold along with your power.
    Victoria is leading the way, it seems we no longer have the right to say NO!

  116. Mark Berman says:

    I am new to the forum. My name is Mark.
    I suffer from a mild degree of EHS, when I speak on the phone I get a tingling feeling on my face and hands.
    The headaches occur after a few minutes. I searched on google for a solution.
    I read that an air tube radiation free headset can help, so I did a little research and got one.
    I have to say that it actually helps.
    I do not have to hold the phone to my head so the tingling sensation stopped both head and cheek.
    I do not want to advertise anything because that usually gets people upset although I really recommend looking in to this. If it helps me it will help you.


  117. Happy Dissenter says:

    From “The Age” tonight. Price of electricity is causing hardship in families and charities are copping the financial brunt.

  118. smart meter lover says:

    Nothing wrong with smart Meters. Cannot understand why you are all complaining. Only annoying thing is when they give you and estimated bill as they are too busy to read the meter.

    • smart mum says:

      How deluded are you? There is much you don’t understand…

      • Anonymous says:

        Smart meter lover is not deluded. It probably has nothing better to do. I bet you it doesn’t reply. It sound like a meter reader or smart meter installer or someone from the other team.
        We are the better team.

    • Tanya says:

      Hello? Smart meter lover, do you know anything at all about smart meters? The real reason we had smart meters forced upon us was so the power distributors could sack all their meter readers and add to the long dole queues and people competitng with us for a scarce job. If you have one of those whizz-bang ‘smart’ meters, it is not supposed to need to be manually read.

      Smart meters automatically transmit your electricity consumption via radio frequencies that travel via your body to the power distributor. So your smart meter doesn’t work very well if it needs to be manually read. Or are your electiricty distributor’s staff so stupid they can’t figure out how to get automatically transmitted consumption figures that are already in their system from their system to your bill? Who is your electricity distributor?

    • Anonymous says:

      Smart meter lover, isn’t it the meter readers job to read the meter? The meter reader gets payed for reading the meter.Enjoy your smart transmitter let us know if you do get cancer and other health problems.How can you be too busy to read the meter? As for complaining, you are complaining as well.
      Maybe if the meter reader did not stand outside my gate looking at the gate for a whole 60 seconds he would of had time to read the meter. The signs on my gate can be purchased from Bunnings. So if you went to a fast food restaurant and the person at the counter told you they were too busy to serve you and you could just lick the scraps up of the floor, would you? After all they might be busy as well.
      What about if you were sick, is it okay for you not to be treated because the Doctor is busy?
      We can complain all we want, it is called free speech. I am not a slave, maybe you regard yourself as one. If you want to be a slave that is your choice.I am glad you love smart meters, as from what i have read the radiation can do some serious damage.

      Are you a meter reader? If you are and you don’t read the meters then you will have to refund our money and hopefully get fired as well.We also have the problem of discrimination. If you read one person’s meter and not another this could be seen as discrimination.
      We also have bullying added to the equation.It is physcological bullying to refuse to read the meter, especially when we pay for this service. Psychological bullying carries penalties like jail time.
      Enjoy your possible cancer causing device and keep an eye out for any lumps.

    • Anonymous says:

      Smart meter lover, smart meters need friends as well. You can be that friend. I don’t mind estimated bills they are usually pretty accurate and the meter readers that i have spoken to over the years have been nice people. Can’t understand why you are complaining either.
      You be the smart meter’s friend, they don’t have many friends. If the meter readers are too busy to read the meters, What else are they doing? The job description says meter reader, which means that they read the meter, which means that the job requires you to read the meter. This means that the job is actually reading the meter.
      I saw an ad in the paper for meter readers. The ad stated that you had to read meters. If people keep on getting estimated bills and the meter reader has access, then i can see an inquiry.
      Also, if i have to read my own meter than i will require payment. Then the meter reader won’t have to worry about being too busy, as they won’t have a job. They can get a job scraping roadkill of the highway or picking up rubbish.

  119. Tanya says:

    Further to Steve’s comment below, Telstra has joined the power companies in further saturating our environment in radio frequencies. Not content with the destruction of our health via smart meters, Telstra has recently upgraded their network from 4G (900 mhz) to 4GX (700 mhz) for greater penetration into what was supposed to be the privacy and safety of our home. Some people are already feeling the effects of this upon their health, others are yet to ‘enjoy the benefits’ of 4GX in their home and inside their body!

    • Smart meter sufferer says:

      On the 14th January our internet dropped out. It took three days to get it back. I was informed by Telstra that there was a National outage. Immediately after it was reconnected I started to feel most unwell -usual EHS symptoms headaches, nausea , muscle pain, burning sensation. My son developed severe palpitations. I complained to Telstra who admitted that they had done some kind of systems enhancement!! They said I would have to take my complaint to ACMA, which I did.
      ACMA said that as long as Telstra hadn’t breached the code, there was nothing they could do.
      Suggested I speak to ARPANSA or my local MP!!! Typical usual runaround.

    • sue says:

      Yes Telstra has been here too!!…Kiama 2533

      To All You People Who LOve Our Kids .

      There is the opportunity to attend “Rights in a Crowded Classroom .”
      5.15 pm .

      Please attend and see if they will be stopping the microwave radiation program in our schools soon .?

      Minnie ,

      Love your comments .


    • sue says:

      Fellow Human Beings ,All Animals ,Plants and Living Beings.

      I would like to declare “smart” the new “dumb and dangerous”.

      After a near fatal exposure to EMR in June last year I have researched and researched to work out and understand why and how this has happened..

      I would like to share some very profound information I found on WHY the STANDARDS are being BREACHED …..contrary to our illustrious “Smart” officials who state it is .

      Language is meant to be used to communicate and exchange and for understanding .

      The “language ” that has been “deployed ” such as “wi-fi” “wi -Max”,’Hotspot” “smart”…”HPWREN ” …”GWEN” has been engineered to purposfully decieve and misinform. These acronim,s contain deadly technology that Gov /Political parties have allowed to prolificate in our country, our communities,our homes AND worst of all our SCHOOLS .

      Oh industrial /military …why would they let us know.


      But much worse is all of this is the SILENCE ……..

      Our medical system is a failure.

      Our welfare system is a failure

      Our legal system is a failure

      The Australian Gov is in contravention Human Rights ,Disability Rights and Unicef Rights of the Child.

      To coninue roll out “smart ” meters is criminal to remove hardwired phones in homes and “trick ” families into blasting families with 2.4 ghz wireless modems is disgusting.

      Another issue that could be causing more “EHS” symptoms is “silver iodide” that is being sprayed in our skies . If anyone knoiws more about this pls inform as Casa have no idea,EPA does not deal with anything that comes out of the back of planes and so on and so on. (South Sydney been sprayed continuously since NOV 14)

      I urge everyoneone to start refering to yourselfs NOT as sensitive but recieving “sublte electric shocks ” as I was told by Curtis himself. The enviroment is polluted .

      Read Curtis Bennets very clear and simple language on ELECTRICITY……….


      His websites has much more wonderful information.

      Also the most distressing and disgusting peice I have read so far…….

      To all the people I watch on a daily basis place their phone to their head and talk for long periods of time …..if you only knew!!.

      To all the mothers who give their kids a mobile phone/device for their safety /educational purposes ….if you only knew.

      To all the people who have been “bestowed the “precautionary principile” but have no idea!!!…..if you only knew.

      My Nokia which I have for emergencies is in the drawer with nil credit.

      And there it can stay.

      I am done.

  120. Steve Huppert says:

    While we all (umm, maybe not all but a growing number) become more aware of the dangers of Wi-Fi with issues being raised with baby monitors, smart meters, Wi-Fi in schools etc., ignorant Telco industries are brazenly charging ahead with ever increasing strides to provide more and more Wi-Fi intro our environment, all in the name of business convenience.
    Read more here…
    It seems that while we are fighting a grass fire on one front, a raging forest fire is getting out of control behind us.
    What say ye?

  121. Anonymous says:

    While we all (hmm, maybe not all but a growing number) become more aware of the dangers of Wi-Fi with issues being raised with Wi-Fi baby monitors, smart meters and Wi-Fi in schools, ignorant Telco industries are brazenly charging ahead with ever increasing strides to provide more and more Wi-Fi into our environment, all in the name of business convenience.
    Read here…
    It seems that while we are fighting a grass fire on one front, a blazing forest fire is getting out of control behind us.
    What say ye?

  122. Margaret Woodland says:

    Glenda says:

    I have a friend who suffers greatly with EHS and I believe that everyone will suffer changes to their bodies even if they don’t feel it yet. For this reason, and many others, I have refused the installation of a smart meter on my 1/2 acre property by following your instructions and putting the appropriate signage on my gate.
    I AM ABOUT TO LEAVE MY BELOVED HOME and extensive gardens to take up residence in a retirement village not far away. I’m happy to say that they have their own analogue meters and have no intention of changing them to smart meters.
    All the properties around me are 1/2 acre or more and there are lots of trees and a mountain to interrupt signals. My neighbour on one side, and also the one behind, also do not have smart meters and have the relevant signage and locked gates and/or meter boxes.
    I have a locked solar powered automatic front gate – very effective for keeping any unwanted visitors out. Also my meter box has a padlock with windows to read the meter.
    The Heathcote Junction train station is a 3 minute walk to the end of the street. The Vline train takes 50 minutes to get to Southern Cross Station.
    The primary school is close by and there are school buses to serve the various secondary colleges in the area.
    MY HOME IS NOW LISTED ON THE INTERNET and you can get all the details, plus a plan of the property and a VIRTUAL TOUR through most of the house and garden at:
    or you can search: 34 Station Avenue, Heathcote Junction.

  123. Tanya says:

    According to this article
    there has been falling demand in the national electricity market since 2008-9. And yet Victoria and other states are being told that we must all have smart meters because they enable us to reduce our electricity consumption because there is an inability to produce enough electricity to go around. The article also states that power generating plants are being shut down without any impact being felt upon consumers! Mind you, you have to question whether a trial shut-down between July and September is an intelligent way to find out if there is enough electricity to run all those nasty air-conditioners that the power companies want to take control of.

  124. Peter says:

    Now we see the real benefit(?) of so called ‘smart meters’. Distributors are now talking about putting their own ‘tax’ on air conditioners! Next it will be fridges, freezers, kettles, so on and so forth. They intend to ‘tax’ all our house hold white goods! If you have a surveillance and control devise (they call them ‘smart meters’) in your home, take my advise and ‘USE YOUR BEST ENDEAVOURS to get rid of it, distributors can only impose this tax by using their surveillance and control devise!!!!!!!!!
    The burning question is, can a private company impose a tax on its customers?

  125. geoffrey says:

    another great interview from prof barry trower on dangers of smart meters from 54min onwards

    Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio – Clive De Carle & Barry Trower – Oct 5th 2014

  126. geoffrey says:

    WiFi Kills – Barrie Trower on UK Column 19th Sept 2013

  127. Happy Dissenter says:

    Happy New Year’s Greetings refuseniks!!! Here is a NYE article by Karen Collier about smart meter fines.

  128. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Hydro-Quebec worker breaks into house to install “optional” smart meter.

  129. Maud Crossing says:

    Adelaide becomes dangerous wi-fi hotspot. The Victorian government is wanting to upgrade – free Wi-Fi on trains and extend free Wi-Fi to further saturate microwave radiation in Melbourne.
    As yet Adelaide does not have smart meters but with the added curse of smart meters in the CBD areas of Melbourne people will be copping huge doses of unescapable radiation 24/7.
    One wonders when common sense will prevail and the increasing trivial use of wireless technology will be arrested.

  130. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Rather biased Wireless Baby Monitor story from Channel 7 News last night……Tuesday 2nd Dec 2014.

    Dr Mark Gregory RMIT Senior Technology Lecturer says in the report, “Australia has very conservative guidelines”. Really? Belgium, Switzerland and Russia have conservative guidelines. Australia and USA’s Wi-Fi exposure levels are off the charts!

  131. James says:

    Hi all,

    I have only just discovered this Page, and am extremely interested in learning more.

    After reading a number of posts in relation to the smart meters and Rf signals , I have a few questions in relation to the symptoms experienced that I hope a few of you can answer.

    1>What leads you to believe the smart meter, and to a greater extent Rf waves are causing your symptoms? Over many years we have all been exposed to radio waves from Am and FM radio, cellular waves including 2g,3g and 4g internet, Wi-Fi routers and hotspots (including our neighbours, as well) and many other Rf emitting devices. Which of these technologies do you believe caused the symptoms? When did they first start?

    2>Do all Rf signal frequencies cause you to feel sick, or do only some? Do some cause a more severe re-action, If so, which frequencies cause the re-action?

    3>With the prevalence of Rf technology in today’s society, it’s almost impossible to not be exposed to these waves throughout the day. Do you constantly feel sick due to this?

    4> Have you consulted a doctor in relation to these symptoms? , The symptoms often listed coincide with several physical and mental health conditions. It would certainly be a good idea to get a check up before assuming the issue related to Rf waves and taking advice from the internet. If you have consulted a doctor, what was there opinion?

    5>Do you have any experience with radio and networking technology? Do you have an understanding of how each wireless network type works, as well as Rf signals in general? If not, what lead you to believe that Rf signals are causing this issue? Have you consulted with someone with direct knowledge in this field?

    6>Do you currently have any devices in your home that emit Rf waves?

    7>Is there Any steps you can take to releave symptoms?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      James thankyou for your Inquiry into effects of Rfs. Your questions sound like they come from someone in the industry. My answer will be as brief as I can. Yes I have a sensitivity to EMR. This was realised when I came into contact with a device that stated it emitted EMR. Symptoms were; severe heart palpitations, nausea, loss of balance and headaches. Symptoms subsided when device was removed. The more I am exposed to Rfs, the more sensitive I feel. Yes I have consulted my Doctor who agrees that my symptoms are related to EMR. Advice was to limit exposure. I feel being close to the source has the greatest impact. This is just common sense that science supports.
      This happened before the rollout of smartmeters in Victoria.
      Since this has happened, my sensitivity has definitely increased. I find it very uncomfortable to spend a short time in electrical appliance stores when shopping, and in designated wi-fi areas that I was unaware that they were. Please believe this is real and not just in our heads. Science is on the sufferers side.

    • Minnie says:

      Dear James,
      Why don’t you contact ARPANSA for this information as you are asking for personal information from a total stranger.
      Why did you not leave an email addressif you wanted this personal information? Why do you want personal information?
      People that are genuinely sick from RF radiation are probably trying to find out what is actually causing it.
      It is easy to blame everything on mental illness. Haven’t humans been doing this for thousands of years?
      If you are just a little bit different or unique you might be a witch, warlock or the Devil himself.

    • Minnie says:

      One more thing James, your local Doctor does not have the expertise to diagnose this condition. You would have to got to an Environmental Health Clinic and have lots of tests.
      Also no test exists which can prove or disprove that radiation is the problem as we are all different.
      You can try contacting the Victorian Department of Health they will refer you to ACMA.
      ACMA does not deal with health issues they will probably refer you to ARPANSA. ARPANSA don’t give out health advice, they are scientists. You can then badger the Department of Health. They will probably refer you to the CEO of ACMA.
      You can then write to the CEO of ACMA. Good luck getting a reply. Then you can start all over again and go round and round or you could be sensible and try to avoid anything that you believe is making you sick.
      TO POINT OUT THE OBVIOUS? Good luck James getting information from the departments I mentioned.

    • Minnie says:

      If you really were interested in learning more then why did you say.” It would certainly be a good idea to get a check up before assuming the issue related to Rf waves and taking advice from the internet”
      So are you interested in learning more or are you just going to make your own assumptions? What would be the point of giving you any information when you have stated that people should get a check up before assuming the issue related to RF waves and taking advice from the internet.
      You can’t take advice from the internet you can only read it. Research it yourself and decide for yourself what you believe. We all did the hard work, now you can as well James.

    • sue says:

      Dear James,

      Electrical induction of a human being is illegal.

      Thats why we have Electrical Engineers.

      Thats why Electrical systems are designed and well insulated

      Thats why we do not let our kids put their fingers in power points .

      Electrocution can kill.

  132. Ashley says:

    Victoria’s Power Sell-Off: The Shocking Truth

  133. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Could be a most worthwhile event to attend. Monday 17 Nov. 7pm – 8.30 pm Sandringham.
    Digital Health: Information evening on the safety of wireless devices.

    More info below:

  134. Gwen says:

    Australia is not a lucky country.. Worse now because we are almost owned by overseas investors and manufacturing almost gone. Ed Gannon, Editor for Weekly Times, told ABC that Victorian dairy producers about to sell to China. Put that in your cup of tea and drink it. I dare you.
    We are not the Lucky Country or Team Australia. We’ve been sold to the highest bidder.
    Andrew Robb is set to announce the signing of the Trans Pacific Partnership. If you thought we are in a nightmare now, just wait. I don’t expect this to be posted but I had to say it. We are up the proverbial creek, with a totalitarian Captain at the helm. People must fight back.

  135. Happy Dissenter says:

    I thought this was an interesting story. “72-Year-Old Grandma Blocks WiFi and Mobile Signals from Her House with Special Paint”

    • Snowy says:

      If you live long enough, you get to see the same cycles of ignorance. This woman who has painted her home is one of the few who seems able to be aware of consequences. All electronic devices emit frequencies which are extraordinarily vulnerable to all manner of wireless interference, frequencies subject to deflection, to absorption, to neutralization.
      In much the same way that activated charcoal is used as an antidote to poison, or radiation, or a bee sting, so too is carbon paint one way to absorb radar radiation microwaves blanketing a neighbourhood or town or city or globe. All over Europe this is what people do, they use this same paint to create safer bunkers.
      Wireless radar is readily neutralized by the right kind of suppressor. It can be degraded or even cancelled out by other conflicting frequencies, or absorbed by benevolent carbon paint – That would be the exact same evil carbon which is at the same time demonized climate appocaholics who almost all use cell phones and have smart meters while they invite the use of carbon taxes to plunder those around them.
      Wireless radar can also be filtered by home made Faraday cages made of uncoated metal insect screening with absolutely no gaps in it, placed so as to surround “smart” transmitter receiver devices. Cheap, easily replaced.
      Frequency conflict has always been well known in the world of electronics. The purpose of ordinary coaxial cable is to shield the frequencies running through the cable from frequency conflict caused by differing frequencies outside the cable. Your coaxial TV or internet cable has better protection than your brain does.
      All forms of wireless are radar reframed as fun. Radar violates all sustainability laws. Yet no one tries to shut it off, which is not impossible to do.
      Wireless radar addicted family, friends and neighbours collectively expose everyone they claim to love to second hand radiation every day. Instead of being with their loved ones, they are only there physically. Meanwhile they stay conveniently and continuously “connected” to those who are absent, those who are not even there.
      Imagine the absurdity of it, using radar to be umbilically hooked up 24/7, in order to carry on frivolous conversations of no consequence, while using radar of great consequence.
      Those trapped in the trendy fashionable wireless matrix might or might not care, even if they understood this, were they not so addicted to being “absent” from the present.
      As it is, each person who thinks it is essential at all times to be voluntarily “connected” to the radar operated wireless global matrix seems unable to understand how dangerously selfish this behaviour really is, since their choices put at cumulative, continuous grave risk every other person they claim to care about, or like, or perhaps don’t even know, be it the boyfriend microwaving his brain on the other end, or the newborn nearby whose a baby monitor is augmented and sends radar even farther than the usual 1000 feet, or be it the elderly in a wheelchair whose head is right next to the invariably leaky radar microwave oven intersecting with the teen cell phone and the wifi modem.
      That said, a cell phone or modem or laptop is readily subject to premature death the minute it happens to drop into any water, which is also one of the many causes of smart meters fires, since condensation inside a cheap plastic cover is water, and since water and electricity do not mix.
      A smart “meter”, which of course is not a real time measurement meter at all, is at best just a very cheap and readily malfunctioning computer, virtually all of them made in a couple of factories in China. This is not an all powerful device, as anyone knows who has ever had to deal with repeat cheap computer glitches and failures. In fact most computer geeks find it amusing how easily smart “devices” end up disabled or hacked or dead.
      Wireless is bad stuff but it’s not all powerful, its effects are not inescapable. The catch is this: Most people refuse to co-operate with one another to legally neutralize this radar en masse. So because everyone else uses wifi and cell phones and ignores the transmitter receiver sited on their own homes which utilities pretend is only a meter, that means that instead, for this woman and for countless others like her, it becomes unnecessarily expensive to use a suppressor or whole house carbon to neutralize the microwave radar effects from all those other wifi radar frequencies around her home.
      Yet it is vital to neutralize this stuff, as well as to protect against damage, malfunction and failure of our own bioelectrical beings, not to mention medical implant failures, insidious slow lobotomy, incipient cancer or heart attack or diabetes, etc.
      Disease is potentially delivered everywhere by wireless radar, largely because people lack empathy. In the short run it might seem easier to be in denial, to remain ignorant of the consequences of invisible wireless radiation. Thing is, this way each person is more easily picked off, one at a time, BECAUSE they do not care, at least not until it is their own turn to become affected, sick, or worse.
      The truly sad aspect of this is that these frequencies are able to sicken those with no choice, every youngster and creature, every pet not able to identify that they are being harmed.
      At least this woman who radar proofs her home by using carbon paint does not care what the ignorant masses all around her think. At least this elder has the sense to use a radiation monitor to make the invisible visible and apparent. But what about every infant, child, or elder in the care of clueless adults? They have no place to run or hide.
      Whether anyone is lucky enough to be like this 72 year old woman, able to feel the early warning signs or not, the science is very clear, the lab results for immediate negative effects from weaponized microwaves cause the same kinds of results. The whole body acidifies. The cells clump, starved of oxygen and nutrients. Mental acuity drops as each person’s IQ begins to decrease and as memory clouds over. Teens hooked on wireless in ever larger numbers are showing classic signs of early dementia since their exposure is constant. Wireless of every kind sets diseases of all sorts in motion, for humans and for all nature thus exposed.
      There is a couple in BC Canada whose neighbour forced them to build high reflective fencing. The neighbour with aggressive wireless complained to the “officials” that this radar deflection fencing was unattractive. However, it turns out that the by-law officer said as long as it was within the setback, it was fine.
      What this woman who has painted her home is actually doing is using one of many survival tools to adapt to the telecom industry and her utility’s use of weaponized frequencies, as well as her neighbours’ use of weaponized wifi and cell phone. Crazy, isn’t it? At enormous cost to herself she is forced by others to protect herself from the ignorance of those others all around her. So public ignorant indifference comes at enormous cost to herself and everyone else.
      All over Europe and elsewhere this same anti-radiation carbon paint is used to shield homes are now reduced to bunkers in which to try to hide from the invisible weapons used in government and corporate wars against the populace.

      • Radiation is no joke says:

        It is sad that humans are this selfish and too blind to see the reality staring them in the face. So quick to judge others who happen to know more (maybe using that thing called a brain) than them.
        If you have done the research and others have not, then at least you are aware of the bad stuff – why live in denial? Having said this though, I’ll admit to being blind-sided by the awful truth of an evil agenda I never knew existed and forced to adapt into some sort of survival mode for the rest of my days on this earth.

  136. Peter says:

    We all really need to read this and make our feelings known, (make a submission) it seems to me that the government wants to relinquish all responsibility regarding the way corporate business operates. To me, appendix A, terms of reference, makes this very clear, its all about removing restrictions to business accountability. There is very little concern shown for the roll-on effects for the consumer! The government still seems to be under the illusion that energy consumers are better off because of ‘privatisation’ and ‘competition’, I cannot think of one industry that has seen any prices fall because of ‘competition’! On the contrary, the only ‘competition’, is to see who can get away with charging the highest prices!

    Click to access Competition-policy-review-draft-report.pdf

    Another item worth reading is this:

    Why? because it is discussed in the above ‘competition review’. Midata appears to hold all your information regarding all aspects of your life and it seems it is available on line! The UK version is ‘voluntary’, but that still means the data is stored somewhere and vulnerable to cyber attack.


  137. Anonymous says:

    While UK consumers pay as little as £11 a year for the cost of their smart meters, Australian consumers are getting totally ripped off by companies such as SP Ausnet ( 70% Asian and Chinese government owned) who charge hundreds of dollars a year for this useless technology.
    Read the BBC report below;
    Installing smart meters in every house in the UK will save consumers “only 2%” on their annual bills, a committee of MPs has warned.
    The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said that, on average, consumers will save just £26 a year.
    MPs also warned that the technology could be out of date by the time the roll-out is complete.
    The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) said smart meters will lower bills and make switching easier.
    Installing the meters – which begins in earnest next year – will cost £215 per household, or £10.6bn.
    Customers will be charged an annual amount on their bills to cover the cost, peaking at £11 a year in 2017.
    The £26 annual figure would be the net saving, after the installation costs have been taken into account.
    “Despite consumers footing the bill, they can on average make a saving of only 2% on the average annual bill of £1,328 by the time the roll out is complete,” said Margaret Hodge, the chair of the PAC.
    “Even this is conditional on consumers changing their behaviour and cutting their energy use,” she added.
    The Committee also said that some of the technology is likely to be out of date by the time it is installed.

  138. Peter says:

    In my last submission, I referred to the Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1. Has anyone on this site made this request? If so, what was the response? If not, why not?

    • Peter says:

      No response, hmmmmmm, the distributors are not going to offer to change your meter. You are going to have to make them comply with legislation, just as they expect you to!

  139. Peter says:

    Back before the last Victorian election, Michael O’Brien was one of the biggest critics of the AMI rollout. Within weeks of the Liberals coming into power, O’Brien became one of the biggest supporters of the very system he had been decrying only weeks previously! He blamed ‘contracts entered into by the previous government’. Now just before the next election. We have the same government signing up for a tunnel which few people want, will flatten the homes of many Victorians and is still subject to a court case! This government is doing exactly what they blamed the opposition for 4 years ago! They are committing the people of Victoria to a contract which will cost dearly to cancel. Once again we are being held ransom to a contract which will be very costly to get out of. What exactly are these contracts? Neither the government nor the contractors are likely to tell us, just as O’Brien never told us what contracts he was referring to when he refused to listen to the people of Victoria regarding the cost blow out of his AMI rollout from $800, 000,000 to $2.8 BILLION and still rising. Are we about to see the same thing happen this tunnel project?
    It is now quite apparent that the AMI has nothing to do with ‘carbon reduction’, the so called ‘smart meter’ uses more electricity to operate, it has a computer which stores data, remote switching capabilities and a radio communications system which operates 27/7, even if the customer is not charged for this usage, (pigs might fly) it still uses the power. (So SOME BODY WILL pay for it)
    The AMI was supposed to ‘reduce the cost of electricity’. So far, all the customers have seen, are power bills soaring! The savings were supposed to be passed on to the customer. Even if the costs are reduced later, you can bet that they will never come back down to the pre rollout times.
    There is another problem arising with customers simply saying, ‘stick your grid system where the sun don’t shine’ and going solar. This will cause huge losses for the distributors who have been told by the Victorian government incorporated, to invest in these devises which will cost the investors dearly. If I am correct, I believe, that the government will have to do something to prevent these investors from losing money. What that will be, remains to be seen.
    Read ‘The problems’ bit on this link, should we be afraid?

    • Gwen says:

      Peter, these contracts sound like the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) which is an agreement from the Government, to pay corporations/businesses for losses sustained due to Government changes to legislation/policies.
      Hence the rollback of subsidizing solar power.

      • Peter says:

        Spot on Gwen, I believe this is why the government refuses to make distributors comply with Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1(b) and (d). A customer can request A DIFFERENT TYPE of meter the distributor would otherwise install, (a) and (b) they MUST USE REASONABLE ENDEAVOURS TO INSTALL THAT TYPE OF METERING EQUIPMENT WITHIN 20 BUSINESS DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        They threaten to cut off supply of a customer who refuses a ‘smart meter’ because of none existent laws, yet refuse to make distributors comply with existing laws! How corrupt is that?!

  140. Peter says:

    A damn site cheaper way to ‘monitor your electricity use’ than ‘smart meters’!

  141. Peter says:

    Why are governments so corrupt and determined to get these surveillance and control devises installed? I believe it is to gain more control over we the people and remove all our rights to any form of true democracy.
    It now appears that Queensland is about to follow Victoria’s’ lead and wants to sell off its ‘public assets’. Queenslanders beware, do not allow your assets to fall into the hands of profit hungry foreign corporates who are hell bent on squeezing every last dollar out of your pockets by fair means or foul, backed by your government.

    • Happy Dissenter says:

      Watching this terrible brutality made me feel sick. I’ve tried to follow up what happened with the man and his family. Can you update what you know, please?

      • Tanya says:

        I think I heard recently (probably from Josh at Take Back Your Power) that the law suit against these people was thrown out.

  142. Happy Dissenter says:

    Interesting current article in UK Telegraph about smart meters over there. People are wising up to them seeing them as the scam they are.

  143. Ross Holder says:

    I recently sold a smart meter free home in the Frankston area. Prior to settlement we attempted to get the gas and electricity meters read by Origin for the final bill. We were told that the electricity meter could not be read on settlement day because meters were not read on Fridays. After a few phone calls to the distributor (United Energy) it was established that the retailer (Origin) could in fact read the meter on a Friday, and all that had to happen is that someone at Origin had to get off their fat backside and submit a work order to United for a final reading. When confronted with this snippet, Origin agreed to read the meter.

    We were paying the electricity by installments and surprise!! About two weeks later we received a ‘missed installment’ notice. By this stage we had already received FOUR final bills for the gas supply…. also from Origin!

    After getting the Ombudsman involved it was reported back to us that the meter had allegedly been read remotely on settlement day.

    As stated, there is no smart meter at my previous address. The meter box has been locked for years and hopefully the new owners still have it locked.

    Why am I bringing this to your attention? Hopefully with the upcoming election People Power Victoria will win a few seats and initiate an investigation into not just the bungled smart meter rollout, but also into the underhanded and corrupt bastardry of the electricity industry as a whole, and give the Ombudsman real power instead of just being a puppet of big business.

    I now live in a rural area which suffers power outages when the wind blows above a breeze and may not be reconnected for 48 hours. Of course it is not Spaznet’s fault (ie SP Ausnet), it is an ‘Act of God’ or some such rubbish, and they tell us they can’t control the weather. They can control the reliability of the infrastructure. I will bet my bottom dollar that electricity supply was much more reliable 20 years ago.

    Corporations are squeezing every dollar they can out of once publicly owned infrastructure without paying for adequate maintenance or upgrades. Smart meters are part of this plan… and these greedy parasites won’t be happy until there is rolling power rationing as found in third world countries.

    Hopefully PPV will address these issues, and fix the farce, incompetence and inefficient bureaucracy we endure today, and give back what every consumer wants…. what they pay for.

    Things need to change before it gets worse.

    • Happy Dissenter says:

      Thanks for sharing the sad story about the corruption and manipulation that still exists with the power companies. Well done buying a normal home too.

    • Genevieve Sommers says:

      Try and make a phone call to the Australian Energy Regulator. You will be connected to the ACCC. If you want to speak to someone from the Australian Energy Regulator, you are required to leave your details so that they can contact you supposedly within 48 hours though I have been informed that sometimes contact is not always made within 48 hours and sometimes not at all. And when you are contacted in writing, there is no name of any actual person that is supposedly making the communication to you. What sort of elusive organisation is this ? Virtually uncontactable and with unidentifiable personal and appearing under an ACCC front end banner and who supposedly are the one’s “regulating” on energy charges including the latest submission from the power utilities applying for the Regulator’s blessing to commence charging those very people whose human rights they have utterly violated. You just wonder if all these organisations including the ACCC, the Regulator, the power utilities and the government(s) are all part of what may be just one big corrupt corporate mafia here in Australia.

      • Ross Holder says:

        As it turns out, this story has a happy ending. Origin was found to be telling porky pies to the Ombudsman (ie Origin said they read the meter ‘remotely’ when there was no Smart Meter on the premises) and Origin has waived the bill for the final quarter prior to settlement. The Energy and Water Ombudsman have earned their keep on this occasion…. but don’t forget that we had to stand up for ourselves before we got to here.

      • Minnie says:

        I received a letter from the AER, the person just gave their first name. If you only give your first name or no name you can’t identify them so they get away with whatever they write.
        At the start of the smart meter rollout these people would of been quite happy to give their full names out. Things have changed now. They realize people know their rights and could possibly be looking at legal action in the future.

  144. Tamara says:

    Has anyone noticed that SP Ausnet are trying to increase the metering charge next year by 30% !

    In 2008 the cost was $78 per annum to read the meter manually ( ), now next years it’s going to be $230 even after all these years of increased Smart Meter Costs. We need to reject this, Singapore Power should pay for their own technology mistakes.

  145. David says:

    Here’s something which may be of interest to people.
    A fellow with EHS, is setting up a Radiation Free Refuge/Community in Country Victoria – for EHS sufferers. He’s asking for interested people to contact him ASAP.
    Here’s the links –

    EHS Refuge in Australia: People Needed

    Click to access bruce-evans-australia-ehs-refuge.pdf

  146. Peter says:

    All you customers with a ‘surveillance and control devise’, ask your distributor:
    Why is your electricity use recorded in half hour intervals? Most customers are billed every 3 months, so all the distributor needs to bill you, is the TOTAL amount of electricity you have used during peak, shoulder and off peak, for the quarter!
    I believe the data being collected by these devices is contrary to Privacy laws.

  147. Gabby Walker says:

    Today Select Solutions (SP AusNet) came to read the meter. He rang the door bell. Said he needed to get into the meter to attach an electrode to read it. I said there is a window there for reading the meter and that is the way it has been read. He said “no it has been estimated only” I replied no it has been read through the window and it corresponded with what was on the account. He replied,” The electrode has to connect to the meter to read it , so you are refusing me access to the meter to read the meter. I will note it as refused” I unlocked the meter box to give access for the reading, but now I wonder if they have programmed the meter to fail so they have to replace it with a smart meter. Intimidating at best, ” So I will note refused access he said”. I wonder, if this is now their new tactic to by pass the window in the meter box, and force us to allow access. Who knows what tricks they are up to.

    • Minnie says:

      Gaby, the contractors that read the meters for Jemena will no longer be reading the meters after December. The job i have been told will go to Select Solutions. So my bet is that they are up to something. The meter readers that come to my home at the moment are neutral, they just read the meters and leave. Next year it will be a different story.
      But now we are aware of what is going on, we can keep an eye on them. It is good for anyone that has had a similar experience to you, to post it on the forum.
      And always go with your gut instinct, if you think something is wrong then it is.Why would you have to attach an electrode to the meter to read it? Could he not read? Did the blood leave his brain and travel to his other brain, leaving him incapacitated.

    • Minnie says:

      Gaby, one of my friends received an estimated bill a few months ago, even though the meter could be read through the perspex window. He queried this with his electricity retailer and they told him that no access can mean that the meter reader was sick that day.
      They know that more than likely people will not be home when the meter is read. They know most of us have perspex windows and have the meter box locked.This is just another game. They don’t want to be seen harassing anyone as they have been sent legal notices, so this way they can put it down to no access, Luckily you were home at the time, but a lot of people won’t be home when they read the meter.
      If they can read the meter through the perspex window then they have access. They have just changed the rules to suit themselves. This way if you get three estimated meter reads in a row, they will more than likely send a letter out stating that they can disconnect your power if they do not have access to the meter.
      They need to define what they mean by access. It is a shame you could not put the electrode on this guy’s head to see if his brain actually worked.

    • Eric says:

      If Utilities have an intention to try to send meter readers that act and behave in the same intimidating way we have seen with the smart meter installers, then the Utilities had better expect that those persons whom they send will be dealt with in the same way as an unwanted installer would be, and that will be to their own peril.

    • Gabby says:

      Further to my post of the 9th September 2014 , it appears my concerns were well founded. My bills have increased greatly from a daily usage on 9.7Kwh to 30Kwh. (gone from $300 to $800) There is no solar feed in calculated on the September or December quarter bills. It does appear that the Select Solutions staff member has re programmed the meter, so the feed-in is not registering or is calculated as usage. The Solar Inverter is still showing that it is exporting Kwh. On contacting Energy Australia, I was told that there must be a meter problem, and that it needed to be inspected and checked, you will need to pay for this. I can well imagine the outcome. “you need a new SMART meter” and then the forceful tactics to put a smart meter in place. Any suggestions.

  148. geoffrey says:

    any chance of and up date on class action being taken and also why facebook is still down please??

    • SSMA committee member says:

      Geoffrey, please use the email address for SSMA under the ‘Contact us’ tab and we will answer your questions. For others watching this space, don’t hold your breath on the Facebook issue being resolved any time soon.

    Free download of Notice to power companies to remove & replace smart meters with analogue. You have the right to issue a legal notice re Non Consent to radiation, surveillance and trespass.

    For those fortunate enough not to have a smart meter YET
    Issue a PUBLIC NOTICE to the CEO of the power company (copy of the notice is the bottom of the homepage at

  150. geoffrey says:

    gear to cut down dirty electricty in melbourne, you just need around $1000

  151. Mario says:

    This new smart meter Wi-Fi technology for energy utilities is being deployed all over the world. By studying our habits, building profiles about us, they believe they are able to guide our decisions towards automation to a profitable target. Welcome to the Internet Of Things.The industry leads, but much more prominent are the financiers, those that impose debt slavery to governments, powerful weapons to their agenda success.

  152. Anonymous says:

    Smart meters and asbestos.

    If you pass this link to your electricity distributor, CEO, members of board, their main shareholders they should become interesting.

  153. Josh says:

    NBNCo are trying to install a 30m microwave tower a few hundred metres from our family back yard in small-town NSW. We didn’t ask for faster internet, we live here to be away from these toxic technologies. We are not just petitioning for our yard, but for everyones, as they have the option to use fibre-optics. Please consider signing our petition, we need support on this. Thank you.

  154. Sick Of Their Lies. says:

    Informative podcast on “smart” meters from “Off The Grid News”.

  155. geoffrey says:

    here a great new doco on health effect of dumb meters with no viewing fees

  156. Anonymous says:

    Please, people, send letters to

    And DEMAND from then that your life and property are SAFE. Ask them to comment on it:

    And remind them “secure” Smart meter in used in Victoria. And we paid for it almost DOUBLE price:

    And not allow them to get away with this! If no answer – sent them reminder again and again!

  157. Snowy says:

    Please note:
    Whether it is a mobile/cellphone, a wifi router, a walkie talkie, a baby monitor, a portable phone, an alleged smart meter or any other wireless device, the second your data becomes wireless, as of that moment you no longer own nor have any further claim of ownership over your own private data.
    Once the data enters or leaves the wireless device at all it has become a wireless transmission. Legally, the owner of the data, has relinquished ownership rights by use of wireless devices and has no jurisdiction over the air.


    A list of demands to expect of any alleged installer, temp employee, technician, electrician or other etc:

    Provide written proof of the following:

    – full name
    – proof of ID and ID badge and number
    – license plate number
    – name of company/corporation with which installer is affiliated
    – name of installer’s own insurer
    – written proof of installer’s electrician and/or electrical engineer qualifications, – installer’s license
    – work order file number
    – insurer identification papers
    – name of company, policy ID number, and proof that the installer s in possession of insurance papers from insurance provider for installer’s own personal errors and insurance and/or liability insurance
    – a signed disclosure fro the utility co-signed by the installer that the installer is fully aware of and fully liable for any and all hazards and risk associated with performing a hot swap under live load and for all subsequent damage to the homeowner’s entire electrical system, which is inherently electrically incompatible with all wireless grid devices and the frequencies they generate and enable.


    The list of demands to expect of the CEO of the utility, to be provided in the form of written information sent to the customer by registered mail:

    Submit in writing a request for the utility CEO’s own personal written assurance that they will assume all liability and demand a guarantee signed off on by the CEO of the utility that they will provide proof in writing forthwith that:

    – this microwave bi-directional transmitter device is fully safety approved by every possible agency, national and international and every independent non industry related body able to guarantee absolute safety and insurability

    As is done in Sweden:

    – demand free of charge a professional electrical installation to be installed in tandem with the alleged “meter” and before or inside the service panel, a specifically designed, smart grid compatible, insurance approved, industrial grade whole house transient suppressor

    In this written submission request the inclusion of the utility CEO’s own assurance and guarantee that

    – the alleged “smart meter” and grid wireless frequencies will not generate nor enable the creation of any harmonic distortion nor introduce into the home system any transients, spikes, surges.
    – this industrial grade suppressor and alleged “smart meter” device are both fully insurable
    – this industrial grade suppressor is designed to smooth and neutralize all grid and device related hazards and invasive aspects of the smart grid
    – this industrial grade suppressor and alleged “smart meter” device is able to prevent damage and property devaluation from all electrical and/or wireless sources introduced by the utility into the personal private electrical system of the owner
    – this suppressor and alleged “meter” meet the standards for and will protect all house contents and structural components from all related frequency interference and harm, invasion or violations, biological and otherwise

    Demand in writing within this guarantee that this device and the frequencies it generates and enables are in every way insurable because they are 100% electrically compatible with
    – the meter base
    – the service panel
    – the circuit box
    – all uninsulated home wiring
    – all firewall separations
    – all electrical codes
    – all building codes
    – all occupants
    – will not compromise or void homeowner insurance,
    – pose a fire hazard
    – corrode the meter base metal
    – cause the temperature of any component of the home’s electrical system or the meter itself to change/increase, overheat
    -insurable for full safety from all future malfunction, risk, fire hazard, property depreciation, privacy invasion, or potential to compromise health

    Be certain to demand a written guarantee that this is not a wiretapping device.

    Ask the utility CEO to include in this written assurance that the device’s SMPS (switching mode power supply), its antenna(s), its radio transmitter(s) and Zigbee chips inside will not
    – cause any physical or data or electronic interference whatsoever with your own biological bioelectrical system, your electrical system, your appliances, your electronics, your firewall separations, the current structural specification of your home which were not designed for microwaves

    Make certain that the CEO of the utility can give written assurance that this device will not
    – violate any rights
    – invade privacy
    – share information
    – undermine health
    – frequency graph
    – remotely control the customer’s service panel,
    – analyze, network, or broadcast wirelessly private customer data or metadata outside the alleged “measurement” device
    – collect, remove or rebroadcast into the air the customer’s personal data and metadata

  158. Faye Brown says:

    I was wondering if anyone else has received the latest letter from United Energy. I received mine on Friday 25th July. The general thrust of the letter is thus:
    Re: Non-Complying Meter

    United Energy has written to you previously …..(blah blah blah)
    The AMI mass rollout programme ended on 30 June 2014. We were unable……(blah blah blah)

    Your existing meter is no longer compliant with the metering standard in Victoria. This may impact your power supply in the event that your meter is damaged as the result of either a network outage or a localised fault.
    In the past we have supplied you with information outlining the benefits of installing a smart meter. This includes UE’s ability to identify and manage network outages more efficiently. As you do not have a smart meter installed, should an outage occur at your property UE will not be immediately aware that you are off supply. Therefore we will not be able to utilise the capability the the AMI network to identify and rectify your restoration in the same manner as other customers.
    If you encounter a fault with your existing meter that leads to it requiring replacement, either through a localised event or as the result of a network outage (e.g. a voltage variation) UE will be unable to restore your power until a smart meter is installed. It is the Victorian Government’s policy……(blah blah blah)
    United Energy is proud (blah blah blah)
    Please contact……(blah blah blah)

    I’m still working on my reply to this.

    • Minnie says:

      This is a contract or offer Faye, you must reply. If you don’t, they will state that you agree to their terms and conditions. The easiest thing would of been ,not to open the letter and send it back within 72 hours unopened. Write return to sender on it and have it photocopied as proof that you have sent it back. Get the Post Offices staff to stamp it first and then photocopy it as proof.
      Faye remember last summer, all the blackouts were in areas where they have smart meters. Look how long it took them to put the power on. it took hours, they are full of crap.
      You might want to remind them that the contract you have with your retailer, specifies your home will be supplied with power and if it is not then you are entitled to compensation. You might also want to tell the Distributor that there license states, that they maintain the poles and wires and other equipment. It is their equipment and they have to keep it maintained and working, otherwise they are in breach of the license they have.
      You might want to tell them that if they attempt to install a smart meter against your wishes, they will be trespassing. You might want to tell them to cease harassing you.. You might also want to point out that their are penalties for harassment and bullying.
      It is the distributors job and responsibility to supply and distribute power.. A power outage has got nothing to do with what kind of meter you have, they still have to fix it. Make sure you reply to them.

      • Faye Brown says:

        Yes Minnie you are quite right and indeed I will be replying. Interestingly, the last couple of notices from UE were addressed to my husband rather than me. Initially the correspondence we received was to the Occupant, then after I corresponded back to them and sent harassment notices etc the correspondence was addressed to me. Suddenly it arrives specifically addressed to my husband. I assumed they must have contacted the retailer, thinking that the electricity account was in his name. But I’ve just rechecked to find that MY name is the only one on the bills. All I can think is that a good many years ago when United Energy had one of it’s offices in Bentleigh we were indeed a retail customer of theirs. They must have gone through their archives to get his name!

        Also I do remember the blackouts and in fact I think I took a screen photo (if that’s what you call it) showing date and their reason for the outage and approx time the power would be restored. Did several of them. Might reprint them and incorporate that into my reply…….

        • Anonymous says:

          Faye this is illegal and criminal behavior. The advice i have been given, is that we should all be complaining to the people that give them their licenses and tell them that this letter is illegal and criminal behavior Lots of letters telling their bosses, what we think of this behavior.
          They need their license revoked, we should all be complaining, whether we are with United Energy or not. A complaint also needs to be sent to the Energy Minister and Shadow Energy Minister. While you are at it send the same complaint to Naptihine and Abbott.
          They are hoping to trick your husband Faye. If they don’t want to maintain the poles and wires then they are not fulfilling their contract. Electricity is an essential service, so they have basically stated that if a comet falls from the sky and hits the power line they will not fix it, unless you give in to them.

        • Cameron says:

          Faye, another thing regarding the retail account.
          There the account mailing name but there is also an account name for the person deemed financially responsible. Also there are the names of anyone else designated to be an authority on the account that the retailer will deal with over the phone.
          That’s one scenario.
          The other scenario is that these little boys and girls will target whomever in the household they deem to be the most vulnerable member.
          Jemena especially are experts at this.

        • Snowy says:

          One approach a person may or may not want to use for common law/contract law refusal of consent to contract.

          Prepare your own slightly larger envelope which is to be addressed to the CEO of the utility at the utility’s Head Office address.

          (NOTE: This Head Office address may not be the same address as the return address which is on the utility’s envelope containing the offer to contract Notice sent to you, so be certain to not use that address, as it may only be a P.O box address)

          On the document itself write in red ink on the diagonal in all caps on both sides of the document:


          On the utility envelope place a white sticker over the address area if it is addressed to you as the customer (versus a cellophane window)

          Write in red ink across the white out area, on the diagonal in all caps:


          Write beside the return address area:


          Make photocopies of the originals you are returning – to keep for your own files as proof.
          Ask for the photocopies date to be date stamped by the post office.
          Fold the Notice and fold the envelope and stuff each separately in your own envelope which is addressed to the CEO of the utility at the Head Office address of the utility.
          Send by Registered mail.
          Be certain to get your registered mail receipt date stamped for your files.
          In a few days go on the postal website and use your tracking number to determine the day that the envelope you mailed was signed for.
          Download the postal receipt certificate of proof which has on it the utility’s signature and the date of receipt of your registered mail envelope.

          • Snowy says:

            Consider also sending the CEO a Claim of Right for defence of property and for retention of your analogue/electromechanical meter itself. In most Commonwealth countries operating under English law a COR is the highest law of the land. Check your criminal code to see if this applies for your jurisdiction.
            Demand to see a copy of the Act that mandates this deployment.
            The key question to ask anyone from a utility is this: Under what authority is this program operating?
            Check to see that the document has been given royal assent by the Queen, not by a clerk.
            (Hint, the Queen will not have signed on for this kind of uninsurable liability)
            No royal assent, no law.
            No law, no mandate.
            No mandate, no authority over you.

    • Ainsleigh Needham says:

      More legal entrapment from UE ? Or more toilet paper ?
      You can see how they really scratched their heads to put this latest piece of $H1+ together. Follow it through. The logic is absolutely flawed.
      “network outage (eg. a voltage variation)”

      A voltage variation ???

      I suppose they thought that it sounded technical enough to stupid people like us.
      They are just throwing any $H1+ at people to try and make them cave in.

      I wonder whether they will actually attempt to sabotage their own grid. I think that would land them in some very hot water and I would love to get my hands on the proof to burn them.

      This is the extortion card all over again. No smart meter no power……if your analogue meter has been damaged in an outage. So what do they suggest….get a smart meter now.

      Here’s their offer to fix the problem (huh ? what problem ?)
      Please contact us on 1300 650 887 between……convenient time….exchange….meter.
      Yep…..the usual.

      No thanks.

      Make no mistake about this. If there is a power outage they are obliged to restore power regardless of whether AMI is in place or not or they will be in big trouble.

      Keep your meter boxes well and truly locked you Peninsula folk and all others too.

      I think sending them a Notice at this stage would be good because there is so many things that we can fault (and default) them on including the very notices that they send.

      Oh, better let you in on a little secret. My analogue meter has survived many many years of so called “network outages” or “voltage variation” (for goodness sake) incidents.

      Object to the offer and keep your meter box locked. And tell them that any further correspondence is not to occur and constitutes harassment…because what you will find is that once you engage with them they will continue to engage with you and attempt to entrap you with their web of BS and you need to be able to see through it to be able to deal with these parasitic leeches.

      If you understand the difference between non fiction and fiction then you will understand what part of the library to go and look for United Energy’s latest literary endeavour.

      And Kristina Thompson was the one roped in for the deed this time. Anything for a dollar sweetheart. Doesn’t she realise what the repercussions for her could be in putting her name to what I allege to be a blatant act of extortion upon Victorians ? (and legal entrapment)

      Please, folk do not allow $H1+ like this to get to you. Remember, nothing has actually changed other than that you have been served with an offer to contract in which silence works in the favor of them making the offer…… least according to the commercial law that these parasites go by.

      • Rachel says:

        According to Linked-In Kristina Thompson’s current position is the Business Performance Manager at Jemena. Clearly United Energy and Jemena are twin sisters living under the same roof.

      • Faye Brown says:

        “I wonder whether they would attempt to sabotage their own grid”
        Funny you should mention that Ainsleigh. We received the letter Friday and Saturday evening we had what you could describe as a minor ‘power surge’ causing the power to flick off for about 1 second. Too minor to lose power completely, but it happened twice that night. Guess what we were thinking?! Hehe!

    • Ainsleigh Needham says:

      This sounds like their offer to you to provide a remedy for what is a fictitious scenario that they have quite obviously conjured up out with their devious minds.
      It’s actually quite laughable when you see them attempting to describe it in trying to put it over you.
      And guess what the remedy is ? Correct, it’s the same old remedy, get a smart meter.
      Just more harassment by post being carried out with impunity. Harassment by post does carry penalty of two years imprisonment.

    • Anonymous says:

      They know that they can’t say we’ll cut your power off if you don’t get a smart meter so they now say we won’t turn your power back on if there is an outage.
      That’s flawed logic UE, in fact a complete crock.
      And then they try to cover the criminality of this their act of making an EXTORTIVE demand by stating
      1. Applicability of this extortion to a scenario of outage damaging the old meter (never seen that before)
      2. Inability of theirs to switch the power on (total bollocks, the power is on if there is a wire going into the premises)
      3. Inability to switch the power on because of inability to do it remotely (again bollocks, when there is an outage, power just needs to be restored to the pole. We know they can’t switch the power on remotely and neither can they switch it of remotely. Power to the premises itself that has a proper electricity accumulation meter and not a carcinogenic radio transmitter can only be switched off manually and can only be switched on manually.

    • Minnie says:

      Faye, look up the distributors license and use what you can. Postal harassment is a crime and carries penalties, so does harassment.
      This is part of United Energy’s use of system agreement.
      The Retailer wishes to sell electricity to Customers at Supply Points within
      the Distributor’s Distribution Area
      The retailer sells you electricity not United Energy.
      Distribution Licence
      means a licence granted under section 19 of the EI Act to
      distribute and deliver electricity using a distribution system.
      Interruption means the planned or unplanned temporary interruption of the
      Supply of electricity to one or more Supply Points, but does not include

      Reconnection or restoration of Supply
      (a)Subject to clause 6.5 (b) the Distributor must reconnect and restore Supply
      to the affected Customer’s Supply Point.
      (1) when required to do so under the Electricity Law, following
      Disconnection or Interruption;
      They have to abide by the Electricity law, they are not above the law.

    • TL says:

      My perspective is this letter from UE is a load of nonsense. When did they ever access our meter when there was a power outage? The meter has got nothing to do with restoring power. They still need to send out a team to fix the fallen power line or whatever.

      They will know the power is out because your neighbours kindly allowed them to install a smart meter on their houses. You don’t have to be Einstein to realise that if No. 2 Main St, which has a smart meter, has no power, then it is highly likely that No 4 Main St, which has an analogue meter, probably also doesn’t have power. Power outages usually occur to large sections of the suburb, not just the houses with an older style meter.

      And if they are still too dumb to figure out where the power outage is occurring, then I’m sure us people who were smart enough to keep our analogue meter will let them know.

      Frankly, I’d be more concerned about power outages if I DID have a smart meter. Remember that incident in the Geelong area about 1 1/2 years ago where there was a power outage, then power was restored, and a house in that area subsequently burned down, killing the male inhabitant? That house apparently had a smart meter which the power company rushed to replace. Would that house have burned down had it had an analogue meter?

  159. W Fromoz says:
    I updated my web-page, it has new address now. I try to create some kind of manual with information about Smart-meter related issues.
    And, of course, there is a legal information in case you want to get rid of it.

  160. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Apparently there was a news report yesterday, of a house fire in Oakleigh, definately started by a “smart” meter, so said the MFB. I haven’t been able to find anything about it online. Does anyone else have a link to this story, or further information? Seems to have gone very quiet.

  161. Anonymous says:

    It is free. I think it is good idea to come and listen. He may give us some useful tips for class action.

  162. Anonymous says:

    Yesterday Energy Minister Russell Northe finally understood that he cannot keep pretending that everything is fine with smart meters so he promised one more test.
    And before even the start of the test he was able to predict the results: “smart meters will be shown to operate well within the ARPANSA standard”
    So he still has no idea (or pretends to do so) about EHS and that the Standard is not applicable to people who suffer from it!

    To ensure he will not be able to tell in future “I had no idea about EHS” I propose everyone write him a letter and give him this link:

    Contacts for the minister:

    You can read more here:

  163. Peter says:

    This was raised on the tv news last night, smart meters in your cars? More control for the government? TOU car tax? Invasion of privacy? Democratic right to say no? Where have we seen all this before? I dare this, this hat has just been thrown into the ring to see what reaction they get. No reaction? They will assume they have a ‘mandate’ to go ahead with this idea!!!!!

  164. Happy Dissenter says:

    Good luck to Frankston candidate Mr Vogt ( anti-smart meter opponent ) in the upcoming state election.

  165. Peter says:

    Who didn’t see this coming?
    What worries me is, what the government will do to prevent this happening! Foreign investors have put a lot of money into the AMI and they expect to make a profit from their investments.

  166. Anonymous says:

    I asked my distributor (outer SE Melbourne) about HAN, NAN and mesh networks. Answer is very interesting. 40 sec per day. I do not have equipment to check it.

    It is message from my distributor:

    SP AusNet do not use HAN or MESH networks; SP AusNet use a wireless telecommunications network called WiMAX to transmit data directly between the customers’ smart meter and SP AusNet.  WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) uses low-level radio frequency to communicate directly with each smart meter. Radio frequency levels from WiMAX technology are well within Australian guidelines, governed by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA).  The maximum RF EME level from the WiMAX base station services has been found to be less than 1% of the allowable ARPANSA General Public Exposure limit.

    In addition, the smart meter signal on SP AusNet’s meters is only actually active 4 times a day, for about 10 seconds at a time. The rest of the time the signal is dormant; it is not operational and does not transmit. This means any radiofrequency exposure is limited to around 40 seconds a day.

    • Sick Of Their Lies says:

      “Well within Australian Guidelines”. We all know about the standards.
      Standards that were published back in 2002, (over 12 years ago), that were bogus anyway.

      The ARPANSA RF Standard is based on known thermal heating measurements of body tissue. Although, ARPANSA state in Fact sheet 13, “some research has indicated that non-thermal effects resulting from low-level RF exposure may also occur. However, the existence of these effects and their implications has not been sufficiently established to allow for them in the Standard.”….How convenient!
      The current safety limits do not take into account any non-thermal biological effects that may arise from prolonged or accumulative exposure. This means that any biological changes to the body other than heating are not taken into account.

      The use of WiMax in regards to a smart meter rollout, is a world first.
      The technology is untested.
      Currently, I don’t believe SP Ausnet’s WiMax network is even switched on as yet, due to the technical issues associated with it.
      Wi-Fi has a range of around 30 Meters.
      WiMax can communicate to a tower 50 KILOMETERS AWAY!!!
      The increased range is due to the frequencies used and the power of the transmitter.
      Don’t for one second, try to convince me that this is safe, no matter how long it is turned on for each day.

      This is nothing more than a massive, dangerous, science experiment being conducted on the Victorian public, with no way of knowing what effect this technology will have, short and long term on the people of Victoria that fall within SP Ausnet’s customer base, some 680,000 customers in Eastern Victoria.

      We should all be very concerned.

      Please see:

      • Anonymous says:

        Anyone lives in SP Ausnet area? What radio smog meter tells? Radiation 24/7 or 4 times per day?

        • Sick Of Their Lies says:

          I’m an SP Ausnet customer. Took a reading from 2 neighbour’s meter boxes and the level is nothing (0.0012 mW/m2 at the meterbox). The meter’s red light is on and the digital readout is flashing away, but it’s obviously not communicating from what I can see.
          In comparison, the Origin “smart” meter on my friends holiday house hit an incredible 1827mW/m2, 5 times in thirty seconds, if you can believe that. The actual reading is more than 1827mW/m2, but my meter cannot read beyond that figure.
          I know……..”well within Australian Standards”……..What a joke!

          Back to SP Ausnet:
          However, if they do only communicate for about 10 secs at a time, 4 times a day, it’s pretty hard to check that, as I would need to be there, at the meter box, at the exact time it does communicate, to read the level.
          This is almost impossible to do, unless I knew what hours of the day the communication happens, for that particular 10 second transmission period.

          I’m pretty sure the “smart” meters in this area aren’t communicating at all.
          I’ve checked a number of times over the last year or so, on a number of properties, and never got a reading.

          There are people in my area that have had “smart” meters on their homes for over two years or more. If the “smart” meters aren’t communicating at the moment, most of my neighbours probably aren’t feeling sick at the moment, because the WiMax most likely hasn’t been switched on as yet. However, when it does eventually get turned on, when they do start feeling ill, they won’t suspect the “smart” meter as the cause of their sickness, because of the fact that they’ve already had the “smart” meter on their home for the last couple of years, and always felt fine. They’ll suspect everything else, but the “smart” meter.
          This I believe is a cunning, sneaky trick by the distributor to confuse the issue even further, for when the public all start getting sick.

          Why is there no information readily available, that tells us what going on with SP Ausnet’s rollout?
          Is the WiMax currently turned on, or is it off?
          If it is currently off, when is it being turned on?
          How strong is the level?
          What exact frequency is being used? Is it 2.5GHz, 3.5GHz, 5.8GHz, ?
          How many times does it actually communicate each day?
          At what particular hours of the day?
          For exactly how long?

          In the interests of our families and friends, short and long time health,
          We have a Right To Know, about the technology we are being exposed to on a daily basis.

          We Are Told Nothing!

          Do you really think SINGAPORE Power give a damn about the health of their 680000 customers, across the ocean, down in little old Victoria, Australia, over 6000kms away from Head Office? SP Ausnet know all too well, that they are very carefully operating within the current (but outdated) Australian Standards set by ARPANSA, and simply wanting to extract as much money from us as they possibly can, for as long as they possibly can, by whatever means they can “legally” get away with, without a care in the world for our health, privacy or security.

          We are simply collateral damage in SP Ausnet’s sick, twisted, barbaric science experiment, that can only end badly for ALL parties involved in this diabolical mess.

          • Anonymous says:

            Looks like SP Ausnet did not lay me about using smart meters only 4 times per day. As I understand WiMAX working – 4 times per day, up 40 sec. Compare with United Energy it is nothing.

            Anyone wants to ask SP Ausnet about plans for HAN network?

            May be they have no plans at all. There is a chance they installed Smart meters to save salaries of Meter Readers and it is all.

            • Peter says:

              Distributors claiming they only read your electricity use 4 times a day are deliberately misleading their customers, yes, they may take YOUR readings 4 times a day, but where ever a ‘mesh system’ is used, the meter is constantly communicating with other meters in the area, this is why; if you take a ‘smog meter’ reading, you will get a reading every few seconds

            • Tamara says:

              SP Ausnet’s HAN plans are in disarray. According to a company that sells In Home Displays less than 60% of the physically installed (so-called) Smart Meters are in fact communicating with Singapore Power’s head office, refer

    • Max says:

      Why would you ask the Distributors any questions? Do you think they tell the truth? If you believe them, then that is your choice. All smart meter emission’s were found within ARPANSA’S 2002 standard. This does not make them safe. Sixteen sites were tested and some had no measurements. Still think they tell the truth?

    • Snowy says:

      Why recycle utility lies? Such nonsense is easily disproved, by anyone using a hand held radiation monitor which readily measures illegal dangerous levels of continuous, cumulative pulsing radiation surges and spikes, every few seconds 24/7 from ALL smart grid components.

      Hugh Hinskens, a Canadian Electronics Engineering Technologist with a B.Sc. in physics and a background in microwave circuit engineering.
      According to experts, the switch mode power supply (SMPS) contained in millions of ‘smart’ meters (but not their analog predecessors) has essentially ‘polluted’ the electricity coming into our homes with high frequency transients. Which means at the end of the day, there is no “opt out” when the “smart grid” is being deployed in your area. Even with no RF microwave wireless antennas, a “smart” grid of SMPS-equipped meters can still threaten your health.

      It’s not that each individual power supply is more powerful, but rather because every smart meter is of exactly the same design and construction, each SMPS is emitting the same spectrum of harmonics, which are all in phase with the 60 Hz of the power grid and therefore in phase with each other. For consumer electronics, including desk top computers, which have SMPS’s that are higher power, the variety of manufacturers, designs and components in their construction prevents the constructive interference (due to phase coherence) of identical harmonics which manifests with the identical smart meters.

      Also, consumer electronics are plugged into a single branch of a house’s wiring system, so the distance to other branches is longer, allowing more dissipation of the energy from the single branch before it reaches the other branches in the same house, or back into the main grid. The meter is at the root of the branches in the house, so each branch acts like a separate antenna for the harmonics, causing a more well distributed field throughout the house. And because the meter is right where the grid is connected to the house, it’s closer to its peers on other houses, allowing a shorter path for the coherent pulses to combine with other meters’ pulses.

      The total energy of the harmonics from the consumer electronics is likely higher, but an analogy would be that their emitted harmonics are like a dim light bulb that’s on virtually all the time with frequencies spread out more homogeneously, while the smart meter harmonics go from low energy to high peaks at particular discrete frequencies like a bright strobe light. I would think that this coherent pulsing is the cause of the greater negative effects attributed to smart meters.The wiring of every house in a neighborhood is an antenna system transmitting these pulses throughout the neighborhood.
      The Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster is an example of constructive interference in a harmonic system of mechanical energy resulting in a combined energy that caused total destruction, a possibility which escaped the engineers because they only analyzed individual harmonics occurring in isolation. The harmonic emissions of smart meters were not likely analyzed in a real world scenario with thousands operating at once.

      • Anonymous says:

        House wiring cannot be used as antenna for UHF. Results will be terrible. Poor quality of signal and need for a lot of power.
        My Smart meter has antenna on side of meter box. Beige colour plastic, about 250mm long, 30 wide, 15 high.

        • Peter says:

          Is the antenna attached to YOUR meter box? Could be construed as wilful damage if it was done without your consent and against your will?

    • Minnie says:

      You do have equipment to check, stand near the smart meter and see what happens. Your best equipment is your body, especially your brain. Let us know if your brain starts to cook.
      Do they have Nan networks? I thought this was a type of bread.

    • TL says:

      And if WiMAX can communicate to a tower 50 kilometres away (as Sick of their lies says) then that cancels out Sp Ausnet’s reassurance that the smart meter communicates only 4 times a day for a maximum of 40 seconds daily. You are being irradiated also by your neighbour’s smart meter communicating for 40 seconds per day, plus their next door neighbour’s meter, plus the entire town just a little further down the highway.

      My ability to think clearly has been destroyed by my neighbours’ smart meters just within a 50 METRE radius of my home in a mesh/grid electricity network, but by my calculations, that means you only need 2,160 buildings with a single smart meter within a 50 kilometre radius for you to be potentially irradiated every second of the day.

      Anonymous, how safe do you feel now?

    • Minnie says:

      Anonymous, who are you trying to convince, us or yourself?

      • Standing up for my rights says:

        Anonymous is a patsy/ troll/ paid employee of the bad boys. Ignore.

        • Anonymous says:

          I provided information and asked question from anyone who has equipment to check it. I trust in equipment, not letter from Ausnet.

  167. Peter says:

    re UE backflip, read their ‘vision and values’ to see what hypocrites they really are!

    Personally, I think they have taken a few lessons on ‘transparency’ from our ‘trusted’ pollies, who make all the right noises before an election, then do the opposite after they get elected!

    • TL says:

      Peter, in the interests of honesty and transparency I have given my assistance to UE in re-wording their vision and values more accurately below, based on observation, not written promises. After all, we wouldn’t want to go into an election without knowing what we are voting for.

      “We are focused on our immediate business priorities of building our reputation with some stakeholders, completing a smooth progression to a service model that better suits our needs, imposing risks on the customers only and ensuring unfair returns to investors.
      Together we are working hard to satisfy ourselves and build a business that returns value to some shareholders and is respected by government and regulators as a kowtowing operator.
      We’re thinking about what our customers will want from energy in five, 10, 20 or 50 years from now when they’re all dead from smart meters. As The Non-Intelligent Utility we will give our customers access to the deadliest technology and the most corrupt network, with a priority on efficiently railroading the smart meter rollout and on building our reputation by meeting current and future government requirements.
      Our customers and stakeholders have highly unmet expectations about the level of service we provide, and are alarmed at the focus we have on distributing unsafe and unreliable energy, the value we refuse to deliver for them and how we ignore their needs, individually and as a community.
      These expectations are reflected in our values – safety breaches, unaccountability, refusal to collaborate, lies, disempowerment and disrespect – which guide us in everything we do.
      Safety – We seek to achieve maximum harm
      Accountable – We deliver on our promises to look after ourselves only
      Collaborative – We work at working together to kill Victorians with smart meters
      Communicative – We take the time to connect amongst our colleagues only
      Empowering – We grow ourselves and the government to success
      Respect – We act with integrity to no-one”

      • Peter says:

        Sounds more accurate to me than the original!

        • Gwen says:

          Yes TL, what you have written sounds like the TRUTH regarding the power companies view of their customers. The best way to determine if something is true, look at it in action because actions speak louder than words.

  168. Snowy says:

    Ever wonder how the industry made the implausible leap from the falsely represented safety of cell phones to the never proven safety of smart meters?
    Welcome to the SAR dummy.
    Who is the real dummy when it comes to the SAR dummy?
    The SAR dummy would make Barnum and Bailey proud. It has no biological properties. It is deception at the highest level of stupid.
    A phone is attached by a harness to a plastic head at a predetermined angle of incidence that means nothing since the cell phone is not connected to any number of towers for every single call, in the way that a real one is.
    When someone uses a cell phone they create a giant field all around themselves that is often 30 feet or more across – or worse. all in aid of the illusion of a false sense of connectivity with those far away while at the same time exposing everyone nearby to second hand radiation.
    Generation X-Ray loves it.
    The SAR dummy, SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), is the term for a hollow head made of plastic gel.
    Unlike you, it has so biological properties. This absurd joke is on you. Those who use this dummy to pretend cell phones are safe do not even try to have the dummy simulate any biological properties – no nervous system, muscles, brains, eyes, ears, teeth, saliva glands, lymph nodes, throats, thyroids or hearts, etc.
    Notice that by calling the dummy a SAR dummy they use an acronym which stands for SPECIFIC ABSORPTION RATE. This is an admission by those charged with overseeing global “safety” from cell phones that they have Specific Radiation as well as radiation Absorption risks.
    However, the SAR pretext and the resulting research makes certain to only discuss what is defined as measurable “thermal effects” on a plastic head which uses water as a substitute for human brains, with a thermometer immersed in this slowly heated water which is inside the SAR gel head’s hollow interior.
    Some justifiably call this the SAR Soup-head dummy.
    Causation of smart meter harm is not difficult to prove. Non thermal effects right down to the lowest possible exposure can be shown by the correct application of specialized thermographic refinement, as a way to observe how the lowest artificial electromagnetic pulses “cook” biological tissue.
    The true function of the SAR dummy is to distract, not to clarify. Apparently it is rather easy to mislead non critical thinkers by employing such retrogressive non science, redirecting the observer away from the obvious, which is actually that the industry is pretending to measure just how MUCH absorption of a toxic substance is “safe”, while at the same time fooling the public into accepting the premise that continuous and cumulative exposure to radiation set below a certain level could ever be “safe”.
    This is rather like arguing that a slow cooker low heat crock pot which takes 12 hours to cook a meal would be safer to use for cooking your brain and body than would be a regular oven which takes only thirty minutes to cook the same meal. The end result is the same, only the time line differs.
    Which begs a larger question. Why is it easier than ever to mislead so many?
    In situ is a Latin phrase that translates literally to “on site” or “in position”. It means “locally”, “on site”, “on the premises” or “in place” to describe an event . Actually, even though the cell phone used in the SAR test is not in situ, no cell towers to be found, nevertheless the existence of the SAR dummy head unintentionally serves as an industry admission that the capacity for wireless microwave harm does exist. Of course the dummy is designed to reassure, not to reveal..
    Cargo cult science refers to practices that have the semblance of being scientific, but do not in fact follow the scientific method.
    Inadvertently, the SAR dummy head serves as the ULTIMATE proof of just how a false sense of safety is generated by the cel/mobile industry using cargo cult science to establish a sham, by pretending that this represents a global gold standard for safety.
    No test has ever been done for the smart grid – until VERY recently. A VERY significant smart meter test was done by an independent frequency measurement company in New York, measuring smart meters in situ. It was found that the tests registered dramatically dangerous levels of radiation, in fact way off the charts, as soon as every smart meter in situ registered the network intensity created by interaction with all the invisible frequencies enabled by and emitted from all other smart meters in situ in the region.
    The smart grid is a communications network.
    It incorporates the cell industry into the grid.
    The more people demand wireless phones the richer they get.
    Sadly most still have no real comprehension of the true danger level.
    Meanwhile, those who are able to “feel” the heat, to feel themselves cooking, are dismissed as either psychosomatic or psychiatrically compromised.
    Entire cultures are now becoming nomadic in search of frequency-free quiet zones, a hopeless task akin to Sisyphus doomed to roll a boulder uphill forever. Frequency induced suicide is on the rise.
    Multiple cell towers are pulled into play every single time any cell phone is turned on by yet another oblivious person who harms all around them without a second thought. Yet even cell phone frequencies are drowned out by the smart grid and cell towers used for both phones and meters are all excluded from the SAR dummy test,since the dummy head is sealed off by putting the gel head inside an anechoic chamber.

    Stunning how the world fell for this. Just how did so much of the world acclimate so readily to the concept of using microwaves, as if this was a perfectly reasonable thing to use in a home, much less on or near one’s own and one’s children’s bodies?
    The transition into microwave immersion in a wireless radiation laced world is not as mysterious as it seems. Most got there incrementally. It might begin with the radio, the one you used to increase the signal for by touching the antenna and thereby turning your whole body into a broadcasting antenna. Or maybe there was that Christmas purchase of a walkie talkie set able to broadcast 3/4 of a mile. Next thing you know you have a portable home phone with a channel changer built in, just in case someone hacks into and can hear your conversation on the unlicensed channel you happen to be using to broadcast your phone conversation. And then there is that upgrade when you learn that a portable phones are made in sets, with wireless secondary phones that talk to its base station from all over your home, while they all radiate non stop. Not a large step to go from this to a wireless modem and a laptop, since each wireless device insinuates itself into “modern” life in stages. Gadgets are seductive even when they are dangerous and even when the one with the most wireless toys wins – but dies sooner.

    • Snowy says:

      Back to the SAR dummy, the one they use to fool nearly everyone into believing that this wireless world is safe no matter how far wireless proliferation goes. The SAR dummy is used as the SOLE standard for the entire world for “safety” of all wireless cell based technology – and is approved by the IEEE – a board comprised of the military and those who own the cell industry which pretty much runs the world, three times more powerful than Big Pharma and growing fast thanks to wireless addiction spreading like a virus all over the planet – even though wireless actually gobbles way more electricity.
      So the industry uses a plastic head to tell the Big Lie that you are safe because the water inside the gel head definitely got hotter but not while using actual cell towers. It was deemed to have not actually overheated by one full degree, meaning they only cook your head a little – EACH TIME.
      Okay, so …
      Who falls for this kind of scam?
      People use wireless without a second thought because they cannot feel it altering their bodies. It is making bright people stupid, and since it triggers accelerated ageing it is also making young people age much faster, rapid die off along with wireless addiction. But for some reason almost no one notices, including most of those affected.
      For some reason, millions of otherwise intelligent people still don’t “get” what is happening here. The shell game is to have everyone think the level of exposure is low, even though it is in fact accumulating continuously inside your brain, heart and that of your infant baby.
      The “standard for the entire planet is this: The dummy has to be placed inside a chamber so as to do a test without interference, which is pretty ironic since the way a cell phone works is by accepting just that, interference from triangulating cell towers. But it is deemed essential for the SAR dummy head to be able for this test to escape from electrosmog. Would that the rest of us were so lucky.
      So this means that the SAR dummy is not actually connecting to cell towers when they test it. They use other means to heat the water. Just as long as the water inside the SAR dummy head does not reach a full degree hotter, then it and you are deemed to be safe.
      Knowing that the head honchos for the military and the mobile industry are stacked six deep on the board of the international IEEE which uses the SAR standards because, of course, they are only interested in looking out for your well being, do you feel safer now?
      You are told that the SAR “proves” that it is just fine to continue to plaster a wireless microwave emitting flesh cooker against the side of your brainpan in order to use several cell towers to tell your mate that you are on your way home for a microwave “cooked” dinner.
      The oscillating magnetron is the heart of any microwave oven, produceing a 2450 MHz frequency which converts 60 hertz voltage from your outlet into microwave energy which denatures food by generating radio frequencies as heat which radiates RF energy inside the plastic cooking cavity which is absorbed by food. Thing is, the food is not so much cooked as it’s DNA is “altered”. The catch is that although this is also true for a regular oven, with microwaves it is no longer food. Your body is unable to recognize microwaved food’s nutritional value.
      Microwave ovens, zigbee chips and many other wireless networks operate on very nearly the same electromagnetic frequency (between 2.4 and 2.5 GHz).
      The internal workings of microwave ovens can and do develop a burned antenna caused by arcing due to back feeding microwave energy. Connectors can slip onto the magnetron filament terminals, become loose or are already improperly crimped, causing a buildup of resistive heat as the connection further deteriorates. A tiny burned spot on the magnetron insulator, after each each subsequent cook cycle progressively produces stronger arcing and burning. A very powerful electrical charge remains stored inside the high voltage capacitor, even when the malfunctioning microwave oven is unplugged and “stored” away, even when disconnected from your electrical system, still dangerous, especially if the capacitor is still not completely discharged.
      The microwave oven remains unquestioned (except in Russia where they are banned), ubiquitous despite the fact that it is a dangerous appliance. It produces RF much like a radio transmitter in a smart meter.
      Being exposed to high levels of microwave radiation leakage can cause cataracts and burns. A large leak from a microwave oven can light up an RF emitting fluorescent lightbulb held in your hand. A leaking microwave EMI gasket causes sparks to fly off a set of metal keys held near the door.
      Microwaves corrode metal so ovens are usually made of plastic. Plastic wears, cracks, warps, gets dented and bent, and soon breaks. The microwave oven often leaks microwaves, either right away or within the first year. Leakage is common and can reach 30 feet or more. It’s often located above a wall oven, in line with your head, or maybe it’s sitting on a kitchen counter in line with your baby’s highchair.
      After dinner baby is off to bed. Is there an RF emitting baby monitor stretching 1000 feet or more beyond your home’s envelope – and which, like any network circuit, can be hacked? How many settle in for a few hours on the wireless modem while using the iPad or iPhone?
      How many mistook freedom for having a choice to buy every wireless device? How many never understood that the world is wired for very good reasons?
      Even some electricians have fallen for the very thing that is putting them out of work, the elimination of wiring itself, the introduction of WITRICITY, the ultimate travesty, a completely wireless home which already exists right now. Even some electricians who use cell phones forgot that there are very real life or death reasons why they were taught to safely twist home wires together, in order to cancel out fields which would otherwise be dangerous to occupants. Can anyone ignore the value of wires, ignore cell towers and smart towers radiating the entire atmosphere we breathe and cannot escape from, unaware that we are an integral part of every inch of all of it?
      But then again, we decided to trust others when this radiation was persuasively pitched as a powerful promise, a wonderful convenience. No one mentioned how inconvenient cancer is.
      Then suddenly a big question arises If this is so good, how come FORCIBLE installation of a smart meter? Caught in our own web of illusion we suddenly awaken. And are promptly called hypocrites because no one gave INFORMED consent. No one knew yet that the government is always in lag to the truth if not busy downright obscuring it, or that your private valuable data is the new gold rush, so industry and government commodified you into being nothing more than a mere data bank.
      Face it, if you’ve got sunlight get off grid as fast as you can before the utilities clean out your bank account and develop penalties for divorcing them, already in the works.
      Industry has NEVER looked out for you or me, they are tracking your phone gadget right now. So it is no wonder so many just haven’t make these connections until they went too far, no surprise that when you don’t say no to these thugs you just said yes, no wonder that technological trespass is considered doable and property rights are evaporating at top speed.
      But so be it, if this is what it takes to realize that that we are no longer the owners of our own toys, that they now own us, because they have been turned on us as data extraction tools, exposure at unprecedented levels by countless wireless gadgets on all sides, inside and outside the sanctuaries we call home.
      The reality is that there are no acceptable levels of exposure to artificial radar technology called wireless.
      Safe levels are a term that is meaningless.
      ARPANSA is in essence enabling.
      Look closely at what they are actually doing, Day in and day out people are told they can be around something that is radiation – so long as it does not go over a certain level. But that only means for that minute. What about if it is every minute? What about when it never shuts off? What happens to your body, organs, when your liver reaches its radiation limit? Who offered to forfeit your brain waves, your heart rhythms? Your children? Your gene pool?
      They and you are altered by so called acceptable levels of radar approved by ARPANSA.

      A dental x-ray is said to be “safe” by government and other “authorities” who measure the amount in one snapshot dosage in isolation to all other exposure and then deem it “safe”.
      How many dentists ask you how many x-rays you have already had in your life?
      How many give you a lead apron?
      How many non dentists moonlight as meter installers?
      How many temp labourers violate code and hot swap while they use your meter base as a circuit breaker, a current interrupter, and manage to void the safety rating for the meter base by slapping an electrically incompatible device on a conventional meter socket, setting in motion arcing and corrosion of your home wiring, while undoing your home’s insurability?
      How many installers politely ask if it is okay to install their radiation equipment in or on your home in order to leave the smart non ionizing version of an x-ray on all the time for the rest of your life, possibly arcing behind the meter when they happen to slightly bend that one jaw while rushing the stabs into position and shoving all of them into the jaws fast, to avoid electrocution?
      But what the heck, out of sight out of mind, right?
      Smart grid wireless utility corporations do precisely this.
      Safety for all radiation, ionizing and non ionizing, is presented by the “government” to an often gullible and uninformed public in a compartmentalized way in order to distract and deflect from the reality of what is going on and on going.
      Safety is not defined or determined by cumulative exposure despite the fact that continuous and cumulative exposure is the issue as well as to what one is exposed. .
      Nor is “safety” determined by continuous exposure.
      Wireless is both cumulative and continuous.
      NO matter how low the level of exposure, that level is cancelled out by the fact that the radiation is always “on” and is both cumulative and continuous exposure.
      This approach to rendering the world wireless uses one situation at a time, uses entrapment on your doorstep, and disregards all other sources of wireless while it gets people to only focus on one here or one over there, one on my house, forget about the one on yours or his or hers. This is a web with a giant spider at its centre.
      That spider has got to go.
      In reality, every time any frequency intersects with any other frequency the two create a third new frequency.
      It is literally the wild west out there, lawless and unregulated and sheer madness.
      Biology is assaulted continuously by those who cannot feel their DNA shredding.
      When it comes to SAR safety, consider the source, one has to look closely at who or what is talking about it.
      Governmental health agencies used to use the phrase “acceptable levels of lead”.
      However they also said there were acceptable levels of thalidomide.
      Erin Brockovich skewered PG&E of more recent smart meter fame when they denied that “UNacceptable levels of exposure to hexavalent chromium (also written as “chromium VI”, “Cr-VI” or “Cr-6”) in drinking water were being ignored. Would acceptable levels of poison have been okay
      The reality is that there are no acceptable levels of poison.
      Wireless is poison which alters and cooks biology rendering it no longer biology,. Living flesh with full bio-electrical properties was never meant to interact with artificial radar technology called wireless.
      Those who rationalize amounts of poison are already way down the slippery slope.
      An epidemic will result from those overseeing the global smart grid while saying that nature will “adapt”.
      Say what?
      Will dolphins “adapt” to sonar?

    • Dead already says:

      Powercor/CitiPower smart meter spokespersons admit that smart meters were never tested on humans. Well why are we bothering at all with safety standards? If power companies can impose a device on us that affects us 24/7 without bothering to test it properly, then let’s all drink ‘safe’ baby formula from China, and clad our homes in ‘safe’ asbestos sheet from James Hardie, and so on and so forth.

  169. Olivia says:

    I’ve been having trouble accessing your facebook site and can’t open the page any more. Is it just me or has it disappeared?

    • Tanya says:

      Olivia, there are ongoing problems with the facebook page which cannot be quickly resolved. Hope you enjoy this website in the meantime. Explore the menus to see what’s changed since you last looked at them.

  170. Anonymous says:

    Click to access analysis12-13.pdf

    In agreement with this report ASPANSA received TWENTY TWO complains about Smart meters.

    People, please move your……
    Download form
    Fill it in and post to them. Otherwise they will keep their head in sand and keep saying “no idea what’s going on”

  171. Anonymous says:

    What a great idea Ross Holder to let people on here know of properties which are available to rent or buy that have no smart meter and locked meter box etc. It could be a great service to those who visit this site who are needing to move and who wish to avoid a smart meter on the property.

    There is a older-style four-bedroom beachside properly I know of becoming available for long term rent in Anglesea on the Victorian surfcoast west of Geelong which has no smart meter, a locked meter box, and owners who are committed to keeping it without a smart meter. The house is on the edge of a state park with only two close neighbours so I would assume exposure to wifi and smart meters from neighbours would be more limited than in the middle of a town or residential area? The property is to be listed with Hayden Real Estate in Anglesea and I have looked up their phone number: (03) 52632133. Hope it is helpful to someone?

  172. Peter says:

    Wow! Two articles on wifi in one day put out by channel 7.
    I have to say, the first, regarding Sofia’s situation was very poorly presented, whether by intention or ignorance is debatable. I was very pleased that Sofia was able to get in, the fact that United Energy had reneged on a deal to install a manually read meter.

    The article below shows how desperate ARPANSA has become over their failure to update their standards regarding ‘modern technology’, as it appears to contradict their own fact sheet 14!

  173. Snowy says:

    The essence of simplicity – (Note: not advisable for those who are not capable of thinking strategically on their feet or are not able to take their cue for what each response should be, based o the logical absurdity and sheer nonsense spouted by the installer, nor is it suitable as an approach to be used by those who cannot follow a script)

    An Actual Conversation (only applies if the country is still under English Law and Common Law and has not yet been sold off for foreign ownership)

    After repeat refusal at lower levels a senior rep for the utility called the customer.

    An “authoritative” sounding man with a lawyerly demeanour spoke:

    Utility Rep: ” We will be installing…..(blah blah)”

    Customer: “I don’t want one.”

    Utility Rep: “We have the Authority granted by the Clean Energy Act”

    Customer: “That wasn’t given Royal Assent so your Authority is invalid”

    Utility Rep: (silence)


    Utility Rep: “We also have the Power Authority Act, and the Electric Tariff regulated by the Utilities Commission under the Utilities Commission Act. ”

    Customer: “Those Acts are also invalid since they weren’t given Royal Assent either”

    Utility Rep: (silence again)

    Utility Rep (raised voice): “Well we’re installing it anyway”

    Customer (calm voice): “Then I will launch a lawsuit against the utility, their agents, partners, subcontractors, installers, and the Province”

    Utility (quiet voice): “Okay, we’ll just leave things as they are then”.

    Customer: “Thank you….”

    No further problems.
    Transcript for a Hypothetical Conversation (in a location where the utility originally insisted that millions of customers purchase their own analogue meters)

    (sub) Contractor (installer): I’m here to change your meter…

    Subscriber (customer): What if I don’t want your meter?

    C: The Utility will fine you $65 every time you refuse…

    S: Let’s say I take your meter, will the replacement belong to me?

    C: No, it will be the property of the Utility…

    S: Are you aware that the existing meter belongs to me?

    C: Yes, I realize that…

    S: I’m supposed to give you my meter in exchange for the utility’s meter, and they claim ownership?

    C: I’m just the installer, you’ll have to ask the Utility that question.

    S: I’d like to ask the Utility. Can you come back another time?

    C: Yes, but I’ll have to charge you $65 for a failed attempt….

    S:…Are you saying you will charge me to fail to remove my own meter and exchange it for the utility’s meter? So, the swapped in meter will not be mine to keep after the change out?

    C: No, your exchange meter now becomes the property of the Utility…

    S: Wouldn’t that be considered theft of my meter?

    C: You’ll have to take that up with the Utility..

    S: So, let me get this straight – You want to replace my meter with one that belongs to the Utility, you want to usurp my meter ownership, you want to charge me $32.40 plus tax per month for using the Utility’s meter, and you want to run off with my meter?

    C: Yep…

    S: So, taking into consideration the millions of meters the Utility has already taken and then replaced, are we not talking about grand theft here?

    C: You’ll have to ask the Utility about that, … or perhaps a lawyer.

  174. Anonymous says:

    Queenslanders beware! It looks as though your government is following Victoria’s lead and is going to sell your electricity grid off to foreign investors. We Victorians have learned the hard way, that in doing so, they sell off all your rights to protection against corporate thugs!
    Without a doubt, your government will do the same as the Victorian government and give these foreign investors free rain as far as tactics go, to force the installation of these surveillance and control devices. They certainly haven’t the guts to do the dirty work themselves!

    • Happy Dissenter says:

      Just resist like we have down here. Ask the installers/ people who phone you at home from the energy companies if you have broken the law and will you be arrested?? Stops them dead in their tracks. They haven’t got a leg to stand on and they know it!!! Tell all your friends and neighbours to tell THEM to naff off. 🙂 Tell them about the support and information they will receive on this site. The reality is a tier of government is doing the biding of a private company. Pfffttt!!!!

      • Peter says:

        If Queensland do as NSW are doing, they won’t even bother to tell their customers, they will just turn up and install their surveillance and control devices.
        My advise is lock your meter boxes and put your signs up NOW! Don’t wait until it is too late!
        With Joe Hockey advising all states to sell off all essential services, it is quite certain that is what they will do, so again, I advise the people of ALL Australian states to act now, lock your meter boxes and put up your signs, this should tell your state governments you will not accept being dictated to by corporate thugs.

  175. Tanya says:

    Last night on the TV news there was a story about Chanel No 5 perfume causing allergies.

    I immediately saw the link between Chanel No 5 perfume causing allergies and the EHS issue. After all these years (92 years) we’re hearing that some people are having an allergic reaction to Chanel No 5. Bureaucrats are saying that Chanel has a duty to provide a perfume that is safe for its users. They want Chanel to remove the dangerous ingredients from the perfume.

    But after a similar period of electrification, and even shorter period of radio frequencies (I assume), people are developing allergic reactions to electricity and RF. And they don’t have much choice to not use it. They have to move to the middle of nowhere in order to not use it. So why the hell don’t the bureaucrats think the power companies have a duty of care to provide safe electricity? Is it more important to smell nice than have safe power?

    • Jason says:

      A small correction:- You don’t have to move to the middle of nowhere to avoid ‘smart meters’; you can simply refuse to have one installed.
      And at the end of the day you need to be prepared to disconnect from the grid.
      You can do this in the suburbs as well as anywhere else, and given the ever-decreasing cost of ‘stand-alone’ system components (solar/wind/whatever) such an option, while being a bit less convenient than grid-connection, is certainly viable.

      Meanwhile, if somebody has a property available ‘out in the middle of nowhere’ perhaps they’d get in touch with me with a view to selling it ~ or swapping it for a smart-meter-free (and staying that way –> solar power) house in town a little under an hour from the CBD.

  176. Peter says:

    With reference to the article on the home page which says:

    ‘A State Government spokesperson said a new technical study had been commissioned to “confirm” the electro-magnetic fields from smart metres continue to fall well within the national radiation standards set by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency’.

    This is yet another attempt by the Victorian government, to waste more time and money only to confirm yet again an issue that no one disagrees with! Of course the emissions’ fall within the ARPASA standards, those standards were written years before the roll out started and do not consider the specific effects of continuous radiation in close proximity to sleeping infants and adults, or the effect they are having on people who are now suffering ill effects from them!

    The ARPANSA fact sheet 14 makes very clear that ARPANSA is well aware of the possible effects of radiation from wireless devices, but refuse to even mention so called smart meters, preferring to compare them with mobile phones, baby monitors and the like, none of which are ‘compulsory’ nor do they operate every few seconds 24/7!

    The statement doesn’t say who will be doing the study, no doubt it will be some one with a vested interest in the continued roll out, or some one ‘under the governments thumb’, either way they government will get the report it wants, it certainly will not be ‘independent’!

    If the government were genuinely concerned, (obviously they are not!) then they should be looking at statistics showing where people are falling ill in relation to where these devices are installed and how many became ill after the installation of one of these devices, this would surely be a more accurate indicator of whether they are a health issue or not?

  177. Eric says:

    A comment from a poster on another website regarding smart meters.

    This is NOT a “meter. It is NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT NODE, as well as containing 3 transmitters and a semi lethal SMPS. In fact what we think of as a meter is not a meter since it is only capable of virtual estimation of usage based on ambient energy in the vicinity and beyond and since it shares all data with up to 5000 other non meters. all linked into one continuous circuit, Historically, that is a first and violates all kinds of laws and amendments. So this is a data extraction single node in a data extraction communications separate second wireless grid communications network (not to be confused with an energy delivery system), a microwave enabling and generating node that uses your home and uninsulated wiring and money to run a system which privatizes data profits for corporations and socializes structural and all other costs and losses – to “customers” . It is an assault on private property rights in multiple ways.

  178. Truthseekers says:

    Why has Sophia been left without power for 3 months without someone taking this to A Current Affair for example and making public her battle??? Is this too hot a topic and would they even dare air it???

    • Peter says:

      The sad fact is, mainstream media don’t want to get involved with any major issues concerning ‘smart meters’. Only the local media outlets seem to take any interest in these issues. The question is, why Is this so? Has the media been warned off by the Victorian government?

  179. Happy Dissenter says:

    The good work this site is doing is being noticed around the country. Check out this blog post about refusing smart meters in another state.

  180. Eric says:

    re. Dirty Electricity from ‘Smart’ Meters: Answers from the Experts

  181. Happy Dissenter says:

    Small mercies I suppose….take a gander at this article about SP Ausnet. Keep your gates and meter boxes locked!!!,sp-ausnet-vic-smart-meter-rollout-delayed-indefinitely.aspx

  182. Ross Holder says:

    Anybody in the market for a non-smart meter house in the Frankston area? My house is on the market and I have successfully kept my meter box locked and kept my interval meter at the property. I fear that this will change when the house is sold to sheeple who will not have the courage to maintain the fight, and will soon be coerced into a smart meter installation.

    Please understand I am not trying to take advantage of anyone. Leave a reply if you are interested. It is listed with local agents, and it will sell, hopefully to the right person. Thanks.

    • Ross Holder says:

      ….which is my concern precisely. I am sure that EMR has deleterious effects on many people, my mother being one of them. My major objection to smart meters is their potential use as a control device, which will be used to undermine basic freedoms such as Freedom of Speech.

      Picture this…. currently the internet allows dissent through Facebook, personal blogs, webpages like this one, etc. Imagine what will happen when someone finds out that you are criticising the government? BANG! They turn off your power, and the criticism stops. There is no chance that you can spread any of your ‘poisonous’ and ‘dangerous’ ideas, or that (shock horror) that other people may find the courage to think for themselves based on your example.

      George Orwell (1984) — ‘He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.’

  183. Leonie says:

    Am having solar installed today. The installer last night informed me that I need to have a change of meter and that it’s compulsory. I live in NSW. He’s not sure what brand it is – he’s sub contracted an electrician for the install. I’m wondering if this is going to be a smart meter and if I have any say in the matter i.e. is it really compulsory? Thoughts?

    • Peter says:

      As I understand the situation in NSW, ‘smart meters’ are not compulsory, in SA they are not compulsory either. No doubt they will try and tell you that you have to have one. Ask the installer what legislation states ‘it is compulsory’ to have a smart meter.
      In actual fact, I have asked these questions of the Victorian government and had no reply, so I assume they are not compulsory in Victoria either!!!!!!!!

    • Citizen for Democracy says:

      For solar you need an input-output meter, which is an electronic/digital meter (a smart meter without the wireless component). BUT, they will try and tell you that you need a smart meter. They will play on the fact that most people don’t understand the difference between a smart meter and an electronic or digital meter. They will also play with words using the term digital meter for a smart meter and vice-versa.
      My suggestion is stand your ground – do NOT accept a meter that wirelessly broadcasts your power consumption data, only accept a meter if it still needs to be manually read by a meter reader.
      Good luck and remember – smart meters are NOT mandatory in NSW.

      • Snowy says:

        Actually,no one “needs” a digital meter for solar, analogs always worked well with solar. But if you enter a grid tied contract, then of course the utility calls the shots. With electronics developing at lightning speed, it represents a huge challenge to find a “clean” rf free digital meter. This is not a search which any utility is likely to facilitate readily, since their profit margin is in data control and resales, data for its own sake, market driven as “NON PUBLIC INFORMATION DERIVATIVES” .
        These days almost every digital meter is upgradeable with the addition of “personality modules” (software) to convert them to full on “smart” whenever they want .
        The ideal would be to get out of the clutches of utility corporations, systematically pare back on kwh usage, use those savings to buy a few good quality deep cycle batteries and a gen set.
        Complexity is overrated.
        Modernity is often a trap.
        It is possible to prioritize energy needs versus proliferating energy wants, to create a lean yet comfy lifestyle and still go off grid altogether.
        Using DC power and heatex secondary wiring for a 12 volt system eliminates inverter transient problem. And solar panels minus inverters are more affordable than ever. In fact DIY is even more affordable .
        RV or caravan camping as a wonderful model of what is possible with voluntary simplicity. The same principles can be applied to a house, instead of being “upsold” a system to run what may be an unnecessarily over powered home. If you figure out in advance how many kilowatts you really need to use and how many things you use you really need, it gets easier to consider the benefits of off grid.
        If you are not actually going off grid but instead enter into a new contract with the power company for a net metering arrangement that’s a whole new contract.
        The utility will most certainly leverage that dependency to insist on converting any potentially “forever theirs” customer to use their “compulsory” digital devices, which almost everywhere are now designed as a digital meter which transmits usage data from your home to one or more cell towers.
        Grid tied: You are the one who invests your own money in your own system. There may be a small subsidy or grant out there that encourages you to stay married to the utility, so to speak, which pays you a low ball wholesale price for your spare energy from your own investment, your home power plant, and then marks it up and sells it retail to others in your neighbourhood.
        Analog single phase electromechanical meters were the original net meters for solar for grid tied and they worked like a charm. The dial face ones just run backwards. No digital is indispensably necessary as a way to measure power – except to the power corporation.
        One way to save wear and tear on electronics and health as well as to block data (if you are not going to choose to share your data by being grid tied) is to get an electrician to install a home filter for your whole service panel to smooth out and eliminate all those transients now on all transmission lines and in the air waiting to couple to all your home’s your wiring and phone lines, etc, whether you have a s/meter or not.

        • Truthseekers says:

          Appreciate all info posted Snowy, and as we suspected their was no need to change from analog to digital meter when we had our solar panels installed a few years ago. It was only for corporate benefit. What would be the average cost to set up an off grid system as you described?? Our cottage is 12 sqs and just the two of us are here. Have kept SP AusNet at bay for the last 12 months and we will not consent to a smart meter under any circumstances. Are there electricians out there ‘switched on’ enough (pardon the pun) to be able to install the home filter that you described?? Thanks in advance.

          • Snowy says:

            The cost to go off grid is really completely an individual consideration, systems can be $6,000 or $60,000, since one person’s idea of an essential necessity is anther persons’s idea of pure luxury and vice versa . For instance I know a couple who live in a small home. They turned a fridge into an ice box, insulated it on the outside with straw bales, and placed it in the coolest part of the home, the NE corner. For evening ambient lighting they use battery operated puck led lights. oil lamps, candles, wood heat and partial wood stove cooking, plus a BBQ as well as a small power outage oven and three burner gas stove, essentially cooking outdoors in a screened well ventilated but weather protected european style semi outdoor kitchen area. They have a 3500 kw gen set which can draw well water into the HW tank, then heat it to shower or run the washer. They line dry clothes indoors and out. They use eight 6 volt golf cart deep cycle batteries which hold a charge longer than four 12 volt ones, plus they use just four solar panels, They have a raised bed intensive lush outdoor year round veggie garden. In short, they live an ultra simple lifestyle with necessities, no extras … By contrast, another single person I know built a thick walled adobe type house, which keeps all frequencies out due to the chicken wire and the faraday effect. The home is large but open and very easy to heat and easy to keep cool. There is one large central ceramic wood stove designed to be cooked on, one small boiler system for in-floor heating, a gravity fed water supply. Whereas someone else I know has a large propane generator and large tanks, all of it tied directly into the service panel, plus propane on demand hot water heater, propane fridge, propane range.
            Propane appliances may run forever if well maintained but they are astronomically priced and hard to locate. Add to that an automatic propane generator tie-in that services the panel for all else, which runs the house at pretty much the same level as when they were on grid – well, that level of comfort and a simultaneous rather than sequential use of the home’s appliances is not for most budgets. The spread between these three lifestyles is probably 30 to 50 thousand dollars or more.
            One of the best systems I have seen they built a kachelofen (large thermal mass) as the heart of the home, heat and cooking all in one and uses almost no fuel, plus glass tubing on the roof for solar heated hot water.
            The lowest number of kwh you think you can reduce usage to determines the affordability. It is a personal choice. However anyone who makes it off grid remarks that self reliance is a satisfying way to stop being a gird junkie.
            It is usually not suited to those who want to travel for long periods of time -although even then, enough money can buy a system that will maintain itself with sealed batteries and auto battery top up systems, for those with deep pockets.

          • Snowy says:

            Any electrician worth their salt takes 20 to 40 minutes to install a whole house suppressor filter and ground it properly (that is, if you are going to use alternating current – on or off grid. They are used everywhere, commercially, since this saves hugely on transient destruction of sensitive electronics. Now more than ever, the trick is to get a very good one that lets you know and also protects you from microwaves as well as transients, as well as if a power surge or lightning occurs. Most don’t, they just silently die, no LED warning lights, so it helps to use what industry uses to be sure of protection and be certain to get a full 15 to 25 yr replacement at no cost warranty.

  184. susie says:

    i have written my letters and have told them in no uncertain terms I WILL NOT HAVE A DUMB METER INSTALLED AT MY PROPERTY. so i come home yesterday to find the installer here. i live on a farm and will not have one under any circumstances. so I’m thinking here we go. my meter box is locked with the sign on it. and much to my pleasant surprise i was encouraged by the installer to stand my ground and keep it locked. that is the second positive experience i have had. my last meter reader said the same and was explaining how to get off the grid cheaply…good blokes! I talked to this latest guy about how an anologue meter lasts 40 or 50 yrs and smart meter 5 or 10 yrs, he said quite definitley “if that!” he doesnt think theyll even last 5 yrs which i though was quite interesting.
    i will also post a link to a good short youtube video from a doctor about dangers of the meters, it would be good to get the trasnscript:

    • Truthseekers says:

      @susie If you don’t mind me asking, who is the distributor in your area?? Stay strong and beware they are always waiting in the wings to pounce and install. Have been fighting off SP AusNet for over 12 months but will never give in…..NO MANDATE NO OBLIGATION = NO CONSENT That is the TRUTH.


  185. Citizen for Democracy says:

    Look up! Live life the real way.

  186. Peter says:

    With reference to the home page article about no provisions made for people becoming ill after the installation of a surveillance and control devise, there are no provisions for anyone to deny consent for ANY reason!
    I believe this is because the Victorian government can be sued by the foreign owned investors in all our essential services! I distinctly remember O’Brien, shortly after the last election stating that they could not stop the roll out ‘because of contracts entered into by the previous government’. I believe it highly likely he was referring to an TPPA agreement.
    If you read the related links, you will see what I mean. It would appear from the second link, that even the government cannot read the full agreement!!!!!!!!!

  187. Sick Of Their Lies. says:

    Nine Reasons Why Today’s Smart Meter Systems Are a Mistake
    by Richard H. Conrad, Ph.D. biochemist:

    Nine Reasons Why Today’s Smart Meter Systems Are a Mistake

  188. Truthseekers says:

    Received a letter today from SP AusNet after 2 weeks of constant harassment via text messages and phone calls which we screened and left unanswered. They are ‘planning’ to perform ‘maintenance’ on our property and replace our digital meter with a ‘smart meter’ which in their words is ‘industry standard. We have signage at the entry to our property with a chain across the driveway and signs inside the property and a locked meter box with signage etc. Have already sent a registered notice a year ago to the effect that we do NOT consent to a smart meter and they have completely ignored it. Am now about to send off an anti-harassment notice as per this site via registered post and wait to see what happens. They are due to install next week…..will not waste our time calling them, Sick to death of this bullying but will not back down We are looking at installing a gate but that will probably take at least a week.
    Any further suggestions folks??? Much appreciated.

    • Minnie says:

      Don’t call them as they will try and trap you. If they turn up tell them they are trespassing and ask them to leave your property. Get their name and all details. Ask them for their insurance indemnity number. make sure your no trespassing signs are up. Can you film them or even record the conversation? This would be a good idea.
      When the installer turns up ask them what they are on your property for. If they say to install a smart meter. tell them they are trespassing and they need to leave the property. If they do not leave immediately, ask them if they are refusing to leave the property. Give them three warnings, each time stating that they need to leave the property as they are trespassing. if they do not leave ask for all their details and inform them that if you decide to have them charged it will be in their personal name and not their companies.
      Also ask them what personal assets they have, tell them that if you need to you will hire a private investigator to find their assets. It is very serious if they refuse to leave your property. If they ask you if you are refusing a smart meter, tell them you do not consent and are not obligated to.
      Ask them who sent them, what is the persons name that gave them the orders. They are aiding and abetting and are also responsible. These are a few suggestions anyway.

      • Peter says:


      • Truthseekers says:

        @Minnie……..Thanks so much….. Made a note of what either of us should be stating to them if trespass is encountered/committed. Very valuable advice. Have all our signs up and meter box continually locked as it has been for the past 12 months. Have even signed a Stat Dec with the local police regarding our signage and prohibiting any alteration to our existing meter or installation of a ‘smart’ meter. Just sent off an anti harassment notice this arvo and do not intend to open any further correspondence from them but will return to sender immediately.
        Cheers and much appreciated.

        • Minnie says:

          Dear Truthseekers, make sure you have proof you returned their letter. Get the post office to photocopy it and stamp it with their stamp.The post office can put their own sticker on it. It says return to sender, make sure they tick the unclaimed box and not the refused box this is very important. The post office sent my letter back with their sticker and i had them photocopy it and stamp it. if they won’t put their sticker on it write return to sender your self. make sure you photocopy it as proof. Also take a photo of the letter as proof it would not hurt, but the photocopy would be better. Or both

    • Minnie says:

      To Truthseekers, make sure you keep meticulous records of any harassment. Times, dates and.anything else. This is important as you have to show that they harassed you. Maybe keep a diary. Sending them anti-harassment notice is good. Did you ask for a return receipt?

    • Minnie says:

      One more thing truthseekers, you must not argue with the installer and be polite. And also understand what you are saying and be comfortable with what you are saying. More than likely if you say ,you do not consent they should leave.

      • Truthseekers says:

        Yes have a return receipt in the works so no probs there…..did that with our first notice. Thanks so much for all this. Has been a great help and will remain cool and calm if there is any confrontation.

  189. sue says:

    Yesterday I changed from Aus power and Gas to Origin, as it seemed a lot cheaper. So far I’ve staved off having a smart meter , as there is a problem with the meter box and they want us to fix it before they can install a smart meter and I have refused. We;ve been left alone since a woman phoned me before christmas, and I declined to agree. have I made a mistake? Origin’s paperwork looks very officious!

    • Peter says:

      Sue, I believe that Origin is a retailer, not a distributor, therefore they have nothing to do with the installation of surveillance and control devises, they call them ‘smart meters’.
      If their paper work says anything about surveillance and control devices, draw a line through it, initial and dated it and say you do not consent the installation of such devices.

  190. Peter says:

    With regard to the Victorian government ‘health audit’, what exactly does that mean? Unfortunately, with the roll out so far advanced and so much customers money having been extracted from our pockets, I believe that regardless of the outcome of whatever it is, the Victorian government/distributors will not change their belligerent/arrogant attitude towards the people of Victoria!
    I think most of us would have been more relieved to hear of an audit of the ARPASA standards, the democratic rights of Australians and the privacy rights of Victorians!

  191. fernando ramirez says:

    Hello, has anyone experience any tooth aches after the integration of smart meters? My friends Adam, Juan, and Eric believe I am crazy and that smart meter health hazards are a lie.

    • Minnie says:

      I get toothaches it is usually one tooth that hurts and the pain starts from my head and goes to my ear and tooth. No you are not crazy, people that tell the truth are usually labeled crazy, neurotic, or evil. I don’t have a smart meter, I think the problem is coming from outside.

      • Gwen says:

        I don’t have a smartmeter but something has gone up on the electricity pole that’s not far from my bedroom window. I have bad headaches and an earache on the left side.
        I was told by a man at powercors smartmeter centre that it was all in my head!

    • sue says:

      Have you got mercury (metal) fillings?

    • Tanya says:


      teeth pain is one of the many symptoms of exposure to ElectroMagnetic Radiation. For me, it is not the same as a normal tooth-ache. It is a pain spread over the surface of the tooth, usually only one tooth.

      Also, within months of smart meters being installed in my area, one of my amalgam fillings disintegrated. This is also a symptom of EMR exposure. The EMR draws the mercury out of the filling, causing it to disintegrate. And the resulting consumption of that mercury sure isn’t going to do the person any good either. So if any of your amalgam fillings disintegrate, you would be wise to get them replaced with porcelain fillings. Porcelain fillings don’t last as long, but they are safer. But I don’t recommend you replace your amalgam fillings if they are intact as you will be exposing yourself to the mercury in the process. Research on the internet how amalgam fillings should be removed and then check first if your dentist follows those recommended guidelines. My dentist didn’t.

  192. SmartyPants says:

    Collection of information concerning Trespass:

    These few documents should be more than enough information as a starting point for anyone who would like to begin the process of charging an installer for Trespass.

    One must remeber, trespass can only apply once the implied right is removed. Either by sign / written notice / or verbal request to leave the property and there is non compliance.

    You also have 6 years to deal with the issue of trespass, so there is no “instant” rush to begin legal action.

    We are all aware that the distributore “believe” they have “LAWFUL / LEGAL” authority to do so, but the common law would have nothing of it. Section 3.3 of the Electricity Distribution Code confers no relevant power to create an implication that a contractor may acquires power to enter upon private land without the leave or licence of the person in possession or entitled to possession thereof, for the specific purpose to install a “smart meter”.

    A Brief Look at Trespass to Land

    Plenty v Dillon [1991]


    Click to access d17f336fec.pdf

    Flora News on Land ownership

    Click to access Fee-Simple-Explained.pdf

    • Citizen for Democracy says:

      Thank-you for sharing this article, Happy Dissenter.
      Judging by the huge number of comments to it (93), it looks like South Australians are a truly educated and well informed people. Power to them!
      Unfortunately, Victorians were duped by the lies of their government, which was complicit with the power companies, before they even knew what was happening or what a smart meter was. They will pay a huge cost for years to come.
      The caption under the picture in this article says ‘British electricity consumer Vasiliki Erophile with a smart meter’. That is NOT TRUE. Vasiliki is a woman from Victoria who went public last year about how her smart meter ruined her health by causing constant ringing in her ears, which was stopping her from sleeping and left her always tired.

    • Ada says:

      Victorians were ambushed, but South Australians can still save themselves if they resist the temptation to be complacent about the issue of smart meters.

    • Minnie says:

      I went to see my Doctor today and he told me that all doctor’s are now aware of the Governments safety audit. I suggest if anyone thinks that they are hypersensitive they go and see their doctor.

      • Happy Dissenter says:

        Great feedback thanks. I think the more exposed SMs are the more consumers will arch up and resist in other states. I am a “Happy Dissenter”, most commentators on this site are, so where we stick together, we will prevail. G-d bless.

    • Minnie says:

      In the newspaper today, VICTORIANS will be slugged $400 in higher electricity bills to subsidise those with solar panels.

      • Happy Dissenter says:

        I read that too Minnie. Now what happened to that People’s Revolution?? (non-violent of course ) I am a religious person, so I shall be praying we have a tipping-point whereby justice prevails over this wanton greed. I’ve just about had it.

  193. Peter says:

    Hi All

    Is this why the Victorian government refuse to do any thing about FOREIGN OWNED investment companies?
    Can the Chinese and Singapore government owned investors in our electricity grid sue us because we DO NOT CONSENT to throw our money at their investments?

    • Gwen says:

      Peter, I knew that our power was bought by Chinese investors but I didn’t know the CHINESE GOVERNMENT has a stake in it. The slight glimmer of democracy will be stamped out soon if good people do nothing and keep saying that this is the way the world is going and you can’t change it. Go People Power Victoria!(good people doing something)!

  194. Trevor Churchill says:

    BBC Panorama Wi Fi A Warning Signal 3 YouTube

    The Swedish Government estimates that 3% of their Population suffer this (EMR) disability

    Panorama visited a school in Norwich, with more than 1,000 pupils, to compare the level of radiation from a typical mobile phone mast with that of Wi-Fi in the classroom.

    Readings taken for the programme showed the height of signal strength to be three times higher in the school classroom using Wi-Fi than the main beam of radiation intensity from a mobile phone mast.

    Panorama spoke to a number of scientists who questioned the safety limits and were concerned about the possible health effects of such radiation.

  195. Kate says:

    Got a letter in the mail from United Energy once again telling me they want to install a SM. I rang the number provided to once again say “I don’t consent to have one installed” The nice man I spoke to tried to allay my fears about the electro magnetic stuff by telling that I was experiencing more electro magnetic stuff while talking to him on my cordless home phone (Not a Mobile phone) than I would experience from a Smart Meter. He went on to tell me that an appointment has been made for us to have one installed on Monday 14th April (News to me I can tell you!) He has cancelled that appointment on their system but tells me it is still quite possible for the installer to show up Monday to fit it.

    Now can anyone tell me… Is is true that the companies don’t have the software or whatever it is to do Smart Meter reading electronically? I heard someone on 3aw a week or so ago saying that none of the Electricity Companies have the capability to read these meters without sending a person out to read them. Could this be true?

    And lastly does any one know if the Govt have finished their “final” enquiry into the safety of Smart Meters?

    Thanks Kate

    • Peter says:

      Kate, make sure your meter box is LOCKED and signs erected, if you don’t, they WILL fit a surveillance and control devise, with, or without your consent! Once they have fitted one of these things, they will refuse to change it back! Read Sofia’s’ story.

      My advise has always been, DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM ON THE PHONE! If they have anything to say, IT MUST BE IN WRITING!

      Written communication takes longer, and gives you time to absorb and check what has been said and enables you to respond appropriately. The people you are dealing with, have heard most of the complaints and along with their legal advisers have worked out set answers. (mostly misleading rubbish!)

      The ESV final review can be found here:

      Click to access FINAL%20ESV%20smart%20meter%20safety%20report%2031%207%2012.pdf

      This report clearly shows that the review has only taken into consideration, out of date Australian Standards, standards’, which do not consider the ‘new technology’ of surveillance and control devise specific issues, and submissions from companies with a vested interest in the AMI roll out.

    • liz says:

      Hello Kate and all others~~

      I received a letter from SP Ausnet (dated 28/3/14-recived 7/4/14) re: an appointment they have made with themselves to install a smart meter at my home on Thursday 10th April between 7am-6pm, giving me two days notice!
      I am instructed to have the area around analog meter clear and accessible. I have to date been able to verbally refuse installation when contractors have arrived (x3), but this is the first letter that I have received a notice of appointment.
      I do not yet have a locked meter box in situ but do have a crate screwed to the wall covering the meter but allowing a visual for reading meter use, and all signage in situ as advised.
      I rang SP Ausnet on Wed. 9th April to once again register my refusal of a smart meter (the call was recorded on both ends of the line) and i was informed that they may still keep this appointment as they may not be able to contact the installer in time to cancel the appointment.
      Yesterday, 10/4/14 at 10.00am, the SP Ausnet contractor parked out the front of my house. Anticipating his arrival, I was waiting on guard in my front yard. I approached his van and asked if I could help him, he said that he was looking for 60 St.Andrews street, I said this was it. He then said “I have come to install a smart meter” I said “I registered my refusal for a smart meter with SP Ausnet 12mths ago and again yesterday”. His reply: “Oh what, another one?, they never tell me about customer refusals, they have my number, all they have to do is call me….it would save alot of time”, “sorry to bother you Luv, I will sign you off as refused…even though they already knew, have a nice day”.
      The contractor didn’t even get out of his car, he was polite and caused me no grief.
      Warm regards to all,

      Liz Crooks

      City of Whittlesea Smart Meter Awareness Group~~P.P.A. Member

      • Max says:

        Dear Liz, you can’t refuse, you can only object or not give consent. To refuse is quite serious and that is why the Distributor’s keep on using the word. Refuse is a legal term and that is why they are using it.. If you refuse you have not complied and thus they will eventually get the smart meter in. They tried to use this word on me and I corrected them. I told them I do not consent. The word refuse has been used intentionally, it is in legalese and not plain English as most people would believe. You should not speak to them on the phone as you stated that they recorded the call and you refused. You also agreed with the smart meter installer that you have refused. Again this trick was used on me. I do not consent and I am under no obligation, that is what you say. Their is now law. I am sure the installers have been told to get people to agree that they have refused. ..

    • Tanya says:


      Maybe the reports about smart meters still needing to be manually read refer to those in SP Ausnet’s territory. SP are way behind schedule in installing smart meters (this is why they are the worst bullies of all the distributors). Apparently they have been installing smart meters without the communications cards just so they can appear to the government to be more on schedule. Then they will return at a later date to install the communications card. (So if you are an SP customer and have a smart meter, it may not be too late to lock up your meter.) Also, SP’s network is different from all the others in that they have to install towers to receive the data from smart meters. People call it wi-fi on steroids because of the huge amount of RF it produces. Whereas other power distributors are using a mesh network which passes data from one house to the next. Maybe SP does not yet have all its towers in place.

      The government has not finished their final enquiry into the safety of smart meters. At least not officially. Unofficially they probably have because Nicholas Kotsiras declared that he was sure they would find them to be safe – end of enquiry, save the money and spend it on a huge banquet for the pollies.

      I have measured the EMR coming off a cordless phone and it is horrendous. The base station is worse than the handset because it emits RF constantly, whereas a mobile phone emits RF intermittently. I urge you to get a corded phone because there probably isn’t any device in your home that is more dangerous to your health than your cordless phone (unless you stand in front of your operating microwave oven watching the carousel go around).

      • Eric says:

        If you get a corded phone, it would be safer if you do not get an electric phone ie. one that plugs into the power outlet as well as the phone socket

        Just get an old fashioned phone that plugs into the phone socket only.
        You avoid exposure to magnetic/electric fields.

        You can also get an inline answering machine that doesn’t require to be plugged in.

  196. Peter says:

    United energy refuse to reconnect Sofia unless she has a ‘smart meter’?
    What reason do they give?
    There is NO LAW WHICH SAYS united energy HAS TO FIT ONE.
    The Essential Services Commission is bound by its charter to ‘protect the interests of Victorian consumers’.

  197. Peter says:

    Hi Guys

    Anyone got information/problems regarding ‘index reads’?

    • Max says:

      So we are be told constantly that according to The Electricity Distribution Act that we have to allow access for the installation of a smart meter. No so, the is what the Act says:
      3.3.2 Provided official identification is produced by the distributor’s representatives on request, a customer must provide to the distributor’s representatives at all times convenient and unhindered access.
      (a) to the distributor’s equipment for any purposes associated with the supply, metering or billing of electricity
      If the power lines in your area are overhead, your service main will be an overhead cable connected to the service point, which is usually mounted on a fascia board.
      This is their supply point and they always have access to this.

      As for the metering, the definition of a meter according to Essential Services Commission,Victoria, April 2011
      means a device complying with this Code which measures and records the production or consumption of electrical energy. It does not state that the meter supplies electricity. In regards to billing, the meter reader would have to have access to the meter to read it, so you don’t receive an estimate.

      The definition of a smart meter is:
      Smart meter means an interval meter designed to transmit data to a remote locality that meets the functionality requirements for advanced metering infrastructure set out in any relevant order made under section 46D of the Electricity Act. Therefore a smart meter is a communication device as it transmits data..

      There is no mandate, this is misleading as you can only get a mandate from the people of Victoria, this has not happened. There is no law either. The legalities are on the distributor they were given an order to install smart meters, the customer is not obligated to accept a communication device that transmits data. You have to have consent.

      Corporations are prohibited from engaging in unconscionable conduct in relation to the provision of goods or services by virtue of Sections 20, 21 and 22, of the Act. Unconscionable conduct deals with transactions between dominant and weaker parties; it therefore overlaps with duress and undue influence. Unconscionable conduct is prohibited both in equity and, more recently, by statute.

      Absolute Nuisance means illegally interfering with another person’s enjoyment and using their property. Doing an unlawful wrong to a person when the wrong can be corrected by the wrong doer.

    • Max says:

      This is from Jemena’s customer charter, it is on their website.
      What are your obligations as a distribution
      To assist us in maintaining a safe distribution network, there are
      several customer responsibilities you need to be aware of when
      using our network.
      It is your responsibility to:

      Comply with the Electricity Distribution Code at all times.

      Use your best endeavour to remedy any non-compliance
      with the Electricity Distribution Code (this Charter is only a
      summary of the code).

      Ensure your electrical installation and any electrical
      equipment within your premises is maintained in a safe

      Provide reasonable protection against tampering of our
      equipment (metering etc.) located at your premises.

      Ensure that your actions or equipment do not adversely affect
      the reliability and quality of supply to other customers.

      Keep all vegetation, structures and vehicles at your premises
      well clear of power lines.

      Allow safe and unhindered access to your premises for us
      to read or maintain the meter and if needed, to connect and
      disconnect your electricity supply

  198. Peter says:

    As people in Sofia’s position are being pursued and threatened with heavy fines for none compliance, and the fact that both the distributors and the Essential Services Commission refuse to answer ANY questions regarding THEIR none compliance, and seem to be immune from any investigation, then surely the VALUED CUSTOMER, and residents of Victoria are entitled to the same protection.

  199. Peter says:

    With regards to Sofias story, you might expect this sort of denial of human rights in the countries who have majority ownership of our electricity ESSENTIAL SERVICES, (China and Singapore)
    but not here in Australia.
    Is this a sign of what is to come here as more and more of our public assets are sold off to foreign corporations?
    We see our famous federal treasurer now; ‘making offers the other states can’t refuse, to sell off everything’. Well Joe, tell the people of Australia what happens when there is nothing left to sell and we have foreign corporations ruling over every Australian the way the people of Victoria are being ruled right now.
    United energy is 34% owned by Jemena. Jemena is owned by SPIAA; a holding company, ultimately owned by the Singapore government.
    I have just looked this up in the last few minutes. Just follow the links!

    SCAREY OR WHAT????????

  200. B.Dover says:

    I recently had a phone conversation with SP AusNet who mentioned if I refuse to have a smart meter installed I may be charged additional fees. Yet they couldn’t tell me what the fees are for or how much so I refused the install. I’ve also heard people having their power cut off plus other intimidating scenarios. refer “Sofia’s Story – Punitive power and the smart meter tyranny”
    I now received a letter from SP AusNet that they will be requiring access to my property to replace my electricity meter next Wednesday 9th. (they mention “my electricity meter” yet they own it)

    I believe there is no Government legislation that smart meters are compulsory to be installed. Yet the power companies use these threats of “additional fees” and “power cut off” plus additional tactics to have their meters installed. If I refuse to have a smart meter installed can they legally…
    ~ Charge me additional fees?
    ~ Disconnect my power because I possibly refuse them access where they could say my “analogue meter could be faulty?”
    If this happens, how do I fight it? How do I have my electricity reconnected without agreeing to a smart meter? How do I stop them possibly charging additional fees?
    Yes I’ve been told they can’t “legally” disconnect my power, but how do you tell the power companies …..” hey you can’t legally disconnect my power…please reconnect it” Where do I get legal documentation as evidence that they can’t disconnect my power?
    If there is a legal document that they cannot disconnect my power or charge additional fees then I’ll keep fighting and keep my meter locked.

    As a home owner supporting a young family who also works from home feel I have no option but to have their meter installed. I can’t work or live at home without electricity. It’s amazing how electricity is a daily requirement.

    • Ted says:

      B.Dover I Had The Same Thing With SP See My Response Below I Will Not Have A Smart Meter With Out a Court Order Regards Ted

      • Peter says:

        Ted and B, Make sure your meter boxes are locked and you signs are in place, photograph the locked boxes and your signage. If this is not done, you come home to find a surveillance and control devise has been fitted, with of without your permission!

      • B.Dover says:

        Thanks Ted. So what would you do if they cut your power off?

        • S. Douglas says:

          B. Dover, I too have just received a letter from SP AusNet regarding mandatory installation at my property on Monday 7th April. When I phoned SP AusNet to say that this would not be happening, the call centre girl became quite verbally aggressive with me saying that they would cut my power off if I don’t allow clear and free access to my meter box (which is locked and has been so for some years now and also has signage attached as suggested by this website. I have sent all the relevant letters to our MP’s, SP Ausnet CEO – to absolutely no avail). She also said that when my power is cut, if I want it re-installed there would be a huge cost and I would also be fined for non-compliance/acceptance of this death meter. She also went on to state that there are no health concerns founded for these devices. I am a highly qualified health professional and very much disputed what she was clearly just reading from a computer screen. She then told me in a very aggressive manner ‘are you an electrician?’
          I am quite worried that they will follow through with their threat to cut off my power and am not sure what else to do, given particularly as they are supposed to be coming out on Monday and today is Thursday. Any advice would be appreciated.

        • Ted says:

          B.Dover ( A Big If ) My Power Is Cut Off The Only Thing I Could Do Is Take This To Court And The Media.
          I Really Can’t See Them Having Any Powers Or Rights To Cutting My Power Off.
          My Meter Box And Gates Are Locked At All Times.
          I Work For Myself. My Meter Is Due For A Meter Read Today So I Stay Home For This So They Can Read It And They Can’t Say I Don’t Let Them Have Access To The Meter.

    • Anonymous says:

      They want you to think you have no option but to have the meter installed. That’s their tactic. Don’t be sucked into it. Stay firm. Their tactic is getting to people, and for each person who gives in and falls to their lies it weakens the overall campaign we are all fighting for against these evil power distributors. Let’s hope the new People Power political party can bring lots more attention to this issue – hold on, let’s see what some formal political action can do? In the meantime, see the ‘legal advice’ found on this site that cites laws and your rights…? All the best. We’re all in this together!

    • Tanya says:

      I (and SSMA) have heard of only two people having their electricity disconnected over a smart meter issue and it wasn’t merely because they refused a smart meter. There were other issues involved.

      These distributors and installers want you to think that you are about to be disconnected. Usually their threat to disconnect, when done in writing, is worded as ‘MAY disconnect’ not ‘WILL disconnect’. When given verbally, it is sometimes ‘WILL disconnect’ because you are not recording it and so have no proof.

      Nicholas Kotsiras said that it would be inhumane to disconnect people and thought charging us a manual meter reading fee is a better way to go. Why did he say this if we face imminent disconnection? People have been receiving these threats for over 12 months and still their analogue meter remains on their property. Why aren’t the distributors racing around to the homes and carrying out their threats? And why has United Energy written to refusers acknowledging their stance, rather than writing to them stating that their power is about to be disconnected?

      Please stop panicking and caving into these lying bullies. And if you are an SP Ausnet customer, then bear in mind that they are the biggest bullies of all the distributors.

    • Max says:

      You can’t refuse a smart meter. You don’t give consent to the installation of a smart meter. You can never refuse. Refuse is a legal word and they know it as well. If they state you have refused, you simply correct them,. with I have not refused, i have not consented..Don’t talk to them on the phone. This is not a good idea.

  201. geoffrey says:

    how about an update on the legal class action please.

  202. Tanya says:

    Recently I was using my sewing machine which I’ve had for over 30 years. I stopped depressing the foot controller (which makes the machine needle go up and down) and shortly after the machine started sewing all by itself. I had to pull the plug from the socket to stop it. I’ve never seen this happen before. What if I had left the sewing machine plugged in while I went shopping?

    We are hearing about smart meters interfering with garage door controllers, keyless ignition systems in cars, TVs, and numerous other appliances. My concern is that people will leave appliances plugged in at the wall, the smart meter will cause the appliance to turn on, and a fire will ensue. Is this what is behind some of the many house fires we are hearing about?

    Please think about what appliances you have on standby.

  203. Anonymous says:

    Is anyone else getting DAILY phone calls (both real people and recorded messages) asking for appointment time for upcoming installation of electricity meter?
    I have written all the appropriate letters, and yet I am continuously being bullied on a daily basis. It is really impacting on my life.

    • Graham says:

      Anonymous, your Distribution Company want it to impact upon your life. They actually want you to become sick and worn down so that you will cave in to them. Lock up your meter box big time. Send them the anti harassment notice that you can find on this website which mentions the $1.1 million fine. Raise a case with the Ombudsman against your Distributor. They will refuse to do anything for you but you can push them because it is their job and if the Ombudman says something to you that is out of line with being an independant adjudicator you can tell them that they too will be reported. Record your calls for evidence against them that divulges their slackness or that they are well and truly in bed with the five Distribution Companies. Your Distribution Company will soon commence the next phase of their campaign against you as Jemena have done in trying to lure their customers into the trap of contractual obligation to pay presently fictitious fees if and when they may choose to extort them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hi Graham, Yes done all of that but not Ombudsman. Which Ombudsman would one contact please? It most certainly is wearing us down and also coupled with the fact that high altitude aerosol spraying (aeroplanes spraying lines at high altitude which expand over days to cover whole sky and causing obscured air quality: which we are all breathing & ingesting !) is taking place daily producing chemical tainted air — that is just adding to our feelings of hopelessness against these government-assisted evils and thus our ability to cope generally. It seems Smart Meters & the ‘geoengineering’ go hand in hand when one reads further.
        ( for anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about…)
        The legal action I thought was going to be the beginning of the end of Smart Meters but seems like that has fizzled…. what hope? What hope?
        Anonymously yours (through fear & harrassment…)

    • Andy ward says:

      Yep, I just got an automated one from s.p ausnet, first one ever, though 13/3/14
      Andy Ward

    • Jasmine says:

      Keep records of every call, and the time and date. Keep a book near your phone so you can write everything down as it happens. It is illegal to harass people.

    • Max says:

      Dear Anonymous, please keep records of everything and go to your doctor and get them to write everything down. Make sure everything is clearly documented, time and dates. If worse comes to worse change your number and don’t give it out. You are entitled to feel safe and secure in your own home. You are entitled to not be harassed .You might need to send an even stronger worded letter in the near future to stop the harassment

    • Ted says:

      Ok First of all SpAusNet run the net work in my area
      but my account is with Origin. Sp This Week Have sent text messages
      to my wifes phone about the smart meter install. First of all, how the
      hell did they get my wife’s mobile number? We have never given it to
      them. They gave up on me. I just told them to piss off and leave me
      alone and hang up on them. I’m sick of being nice and saying no thank
      you. I don’t want one. They just won’t listen and take no notice of the
      signs I’ve put up from this site.
      Now I rang them today (SpAusNet) to once again tell them I don’t want
      a smart meter. I spoke to a girl who tried the mandate spiel which I replied,
      yes i know it’s on you to try to con me to best endeavors. I told her I’m sick
      of people harassing me about a smart meter every 3 months or so.
      She told me it is law to allow them access to service the meter which we did
      last month when they changed the power line from the road to the power pole on the
      property and check the meter. She then went on to tell me that it was
      the law that we had to have a smart meter. When I went to say that it’s
      not the law, she kept talking over me.
      She told me I would end up having a smart meter installed. I told her only
      if you (Sp) have a court order and the police, other wise PISS OFF and leave me alone
      and hung up. I’m so over it and it stressed the hell out of me for hours.

      • Joan says:

        I have got a van parked outside my house today being Saturday the 29th of March 2014 and this guy just keeps sitting there waiting for movement in the house. I’ve got a padlock on my gates and a sign stating beware of the dog, the meter box is able to be opened but I have got a locked box surrounding the meter. Cause when the house was being built neighbouring builders were pinching the power and so TXU installed a locked box with a window around the meter so it couldn’t be tampered with . This has been on for some thirteen years the key to the extra large lock is long gone and the box is so thick you wouldn’t be able to cut it open. I don’t want a smart meterr but in order to install one they would need to yank out the entire meter box causing a lot of damage.

        Are they allowed to cause damage to your house and meter box in order to change it or can they be charged with breaking and entering and wilful damage?

        This guys been out the front now for two hours isn’t this stalking or harassment?

        • Max says:

          Dear Joan, they can be charged that is why they have not broken your box. Also if they sit outside your place again call the police and tell them that their is someone suspicious outside your place and you are scared. They will come. Don’t tell them that you think they are smart meter installers, let the police find out themselves.

  204. Pete says:

    Hi All,

    Just got an interesting letter from Jemena, it has the same old rhetoric, but this time advises that those of us who have not changed our meter to a smart meter will be charged additional fees.
    However what makes my blood boil is that now they’ve gotten a little smarter and added in the following line at the bottom of the letter:

    “If we do not hear from you within ten days of this letter we will consider that you have declined our offer to replace the old meter with a smart meter, by reason of you refusing Jemena access to the meter at your property”.

    In fact its the last part of the last sentence that makes me angry because they are using this excuse to use against us as they refer to the electrical providers’ code. Then they’ll use that as an excuse to cut off power and say that we have breached contract. Crazy thing is, I never signed such contract, neither did anyone else and the mere fact that they are using such dirty tricks to FORCE us to install a death meter is criminal. I’ve written to them many times, using examples of letters from this forum, it has helped keep them away. I’ve even officially asked them to provide me a written letter that they guarantee that the meter will not negatively affect my health but obviously they have declined to provide this. They’ve never once answered my letters with any information, other than just pure BS rhetoric.
    My meter is directly behind the wall where my bed head is located, imagine what that’ll do to my health. No thanks, I’ll fight tooth and nail before they force me to install such sneaky and deadly contraption.

    Anyone care to share a reply letter to this specific claim? I want to shove it in their proverbial together with a pineapple before the 10 days are up. Any help would be much appreciated and I’m sure it would help others because if those of you have not had a smart meter installed, you can expect such a letter very soon.


    • Jasmine says:

      Dear Pete, my mother received a letter from Jemena today also. I don’t know what it says as I have to have a look at it, but I was going to send it back and not bother reading it anyway. Maybe we should all get our letters and take them down to their office and hand them in. You haven’t refused them access to the meter, they are only allowed to read the meter and maintain it. You have refused to let them install a smart meter. I am going to call one of my friends and ask him what he thinks and I will let you know as I will also be getting a letter.

      • Pete says:

        Hi Jasmine, yes I agree with you and I’ve been sending them letters all of last year. I’ve never refused them access to read the meter, even though they played a very dirty trick on me last year which cost me a packet, but I paid the bill in full. However I recall mid year, they hammered me with phone calls and I spoke to one person, which eventually hung up the phone in my face and I reported her… fat lot of good that did, but at least she tasted a little bit of pineapple… however all of the Jemena reps seem to have one thing in common and they all use this same excuse and that is, they say something to the effect that if we don’t allow them access to change the meter, they may (not the will, but they may) terminate supply because somewhere in the code, it is written that if a homeowner refuses to allow a jemena rep to “perform maintenance” or similar, that is deemed as breach of contract. I know if it went to court, they’d have to prove that swapping the meter was a part of “maintenance” which it is NOT but anyway…

        I know it is a scare tactic, especially when the word “MAY” is involved, even the illegal private car parks use this tactic which makes me laugh… but because power is such an important part of our lives, if they ever shut my power off, they’d have a huge legal battle on their hands where I would also be making an application for costs and compensation as I work from home. However this is classified as harassment and there are supposed to be codes of conduct, but they are not being followed and something needs to be done about this now. This is a far cry from “best effort”, its more like “intimidate to the best of your ability”, they got no chance of that with me, but what about the elderly people who can’t defend themselves from these criminals???

        I also feel that people somehow think that because we are now in 2014, the criminals are not going to pursue us anymore with changing of the smart meters, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They are continuing their harassment and intimidation tactics.

        So any ideas on what to send back would be grateful, otherwise I’m going to have to write the same rhetoric as they do, but this time I’ll send a copy to the minister’s office with the very real threat of legal action if they continue this.

        P.S. Does anyone know about the class action that was supposed to be organised? What happened with that? Everything has gone all quiet… 😦


      • Marin says:

        My local pizza shop just had a smart meter installed. When I popped past not long ago, he said that the installer told him $500 would be charged per meter read to the people who are still hanging onto analog meters, after the March 2015 deadline. Just wanted to pass this on, take it with a grain of salt or not…

        • Tanya says:

          I have heard several times of these exorbitant fees to do manual meter reads from March 2015. They’d better be rumour only because I cannot see how they can justify such a ridiculously high fee. 10 years ago I was told it would cost about $25 for a manual meter read. And I heard recently that other distributors are charging less than that now. It is necessary for only one meter read to be done per year and the others can be estimates. So how does one annual meter read times less than $50 suddenly come to $500?

        • Jasmine says:

          To Marin,
          A Jemena installer told my neighbour last year that anyone that does not have a smart meter installed by the end of the year would get a fine. This man also sat on her toilet for so long that my neighbour thought he had fallen in. Maybe something clouded his mind in the toilet and he got a bit mixed up as he was wrong and should stick to installing radiation devices. The distributor’s have contracts and they would have penalties as well. There penalty would be a lot worse than ours. I think everyone needs to remember that the Government works for us and not the other way around. WE ARE NOT THERE SLAVES OR SERVANTS.

        • Jasmine says:

          Dear Marin,
          Even if this rumor were true, I highly doubt that a smart meter installer would be privy to this information. That is unless this person was the Energy Minister. Would this smart meter installer be willing to put this in an affidavit and have it witnessed under his personal full commercial liability? If this person is not willing to take personal responsibility and liability, then they need to keep there comments to themselves and stick to installing there radiation meters.

    • Jasmine says:

      Dear Pete,
      What is the date on your letter because my mum’s letter has the 27th of February, yet it only arrived today.

      • Anonymous says:

        That has been another one of Jemena’s tricks to send backdated letters. Just the same as they have done with their notices of installation. I also know of a letter received same day as your mum ie 05 March 2014 but dated 27Feb2014.

        Note their wording “If we do not hear from you within 10 days of this letter………”

        Does that mean 10 days “of this letter” being received ? Or
        Does that mean 10 days “of this letter” being the date on the letter ?
        If that is the case, how can that be reasonable if the letter was already backdated at the time of it’s posting ?

        Their whole letter is completely ambiguous and lacks clarity. It has been either put together by complete morons (of which there are many in Jemena) or by the cunning sewer rats high up in the organisation as some sort of legal entrapment for the customers.

        The whole premise of this letter is wrong.

        And remember, they are still just a foreign company portraying themselves with fictitious authority. The whole premise of this letter is flawed.

        They refer to the replacement of the old meter with a smart meter as being “their offer”… if this is some sort of new offer. I thought that they had been continually bullying, badgering, harassing and intimidating us (Crimes Act 1958 Max 10 Years Imprisonment applicable) for the last three years to install their smart meter and they now talk about this as an “offer” ?
        And as far as considering us as having “declined their offer” by not responding, well……as if they didn’t know that they have on numerous occassions already been told “No Way” that a smart meter is ever going to be installed.
        What makes it different on this occasion ?
        Is their so called “offer” to replace the old meter, more a message that says “if you fail to respond we will take it as you having agreed that you will pay us whatever fee(s) we choose to charge you regardless of the fact that such fees are presently non existant” ?
        Is that the real “offer” so called ? It’s quite reasonable to express an intent on our part to not agree to pay fees that are presently non existant and that such non agreement has no implications for what we would choose to do IF and when such fees may be imposed.
        Well that is not an offer but more an ultimatum or a threat.
        Is their so called “offer” more a trap which by we in not replying, they can take it as being
        “our confession” that we have “refused them access” in such a way that they can use to say we have admitted to violating the code and hence try to justify threats to cut off our power should we not pay fees or even continue to refuse future installation “offers” of a smart meter ?
        Well, they know and we know that denying access has never been the issue. We have never denied access for legitimate requirements. We are just disallowing them to bring onto our premises a carcinogenic and invasive device and may they burn in hell for attempting to do that.
        And I also ask whether Jemena themselves will cease from all attempts to install new smart meters henceforth after the ten days have lapsed seeing that they are saying that we have “declined their offer” and hence you would think their offer is no longer valid.
        Sounds like a totally bogus offer and a totally bogus letter to me from totally bogus persons masquerading themselves in nothing other than fictitious authority and this will become clear if in two weeks time there is any further harassement, bullying and intimidation of customers still taking place to attempt to force them to take a smart meter against their will.

        And for those who haven’t seen it, here is the letter………………..starting off with four paragraphs of Jemena’s usual BS
        (and now no longer addressed to a generic addressee such as to “the homeowner” or to “the occupier” but to an actual individual addressee name)

        Important Electricity Information – Smart Meter Installation
        Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd (Jemena) is the electricity distributor that delivers electricity to your property. We own and operate the electricity network (poles, wires, and meters) that supplies 320,000 properties across Melbourne’s north-western suburbs.
        The Victorian Government mandated the rollout of smart meters for all residential and small business electricity customers, and it is the Government’s policy that smart meters are now the standard meter in Victoria.
        With more than 2.5 million smart meters already installed across the state, the rollout is near completion. To date, Jemena has installed smart meters to more than 90 per cent of properties in its distribution area.
        Smart meters will enable distributors and retailers to offer you a range of new services and products. With a smart meter, you will be able to better understand your electricity usage through the use of in-home displays and web portals, which will enable you to take more control of your electricity usage and consider options such as flexible tariffs that may save you money.
        We have been in contact with you previously about installing a new smart meter at the above mentioned property. As of the date of this letter, we have been unable to arrange the necessary access with you to carry out the required works.
        The Victorian Government has confirmed that from March 2015, electricity distributors will be entitled to recover the costs of maintaining a separate metering service from those customers that continue to refuse a smart meter. To avoid this additional charge, we request you contact us as soon as possible to make an appointment to install your smart meter.
        To book an appointment please contact Jemena Customer Relations: 1800 447 998 or
        If your smart meter has already been installed, thank you for your assistance and please ignore this notification letter.
        If we do not hear from you within ten days of this letter we will consider that you have declined our offer to replace the old meter with a smart meter, by reason of you refusing Jemena access to the meter at your property.
        If you would like to know more about smart meters, please visit the Victorian Government website at or call 136 186.

        Thank you for your co-operation.
        Yours sincerely,
        **** *****
        Stakeholder Relations Manager Jemena Electricity Networks
        If you need a translator, call 13 14 50

        • Pete says:

          Anonymous we all agree with you, however the problem is, we are all making our legitimate arguments, but they are using only one argument now (after all of their other previous attempts have been buried under the ground) and that is that they say that if we refuse them entry to install the meter, they can cut our power because we have gone against the agreement they’ve “Apparently” made with us ! There is no other argument they are trying because everything else they’ve tried, hasn’t worked.

          Also, with regards to the backdating… yes I’m pretty sure we all agree with you on this one too. Actually because their letters were not sent via registered post, (you need to sign for that), there is no evidence/proof if this is taken to court, the judge (or registrar) will just laugh it off. But 2 people can play at that game !

          SO, after pondering on this for a few days I believe I have found the solution. A letter must be sent back to them explaining these following pertinent points:

          1- Their so called “Maintenance” is not required and their excuse that they need to enter the property to change the meter (under the umbrella of maintenance) is a farce and thus it needs to be explained to them that we do not refuse them to enter property to perform “Maintenance” on the equipment. HOWEVER (a) There is nothing wrong with my existing analogue meter, (b) My existing analogue meter is not faulty, does not require any maintenance as it is working perfectly and (c) I do not give them permission to CHANGE the electricity meter, but I do give them permission to perform “Maintenance”.
          Ie. Meaning of Maintenance from the Oxford dictionary: “the process of preserving a condition or situation or the state of being preserved”.
          Note the key words here are “Preserving a condition”.

          2- So many times have Jemena representatives (on the phone) told me that part of the maintenance is to CHANGE the existing meter to the new carcinogenic smart meters. So what needs to be in the letter is wording to the effect that we give them permission to perform maintenance, BUT we do not give them to install a smart meter which has nothing to do with “Maintenance” and we are fearful of these carcinogenic producing devices, we fear for our health (which is what this is really about) and we do not give consent.

          If these above 2 points are put into a very clear and concise letter (which I will post here shortly), if they shut the power off, I shall take them to court, I’ll contact a couple of journos in Today Tonight AND A Current Affair and I’ll produce all of the paperwork. If this happens, I’m pretty sure all of you involved will be eager to appear on these programs too. I know this sounds like talking tough, but when you make an application to the magistrates’ or another court, against Jemena and sue them for losses and damages, together with a whole stack of other people, I’m pretty sure we can get the exposure we need and I’m sure lots of people would be behind me on this. I still haven’t heard from anyone relating to the class action, but if you won’t do it mr. stopsmartmeters, I will.

          Its unfortunate that the admin of this website seems to have gone quiet and most other people prefer to talk about what other countries are doing than tackle the task at hand. No point in saying yeah look at what they are doing overseas because quite frankly, here in Australia, no one gives a hoot. Its only us but there are plenty of us, enough to give a huge headache to Mr. Jemena. So Mr. Jemena, your so called smart arse 2 bit legal personnel aren’t so smart after all, expect a letter from me shortly… You won’t be able to wiggle out of this one.

        • Jasmine says:

          The have to prove that we have refused access to the meter. They need to clarify exactly what they mean, by reason of you refusing access to the meter at your property. The only part they have right is it is our property and not there’s. Was the alleged refusal given verbally or was it in writing? Can they provide the date and time this alleged refusal took place? Is it possible that the word refused was never used? Is it possible that whoever has made these allegations, was standing near a smart meter at the time and therefore developed brain fog? Or maybe there ears were ringing and they just did not hear properly. The letter is not written in plain English, but in Legalese. The definition of legalese is:”The specialized vocabulary of the legal profession, especially when considered to be complex or abstruse.” There are two words in this letter that you have to pay attention to, that is offer and refusing.
          If they have nearly completed there roll out as they claim, why harass people? Which Victorian Government are they referring to? Are they referring to the COMMONWEALTH
          OF AUSTRALIA, being. “The people unite in one indissoluble Commonwealth” under the Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia 1900 (UK).
          For the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, being a company registered with the Securities Exchange Commission in Washington DC, USA, CIK# 0000805157.
          Can they provide first hand knowledge that the installation of a Smart Meter is mandatory to a consumer? Finally they need to provide facts and not just opinion. They need to also adhere to there codes.

      • Pete says:

        Hi Jasmine,
        Yes mine is also back dated 1 week! They are fools though, because there is no proof that the letter has arrived at my house at a certain date, they should have sent the letter registered post, which they did NOT. See my response below to Anonymous, I’ll post the reply letter here, you can copy it and send it off, just like anyone else that reads this can do. Am I worried that they’ll know who I am? Not at all. I have a nice big juicy pineapple here waiting to be inserted into their proverbial.

        This is their last attempt to try to get us, but in the end, even if they threaten us to cut the power, they still have to follow protocol and a mediator has to be appointed FIRST, BEFORE they cut any power. If they cut power without reason, they’ll be in a lot of trouble and I’ll make sure it gets media attention through my contacts. The media love this kind of stuff, it just happens to be that it first must happen, rather than just talk, before they get involved, but I’m prepared for it, both mentally and legally as I’ve sent them many letters, I’ve got all of them and I hope you have got all copies of yours as well.

        I also forgot to add point 3 in the reply to Anonymous and that is that we need to request from Jemena, a signed document with Jemena letterhead, that they GUARANTEE that there will be no such adverse effects to our health if the smart meter is installed. I know they won’t give that because I’ve tried it about 3 times already. And what Anonymous says about the crimes act 1958 is also true, they can get 10 years if we appoint the right legal persons to follow this through.

        Might I add, in terms of being charged $500, I’m not sure who wrote that, but to me, anyone who would write such a comment, seems to be to be an employee of Jemena. Why would someone write such comment? Think about this, read the comment carefully… to me it is sus. Pay $500 for a meter read? No problems, firstly it goes against the code. Secondly, I’ll take it to Maurice and Blackburn Lawyers (they have much experience with this… ie. the class action against the banks) and also to the office of fair trading. When a business charges you a fee for something, there are certain guidelines that they must follow. Its not as easy as just saying “oh I’ll issue you now with a $500 meter read invoice”, Jemena will have to show exactly how this was calculated. With the number of people that do not have a smart meter, realistically and legally it would be like pushing poop up a steep hill and thinking there will be no marks left on the ground… pipe dreams. Hence, read that comment from Marin, I can smell a rat. After all, scare tactics are Jemenas forte’. they are the scum of the earth. Shame on them for trying to force people and intimidating people to change over to carcinogenic devices that will ultimately kill us all.

    • Jasmine says:

      Dear Pete,
      There has been some good advice posted on this forum, in regards to the letter, you and others have received. Firstly you have not refused access to your meter, you have not given consent to be part of an experiment. You have not given consent for a wireless smart meter to be installed. You have not given consent to a surveillance device to be installed on your private property. They need consent and they know it as well. The letter they sent was sent through regular mail, thus they can’t prove that you even got the letter. They would have to prove that you and others actually received this letter. The letter would also have to be written in PLAIN ENGLISH and it is not, this is a requirement that Jemena must adhere to. They have to follow the rules, whether they like it or not.If they don’t follow the rules, then they need to be reprimanded.
      Also Pete, if anyone says you have refused, you need to state very clearly that you have not refused, that you do not give consent and you are not obligated to accept a smart meter. Jemena has a license to supply electricity and that is all, they do not have the authority to do much else.
      You need to inform Jemena that they are harassing you and they need to stop. If you have already informed Jemena to stop harassing you then they are in danger of breaking the law. They have to abide by the law. They have to abide by there codes as well. If you have sent legal notices in, point this out and inform them that this is there first warning to stop harassing you. Also Jemena are to cease any contact with you, through the phone, in person or by mail and if they don’t you may use this as evidence of harassment.They are to have no contact with you, in regards to smart meter installation. You have said no and not given consent and they need to stop.

    • Bearded Baboon Loather says:

      Pete, please look


      Write in and reject the offer, deny their “refusal” (this term is a legal trap) accusation, admit your non consent rather and state your refusal to pay fees.
      You know what to do when the next offer comes round.
      Who knows maybe there will be several rounds of “offers” to come.
      Beware the trap of non response (and I think legally you have 14 days from the date you actually receive the letter or ten working days)
      You may think not getting a smart meter is good. However what you are NOT TOLD in this sneaky letter that their lawyers have crafted as a lure against you is that by refusing their “offer” (another legal term that obliges you to contract), you then ACCEPT THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS ie. that you agree to pay their proposed but presently fictitious charges which have no legislative backup and that you acknowledge “refusal” (another legal term that has implications for you) to provide access to the meter which we know is not the case. You just don’t consent to carcinogenic AMI which you are not obligated to allow them to install)

      It seems that failure to reply leads you into a defacto optout situation as I ASSUME (can’t say for certain) that you may get taken off the installation list (ala UE). Will those remaining on the installation list then continue to be badgered, bullied and harassed to accept installation ? That’s the $60K question. And for those already having carcinogens transmitted through their bodies, you don’t get the “offer” where default means extortion.


      Mr Paul Adams, I wait for the day where I see you ************************************ for the extreme duress hardships that you have caused so many innocent people.

  205. David says:

    Here is an interesting Facebook page, about the Privatisation of our power networks, and how it’s been nothing but a failure, costing consumers more and more –

  206. David says:

    Here’s an eyeopening (and sad) documentary, just released by the Electrical Trades Union –
    featuring Jeff Kennett’s privatisation of Victoria’s power infrastructure……….. and the irreparable damage it’s done to our state.

    • Gwen says:

      Thankyou David for this post. Yes, very very sad documentary of the effects of a careless man on the peoples lives he was entrusted to care for.

  207. geoffrey says:

    send all your complaints to these 2 wolves in sheeps cloths, epa chairman cheryl batagol and epa ceo john merritt, ask these 2 grossly overpayed public servents why they keep their heads burried in the sand in reguards to the health and safety of “smart” meters, could it be they care more for the perks and profits of their position that the public health they porport to guard?? politicians come and go but these “public servants” linger on and when they do go its inevatable right into the embrace of big business.

  208. geoffrey says:

    s.m.a.r.t. = slow murder arson radiation test

  209. Citizen for Democracy says:

    Watch this video:
    How low can power companies stoop?!
    Witness their desperate attempt at quashing dissent in the US by personally attacking and causing harm to Stop Smart Meters US director Joshua Hart.
    Watch them trying to intimidate his wife, as she makes her ‘victim impact statement’ in a public hall.
    Their strategy, though, is not smart at all – by creating a martyr for the cause, they are only going to create more awareness, more dissent, more rebellion, more fight back.
    It’s coming to the point were no self-respecting human being will be able to accept a smart meter – without hanging their head in shame. The pendulum is already swinging the other way.
    Go Joshua – you are a true leader!

  210. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Disconnected! Director Josh Hart Disconnected by Utility for Refusing to Pay Opt-Out Extortion Fees

  211. Citizen for Democracy says:

    This is a WAKE-UP call for all SOUTH AUSTRALIANS!
    Your elections are just a few weeks away, on the 15th March. Both major parties there intend to push through with a smart meter roll-out for your state. Although it won’t be mandatory, the power companies will be instructed to try very hard to install as many smart meters as possible. Even if you were to succeed in keeping your home smart meter free, you would still be irradiated from all the neighbouring smart meters.
    Please do not allow your beautiful state to go down the same destructive path as Victoria!
    This is your one and only chance to speak up on this issue.
    Email the Premier Jay Weatherill at;
    Email the opposition leader Steven Marshall at:
    Express your concerns and ask them their intentions regarding wireless smart meters.
    Good luck!

  212. Edward says:

    An Order in Council is a mechanism to SNEAK something in that can not be made law. It is for the very reason that John Brumby was unable to get smart meters passed as law that we have the “Order in Council” which is NOT LAW.

  213. Harlan Taylor says:

    It has been said on this website that if you do not want a smart meter you must lock your meter box. Let me correct that. If you do not want a smart meter you must lock your meter box and KEEP IT LOCKED. No point locking your meter box if you are going to just reopen it when the power company makes some sort of threat against you.

    No point locking your meter box only to reopen it when you are rung up and spun a story that it will cost you more for the installers to come back next time. It costs nothing for installers to come out.
    No point locking your meter box only to reopen it again when you are spun a story that you are going to pay some sort of fee later on even though such fee doesn’t even exist at this time.
    No point locking your meter box only to reopen it because you have been told some NONSENSE that it is supposedly inevitable that “we’ll all have to get one eventually”.

    When you start to have these utterances of threatening intonation fired at you (and you will), please pause and consider the baselessness of such utterances. Stop and consider and you are likely to see how utterly ridiculousness any such threatening utterance they make actually is and THEN REALISE exactly what it is that they are trying to achieve by making such baseless yet threatening utterances to you.

    When you lock your meter box you must be committed to keeping it locked come hell or high water because I guarantee they will pester you regularly and they will try and get inside your head in such a way where YOU yourself reopen the box for them.

    DO NOT REOPEN THE BOX for them because of how they may make you to feel by some blurb that comes out of their corrupt mouths. That is the very thing they are playing upon and it has worked for them with even the most intelligent of people having been seduced and sucked in by their words and who now somehow find themselves in the very predicament of having a source of carcinogenic microwave radiation transmitting from the very side of their own house. This is the very predicament that they sought to avoid in the first place. Such seduction is the way of the very devil himself. You must stand your ground folks and do not at this stage of the game attempt to engage with those who would contact you and who would portray themselves with fictitious authority.

    • Paul & Di McMahon says:

      @Harlan. Exactly what i intend to do and regardless of their harassment which is now on a daily basis via mobile calls and text messages we will never consent or allow them to install this device on our home…..ever. I’m good and ready for whatever they have planned and will make sure they understand that we know our rights and will never back down. Let them turn our power off…..that in itself is illegal being an essential service….will find a way around that too. Am not intimidated in the least by these parasites and am fully prepared to go down any legal avenue we need to to get them off our back.

  214. Peter says:

    Still stuck with a surveillance and control device? Want to get rid of it?
    Write to your distributor and tell them that you no longer accept THEIR CHOICE (or that of the Victorian government) of these devices.
    You do not accept their claims that there are no health issues with them.
    You do not accept their claims they do not cause electrical fires.
    You deny them the right to invade the privacy of your home.
    You deny them the right to control your house hold appliances, now or in the future.
    You DEMAND that in accordance with Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1(b) the surveillance and control device be replaced; with a none remotely read, none interval meter.
    Make it very clear, that if they fail to comply with this demand within, say, 30 working days, (Electricity Distribution Code 11.2.1) then you, their VALUED CUSTOMER, reserve the right to employ a licenced electrician, at your own cost and without breaching Electricity Distribution Code 3.3.1, (they have failed to comply with your demand) to replace the device with an analogue accumulation meter, until such time that they, the distributors install a type of meter acceptable to you, THEIR VALUED customer.
    They will almost certainly bluster and jump up and down about surveillance and control devices being ‘mandated’, ‘compulsory’, ‘you cannot refuse them’ etc. These are misleading statements, if not downright lies! DO AS THEY DO, ignore their reply, and simply respond with your original letter! (You must continue to respond)
    The distributors have NO LEGAL right to refuse your demand!
    I am sure there are better legal brains than mine on this site, which can put together a forceful document based on these facts.
    Until we become as aggressive as our tormentors, we will achieve little; we MUST be aggressive, now!
    As a matter of interest, I was aggressive from the word go, back in 2010 and still have my analogue meter, though I am the only one in my street!
    It is never too late to fight back! Delay will only make it harder.

    • Peter says:

      I forgot to add to the above post, if they refuse to comply with your demand, they are discriminating against you, as previous refusals have been accepted!!!!!!!!

    • geoffrey says:

      we have to start to remove these evil things from all our streets, i will not have 1 installed but the effects of all the others installed on the street are unbearable and getting worse every day, how much more will it take???

  215. Harold James says:

    Ever wondered why Neil Mitchell has not done more to expose the terror that is being inflicted upon many thousands of Victorians by this smart meter rollout, or the poisoning of Victorian citizens with the forced 24/7 cumulative exposure to carcinogenic smart meter radiation transmissions. See…….

    “Cameron O’Reilly, the scion of the Heinz food empire and former chief of media group APN, along with John B. Fairfax, the Smorgon family and Kerry Stokes are a few of the high-profile names to have made a killing from the sale of smart meters. They were major shareholders of Landis + Gyr, the company that amassed about 56 per cent of the market in deals to supply the electricity distributors in Victoria. Their big payday came in 2011 when O’Reilly sold Landis + Gyr to Toshiba for $US2.3 billion.”

    I was listening to radio station 3AW the other day advertising itself as “FAIRFAX RADIO”.
    Is Neil Mitchell prepared to bite the hand that feeds him by exposing his employer John Fairfax as having profiteered from criminality ie. the immeasurable misery that has been forcefully and deceitfully inflicted upon Victorian Citizens against their will and the looming future health crisis when cancer cases together with other biological manifestations start to go through roof for persons having had sufficient continuous exposure to the radiation pulses of these heinous devices. Neil Mitchell’s muzzling on the topic of smart meters makes perfect sense.

    Read more:

  216. Peter says:

    Queensland, NSW and Victoria, we had better start buying Chinese flags for our houses of parliament!!!!!!!

    • Gwen says:

      Thanks Peter for info. Disgusting and totally unAustralian and absolutely not in our best interests.

    • geoffrey says:

      it aint just oz folks, uk, nz canadia, usa-all the “5 eyes” countries, rest of europe too, africia and asia as well, this is a global run on the west by china whom is fully is backed by and funded by the worshipful company of bankers, bis, un, imf, wb and all the usual culprites.

  217. Peter says:

    Yet another attempt to white wash the facts regarding the safety of our beloved surveillance and control devices. If the past is anything to go by, the result is a forgone conclusion funded by the Victorian tax payer! Please, if this is the case, save the taxpayers money! I don’t think anyone in Victoria disputes that these devices comply with the required standards. It’s the standards that are the problem, and any review is pointless and waste of tax payers’ money, until these standards are brought up to relevant standards.
    But that is not going to happen, why? Look at the people pushing this extremely controversial rollout.
    The distributors. Enough said!
    Mr O’Brien, the previous minister responsible for the rollout of these surveillance devises, a member of the Victorian bar, and barrister and solicitor of the supreme court of Victoria and the high court of Australia. Mr O’Brien in his capacity as ‘minister for meters’, made such statements as; ‘they are compulsory’, ‘you cannot refuse them’, ‘you may be disconnected from the grid for refusing them’. etc .
    In August 2013, in a letter to Mr O’Brien, I asked him to produce the legislation stating ‘they are compulsory’ ‘customers cannot refuse them’ etc. I am still waiting for him to respond! Yes, he has changed his position, but that does not absolve him from answering for his actions at that time!
    O’Briens successor, Mr Kotsiras, his real job is a school teacher, hopefully, his returning to his real calling! Possibly because he at least has some integrity, and cannot support this undemocratic government decision?
    ‘Minister for meters’ #3, Mr Matthew Guy, BA. As yet an unknown quantity, suffice to say that one of his previous posts was VFF manager marketing and communications.
    Mr Paul Fearon, the guy responsible for the safety of these devises. Previous occupations; worked in the electricity industry having senior roles in production, treasury and corporate planning including a stint as energy advisor to the Victorian government. In 2003-2009, he was CEO of the ESC (the rollout started late 2009, coincidence?). This guy doesn’t have a conflict of interest in the installation of these devices? Was it his idea in the first place? In his last review, he stated that ‘all available evidence shows these devices are safe and that Victorians should have confidence in them’. The only evidence he quotes in his review, are the out of date standards, no mention of the many documents which disagree with his view. Well Mr Fearon, as many thousands of Victorians have shown their ‘confidence in these devices’ by locking their meter boxes and refusing to accept them, perhaps it’s time you took off those biased rose coloured glasses and took a more open view of ALL the evidence and not just the stuff that suits your purpose.
    I strongly urge every subscriber to this site to once again get writing to the Victorian ombudsman and your local MP’s. From experience, the EWOV and the ESC aren’t worth a fat rats’ clacker, as far as this issue is concerned, neither can, or will, do anything to address the many complaints they receive.
    It’s a hard fight, but is it time we became as aggressive as our tormentors, the government and Victorian distributors? I believe the legislation is there to support us; we only need the Victorian government to enforce it! The distributors and government have put their own interpretation on legislation to support their side; we must do the same to defend our democratic right.

    • Citizen for Democracy says:

      Great post, Peter! I agree with all you say.
      Any future ‘audit’ that does not carefully assess the claims of the 165 people who have formally registered as having developed symptoms from smart meters is not worth the paper it’s written on.
      Honestly, who, in their right mind, would leave their job or move house or even move interstate if their health had not seriously been affected! The numbers are way to big for the government to be claiming this is a case of global hysteria. Moreover, inertia is a well known human psychological trait – for thousands of people in Victoria to be actively resisting smart meter installation means something REAL is happening, for sure.
      It took 50 years to legally prove the harm done by Thalidomide, yet people were suspicious and some knew the truth right from the beginning, but they were silenced by the interests of large corporations in collusion with government – same thing is happening now. IT MUST BE STOPPED.

    • What an excellent blog Peter; you have made some fine points. It is definitely time to ramp up our opposition, and I say again to SSMA what is happening re the new political force (their recent blog in January)!!

    • Ian McClarron says:

      Hi, I’m not sure how to post here so I have just clicked the reply button to see what happens. My wife and I have only just found out about the dangers of smart meters. We had one installed 3 years ago as part of the solar panel system. The meter is on the opposite side of the wall to the head of our bed, about half a meter away from our heads.
      I have been suffering headaches every night for the last few years waking up to take pain killers. We have now both developed cancer, my wife had a hysterectomy last month and I have to have my prostate removed next week. My wife is 47 years old and I’m 58.
      Where do we go to be safe? Where do we move to? It’s like a plague infecting the world and no one is interested in finding a cure , in fact the government seems hell bent on spreading the disease. We live in Calamvale Brisbane Australia, my name is Ian McClarron.

      • Gwen says:

        Ian, I don’t have words to describe how I feel after reading your story. A definition of horror comes close, ‘an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting’. I sincerely hope and pray you and your wife win this battle. You need to ask the power company to remove the meter as well as telling them your story. Also send a copy to your local politician so it’s on record. There was a councillor in Brisbane fighting against fluoride being added to the drinking water. Maybe you can find out who he is and if he could help. All the very best wishes for success.

      • Peter says:

        Hello Ian
        Very sorry to hear of your family’s health issues, unfortunately, as these devises are to be installed Australia wide, (it is a COAG agreement) there will be nowhere in Australia to escape these things unless we can get the COAG agreement repealed!
        I might suggest you register your health problems here on this site. I believe this register is forwarded to the relevant authorities’.
        Here in Victoria there is to be yet another review of the SAFETY of these devises, whether this will include health issues this time, remains to be seen, sadly, in the past this has not been the case as, in my opinion, ARPANSA refuses to update its standards using updated relevant information.
        It appears to be a sad fact, that Victoria is not the only Australian state which has health issues which seem to be strongly connected to the installation of these devices.
        I was informed by the Queensland government some time ago that these devises have been in use in that state on a voluntary basis since the 1990’s, but they did not say how many are in use at this time.
        It would be interesting to hear from more Queenslanders who have issues with these things, not only the health issues, in order to register your concerns at an early stage, before you find yourselves in the sort of struggle we Victorians in in.

        • Sick Of Their Lies says:

          Interesting that the Chair of the COAG Reform Council currently, is no other than former Victorian Labor Premier John Brumby, one of the original key people involved and responsible for the unleashing on us, the dangerous, life threatening “smart” meter technology in the first place, way back in 2010 when he was serving as OUR Premier, to carry out OUR wishes, which he dismally failed at, repeatedly.

          “Opposition energy spokesman Michael O’Brien said that smart meters were the ”myki of metering”.
          ”Every Victorian family is paying for smart meters whether they have them or not … Victorians will be paying for John Brumby and Peter Batchelor’s smart meter stuff-up for years to come,” he said.”

          God help us all.

  218. geoffrey says:

    Mike Mitcham of Stop Smart Meters uk interviewed about smart meter program being uk’s next tech disaster.

    • John M says:

      @geoffrey. Thanks for posting that it was very informative. I also found the RT video they mentioned titled: The Truthseeker: ‘Unequivocal’ Cell phones cause cancer. I recommend anyone that uses a mobile phone to watch it.

  219. Anonymous says:

    Hi There,

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me if ripple control receivers emit any radiation.

  220. geoffrey says:

    this is what you get for resisiting a smart meter in new zealand.
    think it wont happen here?

    • Jasmine says:

      We are not in New Zealand, I have already seen this video. Minister Kotsiras was on the radio today speaking about smart meters, he said he believes smart meters are safe and there is one outside his bedroom. I would like to see where his smart meter is for myself as I doubt it would be near his head. He also did not state what safe actually means. What smart meters are proven to be safe for. He did not say they don’t give you cancer. No one said this was going to be easy. The police have to go by the law as well.

      • geoffrey says:

        @jas, oh yeah, they play by the rules don’t they:?” Remember Richmond High back in 93?? All those mums and dads and school kiddies being beaten by Vic pol??? Little reminder-tip of the iceberg

        • Jasmine says:

          To Geoffrey I know they don’t play by the rules. Almost 18 years ago four police officers turned up on Mother’s day at my home. They had a search warrant for marijuana plants. The plants were marigolds that had not flowered yet. They new this as soon as they saw them. They searched our home and even my daughters bedroom. She was not even two at the time. They interrogated us as well, knowing quite well that they had made a mistake. They even asked who my daughters father was, even though he was sitting right next to me. They then threw the warrant on my bed and left. I phoned the ombudsman’s office the next day. He told me that he also grew marigolds. I remember this footage and have seen lots of shocking behaviour on the internet, not only here but from around the world. They rifled through all our private possession including underwear draws. They did not find anything, because there was nothing to find. I know what they are capable of.

    • Gwen says:

      Totally horrified at the treatment of this man by corrupt police who deserve sacking and horse whipping. Absolutely disgusted and this is what abbott has brought into our communities. We will be thrown to the ground like the Protesters of the east, west road link. It won’t matter your age or gender.

  221. geoffrey says:

    another evil of smart meters, this may be the real reason for the global rollout-mind control-its not science fiction anymore.

    i urge everybody to read this artical if not done already.

  222. Can someone Please tell me WHY, If We Have 7267 Blog Followers And 3247 Face Book Likes Of Stop Smart Meters, Why Is It That My Petition To Stop And Remove Smart Meters, ONLY Has Just Over 600 People That Have Signed. Did You Know That Every Time Someone Signs It, The Powers That Be (Government) Get A Email To Tell Them That Someone Else Has Signed .
    Five Times Sp AusNet Have Harassed me now, trying to stand over me to have a smart meter, and every time they come, they are tolled to PISS OFF !

    • Eric says:

      Five Times Sp AusNet Have Harassed me now, trying to stand over me to have a smart meter, and every time they come, they are told to PISS OFF !

      The beauty about this is that each subsequent time that they are told to PISS OFF, it would abrase against them even more than each of the previous times. If they continue to harass us, then let’s do it the way that we know best but let’s make sure that our message continues to be conveyed to them as clearly as ever.

    • geoffrey says:

      im guessing its .gov or their sub contractors playing games on the numbers and not letting the folks in, or fooling them with fakes, promiting it more here and maybe having a pole and petition on this site might help too.

      sp china net have had no luck with me either 😦 hello-national security issue having a communist facisit nation with controling intrest in “our” power grid with their reputation on hacking our data????????????????????????

    • geoffrey says:

      the numbers dont add up……..90000 refused in 2011…and now what are the numbers in 2014????
      you would think that there would be at least 10000 to sign the petition unless something “else” is going on.

      am i the only one who can see this?

      • Jasmine says:

        Not everyone has a computer Geoffrey and a lot of people don’t have the internet as well. Most of the elderly in my area don’t have access to the internet. Those figures are from when the smart meters were put on hold by the government and you could say no till the review was finished, there where no threats at the time. Since then many people have been threatened and intimidated into accepting a smart meter. They have come home to find one installed. That is why the figures don’t add up. Geoffrey no one is begrudging you a possible cancer causing meter. It does not matter if there is 5 of us or 100 or 1000,we are not statistics we are people. You need to actually do some research, your figures are from very early on when the threats, harassment and intimidation had barely started .Don’t forget smart meter radiation was not put on the World Health Organization’s possible 2b carcinogenic list until may 2011.

        • geoffrey says:

          @jas, not sure you understand my post. I’m well aware of the “have and have nots” thanks, and yeah oldies ain’t keen on technology and I absolutely don’t think of folks as statistics, and in no way support the deployment of these evil meters. I research alot too. Try looking into how “impartial” the who is. You will find no redemption with these criminals if you “research” hard enough, as to the figures, yes from 2011, pre review, my point being that if there are 7000 odd blog followers, one would assume that most would be on Eddie’s petition and a good number of the 90000 too, but your assumptions aside, you need to cool your ego and look to helping folks, NOT handing out personal judgments. Maybe you need some time relaxing in the bush without electricity, mobile phones & wi-fi.
          Anyways, I have turned away SP China net 4 times and my sister had one installed after they conned her to open the lock to read the meter and she left it open and they then snuck in and installed one against her wishes.
          In the interests of goodwill maybe you should suggest a paper petition for the tech less. I’d be more than willing to letterdrop 20000 or so, let me know 🙂

          • Jasmine says:

            Dear Geoffrey, I do not have an ego problem. As for helping people, I think I do more than my fair share as the older people in my area phone me if they need help, that includes my mother as well. I have also handed out leaflets. There was also a smart meter information night held at our community center, which I, and a few others arranged. Quite a lot of people turned up and more would of come if the local paper had not misprinted the date. My neighbour and I walked around in 40 degree heat giving out pamphlets for many days.. I do not use a mobile phone nor do I have wireless internet. As for your suggestion to go the bush, yes that sounds like a good idea, but is not possible for me. Not until this is all over, will I be able to relax. And if you are wondering why I get so worked up, I have seen enough people suffer and die with cancer. They want to put multiple meters on my daughters bedroom wall. Not only would I be worried about a fire starting but also the radiation. I wrote to the WHO and received a reply. I asked them if it was safe for my daughter to sleep near multiple meters and other questions. Most of the reply was made up of what smart meters are capable of, but down the bottom of the page in brackets was written (THE HAZARD STILL EXISTS). They did not answer the questions I asked, although nowhere in the letter does it state that smart meter radiation is safe or won’t give you cancer. I have read all about the WHO and how they’re funded.

            • geoffrey says:

              @jas, We share a similar anger. I too will not rest until all these criminals are removed. The who/un/wto/bis/.gov are NOT what they claim and are actively working against common law and free women and men everywhere. Expect no help from these. Keep up your good work against them them.

      • Vickie says:

        To all the helpful and kind people at SSMA, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I came here for advice and was overwhelmed by the caring people who responded to my concerns. I took the advice I was offered and stayed strong on my right to keep myself and my family safe. I have just received a registered letter formally acknowledging my refusal to accept a smart meter and removing my meter from the smart meter exchange program. The letter goes on to say additional costs may be incurred next year. I only have the support and help from the good people at Stop Smart Meters Australia to thank for helping me keep my home and family safe. Many thanks and Kindest regards Vickie. .

        • Eric says:

          Vickie, good on you. May I suggest you consider keeping your meter box locked. The Electricity Distribution companies have shown that they can never be trusted again. Their conduct has been unforgivable and they must be made to answer for it.

          For those that have received this same letter, I would consider putting the Distribution Company on the spot concerning these “additional costs”. To make them elaborate what they are exactly and to state that you don’t consent to them. They won’t have any comeback because those additional costs currently do not exist. Of course we know that this is nothing but their attempt to extort money from us to not radiate us and which they cannot even begin to attempt to do till March 2015. And yes they use that magical word “may” because they know they could be pushing their barrow uphill to actually succeed in bringing in their additional extortive costs.

        • Con says:

          Hi Vicki,
          Could you please be kind enough to explain the steps you took to receive a formal acknowledgment to refuse a smart meter and refusing the removal of your existing meter please.
          Thanking you in advance.

          • Vickie says:

            Thank you Eric and Con. Eric, I will do as you suggested. My meter box is still locked and will remain that way. Con, I took the steps suggested here. Locked my meter box, signs up, when I got my notices re installation, I emailed, called and wrote to the appropriate people.
            I was very fortunate to be home when installers came and I promptly told them to leave. This happened four times. I never backed down.
            I wish you well in your fight to keep your family and home safe. The best advice is right here on this site. I would not have won this personal fight without the valuable advice here. Good Luck : ) Regards Vickie

    • Jasmine says:

      I signed your petition and I would lie to know as well.

    • John M says:

      @eddiesblkdorpers. I can tell you specifically why I didn’t sign your petition and perhaps that might help with at least one explanation as to why your numbers are so low.

      The government ‘already knows’ there is at least 75000 people refusing electricity smart meters, so at least 75000 signatories would be a moot and redundant point to make. However, they don’t specifically know who those people are, yet!. Although they’re trying to get that personal information released to them from the power distributors and retailers.

      Signing your petition and having the government notified of another person signing, and or the petition with all it’s signatories, email addresses etc potentially being given too, or ‘taken by government’ is exactly what they would like to have: – A nice tidy list of all the dissenters, objectors, refuser’s etc to personally target or cross reference with other political dissent or activism. Why help do their job for them is what I thought. I don’t know what, if any identifying information they get from signing such petitions? If I balked at that, you can bet others did too.They will probably eventually collate/gather the information anyway, but let them work for it.

      Those that are still left without electricity smart meters ARE stopping them where they are now by our own actions of not giving in. I don’t need to petition government for that. They also know already there’s at least 75000 people that are going to be the same ones that will also object to water and gas smart meters being installed as well. So, again at least the first 75000 signatures of any ‘generalized’ stop smart meter petition is somewhat redundant and old news to them that will achieve nothing (beneficial to ourselves).

      For those that already have a smart meter that didn’t want one, a ‘targeted petition’ specifically demanding their removal based on the lies, coercion, bullying, harassment, failure to deliver benefits, increased prices, health effects etc etc might be the way to go and better served if it isn’t muddied by two different objectives and groups. There’s probably a lot of those that were conned and tricked also wanting to mount a class action lawsuit and sue about now too. IMO, A petition that makes it clear that most if not all of those that sign are on top of the 75000 refuser’s (that are a given) would be more effective.

      And in any of these types of petitions to government (especially these days) don’t forget there’s likely a fear factor along with typical human apathy and complacency.

      • Ashley says:

        I’m like you on this, John. I would be open however to someone explaining to what degree petitions actually will help. After all, I think it should be apparent by now that we are dealing with persons who have ALREADY sold their souls. I don’t yet see that a petition has the power to change that.

        Something I feel needs to be better understood is the fact that we create the world we have, through mentally. It is only the mentality, the collective conspiracy within the public’s mental make-ups of which pervades society, that in it’s way grants permission to the perpetrators of Smart Meters, yet has the power to deny permission too.

        I consider that It is actually more beneficial to focus on educating our neighbours and the people around us, our fellow members of the public of which includes the Power Companies foot soldiers, so that mental desire works upwards rather than trying to ask sell-outs at the top if they wouldn’t mind fixing things. The importance of this should not be underestimated; I have no doubt the conspirators at the top know this too.

  223. Ada says:

    I watched a program on the Amish last Saturday and it was quite an eye-opener. They live what I believe is a really good quality of life in beautiful large homes surrounded by nature – WITHOUT ELECTRICITY! They just have a generator for running a washing machine and a few tools they need. At night they use gas lamps. If only we changed they way we live – just a little – I’m sure we could also live off grid and not be held ransom by the Foreign Owned Power Companies, that care nothing for our Human Rights. Much to be learnt from the Amish who seek to live independently and are not ‘suckers’ for technology we don’t even need!
    In stark contrast to that, last week The Age pictured a mother that ‘needed’ Google Glasses to breastfeed (thereby irradiating both her eyes and her baby’s) so the ‘lactating consultant’ could see the baby suckling and advise her. It just seems quite monstrous to me – like a gadget desperately looking for a purpose. How did we come to this? How did the generations before us manage to breastfeed and populate the planet without the need for Google Glasses? Not sure whether to laugh or cry!

    • Jasmine says:

      Dear Ada, I have also seen a documentary on the Amish. My mother had five children. She had to bake her own bread and wash by hand.
      We walked everywhere, no air conditioning, barely any heat. A lot of people have told me they grew up like this. As I got older I realized that it wasn’t so bad growing up like that. My children to some extent are also growing up the same. They swelter in summer and we only have a heater in the lounge room, although their life is much easier than mine was, because of new technology. They could also pay a higher price. My father used to always tell me that only the strong survive. People are lazy and greedy and selfish as well. They want everything and they want it now. That is how we got to to where we are now. There is no respect now, no compassion, no empathy and no sympathy. A couple of years ago my son said to me “mum if all the bad people were taken from this world there would not be many of us left”.

    • Tanya says:

      If the power companies push me too far on the smart meter issue or even the ridiculous expense of having electricity or a landline phone, I am prepared to tell them to disconnect me. I’m sick of companies slugging us just to have the utility provided, whether we use it or not.

      I keep this prospect in mind so that I can consider how I will cope without electricity and phone.

    • John M says:

      @Ada. ” If only we changed they way we live – just a little” Some of us are aiming towards having that type of life and currently making changes. Letting go of so much unnecessary baggage.

      If we don’t shift away from our dependencies on things that are unessential in life then the leaches and kleptoparasites of this world that prey on us to define and give meaning to their wealth and value will continue to strip us of everything, and discard us like rubbish when done. The Amish and many other groups of humans have been aware of so much of the trappings of life and wanted nothing to do with it. Much admiration should be shown to those that break free, but instead we’re taught often to ridicule those that do.

      Our addictions to useless distractions and our inability to discern between needs and wants is a weapon that is wielded so effectively against us. I often think of native peoples and gypsies etc and the way of life they once had and gave up, or were ultimately forced to by being seduced and addicted to ‘things’. To be economic slaves like the rest of us trading our life’s finite time and energies collecting trinkets, baubles, and shiny things. Nothing has changed in so long a time. 😦

      We and previous generations have almost made God’s of men on this earth playing ‘their game’. Humanity must drastically alter it’s course. Human civilization to this point has been nothing more than one giant game of Monopoly with some bloodshed and genocide along the way thrown in to reduce the number of players and liberate the bounty they once possessed .

      “Not sure whether to laugh or cry!” I feel that way often watching people still trapped.

  224. Ted Hunt says:

    Letter From Sp Ausnet Dated 20 Jan 2014
    Received On 24 Jan 2014
    Dear Owner
    An Sp AusNet representative attempted to install a new electricity meter at the above address however the installation could not be completed.
    The planned work is part of the Victorian Goverment’s Smart Meter Program and the new smart meter is now the industry standard in Victoria. This means that it is mandatory for all Victorian electricity customers to have a smart meter installed at their premises.
    Please find attached an information pack related to the rollout.
    AS advised under section 3.3 of the Electricity Distribution Code (Jan 2011) a customer is required to allow SP AusNet as the owner of the electricity meter, clear and unhindered access for the new meter installation to occur.
    Please contact our customer service centre on 1300 360 795 to reschedule your installation or if you require any further information
    Yours Sincerely
    Customer Services
    Sp AusNet


    • Jasmine says:

      Yes Ted, they will need a court order and police to install their possible cancer causing spying devices. How can you make a potentially deadly weapon, that also spies on you, mandatory? There is a question for them.

    • Dan says:

      Even a court order with police presence will be rendered totally useless by a simple phone call with message “SP AUSNET Disconnect power now and F OFF my premises forever”. Not likely they’ll get any smart meter in then is it.

      Customers have control over corporations by choosing not to buy their stinking products.

    • Dan says:

      They will sell their products to us on our terms or they can stick their products up their rear.

    • Altered Meek says:

      Well done Ted ! I should be receiving that letter soon.
      Until they prove to me in writing that they :
      1) own the meter; and
      2) where in legislation (Act of Parliament) it is clearly defined they are LEGALLY allowed to install a wireless smart meter?
      They are not going to change anything on my property.
      None of this fluff about a Code. It means NOTHING! How can they enforce a law that DOESN’T EXIST?
      Go away SP AusNet and take the other 4 distributors with you on the way out.

    • Ted Hunt says:

      NEWS FLASH: A friend has been taken OFF the smart meter roll out. YES, you have read it right, he got a letter from origin energy telling him that after his continual refusal to have one fitted, they have taken him off the list, but he may be up for extra charges after 2015.
      I’m getting a copy of the letter to post he is on a large property in Sale Victoria 🙂

      • Altered Meek says:

        United Energy sent a similar letter as well, but they stated “we will honour your request to not have the smart meter installed at this time”.
        So this letter is not a “be all and end all”, what they are effectively saying is that “we can’t do anything about you refusing our meter right now, but we will be back when we can do something to make you have it”.
        As far as I’m concerned, let them give it their best shot as they will not win.

  225. Con says:

    Kostiras recently announced publicly that he is getting out of politics, so he is obviously not going to be in the running for the next election.
    My opinion is that this was a decision made a while ago so that’s why he was made the minister of energy. They put Kotsiras in an area that a huge amount of Victorians are concerned about and he (Kotsiras) couldn’t even give a sh!t about it because he is throwing in the towel and going to enjoy his parliamentary perks for the rest of his life.
    So we can all write to him and intimidate him that we wont vote for him at the ballot box but he want even be on the voting card. So it makes one wonder what has happened to all the letters sent in with hardly anyone getting a reply? He must have told them to get him a HUGE paper shredder as a farewell present.
    So it all makes sense now as to why he has been so arrogant and such an ……………….

  226. geoffrey says:

    Can we start to replace the smart meters with good old analog???? Is it illegal to do so?????? Alot of people are suffering from these devices.
    Also, companies have used estimates or self reading successfully for years, at NO EXTRA COST TO CUSTOMERS.

    • Informed Choice says:

      I don’t see why not, Geoffrey. It is just one giant cash grab after all.

    • Jasmine says:

      To Geoffrey. maybe Stop Smart Meters can advise you on this matter, or someone who has legal expertise in this area. It is your home after all. Can you go to the distributors headquarters and install lead? Which is also a possible 2b carcinogen.

      • Petrer says:

        Unfortunately, no you cannot replace your smart meter without risking a hefty fine from ESV. This seems to be what happened to everyone’s hero Jason! I believe he was threatened with a $20,000 fine.
        The latest skulduggery of Kotsiras now forbids the distributors to fit any thing other than a surveillance devise. (I have been asking the government for years whether distributors can fit anything other than a surveillance devise, this is obviously their answer! They have never answered my question directly because they couldn’t until now!)To deny these are anything but surveillance devises is bulldust, as shown by this link to the Vic gov site, which blatantly shows that individual homes can and will be ‘profiled’! You can only profile some one by carrying out surveillance. Even the police force require a court order before they can install a surveillance devise!
        Kotsiras has been able to pass this legislation because it is an amendment to an existing bill and dose not require a statement of compliance with the Victorian Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. The Privacy Commission recommended closing this loop hole back in 2011, but of course this recommendation was ignored as has all recommendations detrimental to this undemocratic rollout decision by both major Victorian fascist parties.
        Now we have Abbott telling the world to let businesses rule our lives and that governments just support them!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOh DEEEAARR!

    • Jasmine says:

      Jason removed his own meter and it was filmed i believe. That was the problem it presented a safety hazard. Ask questions and keep on asking you will eventually find the answers you are seeking.I would definitely get legal advice on this matter. Its your home,health,body and life.Mr Kotsiras is a public servant he is here to serve us not the other way around.

      • Peter says:

        I believe Jason got his installation certified by a licenced electrician; which was accepted by ESV, but Powercor still refused to put his electricity back on. I believe the fine was related to Electricity Distribution Code 12.5c and/or d.

        This raises an interesting question. All this legislation applies to the distributors ‘using their best endeavours’. Then the government has now said that they are to only fit surveillance devises, this contradicts ‘use best endeavour’s’. Also, Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1 states that a customer can request a different TYPE of meter and the distributor ‘must use its REASONABLE endeavours to install that type of metering equipment WITHIN 20 BUSINESS DAYS of receiving a written request to do so. Surely, when the distributors either ignore the request, or refuse the request, (both these actions fail to comply with the legislation) the customer has the right to engage a licenced electrician to replace the meter with an analogue meter, which is still in use by other customers throughout Australia?

        I am quite sure, this site is being watched with beady eyes; by ‘the powers that be’, so can we expect more legislation to prevent this occurring? If so, this will confirm the state of Victoria as a totalitarian state!

        This is the ridiculous situation the Victorian government has put us in! There are so many pieces of legislation which contradict each other on the one hand, and other pieces of legislation which the distributors are allowed to ignore with impunity!

        I wrote to the ESC asking what they intend to do about the way many Victorians who were misled into accepting a surveillance devise; because of the false statements made by the likes of OBrien, the installers and the distributors, (the ESC had previously admitted that this was not consistent with’ best endeavours’) whether those customers had the right to demand the return of their analogue meters. I asked several other questions regarding the customers rights and the obligation the ESC has under its charter. My letter was sent last July, so far, as I said in my last post, the ONLY (indirect) reply, has been regarding the fitment of other than surveillance devises!

        I hope the people of Australia are getting the picture of just how hypocritical the governments of Australia are, they criticize other countries for abusing human rights, and here we are having to fight tooth and nail against not only corporate business, but a government which continues to disregard its own human rights laws!!!!!!

        Much of the legislation used in Victoria is also Federal legislation, eg, NER, AER etc. So without a doubt, the other states are just sitting back to see how far the people of Victoria can be pushed without too much of a back lash. The government do not want to upset their voters, so they are letting the business corporations take the blame.

        • Jasmine says:

          Dear Peter, I know Jason hired an electrician and the meter installation was deemed safe, but would they have been able to punish him if he had used a licensed electrician in the first place? I think it is very important that people find out where they stand legally in regards to changing their meter. They also need to make sure a qualified electrician is performing this work. What Jason did was very brave, unfortunately they had to make an example of him to deter others. Why can’t we buy our own meters and have them installed? Jason was protecting his family, that takes courage.
          The mental wounds they have inflicted on us will heal, but the scars will never go away. The mental trauma we have suffered, will be stored somewhere in the back of our minds, waiting to resurface in the future.
          Do you not find it hypocritical Peter, that our so called leaders attended Nelson Mandela’s funeral and mourned him? How dare they mourn a man that fought for freedom and an end to oppression? They don’t answer the hard questions. They don’t have the intelligence. If they can’t answer our questions, then they have no right to exercise a mandate..
          I’m sure they check this website. We tell the truth and we are not hiding anything. We are not doing anything wrong. We are protecting ourselves and our families from harm.
          I can sleep at night knowing I have not harmed anyone.
          Here is a quote from the book “A Handmaids Tale” which just about says it all.

          • Peter says:

            Hi Jasmine
            The point I tried to make in the earlier submission is, Kotsiras’ new legislation requires the DISTRIBUTORS to install ONLY surveillance and control devises, it does NOT prevent them from allowing a CUSTOMER to installing a different TYPE of meter at their own expense. (Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1)
            Another point of interest is, both the government and the distributors claim they (distributors) own the meters, (a) neither have ever provided any PROOF of ownership, and (b) if the distributors DO own them, what right does the government have; to demand that a privately owned corporate provide only ONE type of product?

        • geoffrey says:

          I wonder why stop smart meters australia is not pushing for folks to replace the “smart” meters? It seems that it is not illegal to do so, lots of threats from power pushers, but no action yet on the legal front. Why just defensive measures only? Yes there is a class action, but why the lack of advice from the legal team on this issue? If there are answers to these questions, where are they?

          Alot of my posts have not been posted which makes me wonder of the authenticity of this group. They have not been inciting violence or obscene material so why?? Taking bets on if this gets through, odd are 33-1 and rising with every post. It seems here moderation means censorship. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG, I am not trolling, just trying to inform and understand TRUTH. 🙂

          If anybody still thinks the government is not a corporation see below clip

          • Jasmine says:

            Dear Geoffrey, if it wasn’t for Stop Smart Meters Australia we would all have their radiation meters by now. They post legal advice. They also keep us up to date on what is happening. This forum is also important as we can find out what is happening to other people in different parts of Victoria. I think Stop Smart Meters Australia is working on the problem you mentioned. They have to get it right the first time, as there are many people that want their meters removed also. Unfortunately this takes time. One of my friends explained that the Government is a corporation. He actually told me things that I would never have known. You will get that meter removed and hopefully soon.

            • geoffrey says:

              thanks jas, i guess i lost my bet as to it being posted…lol, but the information i present is very pertinent, i admit ssma are providing a valuable service, we must ALL be aware of the dangers to the system of this FACT-power in unifyed numbers, HENCE THEY WILL DO EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO STOP THIS, including co opting this group, fudging numbers, hacking, re writing the “law”, fines and jail. i have seen it played out over and over again the same way. i say this not to incite fear but to inform all you great folks of the dangers and tactics these criminals use. the lock the gate movement has been influtrated, they fear us getting informed and orginised, we all gotta stay frosty, orginise a decentralised resistance to ALL the problems facing this country because we are all facing the death of a thousand pinpricks. the transhumanist agenda is in full swing and will destroy us all using finance, technology and our ego and acquiescence if we fail to come together in peace for all for peace and abundance for all. we have all been played for a very long time and i for one am over it. 🙂

          • Peter says:

            Hi Geoffrey
            I am glad some one else has brought the sacrifices’ made in the past; in two World Wars and those since, to defend democracy.
            The sad fact is, many servicemen and women who have served their country, are now having to battle the rising cost of this AMI rollout.
            As an ex service man myself, I wrote a letter to the head of the Victorian RSL, Major General David McLachlan AO, expressing my concern for these hero’s and their struggle. That was more than two years ago and I have still not had a reply, so I ‘googled’ him. This link might explain his lack of interest.
            It’s interesting that this was put out by the department of the premier!
            This link, in my opinion indicates his respect for our Queen and service personnel, past and present.

          • Eric says:

            Geoffrey, the bulk of my many many posts have been posted with minimal moderation, and only where I can see there is necessity. There is no reason for your posts not to be posted unless I am missing something.

  227. Peter says:

    The new Victorian ‘mandate’, quoted on the home page, would seem to indicate that the government is listening to our questions.
    (1) That the government can still pass legislation without requiring a ‘statement of compatibility’ with the Victorian Human Rights and responsibilities Act 2006, because the new legislation is an amendment to an existing act. The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission recommended closing this loop hole back in July 2011. Clearly this recommendation has been ignored for obvious reasons, it would have made it very difficult if not impossible for Kotsiras to justify this legislation!
    (2) Neither government dare to remove the phrase, ‘use their best endeavours’.
    (3) The government can no longer claim that the AMI roll out ‘is industry led’. The government is backing the industry to the hilt and forcing them to comply, but I do not hear any of the distributors protesting too strongly!
    (4) If the roll out is industry led, why does the government want the addresses of those who continue to refuse, (14AA.6 of the amendment)? What has it got to do with the government, who is refusing to accept a device supplied by a private company? Have they more dirty tricks up their sleeve?
    (5) 14AA.4 answers our questions whether distributors can fit anything but; surveillance devices!
    Having said that, the phrase ‘use best endeavours’ still applies, so we can still refuse the installation of these devises.
    We must not weaken at this stage, but become more diligent in keeping up with what the government and distributors are doing.
    Maintain the rage!

  228. Ada says:

    In response to todays article in the Herald Sun by state politics editor James Campbell waxing lyrical about the ‘benefits’ of smart meters (pure political spin aimed at defending the undefensible!), here is what will be presented in California on 28th January:

    “The High Road to a True Smart Grid”
    Billions of dollars of ‘smart’ utility meters are being installed across America that are unable to integrate with, or enable, the ‘smart grid’ of the future on which U.S. energy sustainability depends, according to the landmark report, “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid” published by the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy in Washington, D.C.

    Called a colossal waste of taxpayer and ratepayer dollars, the new meters and networks do not improve energy efficiency, enhance energy management, help balance supply and demand, or facilitate the integration of renewable sources. Instead the meters drive up costs, introduce unnecessary risks to personal privacy and health, and divert resources from creating a true smart grid.

    Join us to dive deeply into the roots of electricity paralysis in the United States and learn what it will to take to create a reliable, safe, and sustainable electricity grid with our planetary interests at heart. Learn:
    •How state and local governments, and environmental organizations, have been misled about the purported benefits of ‘smart’ meters.
    •How ‘smart’ meter investments, using billions in stimulus funding, do not benefit ratepayers or support economic growth, but financially prop up unsustainable Investor-Owned-Utilities (IOUs), while postponing investment in genuine ‘smart’ technical solutions and the inevitable transition to a decentralized and democratized electricity system.
    •How conflicts of interests in the IOU monopoly utility business model are preventing us from moving to a renewable energy economy.
    •Why the utility industry is so desperately pushing back against rooftop solar and net metering?
    •Why the right to ‘opt out’ of ‘smart’ meters will not solve the pressing underlying risks and economic problems, nor will exploiting more fossil fuels
    •How “smart meters” may be a surveillance “drone” in your home.
    •How U.S. policymakers evidence a lack of a basic understanding of the problems associated with the future of energy and electricity.
    •Why local communities need to take control of their energy future, as we are seeing happening now in Boulder, CO.

    This interdisciplinary critique of our present electricity dilemma will clarify technical misunderstandings about ‘smart’ meters; the entrenched economic models preventing utilities from fully embracing renewable energy; and how the growing transpartisan ‘smart’ meter rebellion heralds an epochal transformation in the economy of energy. The panelists will lay out the next steps the U.S. must take to achieve clean energy abundance—for the sake of our pocketbooks, sustainable energy independence, global economic competitiveness, preservation of natural resources, enhanced national security and to forestall the looming threat to life on Earth from man-made global warming.

    The program, including Q&A, will explore the pivotal role communities and citizens can play, through political will, including transpartisan collaborations, in driving the needed transformation in this sector, and how a clean energy economy can be fast tracked through a truly innovative and pioneering collaborative financing arrangement between the private and public sectors.

    • Allan says:

      James Campbell makes me sick in the stomach

      Quote from his Herald Sun article
      “Luckily in Victoria, because of the far-sighted decision by the previous government in 2004 to mandate smart meters, we have the capacity to do something about it.

      OF course, it shouldn’t have taken 10 years and cost $2.3 billion, and it is almost unbelievable that as of last August there were half a million of the things still to be installed, but the Bracks and Brumby governments deserve credit for biting the bullet on something none of us wanted. Compare us with NSW, which last year was still dicking around with a “smart meter taskforce” debating whether to install them. The first benefits from smart meters began to flow in September when Kotsiras fired the starting gun on flexible pricing plans, which allow people to pay different rates for their electricity at different times of the day.”

      I feel revolted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Jasmine says:

        Dear Allan, hopefully James Campbell has a smart meter on his home. The radiation will zero in on his testicles and eyes. As for Kotsiras, he is a public servant, we are the public. He serves us.

        • geoffrey says:

          @jas, i think kotsiras has already got himself a golden handshake and a nice new over paid job in the industry when he leaves “public” service.

    • Jasmine says:

      The roll out of the smart meters was always going to continue past the December 2013 deadline. As long as the roll out continues we have to pay. I”d say the Government wants this mess finished before the election. My analog meter reader has told me that he only has work till June 2014. Things will get worse before they get better, officially their orders are to try hard to poison my family with radiation. Unofficially there orders could be completely different. Who knows what they have been told unofficially, I guess we will find out soon enough. What dirty underhanded tricks have they got up there sleeves? I wonder if they enlisted the services of a psychologist to see what sort of mind games they can play. What terror tactics they can use on us, but you can only push people so far. This reminds me about the end of the Nazi regime. They tried to destroy evidence. They did not want anyone finding out about about there atrocities. The people that had survived the concentration camps, were taking on death marches to finish them off. Many died, but a lot survived to tell the world. They can abuse our minds, maybe even our bodies, but not our spirit. The Dictator Joseph Stalin once said:
      “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.”.

      • Citizen for Democracy says:

        So true what you say, Jasmine. This Victorian government is responsible for the silent Holocaust that is happening in this state. They all individually will have to pay for what they’ve done, even if it takes a hundred years.

        • Jasmine says:

          Dear Citizen for Democracy, luckily for us we are a lot more advanced in technology. This forum and the internet is an updated version of the underground, where information is shared and warnings can be given. This is a war, both sides will have casualities. We only here about our side, but many of them will also fall. A secret is no longer a secret if more than one person knows. Their secrets are eventually going to come out. I have a quote that one of my neighbors gave me, and I keep a laminated copy of it on my fridge.
          No need for revenge. Just sit back and wait.
          Those who hurt you will eventually screw themselves up,
          And if your lucky, God will let you watch.

          • Citizen for Democracy says:

            Love the quote!
            Never has a situation been more ‘black and white’ – true peace of mind comes from knowing right from wrong – no-one can take that from us.

    • Jasmine says:

      This is from the Australian Human Rights Commission guide to Australia’s Counter =Terrorism Laws.
      3.1 Defining a Terrorist Act
      Section 100.1 of the Criminal Code defines a terrorist act as ‘an action or threat of action’ which is done or made with the intention of:
      advancing a political, religious or ideological cause; and
      coercing, or influencing by intimidation, the government of the Commonwealth, State or Territory or the government of a foreign country or intimidating the public or a section of the public.
      Action will only be defined as a terrorist act if it:

      causes serious physical harm or death;
      seriously damages property;
      endangers a person’s life;
      creates a serious risk to public health or safety; or
      seriously interferes with, seriously disrupts, or destroys, an electronic system
      Action will not be a terrorist act if it is advocacy, protest, dissent or industrial action and is not intended to cause serious physical harm or death, endanger the lives of others or create a serious risk to the public health or safety.

      The definition of a terrorist act has been criticised as being so broad its meaning is unclear.[21]

    • Mia says:

      This system is illegal, You cannot electrocute humans by turning them into ground wires for a wireless system, global or otherwise. Sooner or later that will become evident, but only after the injury toll is already very high. As a species we tend to learn too little, if at all, and usually only after it’s too late. Society is “currently” radiation addicted. Your greatest threat is those around you who are oblivious to others, hooked on wireless devices emitting radiation which the addicted user spews all over everyone else everywhere they go and dragging the frequencies from cell towers right into your personal space as well as every public space. And then there are the utilities who are no different than the telecom industry and often are one and the same entity as one another and as government.
      They need to be put back in their place
      That said consider surge suppressors to stop the worst of this:

      Surge suppression is no longer an option, it is a necessity.
      Transients can make you very ill. They can even kill you.
      What are transients?

      A transient (surge, impulse, spike) is defined as a temporary rise in voltage and current
      on an electrical circuit that has been disturbed. They are high energy (with magnitudes in
      the thousands of volts) and short duration (with rise times in the 1 to 10 microsecond

      Since they are sub-cycle events they should not be confused with longer duration events such as swells or temporary overvoltages. They disrupt, damage or destroy bioelectrical and electrical systems and electronic equipment, often in an instant, and/or cause cumulative damage over a period of time resulting in unexplained failures.

      External Creation of Transients

      Lightning strikes and utility company grid switching are the major external sources of transients. The ground surge from nearby lightning strikes can ravage electrical systems by entering unprotected circuits through the system ground.
      Cloud-to-cloud lightning discharges are capable of inducing electrical field intensities in the hundreds to
      thousands of volts per meter. If this type of transient appears across an unprotected
      power, telephone, data, or coaxial line the result can be system destruction.

      The bad news is that until very recently power utility companies have had little or no control over
      the surges induced on their power lines by others, meaning the ones which they themselves do not create. Noisy electrical neighbors sharing your electrical distribution system, such as welding shops, can also be a major source of transients.

      Examples of externally generated surge sources include:

      Lightning Strikes
      Direct Strikes (Cloud to Ground) – reach as high as 25,000 Volts
      Induced (Cloud to Cloud ) – reach as high as 15,000 Volts

      Utility Impulse Generators

      Load Shedding for Demand – reach as high as 15,000 Volts
      Power Factor Correction – reach as high as 15,000 Volts

      Any time the flow of electrical energy is altered, transient activity can be the result. The simple act of turning on (or off) a light, motor, copy machine or any other electrical device can disturb the electrical circuit and create transients. In general, the larger the load current the greater the disturbance when the load is switched off or on. The switching of high ampacity loads such as electric welders and electric motors are known to create damaging transients. The simple fact is that the normal operation of most
      electrical equipment creates voltage surges and spikes. While they vary in magnitude and duration, they are constantly present in all unprotected circuits.

      Examples of internally generated surge sources include:

      Local Capacitive Loads – reach as high as 10,000 Volts
      Static Electricity – reach as high as 5,000 Volts
      Loose Wiring – reach as high as 3,000 Volts
      Inductive Load switching – reach as high as 7,000 Volts
      Switch Bounce On Starters/Contactors – reach as high as 10,000 Volts
      Electronic Loads Added – reach as high as 5,000 Volts
      Ground Potential Differences – reach as high as 10,000 Volts

      Other sources of internally generated transients include:
      Variable frequency drives
      Electronic or computer loads
      Electronic lighting ballasts
      Energy management systems
      HVAC Systems
      Voltage Switching
      Space Heaters

      Some of these sources can and do produce immediate catastrophic damage and interruption of your operation. Unlike physical damage, this damage is readily noticeable due to the large volumes of smoke and sometimes the fire that is caused when such an event is allowed to occur unchecked. Others produce cumulative damage. This damage occurs a little at a time over a period of time. Sort of like the damage you do to a block of ice with an ice pick. Each chip doesn’t amount to much but the cumulative affect is devastating.

      However, in the high tech world of today, the threshold between cumulative damage and
      catastrophic damage is swinging more and more to the low end of the spectrum of magnitude and duration. What that means to you, as an engineer, maintenance director, or consumer or user of energy is that surge suppression is no longer an option, it is a necessity.

      A Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS) or Surge Protection Device (SPD), as they are also called, is a device that accomplishes two basic functions. It first provides a place for a rise in current and voltage to equalize (other than across your equipment) and secondly, it absorbs or diverts the excess energy to places other than the protected load. The object is to do all of this as quickly and effectively as possible, to be reliable
      enough to be ready when the next transient event occurs whether it be in 10 nanoseconds or 10 cycles and, to be able to repeat this performance over hundreds of thousands of events without failure.

      The major design goal is to divert as much of the transient energy away from the load as possible by providing a lower impedance path and then to address the effects of the surge with the components of the SPD. Various types of surge suppression components are used to provide this low impedance pathway, depending on the specific application of the device.

      The most common component found in AC voltage devices is the Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV). Under normal conditions the MOV presents itself as a high impedance element.
      However, when the voltage level rises to a level exceeding the threshold of the MOV, the
      resistance of the MOV drops rapidly (within nanoseconds) providing a low impedance
      path of flow. The MOV has become the component of choice in AC power applications (over 95% of AC SPD’s use MOV’s) because of its high energy handling capability and reliable clamping performance.

      Also, due to the lower magnitude of transient energy, the devices used for protection of
      computer data lines and telephone communication equipment contain components that vary drastically from those found in AC power devices. The goal is the same however, to provide effective/reliable protection as fast as possible and as many times as necessary to assure the survival of the protected equipment.

      Everyone who uses electricity (grid supplied or locally generated), telephone lines (voice only or fax/modem/data), computer data lines (data collection, data transmission, computer communication) needs some type of Transient Voltage Surge Suppression
      In short, anyone who uses wire to accomplish any of these functions is in need of effective/reliable surge suppression.

      • Jasmine says:

        Thanks Mia, I write a lot of your points in my notepad so I can remember them. Sometimes you need someone else to point out the obvious. Mia do you think that a psychologist is giving the distributors and government advice on what sort of mental stress to expose us to?

  229. Eric says:

    Looks like the work of smart meters being able to remotely switch off people’s power with control being in the hands of the Electricity Distributor

    • Peter says:

      Hi Eric
      SPAusnet had people out working in 40oC + ? Has anyone checked which poles, and other assets were ‘serviced’?
      In my opinion, this is just ‘a toe in the water’ to see what reaction they get from the customer when the distributors don’t want to pay for the ‘peak demand’ electricity prices. After all, this is the whole concept of the ‘smart grid’!
      It is common knowledge, that if a system can be abused by corporate business, it will be abused; in the interest of profiteering, eg petrol pricing, bank charges etc, and no amount of legislation will stop it, even if the government wanted to stop it.

      • Mia says:

        Actually, more to the point, since most if not all corporations pass the 20 point checklist which qualifies them as psychopathological entities, it is common knowledge that IF customers can be abused by corporate businesses, chances are that they will be abused to the same extent that they are prepared to tolerate such abuse.
        If customers remain silent (consent) or engage in dialogue with the utility (consent) or make appeals to authority other than their own personal authority (consent) or submit letters of complaint (consent) or try to negotiate different terms (consent) or pleade for mercy (consent) or fall for fake corporate choices (consent) or if customers in any way whatsoever inadvertently give away to amy such corporate entity their own private consent they are legally agreeing to then be abused, be it by silence, by inaction, by wrongful action, and then with certainty they will be abused.
        Conversely, if customers correctly revoke any such consent to be abused by the lawful act of claiming or reclaiming their private right to refuse a bi-directional radiating transmitter (known in the industry as Network Management & Communication Equipment, which is used to manage the network they take over and use after they turn a private home into part of the smart grid), …then the customer will not be abused.
        No government can abuse without one of the following preconditions:
        1) the consent of the governed
        2) an overt police state
        3) a non negotiable dictatorship
        Barring a declared police state, the correct application of common law can and does stop customer abuse by a utility monopoly, be it private or public.
        In Canada, common law governs contract laws, trespass laws, and electrical code laws. Is it not similar in Australia?

        • Jasmine says:

          Thanks Mia I enjoy reading your posts. I made many of the mistakes you have pointed out, but not any more.

          • Mia says:

            You are most welcome. The up side of common law is that even if you make mistakes you can still turn that around and undo such mistakes. Once you get the hang of it, their tricks lose their ability to deceive.
            Just take back consent, revoke any inadvertently given, reclaim your inherent right of refusal.
            You are the real authority in this matter. They just need you to believe they are instead.
            The SOLE exception to being able to claim or reclaim a right is if you enter into any condition of statutory law, the laws which protect them from the customer, or if you join any lawsuit, particularly a class action lawsuit. That’s because by so doing you void all common law actions and in effect you then declare yourself unfit to handle your own affairs of commerce conducted with the utility. By signing your signature over to them you hand over all “power of attorney” to the attorney. Game over. The primary affiliation of the judge, court, lawyer is to that system, not to you.
            Your primary affiliation must be to yourself and loved ones. The private realm is where the only real rights exist.
            And make no mistake, they know this.
            The smart grid is a vehicle to achieve a post sovereign rulership.
            There is a global war on, intended to try to destroy the sovereignty on which all common law rights rest. Sabotage is well underway in Au and NZ to void all lawful rights by means of a corporate take over, a seemingly bloodless covert coup based on a plan to achieve corporate foreign ownership of your country, and mine, and separately to take all possession of it’s assets, including all essentials and all energy sources.
            The global agenda seems to be to dismantle everything which currently protects property ownership rights, and to dismantle sovereignty thru trade deals and a systematic corporate takeover of all essential services such as the energy sector, agriculture, water, done via incrementalism in conjunction with the purchase of the country itself by international banks, insurance agencies, and the like. The inroads in this direction in North America are mind boggling.

          • Mia says:

            Remember Marshall McLuhan and his motto: ” The medium is the message”? Enter the smart grid. The medium is microwaves. The medium is not only the message it is the method and the means of profit.
            What is so diabolical about the smart grid is that the microwave method of delivery IS the money maker, as is the stolen data and electricity futures derivatives, next.
            Total harmonic distortion is a result of the introduction of microwaves to an existing electrical system.
            In fact each utility is using the method of delivery, the microwave spikes and pulses, to augment “measurement” and give the “appearance” of usage while at the same time removing the means for the customer to understand their own usage.

            That said, many homes are also incorrectly grounded, or not grounded at all, or grounded to the water pipes, or else the wires are not correctly twisted to cancel fields, or all of the above, and even regular pre smart grid electrical transients usually comprise 80% of electrical fields in homes, even without the microwaves which STILL enter the home via the path of least resistance, the transmission lines, with or without a smart meter on that home.

            In fact there is no such thing as opting out since your neighbour’s s/meter can read your microchipped fridge or stove, etc.

            Question: Can a suppressor stop the wireless signals from s/meters nearby your home. Not likely. But at least that form of wireless attenuates.

            The time for diagnosis is done, IMO.

            To continue to analyze the smart grid problem without addressing solutions risks a descent into morbid fascination with a train wreck.
            We know the disease.
            Now it is cure time.
            And there is a cure or two out there.
            Time to de-incentivize the utility, isn’t it?

            Time to neutralize the motive for the grid? And once done, there goes the reason for its existence.

            The motive is a very simple model – greed.
            Time to cut off the corporate ponzi grab for your wallet, as well as to protect your data, and to save your health? Sure, why not?

            Survival is yours for the taking.
            You just have to get over the fact that yes, it’s up to you to bear the cost to defeat their system, one household at a time.

            Convince your neighbours to do the same and the exponential effect grows. Convince enough people to do so and the utility loses the greed driven reward for the introduction of the microwave grid, which is government, police and even military control of your home and property, and pure profit, all if it funded by you.

            Who (besides the utility) knew that US people would irrationally vote against their own best interests by choosing yet again a president who openly promised them that electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket under his scheme of cap and trade?

            Who (other than those who developed it) anticipated that this desecration, euphemistically called a “green” energy “upgrade”, would prove to be such a severe assault on all biological quality of life, would actually be a downgrade, slow bioelectrical failure delivered right into your unarmed home?

            Who (other than the government who wrote all those laws to grant full legal immunity to all of the corporations carrying this out) ever imagined ahead of time that each so called customer not only would be expected to pay for perpetual obsolescence via a new replacement transmitting data thieving spy device every few years henceforth, but realized that additionally the task to subvert the harm and stop this theft would fall to each energy/water customer? …..
            Meaning that it’s up to you now to protect yourself from the utility.

            Luckily, there are plenty of ways to do so.

            The utility sees fit to protect not you but only the remotely operated computerized network management equipment from their own microwave method of data mining. That is the purpose of the aggressive and uniquely harmful SMPS.
            Many have asked why did they not build in a suppressor?
            Well… there is no profit in stopping the pulses.
            Besides that is your job now.

            They are statutorily exempt from all liability.
            Meanwhile they are taking over your private property and using it and your non BX (BX is armoured or metal clad shielded wiring) home wiring to run and sustain and operate and enable their profits using continuous “chat” on their system, run at your expense, aerial trespass, electronic trespass, physical assault, call it what you will, they have prearranged to be free to ignore your rights unless you assert them yourself.

            In this scheme every single biological being, human or otherwise, serves as the ground wire for this wireless system.

            That means that each one of us, our loved ones, our unborn babies, our pets and all wildlife, our gardens, all forests, flora, fauna, fish, bees birds, butterflies, bats, …..all things biological …..are in effect being slowly electrocuted, since that is precisely what electromagnetically precipitated electrical induction is, a case of electrocution. Corporate electrocution.

            So …You have been deemed to serve as the ground wire for their system.
            Your nerves and muscles are the switches forced to rapidly artificially depolarize as they are involuntarily coupled into the grid.

            Which begs the only question worth asking:

            Every corporate utility’s profit margin depends on the perpetuation of this unconscionable method of delivery.

            The scheme is about the utility profiting from their own agenda to use unshielded surges, pulses and spikes to make trillions of dollars – which they call “usage”, and to make even more by calling stolen private data “personal” while ignoring the illegal wiretap aspect of all of this.

            The pulses themselves are what is measured here, – not real time personal usage, … at least not “usage” as any customer ever understood it, up until now. This computer has software able to be overwritten, also able to “disappear” its own tracks, clamped on every home on earth as it rounds up the KWh every quarter hour.

            This is an estimation system. It estimates pulsing energy.
            It is not about real time “usage”.
            It bears no resemblance to how any previous electromechanical meter ever measured voltage directly. It measure ambient energy, not mere voltage. This is why bills skyrocket.

            Electromechanical meters are safe and user friendly. Smart meters are intentionally just the opposite.
            And that makes you the collateral damage for corporate profiteering
            OR DOES IT?

            Here is an idea:
            Why not legally foil them at their own game? (pardon the pun).

            Granted, a whole house suppressor won’t on its own save the ecosystem outside your home, but it will assure you relief from microwave hell and return your privacy while lowering your bills.

            Afterwards you can always work out a safe way to ground the so called “meter” in order to neutralize and deposit into the ground all of its return signals, as a way to stop the utility from using your home as a two way mini cell tower busy collecting data.

            Never before has your home been directly linked to 5000 other meters as one continuous circuit while chatting with and sending private data around the continuous network circuit of up to 5000 other “private” meters en route back to Gouge Central.

            A good whole house suppressor will at very least assure a safer bunker until this war is finally declared criminal.

            Consider the purchase and installation of a whole house suppressor of reasonably high quality (certainly don’t go for the cheapest one at Home Depot).
            The military and most of industry already use these suppressor devices. It saves them a ton of money and stops wear and tear on components of their operations.

            Seriously consider hiring an electrician for under one hour to affect the installation of a whole house surge suppressor, which attenuates the total harmonic distortion introduced to your home by the microwave driven smart grid.

            A suppressor lowers bills, stops LED burn out, and can also attenuate existing transients which are already part and parcel of almost any electricity delivery system, even without the addition of microwaves.

            A good suppressor will smooth out the sine wave surges, pulses, and prevent their continuous circulation around all home circuits.

            This can be well worth the investment of a couple of hundred dollars or so.
            There are many brands and many prices out there from military grade for everything from lightening down to 1 MHz or for typical household use, for anywhere in between. check out Sinetamer or EATN, there are many reputable brands everywhere.
            Just read the fine print.
            Be sure to get one with a comprehensive warranty of at least 15 years or more, and with protection for, say, $75,000 to insure non chipped appliances and vulnerable electronics.

            A whole house suppressor can significantly lower your “smart” energy bills, legally, and may also short circuit (another pun!) the TOU or time of use charge game, by blocking the pulses which otherwise are meant to be part of how the utility identifies the frequency signature for each component in the home.

            It seems likely that a suppressor would attenuate the worst source of harm, the SMPS, or switch mode power supply which apparently supposedly converts energy from AC to DC and protects the circuit boards of the computer device they call a meter (not).

            The SMPS is capable of spiking up to 70,000 gigs and back, and is in there not to protect you but solely to protect this network management and communications device from line voltage transients.

            So think about it.
            What the utility calls “usage” these days is really their device’s measurement of the microwave spikes and fields, a “distortion-for-profit” system comprised of harmonics which they themselves generate.

            The medium is the message takes on a whole new meaning here, since the medium is the method for gouging the customer. Hence the drastic increase in bills.
            Truly a license to print money.
            Why not send the harm packing?

            • Freedom Rules says:

              Very true what you say, Mia. I wish there were more people willing to think like you. Some are in serious denial and do not want to believe the awful truth, no matter how much info we give them. I like to think that I lead by example but so many of my family/friends have allowed the installation which means my advice (and my EHS symptoms from neighbouring SM’s) was ignored. I await the fallout, I guess. My own fight continues and I won’t give in. Thanks for your help! Have you heard of the Geocleanse power saver? This plugs into a wall socket to decrease the dirty electricity around the home.

        • Gwen says:

          WE are quickly becoming a Police Nation. Our current prime minister tries to do everything covertly. He is trying to take away our ABC, the only media we have that brings us the truth.

          • Ashley says:

            Yes, there’s all the covert stuff and we should keep our minds switched on in regards to what the bikie laws and raids might REALLY be about. I bought new home security doors recently and the vendor was not even allowed to call them Security Doors. It seems to me that someone does not like the notion that your home should be your sanctuary. Even the new dark police uniforms have a Nazi flavour about them, to me.

          • John M says:

            @Gwen There is little ‘truth’ to be found on ABC, or any other mainstream media outlet for that matter. In fact, some of the worst in your face globalist agenda propaganda and programming is pushed via the ABC because it does so more extensively beyond mere little sound bites here and there. The ABC frequently gives a platform for globalist NWO stooges to voice some of the most outrageous of the agenda’s including population reduction. In my opinion it is by far the most dangerous of the TV channels to be watching seeking truth. Look to the internet for alternative media sources where they’re not so heavily biased and controlled.

            • Gwen says:

              Thanks John M. You have mentioned the globalist agenda before and since then I have been quite shocked at how it is being pushed at us. What shocks me even more is how many people don’t believe what you say without investigating things and just how many don’t want to know.

              • Ashley says:

                Gwen, the non-believers are unwittingly defending a world that we have unwittingly created with our very own minds. Each of us, in varying degrees from person to person, has a CONSPIRACY going on in our own heads – left brain CONTROL versus right brain peace of mind. The non-believers deny, mock or attack the messenger because they are subconsciously under the control of their own left brain mentality.

                Even keeping issues like suicide relatively swept under the carpet and blaming Saturday night violence on alcohol are really about keeping the true problem/solution obscure. As a society we will continue to bring about these attacks upon ourselves until such time as we CHOOSE to better manage our very own minds – which is actually quite easy/natuaral to do unless a lot of effort goes into keeping us off balance.

          • geoffrey says:

            If you believe the ABC brings us the truth, I’ve got a bridge in Sydney to sell you. Next you will be telling us that voting for any of the politicians not in power will fix the problem too, or that the justice system is fair and impartial…..but you are right about the police nation point and current pms. Divided we fall, United we have a chance 🙂

            • Gwen says:

              Geoffrey, I heard about the police state and what the so called politicians are doing from the ABC. While they don’t bring the complete truth, you will find out more from them than any other news station.
              Thankfully I am becoming more informed from intelligent people on this website, SSMA. Being sarcastic to someone who wants to place a comment is unnecessary.

              • Freedom Rules says:

                I agree – but I also think there isn’t enough transparency or common sense in the media and too much corporate whitewashing to be taken seriously at times.

              • geoffrey says:

                @gwen, apologies for my gruff manner, you not see the humor? When you give your opinion sometimes some don’t like it, the price of freedom of speech, even though we ain’t got that anymore. I’ve been accused and called way worse. I’m no fan of being politically correct. I am angered by the acquiescence, ignorance and arrogance in this country. I comment on the content not the commentator, its not personal. Turn off the tv, period, all mass media lie for their banker masters, period. If you research disinformation you will find that the best way to co opt is with a sprinkle of truth on top of their lies. The ABC has had years to hone their craft with help from their parent the BBC. I for 1 will rejoice their demise.

                I encourage and applaud your endeavours to inform yourself, keep it up, but don’t settle for superficiality. Use the internet while it is still somewhat open with truth. 🙂

                • Gwen says:

                  Thanks Geoffrey. We must stand united and keep fighting. I have become more informed through reading your posts and the links you have provided. A very grim picture of our future has been portrayed if the push for a one world government is continued. It’s better to know what’s ahead, to try to prevent disaster and not have your head in the sand pretending it isn’t real. All the best in the fight to take back our power.

  230. Peter says:

    From the home page: Is the Victorian government double dipping? Or is this a ‘tax on privacy’?

  231. George.P says:

    Here is a list of cited trespass cases you can use in your defence against anyone attempting to install a SMART meter, and any corporation acting outside of common law.

    – Matar v Jones [2011] NSW CA 304
    – AMP General Insurance Limited v Kull [2005] NSWCA 442
    – Giorginis v Kastrati [1988] 48 SASR 371
    – Plenty v Dillon & Ors (1991) 171CLR 635
    – Grant v Brewarrina Shire Council [No. 2] [2003] NSW LEC 54
    -The Mediana [1900] AC 113
    – Port Stephens Shire Council & Anor v Tellamist Pty Limited [2004] NSWCA 353
    – New South Wales v Ibbett (2006) 231 ALR 485
    – Kuru v The State of New South Wales (2008) 236 CLR 1
    – Uren v John Fairfax & Sons Pty Limited (1966) 117 CLR 118
    – Lamb v Cotogno (1988) 164 CLR 1
    – Rookes v Barnard [1964] AC 1129 at 1228
    – Fontin v Katapodis (1962) 108 CLR 177
    – Kidman v Farmer’s Centre Pty Limited [1959] Qd R 8
    – Bankstown City Council v Alamdo Holdings Pty Ltd (2005) 223 CLR 660
    – Mid Density Developments Pty Ltd v Rockdale Municipal Council (1993) 44 FCR 290
    – NSW v Ibbett (2006) 229 CLR 638 at [31]
    – XL Petroleum (NSW) Pty Ltd v Caltex Oil (Aust) Pty Ltd (1985) 155 CLR 448
    – Rookes v Barnard [1964] AC 1129
    – Lee and Robert Rumble v Liverpool Plains Shire Council & Ors [2012] NSWDC 95

  232. Eric says:

    Television news coverage of the Pier to Pub race on the weekend showed two of the participants standing side by side in the water, Ted Baillieu and Peter Batchelor.

    A prison cell awaits the both of them.

  233. Hi Everyone,
    I have formulated a bit of an info sheet you should paste into letters etc regarding health effects of non-ionizing radiation, it is taken from the bioinitiative report 2012.
    government “guidelines” at present ignore non-ionizing effects instead only focusing on heating effects of radiation, which allows them to set such a high exposure limit.

    Despite the Australian “Guidelines” (where the word guideline implies a lack of conclusive evidence) reporting that microwave EMR is safe,
    It appears through thorough review of ARPANSA documents that the government continues to support “thermal-only” guidelines, and routinely defend doing so,
    a) by omitting or ignoring study results reporting bioeffects and adverse impacts to health and wellbeing from a very large
    body of peer-reviewed, published science because it is not yet “proof” according to their definitions;
    b) by defining the proof of “adverse effects” at an impossibly high a bar
    (scientific proof or causal evidence) so as to freeze action;
    c) by requiring a conclusive demonstration of both “adverse effect” and risk before admitting low intensity effects should be taken into account;
    e) by ignoring low intensity studies that report bioeffects
    and health impacts due to modulation of non-ionizing radiation;
    f) by conducting scientific reviews with panels heavily burdened with industry experts and under represented by public health experts and independent scientists with relevant low intensity research experience;
    g) by limiting public participation in standard setting deliberations; and other techniques that maintain the status quo.

    The Bioinitiative report (2012) concludes that Bioeffects of non-ionizing (non heating radiation) are clearly established, and occur at very low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation.

    The BioInitiative Report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS. One distinguished author is the Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation. Another is a Senior Advisor to the European Environmental Agency. Please see the attached report for your records. Full titles and affiliations of authors is in Section 25 – List of Participants.

    The attached 2012 update of the BioInitiative report covers about 1800 new studies reporting bioeffects and adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields (powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices) – and wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI, wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, surveillance systems, wireless utility meters (‘smart meters’), etc.
    This report addresses the substantial body of evidence reporting low intensity effects from electromagnetic fields (both power frequency fields in the ELF range, and radiofrequency/microwave fields at exposure levels that do not involve any heating. It also addresses the inconsistency in the literature quoted as the basis for retaining thermal-only exposure standards (see particularly the Genotoxics Section 6 where half of more of the published papers report negative effects and half positive effects).

    The BioInitiative report concludes that Bioeffects can occur in the first few minutes at levels associated with cell and cordless phone use. Bioeffects can also occur from just minutes of exposure to mobile phone masts/towers, Wi-Fi, and wireless utility “smart” meters that produce whole body exposure. Chronic base station level exposures can result in frank illness.

    Overall, the 1800 or so new studies reviewed report abnormal gene transcription (section 5); genotoxicity and single and double strand DNA damage (section 6); stress proteins because of the fractal RF-antenna like nature of DNA (section 7); chromatin condensation and loss of DNA repair capacity in human stem cells (sections 6 and 15); reduction of free radiacal scavengers – particularly melatonin (explaining poor sleep after exposure – Sections 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17); neurotoxicity in humans and animals (section 9); carcinogenicity in humans (sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17) etc.
    This is only a snapshot of the evidence presented in the BioInitiative 2012 updated report.

    Many of these bioeffects can reasonably be presumed to result in adverse health effects if the exposures are prolonged or chronic. This is because they interfere with normal body processes (disrupt homeostasis), prevent the body from healing damaged DNA, produce immune system imbalances, metabolic disruption and lower resilience to disease across multiple pathways. Essential body processes can eventually be disabled by incessant external stresses (from system-wide electrophysiological interference) and lead to pervasive impairment of metabolic and reproductive functions.

    At least five new cell tower studies are reporting bioeffects in the range of 0.003 to 0.05 μW/cm2 at lower levels than reported in 2007 (0.05 to 0.1 uW/cm2 was the range below which, in 2007, effects were not observed). Researchers report headaches, concentration difficulties and behavioral problems in children and adolescents; and sleep disturbances, headaches and concentration problems in adults. Public safety standards are 1,000 – 10,000 or more times higher than levels now commonly reported in mobile phone base station studies to cause bioeffects. In fact, the smart meter at 25 Reginald Street Bendigo has been measured to pulse at 2000 uW/cm2 EVERY TEN SECONDS.

    Sixty nine (69) new ELF-EMF papers (including two static field papers) that report on genotoxic effects of ELF-EMF published between 2007 and mid-2012 are profiled. Of these, 64 (93%) show effects and 5 (7%) show no effect.
    Sufficient evidence has been shown from epidemiological studies of an increased risk from exposure to EMF (power frequency magnetic fields) that cannot be attributed to chance, bias or confounding. Therefore, according to the rules of IARC such exposures can be classified as a Group 1 carcinogen (Known Carcinogen).

    Eleven (11) of the 13 published epidemiologic residential and occupational studies are considered to provide (positive) evidence that high ELF MF exposure can result in decreased melatonin production. The two negative studies had important deficiencies that may certainly have biased the results. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that long-term relatively high ELF MF exposure can result in a decrease in melatonin production. It has not been determined to what extent personal characteristics, e.g., medications, interact with ELF MF exposure in decreasing melatonin production.

    There is now evidence that (i) high levels of peripheral amyloid beta are a risk factor for AD and (ii) medium to high ELF MF exposure can increase peripheral amyloid beta. High brain levels of amyloid beta are also a risk factor for AD and medium to high ELF MF exposure to brain cells likely also increases these cells’ production of amyloid beta. In carriers of the APOE4 genotype, myself included, the risk is heightened.
    A unifying hypothesis for a plausible biological mechanism to account for very weak field EMF bioeffects other than cancer may lie with weak field interactions of pulsed RFR and ELF-modulated RFR as disrupters of synchronized neural activity. Electrical rhythms in our brains can be influenced by external signals. This is consistent with established weak field effects on coupled biological oscillators in living tissues. Biological systems of the heart, brain and gut are dependent on the cooperative actions of cells that function according to principles of non-linear, coupled biological oscillations for their synchrony, and are dependent on exquisitely timed cues from the environment at vanishingly small levels (Buzsaki, 2006; Strogatz, 2003). The key to synchronization is the joint actions of cells that co-operate electrically – linking populations of biological oscillators that couple together in large arrays and synchronize spontaneously. Synchronous biological oscillations in cells (pacemaker cells) can be disrupted by artificial, exogenous environmental signals, resulting in desynchronization of neural activity that regulates critical functions (including metabolism) in the brain, gut and heart and circadian rhythms governing sleep and hormone cycles (Strogatz, 1987). The brain contains a population of oscillators with distributed natural frequencies, which pull one another into synchrony (the circadian pacemaker cells). Strogatz has addressed the unifying mathematics of biological cycles and external factors disrupt these cycles (Strogatz, 2001, 2003). “Rhythms can be altered by a wide variety of agents and that these perturbations must seriously alter brain performance” (Buzsaki, 2006).
    “Organisms are biochemically dynamic. They are continuously subjected to time-varying conditions in the form of both extrinsic driving from the environment and intrinsic rhythms generated by specialized cellular clocks within the organism itself. Relevant examples of the latter are the cardiac pacemaker located at the sinoatrial node in mammalian hearts (1) and the circadian clock residing at the suprachiasmatic nuclei in mammalian brains (2). These rhythm generators are composed of thousands of clock cells that are intrinsically diverse but nevertheless manage to function in a coherent oscillatory state. This is the case, for instance, of the circadian oscillations exhibited by the suprachiasmatic nuclei, the period of which is known to be determined by the mean period of the individual neurons making up the circadian clock (3–7). The mechanisms by which this collective behavior arises remain to be understood.” (Strogatz, 2001; Strogatz, 2003)
    Synchronous biological oscillations in cells (pacemaker cells) can be disrupted by artificial, exogenous environmental signals, resulting in desynchronization of neural activity that regulates critical functions (including metabolism) in the brain, gut and heart and circadian rhythms governing sleep and hormone cycles. The brain contains a population of oscillators with distributed natural frequencies, which pull one another into synchrony (the circadian pacemaker cells). Strogatz has addressed the unifying mathematics of biological cycles and external factors disrupt these cycles.
    The World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified wireless radiofrequency as a Possible Human Carcinogen (May, 2011)*. The designation applies to low-intensity RFR in general, covering all RFR-emitting devices and exposure sources (cell and cordless phones, WI-FI, wireless laptops, wireless hotspots, electronic baby monitors, wireless classroom access points, wireless antenna facilities, etc). The IARC Panel could have chosen to classify RFR as a Group 4 – Not A Carcinogen if the evidence was clear that RFR is not a cancer-causing agent. It could also have found a Group 3 designation was a good interim choice (Insufficient Evidence). IARC did neither.
    The standard of evidence for judging the scientific evidence should be based on good public health principles rather than demanding scientific certainty before actions are taken.
    The continued rollout of wireless technologies and devices puts global public health at risk from unrestricted wireless commerce unless new, and far lower exposure limits and strong precautionary warnings for their use are implemented. We have the knowledge and means to save global populations from multi-generational adverse health consequences by reducing both ELF and RFR exposures. Proactive and immediate measures to reduce unnecessary EMF exposures will lower disease burden and rates of premature death.

  234. So Cranky says:

    VICTORIAN government minister Nicholas Kotsiras has announced he will not contest the 2014 state election.

    They start jumping ship before it sinks, good riddance, I hope a lot more follow him.
    Pity they can’t take the damage they have done with them.

    • John M says:

      @So Cranky. Trying to escape with ill gotten gains. Nobody in their right mind would have taken on that portfolio even in a legit government (which it’s not) without something very worthy at the end of it. I hope one day justice catches up with these criminals. Whoever takes his place should remember that sentiment before doing disservice to the people.

    • Peter says:

      So Cranky, yep, ‘minister for meters’ #2 has had enough. I think the government are stupid enough to think they can confuse Victorians simply by changing the name of the minister responsible, as well as the department responsible. Who will minister for meters #3 be?

    • Jasmine says:

      Dr Napthine and health Minister David Davis attended the opening of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center on September the 12th, 2012.
      Today we mark yet another historic milestone in the fight against cancer here in Victoria with the completion of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center, Dr Napthine said. The Victorian Coalition Government is committed to reducing the burden of cancer on the Victorian community. So Dr Napthine is committed to reducing the burden of cancer, but sits back and does nothing about millions of people being exposed to radiation that can give you cancer. What about children? What about unborn children? Will they even have a chance to grow up? Will we be watching our children and grandchildren suffering with cancer in the future?

      • Freedom Rules says:

        Jasmine – Napthine couldn’t give a hoot about anyones wellbeing, nor does any politician. They do, however, like hearing the sound of their own voices and of course their fat paypackets. You hit the nail on the head with your comments…most people diagnosed with cancer do not have a genetic disposition to the disease but they (Napthine & Co.) want to act like it’s a ‘normal’ condition now in society.

        • Jasmine says:

          Dear Freedom Rules, my sister had thyroid cancer, my aunty also died of cancer and my father in law died of breast cancer. They do not know how my sister got thyroid cancer. Her cancer returned twice, the second time they asked my father’s permission to cut her voice box out and he refused. I also have a thyroid problem and have since found out that the thyroid absorbs radiation. The thyroid can’t tell the difference between iodine which it needs to function properly and radiation. They don’t know exactly what causes cancer, some people seem to be more susceptible. This radiation will find our weak spots and attack. The body can only repair itself so much. Of course they don’t want to talk about the radiation from smart meters, its called denial. They will just say we were not aware. I plan to make them all aware. They need to be held accountable, all of them , everyone involved in the smart meter roll out. Finally, my sister is still alive, although she cannot have children due to radiation treatment.

          • Ashley says:

            Jim Humble’s MMS, Dr Hulda Clark, Bill Henderson. They are just three but, from a reliable source, as the MAJORITY of oncologist choose if they are diagnosed with cancer, avoid chemo and radiation and go with the effective alternative cures/treatments.

      • Ashley says:

        That’s exactly right, Jasmine, the spin is to keep hidden the fact that corporate controlled Government’s have no interest in cancer prevention but actually have a vested interest in maintaining high cancer rates. The cancer treatment industry is huge dollars and, typically, tax payer money is being misused to finance it.

        A lot is actually known about the causes, prevention and PROPER treatments.

        • Jasmine says:

          Dear Ashley, I wrote to the anti cancer council. They ignored my first three emails. I asked them why they had not warned people about smart meters. Their reply was, they are talking about emf’s from mobile phones. I then sent another email correcting this error. They did not respond, instead I received a letter from a government department. They call themselves the Cancer Council now, that sounds right.

      • Mia says:

        Hey Jasmine – Odd you should mention cancer…It has played such a motivating role for me.
        on my own I cured my own “incurable” stage three cancer. That was just before the start of the roll out of the smart grid. We also convinced about 600 homes in our very small community to resist. A local welder made collars, sold them, donated the proceeds after costs to the local school.
        The way I see it, I literally have nothing to lose.
        The more they try to intimidate, the more fearless I feel, inspired to use effective strategies to stop these thugs.
        Meanwhile a generator sub panel was installed, part of planning a systematically lean, affordable, pared down DYI solar panel off grid life in future.
        Used to work with lawbreakers, so the utility’s MO signature of stealth, lies, deception, and the use of intimidation and force was recognizable from the start.
        First step: A converted steel bed frame, plasma cut and solidly welded into a rectangular collar, then slipped down over the meter’s own collar, w/ 1/2″ by 8″ long bolts counter sunk thru pre drilled holes. Once secured, it only took a few days to build a small break-&-enter proofed full height enclosure using the meter wall as the 4th side. Triple secured, steel doored, complete w/ a tiny, wired glass meter viewing window with its own interior side antitheft steel grill, plus special additional blockades for all doors in addition to heavy duty multiple locking systems.
        This double doored space is positioned off the garage. It also serves as a good anterior room outside the house envelope, a place to put a off grid generator when in use for a power outage, thus assuring security within a well ventilated enclosed separate breezeway, with its own security system armed doors.
        Lastly, the power to the outdoor electrical outlets was shut off indoors, to at least stop any use of our electricity for any break in.
        Cost? Mere hundred$, almost entirely recycled materials, on site milled wood.
        We even had some leftover siding, used to integrate the bump out so well that by the time it was done it looked just as if this “augmentation” had always been there.
        What price peace of mind?
        INspired by corporate abusers, learned how to use common law.
        What is my intentionally “ironic” motto?
        “Over my dead body”.

        • Jasmine says:

          Dear Mia, I wish you a long,healthy and happy life. I mentioned cancer because I have seen a lot of my friends and family being treated for cancer or die from it. I refuse to watch anymore. No more suffering.

    • SM free zone says:

      Another snake slithers away….

    • Eric says:

      He’s kidding himself if he thinks that’s going to keep him out of a jail cell

    • Citizen for Democracy says:

      They can jump ship, retire, whatever, they will still have to face ‘the justice system’ eventually for the role they played in this silent holocaust, just like K. Rudd had to appear in court about the ‘pink batts’ debacle. No, in the long run, they will not be able to escape the damage they have done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nicholas Kotsiras will be well and truly gone before the next election comes round.
      I have little doubt about that.

      • Ashley says:

        Heard him announce on Radio the other day that he is getting out. This seems to be a trend across governance these days – brief postings to carry out dirty deeds.

    • Jasmine says:

      Yesterday one of my neighbors tried to stop a very old tree from being chopped down. I found out what was happening after going outside and seeing numerous police cars parked in the street. I am a friend of this lady, so later on went to see if she was alright and what had actually happened. She was obviously upset and wanted to know what I thought about her trying to protect a tree. I told her that I did not understand why if she felt so strongly about a tree being chopped down, then why did she let them install a possible cancer causing meter on her daughter’s bedroom wall. In her defense she was not home, her adult daughter was home, but was frightened, as she did not know what was going on. This young lady called her mother and told her what was happening and that she was frightened. Her mother told her to call me but she could not find my number and thus would have to walk pass the smart meter installer, which she did not want to do. Anyhow, my neighbour asked me last night if she could get the smart meter removed as I told her daughter exactly what smart meters can do. My neighbour has been told by the police that she will be charged with trespassing. This is interesting as smart meter installers will also have to be charged as well. If someone protecting a tree can be charged for trespass, what about someone trying to forcibly install a possible cancer causing device that can start fires and records your personal information?. Six police officers where sent out yesterday for one tiny lady trying to protect a very old tree. It is nice to know that the police take trespassing very seriously.
      My neighbour was very brave as she sat on the tree for many hours in extreme heat and stood up for her beliefs. By refusing smart meters we are not trespassing or trying to harm others, we are merely trying to protect ourselves and our families.

  235. Anonymous says:

    SMART meter stands for : Surveillance Monitoring And Radiation Treatment meters !!!!

  236. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone verify what is happening next month [February].
    Got told by a smart meter installer that smart meters are compulsory beginning next month [February].

    • Jasmine says:

      I got told by a smart meter installer that there would be no way that they would get all the meters in by the end of the year, because they did not have enough installers. The analog meter reader told a friend of mine to keep her meter box locked as he knew that smart meters gave people headaches. He also told my friend that his was locked. It is about time that smart meter installers were told that they will be held personally responsible and liable for any trespass or harm.

    • Tanya says:

      Same lies these installers and power distributors have been trying on us for months. The order in council allowing the rollout to continue from January 2014 still states the same as the original mandate stated: that the distributors are to “use their best endeavours to install ” a smart meter. It goes on to say that distributors are to make a list of properties without a smart meter. So how does “best endeavours” and a list of smart meter free properties fit with “compulsory”?

  237. Wendy Rice says:

    Do you realize if we win the case, the analogue meter has to be manually read and called in every month and I noticed in this forum that the power behemoths will charge each household an annual fee of over $100. Some of us cannot afford this.

    • Citizen for Democracy says:

      Analogue meters are read every 3 months and the cost of meter reading is already included in the current charges. That means any additional charges on the part of power companies will not be justified. The $100 fee threat is yet another scare tactic by the Vic Government – looks like it’s working, unfortunately.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Wendy
      You are already paying for your meter to be manually read. This charge has never been removed, so you are actually paying for a meter reader AND a so called remotely read ‘Smart meter’!
      The plain fact is, those of us who continue to refuse the installation of these surveillance and control devices will be victimised by the Victorian government. (They make these laws)
      Those who have a surveillance and control device will not have to pay for the analogue system they no longer use, but still use the same poles and wires; where as those of us who wish to continue with the analogue system, will still have to pay for the AMI which we do not use!
      Good bye democracy and fair play!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you have the same provider for both Electricity and Gas? If so have the Electricity meter read when the gas meter reading is taken, gas is still read manually so I cannot see why the suppliers can not arrange to have both meters read at the same time. OK it may mean bi-monthly bills but no smart meter.

      • Tanya says:

        Good idea, Anonymous, but I’m not sure that it is that simple. The electricity meters are not read by the electricity retailer (the company who sends us the bill with their company logo and name all over it). The meters are all read by the power distributor for that region and they, then, tell the retailers how much power their customers used.

        I would imagine that the gas readings are done in the same way.

        • Paulie says:

          Tanya, it’s not even the Distributor who does the meter readings, it’s a contract company who does the reading on behalf of the Distribution Company.

          The reading actually goes into a system called iDOT and is viewable not just by the meter reading company but also by the Distributor and the retailer.

          Contract companies that undertake meter reading for Distributors are typically Skilltech who I know do reads for Jemena and Powercor. Skilltech also has a division that does smart meter installations I believe.

          Servicestream are a bunch of bullies who do smart meter installations for companies such as Jemena and United Energy in various parts of the state but I know they are or were doing meter reading in Warnambool region before they made meter readers redundant.

    • Mia says:

      Refuse extortion fees

    • John M says:

      @Peter. Thanks for the link. Particularly unnerving is the line about being able to access information about their water use and ‘remaining water entitlements’.

      How much more of this road to serfdom is the public going to willingly travel down?

      • Peter says:

        John, unfortunately the media are not interested enough yet to let Australians know what is happening, and by the time they are, it may well be too late!
        When Hitler and Mousolini came to power in the 1930’s they took control of the media to use as a propaganda tool. Is this what is happening here in Australia in the 21st century?
        With regard to these devices, once they have control of all three home essential services, gas, water and electricity, they have control of ‘we the people’. They can ration essential services or even cut them off at the flick of a switch!

        • Gwen says:

          Cut them off with the flick of a switch from China !

          • Mia says:

            Cut the utility off with the flick of a switch from a lean, pared down, off grid system. Reduce the number of kilowatt hours systematically. Make it fun. Turn it into a competition with friends who are equally fed up with utilities acting like crack dealers. Kick the on grid habit. Tell them to get lost.

        • Mia says:

          Take Back Your Power.
          Think like a survivor, not like an abuse victim.
          Get off the grid before it is too late to do so.
          Either you stop the sickness and install a whole house surge/pulse filter/suppressor between the meter and the service panel, to even out the sine waves, which stops the harm and reduces the bill but which does not stop the utility cutting off your power whenever they feel like it and which does not prevent a large scale extended power grid collapse,


          Read the writing on the wall. Affordable supply of energy is over.
          Be your own source of self sufficiency and autonomy.
          Prepare now.
          Then? Tell the energy dealer to get lost.

          Why let them ration you …..when you can take full control and then ration yourself according to you own needs?

          DIY: Build your own solar panels, ultra affordable, buy the individual solar cells, glue in rows to whatever size and scale back on to plywood, face w/ plexiglass, and then frame each panel.
          Buy battery operated puck lights that use LED, and have them everywhere as needed.
          Maybe buy a few aero gardening pods running on 30 watts each to grow food indoors.
          Cook on a BBQ and use it as an oven too, keep plenty of spare bbq tanks on hand filled and at the ready.
          Buy a propane on demand hot water heater.
          If possible, use propane, or better yet, wood heat to stay warm.
          If wood heat, if doable buy a woodstove with a large surface area to be able to cook.
          Buy an ecofan which runs on thermal induction, to distribute the heat evenly.
          Use a clothesline,
          Use an ice box
          Use a back up solar or propane generator to keep freezer food frozen and – if you have a well – try a solar pump or the gen set to access water.
          Wrap the freezer in a sleeping bag in between times .

      • Mia says:

        You will be abused only to the extent you permit – Mencken

    • Tamara Hicks says:

      All Mornington peninsula residents still have time to send an email about their concerns about smart meters future metering health issues, loss of privacy and democracy etc as part of the community feedback for the MPSC Health’ Hope and Happiness 2 Health and Wellbeing plan 2013-2017.
      READ the plan at by selecting Your Say
      EMAIL your response from this page? or to
      Lisa is the MPSC Health and wellbeing Team Leader
      OR DROP IT INTO the MPSC office or Rosebud Library drop box
      A brief hand written letter stating your concerns is suffice
      OR TELEPHONE 59501685

      BY FRIDAY 10th January 2014

  238. Citizen for Democracy says:

    The New Year brings with it some good news: Victorian State Elections!
    We finally get the chance to repay those who have imposed these ‘sickness/loss of privacy/fire danger’ meters on us.
    There are 2 marginal seats to work hard on – the seat of BENTLEIGH (held by Elizabeth Miller, Liberal) and the seat of FRANKSTON (held by Independent Geoff Shaw).
    It just so happens that those are the 2 areas with some of the strongest and most established smart meter activist groups in the state.
    The Frankston one is one of the oldest and most successful groups with the strong support of Glenn Aitken and other councillors. Bentleigh has the ‘Glen Eira Smart Meters Action Group’, which also gained the support of a number of councillors and eventually became so large, having members join all the way from Port Melbourne to Burwood, that it had to rename itself the ‘Inner South East Smart Meters Action Group’.
    Everyone residing in those 2 seats, time for action is now! Contact your local members, organize meetings to raise awareness of the issues, speak to your councillors, your neighbours, your friends, letter drop, organize, campaign – the time is now!!
    Ready, steady, GO!

    • jim says:

      The problem with your solution is simple, the other guys started this! What makes you think they will stop it if you vote them in? 2 party politics is a 2 horse race and in this case both are owned by the same interests. It’s a fixed game. The only chance you have is to start a grass roots party. A REAL 3rd party that’s interested in serving the people rather than lording it over them (AND WAKE UP THE VOTERS TO THE SHAM). Good luck!
      I sincerely wish you good luck and I would be the first to vote for such a party, and not any of these other clowns, that tend to be selfish and self serving.

      • Citizen for Democracy says:

        Jim, I wouldn’t dream of suggesting voting for the other major party! Both major parties in this state need to be thrown out. I’m confident that a grass roots party will indeed eventuate in time for the next elections. In the meantime, it’s time to get information on where the minor parties (NOT the Greens, who love smart meters!) and Independents stand and build support for those who endorse a realignment of Victoria with the rest of Australia (as in NOT having mandated smart meters).
        The major parties (Liberals, Labor and Greens) are only major, because we make them so. It’s time to turn them into minor parties, we have the power to do that.

  239. Peter says:

    I see Queensland is only now having a Royal Commission into the roof insulation fiasco, in which four young men died.
    How long will it take Victoria to have a Royal Commission into the ‘Smart meter’ Fiasco, in which at least one man has already died that we know of. To date ESV denies that it was anything to do with the installed ‘smart meter’, but trying to get access to any official report is like trying to get blood out of a stone. The CFA investigation report cannot be released until the outcome of the Coroners inquest, which could take years! In the meantime, how many more Victorians have to die, lose their homes, and/or property?
    What these people who seem to be burying their heads in the sand in order to defend profiteering corporations had better remember, one day, the truth will come out, and they will be held responsible for their actions.
    Merry Christmas to all the stalwarts’.

  240. Anonymous says:

    The council of Europe states:
    “Non-ionising frequencies, whether from extremely low frequencies, power lines or certain high frequency waves used in the field of radar, telecommunications and mobile telephony, appear to have more or less potentially harmful, NON-THERMAL, biological effects on plants, insects and animals as well as the human body, even when exposed to levels that are below official threshold values.”
    It also states:
    “The precautionary principle should be applied when scientific evaluation does not allow the risk to be determined with sufficient certainty. Given the context of growing exposure of the population, in particular that of vulnerable groups such as young people and children, there could be extremely high human and economic costs if early warnings are neglected.”
    ARPANSA does not even acknowledge the need to consider the non-thermal effects of non-ionising radiation.
    Are Europeans more worthy of protection from harm than Australians?
    Please explain, ARPANSA!

  241. Grant says:

    Victoria……………the BULLY State

  242. Stef says:

    “Merry Christmas” to all crusaders of SSMA. Here’s to 2014 bringing an end to all the crap everyone has endured.!! Take care folks and enjoy the holiday season.

    • Freedom says:

      Seasons greetings Stef and all other amazing fighters on here. I have enjoyed reading your posts throughout the year and will continue with my refusal to bow to corrupt manipulators of essential services … it isn’t over by a long shot but we are steadily chipping away at their armour.. happy holidays everyone:)

  243. Eric says:

    Just to add this man had in his shop a microwave oven, a wi-fi modem, a wireless doorbell and a mobile phone. We measured the radiation emissions from these also and those numbers did not even come close to the power of the radiation emissions being put out by the smart meter.

    • Victorias Shame says:

      Why am I not surprised, Eric. More confirmation that we have all been lied to by these despicable sub-human species in government and industry departments. And to think people actually BELIEVE their ‘spin’….ridiculous and downright dangerous.

      • Victorias Shame says:

        … and we must not forget the baby monitors – which are nowhere near as dangerous in emissions as a smart meter. So there ya have it folks….lies and deception are rife when it comes to defending SMs

  244. Eric says:

    I’ve been telling the Chinese man who runs my local milkbar about the whole smart meters problem. He was an engineer when he lived back in China. Today I went in there to buy my newspaper and took my RF meter with me to show it to him. I suggested we could go and measure the emissions from a smart meter somewhere. Much to my horror he pointed out that a smart meter was actually installed inside his milk bar and lo and behold he pointed out where the sinister device was located. We went and measured the radiation emissions from Jemena’s i-Credit 500 device. No sooner had we switched on the RF meter, it was wham bam …….we were registering wireless transmission readings of the commonly seen double and triple spike patterns. The readings of the spikes were around 254 milliwatt/square meter (254 mW/m2). You are reading that correctly, not microwatts but MILLI watts. In microwatts it equates to 254,000 microwatts/m2. That’s much more powerful than what my mobile phone gives off when I hold it to my head. This man has two young daughters aged two and three. They are with him in the milk bar all day long and they are just lovely lovely girls. I am absolutely horrified that Jemena and the rest of the Power Distribution Companies can place these now proving to be harmful and undoubtably carcinogenic i-Credit 500 devices in such immediate vicinity of people’s everyday living and working environments and that they have no consideration to exposing these precious young ones especially to what I’m sure they well and truly know is very harmful technology, which has never been proven safe and for which they have openly stated they they are not willing to provide a guarantee against ill health effects as a result of these devices being installed. This man expressed to me that he would welcome and support any independant studies to look into the health effects resulting from exposures to wireless smart meters. I told him that the government is well and truly aware of the health problems that many are now suffering but that for some reason they have been unwilling to initiate any sort of investigation into these post rollout health complaints that are being reported by many persons.

  245. liz says:

    HI, In response to…
    Jason says:
    November 30, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    Onya Rik! You’re not on your own. Need help with the bully-boys or a solar-system, let us know.
    Dear Jason,
    I would like to email you re your advice on installing solar. I hope you get to read this post soon. Kind regards LiZ (“Leave me be SP AusNet, you have harmed me enough already”!) (Nov. 29th 2013)

  246. Mick says:

    It’s time for a full safety recall of a hazardous product that should never have been brought to ‘market’

  247. Eric says:

    People are informing their Electricity Distributors about medical conditions that they have such as Electrohypersensitivity or other conditions that they are suffering which they believe will be exacerbated/inflamed/reignited by a smart meter installation. The response is the request for a Doctor’s certificate. Then the Electricity Distributor assesses the certificate and the customer’s case.

    Who the hell made these people managers of our medical conditions. These people are SCUM. They are based in Singapore and Hong Kong. Who the hell do they think they are thinking that they are managers of our health conditions ? That they with their fictitious authority can stand over us the people of Victoria and make decisions about our health and our specific health conditions.

    These SCUM from Singapore and Hong Kong have no right to make assessments and decisions about my health……NO RIGHT.

    My health is not theirs to be making any sorts of judgement about.

    • Gwen says:

      Totally agree Eric. Who keeps our personal info outside of Australia?

    • So Cranky says:

      Exactly Eric, here is the response from SP Ausnet – knocked me for a six.

      I refer to your medical certificate attached to your previous email.

      As the smart meters and their installation continue to be confirmed both healthy and safe by Energy Safe Victoria, the Victorian Government Department of Primary Industries, the Victorian Government Chief Health Officer, Australia’s largest EME testing agency EMC Technologies, and SP AusNet’s independent tests by RADHAZ you should have no cause for concern in relation to possible health issues.

      Your correspondence has been added to our files, however installation will continue as is required by the regulatory arrangements relating to the roll out which are set out in a November 2008 Order in Council (OIC) made under the Electricity Industry Act 2000 (Vic).

      There is no option to defer or refuse the smart meter installation.
      If you have other concerns about the installation of a smart meter on your property please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 360 795. We are committed to working with consumers to allay concerns and resolve any issues you may have.

      Talk about a rotten pack of bastards. How the hell can they dismiss my GP, have they spent years at medical school?
      Between the distributors and the Gov telling lies, bullying and harassing people, any thing to get the damn things fitted into MY electricity box on the wall of MY house.
      Somewhere along the line they must be held accountable.

      I am going to keep telling them – BUGGER OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE

      • Good On You. I’ve Told Them To PISS OFF 4 Time Now. We Keep The Gate & Meter Locked 24/7

      • Eric says:

        There is ALWAYS the option to refuse smart meter installation.

        The fact that they would stand over us and try to tell us there is no option to refuse is testament to the very fact that WE CAN refuse and that WE ARE refusing.

        SP AUSNET stick it in your pipe and smoke it.

      • Peter says:

        So Cranky
        Ask SP for a copy of the law which states ‘a customer cannot refuse to have one of these devices’, and which law says ‘they are forced to install these things’. Neither law exists.

        As proof that you can refuse the installation of one of these devices, read the following link.

        NOWHERE DOES IT SAY THAT A CUSTOMER IS FORCED TO ACCEPT ONE OF THEIR DEVICES!!!!!!!!! On the contrary, the government has made provision for Victorians to continue to refuse them!!!!!!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        If doctors’ certificates are disregarded, then doctors will simply no longer be able to provide appropriate health care. To be consistent with this policy the Victorian government should dismantle the entire health care system in this state and we should all stop paying the Medicare levy.

  248. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Short 2.34 min clip from way back in 1996. (17 Years ago!!!) Check it out. Very interesting.

  249. Anthony says:

    NEW Barrie Trower WiFi Report –
    Humanity At The Brink

    By Barrie Trower

    See the report here

  250. Anthony says:

    Lindsey Williams verified this information with research from Barrie Trower, a former microwave weapons expert.

  251. So Why Cant We Have Them Fined For Ignoring Our Do Not Fit Smart Meter Signs ????

    AGL fined for ignoring Do Not Knock sign.

    Energy retailer AGL has been fined $35,000 after a salesman ignored a Do Not Knock sign.

    Federal Court judge John Middleton punished AGL and its marketing company CPM for the conduct of a South Australian salesman.

    “These penalties reflect the need to deter conduct of such seriousness by the relevant respondents and others in the door-to-door selling industry,” he said in his judgment.

    AGL South Australia was fined $35,000 while its marketing agent CPM, who contracted the salesman, was penalised $25,000 for trying to negotiate an energy supply agreement in November 2011.

    He had remained on the premises despite the consumer having an image on the front door of a knocking fist with a line through it.

    The maximum penalty is $50,000.

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), which initiated the legal proceedings, said the fines showed businesses needed to obey the law.

    “These penalties are yet another clear warning that businesses must comply with the unsolicited consumer agreement provisions of the Australian consumer law, which are designed to protect consumers in their own homes,” ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said in a statement.

    The Federal Court in October found that AGL and CPM had breached Australian consumer law by ignoring the Do Not Knock sign.

    As part of the same proceedings, Justice Middleton ordered AGL Sales and AGL SA to pay combined penalties of $1.555 million for other unlawful selling practices, including making false representations to consumers.

    CPM was also ordered to pay $200,000 for its role in the conduct.

  252. Citizen for democracy says:

    Since watching the video of smart meter installer ‘Frank Sinatra’ on ‘A Current Affair’ on 10/12/13, I no longer feel safe in my own home. How can such verbal abuse and threats of physical assault go unpunished by United Energy? Darren had every right to ask the installer to leave his property – the installer was trespassing and was, therefore, at fault. There is no other way to interpret this situation, otherwise one would have to accept that the right to private ownership no longer applies in this country. If United Energy allows this type of behaviour to be perpetrated in their name, then I deem them to be guilty of bullying and threatening behaviour themselves.
    There are 2 other reasons why Darren had every right to ask ‘Frank Sinatra’ to leave:
    1) Installing a broadcasting antenna at someone’s private property without their consent is unlawful
    2) ‘Mandate’ is NOT a an enforceable legal concept (ABC TV, 21/11/13, 8.15 am)
    Thanks to this scandalous incident and the likes of United Energy, we have been deprived of the right to feel safe in our own homes. The deafening silence on this issue by Minister Kotsiras will be remembered at the state election next November.

  253. Peter says:

    energy supplier denies blame for house fire the age, home page.

    Does this bear any resemblances?

    Of course, ESV claims the surveillance devise did not cause the fire and was not involved in any way. If that was the case, why was the ESV called to the scene, and why was the meter box, back board, fuse panel and meter replaced within a day of the fire?

  254. Peter says:

    This article was posted on the home page of this website.

    Kotsiras has made some very clear statements. He has accepted that the roll out will not be complete by the end of the month, so has extended the period to give the distributors more time to continue their unacceptable behaviour.

    He has confirmed that if all else fails, the police may be brought in. (Victoria is/will become a police state)
    He still maintains that ‘the distributors still have the right to disconnect supply’, but he will not say which law denies Victorians the right to say ‘NO’ to these devices.
    He has confirmed that the government couldn’t care less, that pensioners (and other underprivileged Victorians) will be worse off.
    He has confirmed that this is NOT ‘an industry led roll out’ and that he intends to put more pressure on the distributors to get the job done, or they will have to compensate the customers if they fail! Look out for even more brutal tactics from the distributors, which again, no doubt, the Essential Services Commission will ignore, so we will just have to show even more determination in refusing them.

    On a positive note, he has confirmed that up to now, Victorians CANNOT be forced to accept one of these surveillance devices, therefore, any Victorian who wants their surveillance devise replaced, should DEMAND its replacement by the distributor; quoting the Electricity Customer Metering Code 6.1 (b) (different TYPE of meter to that normally installed by the distributor) a ‘smart meter’ is a TYPE of meter, an analogue is a DIFFERENT TYPE of meter! You may have to pay for this right, but I suggest you get three quotes from a licenced electrician and submit them along with your demand for replacement. Better do this quick! How long will it take these government thugs to change that legislation?

  255. Stephnie says:

    More smart meter woes – Independent News Geelong > ELECTRICITY retailers are ripping off local customers:

  256. geoffrey says:

    so what is asking a question here about putting analoge meters back on houses not allowed? it seems a logical move since they are so dangerious. wonder if this post makes it to publication

  257. geoffrey says:

    As for charging $120-150 per year to read the analog meters, why not use duke energies method and let the customer phone in their reading and use random meter checks. Costs less, and also reliable.

  258. Members unite says:

    If you follow this site and you are objecting to smart meters on the grounds of health, privacy, security or cost , and you are not yet joined up as a member, please consider doing so. TOGETHER we can make a difference. Your membership contribution will help to fund this fight.
    United WE have the power.

  259. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Page 7 of Herald Sun today (Saturday Nov.23) has a story “Bills Power Surge”, that is worth a read.
    Lots of great news for Victorian households in 2014…..not!!!

    ALL VICTORIAN’S should be outraged by this, and need to tell those involved with this bull@$%!, that we have had enough. Keep in mind, water and gas “Smart” meters” are next on the cards if WE don’t all collectively come together to fight this!

    Everyone was warned that this would happen. Now, everyone’s going to be continually paying out for this dangerous, stupid (not “smart”) rollout, each year, ongoing, AND THIS IS ONLY THE START OF IT! This is Outrageous!!!

    Get Angry, Get Mad, and let everyone else out there know how you feel about this, and do something about it. We can’t let “THEM” get away with this!

  260. trevor churchill says:

    Dr Laura Pressley::: on ALEX JONES SHOW from the Austin Smart Meter Group –Texas USA. 11 November,2013 (25 minutes)
    Just Say No to Smart Meters for $10 (Alex Jones Show)

    Laura and Alex, Talk About OPT OUT Plans in Austin From $10 per month to have a meter Reader come to read Meters
    Also they discuss the effects of MICROWAVES on red Blood cells Dirty electricity,SPYING and MORE

    • Jasmine says:

      I phoned Yarra Valley Water today and was told my email was lost. I spoke to the same woman I spoke to yesterday. I asked her to ask the maintenance manager what sort of meter they are putting in. This lady told me that they are not putting water smart meters in as they are too expensive. She told me I will be getting a regular water meter. I asked her about the article on the internet regarding Yarra Valley Water purchasing smart meters and she told me that they are not for residential customers. I have to resend the email, as I told this lady I want everything in writing. She did speak to the woman that is in charge of the maintenance. I would still get everything in writing if you have received this letter. I think they are telling the truth?

    • Jasmine says:

      Phoned Yarra Valley Water today. I was told that I will be getting a regular meter installed and that smart meters are too expensive. I asked about the article on the internet in regards to Yarra Valley Water and smart meters and was told these are for big companies and not residential customers. I have phoned twice now and been told that there will be no water smart meter installed on my property as they are too expensive.

  261. David says:

    Received a generic letter from Yarra Valley Water that they are upgrading the old pipes in the Glen Waverley, Vic area next week from 25th Nov ’13 onwards and as part of the upgrade they plan to change the water meter as well. I bet it’s a Smart Meter for Water! Does anyone know how I can prevent this meter from being installed? I have already locked the electricity meter and refused the smart meter installation even after multiple threats from United Energy…..what’s after this?…. the Gas meter? How am I going to lock these meters as the water & gas are on the ground.

    • Sick Of Their Lies says:

      Hi David,

      I’ve already posted this a couple of times. Not good news.
      Sounds like it’s already a done deal.

      …and gas will be next if we don’t all stand up to this crazy nonsense.

      We need to get vocal, and tell everyone we know to oppose the installation of ALL “SMART” METERS.

      Locking these meters could be tricky, but I’m working on it.
      Suggestions also welcome.

    • Jasmine says:

      I phoned Yarra Valley Water today as I also received a letter. The Lady I spoke to told me that they were not putting in meters like the electricity meters. They do have remote water meters but I was told that they are for gated communities. You also have to pay for remote water meters I was told. I sent an email to Yarra Valley Water asking them to disclose what sort of meter they would be putting in. They have not replied yet so I will call again tomorrow. The lady I spoke to told me that she knows nothing about water smart meters and as far as she is concerned they are just new meters, which they replace every fifteen years. I would get everything in writing, as I plan to do as to what sort of meter they are actually putting in. I am going to phone tomorrow as they have taken more than 8 days to answer my email.

      • Sharron says:

        Why all these upgrades now?… gas & water too. 2013 must be hell year for homeowners with these utility companies targeting everyone. Don’t we deserve a break from this CRAP!

        • John M says:

          This has been such a long time coming. At least a decade since this started being implemented bit by bit on a worldwide basis/agenda and in the planning long before that. Those that tried to warn us were demonized. The concept of “deserve” is subjective. There are those that control this world that think the vast majority of humans are simply unsustainable, for various reasons. If the majority of people are so moronically stupid to actually go along with, believe in, and fund the mechanisms, propaganda and objectives of the controllers, then we will truly get what we deserve, and are. The “CRAP” has barely begun.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please keep us posted.

    • Jasmine says:

      I phoned Yarra Valley Water today, I was told that my email was probably lost. I spoke to the same lady as yesterday. I asked this lady to ask the maintenance manager for information on what type of water meter was being installed. This is what I was told. The meters are regular meters and not smart meters. Smart meters are too expensive to install in residential homes. I also asked about the article on the internet in regards to Yarra Valley Water and smart meters. I was told that these are for large companies. I still want it in writing even though I have been told twice that they are not installing smart meters. I think they were telling the truth?

    • Sam says:

      Time to tackle City West

    • Jason says:

      Not an easy one, as you say. And depends on how much trouble you want to go to.
      If it gets down to it, for water meters I might find/build a steel crate (1″ angle-iron and a bit of steel mesh, perhaps ~ or an upturned wheelbarrow from the tip ?*) with a lockable hatch which can be unlocked for meter-reads BY APPOINTMENT and the feet of which are set in concrete. (a bag of ready-mix ~ like the power companies use to anchor their power poles! ~ only costs about $6, and two would be ample.

      As for the gas meter:- A couple of years ago, whilst doing up the kitchen, I did the arithmetic and found that, even more than the increasing cost of usage, the ‘Service to Property’ charge made changing to LPG more than viable if you hunt around for the best price on 45kg lpg bottles. (and lay in the winter supplies at the height of summer when the price is lowest).
      So installed an LPG stove/oven and an instantaneous lpg water heater.
      Two actually ~ one on the outside wall of the kitchen and one on the outside wall of the bathroom/laundry ~ which saves a fortune in plumbing and wasted water whilst waiting for the cold water to evacuate; and also reduces the number of things that can go wrong……and there are other touches I haven’t bothered with, such as preheating your hot water by feeding it through a roll of black polypipe, chucked up on the roof, before it gets to the gas unit.
      Anyway, to date I’m still on my first bottle of gas all round; ie. cooking and hotwater is costing a good bit less than about $150 per year. (but I DO live alone.)
      The stove cost $200 second-hand and the water-heaters $280 each new ~ ebay.

      The point is there are a multitude of options if people are prepared to think outside the square. Humanity got on perfectly well for 50,000 years before ‘Distributors’, ‘Retailers’ and all sorts of other Pushers arrived on the scene.

      *or just a hemispherical hoop of some substantial steel mesh – imagine half a tree-guard -or half a 44-gallon drum (with viewing-hole cut out to allow meter-reads) attached to a couple of bits of pine pole buried either side of your meter. endless possibilities.

      • Eric says:

        “I’m going to have to come and see you one day down in your part of the world…….providing you can restrain the dogs”

  262. Peter says:

    If you have an issue with privacy regarding these surveillance and control devices, you could start with the EWOV. They will do nothing, but apparently it gets reported to Essential Services Commission incorporated. I wonder if they take any more notice of EWOV incorporated than they do Victorians.

    Click to access EWOV-SM-Privacy-Advice-May-2013.pdf

  263. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Don’t want to complicate or confuse the issue, however…..time to get more angry!

    Water “smart” meters are next!!!!!!! Did everyone catch this little article the other day?

    The deals already done!
    That’s why it’s so important that we all wake everyone up to the serious nature of what’s really going on here, stand up to these monsters, and shut this madness down!

  264. Anonymous says:

    Red Ice Radio has recently run two very interesting interviews relating to smart meters. Josh del Sol, the director/producer of the film Take Back Your Power, is interviewed here:
    Mike Mitcham, founder of Stop Smart Meters UK, is interviewed here:
    As always, Red Ice presents informative and thought provoking information – highly recommended.

  265. Ross Holder says:

    Six weeks until the end of the year!! However, if the distributors run out of time, I am sure the spineless cretins in state parliament will grant them an extension. Anyway, here is a little article to help you guys and girls maintain your resolve:

    I have three children with Autism. I also believe in cause and effect. For a long time I have suspected the increase in Autism prevalence has been closely linked to the increase in EMR, and I was searching for two graphs to put side by side, as I suspected that the two graphs would show a strong correlation. In the above article, someone has done it for me.

    The two curves on the graph are almost identical.

    Until you have had an Autistic child, you will NEVER know the suffering and the deprivation it causes. What beggars belief is that there are greedy pricks out there who are making it happen.

    • Jason says:

      How about cancer from ‘safe’ tobacco, or no arms/legs from thalidomide approved by ‘authorities’ everywhere?
      Life is full of risks: but being FORCED to take risks is something worth fighting.
      To whatever extent is necessary.

  266. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Link to the interview this morning with Judy-Ann (3MDR 97.1FM) and Mr.Darryl O’Brien from CLRG (Community Law Resource Group)
    Excellent interview. Fantastic information. Everyone please listen.
    Interview with Darryl starts at 34:00 mins in.
    Ends at approx 1:50:00

    Thankyou Judy-Ann and Darryl.

    Listen, Share and Email to everybody.

    • Janina says:

      Hi, is there a direct link to listen to the program after it has aired? TU

      • Sick Of Their Lies says:

        Hi Janina,

        It will most likely be put up sometime, but doesn’t look like they have as yet.

        However, just click on link above, and it takes you to the program on the 14th Nov.
        Then, just drag along in the timeline to the 34.00 minute mark, where Darryl’s interview starts.

        Not perfect, but seems like the only way to hear the interview at this point in time.
        Great interview. Darryl is excellent.

  267. Sandra says:

    Two weeks ago an installer came to put a smart meter in. I told him I didn’t want one and he went away. I’ve had an installer here before about a year ago and he was very rude, but went away when I refused to open the meter box. My meter box is locked and I have the signs up. However, my meter box is an old wooden one and not really very secure – in fact it fell apart while I was screwing the window in. It’s now screwed down everywhere.
    I’ve just had SP ausnet ring me to tell me that they will be coming in a few days to put the smart meter in. I told them I was recording our conversation and that I wasn’t having one. They said they were coming anyway. I told them not to bother. I also said that I would ring the police if they came onto my property. They told me that I have to give them access to put the meter in – it is law. Do I have to? Am I breaking the law but not letting them? What stand do the police take? What if I’m not home when the installer comes? I am worried that they will unscrew the box and install it anyway.
    SP ausnet told me to get a medical certificate (I have chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sensitivity disorder and am on a disability pension). Should I do this, or is it a waste of time?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    • Tanya says:

      Sandra, you have to give them access to maintain and read your meter. Replacing an analogue meter that is functioning perfectly well, and will continue to function well for decades to come, with a dumb meter that has a shelf life of 5 years and spies on your household is not ‘maintaining’. They need to replace like for like. You are willing to open your meter box so that they can see that you are not stealing or diverting electricity. Thus, you have met your obligations in giving them access to your meter.

      To date, the police have been supportive of our claims of trespass.

      Personally, I don’t think you should be required to supply a medical certificate. It might be a waste of time. It might be a ruse to get you to leave the house so they can install a dumb meter in your absence…..and what ever happened to the word “NO”? Is this a democracy or not?

      If your meter box is being held together with screws on the outside of the box, then I suggest you screw it together from the inside. You can buy angle and mending brackets which are for repairing timber structures. Take some measurements, if possible, of where you can screw them and then go and buy the best size brackets. The stronger the bracket, the better.

      • Jason says:

        Your only real risk is not being at home when the bastards arrive.
        I live in the Latrobe Valley and will assist anyone wanting physical help in fitting a hard-to-tamper-with meter-box, lockable gate to the front porch or whatever.
        Next time they insist they’ll be coming around anyway smile sweetly and tell them ‘Oh good! The rottweiler WILL be pleased!”. (and if you can work it get a large, needy dog from a shelter; they repay your kindness with a toothy smile for visitors!)

        I made specific enquiries from the regional police headquarters re. police policy on the coercive installation, trespass, etc. questions, and after checking with the top banana was told that the police will only attend in the case of an offence being committed or a public disturbance occurring (ie loud screaming due to the rotty’s ministrations 🙂 ) and that anything generally to do with SMs is a civil matter. I’m left with the impression that ‘Trespass’ only becomes a criminal matter if the trespasser commits or intends to commit a breach of the criminal law. (eg. threatening/manhandling a person (=assault), damaging property, biting your guard-dog, whatever.

        I’m getting specific legal advice on the trespass laws tomorrow; will let you know.

        • Jason says:

          No definitive info in re the criminal applications of ‘Trespass’. Apparently in depends on each specific case. Seems it’s generally a civil issue.

      • Jason says:

        PS, Tanya:- “Is this a democracy or not?”
        Democracy is the enemy of the individual and human rights generally. It’s a sad commentary on human gullibility that so many people have been conned into thinking it’s desirable or ‘a privilege’.

        Karl Marx described ‘democracy’ as “a dictatorship of the proletariat”, and I keep saying that such a dictatorship is the same as any other.
        Our mongrel-bred political/industrial institutions HAVE been imposed by (allegedly) ‘democratic’ processes. (eg Kennett sold off the SEC with the authority of the people who ‘democratically’ voted ~ regardless of for whom they voted; it’s participating in the process that does the damage. That’s why we’re in the shit right across the board.
        We scream for ‘freedom’ and ‘rights’ at the same time we’re manufacturing chains for ourselves.

        • Mia Nony says:

          If ever there was a test for character, this microwave blanket techno-regime is that test. So how, then, are some, if not most, handling this test? Rights of refusal (of smart meters or any other tyranny) are embodied in the very foundation of all English derived law, namely common law.
          Fact: NO one can be governed unless they first grant consent.
          Fact; No one can be subjugated unless they collude with and enable their own disempowerment.
          Fact: Anyone can claim (or reclaim) their absolute right of refusal, a constitutionally inviolate and fully protected inherent right.
          Common law is for all us commoners. It is the opposite of servitude and serfdom. Statutory law is a game played by self declared experts, more often than not self serving and duplicitous.
          One’s own private authority can be exercised any time. Common law rights supersede man made laws abused by those who seek to push ordinary men and women around. Such rights cannot be undermined if correctly drawn up and applied. Every one possesses lawful rights, granting them innate power which is theirs for the taking. This is true whether they choose to do the necessary research and work in order to find out how to push back successfully and how to use rights to good effect, – or they do not choose to act to save themselves.
          What possible excuse could there be for indulging in resignation and embracing abject failure by refusing to even attempt to find out how to revoke any inadvertently granted consent to be abused?
          Yet invariably, it appears to be those people who have never really suffered who seem to become the most manifestly weak when faced with a real challenge, often preferring to whine to avoid meaningful action, even when faced with outright assault.
          Meanwhile those who have known suffering are often the same ones who find sufficient inner strength to manifest the necessary will to fight this frequency scourge strategically.
          Crisis sorts out what anyone is made of, … some sink while others swim.
          My bet is on those who are motivated to be effective and who refuse to be ruled and reduce to slavish fear.
          One loses patience with the unconscious selfishness of anyone who will go to great lengths to avoid doing anything that may succeed, as if they are only trying to find reasons to not to use anything effective, such as common laws which would empower them and give them rights of self protection. Apparently for certain types, complaining becomes a substitute, easier than taking any authentic stand which would involve the necessity to take on full responsible for making private choices.
          Has anyone else noticed that some – at least figuratively if not literally – would almost rather die than take any steps toward assuming actual responsibility for defending their own lives, loved ones, private properties and unshielded house wiring, would seemingly rather suffer and submit to surveillance, fire hazard, uninsurable hazards, and physical decline, ignore irreversible risk of becoming cognitively impaired, or accept the default of being subjected to frequency induced rapid ageing, malaise, disability, nerve and muscle decline, gradual bioelectrical failure and even cancer, … anything, rather than take back ownership of themselves and their strengths and rights.
          What kind of being, one wonders, would rather be a passenger on the endless road to the Victim Olympics, rather than be their own driving force in taking charge of shaping their own fate and pushing back against a corporate technocratic war being waged all over the globe, in lockstep.
          The assumption that one’s own meter is all that matters is wrong headed, self pity, narcissistic self absorption, and the depraved indifference to the suffering of everyone and everything else for miles around each and every meter is morbidly misguided and morally bankrupt. How can anyone complain if they themselves manifest the same total disconnect from all things natural, and the poverty of empathy for the suffering of innocence as do the pathological corporate utility death mongers. No wonder not enough resist effectively.
          Those unrolling a microwave blanket over all things living seem unable to identify with or even to recognize that they are inextricably linked to and utterly dependent upon the very interdependent ecosystem they never stop to consider as it to goes into sharp decline.
          Just how long can any of us live without bees, butterflies, birds, bats, flora, fauna….?
          On the other hand, for a look at how to do a strategic end run around these corporate thugs and pathological liars who are guilty of not only reckless endangerment but potential ecocide, check out how private men and women with spine say NO and mean it, one customer at a time, and how they back refusal up with whatever it takes, hard work and the use of administrative redress employed in the defence of genuine rights, as granted to all by common law, – including in Australia.

    • Eric says:

      Sandra, nothing has changed. SP Ausnet only have words and the bastardry which they show in expressing these words of deception. Installers have no more authority to act in a different way now than what they have in the past. Read your own post. See what has happened. Their bastardry has momentarily given you the wobbles in your resolve. That is the psychological effect that they purposefully set out to achieve by their BASTARDRY. How dare they say “we’re coming anyway”. What cheek !!! ….to put it politely. Time to pick yourself up. Be home and send them away AGAIN and AGAIN if needs be. Keep your cool but make sure the box is secure. I mean so that the only way into it is by committing an open criminal act preferably wanton destruction. I believe they do know how detrimental such action will be to their organisation. If they can unscrew it and rescrew it shut again then you’re vulnerable. You may want to consider a box for your box…..a cabinet maker can do that.

      It does not hurt to have a medical certificate. How you put it to use is up to you. Remember these people are a fictional authority based in Singapore, so don’t submit yourself to false authority. These people are bullies. They try to set themselves up to appear to be controllers of your life. They are not.

      • Archie Burke says:

        Eric, you are soooooo right! They ( company) can’t legally interfere with your property! Also I wonder what the Defence Chiefs think about the ability of a company in Singapore having the power to turn off our power? Not a good defence strategy I would say!

  268. Noel Ward says:

    The latest addition to Jemena’s army of foot soldiers, the silly little boys and girls harassing customers by ringing them up is…………… Zoe

    • Jasmine says:

      Dear Noel,
      I received a phone call from Jemena a few months ago. The woman hung up on me as she said I was arguing with her. What she meant to say is that I can’t answer your questions. She was rude and behaved unprofessionally. My son heard the conversation and wanted to know what had happened. I told him that she hung up on me to which he replied “mum everything she said you rebutted.” I think we should be able to call the CEO of Jemena at home and tell him why we don’t want their possible cancer causing surveillance devices. How would Richard like it if I called him at home? They violated my home, my son heard everything as well. How would Richard the CEO of Jemena like it if we called his family? They also called my mother last week. My mum has had an operation only recently. She hung up on the woman after saying no. Lets ask for the CEO of Jemena’s home number and call him. Maybe we can arrange a tea party. I have a silent number for a reason.

      • Joe S says:

        Why are u taking it up with Jemena and not your MP and Victorian government who has made Jemena and all distributors install them? You’re barking and venting up the wrong tree.

        • Ranald says:

          People have done this and the government has stonewalled them and buckpassed them off and told them that the responsibility lies with the Distributor. Mr Mark Feather from the DPI when responding to a letter on behalf of the Minister said

          “The responsibility for installation of smart meters rests with the electricity distribution business that services your area. ………………..blah blah blah” (all BS)
          “Given the responsibilities and authority of distributors as outlined above, your assertion of liability for the group of entities collectively described as ‘Minister’ in your correspondence, for the actions of the distributors in removing existing meters and installing smart meters, is considered incorrect.”
          “Customers scheduled to receive a new meter will be contacted by their distribution business in advance of the proposed installation date. Any concerns you have about the installation should be raised directly with the distribution business by contacting them on the phone number provided in the letter of notification.”

          Mr Mark Feather is saying that the Minister had no liabilty when it comes to removing analog meters and replacing them with the cancer box. How contradictory is that ??? Especially when you consider that in that very same TEMPLATE letter he is saying things that demonstrate exactly the opposite. In the same letter, consider the following
          “In regard to whether you can refuse to have a smart meter installed, since the Government has completed its review and decided that the roll out will continue, all Victorian homes and small businesses will need to have their meter replaced.”

          Yes Mr Mark Feather says that the “Government has decided” whilst in the same breath saying the “entity referred to as Minister is not liable”

          A person wrote a letter to Mr Mark Feather from the DPI (so named at that time) and said as part of that letter
          “Given the words of Mr O’Brien, it is clear, indeed ‘black and white’, that all liability for the smart meter installation program lies with the group of entities collectively described as ‘Minister’ in my letter. It is correct and also substantiated by Mr O’Brien’s use of the term ‘legally required’ to ascribe liability and responsibility to the ‘Minister’.”

          On this occasion Mr Mark Feather elected not to send a letter of reply.

          Joe that’s the sort of crap people are getting when tackling the Govt but your point is still valid. Keep up the fight.

        • Jasmine says:

          To Joe,
          I have sent numerous complaints not only to the Energy Minister’s office also to the Premiers office and the Prime Ministers office. I did not take up the problem with Jemena as there is no point. Every time they harass me I send letters to premier Napthine’s office and also Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s office. The lady that called me stated that they had been given an order, to which I replied you are still liable. They are just as responsible as the Government. I have not received a phone call again and if I do, I know where to send my complaint. The Government might of given the order but they Jemena are carrying it out. I did not say in my comment that I had taking up this problem with Jemena. I was merely sharing my experience with other people. The Nazis in the concentration camps that pushed men, women and small children into the gas chambers were only following orders as well. If we could all use this excuse then hit men for the mafia could also state that they were only following orders as well.

        • Jasmine says:

          To Joe,
          The woman that called me would not tell me her surname. We all have free will and should know right from wrong. My children know right from wrong. I don’t care who gave the order. From the top to the bottom, and everyone in between, they are all responsible.

        • Jasmine says:

          On Christmas Eve 1975, a man named David Berkowitz also known as the “Son of Sam” slashed and stabbed a woman. He went on to shoot ten women and men.When he was finally caught he claimed he had been given orders from his neighbors dog. So who is responsible the dog or David Berkowitz?

        • Ashley says:

          You’re not reading the persons comments in the sense they are meant, Joe.

          • Jason says:

            I think it’s entirely appropriate to hold the ‘enforcer’ (at least partly) responsible.
            And the reference to gassing Jewish people makes the point that the Nuremberg War Crimes trials established once and for all and universally that “I was just obeying orders” is NEVER a legal justification in defending one’s personal actions.

            You do it, you carry the can. Legitimately and legally.

      • Bearded Baboon Loather says:

        the CEO of Jemena is a rather unshaven character by the name of Paul Adams. I would definetely love to “engage” him at your tea party. I think he is a nasty piece of work. He once sent one of his goons to retrieve a smart meter from the scene of a house fire before the cause of the fire had been investigated. I believe he really squirmed when interviewed about the appropriateness of this action in this matter when interviewed on 3AW at the time.

        Richard Twisk is the General Manager of Jemena

    • Anonymous says:

      Noel, this same person also rang me up. I asked her for her surname and she said she was not willing to give it to me. I told her that in that case she best proceed to hang up the phone. She was willing to do that and said something like we’ll be in touch. Pests like this person are candidates for a $220,000 fine applicable to non corporate entities for harassment and coercion as per ACCC legislation.

    • Sue says:

      Zoe, treat yourself with a bit of dignity and find yourself a proper job because the scum well and truly washes off on you at Mt Waverley.

  269. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    Thursday 14th November. 9.30am. Speaking with Darryl O’Brien from CLRG.
    Great information. Please listen.

  270. Will they know we flushed the loo ? says:

    Concern Nov 8 – mentioned that (water) smart meters were to be installed in Victoria over next 3yrs. In 2010 the government then had RULED OUT introducing smart water meters: >

    • Eric says:

      “…..voter backlash against smart meters has forced Water Minister Tim Holding to rule them out….”

      Looks like the govt are motivated by something ie. “voter backlash” more than whether people are getting sick or not. Well….if they want to extend this madness to June 2014, it’s clear that they are taking a bet that this issue will no longer be a smell in the air come the State election in November…….which is why we must take a stand and oppose this madness of smart meters like never before. We must ensure that come November 2014 and come the State election, that the smell in the air has become the stinking stench of rotting fish.

  271. Eric says:

    As nobody can provide a guarantee on the safety of smart meters, I am not prepared to offer myself as participant in what is nothing other than a human experiment.

    How much more do I have a right to not allow myself to be participant in this human experiment seeing that I myself have already experienced terrible headaches and various episodes of nausea and dizziness since the installation of smart meters in my area and I know that many others have experienced exactly the same thing and even more since smart meters were installed in their surroundings.

    And how much more will I never allow myself to be a participant this experiment when I see the way that all these people (whom I know ARE getting sick) are being swept under the carpet by our state government who doesn’t seem to have any duty of care whatsoever towards it’s citizens.

    • Jasmine says:

      I have spoken to people that did not object to a smart meter being installed and they have told me that there ears are ringing. I have heard of people with nose bleeds, they do not realize what is causing these problems. It somehow seems to far fetched that a smart meter could be causing these problems.My neighbor wanted a smart meter installed, within 24 hours of her meter being installed her dog’s heart started failing and had to be put down, coincidence maybe. I had gone to the vet only a few weeks before for the dog’s checkup he had a slight heart murmur, but apart from that was in good health. My neighbor also told me that she forgets things all the time, this is just recent. I do not say anything because we have had many arguments about smart meters.My neighbor is a nice lady but I think she must be wondering if there is any truth to what I have been saying.. Denial is a great thing it keeps you safe from trouble and pain.

    • Joe S says:

      Has anyone made a formal complaint to the Victorian Ombudsman who has the power to investigate government agencies’ and corresponding codes and ‘orders in council’ (OIC) implemented by government agencies. In this case the government agency would be the Essential Services Commission. The Victorian Ombudsman can investigate complaints impartially and independently about government departments. The OIC appears to have been made by the essential services commission and/or Australian Energy Regulator; forming a government department. Rather that years of whining on this page, why doesn’t someone place an intelligent and articulate letter the the Victorian Ombudsman specifically under its jurisdiction to investigate whether the smart meters are in conjunction with the Victorian Human rights charter and to independently investigate the evidence surrounding whether they can conclusively be shown to be safe; if not it may make recommendations to parliament which is a step in the right direction etc. You cannot word a letter to the Vic Ombudsman about the retailers or distributors as they are private companies, or waffle on about how bad you think smart meters are. Rather, a request to state specifically how this roll out mandated on db’s is contrary to the HR Charter and for an independent review as to the steps taken by the Esc or AER to conclusively show safety before enacting the OIC- Vic Ombudsman has no jurisdiction over retailers and distributors and will report with a letter shutting you down if you word your letter about them. It needs to be addressed correctly….. Food for thought.

      • Peter says:

        Hi Joe

        I tried going the EWOV route way back, the response was that EWOV could not CHANGE government policy, and I was referred back to my distributor, who said they were COMPLYING with government policy and referred me to the DPI, who said the AMI roll out was ‘INDUSTRY LED’ and referred me back to the distributor, who said they could not help me any further!!!! Same old run around where only the CUSTOMER is held accountable for what they do! Refer to the Jason story on the ‘tell your story’ page of this site.

        • Joe S says:

          Wrong ombudsman. Please read my comment above. Ewov can investigate distributors and retailers. An issue it may investigate is whether the smart meter is compliant to EMF level standards; if not, it can order the distributor to power down the meter etc. it doesn’t have jurisdiction about contents of government policy. The Victorian Ombudsman can investigate agencies of the government. If the OIC was written up by a government agency (essential services comission and/or Australian Energy Regulator) then the Vic ombudsman can investigate whether this took into account the human rights charter as well as whether before the OIC had a green light which mandated distributors to install smart meters, the safety of these meters was conclusive etc. I recommend a letter to the Victorian Ombudsman directly if u speak to front of desk staff they ll probably give u wrong information. If a staff member other than the Victorian Ombudsman or deputy Ombudsman responds stating its outside jurisdiction, I’d escalate it and ask a response directly from the ombudsman or his deputy and additional information about what aspect of the complaint CAN be investigated. There’s railways something that falls within their jurisdiction, u just need to push them. Once within jurisdiction, they’ll investigate impartially and independently check out the Victorian Ombudsman website. If u go on about the distributors they’ll refer u to EWOV. The government and fits agencies is bossing the distributors, people need to remember that and apply their frustrations to the correct bodies.

          • Joe S says:

            Clarification: EWOV means Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria) which is an informal industry based dispute resolution ombudsman. Victorian Ombudsman is an independent officer of the parliament. Similar goals to resolve matters but very different in jurisdiction and process.

            • Peter says:

              Hi Joe

              My original complaint was to the ombudsman who referred me to the EWOV! Just the same old run-around to delay any answers!

  272. Lawrence Wallace says:

    Go to India for 15 to 20 days and your headaches disappear. Come back home to your smart metered environment hell and your headaches return. You try every possible remedy to get rid of the headaches but nothing works. You spend money on every conventional medical test and results are all negative but the headaches continue. Talk to your Distributor about your problem. Explain it to them in a way where even a moron can see what the cause of the headaches is and you get back a letter explaining that smart meters are harmless. I don’t know how it’s possible but these people are of a breed that is even worse than a moron.

    This man found the remedy. “Go back to an analogue meter” and eliminate the cause ie. the exposure to RF wireless communication.

    How is it possible to not make that connection even for those that are moronic ?
    Jemena United Energy Powercor Citipower SP Ausnet
    Immoral…….All of you !!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW YOU ARE HARMING PEOPLE
    Go back to 新加坡 (Singapore) and 香港 (Hong Kong) where you come from.
    You are not wanted here !!!!
    May your share prices plummett thru the floor.

    • Informed Choice says:

      These lying thieves will pay for their disregard of customers health concerns. Denial of the obvious is a disgrace. TO HELL WITH THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Jasmine says:

      They need to have an enquiry, maybe a Royal Commision of some sorts. They need to get all these so called experts to make statements under oath. If they are telling the truth they have nothing to fear.

  273. Citizen for democracy says:

    DPI, Vic government, ARPANSA and Victorian Chief health Officer all say that it is up to ACMA to regulate smart meters. This is a blatant and open admission that smart meters are COMMUNICATION DEVICES surreptitiously attached to electronic electricity meters. They may be in close proximity to each other, but they are still 2 very different devices with very different functions. One measures the amount of electricity being used by a household, the other communicates data back to base. Power corps and Vic Gov must have thought we couldn’t work that out! Installing a private corporation’s communication equipment in someone’s property without their informed consent is sure to be unlawful. Once a household becomes part of the private corporation’s communication system, how does that affect ‘ownership’ of that household/property? The Vic Gov is complicit in trying to push something unlawful. It has made an essential service conditional on you allowing the Power Corp to install their (wireless) communication equipment in your property.

  274. Michael says:

    The other day, at a family lunch, the topic of smart meters came up, and it quickly became apparent that my brother and I take radically opposing views about the matter. While I don’t claim to know all the science around it, I am concerned about both the possible health risks and fire hazard that have manifested in some cases; whereas my brother takes a very orthodox position on this, dismissing my concerns and saying he takes notice only of scientific evidence, which (he said) was completely absent on this. Also, he assumed that any objections to it you read on the Internet or in the tabloids were just made-up stories or delusions or attention-seeking, or something of the kind. And he said it was futile to object to the meters, because an ultimatum will come at some point where the electricity companies will simply cut off your power until you agree to accept a smart meter. He said it was state government law, so the authorities have everything legally on their side, and it is simply a matter of when they choose to invoke the law against those rebelling against it. Arguments about trespassing, etc. (applied to the installers), he said, would have no effect whatever, because they are legally permitted to enter a property to install meters specified by state government law, and householders are legally obliged to grant access. When he said this, I had an uneasy feeling he was right (legally).

    As a result of this discussion, I have been thinking a bit about this since, hoping my brother is incorrect somehow, but fearing that very likely he is right. Unless there is something that both he and I are unaware of, it seems to me that we who object to the meters do not have even the slightest chance of winning on this issue, and I would be very glad if someone could tell me how I am wrong on this.

    I’ve also been thinking about it because I am aware that time is running out. If I understand correctly, the government specified that the conversion should be completed by the end of this year. I get the impression from various articles or discussions I’ve read on this issue that some objectors are taking heart from the fact that they have locked their meter boxes, posted signs, and so on, and they haven’t yet been cut off or given an ultimatum. They seem to be taking it that this is because the power companies somehow know they wouldn’t legally be in the right if they did take final, drastic action against the obectors. But isn’t it very likely that this is simply because the power companies have in the past decided to postpone those who object (probably a small, if noisy, minority) and simply moved on to those who are not objecting? And doesn’t this make it virtually certain that, once all non-objectors have been converted (which might be completed very soon), they will come back to the objectors (whom they have probably been keeping lists of) and put an ultimatum to them? And, if time is almost out, isn’t it very likely that that will come in a few weeks’ time or less?

    Does anyone objecting or campaigning against this have any idea of what will happen then? I think I know the depressing answer, although I’m hoping someone can give me an alternative answer to this. My answer is that the ultimatum will be given, and either people will capitulate and it will be all over for them, or else they will object and be without electricity until they do capitulate. The power companies and goverment won’t care either way about this; they know time and probably the law are on their side, and they also know that most people can’t live without electricity, so there are no problems at all on their side. Only a few will be dedicated enough to have no electricity, or organize power generators, etc., and even if they go that way, it won’t bother either the power companies or the state government, and they will just be ignored after that, no matter how noisy they are.

    I am getting the impression that some protestors against this think they can still win, and not be cut off. I wonder if it’s time now to say bluntly that the price for objecting to the new meters is not the mere possibility of having your power cut off, but the probability of it. The whole campaign against this is starting to look to me like burying one’s head in the sand, and maybe a new direction needs to be found for the campaign, before it becomes totally irrelevant in the light of the reality.

    Some people have made publicity in one way or another about their reasons for objecting: things like the health hazards; the risk of house-fires; objecting to actually paying for the meter themselves, even though it belongs to the power company and is only for their benefit; and privacy issues (not sure I quite understand that one myself). I think I have even occasionally read of more obscure concerns, such as the possibility of computer viruses or worms being spread via smart meters, and the like. But it seems to me that focusing on all these objections, now matter how morally justifiable they may be, is totally futile, because I’m sure the power companies and the state government know about all the arguments on these issues, and it is apparent that they long ago dismissed those issues, and are going ahead – and whether those objections are valid or not is not even relevant to them.

    If there was even the slightest chance that these objections would hold water legally, isn’t it likely that the power companies and government long ago sought legal advice on them? And the fact that they are going ahead would seem to indicate the likelihood that their legal advice said their position on this was sound. The more I consider it, the worse our position on this looks.

    It’s going to take a court case (which the objectors must win) to overcome that; no amount of mere protesting is going to have any effect. That must surely be crystal-clear by now.

    I did hear talk of people getting together to mount a class action in court on this issue – but I have heard nothing since. Have such cases proceeded? Presumably if so, they have lost, otherwise surely I would have heard about it by now.

    I really think if we are to have even the slightest hope of winning this, we need an effective, accessible forum where we can discuss things, ask questions, answer questions (if we have ideas ourselves on them), get advice. If there is such a forum, I am not aware of it, and I did look for one some time ago. Sure, we have web sites like this where news articles are posted and people can comment, as I am doing so now. But I think a more focused forum, something along the lines of a bulletin board or a Yahoo group or similar would really help this aspect more effectively. We need to be able to share hard information on how best to fight this battle, not merely tell stories abotu the detriment to our health, the house-fire that nearly destroy our homes (or did destroy them), not merely rail against the immorality of it. I think the time for that is over now, because it is obvious that those we want to listen are not listening, or if they are, they are quite deliberately ignoring it all.

    Are there forums or e-mail lists where these issues can be hashed out, where people can exchange ideas? Could there be merit, even at this late stage, in starting one? I’m talking about a more analytical sort of discussion than seems to take place broadly on pages like this. Permitting comments on newspaper articles may allow for people to raise concerns, but it seems to be difficult to have focused discussions on specific issues, not necessarily related to a specific newspaper story. (I started a Yahoo group some time ago – created it and set up the basic machinery of it – but let it go when someone apparently in a position of influence in one of the protesting groups stated in definite terms that there was no interest in using the group, and asked me to refrain from appearing to represent them in any way. Initially they had shown interest in the idea, but apparently changed their mind after consulting with someone else.)

    Does anyone have any other ideas on fighting this issue? Forums or mailing lists? Legal action? I don’t know what else there could be; but it is apparent to me that we will lose – and quite likely soon – if something more is not done. It’s going to take more than posting newspaper stories about this or that person’s bad experience and others posting in to sympathize or say how wrong or immoral it is.


    • Eric says:

      Michael, is your brother perchance the more dominant and confident sibling who may even hold some small psychological sway over you ?

      Your logic is so beautiful and so complete Michael but don’t let it be the thing that causes you to shoot your own self in the foot.

      There is such a thing as political suicide.

    • jim says:

      YOU are totally misinformed on your rights and what you are saying sounds like you are suffering from learned helplessness. What Is Learned Helplessness?
      Learned helplessness occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action.

      While the concept is strongly tied to animal psychology and behavior, it can also apply to many situations involving human beings. When people feel that they have no control over their situation, they may also begin to behave in a helpless manner. This inaction can lead people to overlook opportunities for relief or change.

      You need to get a backbone (sorry) but its true, sounds like you have been bullied into submission

      We live in a society where we are not supposed to be dictated to, that’s called a dictatorship.
      We live in a free society not a Fascist one

      Common Law should be your backbone, but you have no idea of your rights, or you would know the things you doubt and belittle, are the things you should take heed of!


      I call shenanigans on this piece. I believe it’s from those with a profit motive. It seems like nothing but doubt’s to shake others who have little knowledge of their rights.

      I say use you discernment people and call it for yourselves, but geez, its couched all wrong for me. If I’m wrong, then this guy is both persuasive and ignorant. It motivated me to reply because it raised so many doubts.

      • smart denier says:

        I agree Jim.
        There will be many attempts to de-rail and discourage us.
        What I learn from that post is…. Everyone keep doing what you are doing – it’s working!

        As Jim points out, anyone with basic knowledge (2 hours reading) of Common Law, knows full well our inalienable rights must be respected or the government risks awakening the sleeping masses by all the shouting that WILL occur.

        Here’s what I would say to anyone who doesn’t agree that we have every right to refuse a smart meter.

        If I wave a feather in the face of another human and they feel threatened by the feather, the fact a feather is not a weapon and could hardly hurt anything, makes no difference in common law. I MUST put the feather down. Otherwise I am a bully or worse – engaged in the act of torture.

        Would it be right to mandate/force a mentally handicapped person to have Blue curtains installed, if that person was afraid of the colour Blue? No, of course not.

        This applies to all those that are affected by electromagnetic radiation, or those who feel threatened by the known side effects of EMR.

        It doesn’t matter what anyone believes, no human can be subjected to any form of torture – under Common Law.

        • Michael Poulan says:

          Take heed tainted government and wicked power companies.
          The sleeping masses are going to awake and run all over the top of you.
          How do I know this ????
          I once was one of them and it was YOU who well and truly woke me up and guess
          what I am determined to do now…………………

      • Mia Nony says:

        Common Law should be your backbone, but you have no idea of your rights, or you would know the things you doubt and belittle, are the things you should take heed of!

        Want to see a genius example of common law refusal of a smart meter as a thing of beauty?
        Go check out the five separate meter refusal docs just released at this site to refuse fees and meters: It seems to cover EVERYTHING.

        • Mia Nony says:

          I meant

          • AK47 says:

            Mia, I have looked at the Group C documents and found they are so complicated that I don’t understand the legal language and do not feel I could adapt them for my situation, should I need to take action. This is the first time I have felt this way, because I have adapted your documents before, and they are posted inside my security gate.

    • Jasmine says:

      Michael, I wrote to the World Health Organization last year to ask if it was safe for my daughter to sleep near multiple meters, there reply was the hazard still exits. A hazard is a risk, a risk of cancer. They put EMF’s on there possible carcinogen list for a reason and they are the so called experts. It is in writing and I have this letter. Or is the International Association for Cancer wrong in telling me that there is a risk? If you are that worried let them put your meter in. Everyone is experiencing the same feelings as you. Would your brother like a copy of my letter, written by Dr Nicholas Gaudin? I have asked the distributor I am with if the World Health Organization is wrong in placing EMF’s on there possible carcinogen list. They have still not answered. Electricity is an essential service and as long as you abide by their rules and we are, there is no need to disconnect. I have heard so many things for e.g fine at the end of year, police will remove your locks, turn off power blah blah blah. Why wait till the end of the year? Is it going to be a xmas present? According to letters i have received they are supposed to negotiate and then as a last resort turn off power. Yet some people have refused for at least two years. The negotiating would be finished by now. If they can get the police to remove your locks which they can’t, why not do it then? The police need a court order to remove locks.There is no legislation, so how are we breaking the law? How is protecting my children breaking the law? When a cancer specialist has put in writing the risk still exists. I did not get this information from a fortune cookie, I wrote to the experts and they said there is a risk..

      • SSMA Moonee Valley rep says:

        Jasmine, I don’t know about Michael’s brother but I am putting together a dossier of information for a fairly prominent person and I would just love a copy of Dr Nicholas Gaudin’s letter to include as part of my dossier if it’s OK with you. Email address is

      • Paul says:

        Good one Jasmine. I recently received a letter from Mark Feather, Executive Director, Dept of State Development, who stated that the Class 2B category (carcinogens) included carpentry and joinery, coffee, dry cleaning and pickled vegetables. These are ‘voluntary’ exposures and not on the same scale as the massive amounts of radiation emitted by smart meters. Also he conveniently neglected to mention DDT – a known carcinogen on the 2B list and BANNED BY GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE! Another thing, I read somewhere that smart meters are being upgraded by the WHO to Class 2A.

    • one of "the lucky ones" says:

      Tell your brother he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about. Most of his ‘points’ are WRONG! SSMA are already providing a decent and very helpful source of support for us all. There is a whole wealth of information on this site if you have a few hours to spare. Sounds to me like a reality check is needed.

      • Mia Nony says:

        Or here is an idea: Why not just ignore defeatism and gloom and the half empty glass world view, and do not listen to anyone who argues hard on behalf of the utility by declaring negative based reasons why one cannot possibly succeed by standing up for one’s rights, that “they” will always win and that poor little powerless you cannot beat their system? The usual reason to preach this is if you work for them. And if you do not work for them, you might as well, since defeatists promote and spread the propaganda of those who oppress others.

        Do you view yourself as a child in relation to authority?
        Are you a child? or mentally incompetent?

        Well the answer is you only do if you use a lawyer, a judge and a court, OR resort to ANY APPEAL TO the power of AUTHORITY beyond your authority over yourself.

        If so, the governed must first grant consent to be governed. First you must you give away your consent, only then do you become governed by others, only once you concede, give away your authority, only if you even sign away your power of attorney, or behave like part of the “collective” by signing petitions, or a referendum, or seek judgement by a judge, or hand your rights over to a lawyer, or throw yourself on the not very merciful court, or ask for them to decide on your behalf.
        Why? Because whenever you do any of this you are declaring that you are not “sui juris”.

        This is really just like declaring yourself to be
        non compis mentis and then handing over power of attorney (usually to an attorney!) who in turn collaborates with a judge in a court to decide what they deem to be best to do with this non competent thing.

        Has anyone been paying attention lately to what lawyers and judges deem to be best for you or me? Not a pretty picture.

        If you declare yourself to NOT be ‘sui juris’ … are in effect declaring that you are either underage or mentally incapable of handling your own issues in commerce by means of common law administrative redress.

        Instead, you are asking a lawyer and judge to become the authority to stand in your stead.

        Same goes for any referendum, another case of tugging one’s serf forelock, cap in hand, and essentially reinforcing power over you by begging the fictional ‘authority’ to consider you to be an infant or mentally incompetent entity in need of assistance, by consenting to be no different than ‘non compis mentis’, unable to conduct your own affairs.


        Juris – oath

        diction – word

        If your ARE sui juris that means you are acting on your own behalf and that your are self possessed and in your own control and that you declare yourself fit to conduct your own commerce (using the administrative remedy of common law).

        ‘jurisdiction’ (unless you are in fact using common law to claim your own right to your own jurisdiction) invariably means you give away your own ‘sui juris’ or consent to someone else, an “authority” figure. You might as well ask the pope to remove the smart meter.
        Good luck with that.

        Why would anyone who genuinely seeks and wants autonomy then turn around and choose to “Authorize” a lawyer and a judge to become a higher authority over themselves, as a self declared incompetent entity?

        Do so and now you have turned away from all things lawful and toward all thing legal, so then they must take care of you. Watch out.
        They now administer the trust. Are they trustworthy?
        Is that what anyone of sound mind would want, to be taken over?
        If so, why?
        Time and again it has been proven that those entrusted with authority are not acting on your behalf, often at all. The utility has colluded with those to whom you pay taxes and at this point it is a case of studies in the bleeding obvious that neither governments anywhere nor utility corporations care about you as an autonomous private man or woman. Quite the opposite – like all bullies who are cowards at heart they would fear you if you understood this simple fact and took back your rights. In statutory law you are a thing. And that is no way to live, on your knees.
        Stop begging authority for permission to access your own self ownership.
        Instead why not declare it to be yours.
        Have a peek at how it is done to perfection, and freely given to others:

    • Jasmine says:

      Michael, may be you should read up on Martin Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement. They had more to fear and lose than us. They demanded their rights and they fought for them. Imagine if Martin Luther King Jr gave up. Your letter states that people might be seeking attention. If I want attention that badly, I can walk down the street naked, that would probably get me more attention. No one is stopping your brother from having a meter. He is also entitled to his own opinion, but this should be based on facts..

    • Citizen for democracy says:

      Hi Michael,
      it is human nature to despair when the challenge we face seems so overwhelming.
      But consider the following:
      * the alternative is to let your family be irradiated with a class 2B carcinogen 24/7
      * of course, people like your brother and others won’t believe the stories of ill health from smart meters etc., because to believe it means they simply cannot continue with ‘business as usual’ and it is an effort to fight back. It doesn’t mean they are ‘bad’ people, they are just giving in to their very human tendencies. Have you ever read a book about Word War 2? How long did it take before people started believing ‘rumours’ about concentration camps and what was happening in them! History always repeats itself.
      * whether we ‘win’ or not, I personally feel that I will continue fighting for what I believe is right. Otherwise I could not live with myself. Once you see the truth, you cannot ‘unsee’ it.
      * I am prepared to go off grid, if need be, it’s pretty simple to hire a generator. It may not mean much to the power companies, but it means a lot to ME, to stand up for my human rights.
      * Let’s put an ultimatum on them – we will NOT be afraid!
      In the end, it’s your choice Michael, you carve your own existence, you create history with every decision you make.
      Wish you all the best.

    • Jason says:

      Too long a post to rebut bit by bit. So:- Solutions most often lie outside the box in which you seem to be confined.

      Rule 1….For every law there is at least one loophole; all it takes is the will and wherewithal to exploit it.
      Rule 2…..While you ‘can’t fight city hall’ you can certainly find out the identity of the bastard IN there and give him a kicking, politically or many other ways.
      Rule 3….Turn their weapons against them. In my case, having long since installed a solar-system more than big enough for my frugal use, I just tell them to piss off and ignore their threats. If it came to a crunch and they cut me off (which I doubt they would anyway) I’d rejig my panels to run the house directly and at the same time sue SPAusnet for breaching their contractual arrangement with me AND the Victorian government for breaching IT’S contract to buy excess power I produce until 2024. (including the terms of a separate regulation that I MUST keep the solar-system connected for a minimum of five years (4/2015).

      …..and so on.
      You’re never beaten until you give up.

  275. Steve says:

    Hi, to everybody I know.
    Today, 21 October 2013, I was driving my car down our driveway and noticed one man in work clothing, standing behind the corner of the Unit 1. On the street, another person in the same coloured red-white, was taking out some boxes.
    I was immediately suspicious of their behaviour, so I called my wife at home to immediately connect cable to the camera installed in front of our door.
    Actually, my wife disconnected it some days ago because in the letter, the mongrels from UEnergy stated they needed more time and that they would send a letter to inform us exactly when they will install new spying equipment.
    Now, we have proof that they did not sent that letter. They are using tactics, not finding you at home, they just install new equipment.
    Luckily, in my case it wasn’t possible. Half an hour ago my wife called me and said that two unkind persons demanded from her, free access to the meter. This was not possible because I had installed a locking device of impressive quality, and setup a camera in the proximity. (I’ve put very thick glass on the front of the meter box so that at anytime, anybody can easily find out how many kwh I’ve used).
    MY wife said that they took a series of pictures with their own camera, and very strongly told my wife that they will inform their manager, and will also put our name on a special list of people, people who prevented them from doing their normal job and that we will have to pay additional costs for their activity in the future.
    I HAVE TO SAY THAT MINISTER kotsiras and manager from UE, responded to my second letter, but totally disregarded the substance of my queries.


    The mongrels of United Energy were today operating in KELVINSIDE RD, NOBLE PARK, INSTALLING THEIR DEVICES WHEN PEOPLE ARE NOT AT HOME.
    Is anybody else has information where these installers are currently operating, please keep us informed, so that we can be on the lookout for them.

    • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

      I know that Jemena and their installers Servicestream are doing their dirty work this week (Mon 21/10 – Sat 26/10) in Airport West and Keilor.
      They are going hammer and tong ringing customers and trying to organise installation appointments with people. So much so that installers are being sent to appointments that were never actually booked with the customer.

      If anybody has been deceived into making an appointment, please ring up and cancel it and do not allow yourself to be drawn into discussion for another appointment or any further discussion where they will try and persuade you to allow them to install their toxic smart meter. And REMEMBER………if you have managed to cancel an appointment, don’t rely on the power company/Installation company to have done it correctly or to have done the right thing by you. Assume they will still show up and take precaution in case they still show up or decide to show up even at another time of their own choosing without your foreknowledge.

      And do not rely on installation notices anymore to make preparations because installation notices are now being received after the installation period has well and truly begun and they are being sent with a backdated date ie. backdated 3 weeks ago but sent and received after installers have already commenced installing in an area.
      Dirty dirty dogs !!!

      • smart denier says:

        We have also received back dated letters.
        It appears there are three possibilities:
        a) Aust Post is incompetent or,
        b) government granted the power co’s a license to cause mischief in the name of “best endeavours” or,
        c) the power co’s are employing trickery and deception as a means to force flesh and blood people into contract.
        Such a contract is unconscionable and is therefore instantly null and void.
        We intend writing to AustPost and asking why it took 19 days for a letter to travel 5kms. As mentioned, it’s not the first time this has happened.

        Their modus operandi is this:
        First you get an undated letter saying they are coming – but not for a few weeks.
        Next day a back dated letter arrives saying the installation period began… last week!

        Any fool can see the Law is being broken through out this entire smart saga.
        The problem we have is that those employed in the practice of law are unwilling to jeopardize their livelihoods by embracing our plight. Their disinterest is further fueled by their lack of education regarding Common Law. Also, in light of the legal profession’s rule that – non-lawyers can not represent other people, the path to smart remedy, for most common people, is removed.
        The fact we find ourselves in this position speaks volumes.

        Our best defense is to read up on Common Law so we can explain our inalienable rights to others, be they authority, corporations or friends.
        Most of all, we need to peacefully protest in large numbers in common-unity.

        Many, if not most here are fighting this as individuals. Friends are being lost as arguments naturally arise. Try explaining to your boss you need time off to fight smart meters and see how long your job lasts.

        Therefore, I humbly suggest a weekly event, say every Sunday 12 noon to 5PM at some location like the Domain Gardens – or the BBQ’s on the Boulevard, etc
        A weekly event could be a good way to unite, meet like minded people, organize voluntary group assistance for those in dire need (lock up boxes, help with signs and letters etc) and also to discuss ways of getting the message out to others.

        The time and location mentioned is only a guide, if anyone would like to suggest a better or alternate location or time etc. – please do. Maybe we could begin on the first weekend in November, i.e. 2nd or 3rd
        I’ll be there where-ever, when-ever.

        • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

          It’s nothing to do with Australia Post. The power company has either created the letter, dated it and deliberately posted it late OR what is more likely is that the letter is created and an old date is deliberately put on it at the time of creation and it is deliberately sent to arrive after the installers have already begun visiting a suburb. I notice that Jemena’s letters don’t have any post stamps on them which show a date. Therefore it hides when the letter is received and it hides the caper that Jemena are pulling. Perhaps it would be good to note on the envelope the date the letter was received and make out a statutory declaration that such letter was received in the post on such day.
          I think Australia Post is working as it should ie. next day delivery.

          • Anonymous says:

            I totally agree Northern Suburbs Resident. The chances AustPost is at fault is 1 in a million. Obtaining confirmation in writing from AustPost will add weight to any case brought against the power co.

            • Jason says:

              I agree. Nothing unusual there. For Aust.Post to deliver mail a few weeks late has ALWAYS been Standard Operating Procedure. 😉

          • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

            I am going to report this to the ombudsman and take it as far beyond as I can.
            Same thing re the bogus customer appointments being made with zero preconsulation with ….hello…….the customer

    • Jasmine says:

      They have been installing meters in the Reservoir area in the last two weeks. They came to my place and I refused and they left. Most of our area is finished, just a few here and there.

      • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

        Hi Jasmine, it’s great that you refused……but I hope you’ve still locked up your meter box in case you are not at home to be able to refuse

    • Jilly says:

      This morning, October 22nd, I had a very pleasant man from United Energy knock on my door and say he had an appointment to fit my new meter. I told him I had informed them by letter that I would not be having one of their devices installed on my property. He asked if there was any information that he could help me with and I said no. He told me it didn’t matter to him whether I had a smart meter installed or not. He said that he had had several such appointments entered in his work log and seemed more annoyed at the company for giving him misleading information than me refusing to have the device. Not sure if this is a new tactic or he was just a decent guy. No doubt I will be hearing from them again. I live on the Mornington Peninsula so they are probably trying to get homes connected that haven’t already been done. Not sure what he would have done if I hadn’t been home. My meter box is locked. Just letting everyone know so that they can be prepared. I don’t think that all of them are acting in the same way as this guy from people’s posts. Unfortunately I didn’t get his name. Hope this helps to keep everyone’s meters safe and untampered with.

      • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

        Installers are now showing up for appointments supposedly made with the customer which the customer knows absolutely nothing about. Yes appointments are being made with the customer without the consent and without any dialogue with the customer. Perhaps they are now only imagining that they have had a dialogue with the customer and that this imagination alone is enough for then to go ahead and book the appointment.

        I have a great episode of this captured on video. It clearly shows how Jemena are clearly railroading their installers from Servicestream. I told this installer from Servicestream that Jemena was messing him around and you could see by his reaction that he knows it.

        Can you just imagine what the reaction of this guy was when after coming to what he thought was a legitimate appointment, he was literally confronted by Fort Knox. You have never seen a smart meter installer look so totally bamboozled. I have the video.

    • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

      A friend of mine in the Keilor area has just told me that Jemena rang him up (twice) in the last fortnight saying they were coming out to install a smartmeter. My friend told them that if they touched his meter box and attempted to do that he would sue them. He said “I have health issues and if you do that I will sue you for everything you’ve got”…..something to that effect. Jemena just hung up the phone there and then without saying a word.

    • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

      Even though the installation period on Jemena’s letter expired at the end of last week, I can report that today Jemena’s “authorised” installers were well and truly actively installing smart meters with jobs booked for them by Jemena in the areas of Airport West, Niddrie, Essendon and Keilor.

      Installers think they are “just doing my job”.
      Don’t blame me they say to you.
      Yeah, just like the mafia hitman who thinks he has done nothing wrong because he is only doing the bidding of those who pay him.

  276. Peter says:

    Well, well, well! We do have a choice of meter!!!!!!

    Check out sect 6.1(b) of Electricity Customer Metering Code April 2011!

    Click to access RI-Electricity-Customer-Metering-Code-April-2011-2.pdf

    • David says:

      GOOD FIND!……. and on THAT basis, I can’t see why customers couldn’t purchase their own analogue type meter, and engage an Electrician such as myself, to remove the dangerous Smart Meter, and fit the safe meter. As a matter of fact, I put my hand up to help people – If anyone would like this meter exchange done, I will gladly offer the service. AND provide a Safety Certificate on completion of the job.

    • David says:

      The only issue I can see, is that I would have to be careful in purchasing the replacement meters.
      I’m not saying they would do it, but the words SUPPLY LIMITATION come to mind.
      Not the distributor cutting off ones power (which may happen too, who knows) but rather, the meter manufacturer being influenced by the distribution companies, and refusing to sell any meters to Electricians like myself, once they cottoned on to what was happening.

      Maybe SSMA, could take the steps, to become an official accredited metering provider, licenced by the Energy Regulator. That way, things would be even MORE legit. In fact, I MAY have a contact, at a small metering provider – Centurion Metering – who I know for a fact, have a BIG bone to pick, with the AMI program.

    • Julie says:

      Given that code, we have a very good digital meter already, with no reason to change. So I would really have every right to refuse the smart meter as I have continued to do so, on the basis that my preference of meter is already in place.

      • Julie says:

        To add to my post above, 6.1(c) specifies that a distributor/retailer must inform a customer of the extra cost of informing a different metering equipment and the customer must “consent” to pay that cost. I don’t see anywhere on any correspondence that we have been advised of the specific cost of these smart meters, on an annual or monthly basis, nor have many of us consented to bear that cost. It has been forced on us. In a way, it’s almost theft by deception. Theft of money as we have not consented to it being taken, a we never requested or consented to receiving the good, and theft of privacy as these meters are an intrusion of privacy. Imagine if those on this forum, who own a business, were to go door to door, and force on a householder, their goods (i.e. for instance a vacuum cleaner), by leaving it at the premises of the householder, and then demanding that the householder pay for those goods, which the householder did not consent to receiving. Jail would be your next stop probably.

  277. Eric says:

    I’m really worried about people who have said that they will lock their meter boxes buy hey, lo and behold, so may days later and still many boxes without a lock. I am seeing in my area at the moment that these are bread for jam for the smart meter installers. I am actually seeing this. Really folks, really really if you haven’t actually committed to doing what you said you were going to do, you can take it as a dead certain that in a matter of days, weeks at most…….you will have a smart meter pulsing away on your premises. Then how are you going to deal with it ? Who are you going to complain to ? It becomes a totally different ball game for you with very uncertain options. Please make it your utmost priority to lock your meter boxes as early as this next day. If you’ve given that committment, do the right thing BY YOURSELF and follow that committment through. Remember, a man/woman is a good as his/her word.

  278. Final Word says:

    OUR PROPERTY – OUR RIGHT TO REFUSE.!!!!! Threatening people, especially the elderly to install a smart meter, just goes to show what low life they are, Real heroes in their own mind. They seem to forget one thing, there can be and has been, VERY SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES with this SICK PATHETIC behaviour.

    • Solargen says:

      Exposing the dangers and secret agendas behind Smart Meters:

      EMF Engineer Rob State’s comprehensive 30-minute video “The Dark Side of Smart Meters”:

      EMF Expert Curtis Bennet’s extensive web site packed with hard data:

      • Mia Nony says:

        “The smart meter is a canard—a story or a hoax based on specious and grandiose claims about energy benefits ostensibly derived from the promise of “two-way” communication with the customer… There is essentially no possibility that most smart meters or meter networks will lead to greater sustainability.”[10]
        -Dr. Timothy Schoechle, “Getting Smarter About The Smart Grid“

        …..corporate utilities operate under tacit acceptance, or implied consent[39] – in other words, if you didn’t say “no”, you just said “yes”

        We are being asked to confront our existential fear of authority; to go through the proverbial eye of the needle. This requires a realization of the tremendous magnitude of fraud that has been perpetrated by the corporate-government power centers – and then a willingness to take a stand and move our innate Creative force through this awareness.[48] And in doing so, to contribute to a solution that burns off the parasite, and benefits the living.

      • Jason says:

        And that’s not all. The neutral wire in your home circuitry can be used as an antenna to pick up every sound you make ~ including conversations with others/the phone, etc.
        I see no reason such monitored noises can’t be transmitted back to base by the ‘smart meter’, and gawd only knows where from there.

        Big brother has arrived.

    • Mia Nony says:

      Don’t get angry.
      Get even.
      Banging one’s head against a brick legal wall bit to protect them from you is not at all the same as protecting yourself from them by asserting one’s private rights, which are granted not by government but by whatever you deem to be any higher power than man made “authority”.
      (no, this is not a religious pitch, it is just that the original basis of common law is that no self proclaimed fictitious authority is permitted by common law to come between you and whatever you deem to be your creator)
      “TAKE BACK YOUR POWER” is a very nuanced title, not just an idle expression and not simply the name of Josh’s eye opening brand new documentary. That is a film anyone who wants to grasp what is unfolding globally must not miss seeing, since this smart grid game is indeed costing trillions to put in place, all over the globe, in lockstep. The director knows all about the use of claim of right. So do at least 60,000 to 200,000 who have successfully used claim of right in BC, Canada.
      Anywhere where English Law prevails common law is its foundation.
      Anywhere where common law is its foundation your common law rights are intact and fully effective. You simply have not used them – yet.
      Forget recourse to lawyers, courts, judges and statutory law. That is more like turning to the Pope to protect you from smart meters (which are actually not meters at all, they are Network Management & Communications Equipment, only one node of which they are trying to install on the side of your home.
      Corruption is a global epidemic.
      Corrupt politicians have committed laws by premeditation and in advance altered the statutory laws in each country in order to exempt the utilities and themselves, freeing them to act with impunity and to render those doing this totally immune from your use of such recourse, they are all protected from any accountability due to statutory law based exemption from criminal liability, even when they use force, lies, deception, stealth, intimidation and abuse to push this through, even if they burn down your home, even if they kill you and your family.
      That said, they are impotent in the face of common law.
      But only if you are aware of your protected rights under common law and only if you exercise those rights by claiming them back, by revoking any implied or other consent.
      It is very good news…anyone living in a country based on English law has the right of full protection under common law.
      A sign saying you refuse is not common law.
      Common law claim of right supersedes and trumps statutory law and that is why it is the perfect tool to use in defence of private property and in defence of private men and women and children’s right to be free from harm.
      Better still IT COSTS NOTHING TO USE IT other than a trip to the post office, a few stamps, the cost to make copies, and the postal registration fee to register the envelope prior sending to them one’s claim of right (of refusal) against the utility
      Common law stops them in their tracks.
      In Canada contract law is under common law. So is trespass law. So is the electrical code. Chances are it is true there as well. Regardless, the use.
      The way to overcome their statutory based actions is to claim your right to defend your private property as a private man or woman. It is not all that complicated once you read up on how to do so.

    • Jasmine says:

      My son read one of the letters,stating they could turn our power off. He became very distressed and upset. After seeing how upset my son was, I am more determined then ever to not let them get their way. People that bully others are cowards.. I do not behave in this manner, but then I am not a coward,

  279. Sick Of Their Lies says:

    In the “West Australian” today.

    This tragic injustice is spreading across this once great country. It must be stopped!!!

    “The Barnett Government is considering an accelerated rollout of high-tech electricity meters that could allow Western Power to switch household air-conditioners off to relieve strain on the power grid.

    Energy Minister Mike Nahan confirmed the Government was looking at introducing so-called smart meters amid efforts to empower energy consumers and rein in rising costs associated with peak demand.”

    Unfortunately, read on…

    • Sick Of Their Lies says:

      It says in the article:

      “In a cost-benefit analysis of smart meters in 2011, Western Power said costs associated with a wholesale rollout would be almost $900 million but offered $1.1 billion in benefits. Dr Nahan acknowledged the risks associated with the meters’ costs, saying he was considering only “low-priced” versions”.

      ….costs associated with a wholesale rollout would be almost $900 million but offered $1.1 BILLION in BENEFITS.

      What benefits?……….and for whom!!!!

      and “he was considering only “low-priced” versions. That really makes sense. The cheaper the better, but charge the customer a premium, and hope it doesn’t catch on fire.

      WA….get on board. You need to fight this….NOW!!!!


      • Solargen says:

        And who is paying for the Smart Meters, in case you are wondering?
        please see the excerpt from Consumer Affairs – Yes, It is the final insult!
        Cost of smart meters
        Smart meter costs will be included on your energy bill. For more information about the cost of smart meters, contact the Department of Primary Industries.
        If a dispute arises between you and your energy retailer over charges, contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria.

        • Boopsy says:

          If we are paying for the smart meters, then surely they will belong to us?
          How are we expected to pay for something yet not own it?
          There is more than one area here which is fascicle. No politician in this country can be trusted, believed or respected. What I fail to understand is if there is so much dissidence, why is there little to no change?
          Perhaps we as citizens really do not have any say in this countries running at all.
          I wish we rioted like other countries across the globe. Maybe then some change would really occur.
          I don’t get it. I find it all incredibly upsetting and disgusting.
          The government is meant to be accountable to US.

  280. George says:

    Heavy Handed Jemena threatening letters escalate: I have followed this site, put signs up, written several times to Jemena every time they say they are installing the smart meter. Now they say that under the Electricity Industry Act (2006) and Electricity Distribution Code v6 that it is law to allow the distributor to replace meters with new smart meter and failure to do so will constitute breaking the law as referred to by the Minister Mr O’Brien and power will be cut off. Any thoughts?

    • smart denier says:

      Hi George,
      I’m guessing you are made of flesh and blood and not a fictional entity created for the purpose of commerce. If so, no code or statute holds any power over you. Laws are created by corporations in order to control their employees and other corporations – not human beings.

      Last I looked, people are not required to apply for a license to buy a home.
      Nor are they required to submit a registration form regarding the ownership of a home.

      Cutting off the power is a possibility, but millions live in far worse conditions.
      The alternative is to surrender and live on our knees.
      We will never surrender – never.

      • Errol says:

        Jemena addresses it’s letters “To the Occupant”.
        To them, it doesn’t matter who the account holder is, it doesn’t matter who the property owner is, it doesn’t even matter what the name of “the occupant” is.

        This is the sort of language that destroys your definition as an individual person. You don’t have a name therefore you are not acknowledged as a real person and therefore it is language that strips away your rights as a real person.

        “To the Occupant”
        This is the language of ownership where they Jemena the corporation seek to own you, your property, your family and everything about you.

        We are real people and Jemena have no hold over us.
        “To the Occupant……..” ???
        Jemena I say to you, go to hell !!!

        • Errol says:

          “To the Occupant…..”

          Jemena are portraying us as being “their” occupant.

          We own our own residence and owe Jemena nothing.

        • Mia Nony says:

          On the contrary, why in the world would you be in need of recognition by a corporate entity? That is the very last thing you want. You are saying that you feel you do not exist it they do not use your public name on your account. Thank your lucky stars they do not! You are lawfully and legally most fortunate that they do NOT name you or rather YOU. If they have only said OCCUPANT or Occupant then they have not named you by name, nor by account number, which means you are in luck as you need not pay them any heed.
          And if they do name you, it will most certainly be in all capital letters, at which point if you respond as if this is who you are, they own you.
          Just do not forget that if the corporation did name you they would always do so in ALL CAPS which is your public use name, it puts you at their disposal, and that all capitals name is a fiction which they create to try to control you by getting you to agree that that is you, the private person with private rights. The minute you agree that this is who YOU are you forfeit those rights. However, the good news is that the ALL CAPS name is not the real you, the private person fully protected under common law. No it is the public entity you agree to become, and that is the one they can and do control – but only if you concede.
          That is consent.
          If you refuse to be an ALL CAPS name, they have no hold on you.
          A private man or woman does not spell their name with all capital letters, on capitalizing the first letter of each name – saying you are of the family of X—– and only capitalizing the first letter of that last name All caps is what a corporation does to us, but we get to reverse this anytime we choose.
          When they DO address you by name they take great care on bills and Notices and letters to use ALL CAPS. That is because they want you to be a lesser corporation with no powers and no immunity,

          • Mia Nony says:

            I meant:
            You are saying that you feel you do not exist it they do not use your public name on your account. Thank your lucky stars they do not!

      • Mia Nony says:


        Statutory law protects them from you.
        Common law protects you from them.

        Is Australia not under the protection of common law?
        Common law fully permits any living being to claim their right to exercise right of refusal.
        There are hundreds of ways to unwittingly grant your consent to be harmed and trespassed.
        There is only one way to revoke such consent:
        That way is to use common law Claim of Right.


        The origin of all legal jurisdiction is the consent of the governed.

        When the common law and statute law concur, the common law is to be preferred.

        The law is not to be violated by those in government.

        Consent makes the law.

        A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
        The agreement of the parties overcomes or prevails against the law.

        He who fails to assert his common law rights has none.

        Silence implies consent. Acquiescence is agreement.

        The safety of the people is the supreme law.

        Every man’s house is his castle.

        A mandate of an illegal thing is void.

        A concealed fault is equal to a deceit. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.

        The laws serve the vigilant, not those who sleep upon their rights.

      • Anonymous says:

        100% correct smart denier. I have said they can cut off the power because the alternative is unbearable. WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER – NEVER.

    • Samuel says:

      George many persons here have received exactly the same letter content from this vile jemena. Nothing has changed George. Only legals in place is for distributors to use best endeavors to install which they have well and truly gone outside the bounds of best endeavors and into the bounds of illegality and criminality. I will channel every fibre of my being into bringing about the jailing of Mr Paul Adams for the rest of his days.

    • Jasmine says:

      George if they are telling the truth, why wait so long to use the 2006 code? Why wasn’t this code quoted in the first place instead of the 2000 code? So all this time they could of used the 2006 code and didn’t.Surely the barrister that went through the code would know. They must be starting to get desperate.

    • geop says:

      go to:
      page 16
      There is no law to force the people to install The Smart meters
      14. Remotely read interval meter rollout
      14.1 Rollout period
      (a) Subject to clause 14.3, each distributor must use its best endeavours to install a
      remotely read interval meter (which is operational as a remotely read interval meter
      in accordance with the functionality, distributor performance levels and distributor
      service levels set out in a further Order in Council to be made under section 46D
      of the Act) for all of the metering installations for customers with annual electricity
      consumption of 160MWh or less for which it is the responsible person on the End
      Date by that date.
      (b) If a distributor has not installed a remotely read interval meter for all of the metering
      installations for customers with annual electricity consumption of 160MWh or less for
      which it is the responsible person by the End Date, then, for the purpose of considering
      whether the distributor has used its best endeavours to do so, the Commission must
      take into account:
      (i) the distributor’s actions in relation to the risk of failing to install the relevant
      meters, including whether the distributor has failed to take any action that could
      reasonably have been taken to mitigate that risk and whether the distributor has
      taken or omitted to take any action which has increased that risk;
      (ii) the distributor’s decisions and actions relevant to meeting the requirements of
      clause 14.1(a) in light of the information that was available to the distributor at
      the time those decisions and actions were taken; and
      (iii) any other factors the Commission considers relevant.

    • Informed Choice says:

      Yeah, there is NO Law!!! So nothing to break.

    • Jasmine says:

      Today my mother got home and found a smart meter installed, her meter box was locked. The lock was intact and had not been broken. They left her sign up but the elderly man’s next door had been ripped off.

    • Very Worried says:

      Yes, that is what I was told by SP Ausnet this afternoon. I have just been on the and found this statement – The Victorian Government has mandated that all residential and small business electricity customers have a Smart Meter installed by the end of 2013. It does appear that we now have no choice, is this correct????? If so, when was it changed from “best endeavors” to MANDATORY?? The bloke that came here today said that someone else will be back next week with a letter stating that I cannot refuse or our power will be disconnected. Hope it’s not true. Have you heard about this?

      • Hamish Dougall says:

        “Very worried”, don’t be “so worried”

        Nothing has changed. That statement has always been there. Nothing has changed.

        Therefore, lock up and put up your signs.

        Trespass is still trespass, breaking and entering is still breaking and entering.

    • Andy says:

      Airport West residents today (10/10) received a letter from Jemena saying that
      Servicestream will be doing the smart meter installations between the 7/10 and 25/10 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. I can confirm that installers have been doing the rounds in the area both yesterday and today.

      Airport West residents, if you do not want a smart meter to irradiate you and your surrounding residents, please lock your meter boxes now and put up your signs.


      • Norther Suburbs Resident says:

        Ryan the smart meter installer from Service Stream working on behalf of Jemena and United Energy came to my friends house in my street in Airport West and tried to talk him round to getting a smart meter. I intervened and helped educate my friend. I failed to intervene when a smart meter was installed at my neighbor’s place over a year ago and I have suffered headaches ever since. No way I wasn’t going to intervene this time. I think Ryan could be the same guy in the Jemena publication entitled “Greater Choice to take control of your power bills”. I know what I think of this guy when I see his image in that booklet and possibly this was him in my street. Maybe he is one of Jemena/UE/Servicestream’s gun installers. As I had already intervened previously when he went to another of my friend’s houses, he said to me “mate are you going to keep following me around. Do I have to call the cops for stalking ?” My friend said “nah, he’s all right mate”. Ryan said they’ve done independant studies. What a load of Baloney. EMC Technologies report is pure schonk. He then said smart meter don’t put out any more radiation than a microwave. I told him that’s baloney because I am an expert in taking measurements and the radiation emissions from smart meters are way more powerful than a microwave. He went silent because he is just quoting from their propanganda script. Either he really has no real idea about the radiation output or he does know and is covering up. I told him people are being made sick. When he left my friend’s place having not installed the smart meter he said to my friend “don’t listen to PEANUTS like this” in reference to myself. I remarked to him “you should go and find yourself a conscience”. If perchance this particular gentleman was to act out of line with anybody (not saying he will), please state it here. I may be able to assist.

        • Ashley says:

          If someone told me “a smart meter doesn’t put out any more radiation than a microwave” I’d be telling them why I ‘ditched’ mine. Which is because microwave ovens KILL the nutrients in food and are also dangerous to one’s health when in their vicinity.

        • Northern Suburbs Resident says:

          I can confirm here that the first friend that I mentioned for whom I intervened and saved from having a smart meter installed has been rung up by Jemena asking whether they
          could make an appointment with him to come an install a smart meter. Can you believe that ? Even after the Servicestream installer was sent away, Jemena soon ring him up trying to make an appointment for guess what …….? Yep, a smart meter installation……..the very thing that caused their installer to be sent away.
          My friend said “NO”.
          My friend is now doing what we here are doing
          Me, I have not been rung up……not in recent times. My box is locked securely
          and I mean securely. And they have my mail correspondence telling them where I stand in no uncertain terms.

          So be firm. Lock boxes. Be up front with your message “NO I DO NOT CONSENT !!!!!!”
          And we’ll see then if these SCUMBAGS still have to ring you up in your home to try and make an appointment to come and install their toxicity in your home.

          Please people, don’t even engage with power company representatives ringing you up.
          To do so, you are only walking into their deceitful web.

          LOCK UP, SAY NO and then SAY NO AGAIN.
          Their “best endeavours” must be made to fail no matter how immoral and unlawful and reprehensible those “best endeavours” have become.

        • Anonymous says:

          Installer came to my house today and spent many many minutes just staring at my meterbox. When I arrived home, he was there. He had not given a hoot about the No Trespass signage. He had been given a customer appointment to install a smart meter ie. supposedly they’d rung customer (me) and made this appointment. Only thing is nobody consulted with me to make this appointment. And installers had only been to my house less than two weeks ago and would have left with a very clear message. This bloke was mesmerized….in fact his mind literally boggled at the levels of security he had been confronted with, especially as he thought he was being sent to a legitimate appointment. As it turned out the appointment was for a different day anyway (still in error without my consent) and he had mistakenly been that appointment as a job for today. He rung his job allocation officer who confirmed error in the day. I was put on the phone and I told the allocation officer that no smart meter was to be installed on my premises on any day and that ALL appointments were to be cancelled. The officer said she would note it and that someone would call me about it. I said NO there was no need as I would not be taking a smart meter under any circumstance. Seems like she can stop the allocatiin of the job to a certain point although there are those from the power company who have greater authority than the installation company. What came out of this is a very lovely little film which I now have up my sleeve (yep, keep those film cameras handy folks) which is now being looked at very very closely from this end by a number of persons.

          So please look out because you will even be visited for appointments that you have supposedly made but in actual fact have not made anything of the sort.

    • Sick Of Their Lies says:

      Electricity is an essential service and as long as you are paying your bill, and you don’t fall behind in doing that, it would be a pretty ballsy move on the distributor’s part, to cut your power off.
      I believe they could face serious action themselves if they did that.
      They also keep saying it is law, but can’t seem to provide the LEGISLATION that backs that up. If anyone’s breaking the law, I think we know who that it, and hopefully soon, all those involved with this seriously flawed project, will be held accountable for their criminal acts.

      • Very Worried says:

        The code has very recently been amended from what I can find out. The 2000 code is no longer relevant. It appears to me that it is now mandatory as stated above in this link-
        See the bottom paragraph. I am waiting for our useless local minister to confirm this.
        If this is the case, don’t you just love the sneaky tactics involved. Someone has to verify
        this quickly so media can be informed and take the Gov. to task.

        • Very Worried says:

          Just received a letter from SP Ausnet stating the following – “under section 3.3 of the electricity distribution code (May 2012) a customer is required to allow SP Ausnet, as the owner of the electricity meter, clear and unhindered access for the new meter installation to occur” It goes on to say “refusing access constitutes non-compliance with the code and, as such, customers may be disconnected for not complying, with subsequent reconnection charges”
          Looking up the code I found the following –

          3.3.2 Provided official identification is produced by the distributor’s representatives on
          request, a customer must provide to the distributor’s representatives at all times
          convenient and unhindered access:
          (a) to the distributor’s equipment for any purposes associated with the supply,
          metering or billing of electricity; and
          (b) to the customer’s electrical installation for the purposes of:
           the inspection or testing of the customer’s electrical installation for the
          purpose of assessing whether the customer is complying with this Code;
           connecting, disconnecting or reconnecting supply,
          and safe access to and within the customer’s premises for the purposes described in
          this clause 3.3.2

          Thought it was worth sharing.
          Keep fighting.

          • Peter says:

            Hi Very Worried
            This is the same legislation these thugs have been quoting all along. Notice that NO WHERE in any of this legislation does it say that ‘A CUSTOMER CANNOT REFUSE TO HAVE ONE OF THESE DEVICES’. NO WHERE does it say that the distributors are FORCED by Law to install these devices. I argued the toss over this issue with the DPI (a long time ago) as it was then and in the end it turns out that THE ROLL OUT IS TO BE INDUSTRY LED, it is ‘their discretion how they go about it’. The legislation is for INDUSTRY to follow. Only in a NONE DEMOCRATIC state can the government force a Victorian to accept the decision of a PRIVATE COMANY!!!!!!!! As I have said else where on this site, complaints/threats made by these thugs should be forward straight to the Essential Services Commission. In my opinion the EWOV is not worth a cup of cold water, in this instance as all they do is try to mediate a none negotiable issue! They claim to be an ‘independent body’, but who pays their wages?

            • Very Worried says:

              Thanks Peter, it just gets so frustrating. This week we have had 3 different installers arrive at our door. Two before the letter arrived and one after. Every one of them threatening that unless we “comply with the code” then our power will be cut off and we will have to pay to get it back on after we agree to the meter being fitted.
              Frankly they have really pissed me off. I told the misses that for all I care now, they can disconnect us, and if that happens, then we will deal with it, but I will not be getting the power back on. We will work around it using natural gas and solar. To hell with them.
              Also, a couple of weeks ago we received a letter stating that our gas meter would be exchanged for a new one as it was now 20 years old. No charges involved, they just came and swapped it. Far cry from the electricity mob.
              Cheers and keep smiling, it keeps them wondering!

              • Peter says:

                Hi Very Worried
                Check your new gas meter! Chances are, its a ‘smart meter’! This whole AMI roll out includes gas and water! (all three ESSENTIAL SERVICES) The plan is, that this roll out is to be completed NATION WIDE by 2020. The industry is now starting to offer ‘interactive’ house hold appliances, (AS4755) these appliances, along with your air conditioner, as well as being remotely controlled by the customer, will also be controlled by your distributor, or any one else with access, including hackers.

                • Very Worried says:

                  G’day Peter,
                  I checked the gas meter carefully before it was installed. It is exactly the same as the old one. I see in Qld the situation is terrible. Read this link –

                  No longer an essential service??????????

                  “Power was switched off to 1271 pensioners – a 39 per cent jump on the previous quarter”

                  This absolutely stinks. What has become of our great country? Both sides of Gov. have been
                  doing this. People should be marching in the streets. We are all too complacent.


                  I have attached a copy of the Order in Council stating that all power distributors in Victoria have been mandated to install smart meters on all small business and residential properties by the end of 2013.

                  There is no mandate for consumers to accept the Smart Meter as 1) they are owned by the power distributors and not the customers. 2) customers have the ultimate choice of disconnecting from our grid and 3) the distributors will be arranging for the completion of the installation.

                  I understand you advised us not to mention any Codes or Regulations, however it is such Electricity Distribution Code that legally requires you as a home owner, to provide clear and unhindered access for all purpose relating to the supply, metering and billing of electricity, as long as our equipment is on your property.

                  It is this combination of Codes and Mandate that require us to install the meter, and for you to provide access.

                  So now the wording has changed to “customers have the ultimate choice of disconnecting from our grid” I don’t think there will be much choice involved –
                  either have a smart meter or no power.

                  • Sick Of Their Lies says:

                    I don’t like the tone of this letter from SP Ausnet.
                    “customers have the ultimate choice of disconnecting from our grid”

                  • Ashley says:

                    Call me nuts but would it be better to have our own elected governments operating our essential services rather than global corporates who care a lot about draining excessive profits out of our country and little about the welfare of the Australian people? Maybe our electricity could be supplied by a government entity, perhaps titled something like State Electricity Commission of Victoria??

                    • anonymous says:

                      This was the very case before our illustrious Premier Kennett sold of the SEC assets to the Chinese some years back

          • David says:

            Also remember, that SP Ausnet may not actually OWN your meter. It depends on how old it is. Back in the day, many organisations installed and managed the metering, including the local councils, which is why on many of the old analogue meters, you would find the wording ‘City of Boxhill’ or ‘City of Maribyrnong’ or similar.
            Others only had the branding on the meter, and others said Property of the SECV.

            We too received that SPAusnet proforma notice, and after replying with our own points, notice of dispute and concerns, received a different proforma notice in reply, which ignored all of our concerns.

            • Peter says:

              Hi all

              Just remember, there are LAWS which prevent harassment and threats. Which the distributors continue to ignore.

              There are NO LAWS which state the distributors MUST INSTALL these devices, the law says they ‘MUST USE THEIR BEST ENDEAVOURS’! Nothing more! The ESC has said that threats, bullying coercion etc. is NOT CONSIDERED best endeavours. But appear to be doing nothing about it!

              Essential Services Commission Act 2001 – Sect 8

              (1) states that ‘In performing its functions and exercising its powers, the objective of the Commission is to promote the long term interests of VICTORIAN CONSUMERS’!

              (2) goes on to say it must have regard to PRICE, QUALITY AND RELIABILITY of essential services. I would suggest the Commission has taken its eye off the ball!

              The distributors/government expect Victorians to comply with some legislation, yet do not even acknowledge laws which are supposed to protect us Victorians, such as the Victorian Human Rights and Responsibilities Act and the International Human Rights Charter to which Australia is a signatory!!

              Have the distributors taken over the state of Victoria?

              Have the Victorian government done anything to protect us from this blatant disregard for Victorian/federal legislation? I think not!

              I have now asked for PROOF that the distributors own all the meters in Victoria. My request for such proof has to date been totally ignored. Does this not speak volumes?

    • jennivee2013 says:

      Yes, definitely ignore them. They have got your message re: not wanting a smart meter. Give them your silence and they will leave you alone. Make sure your meter box is locked.

    • Paul says:

      Please note that Nick Kotsiras is now the relevant Minister. I urge everyone to read the Electricity Industry Act. It’s BS to suggest that “it is law to allow the distributor…..” I read it and there is no such suggestion. Please also note that NO PRIVATE COMPANY CAN MAKE LAWS FOR AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS.

  281. jim says:

    I hope someone can give me some suggestions on how to proceed. Yesterday I received another letter from united telling me they are about to install in my area. they did this in may and I used the 2 notices from this site, which stalled them till now. I would like to know how do I proceed from here as they have ignored the 2nd notice and say they will disregard the notice of trespass and violate the first notice. I really would like to go them on the notices but im not sure how to do it. can anyone give me any pointers on how to proceed?
    I am happy to put the time into understanding the laws and processes I need in order to beat this slime.
    I have no intention of letting them take the old meter, without a real fight. I am going to secure the meter and isolation switch firmly to the stud wall and make it as time consuming to cut through as I can. im sure they will leave it alone … until there are no more left to do.
    id like to be taking them to task before that happens …

    • Anonymous says:

      Keep your no trespass signs and other signs up also your meter box locked and tell them it is not law to have a smartmeter and you refuse to have one installed also if they continue to harrass you tell them there is a law against that also Stand your ground and also tell them to leave your property or you will call the police and have them charged with Trespass

      • Michael says:

        I Say keep it locked. My brother didn’t, and they put it in while he wasn’t there, and he said he hasn’t had a good nights sleep since. He tried the tin foil idea and it was slightly better as its right above his head. It’s too close. He put his amp meter on the foil and grounded it, and got quite a surprise as to the amount of power going through it. Maybe we can wrap it right around it and draw free energy off it !!

    • Eric says:

      Make sure the meter/meter box is locked and secure.

      You may wish to send the anti harrassment notice (see this website) at this point. It is for that very expression of their intent to violate (the instruction of your previous notice) as you yourself have said.

      The penalty for harassment, coercion and overpersuasion to accept goods and services one does not want is 1.1 million dollars for a corporate body and $220,000 for an individual offender.

      • Danielle says:

        The only problem is that there is no-one to defend our rights of anti harassment. I have sent one a while ago and they still write, ring, text and visit me to coerce me to have a smart meter. I am still standing my ground but there doesn’t seem to be any agency, or ombudsman or government department that are actually interested in defending our rights or upholding the law.

  282. Diana says:

    OMG!! I have a stop sign on my meter box and on my front gate. I have written letters to power company etc stating my refusal for a smart meter. However whilst I was not home yesterday a smart meter was installed on my property !!!! How can they do this ?? I am shattered.

    • John M says:

      Ask them to refit the analogue meter or disconnect the power and their revenue source. That’s the only further dealings I would have with them.

    • smart denier says:

      It’s an outrage Diana.
      Our thoughts are with you and all others in your postition.
      Your violation only serves to anger and firm our resolve to Stop Smart Meters!

      • Freedom Rules says:

        Keep fighting, Diana. There are certainly many out there like yourself. SSMA are making progress in their dealings with distributors. It is possible to get your analogue meter back but you must be persistent!

  283. Peter says:

    To all you guys receiving threatening letters, bundle them up and send them to the Essential Services Commission who have said that this kind of behaviour is not regarded as ‘best endeavours’! Just inundate THEM with all this rubbish!

  284. Peter says:

    What really ticks me off about all this, is that the Australian government has the hypocrisy to criticize other countries for their lack of human rights!!!!!!!!!!!

  285. Citizen for democracy says:

    Who is liable for damages for both the acute symptoms caused to people from exposure to smart meters’ radiation and long term health consequences of being forced to live in radiofrequency fields classified by the WHO as a Class 2B Carcinogen?
    Here’s the answer:

  286. Phil says:

    Austrian Medical Association Guideline for diagnosing EHS. Some very good reading here…….

    Click to access EMF-Guideline.pdf

    “In Sweden, EMF syndrome is designated as electrohypersensitivity (EHS),
    considered a physical impairment and recognized as a disability. With reference to
    UN Resolution 48/96, Annex, of 20 December 1993 (UN 1993), local governments
    grant support to individuals with EHS. Employees with EHS have a right to support
    from their employers so as to enable them to work despite this impairment. Some
    hospitals in Sweden provide rooms with low EMF exposure.”

    This is really interesting. Based on my experience in taking RF measurements, the following numbers register with me as being realistic and meaningful benchmark.

    “Irrespective of the ICNIRP recommendations for acute effects, the following
    benchmarks apply to regular exposure of more than four hours per day.”

    High-frequency electromagnetic radiation (as power flow density)
     ≥1000 microWatt/m² (≥1 mW/m²) very far above normal
     10-1000 microWatt/m² (0.01-1 mW/m²) far above normal
     1-10 microWatt/m² (0.001-0.01 mW/m²) slightly above normal
     ≤1 microWatt/m² (≤0.001 mW/m²) within normal limits

    Based on my actual measurements I can say………………
    If you work in the commonwealth bank at the base of the phone tower (camoflaged into the shopping sign) at Milleara Mall Avondale Heights,I can confirm that you are exposed all day long to RF level in very far above normal category

    If you are a child attending the Niddrie primary school which is overlooked by a mobile phone base station on Keilor Rd, you will very easily be hit with 10,000 microwatt/m2 of RF all day long, ie. very far above normal with my measurements hitting up to 13,000 microwatt/m2 standing in the school grounds. I believe that my instrumentation’s error factor is such that this figure errs on the lower side, thus actual exposure is even higher

    If you don’t have a smart meter installed then the best case scenario you can hope for when it comes to exposure from next door neighbor’s smart meter will be in the far above normal category with very real possibility of very far above normal exposure levels also. If you have a smart meter you won’t be able to avoid exposure at time that is very far above normal.

  287. Eric says:

    When Prime Minister Gillard stated on national television
    “We’re not going to put that on anybody”,
    who do you think that comment was being directed to ???

    That comment was being directly fired at this Victorian State Liberal government and the five Hong Kong, China and Singapore based electricity distribution companies (with their monopoly on Electricty Distribution in Victoria) because they are the ones doing those very deeds that nobody (and she meant NOBODY) should have to endure being imposed upon them.

    • Peter says:

      Beware ANY minister, or government; both state and federal, which say that “the roll out will be voluntary”! The fact is, when questioned, they will state exactly the same legislation the Victorian government does, ‘the distributors own the meters”, they have a right to access your property”, “they have the right to replace their meter” and all the other legislation which the Victorian government have put into FEDERAL laws. They will be only too glad to tell you what rights the DISTRIBUTORS have, but what they will NOT tell you, is YOUR rights as an Australian!

  288. Eric says:

    Breaking the law is prosecutable.
    So then, the power companies should go ahead and prosecute, should they not ?
    Why do you think the power companies are not prosecuting ?
    Rather than prosecuting, they choose to act in a where it is they themselves who are BLATANTLY breaking the law and not we.

  289. Peter says:

    I know this is an advertisement, but check out the links at the top of the article.

  290. Paul & Di McMahon says:

    Just interested to know if anyone has come across any evidence of a mandate or any new legislation related to the roll out of these meters………Have been hearing that installers are telling people that it is now mandatory and that legislation has recently been passed which now makes it illegal to restrict or refuse installation of them. Strongly suspect it’s all lies. SPAusnet is upping the ante as of late and have been threatening people with police attendance if meter installation is refused???? Don’t know about that either. Just putting the wind up people we bet. Dealing with SPAusnet is an absolute nightmare when it comes to billing time and we are starting to truly understand exactly how underhanded and ruthless these people ( whoever they may be ) are.
    Don’t place any faith in the ombudsman or the state justice system as we believe that they are ALL puppets of the state and behave accordingly.

    • Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

      ‘Customers’ have the right to refuse smart meters. See:

    • Alias Rodney says:

      Is anybody able to supply me with a copy of a letter from a Distributor where police attendance is threatened ?

    • Jasmine says:

      A minister who introduces a bill to parliament must prepare a statement of compatibility with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.Individuals in the community can voice an opinion with regard to any legislation that is not compatible with human rights.

      • Peter says:

        Hi Jasmine
        A statement of compatibility is only required for NEW bills, they are not required for AMENDMENTS to existing bills, much of the offensive legislation we are complaining about, is amendment’s! The privacy commission recommended closing this loop hole back in 2011, so far nothing has happened, I wonder why that would be??!! Also, if a piece of legislation is not compatible with the act, they can simply write an over rider! In my opinion, the Victorian Human Rights and Responsibilities Act, as it is, is not worth the paper it is written on.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Paul and Di
      I contacted Victoria police to ask what instructions they have in this situation some time ago, the response was that they will only attend TO MAINTAIN THE PEACE! So I assume they will prevent the installers from breaking the law and prevent any physical or abusive behaviour. I have said elsewhere on this site, if an installer becomes abusive, demand to see their identification (which they are bound by law to provide) and make a note of their vehicle rego, then report them not only to your distributor, but to the Essential Services Commission as well, because they have said that abusive behaviour is not complying with ‘best endeavours’.
      As for new legislation, ask whoever, to give details of what they are talking about, my guess is you will not get an answer that can be checked.

      • Paul & Di McMahon says:

        Thanks Peter…….we were told of ‘supposed’ police attendance via SPAusnet request by an installer who attempted to pin us down to a booking for a smart meter installation at the store where i work. Am very skeptical about anything these drones pass on to unwary customers in regards to any legislation or mandates, as i view them as scare tactics on an unfortunately ignorant general public. Have No Trespass signs posted on our property in several positions as well as a chain across our driveway and a barred and locked meter box. Any sign of these installers attempting to enter onto our property and we will be calling the police without hesitation. Neighbor across the road also keeps a look out as he still has his old analogue meter and intends to hold onto it. : )

  291. Tanya says:

    Last night on the TV news there was a report about ‘smart’ toilets in Japan. More than once in the report they mentioned the concern about people hacking into these smart toilets. Well hello? Where on earth is the concern about hacking into smart meters? Why are we wasting our time getting upset about the potential of someone to hack into a toilet that we don’t even have yet, when our entire electricity grid and our home’s electricity supply is already vulnerable to hacking? Priorities? What’s so ‘smart’ about this?

    • Jasmine says:

      On December the 1st,1955 a woman named Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up on a bus to a white person, Rosa was sitting in the black only section, but there were no more seats for white people. Rosa was arrested and charged. This led to the Montgomery bus boycott. The boycott lasted for 381 days and was successful . Many people walked to work, some for twenty miles. On November the 13th, 1956 The Supreme Court in Montgomery, Alabama ruled that segregation was unconstitutional..The moral to this story is people can only be pushed so far, and then they start fighting back.

  292. Paul & Di McMahon says:

    Have just received an estimate bill after having booked a meter read for last Monday and actually speaking to the meter reader. ( thank goodness I did ) The bill was for nearly twice as much as we had paid last quarter and when i rang Red Energy could not get an intelligent explanation as to why this keeps happening. Our previously booked meter reads were also billed as estimates and had to ring and demand the actual read bill…….outrageous!!!! This is how the energy retailers are behaving according to the instructions of SPAusnet. No Smart meter? Then just slug em’ hard with an estimate and see if they cough up. Not this little black duck!! And be damned if they are going to try and extort/punish us for a decision that we have every right to make.
    My meter box remains locked and am looking at installing front gates to our property within the next couple of weeks. Anything to keep SPAusnet’s filthy hands off our meter. Is anyone else out there going through this BS every quarter with their bill??
    Am seriously sick and tired of dealing with this. My husband and I have serious plans to move interstate and go off grid.

    • Eric says:

      The thing about this sort of episode is that when an actual read is done the account side will all balance out. You pay less now you pay more later. You pay more now you pay less later. Fair enough to speculate this episode may be smart meter related but I’m thinking more than likely just Red Energy’s ineptness.

    • Freedom Rules says:

      I don’t blame you, Di. Just wondering if another retailer might treat you more fairly since it is very competitive! Have heard of others having these problems – I guess we can expect anything underhanded now. Thanks for the warning … hope it all works out for the best. I am also thinking of relocating somewhere else, though my husband isn’t keen so if yours is then that’s great (half the battle won!)

    • Danielle says:

      I had some trouble with that until I installed a perspex pane so they can read the meter just not steal it!

    • Julie says:

      I have had at least six visits from smart meter installers. One just recently. We have esimates only, but lucky so far they haven’t been too far out. We actually have a digital meter, which is probably more accurate than older analogue, so we don’t need a smart meter to get accurate readings anyway. Why are we forced to purchase a product by force? It’s like us going door to door and forcing our own product onto an unsuspecting consumer and then demanding immediate payment for that which they don’t want. Criminal.

      • Paul & Di McMahon says:

        @Julie…We have a digital meter as well since we installed solar a few years ago. Was told by meter man on first booked read that a perspex panel was fine, but the last meter man said that coz you need to scroll for the reads that a panel would not do. Go figure!!! Who is right???? We are thinking of installing a panel but are not sure if it would suffice. No point if our meter needs this type of access. Do you have solar Julie?? What type of digital meter do you have?? Don’t mind estimates but not at the ridiculous amounts they are trying to extort especially when it’s a booked read….it’s the principle.

  293. Ashley says:
    Note the ” … any instance whereby one of our installers feels threatened is unacceptable”, in absence of emphasizing that people may feel anger over being forced to accept a death device. The news item I just heard on radio said that the police agreed the installer was trespassing, That bit is not included in the above article.

    • Angry Australian says:

      The installers are rude, nasty, bullies. They constantly badger and threaten people until they give in.

      Are people aware that this price of ‘maintenance’ only lasts for 5 years. You will be paying for it and then paying for its replacement. Don’t we have any legislation which protects us from this?

      We have a 1 bed room apartment and received a $460 bill last quarter. The quarter before was $450 and everything but the refrigerator was turned off at the mains. According to our smart meter the refrigerator uses 10 kwh per day. No one will take responsibility and we have to pay $180 to have the ‘smart meter’ checked. Please note…everything is turned off at the wall on a daily basis. Further to this we have spent this entire winter freezing to not consume power. We can barely afford to eat everything is so expensive! This country is really starting to suck. We are no longer a democratic society. Am I the only one who sees this?

      • Ashley says:

        Many are now living like the way you described, the majority are at least hammered from pillar to post and the ludicrous thing is people will simply vote for the same sellout ‘Nazi’ Parties that have deliberately and systematically done this to us.

        • Danielle says:

          Ashley …As voting is compulsory in Australia they have us over a barrel. Shall I vote for the crap party or the other crap party who have all the same objectives just different ways of going about achieving them. And if you donkey vote….it just goes to the winning crap party.

          • Ashley says:

            There are ten candidates running in my electorate and a multitude of parties running in the Senate. I’ve been reading through websites of these minor parties and, in the main, this is where the true actively concerned people will lie. The public needs to wake up to this and vote-in as many of the good hearted minor parties as they can, for starters.

            • Ashley says:

              Just the one minor party (DLP) in the Senate prior to this election and now It looks like we’ve got eight, although Liberal Democrats website reads like a horror story – advocate the sellout of nations assets to multinationals, such as power supply.

      • Danielle says:

        My mother got one installed and has had no end of problems. What they do now is take manual reading of their meter at dusk everyday with matching photo. It seems ridiculous lengths to take but they do what they have to do. Not sure if this would help but try turning off all your electrical devices for the day (not the meter) and see if power is still being consumed. You may be able to then prove the problem is theirs.

  294. Anthony says:

    Hi all Has anyone had any success with moving the smartmeter to front of their property ie resolution of symptoms etc. Anthony

  295. Citizen for democracy says:

    RE: UPCOMING FEDERAL ELECTIONS – Here’s a suggestion:
    This time, it is more important than ever to make our vote count. Find out who the candidates in your electorate are. For example, if you’re in the seat of Hotham – go to (insert the name of your electorate, instead of Hotham, of course) and you’ll find the list of candidates for both House of Representatives and the Senate and their contact details. This makes it very easy to then contact the candidates and ask what theirs and their party’s position on the deployment of wireless smart meters in Australia is.

    This is what I’ve found out so far :
    * THE GREENS are the WORST offenders – they actively call for more smart grids at Federal and State level
    * LABOR: the previous energy minister (under Gillard) wrote to me saying that Victorians would NOT be given the same rights as all other Australians (ie. the right to refuse a smart meter), as the Federal Labor Party refuses to intervene in Victorian State politics.
    The NBN sounds good initially – fibre is good, after all – BUT, beware! Once everyone has fibre to the home and BILLIONS of dollars have been spent on this gigantic project, it will be a MASSIVE EXPENSE looking for a justification. That means all sorts of applications will be invented, proposed, maybe even mandated, and you can bet that MOST of them (if not all) will be WIRELESS!
    * DLP – word of mouth is going around that John Madigan is AGAINST ‘smart meters’, however, the DLP’s Victorian representative has not responded to my e-mails.
    * KATTER’S AUSTRALIAN PARTY – they promptly responded to my e-mail and sent me their party approved ‘AMI REFORM POLICY’, which calls for a review of the inclusion of smart metering technology (AMI) in the Council of Australian (COAG) energy reforms. It goes on to criticise wireless smart meters on the basis of costs, privacy issues, potential health issues and net job losses. It calls wireless smart grids a form of ‘gold plating’ and recommends the avoidance of the use of wireless technology where safer, more secure options exist.
    I was quite impressed! Pity, though, that they don’t appear to have put this great policy on their website.

    If you have or find out any further information, PLEASE post it on this Forum.
    Don’t forget to preference the way YOU see fit (at least for the House of Representatives).
    Let’s hope on the 7th of September we will come a step closer to RESTORING DEMOCRACY TO VICTORIA!

    • Anonymous says:

      Last Friday Julian Assange was asked a question on smart meters. He agreed that smart grids present a significant privacy problem, but he compared this to the privacy issues associated with smart phones. I feel that there’s a huge difference – we CAN choose whether to use a smart phone or not, but we CAN’T choose not to have a smart meter here in Victoria.
      The interview with Assange can be viewed by clicking on the link on the Deakin University website.

    • Ashley says:

      I’m not at all surprised by The Greens. In my opinion they seem to be advocates for a number of the issues that we are being scammed on, as I sit here, raining outside and staring at the size of my water bill.

  296. Fiona says:

    I would be so grateful if you would sign my petition to remove and refuse smart meters, and then send the link to anyone and everyone who may care. Thankyou!!

  297. Rob Guy says:

    Recent opinion on this site focuses more on the safety risks posed by radiation and home security and less so on the risk that poor workmanship by meter installers might increase the latent risk of electrocution or fire. This risk is present in all three levels of management applied to the smart meter roll-out.
    Firstly, At Government level: The Order-In-Council places limits on the independent status of Electricity Safe Victoria (ESV) by requiring prior ministerial approval before ESV can oversee incident reports within the distributors’ management systems. Consequently, the Government’s ability to directly evaluate all safety-related events during installation by distributors and their sub-contractors is somewhat limited.
    Secondly, at Distributor level: Most distributor literature claims that their management system conforms to the requirements of international standard ISO9000 and so is demonstrably effective. However, the licence does not call up this standard, so effective management is contractually nebulous, particularly in the area relating to control of their sub-contractors.
    Thirdly a sub-contractor level: In the absence of an authoritative standard for electrical work, distributors have understandably rely on training programs to ensure electrical sound practices. Human memory requires training to be periodically topped up but witnessing a recent installation made me doubt whether the topping up was effective.
    With both parties agreeing that I was a passive witness and that installation was done in a mutually cordial atmosphere,I noted the following departures from good practice,(subjective),

    (1) Because the installation process specification was not on site. the installer was working from memory and I could not verify that he was following written instructions.
    (2) The installer stripped insulation from wire ends using pliers whereas good practice recommends properly adjusted stripping tools to avoid the risk of nicks causing localised overheating of the copper conductor.
    (3) The instrument used to test installation safety did not bear a label indicating its calibration status. This is not a requirement of either ISO9000 of the Australian smart meter safety standard , so the test result can only be verified by inspection of the installers records. Not easy for ESV because ESV have no contractual relationship with the installer company.

  298. Paul says:

    I recently received a letter from Mark Feather, Executive Director, Energy Sector Development, Department of State Development, Business & Innovation. I am attaching a copy of my response. Please note that some sections have been borrowed from others (many thanks to them).

    19th August 2013

    Mr. Mark Feather
    Executive Director,
    Energy Sector Development
    Department of State Development
    GPO Box 2392
    Melbourne, VIC 3001

    Dear Mark,

    Copy to Jemena
    Copy to Minister Kotsiras

    Your Ref: #########

    Thank you for your proforma letter, which was unclearly dated (with a rubber stamp) and improperly addressed to Mr/Ms M of #############, Macleod VIC 3084. For your edification, the correct address is ###############, Rosanna, VIC 3084.

    In respect of Smart Meter Installation, your letter strongly suggests that this is law and that I have no choice but to accept a smart meter. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Firstly, for something to become law in this state, it must be presented to either house of the Victorian parliament then passed by both before being signed off by the Governor of Victoria. Finally, it must be published in the government gazette. None of these steps have ever been taken in respect of smart meters. As such, there is no law requiring me or any other Victorian to accept one.

    In addition, the alleged mandate for installation is based on an Order of Council that does not pertain to electricity consumers – it is a directive to power distributors only. The mandate being for utilities to use their best endeavours to have smart meters installed.

    At this point I would venture to suggest that smart meters will never be law, since that would expose this government and/or any subsequent government of this state to litigation that would make the James Hardy situation seem like a slap on the wrist. I mention this because of the numerous health issues documented and associated with smart meters. The radiation emitted from these devices has also been classified by the World Health Organisation as a Class 2b carcinogen. This is supported by an ever-growing number of organisations, senior scientists and medical experts worldwide.

    Furthermore, your letter suggests that I am obligated to provide reasonable access for the installation of a smart meter. I most certainly am not! To suggest otherwise is in violation of my common law rights.

    You quote Section 93 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 (Vic) regarding ‘the right to enter land in certain circumstances.’ Section 93 (1a) only states that an electricity corporation ‘may enter upon any lands and sink bores and make surveys and do any other acts or things necessary for sinking bores or making surveys.’

    Furthermore, Section 93 (1b) goes on to state: ‘may, with any equipment or devices, receive, store, transmit, or supply electricity, water, brown coal or products of brown coal over, or under, any land and may enter on any land upon either side of such equipment and fell or remove any tree or part of a tree or any obstruction which in the opinion of the electricity corporation it is necessary to fell or remove…’ These are the only references to entering land. Nowhere does it make mention of any smart meter.

    Subject to legislative or contractual obligation or licence, people are allowed to refuse entry on to their property of persons they do not wish to be on their property. In the absence of such an obligation where a domestic customer is opposed to the installation of a smart meter, they are entitled to refuse anyone access to their property for the purpose of installing such a device.
    [Extract of letter dated 9th October 2012 from Eugene White, Barrister, 525 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne:

    On the work I have been able to do to date it appears that there is currently no statute that requires a domestic electricity consumer to allow a distributor onto their premises to remove an analogue meter and install a “smart meter”, otherwise known as “Advanced Metering Infrastructure” or “AMI.” ]
    In addition, free access by right or contract can surely only be granted if the power company (Jemena) is doing legal works. In this case, they wish to perform unconsented (therefore illegal), work on my property.

    Moreover, Jemena has threatened me in a recent letter, which stated that if a customer refuses access to an installer “We would be well within our rights to disconnect…”

    This intimidation is clearly in breach of my rights (and those of all Victorians) according to Section 28 of the Commonwealth Crimes Act 1914 (Section 28) – Interfering with Political Liberty. “Any person who, by violence or by threats or intimidation of any kind, hinders or interferes with the free exercise or performance, by any other person, of any political right or duty, shall be guilty of an offence. 
Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.” Besides, electricity supply is an essential service that cannot be disconnected if I am paying my bills!

    On another matter, you may be right in your claim that the existing analogue meter belongs to the power company (no proof of this) but there is no denying that the box in which it is housed, together with the wiring to which it is connected, belongs to me.
    With this in mind, I categorically refuse to have my wiring connected in any way to a smart meter and additionally do not consent to any other fixtures of the Smart Meter (e.g. aerials) being fitted to my box, house or land.

    Would your department and the power company be willing to provide a legal document duly signed by officials from both organisations to the effect that smart meters are totally safe and will not affect my health or that of my family? My thinking is that you and Jemena will ignore this request.

    In the event that I do not receive such a commitment or willingness to undertake one, I shall assume that you agree with the dangers associated with smart meters.

    Finally, there are other concerns such as the ability for power companies (or anyone for that matter) to monitor private residences and to know when someone is at home (use of a kettle for example) – no thanks! And what about the ability to remotely shut down and possibly damage equipment such as computers, etc – no thanks!

    Yours sincerely,

    Paul #######
    Rosanna VIC 3084

    • Zee says:

      Thanks Paul. A great letter. I have just sent off my ‘harassment’ letter as I too, have been threatened with disconnection. They have also phoned me and I received yet another letter from them today. I am trying to remain strong.

      • Paul says:

        Hi Zee,
        Remain strong, don’t let them install a smart meter. If they attempt to do so, ask them politely to leave and, if they refuse, call the police. Also, as per my letter, they cannot cut off your power unless your bills have not been paid – so make sure you pay on time. They are not allowed to make threats!
        Finally, other ruses such as ‘checking your existing meter for faults’ and sending you ‘estimated bills’ should not be tolerated. If you know the approximate meter reading date (check your last bill), take daily, digital photos of your 2 analogue meters (one peak, one off-peak) about a week before and a week after the due reading date; that way you will have an accurate determination of your next bill.

        • Henry says:

          Paul you have written some great letters to jemena which you have posted for this site. I would love to to know if and what sort of responses you have received from them.
          I am compiling a “dossier” for some fairly influential persons.

  299. Leaty says:

    Is it true that to be able to read a Smart Meter we have to have National Broadband? A friend of mine had a Smart Meter installed (aged- she didn’t know you could stop them) and then it was discovered she is in a “black hole” and they can’t read it anyway so the fellow said he wasn’t even going to bother to put an antenna on it! It will have to be manually read or estimated.

    • Citizen for democracy says:

      Leaty, where does your friend live? A number of Victorians whose health has been affected by wireless smart meters is looking for exactly such a ‘black hole’ to relocate to. Unfortunately, the power companies will not disclose such locations. NIL compassion – tragic!

      • Freedom Rules says:

        Yes, please tell us where this ‘black hole’ is located. Does anyone know of other suburbs in Victoria unaffected by smart meter invasion – preferably rural or beachside?

      • Jasmine says:

        A carpenter came to my house yesterday to do some work, he told me he has a smart meter with antennas on top of the metal box, but they come out every month to manually read it. He lives in Kilmore and told me this has been happening for nearly a year.

  300. Steve Fimmel says:

    Hi all.
    I thought I’d share an experience I had this week, and see if anyone had any thoughts or views about it.

    Within the last few weeks we had some work to do within our front yard area – with rearranging plants, etc and without thinking about it, realised that the path to the meter was not very accessible when the meter reader dropped by the house a couple of weeks ago. I have since cleared the pathway.

    Earlier this week (before I cleared the pathway to the meter), we received our MONTHLY bill from LUMO. It was OVER $600 !
    Ofcourse we called LUMO’s customer service to see why the bill was so gigantic. Apparently, because the pathway to the meter was obstructed, the Powercor meter reader made an estimate (which they are entitled to do). However, our monthly bills (even for winter) are normally within the $200 – $300 range. When we remained adamant that the estimate could in no way be considered legitimate, the LUMO customer service rep agreed to request Powercor to actually read the meter (since now the property has been cleared).
    Now, I like most people visiting this forum have refused a Smart meter (and I have signs on the property and a locked meter making that clear).
    We believe that since Powercor knows about our refusal of the Smart meter, that this was either a vindictive attempt to ‘get back at us’, or scare us into submission by making a totally extortive attempt to make us pay a large amount up front for Electricity we haven’t even used as yet (although I admit higher power usage estimates are supposed to be compensated when it is discovered that the follow up meter reading indicates lower usage).

    Has anyhow else had a similar experience?


    • Mia Nony says:

      Many analog meter owners in BC, Canada had over estimated readings. The utility takes more than is owing all the time and never rebates it, only applies it as a credit if you show them that you have your own proof of the meter numbers on the correct day. In BC people decided to become their own meter readers. Many if not most analog advocates send the utility a picture of the meter taken on the morning of the day the meter reader used to show up – that is before they laid them all off. The day you take the photo is the last day of the billing period. The fee for meter readers was never removed from the bill, only the meter readers were removed. So the irony here is that you pay them to take a picture of your own meter, enhance the quality if needed, make it an attachment, and mail it to the customer service e-mail. This also may establish grounds later on for justification of refusal of any meter reader fee when they get around to the fake opt out games.
      If you take a close up picture of the meter face showing the meter ID number, the utility knows that you are in charge. It is also clear that you are not taking their word for anything.
      This is also a way of indicating that you are fully aware of your electromechanical usage numbers and are keeping record files of your readings, that you are keeping track.
      This way they have no excuse to estimate.
      You may have to establish an account security password on file with the utility, then include that along with the clearly legible photo, the account holder name, the address, account number, and the meter number.

    • Paul & Di McMahon says:

      @ Steve………Ever since we have had No Smart Meter signs posted and placed a stronghold on our meter box, SP Ausnet have attempted to send us estimated bills and we have to refused to accept them on the basis that we have booked appointments to have our meter read on a particular date and kept our meter box unlocked on that day. 3 estimated bills have been sent to us on separate occasions even when the meter reader had taken his details ( I was there to see this) and we have thwarted all 3 attempts of obvious extortion. They finally had to send the correct bill as we had booked appointments for all 3 reads and had the pleasure of paying the mongrels $40 dollars per reading.
      These people will stop at nothing to underhandedly intimidate noncompliance using tactics like these……you just have to smarten up and understand how they operate and pull them up on the obvious. Their tactics will change over time so be aware and never hesitate to call them and complain, complain, complain and if you are in the right ( i.e booked meter read etc.) then they WILL back down.
      Took note that when I booked the next meter read which is due today, the operator asked if the locked meter box situation would be rectified in the future…..keeping in mind that all calls are recorded I simply answered that we are looking at a solution in the very near future and left it at that, They can figure that one out for themselves if THEY are SMART enough.!!!!!!

  301. Peter G says:

    I’ve been told by a good source,those that refuse a smart meter will billed $60 per quarter for the meter reader to read your meter.There scare tactics by saying well if you don’t get a smart meter,we will cut your power off is a bluff.Stick to your guns and on guard.Also,there targeting tenants that move out and installing a smart meter before the next tenant moves in.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Peter
      What I would like to know is, the cost of meter readers is already included in your ‘service to property’ charge, so they must be double dipping if they are charging extra for a meter read.

    • Angry Australian says:

      Peter, I saw our lovely meter man a couple of weeks ago. According to him, even with a smart meter a person still must walk past your house to secure a reading. The only difference is they use an electronic device to scan. $60 on my bill would have been cheaper than the meter. Our bills went from $240 to $460.

  302. Tanya says:

    For several weeks now I have been suspicious that the spate of recent incidents involving elderly drivers crashing through shop windows might be due to smart meters causing mental confusion.
    This theory gained some support this morning when I was watching a national TV program and they said that there has been a spate of elderly drivers crashing through shopfronts in Victoria. And which state has widespread smart meters?

    • Sharron says:

      Tanya – I thought about this as well, smart meters and the rise in EMFs could be a contributing factor to this confusion and also cause early onset dementia or other brain conditions in the elderly, or anyone really. Too many road accidents lately in Victoria.

    • Ashley says:

      It’s my hunch that these wrong frequencies will mess with people’s minds in this way. Accidents up! Crime up!

  303. Anonymous says:

    I’m New Zealander, an EHS, To your best knowledge, is there any active group in New Zealand similar to Smart Meter Awareness and Support Groups in Australia?

    11 August 2013

  304. Mia Nony says:

    First of all, language matters. A “smart meter” is not a meter. It is Network Management and Communication Equipment which contains a meter. Metrology is merely one aspect of this device. There is an SMPS, a remotely operable service on/off switch, a transceiver, a HAN gateway transceiver, and a computer with built in memory, battery back up, and remotely reprogrammable software which data mines, can record non usage millivolts from motor startup, can measure as “usage” the static energy from all the other devices with which it connects, so the the customer pays to run the system, not to mention this device’s uncanny ability to overwrite data, and to disappear its own tracks.
    While many have been kept under siege and largely focused on stopping the utility from installing a meter on their own home, in reality what they are really focused on is just one node in a multi node system. The device installed on homes is only one device of millions of grid devices, but in this battle everyone is kept tied to the device on one’s own property, often at the cost of missing a far bigger agenda at play.
    Elsewhere, a massive paradigm shift appears to be occurring, unlike anything most have ever witnessed. Believe it or not, in BC, Canada, the government has written legislation entitling the power authority as a Crown corporation to not only be absolved of all injury, harm, fire or death resulting from smart meters, but which grants the power authority the right to amalgamate not only the owner, but the owner’s private property (meaning to take over ownership of and control of you and what you own). Apparently such right of amalgamation is done in exchange for provision of electricity. So apparently the government has granted the utility the right to transfer the title of such land to themselves, the power “authority”. Impossible, right? Wrong.
    This whole smart grid issue looks like it is about something much much bigger than many had reckoned on. Sure this observation sounds wild.
    Please read the legislation posted below.
    This issue is not solely about the trillion$ to be made by every utility everywhere via frequency graphing and data mining. Nor is it really only about the provision or even just the over billing or the rationing of energy. It is much bigger than that.
    What is allowing corporations everywhere to perhaps do the same, to usurp, expropriate or otherwise take over ownership of you and your land if you do not use common law to Claim your private Right of refusal.
    Read the following.

    Hydro and Power Authority Act:
    (D) Section: 12 (1) powers: “authority” has the capacity and the “rights”, “powers” and privileges of an “individual” of “full capacity” to “amalgamate” in any manner with a “person”.

    (H) Section: 12 (5) despite the land title act, if the “authority” acquires all the property, assets or undertaking of, or amalgamates in any manner with a person, all of the interests registered in a land title office are deemed to be registered interests of the authority or the amalgamated corporation, as the case may be, and the registrar of the land title office must accordingly make all necessary amendments to the register, and the amendments constitute registration of the interests under the Land Title Act in favour of the authority or the amalgamated corporation, as the case may be.

    BC Hydro is mandated by the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

    (B) Section: 33.1 (1) a public body may disclose personal information…inside or outside Canada;

    (E) Section: 33.1 (1) (c.1) if it is made available to the public in British Columbia under an enactment, other than this Act, that authorizes or requires the information to be made public.

    If one reads the above correctly … .it certainly seems to “authorize” the Power Authority by granting such “authority” the right to used the “Network Management and Communication” Equipment which contains a meter but is capable of far more than that, including data mining, frequency graphing, personal profiling, and theft of one’s personal data without one’s knowledge, consent or compensation.
    So it seems they can override your land ownership, and amalgamate you, your family, your house, your house wiring, your property and make it theirs. It appears that they have arranged to be free to make a killing (pardon the expression) selling your mined data about every aspect of your surveilled life to third parties anywhere in the world.

    Utilities Commission Act

    18. BC Hydro is regulated by the BC Utilities Commission under the Utilities Commission Act:

    (A) Section: 1 definitions: public utility means (b) the “conveyance” or transmission of information”, messages or communications by guided or unguided electromagnetic waves, including systems of cable, microwave, optical fibre or “radiocommunications”, [ hereinafter referred to as “SERVICES” ], if that service is offered to the public for “compensation”.

    Okaaaaaay….so they have legalized injury via microwaves, too? But wait a minute….”compensation” to whom?

    (B) Section: 1 definitions: “compensation” means a rate, remuneration, gain or reward of any kind paid, payable, promised, demanded, received or expected, directly or indirectly, and includes a promise or undertaking by a public utility to provide service as consideration for, or as part of, a proposal or contract to dispose of land or any interest in it.

    What? Come again? Does this say that if you allow them electrical and electronic access that they get compensated as the “authority” entitled under alterations to the Land Titles Act to legally acquire your land?
    Looks like it.
    So if legislation for land appropriation is on the books here, why would this not true elsewhere. Certainly that seems to be the larger and much more sinister agenda at play here.
    It might be prudent to look into the equivalent regulations for your situation.

  305. Linda says:

    Does anybody know how much we are going to pay for the installation of a smart meter? I have spoken to the United Energy and AGL and they don’t know. AGL said it’s probably $ 1.30 a week since 2010 but they don’t know for how long and that it’s not their issue. They told me to contact UE again. The lady from AGL says that she has worked there for 9 years and no one has asked this question.

    • Tanya says:

      as you allude to, we have been paying for the smart meter for 2 or 3 years. This amount has been cunningly hidden in the KWh rate. I believe the electronics inside the smart meter lasts only 5 years and the meter itself lasts only 10 years. So by the time you have paid off your first smart meter in hidden kWh fees, it will be time for you to start paying off your next smart meter, plus the installer to come out and ‘bless’ you with another one.

      So you will be paying for smart meters for the rest of your life. And even if the power companies discovered that they could make your smart meter last a bit longer than anticipated, do you think they’re going to reduce your kWh rate accordingly? Hell no. More profits for them.

      • Mia Nony says:

        In BC, Canada, the smart meters were already electronically obsolete while still in the box. They were purchased 3 years before they began to install them and took 2 more years to install them. In Ottawa, Canada, in under five years they pushed though the next round of smart meter, “upgrading” from existing throwaway smart meters to “better” throw away smart meters.
        Guess they took a lesson from Apple.
        There are at least five Generations of SMs and counting.
        Gen V does EVERYTHING.

  306. Anonymous says:

    Did i hear there is an election coming up? What a good chance to put the governing body’s of Australia to the test.
    All people against SMART METERS should voice their opinion by asking the parties, who supports the ill health effects, invasion of privacy, rising cost by these so called SMART METERS.
    With the increasing numbers not supporting these meters we the people have the power to sway who is elected.
    You say it will make no difference, well it won’t make a difference if we do not try.
    These pollies love the importance of themselves and they do not need bad policies haunting them.
    Let us all get together,write to these politicians, get them to admit to their support for or against SMART METERS.
    With the numbers in the Smart Meter action group,politicians would like every vote they can get.

  307. Bearded Baboon Loather says:

    This is the way that these B@$T@rD persons work

    They say “we are going to do this to you”
    If you say nothing they take it that you agree ie. you saying nothing means YES to them

    To make sure that you say nothing, they add in little white lies
    They say “we are going to do this to you” and “you can’t say no”
    It is a deliberate play on gullability
    “we’re going to walk all over you” and “you are not allowed to say no”

    And so saying nothing means a YES answer. ie. “go ahead and walk all over us”

    YOU MUST SAY NO !!!!!!!


    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO dirty filthy stinking toxic poisonous microwave radiation emitting smart@r$emeter

    and just stick it Pauley.

  308. Leaty says:

    I have just received a second letter from SP AusNet with a nice little brochure and a letter in my name ( the original was to the “occupier”). Do I need to phone them or write to the again saying I don’t want? I received the letter today 5th August and it states they will be installing from 5th August. I have all my signs up at the front gate however I have not been able to lock my metal power box can’t drill the holes?

    • Smart Denier says:

      Hi Leaty,

      Firstly, never phone or email them.
      In your situation, to ensure you aren’t “installed” over the next two weeks, you’ll need have someone home to man the fort from 8am till 5pm. If possible, lock your front gate. Write a letter straight away to SP AusNet stating your demands to be left alone etc. Have that letter and the legal information found here at SSMA on hand if/when they arrive. A video camera would be handy.

      • Leaty says:

        Thanks for that. The letter actually states 7.30am-6pm for installers. Makes it a bit hard as I work and can’t stay home. I have however padlocked front gate and a back gate (in case they tramp through paddocks and find it). I also have a folder with everything in it as well as the letter from Eugene White which I take it you are referring to re legal info. So thanks

    • Danielle says:

      Hi Leaty,
      I have been getting the same repetitive letters. I got tired of sending repetitive replies back (not to mention the expense of registered mail) so on the 30th July (see below) I sent a letter that means that no matter whether I respond or not my answer is still no. They are just bullying us.
      I have a metal meter box. It was difficult but I did manage to drill a hole through the door and side and attach a long padlock. I also angle grinded a panel out and installed persplex. It is not pretty (as I’ve never done anything like it) but it does the trick. I know a friend paid a handy man to do hers.

      Stay strong!

      • Leaty says:

        Thanks Danielle. Your right these big companies thing they can run all over us and quite frankly i’m sick of them

    • Eric says:

      Leaty, just drill the holes and get the padlock in. Can be done. Get help if you need to.

  309. Eric says:

    Driving around in the drizzle this morning I saw a gent walking with “Meter Reader” on his back. I stopped the car and said hello. The poor guy told me how he was so cheesed off and people being irate at him saying “I don’t want a smart meter…..!!!!!” He said he was sick of having to explain to people “problems that he didn’t create”. He also expressed his concerns at being out of a job soon. I said to him I would do everything I can to try and keep him in a job but could not cheer him up, he was so downcast.

    So, please everyone give consideration to the analogue meter readers and don’t take out your frustrations and anger caused by the Distribution companies on the analogue meter reader. They are our friends we are their friends.

  310. Peter says:

    Hi guys

    There is a law against harrasment, with heavy penalties, up to $1.1 million dollars!

    • Danielle says:

      Thank you for that link. I know there is that law but what do we do about it? I am a pensioner and taking them to court it beyond my means. Does anyone know if there is any agency that is defending our legal rights in this regard?

      • Peter says:

        Hi Danielle
        I too am a pensioner, if your distributor is harrasing you in any way, write and tell them in no uncertain way, that they are not complying with that piece of legislation. You may also write to the DPI and complain that you are being harrassed under this law.
        As for defending our rights, neither the governent nor the distributors respond to any questions regarding the rights of Victorians! So much for democracy and ‘transperant’ government!!!!!!

  311. Con says:

    My supplier is Jemena and I think they have gone too far this time!
    I have sent them the NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR SMART METER INSTALATION, I have all my signs up my meter box locked and I have replied to their threating and bullying letters by basically attaching a copy of the NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR SMART METER INSTALATION I originally sent and that I haven’t changed my mind and for them to provide me evidence were the word “mandated” is used.
    Obviously they haven’t provided me with any evidence! They just keep sending their letters that are full of threats!

    However today I went to send the NOTICE OF PROHIBITION OF UNDUE HARASSMENT OR COERCION FOR SMART METER INSTALLATION because I had enough of their generic threating letters and that they wouldn’t provide me with any evidence.

    When I got home today I noticed some papers on my front door. They were from Jemena saying that they identified a defect when ATTEMPTING to install a smart meter and they issued me a defect notice basically saying they will come back in 5 days to see if the defect has been fixed, if not they will cut of my power 5 days after that.

    I have a few concerns:

    1 ) I am very concerned that they totally ignored my NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR SMART METER INSTALATION and all my signs and TRESSPASSED on my property and even attempted to install a smart meter without my consent.

    2) The defect was that apparently my overhead fuse box is cracked but it has only been cracked since they come on my property. I assume they damaged my fuse box and then issued the defect notice.

    3) They should of never stepped foot on my property and I sure don’t want them coming back!

    I feel violated by their behaviour!

    Has anyone else had the same or similar thing happen to them? I hope not but If so what actions have you taken?

    I am not sure where to go from here, can anyone provide me with some information on what I need or can do and also how to keep these thugs of my property because it seems they have no respect for the law or for someone’s privacy and rights!

    • John C says:

      Con, thanks for the warning about the overhead fuse box. I have now photographed mine from all angles with the date and time activated on the photo’s. I suggest others do same.

    • Henry says:

      I’m assuming this is all intimidation.
      Whose responsibility is it to fix a fusebox ? Is it not Jemena’s ?
      If Jemena have done this, then at the very least it must be convincingly conveyed to the Ombudsman and demand that they make Jemena fix the fusebox at their own expense and ensure that power is not cut off.
      I would also ensure my own style of welcoming committee be present with me in 5 days time.

      Also, this sort of behaviour is the sort of material that must be aired on mainstream media.
      Con, don’t be intimidated and do whatever you have to do to protect your analog meter. Don’t succumb to the pathetic tactics of these punks and hoodlums.

      Jemena must remember THE HARDER THEY COME, THE HARDER THEY FALL.

      Perhaps a good idea if persons here take and keep photos of their intact overhead fuse boxes. I just have.

      • Con says:

        John C and Henry I forgot to add for others to photograph there fuse box before it is too late, like me.
        I am going to have an uphill battle trying to prove they damaged my fuse box.

        Henry I think the fuse box may be the owners responsibility (or the responsibility of whoever damages it). Not 100% sure maybe someone else can clarify this.
        Jemenas paper work suggests the “defect” is my responsibility and I have to fix it at my expense they were even kind enough to leave me a pamphlet with contacts of electrical contractors I can call. They even gave me 5 days to fix it! How generous of them! (Trying to get a tradesman in 5 days is hard enough).

        The problem is that I am away for a few days and I want be home to welcome them when they return in 5 days.
        My real concern is why they came into my property when they have been already warned in writing that they are not allowed.
        This has stopped them before as I think I am the only person without a smart meter in my street so why didn’t it stop them this time around? Don’t they have any consideration for the law or our rights? I bet it would be a different story if it was the other way around and we invited ourselves onto their property. They will be referring to the law/s and asking us to respect them. The same law/s we are asking them to respect!
        I personally think I am targeted because I have been constantly harassed by Jemena and I think this is a new tactic of theirs. It’s quite frankly just pathetic!

        I am not intimidated (although I am not sure how to tackle there new pathetic tactic) I have been fighting them off for a while now, but if they didn’t damage my fuse box does that mean they would have ignored all the signs, letters, cut the padlock and installed the smart meter anyway?
        I am not at home all day that is the reason I took all the precautions eg. Sent them notices, put up signs, locked the meter box…etc
        Have I missed something? Can anyone tell me what else I need to do to keep these thugs of my property and somehow make them accountable for their unlawful actions? Especially now that I am not home.
        My sister has been told to call the police if they come and I have given her a copy of the paperwork I have sent to Jemena to show to the police but again she might be out when they come so I would prefer to avoid this and stop them from coming altogether.

        Henry I have been told by others the ombudsman isn’t much help and the media doesn’t want to listen (from personal experience) these companies have deep pockets!!

        • Henry says:

          Best to assume that they will ignore letters and signs although some decent persons will take heed. As far as your security is concerned, you probably want to beef it up so that violation of the security is not accomplished just with one mere ship of the boltcutters. You need to make it difficult for them as much as possible (and preferably impossible) so that any successful violation on their part is clearly seen as blatant vandalism. There are many ways of achieving this depending on your meter’s existing circumstances. Also if you have a spare motor vehicle, it can be used as a barricade depending on your meter’s location. And make sure you use industrial padlock(s).

          It’s good that someone (/anyone) be home as they can always tell installers to leave. What I also would do if I were you over the next 5 days and beyond whilst this immediate threat persists would be to photograph the meter box each day before I leave. That way if any incident were to occur you can present evidence that pinpoints the incident occuring on the particular day coinciding with day of installer visit. Cover yourself with before and after photographs of the same day that an incident were to occur and that would certainly narrow
          down the window on strong suspects. Also have you thought about CCTV ?

    • Anonymous says:

      When I built my house many years ago, I got the electrician to relocate all the circuit breakers on the back of the meter box (inside the garage) so the only things accessible on the outside in the meter box are the meter and the main breaker fuse.
      Now that all this smart meter nonsense has gone rampant, I have well and truly secured my meter and the only thing freely accessible (without my consent) is the ability to read the face of the meter.
      It won’t be easy to sabotage my meter when they can’t get to it …

    • Eric says:

      Let me shed a little bit of light on just how unqualified smart meter installers really are. Installers came round to install a smart meter in a residency in Brunswick. There was no resistance sign from the owner and the meter box was not locked ie. there was no owner opposition. The installers failed to install the smart meter but instead issued a defect notice. The defect was that the window awning made it impossible for the installers to disconnect the main fuse (against fascia board) using the conventional broomstick method from ground level. My friend just rang the distributor and said all they had to do was to go up on a ladder and just remove the fuse by hand. It seems that these installer guys have no electrical qualifications whatsoever. They are just guys that are brought in, given a two week course to replace the meter. Their extent of their knowledge is to know how to take two pins out and plug two pins in. They are forbidden to go up on ladders because there are massive insurance issues if they should fall or if anything else should happen. In the case of this Brunswick residency where the window awning stopped conventional groundlevel broomstick access to the fuse, a fully qualified electrician had to be brought out to just go up on the ladder and remove the fuse by hand. A piece of cake but it stopped these guys in their tracks. That is the extent of installer electrical qualifications ie. total lack thereoff

  312. Danielle says:

    I am just getting sick of the constant repetitive contact by Powercor in regards to the smart meter installation (not to mention the cost of registered letters). They have completely ignore the undue harassment letter I sent but rather continued with that harassment so I’m sending the following

    “In response to the letter sent to me dated 16th July 2013, the weekly text messages I receive requesting I make a phone call to Powercor Pty Ltd, phone calls from Powercor Pty Ltd, and the visits made at my home by your employees (dated 29th July 2013).

    I stand by my notice of undue harassment. I will not have a smart meter installed. I will not be “coerced” into having a “smart meter” or “advanced metering infrastructure” installed. My letter of undue harassment still stands and I will no longer respond to any request to have the “smart meter” or “advanced metering infrastructure” installed as my answer still stands as NO. This will not change. Any request to have the “smart meter” or “advanced metering infrastructure” installed whether by writing, text message, phone call, or visit by your employees will be ignored as I have clearly and repetitively given you my answer as NO. If I do not reply to your letters about the installation of a “smart meter” or “advanced metering infrastructure” this can not be deemed as consent. The answer is and as it has always been is I DO NOT CONSENT TO HAVING A “SMART METER” OR “ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE” INSTALLED.

    Do not under any circumstances attempt to install a smart meter or alter the existing meter at ..”

    I’m not clever with all the legal stuff but I figured this way I can just ignore anything else they send and it can’t be deemed consent. I hope that this doesn’t go against the undue harassment letter I sent but I heard that if I do not reply to their letters then its deemed consent. Any thoughts??

    • Informed Choice says:

      I would refuse to play their stupid game – block all calls, ignorance is bliss. There are no wrongs or rights when it comes down to it, trust your instincts at all times. They are using their ‘best’ endeavours, I suppose…very irritating.

  313. Danielle says:

    I’m with Powercor and they have certainly stepped up their bullying. I have sent a NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR SMART METER INSTALLATION and NOTICE OF PROHIBITION OF UNDUE HARASSMENT OR COERCION FOR SMART METER INSTALLATION. I have locked my meter box and installed a clear pane so they can still read the meters. I have also posted a sign refusing their access to the meter on the grounds of installing a smart meter.

    Lately they have been sending repetitive letters telling me they are coming to install the smart meter and they inability to do so because of my actions.
    They have been complaining of defects…like a locked meter box lol, and also an ‘unlinked field’.

    In response to my NOTICE OF PROHIBITION OF UNDUE HARASSMENT OR COERCION FOR SMART METER INSTALLATION letter they have sent another bully letter telling me that it is a ‘government initiative’ not a Powercor initiative followed by a “Deemed Electricity Distribution Contract” and a “Electricity Customer Metering Code”. It feels like they are trying to bury me in paperwork. They have also repeated their same old “we are coming to install” paragraph.

    I will stand firm in my stance against their smart meter installation but am concerned that with all their “power” they will just shut off my electricity. They have already sent me a letter saying that I will now need to pay for an electrician to install their smart meter because I refused their installation.

    I just feel very bullied at the moment and frightened that the “big guy” will win no matter what we say or do. Thought I’d share as there is probably others out there that feel the same.

    • Danielle says:

      (This was originally on the page actions you can take but realised this is where it should be)
      So now Powercor are no longer putting things in writing but rather sending their employees around to harass me. I get txts every week and yesterday I had one of their employees telling me that if I don’t allow them to install a “smart meter” by the end of the year I will have to pay for it myself. Firstly they used that argument months ago, secondly I’ve already paid for the meter because that was included in my bill months ago, thirdly…and most importantly…who says I’m going to change my mind after the end of the year?
      I told him that I would not be interested in anything he had to say unless it was put in writing..but he said he couldn’t do that and that he just wanted to keep telling me what he was saying. I told him that I would ignore anything said to me unless it was in writing.

      He also told me (one thing I did hear) that there is only 350 Victorians that do not have smart meters installed. For some reason I thought there was a lot more. Anyone got the correct numbers?

      • Sharron says:

        Danielle, going to the press could be your next move…. they would hate that – more negative publicity! By the way, the postie tells me he sees many of the stop sm signs around my local area of Mornington. Good Luck:)

      • Steve says:

        Danielle, with regards to 350 Victorians not having a smart meter is absolutely rubbish. Maybe for your suburb. A reliable source reported in April of this year that around 44,000 people have rejected smart meters from Powercor.
        “No distributor provided historical refusal rates over the whole smart meter rollout. However, Jemena and UE have confirmed a refusal rate in the field for July 12, 2012 of 7.9%.” Jemena and United Energy have a combined customer total greater than 940,000 people so 7.9% of this total equals around 74,000 refusals.

        The said report also had this statement from Jemena –
        “Aggressive customer incidents; confrontations and assault cases are higher than acceptable limits for smart meter installations, due to low community sentiment to smart meters.”

      • Call me Merv says:

        Danielle, 3 properties out of those 350 belong to just me. Just more verbal diarrhea from our increasingly desperate friends. And to us it doesn’t matter whose directive it is whether it’s Powercor, the Govt or the pope. We just don’t want the cancer box and that’s it. They want to push us as far as they can. Let’s stand strong.

      • Ashley says:

        Hi Danielle, maybe you could keep a clown wig and nose handy for next time they try to trick you and insist that they put them on.

        We need not lose site of the fact that it us the people who create the world we have. We actually are not subject to negative pseudo authorities (bad governments, bad businesses), only to the degree us the people give them permission. I’m not talking about how we vote but it’s how and what we choose to think that makes the real difference.

      • keith says:

        Danielle, the correct numbers are more likely to be 65 to 70 per cent of Victorian homes have smart meters, so that still leaves several hundred thousand homes approx. without them. So hang in there Danielle; if everyone holds firm this battle still can be won.

      • Reg says:

        Jemena, United Energy, SP Ausnet, Powercor, Citipower


        Bullying the people with FICTITIOUS AUTHORITY

  314. Fiona says:

    Does anyone know what’s happening in Gippsland? I have heard of two people who have had their property damaged, as in their padlocks cut off. I would guess this is the tact of SPAusnet?

  315. Peter says:

    It looks as tough Victoria is becoming the first ‘banana state’ of Australia, latest figures from the EWOV.,-2013/overall/credit

    According to one of their reports, over 7,000 Victorians have been disconnected from their electrical supply (AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE) because they can no longer afford the bills!

    Victoria, the place to be,NOT!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Both major parties seem to be going to the next Federal Elections with support for wireless smart meters.
      Tony Abbott , in reply to what he would do for climate change, if elected, said on ABC TV: ” WE’LL USE SMARTER TECHNOLOGIES”
      On the same topic, that same day Kevin Rudd was on TV saying: “WE’LL HAVE MORE EFFICIENT ENERGY DELIVERY”.
      Now, we are not stupid, we know what those statements mean – MORE SMART GRIDS!
      So far, only the DLP and Katter’s Australian Party have stated that they do not support wireless smart meters deployment in Australia.
      Contact the politicians, MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!

  316. Stand Up says:

    The Victorian State Government Corporation will fail in it’s bid to repress the voice of the people

  317. Leaty says:

    Smart meter installer was in our area yesterday and took notice of the signs out front. I also received a letter from SP AusNet who have informed me that the current meter belongs to them and as such they are entitled to change it.” As a property owner am required to provide free and clear access to my property for this to occur”
    Where do I stand now?

    • jim says:

      Hi Leaty,
      its time we all knew our common law rights, and the first thing you must understand is you need to claim your rights!, you must claim your rights and you do this by issuing a notice. you do not need to let them onto your land for any reason apart from reading the meter. follow the path at

      “We must hang together, gentlemen…else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.”
      — Benjamin Franklin

      “and i’ll be hanged if i’ll be hanged” – Yes minister

      • Leaty says:

        Thanks Jim. I haven’t been able to padlock my meter box but my front gate is shut with the relevant notices on the gate. I also have a couple of dogs that might put them off coming through the gate as well.

        • Anonymous says:

          Leaty, good on you for the security that you have………it would be good to have that meter box locked though, really. Some of these organisations such as Jemena are known to have had persons do surveillance on people’s properties. Best eliminate any points of weakness I think.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Leaty
      Ask SP Ausnet for proof that they own the meter, and that you want to see the reciept for the purchase of your meter. I have asked the DPI for a copy of the sale of my analogue meter (a public asset) but have not had any reply. If they are not able or willing to supply proof of ownership, as far as I am concerned, the old meter still belongs to me. My electricity bills show that I have been paying for it for years!

    • Danielle says:

      Hi Leaty,
      This is what it says in the electricity Customer Metering Code
      “(We need to provide)… convenient and unhindered access to metering equipment and associated equipment on the customer’s premises and to the distributor’s, the retailer’s or the responsible person’s equipment for any purpose associated with the supply, metering or billing of electricity and safe access to and within the customer’s premises for the purpose of this clause.”
      As I read this they have to be able to read their meters to ensure they are working and that they are getting their bills right….but this does not give them permission to rip out a meter that is working fine to put in another that is going to cost us more financially and be detrimental to our health. I would seriously consider getting a padlock and providing them with a way to read their meter without being able to get their hands on it.

  318. Tanya says:

    Hello? Is anyone from the Health Dept or the government tuned in here? Is it possible that the ambulance and emergency department problems being widely reported in our news media are due to people being made sick by smart meters? Perhaps if the government would stop causing its citizens heart problems. blood sugar problems, pneumonia, rage, etc, etc we wouldn’t be requiring ambulances to take us to the emergency dept for treatment.

    • Tanya says:

      Hello again Health Dept and Government officials! Why are you wasting thousands/millions of dollars on a diabetes awareness campaign when you are contributing to the diabetes epidemic through smart meters and other forms of radio frequencies? Deal with the excess electromagnetic radiation in our environment as your first priority. Stop blaming us for having diabetes.

      • Freedom Rules says:

        Yes, they really should deal with it because they are the ones keeping people sick – thank god smart people like Tanya can see through their Bull$h#T!

      • Ashley says:

        They do this all the time! They advise us to get screened for cancer because one in every few WILL get cancer, yet (deliberately) don’t issue (proper) advice on how to avoid cancer. Apparently cigarettes and road safety are the only preventative measures in life we should concern ourselves with!! Meanwhile we have clearly been invaded, from within and are now hammered from all angles – our health, education & moral standards, money swindles (toll roads, global warming, budget manipulation, HEALTH TREATMENTS, etc – coercion with big business mates) & cost of living, law changes (including attempts to MAKE US A REPUBLIC, which would surely hinder fighting Smart Meters).

        It became all too obvious for SA politician Ann Bressington. We definitely could do with more like her right now.

  319. Eric says:

    Don’t cave in to the powers of persuasion when you have Claim of Right.

    Power company letters are letters of persuasion only and not letters of right.
    You hold Claim of Right.

    Powers of persuasion versus Claim of right………only one obvious winner.

    Don’t allow yourself to waver in your thinking.

    • FISH.. says:

      Hi there “No Smart Meter” friends…..
      I live at Yinnar in Vic – we received the normal tripe and I rang and registered a refusal to enter –
      Put signs up and they still came into my daughters place scared the living daylights out of her by coming in the back gate, where there was no sign..
      Now they are calling all who refuse entry in our area saying the power will be cut off.. we are not contracted so they will not be braking a contract ??
      My meter is locked so not sure how we stand now. Is the legal advice dated Oct 2012 by Eugene White still right? or have there been further changes to the law..

      THANK You ALL ..FISH

      • Eric says:

        FISH, I don’t believe disconnection depends on whether or not you have contract with retailer. Anyone who receives these type of calls should record and capture all the details especially of the individual caller. Then I would start off by giving these details to the energy ombudsman, the media, esv everybody and anybody to expose this extortion. Even record the call if you can. Verbal threats over the phone are not part of any proper process necessary for a case of legitimate (eg. non payment of bill) disconnection. They think all people are shrinking violets and will cave in to their intimidation. I wish they were on my side of the phone. Hanging up is a good strategy. Putting them on hold indefinitely is also a good strategy of handling these calls.

  320. graeme says:

    A good bit of information you all should read about our privacy concerns over these SMART METERS.
    Go to: draft report smart meter privacy impact essential services.

    • Danielle says:

      Thanks for that info.
      My mother gave in and got a smart meter (for the purpose of getting solar power). A couple weeks later they replaced their electric hot water service with a gas one. Within the week the power company rang them asking why their power usage had decreased significantly. So much for privacy!

  321. Jim says:

    Hi everyone,

    I have been given my 2nd letter from united, this was after sending the notice of undue harassment or coercion.

    United’s letter is obviously a form letter just says look for the order in council in the government gazette web site.

    I was thinking of this as a reply, any input gratefully received

    I take it the notice of undue harassment stands if they do not rebut it with a signed contract or a proper law stating I am a slave or some such?

    Thanks in advance

    In you letter you attempt to answer my concerns of access I refuse your offer to contract express or implied.

    Not withstanding you letter my notice of undue harassment or coercion for smart meter installation stands.

    From the information given you have no claim of right to do anything more than read the meter.

    You do not have permission to seek entry to for any purpose other than to read the meter I do not consent to united energies or their employees or agents installing a smart meter on these premises.

    • Henry says:

      Jim, I would be interested to see copy of UE reply to your letter, only if possible.

      • jim says:

        Ill see what I can do about getting a scan of it. Out of curiosity are you interested in the way its said or what powers it claims?

        • Henry says:

          Both Jim. What you have is a very powerful tool. I think the reply they have sent you has been sent just to fulfill sending a response within the time frame you gave them in your letter. The actual answer content they have given you is rubbish. They have not provided legitimate dispute to your claim of right. There is no legitimacy to their response but rather it is a token gesture. Also they want to have the final say in the interaction. Perhaps a simple reminder notice to what you have already sent them may be an effective action….perhaps. The more they keep sending you BS letters and play the game with you of “you say I say”, the more that the their harassment that you have prohibited becomes obvious. The ANZ played this game with me in a case I filed with the ombudsman and as the case built up against them, they ended up hanging themselves and I also ended up getting money out of them. Not that the money was what it was about.

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Hi Jim,
      Your Notice you sent to the C.E.O and his minions of the foreign owned Electric Power Company for your area still stands. This C.E.O and his officer who wrote you the letter about The Order in Council is just another unlawful attempt to intimidate you. Don’t let them bully you. No you are not a Slave to their EVIL and Unlawful and Wicked Demands.

      As we in Victoria a Democracy they cannot Legally make you take a Microwave Smart Meter against your Will and Better Judgement. Be sure to padlock your Electric Meter Box Immediately and get up your Legal Common Law $167,000:00 Dollar Anti Trespass Signs IMMEDIATELY.

      • jim says:

        Hi 1vimanal1,
        Done and done! notices and locks.
        Yes I think they are trying a type of corporatisim on us, of a very unhealthy nature (for us) if we let them. Having thought about it, since they didnt actually demand anything and just said “your wrong, so there” and it dosnt seem like an offer to contract. Im not sure I need to bother replying to this one. the thing is that the first sentence starts out with “UE acknowledges your letter on blah and NOTES you have a legal right to access concerns in respect to the smart meter program.” havent they just acknowledged the first notice? (and ignored the 2nd 🙂

    • Mia Nony says:

      The essence of how issuing a claim of right works is that your take care to do so and then you do not engage with them once you have done so , unless they counter with an actual Notice of their own. The rule of common law is this. It is the last Notice of Claim left standing that “wins” meaning the most recent Claim or Notice is the one which wins. If they reply by refuting the terms of your Claim, you must determine if that reply is a Notice or counter Clai they are making. If it IS, you must not ignore it but must re-issue your Claim. If they respond with a form letter you do nothing. However if they counter with their own Notice (not simply a letter) and only if any such Notice is issued to you within the time limit set in your Claim of Right (usually 72 hours) this may well be THEIR counter Claim which must not be left standing, in which case you cannot leave it as the final word.
      That said it would be highly unusual if they issued a counter Claim of Right to you as they know perfectly well that they are artificial entitties and a Claim by definition is issued by a natural man or woman, not by a fictitious authority. You do not engage in any other way. Remember, this is a lawful procedure, this is not a conversation, so you do not reply, unless you have determined that what they send you is indeed a notice after you have issued your COR. If so, then, and only then, you simply re-issue YOUR Claim or Right.
      It is like having the last word. Always let the correctly worded COR document do the talking, and only re-issue the COR if THEY issue an actual Notice to you after they receive your COR. Otherwise, if they do nothing, which is the most likely, their silence is their acquiescence to your terms of Notice.

      • jim says:

        Thanks Mia,
        I was hoping I wasn’t too far off the track. Is there any place you would recommend to help us newbies understand common law? I know it will take study, Im up for it though. we cant let them away with this

      • John C says:

        Hi Mia,
        Thus far, I have taken all relevant steps as advised on this site to stop one of these spy meters being installed on my premises, including the recommended harrassment / coercion letter to the C.E.O. at Jemena.
        This has still not stopped them from replying (within the 14 days given). Today I received a letter from a Carie Rutledge AMI Communications advisor. In it was the usual blah,blah, blah about how safe the meters are “Customers cannot defer the installation”. “The metering equipment at your property belongs to Jemena” etc. She also refered to the then Prime Ministers comments about smart meters not being compulsory, stating Victoria is not included. Plus.
        “Energy and resources Minister Michael O’brien says smart meters are compulsory and those who do not allow them to be fitted risk being cut off from the support grid. O’Brien says any customer who wishes to remain connected is required to allow electricity companies to install smart meters. He also says anyone refusing to have a smart meter installed is breaking the law”.
        They are relying on the Electricity Industry Act(2000) and Electricity Distribution Code (Version 6). The letter appears to be a proforma type letter with my detils filled in.
        In regards to my “Claim of Right”, do I need to reply to it?????

        John C

        • Margaret says:

          John, perhaps you should ask the AMI Communications Advisor if they’re aware that, as of 14 March 2013, Mr O’Brien is no longer the Energy and Resources Minister (perhaps because he was talking rubbish), and suggest that, starting with this insignificant detail, their replies should be more researched.

        • Wilson Brody says:

          Mia, does this manner of response sound like a notice or counter claim ?

    • Mia Nony says:

      Looks like you have got them cornered.
      Any PROHIBITED ACT remains prohibited unless you provide a NOTICE OF CESSATION OF PROHIBITION explicitly annulling this notice.

  322. Hayley says:

    I just got a letter saying that a smart meter would be installed and if I have a resistance letter up (which I do) I will have my electricity cut off, also that if I have a lock they will remove it! This letter is from Jemena, I am trying to upload a pic, but I can’t see any way to do so! Can someone help? Who is the admins on this page?
    I have resisted a Smart Meter while everyone else in my area has one, now the letter says they will cut off locks, and cut off my electricity if I don’t comply. can I send a photo to the letter to anyone? I really don’t know what to do!

    • Sandilands says:

      Hayley, don’t panic. Is this the letter they have sent you ?

      Click to access jemena-installation-letter-19-april-2013.pdf

      The letters are intended to frighten and intimidate you into opening your box.

      As you can see this letter is dated May 2013. I can tell you first hand that installers did visit and were sent away. Jemena have thus far not acted in accordance with their threats.

      Cutting locks etc. remains unlawful and they know that. They also know that cutting power especially here in Victoria is not something that can be done lightly. Just make sure you keep paying your bill on time.

      I believe heads should roll (literally) for this extortion that is being conducted upon the people of Victoria by the Distribution Companies (at the behest of the government).

    • Sandilands says:

      Jemena have been known to intimidate customers by having one of their agents sit in motor vehicles outside their residences and watch their homes. They have done this to people who have refused installation when the installers came round. I have photographs of this which I may post on this website soon. One such agent in the vehicle was even prepared to give a wave to the camera when they were photographed by the customer and then as an act of defiance to that customer did a U turn and parked directly opposite this customers house and remained there. Photographs coming soon.

      • Peter says:

        Hi Sandilands
        Maybe your photos should be sent to the police also, obviously some one is surveilling your home. I hope the photos show the rego of the vehicle so they can question this individual and inform you of his intent?

        • Sandilands says:

          Peter, police were contacted by customer and a full report was filed. Was advised it would be a good idea in future to contact police whilst the vehicle is still there and they will come and investigate immediately and handle the culprit(s) on site.

          • Peter says:

            Hi Sandilands
            good move, start giving these characters a dose of their own intimidating behaviour!
            Did you get a copy of the report? Can you post it here?

            • Sandilands says:

              Yes I do, the report is the customer’s account of what occured as presented to police. Note I need to tread a little carefully with the material I have and with the comments I make about this matter though.

    • 1vimana1 says:

      They at Jemena cannot Legally Cut your Padlock on your Electric Meter Box. Were they to do so you can have them up on a Charge of Breaking and entering. I have checked this our with my Solicitor.
      Please send to them this Legal Common Law Notice from the ACCC in Canberra below as I did to the Power Company for my area.



      (Insert name and
      Address of Power Distributor)

      This notice is provided to _______________________________________________ and any persons, entities,
      (Insert Power distributor name and ACN no off letter you received)
      Employees, associates, corporations, sub-contractors and agents of the fore mentioned (herein referred to as Your Company).
      Notice to agent is notice to principal.

      Note: This notice is provided in addition and following a NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR
      SMART METER INSTALLATION (date of your first letter) and NOTICE Your Company’s
      INSTALLATION NOTICE (date of your letter received from Power Distributor after) served on Your Company.
      Your Company is prohibited and forbidden from communication in any manner, with the intent to solicit for the installation of a “smart meter” or meter containing wireless communication function(s) at the following (service) address: (Insert your address). Such an act is herein referred to as a PROHIBITED ACT.
      I have lawful and legal standing and claim of right to make such a demand.

      Any PROHIBITED ACT will be considered an act of undue harassment or coercion with the supply or possible supply of goods or services as defined by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CTH) Vol. 3, Ch. 4, PT> 4-1, Div. 5 Sec. 168; such an offence carries a penalty of $1.1,000,000:00 One point one Million Dollars. If Your Company is in any way directed by the Government (State of Victoria) and State of Victoria Corporation to perform such an offence, the Government and individual members are liable under tort may in addition be held vicariously liable.
      Any PROHIBITED ACT remains prohibited unless I provide a NOTICE OF CESSATION OF PROHIBITION explicitly annulling this notice, or following a sale of property and change of property title holder for the property in question.
      A copy of this notice will also be provided for their records to (via regular mail):
      1. Customer Relations, DPI,
      2. Minister Michael O’Brien, Government in the State of Victoria.

      If a response to this notice containing any dispute of facts or CLAIM OF RIGHT based on lawful claim of right is not received within fourteen days from Your Company, it shall be fact that you accept as fact this notice and facts contained within, and will honour this notice; such requiring no further action on your behalf.


      _______________ ____________________ _____________________
      (Your SIGNATURE) (Witness to your Signature) (Print Witnesses name)

      • Anonymous says:

        When did you send the Common Law Notice to your Power Co? And have they responded to it yet? I have recently refused the installation of a SM (sent installers away) and am expecting a letter of threat from the Power Co any day. The only actions I’ve taken so far, other than to send installers away, is lock my meter box and put up the sign. I haven’t bothered to send a letter to the Power Co as yet as they seem to be ignoring them anyway and I really don’t want to engage in any sort of arguing with them. But if this Notice does the trick, I’ll be sending one off pronto. So I’d be interested to see if you get any sort of reply from them.

        • Eric says:

          Anonymous, just a quick comment and I’ll let 1vimana1 answer your question. This particular letter talks about an intention to dishonour and violate a prohibition for the installation of smart meter notice. 1vimana1 would have previously issued a letter, specifically prohibiting the distributor from installing a smart meter. This prohibition letter is available on the internet. Once there is a confirmed intention of prohibition violation from the Distribution Comapny, then the second “anti harassment” letter has legitimate cause to be sent. You have claim of right to not be solicited to the extent of being harassed.

          • Anonymous says:

            Eric, thanks for the info, I see now there is a bit of a process to all this. I have found the letters you were talking about and will send the prohibition letter to the Distributor immediately. Glad I found this site as I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to go about trying to stop the installation other than by not letting them onto my property. Thanks again.

  323. Mia Nony says:

    The key difference between public statute law and common law is this:
    The former has been corrupted and is now rigged. No sovereign rights are protected by public laws. Essentially we have entered a lawless era, when it comes to public or statute law.
    A mandate to install? There is none.
    Not one single mandate to install smart meters in any country has ever been granted royal assent. If the global smart grid had been granted royal assent, if the smart grid was ever signed off on by the queen’s representative,that would mean that the queen would be subject to liability.
    In each and every case a lowly clerk has signed off on the legislation which each and every government insists grants them a mandate.
    No royal assent means there is no mandate.
    Indeed, the smart grid is the biggest ponzi scheme ever, endorsed and overseen by that totalitarian entity which seeks to outlaw nation states, namely the UN.
    Anywhere that there are laws which originate from English law, common law remains the ultimate power afforded to ordinary men and women, albeit most live out their lives without ever knowing the rights it affords them.
    When people consider class action lawsuits, whe people turn to the courts, in effect they are asking permission from a fictional higher authority than themselves, begging the self proclaimed authority to grant them freedom, This is an exercise in pure illusion, especially these days.
    Not only is going through public channels a great way to go broke while losing, but to do so ignores the fact that governments everywhere have almost simultaneously passed similar legislation to exempt them from ALL HARM caused by the smart grid.
    A class action lawsuit not only disempowers the user, but it also voids and nullifies one’s existing rights granted under common law. Why destroy one’s own power to defend oneself by using common law? Why reenforce the fictional authority of those who abuse power, authority figures and institutions such as lawyers and judges and courts?
    To think in terms of class action lawsuits is to behave like a serf in a feudal system. One might as well take one’s cap in one’s hand, tug one’s forelock and beg those who claim to have authority over your life and death to listen to you. It is a delusion to do so.
    Meanwhile the reality is that the person who buys into the idea of a higher human power forfeits their rights.
    If the Red Queen yells “Off with her head!” the correct response is NOT to beseech them to consider one’s rights.
    “Please, Sir, If it’s not too much trouble, and when you have a moment, could you kindly if at all possible grant me a few rights that seem to have gone missing, before I get even more sick?”
    To voluntarily choose THEIR venue, THEIR courts, bad move.
    Why would anyone want to further empower artificial authority’s false “right” to coerce you and trick you into consenting to forfeit your real rights?
    Why would one turn away from effective rights one already has for free?
    Why circumvent inherent common law rights with which all private living natural men and women are rightfully and universally endowed?
    Ask yourself this:
    Exactly who is at risk and whose “authority” is jeopardized if ordinary people catch on and then stand up for themselves using universal common law? The answer is artificial corporate utilities and the fictional government fall like the house of cards they are, once the natural common man awakens to his rights, the one’s beyond their reach.
    And what is there to lose since by using common law one can protect one’s rights without bearing any cost whatsoever to do so. Simply claim one’s rights, take them back from fictional authorities who have shown us, beyond all possible doubt, that they cannot be trusted, that they are ideologues indifferent to our well being, that they see themselves as entitled to steal our lives, amalgamate our homes, our properties, our unshielded wiring and our uninsulated bioelectrical bodies. No artificial entity has the right to disempower natural men and women, to force them to be involuntarily electrically induced and turned into electrical conductors, and to be coupled into the smart grid. Those who proclaim that they have authority OVER you to do so are intent on using your ignorance against you, are tricking you into granting unwitting consent, are stealing away the very lives of those who – simply out of ignorance – are misguided and therefore remain unaware of how they forfeit their power to a fiction.

    • Steve says:

      Mia, some good points above but what is your suggestion then for people whose neighbours have a smart meter already installed and it is causing health issues? The only recourse available is to go to court as I don’t see any other avenues available. Waiting for the common man to wake up to what is going on may be too late for some.

      • Mia Nony says:

        Hi Steve: Good question. Second hand radiation exposure and not a lead apron in sight. Can I ask: Health issues for whom? Them? Or you? Both?

        • Steve says:

          Principally for my family but also those who are in the same predicament as myself i.e. those who have so far successfully refused smart meter installation but are suffering from their neighbours smart meter RF emissions.

        • Mia Nony says:

          So, Steve, I am guessing the common man next door needs awakening, rather than waiting for sleeping beauty to awaken in 100 years? Why not try sharing a few wake up news bulletins over coffee? Violation of safety code, building code, electrical code, bill gouging, hidden arcing, fire hazard, no UL certification, lack of insurability, unshielded house wiring, unqualified installers who bend prongs and cause arcing, sparking, hazard, the fact that every s/meter does double duty as a smart tower, that the unsuspecting property owner hosts this level of radiation when the covert rotation reaches their house. If I were you I would start with bill gouging. Most people find discussion of a rip off non threatening.

      • Mia Nony says:

        The minute you turn to lawyers or go to court, you waive your right to protect yourself using common law. And at some point if you do not use common law, you will inevitably end up metered.
        In California, the installers brought sledgehammers, bolt cutters, ladders, metal cutting saws, insulated boots for cutting electric fencing around meters. They arrived with sheriffs and removed any and all meter enclosure, cages and locks. Jerry Day has documented this stormtrooper jackboot approach. The owners invariably had not used common law. Unless you do, they will use the artificial laws they have created to absolve them to violate you and your rights. As for the neighbour whose second hand radiation is causing your family microwave sickness?
        Shielding your home, while not cheap, is still far less money than going to court. So is investing in a good quality RF/microwave filter or choke which can be installed on your electrical mast or at your electrical panel, to prevent wireless ambient microwaves from coupling to your energized lines.
        Assuming you use no wireless devices yourself, consider it well worthwhile to electronically insulate and shield your house walls and wiring as well as covering your exterior walls with metallic insect screening. Another option as an alternative to making an external faraday cage out of metal insect screening, although expensive, is to do as they are doing all over Europe, repainting outside walls with carbon paint and screening windows with specialized metallic fabric. Carbon paint sells at extortion prices but is said to be effective. Horizontally line your attic with reflective double walled foil insulation to avoid the frequencies from higher located collector hubs. If possible use carbon paint on walls facing all neighbour’s smart meters in any direction. Carbon paint is black but can be painted with a second coat of whatever colour your house is. All house wiring and lamp cords, etc., need to be retrofitted with metal shielding, such as foil insulation, also placed over all electrical outlets. Put everything you use on surge bars and flip them off whenever not in use or not essential (refrigerator, freezer). Add a electrical kill switch to the bedroom, the most dangerous room of all, since a sleeping body is far more vulnerable . It might be wise to begin paring back on non essential electricity while incorporating as a way of life such fun off grid items as solar dock lights placed in windows which then provide ambient indoor light in the evenings. The price of solar panels has dropped significantly. If considering going off grid (NOT grid tied), and if using an off grid inverter, make certain it is a “true” sine wave one, not a “pure” sine wave one. The latter causes dirty electricity. Locate the works away from living space. It’s a good idea to prepare in advance for a potential prolonged power outage (hacking or not). No better time than the present to begin. Believe it or not, shielded electrical independence is quite wonderful. And since the utilities not act like crack dealers who think they have electricity junkies over a barrel, prove them wrong.
        An electrically simplified life need not be austere or astronomically priced and is very much worth the effort.

        • Mia Nony says:

          Regarding the jackboot approach:

          Here is someone right on this site who is saying similar things

          No action by MP over smart meter concerns – The Courier

          Sally says:
          January 3, 2013 at 10:32 pm
          Thanks Pam, I have no intention of giving in. I hope Ronald (comment below) is wrong about smart meter installers using bolt cutters and angle grinders. Horrifying.
          Ronald Tan says:
          January 2, 2013 at 1:29 am
          You have the same problem as me sally I live in Navigators and powercor did exactly the same to me as you have stated despite the 2 letters of refusal of consent now the signs are up and the meterbox is not only locked but screwed shut I will also be chaining the gate. If you have a big vehicle you don’t use all the time and the meterbox is in the carport or somewhere where you can drive right up to it park it in such a way that access to it is completely blocked and put a sign on your vehicle stating why it is done so that they the smart meter installer is notified. I don’t know what they will do but I have heard that powercor smart meter installers can be pretty determined and carry bolt cutters and cordless angle grinders. At least they have been silly enough to give me the dates when they will come to try to install the smart meter be aware that they will try to work outside of those dates to catch you off guard keep the gate and meterbox locked even after they fail to install the smart meter within those dates.

      • Mia Nony says:

        You are correct. Claim of Right works but only for those who use it. Until the law itself changes, as long as your neighbour has the right to radiate those around him for miles, this radiation ponzi scheme remains a diabolical reality. What is happening here is that the next phase is changing the minds of the otherwise oblivious. How? Massively higher bills. We are finding that those who were just fine with all of this or indifferent to it, suddenly wake up when they realize that they just agreed to allow a device that charges them 300 to 500% more for energy, with no end in sight on how high that gouging could go. Meanwhile, shielding is the only way to go. I personally would consider a tall and wide metal deflection fencing system that complies with bylaws but that would radiate the frequencies away from your home and back toward theirs. Right of self defence?

    • Henry says:

      Mia, thanks for your posts as they have been and remain very eye opening to myself and to many other followers of this website I believe. Please feel free to continue to share your understanding of common law rights with us here on this website. I would actually like to get in contact with you to speak/chat/write personally. I have seen the material that is being recommended for citizens in BC to take this approach of claiming their common law rights to put down the scourge of these carcinogenic surveillance devices called “smart meters” being tagged to everybody’s houses. I want to set this BC approach up to reflect the equivalent Australian “statutes” and “regulations” in the set of documents that are being used so that we here in Victoria Australia can achieve the same successes also that are being achieved over there in BC. I don’t have enough knowledge myself to be able to complete this task. I need assistance and need to be able to speak to the right people (including you guys in BC) to know how go go about this task to convert documents as accurately as possible to achieve the same effectiveness here in Australia. I believe with the correct knowledge it is a very doable task.

      The one thing I find about the power companies here when they are put on the spot to respond to letters is that they will respond. Only thing is that the content of the letters that they respond with consists of complete rubbish….a smoke and wind response that means nothing and answers nothing but is a response sent merely to fulfill an obligation to respond and in so doing seemingly let themselves off the hook. Do the people in BC receive such meaningless responses from companies such as BC Hydro to their common law letters and if so, how do they proceed to enforce the default ?
      They are things to chat about I think ???

      Also as Steve asks, how is the situation being handled over there in BC for those residents who have already had this disgusting diabolical device forced into their homes. I believe that in the States, citizens are using common law to enable them to successfully remove the carcinogenic devices themselves using nothing other than their common law rights as being advocated by Jerry Day.

      • Mia Nony says:

        Hi Henry. I think you may have misconstrued the general way this strategy works and why it is proving SO successful. That’s okay, lots of people find common law to be a bit of a learning curve, even though corporations routinely use common law to go after other corporations – just as Apple did, etc.
        Common law is NOT a separate branch of law. It is the foundation of all law originating from English law. There are so many kinds of law. For the purpose of defending our natural private rights, this is embodied in common law, which is the antidote to the poison of corrupted artificial law. There are many branches of law, statute law, constitutional law, regulatory law, administrative law, etc.
        Common law is the foundation stone and the basis for all English law, developed as a lawful system over an extensive period of time. Common law assures that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions.
        Hence case law becomes common law – over time. Common law is where it all began. Every first year law student studies common law before they go on to study legislative and other branches of law.
        As for initiating or responding to any other form of interaction with the utility – the answer is simple: DON’T.
        First of all, BC Hydro has not, does not, and will not respond to Claim of Right within the 72 hour window mentioned in the Notice of Default.
        Nor do they reply nor have they replied at all.
        ONe can only suppose that their lawyers know all too well why they must not do so.
        Secondly, even if they had replied to over 40,000+ Claims of Right- and make no mistake, they haven’t – the first rule for those who use Claim of Right is this:
        DO NOT ENGAGE in any other way.
        That is how this works.
        Let the documents do the talking.
        They are carefully crafted, both eloquent and perfect,every letter of every word hand picked to strike home, just as are the two carefully worded companion posters which are posted at the property boundary, at the meter and on the front door.
        For ANY customer to use ANY other documents or to write ANY other letter or to engage with the utility in ANY other way except by putting the utility on notice by using the Claim of Right ….is to mix branches of law and thereby nullify and undo the common law Claim of Right. When you step outside that framework you are entering into contractual negotiations, and that is just the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish here.
        Send any other questions to:
        Since you are a common law country based on English law, it is possible that other than the name of the utility not too much would need altering but make inquiries re such details at the site.

        • Henry says:

          Mia, BCFREEDOM.WORDPRESS.COM is the website, not an email address. Do you have an email address for me to “send my questions”. Thanks. Henry.

      • Mia Nony says:

        You are mistaken, Henry. Jerry does not offer common law documents. Some of the wording may resemble common law language, but his offering does not serve the same purpose at all.

        • Mia Nony says:

          Henry, sorry, really I am not trying to be rude, it is just that I asked this of Jerry myself when we discussed the application of common law where he is. Jerry mentioned that he has not as yet found a way to make common law effective documents applicable in a republic, namely America. He also says that the courts, judges and lawyers are at this point completely out of control and that one need no longer be charged with anything in order to brought before a judge, or even to be assaulted or imprisoned by those overseeing these abuses of statute law.

  324. Merrett says:

    A friend of mine recently arrived home to discover that Jemena had installed a smart meter on his property. He had received no prior written notification that this was going to happen. What he also found that same day after he got home was that the circuit board on his rollerdoor located close to the meter had burnt out. He has shown me the actual burnt out part and I took a photo. This is the Fried Circuit Board
    It doesn’t look black or anything like that but it is absolutely fried cactus. When my friend rung Jemena and reported it to them they did not want to know anything about it. My friend had to foot the bill for a replacement part which cost him $300.

    • graeme says:

      Merrett i have heard of this happening freguently.
      While visiting a mate he was complaining that since the SMART METER was installed, the power supply cuts off on average twice a week.
      He had no problems at all with the analogue meter.
      He rang JEMENA, they said it was not their problem, that you should get an electrician to check your wiring [extra cost to owner.].
      The installer was required to check the wiring before the SMART METER was fitted [ doesn’t sound like it].
      Neither do they give a certificate of compliance.
      We are treated like pawns to be manipulated into suffering the conseguences of these perilous devices.

  325. Henry says:

    I was most disturbed the other night (Thursday) when I watched the following item on Channel 7 Today Tonight.
    We’re living in a country under a government that is picking people out and saying to them, you allow us to violate your privacy rights or we will fine you.

    • Mia Nony says:

      In the video link, a government official just gave away the ONLY relevant clue for how to prevent invasion of privacy.
      You claim your UN-alienable rights, as distinct from your IN-alienable (and therefore government limited) rights. The “religion” clue given in the video above is also exactly the same lawful way to effectively refuse a smart meter. To Claim one’s Right is to issue a refusal to opt in, a legitimate cease and desist message, sent to an abusive government.
      Under common law, which the government is forced to recognize, the rights inherent for any living man or woman are those granted by “the creator”.NO middle man, no corporation, no government.
      It matters not one wit if such a man or woman is religious or spiritual or not. It only matters that the law is such that it is OBLIGED to recognize any religious rights and that any corporation or government must back off, must cease and desist ONLY if you exercise your common law rights and do so correctly and to the letter, essentially by telling them that NO ONE comes between you and your creator. Had the fellow in ths video link above told them that the matter would already be over. As it is the man in the video is unaware of his rights and so is tilting at windmills by offering his artificial self up for legal (not lawful) slaughter by artificial government authority. And that means he accepts their authority over him. If he exercised common law rights he would be reclaiming his on authority over himself by using common law. If he knew this and used this they would be unable to touch him.
      Freedom comprises knowing and claiming one’s inherent rights. Does it matter if one refers to a creator in order to do so? Not really. But it matters under law and the government knows that and is restrained by the awareness by any private man or woman of such “creator granted” rights, the minute anyone wakes up and realize they have had such rights all along and need only claim or reclaim them.
      Religion is hands off – at least until the day your country openly declares itself to be a police state. At this point it is acting as a covert police state, abusing any and all powers it possesses, acting totalitarian in everything but name.
      The use of common law to protect one’s privacy is vastly underrated.
      ALL of one’s essential rights are protected under common law which is the foundation stone of statute law, minus the legislation. This means your unregistered inherent rights versus what happens when you “register” yourself to become a commodity owned and operated by the government. If, instead, you claim your rights as a private person NOT owned by the state at that point you cease to be an artificial commodity which government and corporations are then free to violate as they see fit.
      The underlying strength of all common law rights is that IF a private man or woman CLAIMS or RECLAIMS their common law rights, that Claim of Right prevents any artificial entity from coming between that private man or woman and their creator granted innate rights.
      So regardless of what your private beliefs may be, why would anyone NOT use the foundation of English law, which is common law, and Claim their Rights, in order to prevent these kinds of statist invasive violations and harm?
      Even the government knows all too well that no fictitious or artificial authority (them) has the right to come between a private man or woman (you) and their creator, whomever or whatever they deem that to be.
      Claim of Right is also the basis of successful refusal of a smart meter. Under common law one has innate rights that one must first have granted consent to forfeit in order to lose such rights. It’s a kind of government “gotcha” which only abuses those private mean and women who remain ignorant of the common law rights which their country cannot violate. And forfeit of rights is precisely what occurs when one agrees to be treated as an artificial entity or public “person” subject to the authority of any other artificial entity which essentially amalgamates private men and women, their families, and their properties, unless they CLAIM THEIR RIGHTS.

  326. Just had a very troubling door knock from someone from eetech or something like that.
    She was trying to see if I was eligible for a 18% discount to my electricity bills by having one of those power savers. Anyway what was interesting is during the conversation I had with her, I brought up the subject of smartmeters and how they will increase power bills to pay for them. I was talking to her about how stupid it was that the power company wanted to save money by installing them, but wanted the consumer to pay for them.

    This is where it got interesting, She mentioned that her father had to pay an upfront fee to get the smartmeter of several hundred dollars along with higher electricity fees.

    First off, is that true about having to pay an upfront fee of several hundred to get the smartmeter?

    Secondly she said she put a sign under her meter saying “Do not install smartmeter – You have no authorisation from me to do it”. According to her this stops them from doing it.

  327. Anne says:

    Hi everyone,
    I have refused installation of a smart meter till now, but I am afraid that my decision will shortly be placed into the hands of my Landlord(s). I am a rental Tenant (home), and a Commercial Lease holder for a small gift shop. The problem with the shop is that the meter is on the inside near the front door. No studies have been done for interior meters, and I imagine having one at head height in a small room will impose significantly stronger emissions than outside. Unfortunately I am the only one in the entire shopping strip without a smart meter, and when my Landlord finds out, she will be hysterical that I have cost her to “miss out” on this beautiful new technology!
    Powercor have sent their 3rd letter, stating that “If you are a Tenant and the access issue resolution depends on a Property Owner” …….indicating that they also want me to forward the Property Owner’s contact details.
    I envy you all the ability to defend your own properties, alas, I feel my power as a Tenant not enough anymore. If someone could share, or shed some light on the Tenancy issue for me please, it would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

    • Ashley says:

      Hi Anne,

      I originally had the Landlord of my shop send a ‘Do Not Consent’ letter to Powercor, who promptly notified the Landlord that they could not accept such instructions from them because electricity supply is purely an arrangement between Powercor and the person who has the service account (myself, the tennant). Ie. Notwithstanding any requirements that may be included in your lease, it is YOUR right to refuse the Smart Meter.

      If your Landlord did become narky then perhaps you could ask if they could put pen to paper and GUARANTEE your well being as a result of the Smart Meter installation and also financially should it cause a fire. Also, your lease probably includes a right to peace and enjoyment of the premises. Frankly, I’m not meeting anyone who is in favor of them except for the odd brainwashed electricity employee or the ‘told what to say’ radio announcer.

      Another thing about a shop is that having the sign on the front door greatly spreads the word. Many people are inquiring about it and being pointed in right direction.

      • Anne says:

        Hi Ashley, thanks for the encouraging reply.
        I was so afraid of having to work in the same room as a smart meter. I don’t even keep my phone near me. Great information, thanks again!

    • Mia Nony says:

      If the power bill is in the tenant’s name this changes the playing field back in one’s favour.
      If not, one must quickly educate the owner of the structure about the risk to their investment.
      Your best bet to share expert opinion in this vital matter of structural risk from a smart meter is
      It is true that the owner owns the meter base. However, if the owner speaks with Thermoguy, Curtis Bennett,, a foremost world frequency specialist, as well as an electrician, as well as a person who teaches the medical risks of smart meters, and if the owner is able to be open to new information and becomes aware that the microwave frequencies enabled by a smart meter violate not only safety codes but building codes and electrical codes, surely this matters to them? If they are paying the energy bills, do they realy want to pay more? The meter reads the static field for the entire area and estimates usage, otherwise known as double dipping, since every meter registers the field for every other meter, so everyone pays more. This is remotely programmable software inside a computer, able to erase its own tracks, in such a way that the owner of the meter base no longer has any proof of what their usage is or is not. Talk about a license to print money! The smart grid is much like electronic voting, all proof of who you chose evaporates into the corporate void and you are henceforth expected to “trust” the corporation who owns the electronic equipment. Diebold electronic voting machines make stealing elections dead easy, just as a smart meter makes stealing money dead easy for those who own it.
      Did you know a smart meter continues to register “usage” even when all of the power in the structure has been shut off at the main master switch? Even when the smart meter is lying on the sidewalk, with no wires connected to anything? Even when there is no house, no draw, no demand, nothing, just bare land?

  328. I had a call today about installing a smart meter. They told me that it sends a short (seconds) SMS message to base 6 times a day. I told them I wasn’t happy about the installation as the meter would be on the outside of my bedroom wall. Their response was that I would have to pay to have the meter installed anywhere else .

    They also explained it was their right to access their meter and that I had no legal avenue to stop them . They also said that past legal actions against them had failed proving their point that they had the right to do the smart meter swap , and I couldn’t stop them.

    Is this all correct?

    • Steve says:

      Victor, the smart meter will transmit the data it collects on your house hold usage 6 times a day (this is correct). If you are not with SP-Ausnet who use WiMax then your meter is being set-up in a meshed network. What does it mean to have a meter set-up in a meshed network? It means your meter will not only transmit your personal household data but it could also be used to pass data from other houses (this is what they are not telling you). This is because the transmission signal is not powerful enough to reach the designated collector and has to be passed along. Another side effect of a meshed network is the requirement for smart meters to send health check messages to maintain the network in order to allow remote commands to be sent from the utility to your meter.

      This effectively means your meter could be transmitting from 10,000 times to 190,000 times 24/7. Does anyone SMS that many times a day on their mobile?

      There is legislation called the Energy Legislation (Hardship, Metering and Other Matters) Act 2006 which includes “Act No. 60/2006 New Division 6A of Part 2 inserted After Division 6 of Part 2 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 insert— ‘Division 6A—Advanced Metering”. There is nothing in this Act that says that an advanced metering infrastructure is to be rolled out. Nor does this Act compel power companies to install an advanced meter infrastructure. Instead the alleged mandate for installation is based on an Order of Council that does not pertain to electricity consumers – it is a directive to power distributors only. The mandate is for Utilities to use their best endeavours just as you can use your best endeavors to thwart them. I recommend that you ask them to produce the legislation that says you must accept a smart meter. I have asked many times and am yet to receive a copy. Instead they will send you a deemed contract that says that they have the right to inspect their equipment. There is nothing in the deemed code that says they can sequester your your property to install a radio transmitter. You are well within your rights to refuse this unlawful activity.

      For information I suggest you read my blog Taking A Stand which can be found here

      • Julie says:

        That’s interesting, the meter reader told me that it only transmits 4 times per day direct to base and not to another smart meter as many apparently work, they all tell us something different, what is truth and what is not? I am with SP Ausnet.

        • Steve says:

          Hi Julie, SP Ausnet uses a different set-up to the other utilities. SP Ausnet smart meters use WiMAX to transmit power usage data back to base. WiMAX operates at 2.3 Ghz and the effective transmission range can be many KM’s not 100’s of meters like the meshed smart meters that operate at a lower frequency. WiMax uses a back to base tower system where each meter talks directly to a tower similar to how a mobile phone network works. This means your meter is not being used to piggy back other users data back to base and so the statement of 4 transmissions per day for sending usage data is probably true – note the emphasis on usage data as this is not the only thing that is being sent on the wireless network. Why SP Ausnet receives usage data less frequently than other utilities would be a good question and one that I don’t have an answer to. Please keep in mind that AMI networks are bi-directional and so one would expect that there are other types of transmissions going on (other than usage data) in order to send commands and maintain the health of the network. So it is entirely possible that your meter is emitting RF more than 4 times a day. This could be easily verified using an EMR meter.

        • Julie, you must have had the same person that initially spoke to us. They told us 4 times a day, but then got their tech people to call me who then said every 4 hours. When I told them there customer service people said 4 times a day – they said yeaahh, thats right, 4 times a day. I had to explain 2-3 times that every 4 hours equated to 6 times a day . When the penny finally dropped all I got was , ohh , yeahh , anyway its every 4 hours.

      • Steve says:

        For information on the different smart meters and their characteristics please refer to the EMC technology report which can be found on the DPI website. Specifically sections 2.1.2 Mesh Radio Network and 2.1.3 WiMax Network.
        Of course one must also take into account that the following statement:
        Since the results of the byte counts from only 11 Mesh Radio Network AMI meters did not show any Duty Cycle of more than 1.2% and the lack of other supporting data, it was not possible to determine a definitive Duty Cycle for the Mesh radio network.

        • Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

          Hi Julie, I’m also in the distribution area of SP AusNet and when they say that it only transmits 4 times a day, I would be very cautious about that, I have measured a Landis+Gyr E350 and the readings I measured where more like 4 times and hour not 4 times a day. They also always fail to discuss or mention the HAN Transmitter which they will want to activate to communicate with Smart Appliances. Even more EMR…….

      • Thanks for the reply , much appreciated

    • Mia Nony says:

      PG&E in California. The people took them to court and proved the pulses occur up to 190,000 times a day.
      Check out

    • 1vimana1 says:

      No, this is not correct. They are just a pack of bullies. You are living in a Democracy here in Australia as are all people in the United Kingdom of England Scotland Ireland and Wales and Victoria Australia is no different. If you don’t want a Smart Meter on your property, they cannot LEGALLY FORCE your to take one as it is against the principles of Democracy and clearly against Your Will and Democratic Rights.

      To try to Enforce a Microwave Smart Meter upon you is actually a CRIME. Firstly padlock your Electric Meter Box As I have done and get up your Legal Anti-Trespass Signs with the $167,000:00 Fine. Put one on your Electric Meter Box and the other on your front fence or Gate.

  329. Kate says:

    I have locked my meter box and have the stop, no trespass sign on it. SP Ausnet recently attempted to install a smart meter despite my having written to them a couple of years ago now using the template from this site. They have now sent me a letter stating that they were unable to install a new meter due to no access. They state “Under Section 3.3 of the Electricity Distribution Code (January 2011) a customer is requires to allow SP AUsnet, as the owner of the electricity meter, clear and unhindered access for the new meter installation to occur”. They then say that if I am a tenant I should “forward this defect notice immediately to the owner”. Defect notice?? There is nothing defective about my existing meter, is this the new angle they are trying? I’m planning to just ignore the letter unless anyone has advice to the contrary?

    • Peter says:

      Hi Kate and anyone else whole gets these letters

      First of all, they can have access to their equipment by appointment; at a time when you are present, on the understanding that no attempt will be made to install one of their surveillance and control devices. There is no law which says a customer has to accept a surveillance and control device, and there is no law which says they cannot leave your analogue meter in place, or replace it with another analogue meter.

      Second, ask for proof of ownership of the analogue meter and that you want to see their reciept; for the purchase of a public asset, your meter, They will of course jump behind the ‘business confidentiality wall’.

      The government/distributors are very quick to tell Victorians what rights a privately owned foreign company has, but when asked what rights Victorians have, they refuse to answer!

      We need to make these bullies accountable.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hi Peter – Your comment put me in mind of deception tricks used here, along these lines – a promise was made to a naive smart meter refusenik customer that the energy corp would replace a “malfunctioning” analogue meter with a “functioning” analogue meter. Since they did not know about Claim of Right, they had not used the documents which would have prevented all of this.The customer, who already suffered from EHS which of course is chronic microwave/rf/wireless induced sickness, did not realize that they had the right to demand an order number for the work order as proof of malfunction, all while denying access. As soon as the customer agreed to the carrot on the stick of a “replacement analogue meter” fantasy, the installer did a bait and switch, stole the analogue meter and jammed a smart meter on the owner’s meter base. From then on, that customer became unspeakably sick for nearly a year- with the thermographic images to prove it – before finally removing and replacing the smart meter with an analogue meter which they purchased from a reputable meter store. The minute they removed the smart meter and returned it to the power company the power company arrived and physically severed their house from the grid. The good news is everyone fears this, every electricity junkie naturally dreads being cut off. This family rose to the occasion, turned what could have been a crisis into an opportunity, and is now well along the path to considering a very simplified but fine life off grid. Best of all, the wires to their home are physically severed, not just switched off, so they do not suffer from the wireless frequencies which travel along the lines to all homes, smart metered or not. Of course they are not completely immune to the microwave blanket but they are actually way better off then most who live cheek by jowl with neighbours who are oblivious to the effects of these frequencies on themselves and others, microwaves which impact everyone, those who are lucky enough to have the early warning biology and are able to feel it – and those who do not, until it is too late.

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh wow!!! Got me thinking… I need power for the fan on my wood heater only, surely I can solar power this?

    • Mia Nony says:

      Yes in Canada, the latests sack of lies is also bullying by using a defect notice, usually verbal. An installer will fake it an insist that the perfectly good existing analogue meter is “malfunctioning” in your favour, since they are electromechanical and slow down over time. However, one need only privately have one recalibrated every 20 to 30 years. The power company never did so, no maintenance, now used to argue that the customer is the thief, not the power company. Factually, they don’t have a leg to stand on with this angle. Since they do not have access, some here tell them to produce a work order number to prove this “defect” or “malfunction” is a fact. They are stymied at that point, hoisted on the petard of their own lies. Just don’t grant them access, no need. Claim your right of refusal instead. ONce done, one can sleep deeply without fear.

    • Jason says:

      Any “Code” does not necessarily have the force or authority of legislation. Check that.
      Incidentally, have any of you people tackled your local MP about all this rubbish?
      Making it ‘personal’ always gets results.

  330. Sam says:

    On the rear of your electricity bill you are told when your next meter read will be. The actual day falls somewhere within a nominated one week timeframe that they give.

    I have locked my meter box and cut a window in the door so the meter can be read at all times.

    I have since built another meter box and installed it over the top of the existing meter box. Thus I have two meter boxes one over the top of the other. The new meter box has also been locked. It also has a removable door ie. door can be easily removed (by me) and again reattached and outer box relocked. Thus I am not intending to cut a window in the door of the outer box. What I will do instead is remove the door of the outer box prior to the beginning of the meter reading period as appears on the rear of my bill. What will then be visible is the inner box with it’s viewing window. I will reattach the door and relock the outer box after the meter reading period has expired.

    This should satisfy the meter readers but will it satisy the distributor ????

  331. Kev says:

    I got the United Energy letter I am in Scoresby, saying they will be installing a new meter at my property between 8am-5pm between 20/05/13 and 30/05/13.
    My box is locked with a window cut out, they didn’t install the meter I was more than likely at work anyway when they came.
    This is the third time they have tried, the first time it wasn’t locked I was asleep, I hear all this noise went around to the meter and the Indian guy had the box open ready to install and was talking on his phone loudly, I told him to get out and he did.
    I then put a lock on it with a window.Then the next time after one of these letters I was here and didn’t answer the door, and listened to them, they went around to do it then I heard one of them say, “Its got a huge padlock on it”, they then left.
    I asked the Police and they said that the installers can not break the padlock or it would be a crime.
    And that the only reason the Police would do so is if they had a court order from the magistrates court.
    When I see a court order ill open it.

  332. Peter says:

    And we are worried about the Chinese/Singapore invading our privacy! How do we stop this blatant abuse of power?

  333. Henry says:

    Airport West residents today received a letter from Jemena whose title was
    “Important information regarding your electricity supply”

    (obviously the smart meter aspect of the letter is not important enough to make it into the title)

    In the body of the letter it goes on to say
    “This letter is to advise you that your meter will be exchanged in the next few weeks. You will receive another letter providing a 10 day installation and interruption to supply timeframe scheduled by our accredited meter installers”

    (The rest of the letter is just one page of fluff)

    Now this is one letter. Then, they are going to send me another letter. This first letter is the softener. The next letter is probably the one where they become harassing and they will probably say things such as that they “may” cut locks and “may” cut power “as a “last resort”.

    Now listen to this. In the past they have actually sent a similar letter already. And were emphatically informed in writing of my say in the matter. Yes, the stub to confirm the receipt of registered mail was received back. Have they forgotten that I have already informed them that no smart meter is to be installed at my place? Are they so oblivious in sending this same letter again?

    One final thing, they state
    “Following the review the State Government confirmed that smart meters are completely safe and also that the customer benefits from smart meters justified the continuation of the meter roll-out.”
    Have I read this correctly ? Not only is it telling us that smart meters are safe but that they are COMPLETELY safe. Good news. Now maybe those of us who asked for a written legally binding guarantee of smart meter safety with indemnification will finally receive it. Good news indeed but we’d best double check that reading……”Brrt !!!!!” Yeah I thought as much.

    My friend who received the same letter said to me “when did we lose our freedom of choice ?” My response was “We didn’t, we still have it. It’s just that these people are repressing it. We just have to start using it”.

    Use it or lose it. So to the good people of Airport West, you send out a strong message to these cretins if you don’t want a smart meter on your residence. We have good reason to object on safety grounds, privacy grounds and many other grounds. Lock your meter boxes and put up your signs. Lots of good info, help and resources on this website. Don’t be intimidated and don’t be afraid to ask for help. It will be there for you.

    • graeme says:

      Henry,I and others have recieved the same letter,we live in Pascoe Vale.
      We already had sent letters demanding that they JEMENA [GENERAL MANAGER] sign documents guaranteeing that their SMART METERS are completely safe in every way,[radiation, privacy etc].
      No response from them?
      A little booklet was also included SMART METER GUIDE.
      In this booklet they state that when installers are confronted with the NO TRESSPASSING NO SMART METER fitted at this address sign, they are told to ignore the sign and go ahead with installation.[Frequently Asked Questions. page 15 Q.4.].
      Does this mean they are intending to cut the locks?
      Your thoughts and others with up to date knowledge would be gratefull.

      • Henry says:

        Hi Graeme
        FYI, In the previous version of the same booklet, the bit you quote was not there. In it’s place was a statement about being “no more deferrals” in response to the same question.

        In all likelihood the next letter we will receive will probably be this one.

        Click to access jemena-installation-letter-19-april-2013.pdf

        The statement you mention from the booklet is again directly quoted in this letter as well followed by a couple of further statements that I already refered to in my previous post.

        I think Jemena like to pick and choose their language a lot. Now they seem to talk a lot about being “directed” to do…….., the Govt has “directed” that…….will have a smart meter installed. (Well, good on them for “directing”. They can “direct” all they like but I will not have a smart meter installed)

        Graeme, read Mia Nony’s posts on Forum. In these posts she speaks about Fictional Authority. By engaging with Fictional Authority we give a degree of legitimacy to that which is “fictional”. You asking the question “does this mean they intend to cut the locks ?” is part of getting caught in that spider’s web. Graeme, I think we are all being confronted by the same issue here. Mia hits it on the head. In their letters, Jemena are saying/implying that they will do things that they cannot do and which they know they cannot do. The way they say these things are with an authority that they don’t actually have but would make you to believe that they do.

        Jemena have been directed to use “best endeavors”. Thus this threatening sort of language appearing in their letters is to be expected. However no matter what the extent of the threatening language that they choose to use in their correspondences, they cannot break the law. Australia is still a democracy even though we are being given the impression that it is not. We still have rights and freedom of choice even though there is an active campaign on to give us the impression that we don’t.

        We have the rights to refuse goods and services pushed upon us that we don’t want, especially if there any serious clouds of whatever nature over those particular goods and services. We have a right to protect our property. I would make sure my locks are on securely and all my refusal signs are displayed together with my no trespass signs. We have a right to prevent trespassers from entering our property. I believe Jemena know that they are overstepping the line if in their actions they fail to act in accordance with our clear expression of choice and that there would be serious repercussions for them if they were to do otherwise.

        I believe that even though Jemena’s language has become more threatening, they actually have no more legal right to act than what they did when this rollout first commenced. To grant further legal power to enable this mob to act in accordance with the threats they are making would have serious repercussions for the government and I believe they know that.

        The letter I anticipate we will be receiving was received last month in Keilor East, Sydenham and other local areas and I can confirm cases where the installers have come and gone away just as empty handed as in times past, albeit with the person being home when visited. Best to be at home if possible I think.

        If Jemena has previously been sent a Notice of Prohibition to install, I believe that further correspondence stating intention to install is in fact a notice of dishonour from their part. There is a way to deal with this and it’s on this website. I won’t remention it here but happy to give details offline.

        • kenny says:

          Common Law is a winner.
          Here’s a few excerpts from Laying Down The Law
          The foundations of legal reasoning, research and writing in Australia.
          Dated: 1984
          Chapter 12 – Interpretation of Legislation (p.183)

          The Presumptions of Interpretation
          …that parliament does not alter fundamental common law principles
          I say, keep those common law letters flowing, tell em who’s boss.
          Chapter 11 – The Making of an Act of Parliament (p.123)
          (this from the flow chart diagram)
          The Legislative Process – (title of diagram)
          The Genisis (title of box 1)
          Inside box 1:-
          Executive Government
          THE POLICY
          (There are 3 arrows of influence pointing at box 1)
          1) Public Opinion – community needs and or pressure.
          (That is the only direct path to policy shown, 2 + 3 are options AFTER the bill has been drafted – not before.)
          2) Public Service (amending legislation)
          3) Government Parties
          I say to the minister, exhibit the petition, along with the group of sovereign people wishing to monitor and manage their power consumption, that initialized the governments intention to install smart meters the domicile of every Victorian.
          Chapter 11
          Legislation (p.122)
          Over the past thirty years, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount and complexity of legislation passed. In 1952 the Commonwealth Parliament passed 109 Acts comprising 459 pages and 116 Statutory Rules covering 518 pages. By 1982 the number of Acts passed had risen to 158, comprising 2298 pages while there were 408 Statutory Rules covering 1441 pages. There has been a similar increase in the amount of legislation in the States and Territories.
          I say, the people can’t keep track of all the new laws, so just plead the common law, it over rides all the others.
          There’s a wealth of info here at SSMA.

        • graeme says:

          Henry, yes you are right ,the question that i:m referring to is in a previous letter that JEMENA had sent, mentioned in your post [item 6 Notice of Interruption to Electricity Supply ].
          You mentioned details that would help our cause, i and others in the same position would be interested ,wait to hear from you.

    • Pete says:

      Guys, have a look at this link:
      It provides LEGAL documentation regarding Trespassing on private property Plenty v Dillon 1991 HCA 5 (7 March 1991). you’ll download a pdf which has the important statements from Judges from the High Court of Australia. This may seem legal jargon, but we must all learn this so that we can stand up for our rights.

      What the power companies AND the DPI (the VIC government) are doing is extortion. We have proof on their website of the blackmail and extortion and it is contrary to the Australian Constitution, Australian Law and also International Law. They can’t wiggle out of it because everyone has been sent the “we have the mandate” BS letters and its all over the DPI website regarding smart meter installs.

      The DPI website does not state the “Best Effort” text as it is supposed to, rather it states:
      “Smart Meter installation is mandatory
      The Victorian Government has mandated that all residential and small business electricity customers in Melbourne and throughout the state must have a Smart Meter installed by the end of 2013.”

      As you can see, this is clear evidence of incorrect information being provided on a government website and this will be used in any legal proceedings against the government and power companies.

      I am prepared to start a Class Action against the DPI and the Power Companies, anyone that wants to join, please acknowledge and let me know, I’ll contact the owner of this forum and provide details so we can fast track this.

      I don’t know about most people, but I’m tired of complaining, its not getting us anywhere, we must ACT NOW !

      I have $500 ready to deposit into a trust fund expressly for the matter of a Class Action against the DPI and the Power Companies. Lets DO something rather than complain about it.

      • evilc1 says:

        You can add the ombudsman for energy & water to your list as well. I contacted them regarding undue harassment, they tried to tell me it is law.

      • Sharron says:

        Hi Pete, I watched the recent May Day March video and was impressed by everyone’s comments – surely there are a lot of people more than ready to take further action because their health is being compromised (among other things). I’m lucky not to have been harrassed by the energy company for my non-compliance so far although I expect that may change as our whole neighbourhood has had these smart meters for a year already…that’s one year too long IMO and I would like to join a class action to fight this injustice being forced upon our communities without consent. I also believe councils need to be a lot more pro-active in the debate and back their residents wishes to not have a meter installed… Some support would be appreciated! Keep us posted of any new developments, it is most worthwhile – thanks 🙂

        • Pete says:

          Sharron, thanks for the comment… be as sure as the sun will come up in the morning, you are going to be harassed soon… Additionally, where you mention the local council, that too is a huge problem for 2 reasons.
          #1 – Councils are NOT local government under the Australian constitution (which is the FOUNDATION OF AUSTRALIAN LAW), BEWARE of false statements from people or the council, you can read about it in the Australian Constitution to confirm this. This September, there will be a referendum question on the council “problem” as the Federal government has sneakily made the question to encompass local council… this is a TRICK, you must VOTE NO, otherwise it will be the end of freedom and expect your rates to go up 20 times what it is now. Councils have no intention to help anyone, they just want to illegally tax you on a tax, steal your money and dictate how you live, whilst investing (offshore) all the monies, they’ve illegally obtained from ALL Australian home and land owners and cry poor to the Australian public that they don’t have any money to fix roads etc…
          #2 – Councils are part of the UN Agenda 21 (which is supposed to relate to sustainability), they are together with the power companies and all other government departments who have no regard for your privacy or sovereignty or basic human rights. All they want is your money and to rule over you with an iron fist.

          I will now start speaking to the relevant persons regarding a class action. As soon as I get the relevant paperwork sorted out, I’ll contact this website administrator. I’m going to have to do this fast as we are running out of time, its already mid year.

          I know we will win, I’ve spoken to several lawyers already, they’ve all told me the same thing and that is what (the way) the power companies and the DPI are doing is illegal and spreading disinformation. There is also an additional law broken and that is they are trying to force the changeover under “DURESS” which is punishable by law, its basically “Blackmail”.

          • Eric says:

            The amount of duress that they have caused to so many people is unbelievable. We not only have the people who are suffering all sorts of ill effects from the radiation of the smart meter but we also have many many folk whose state of health has taken a turn for the worse just through the sheer duress that is being placed upon them by the power companies forcing their agenda upon them.

            Some of these folk were already doing it hard prior to their first encounter with the smart meter agenda . Some of them are struggling financially, some of them are carers for the sick and elderly and have so much on their plate, some of them were already battling their own disabilities or other health issues and some of them are just battling with the frailties of old age. The last thing any of these these folk needed was to have any added burden placed on their shoulders and many of them have not been able to bear this extreme duress that the power companies have placed upon them through their intimidation, threats, lies, harassment and overall unlawful and immoral BS. Some of them are no longer able to manage their life situations because of the degradation in their own well being as a direct result of the duress in having this toxic situation forced upon them. Many of these folk are sufferers in silence.

            The power companies and the state government must be made to answer for this criminality.

      • Steve says:

        Pete, I am keen and I will put 500$ down too.

      • Nick Tyler says:

        Hi Peter, yep, I’ll joint you in a class action. Please let me know what I need to do to join up! Thanks, Nick

      • Paul says:

        Count me in!

    • Mia Nony says:

      “This letter is to advise you that your meter will be exchanged in the next few weeks. You will receive another letter providing a 10 day installation and interruption to supply timeframe scheduled by our accredited meter installers”
      Please be aware: This is not simply a ‘letter’. it is a legal document. Sometimes these documents actually add zeros to your account number, thereby further tricking you. Some fall into the trap of replying and then they have just engaged in a new contract and new account and that means they are about to be metered.
      This ‘letter” you describe is actually a power company’s legal Notice of Intent. They are putting you on Notice.
      The antidote is to put THEM on Notice.
      Do Not Reply to their notice letter.
      If you do so you will have just entered a contract to be smart metered. If you ignore it altogether you will have just entered a new contract by default. Silence creates a contract of implied consent.
      There is ONLY one option. And it works.
      Counter their legal notice by putting them on Notice using Claim of Right.
      Put their Notice ‘letter’ in the envelope you will be using to send your own Notice to them and return their Notice to them unanswered.
      Be sure to register the letter of Claim of Right which you send them. Keep records and copies of everything including the registration receipt as proof. They have 72 hours to counter your claims – but they never do. They can’t. At that point you check the website of the postal organization and use the registration receipt to track the letter you sent. You wait until you get the date they accepted it. Then thirty days from that date of their receipt of your COR, you register and send a second and final Notice, which creates what is known as “estopple by acquiescence”, again keeping all copies of proof of your actions .
      Think of it as the wild west.
      The last Notice left standing wins.
      And the more around you who do this the better, for safety’s sake.
      This option only became available in January here in Canada, and so far over 40,000+ have been left in peace as soon as they claim their right to refuse this way.
      Your rights are granted to you by you, not granted to you by them. Do not relate to them as if they have authority over you. The common law rights you claim cannot be taken from you as they are not theirs to take.
      Common law covers contract law, as well. They are also in violation of contractual terms. What they are trying to do is to amalgamate private property. You are simply collateral damage in the way of profit. In most countries the government has created legislation exempting them from all harm, even death of a customer, as a result of anything to do with the smart grid. That is why they fear common law, as it overturns all their self protection.
      Try it!
      Not only have you nothing to lose, but this is the difference between becoming sick later, and/or being financially gouged non stop, and/or being spied on remotely by a bi-directional radiating microwave enabling transmitter which doubles as a mini cell tower cell relay collector hub. the frequencies eabled by the grid corrode your house wiring and meter base, which also includes nails, screws, locks, hinges, metal beams, all things metal (google Andrew Michrowski on the danger of this wireless for everything, even rapidly corrodes nuclear power plant pipes).
      These frequencies devalue property, since they violate building and electrical codes everywhere. They vibrate the entire structure billions of times a second, loosening all structural contacts and firewall separations. This is illegal. Use common law to refuse. We are in the midst of a rights revolution, and the tools at hand, common law, are ours, we only need to use them.

  334. icouldahad says:

    What do I use, how do I cut a hole in the meter box?

    • Ashley says:

      A drill to do starter holes then a jigsaw.

      A rectangle around 8×6 centimeters should be adequate (I allowed for the standing angle of the person reading meter).

      Alternatively, if you don’t have the tools or skills then contact a handyman tradesman – local newspaper, those mailbox leaflets we threw in the draw, etc. The types of people who run lawn mowing businesses often provide handyman services too.

    • Chris says:

      And you use specifically metal cutting blades or wood cutting blades on your jigsaw depending on whether you have a metal or timber box respectively

    • Julie says:

      We used a holesaw.

    • icouldahad says:

      Thanks everyone!

  335. Paul Holt says:

    We must stop being ignorant and stop believing the lies forced upon us!

  336. Alan says:

    Hi to everyone in Australia who is concerned about their Smart Meter – whether you have one installed or not.

    You can now DO SOMETHING PRACTICAL about getting rid of it!!

    I have written a letter to Victorian Premier Dr. Dennis Napthine accusing him of human rights abuses over the Smart Meter Rollout.

    These claims relate to his government breaking both the UN and Victorian Charters of Human Rights to Privacy and to the Nuremberg Code of Medical Experimentation on Humans.

    I have put together a ‘kit’ that will enable you to post a letter to the Premier’s office.

    In it is a template that will allow you to express your own concerns to the Premier about Smart Meters while supporting my letter. It requires YOU to provide PEOPLE POWER by supporting this effort; especially if you want to see a moratorium placed on these meters!

    If you want to put some ‘power’ back into your hands about this vital issue, then send me an email and I’ll forward you a kit with the instructions.

    Email: smartm.campaign at gmail dot com

    • Pam says:

      Alan – I have done this – no replies as yet and I don’t expect to get any. If I do I will let you know.Cheers Pam 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Alan, referencing the UN is won’t do any good because it is the UN that sought for this technology to be developed. It is part of Agenda 21 for sustainable development. This UN document from 1997 already identifies ‘smart technologies’ (see page 11).

      China and now India are the only non-Western countries to plan for a smart grid, with Rep of Korea developing a pilot plan on one island.
      We need to stress OUR laws, OUR Constitution, OUR sovereign rights under Common Law! No more straying!

  337. Peter says:

    For those of you who missed this program, This backs up what we have been saying about cyber security since this roll out began back in 2009!
    30 to 40 minutes into this program, actually refers to the unauthorised shutting down of ‘smart grids’ and water supplies!
    For the governments, federal and state, to now continue to ignore this sort of warning from such qualified people, as well as the people of Victoria; is outragous!

    Click on the ‘hacked’ heading.

  338. Pef2 says:

    Smart meters suck… my wife and I are alternate therapists and deal with the health issues of people effected daily. My wife is also herself hypersensitive to electro-smog and can’t go near anyone with mobile phones, cordless dect phones, WIFI of any sort etc. This is the biggest experiment on the human population that hasever been undertaken and lots of folks will die. Kindergartens have WIFI in them and all NSW hospitals too. If you get sick, a NSW hospital is NOT where you need to end up. My name is left off as we have had run-ins with Gov dept which handles health. They monitor everything health related and we know one person whose daily job is to just do this.
    We have very few rights left in good old Aus. Keep up the fight on Smart meters… just don’t forget how WIFI and Dect phones are frying you as well

  339. Eric says:

    When you see the plight of people such as Lisa Lacoparra (second speaker in this video) ? how angry does it make you feel ?

    • free spirit says:

      Are they stunned mullets, or what? My heart goes out to this poor lady as I wonder what has happened to our society – it is just…sad.

    • Pam says:

      OH MY GOD – THOSE POOR WOMEN. why won’t councils /governments listen????? What is the price of a Human Life???? BRING ON A CLASS ACTION NOW, before we are forced to have SMART WATER METERS, SMART GAS METERS. I will never have a SMART ELECTRICITY METER. I AM SO ANGRY AT THE MOMENT AFTER WATCHING THAT VIDEO. Here in Aussie our Companies are being HACKED – see the four corners Video in the latest Post – WHERE AND WHEN WILL THIS NIGHTMARE END??? ………..PAM

  340. Eric says:

    “You must accept your electricity the way we want to give it to you or we’ll cut it off”

    This is EXTORTION ie. a Criminal Act

    • Lisa says:

      That is basically how it is, that’s what I was told, no smart meter, you risk no power. So I say bring it on, threaten all you like, the chain stays on.

      • Anthony says:

        Hi there,
        I have received a letter by United Energy saying that they want to install a smart meter at my house.The letter says that its mandatory. I have called the ombudsmen & they also say it is by law that I must have one installed.
        I do not want a smart meter & I am worried that if I lock the box , put up a sign , & make the window that they will cut my power off !!
        I don’t know what to do !!
        Any help would be greatful !!!

        • Chainey says:

          Anthony, lock up your meter box and put up your signs PRONTO.

          You’ll find “NO Trespass” signs have legitimacy too. United Energy were recently writing to people asking them to remove their no trespass signs. Can you believe that ? What does that tell you ?

          In your own time, you can also give them analogue meter readability. Make sure you pay your bills on time also.

          The when they come, stand your ground and watch them scurry when you say NO NO NO NO NO.

          Intimidation is their tool. So do not allow yourself to become intimidated by their utterences because that is exactly what they want to happen so that you in your weakened state will allow them to have their way.

        • peterrocker says:

          Anthony. The only way to deal with these people is to lock you Meter Box after you cut a hole, place perspex to allow viewing of your old meter & put up the signs available at this site. They won’t touch it because the locks belong to you & cutting them can open them up to being sued for destroying your property.

          • Anthony says:

            Hi Peter,
            Thank you for your reply !!
            I will give it a shot & hopefully I don’t get any legal letters from the power company !!
            Thank again

            • Pam says:

              Anthony – You won’t get any legal letters from them, they are just bullying you.. Like everyone says. Lock your Box – Display all the Signs (available on this Website). If you can make a cut-out, line it with perspex, so the analogue meter can be read, without your box having to be opened. Good Luck……Pam 🙂

  341. Eric says:

    The greater the intimidation
    the greater the bullying
    the greater the imposition on one’s human rights
    the worser the lies that are told
    the wilier that the deceptive tactics become
    the ever more stronger my determination and resolution that a smart meter will NEVER EVER be allowed to abide on my residency EVER !!!!!!!!!


    Technocracy go to hell

    • Paul & Di McMahon says:

      Hear hear Eric…………….

    • some guy says:

      Add me to the list Eric.

      re: Definitions in the Act and Statutes.
      Feel free all, to add to, adapt or adopt.
      I’m keen to hear your definitions.

      Due to the definition “roll out” being absent in any of the Acts, statutes or dictionary’s at hand, I offer the following definition as it directly reflects the concerns of the people and the facts.

      ROLL OUT.
      To employ wanton, deceitful and grossly negligent acts of aggression and collusion, with disregard to the people’s best interests relative to their natural and lawful rights, in order to either steam roll them into submission, or to tacitly acquiesce to the requirements of a government corporation.

      “Smart meter” is re-defined to reflect the actual real life facts of the matter.

      An industrial source of electromagnetic emissions, a tool of industry; a surveillance device; an invasion of privacy; a wireless repeater; a 2 way transmitter; a health hazard; a legal mine field.
      A machine that is reliant on uncompensated human labor carried out via interaction with household appliances, in order to create a valuable and viable commodity called data. This data is transported, or shipped via ports on computer networks to another location, to unjustly enrich monopolistic international corporations.
      A machine, or tool of industry or business, that extracts capital in the form of labour performed on private property.
      An inconvenience of no proven benefit to labourers or property owners.
      A machine employed by a business that is not obligated to; pay rent, wages or superannuation; pay for insurance or electricity bills; fund the upkeep of the factory; pay fees to dump secondary waste in the form of toxic electromagnetic radiation or to act by THE WILL of the people.
      A highly lucrative and affordable business tool, requiring very little capital, while offering excellent returns for the owners.

      A contraption that takes, without giving.

      A leach.

      • Paul & Di McMahon says:

        The best definition to be posted so far……..can’t think of anything to add to this. It says it all……..

    • Don Fitzpatrick. says:

      26 / 05 / 2013

      Regarding the representatives (mouthpieces) of Power Companies who continually phone and send Emails etc, in their attempts to try and convince you that Smart Meters are safe.
      I find it hard to understand how these individuals can sleep easily at night, knowing they are spending their days being paid to tell us a whole bundle of untruths.

      In my book what they are really doing in their nicely courteous but oily manner is nothing less than bullying and harassment, for they obviously have no Technical knowledge whatsoever to support any of the information they are spouting to us.

      All these parrots know is what they are told to say and just by carrying this out shows to me they are a measly bunch who are very weak or devoid of any principles or conscience and would do or say anything for money.

      If they had any real decency or conscience at all they would be telling their Power Company Bosses to do their own dirty work, then go and seek honest employment elsewhere.

      Don Fitz

      • Paul & Di McMahon says:

        @ Don…………our sentiments exactly. Who would be so devoid of conscience and morals as to be able to go to work every day and be paid to do this type of work????
        As far as we’re concerned no amount of money is enough knowing that you are trying to deceive every customer into taking on a device that has the potential to harm in ways that we have only begun to understand……… DO these people sleep at night??!!

  342. Steve says:

    I have recently found a note worthy blog on smart meters written by Ken McMurtrie on his “The Golden Rule” website found here ->
    I recommend people take a look and even leave a comment. The more coverage of the smart meter issue the better.

    • Pam says:

      Steve – My late Hubby was a Vietnam Veteran, He was 59 when he died in 2005. He was wounded on 7/2/1966 – shot through the liver and back of his neck. He suffered all his life, with rashes (from Agent Orange) not recognised by the Australian Govt. The Americans gave Aussie about 5 million Dollars in Compensation – we got our house painted and it was paid out of the Fund. When the Fund wound up the monies left over were to be put in Trust to help Children of V/V with Education etc. Never ever heard where the left over monies went.The song “I was only 19” could have been written for my hubby, but it was written for all V/V Vets. There lives were ruined and some are still suffering in silence today. The Government Stuffed up with the V/V’s like they are stuffing up the lives of all our young men and women fighting in various conflicts all over the world.
      Now they are again playing with “OUR LIVES”: here in Australia with SMART METERS AND SMART everything else they are trying to introduce. I will NOT BE SPIED ON AND WILL NEVER HAVE A SMART METER. Thanks Steve and SSMA for all your hard work……………….. Pam

  343. Opt Out says:

    Keynote Smart Utilities Conference Australia New Zealand — November 2012

    The whole 20mins is worth watching as it spells out their agenda. However listen at 14:57 where Hawaii is considered a “worst case” offender because 50% of the consumers have solar or renewable power.

    Real flesh and blood people have been programmed to embrace the “internet of things” which will ultimately be our demise. The things will include drones and trans humans in a very short time.

    We the people formed the government, so why is it acting in the best interests of corporations that are hell bent on power, greed and the destruction of mankind as we know it?

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the scariest video I’ve ever watched!!!
      The ‘smart grid’ is called ‘ecosystem’!?
      The smart meter is the ‘home gateway’ (surveillance device)!!!
      The huge amount of data about customers obtained via smart meters is called ‘analytics’ and he admits the data pool is so large, they have to think of what to do with it!!!!! Of course it will be sold on to allow for direct marketing etc.
      And everybody will live in this all encompassing ‘backbone canopy’ – the ultimate form of control, the end of freedom, the demise of humanity as we know it.

      • Opt Out says:

        I concur Anonymous, it’s downright frightening.
        It’s like being hit by a brick.
        Took me a day, but I’m back up off the floor and stronger than ever.

        Anyone who isn’t aware of trans-human or singularity concepts might be interested to search youtube with “ray kurzweil transhuman” as the query.
        As Anonymous pointed out, the attitude and language used by these guys is the scariest part.
        In their own words, they see those of us who don’t/wont embrace their future utopia as holding back humanity and therefore requiring “special” treatment. I kid you not.
        Stalin or Hitler would be super impressed.

        Watch and weep.
        Then pull yourself together and keep up the oppositon by replying to every letter you receive.
        Be friendly to avoid being viewed as dishonorable if it ever comes to court.
        Whilst letters and therefore negotiations are flowing back and forth, no action can be taken to install the thing. Nothing can happen until all contracts are finalized. We hold the power, we just need to exercise it peacefully and legally.

        Opt Out.
        We don’t need luck just perseverance.

        • Faye Brown says:

          You’re right Opt Out! Best to have negotiations flowing back and forth so I’m going to get myself into gear and reply to the latest United Energy letter that has been sitting here for the last couple of months. Perhaps I’m mad, but I think I will also quietly pray for a kind of ‘scaled down Carrington Event!!’ lol ! Nothing too bad mind……just enough to remind people that aspiring to and creating a technological utopia is perhaps not the best direction for humanity!

          • Pam says:

            Everyone is right – It scares me to death all this technology is killing us. They sneak in things like the new Light globes, where if one breaks you must not touch it with your bare hands. It has to be disposed at special centres, located around your town/city. Then they tried to save us energy by installing those darn standby switches that glowed all night – I disconnected mine and returned them to the supplier. I would prefer candles to a Smart Meter and will never have one – now they are talking about Smart Water Meters – What next????? Smart Gas Meters.

            • Peter says:

              Hi Pam

              Yep! By 2020, they are hoping to have all three essential services on surveillance and control devices according to a Futura document from back in 2009! This will give corporate businesses complete control over what you can do in your own home with these essential services

        • Mia Nony says:

          Not legally, lawfully.
          You do not ask a fictional authority if you can have permission to opt out. To do so only reenforces their fictional authority over you.
          The strategy you need is to correctly lawfully (not legally) refuse to opt in.
          Legal = public statute law, involving costs, lawyers, courts, judges, high risk of corruption, large chance of failure.
          Lawful = private rights, correctly claimed, including the right to refuse all of this.
          The latter, “lawful”, is about your right to reclaim your rights, which can be claimed by giving correct notice to the utility, with no costs other than registered mail and copies made for your files.
          Check this link out for Canadian refusal documents that are working 100% of the time for those who use them. This is a two move strategy. The second part is done after a specific time, and creates estopple by acquiescence, since their silence means that THEY have accepted YOUR terms, instead of the other way around, and once done, all burden of proof of THEIR claim of the right to invade your home and property is on them, not you.
          Perhaps you might also contact the website and ask them if they may be able to guide you to find someone there who is savvy in common law and who is able to carefully alter wording just exactly the right way and only enough to suit application for refusal to your utility there, but who will not destroy the exact lawful intent or protections in the documents for private men and women which are built into the carefully hand picked wording.

          Publicly, they are “amalgamating” your property into their corporation, Privately they cannot do so if you assert your CLAIM OF RIGHT. You, too, are a common law based country. Use this fact. According to public statute law, you must first grant or give governments and other corporations your consent in order to have then take that consent and then use it to assure your rights are taken away. Silence, wrongfully worded replies to notices from the utility which imply acceptance, even requests for opt out, these are all forms of consent or acquiescence. What you need to do is Claim Your Right to refuse, withdraw your consent by using common law. Common law is used by corporations all the time to go after each other.
          An ounce of refusal is worth a ton of removal.
          Try this. It is the ONLY thing that is working in BC, or for that matter anywhere, but this is a first, globally, and it is successful, right here in BC, Canada.
          And now many other provinces in Canada are asking for similar documents to be written for them as well.
          Entire neighbourhoods are doing this here. Since each smart meter can cover dozens of miles, there is also lawful safety in retaining large numbers of analogs all around yours.
          All the best

          • Faye says:

            Thanks heaps Mia. That explains and clarifies things very well. Will be following up for sure!

            • Mia Nony says:

              If you “reply” then that means you engage. If you engage you are entering into a new contract, theirs. If you enter into a contract, you are hooped.
              DO NOT REPLY.
              This makes you a responder who is replying to THEIR terms, their entrapment, their contract, and who then dances to THEIR tune.
              You do not want to act like someone who is defined by them, not at all.
              This is a very serious matter. One might say it is about life and death.
              Either you take the wheel or you become a passenger.
              There is no in between.
              You have to act like the driver. Make them into the passenger.
              You want the utility to comply with YOUR terms of Notice using YOUR Claim of Right, not the other way around.
              That is why you ONLY put them on Notice by claiming YOUR rights, and you only do so in the exactly correct way, … just as they did so to you when they told you you HAD to “comply” with their terms, which they did while operating on fictional authority they do not in fact possess.
              If you sign PUBLIC petitions, if you join any PUBLIC statute lawsuits, if you use any statute law documents along with or as well as any common law documents, the common law documents become null and void.
              This is what you want to avoid doing.
              So keep your actions separate and make certain to avoid any other documents which use statutory public legal language or legal actions. Common law is lawful, not legal.
              Amazingly, most people think they are owned but in order to be owned first you must grant consent, This is about REFUSING consent.
              If you simply “reply” to them, you are walking right back into their trap, and thereby disempowering yourself by throwing yourself back into the public venue where they have control via fictional authority they claim over you.
              The idea is to CLAIM YOUR RIGHTS as a private man or woman.
              You want to AVOID doing anything which returns you to the status of being a public commodity over whom they can exercise THEIR LEGAL PUBLIC RIGHTS in the public legal domain.
              The point is to avoid signing your rights away to those who are prepared to have your body and your home amalgamated into the smart grid, while viewing you as collateral damage.
              If your reclaim your rights, the rule is that the one who gives the most recent notice “wins”. In this case that’s you.
              If you don’t want them to “own” you, then don’t “reply” on their terms at all.
              If you do so, then they have you, and you have just cancelled the power you took back.
              The point is to make certain that you are acting like a private living man or woman with common law rights inherently yours to claim. All freedom in such matters tends to be given away by misinformed consent. Believe me, their lawyers know all about contract law and torte law, since corporations use this same common law device all the time to go after one another.
              But no sense in you doing any of this if you do not do it exactly correctly.
              This link below this paragraph is the place to study the Canadian version – you need exact common law advice for how it applies in the US. But they do recognize common law.
              Just remember, the idea is to avoid lawyers, courts, judges. That is THEIR venue, not YOURS.
              Reread Alice in Wonderland, it is eerily similar. ;D

          • Eric says:

            “Check this link out for Canadian refusal documents that are working 100% of the time….”

            Sorry Mia, which link is it ???

          • I Refuse to Opt In says:

            Thanks Mia… lawfully it is then! 🙂
            I’ve been applying the Common Law approach and it’s working so far.
            People can download a copy of Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Ed, here

            Click to access Black%27sLaw4th.pdf

            where you can search for words or terms, which was unheard of by the masses, just 20 years ago. In seconds every mention of a searched word or phase is at hand, imagine that! Imagine how long that would take with out computers… weeks maybe. Therefore unlike those plebs before us, we have no excuse to not protect our LAWFUL Claim of Right.
            I’ve got a couple of curve balls up my sleeve, we’ll see how they get played over the next few weeks. I’ll keep the forum updated if any land mark events unfold.

            I’m no longer opting out, cos I didn’t opt in, in the first place.
            Great post Mia, cheers.

            • Eric says:

              Ad the notion of “deferral” does not apply

            • Mia Nony says:

              “Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1856) defines unalienable:
              Incapable of being transferred. Things which are not in commerce, as, public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are unalienable in consequence of particular provisions of the law forbidding their sale or transfer; as, pensions granted by the government. The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable.

              Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition, (1910) defines unalienable:
              Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person to another such as rivers and public highways and certain personal rights; e.g., liberty.

              William Blackstone, 18th century Common Law English jurist, judge defined unalienable in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1:93.
              Those rights, then, which God and nature have established, and therefore called natural rights, such as life and liberty, need not the aid of human laws to be more effectually invested in every man than they are; neither do they receive any additional strength when declared by the municipal laws to be inviolable. On the contrary, no human legislature has power to abridge or destroy them, unless the owner shall himself commit some act that amounts to a forfeiture.

              (“[T]he Due Process Clause protects the unalienable liberty recognized in the Declaration of Independence rather than the particular rights or privileges conferred by specific laws or regulations.” SANDIN v. CONNER, _ U.S. _(1995))

              Essentially, unalienable rights are inherent to being human and exist forever outside of the world of commerce; they cannot be bought, sold or transferred…ever.

              Now here is, inalienable.

              Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1856) defines inalienable:
              A word denoting the condition of those things the property in which cannot be lawfully transferred from one person to another. Public highways and rivers are inalienable. There are also many rights which are inalienable, as the rights of liberty or of speech.
              Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition (1910) defines inalienable:
              Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person to another such as rivers and public highways and certain personal rights; e.g., liberty. (emphasis mine)
              [Morrison v. State, 252 S.W.2d 97, 101, 1952] In this decision, the Missouri Court of Appeals defined inalienable rights as those rights incapable of being surrendered or transferred; at least without one’s consent. (emphasis mine)

              U.S. 2013 defines inalienable:
              Inalienable right refers to rights that cannot be surrendered, sold or transferred to someone else, especially a natural right such as the right to own property. However, these rights can be transferred with the consent of the person possessing those rights. (emphasis mine)
              According to Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1856), the meaning of inalienable starts out much the same as unalienable; but it morphs over time starting with the 1910 definition. Inalienable has evolved to mean rights that can be transferred with the consent of the person having them. If someone consents to transfer their rights, those rights can no longer be considered un-alienable, impossible to transfer, inherent human rights. They become rights “in commerce.”

              Maybe you are scratching your head and still saying, so what? Here’s the deal. Inalienable rights (as currently defined) are transferable by one’s consent via contract, which includes the concept “social contract.”

              Social contract theory originated with the political philosophy of Plato, was popularized by Thomas Hobbes in the 17th century, and then embedded deep into the concept of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Government in 1787.

              What is it? A social contract is defined as a voluntary agreement people make with their government for mutual benefit. But actually, it is a tacit agreement mostly given unknowingly by the people; the belief being the state only exists to serve the will of the people and therefore the people must give up some rights to assure government can provide them safety and order.

              In conclusion, the social contract Americans unwittingly made at the time of the U.S. Constitution has been breached by the undermining of unalienable rights with inalienable rights. Originally considered one’s private property, unalienable rights including all physical property, one’s labor and even privacy (part of liberty) have been unlawfully transferred in commerce to the government via laws, regulation and taxation.”
              Here is a link of interest, the American version.


        • Mia Nony says:

          You reply, you have entered into contractual negotiations, and all that is left to discuss is terms, theirs. You reply to their notice and then you dance to THEIR tune.
          You put them on Notice of Default using Claim of Right and then they dance to YOUR tune.

  344. mohsen says:

    smart meter public march 5th May 2013 video,please spread around.

    • Melbourne Mum says:


    • Pam says:

      I have been waiting to view this Video. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I wish I could have joined you all. Sonia and John what would we do without you. Has this Video been offered to ACA or 6.30 REPORT???? WE WILL WIN – NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Hope next weeks Meeting is just as successful. Thanks to SSMA and ALL our SUPPORTERS. …………. PAM 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      I found the working YouTube video at

  345. Lisa says:

    If somebody has solar panels, and has a proper meter already for these solar panels (it must be some type of smart meter already)? – do they actually “need” a wi-fi smart meter? Or could they lock their meter boxes and try and retain their own existing older style smart meter?

  346. Rob says:

    I have a smart meter installed at my home, this was a requirement for installing solar panels. Its been installed since June last year and no issues so far. Although the WiMax radio modem has not been installed in the meter so its not communicating back to SP AusNet yet…..but I’m sure they will install one soon.

    I am aware that several Internet service providers already use the WiMax radio system for the provision of Internet services.

    I’m not overly concerned about the possible health issues in relation to the wireless modem that they install in smart meters. Now days most homes have a broadband modem that sends out a wireless wifi signal to peoples ipads, laptops, pc’s and mobile phones. Lets face it most of us have radio frequency emitting devices (mobile phones) all around us…When I can I avoid holding a mobile handset to my ear and I don’t intend to stand near my meter box for extended periods either.

    COST – What I am concerned about it the totally unnecessary expense to Victorians for unnecessarily implementing smart meters. As if someone will significantly change their electricity usage because they can see what they are using every 15 minutes…The only reduction to usage bought about by smart meters will be because of the increases in electricity prices caused by the cost of installing the meters, the radio towers, and replacing the plastic electronic meters when they break down. Lets face it, there are old analogue rotating disc type meters still going strong that were installed in the 60’s or even earlier. They were very well made by British instrument mechanics and rarely fail! There is no way we will get the same lifespan from a modern smart meter.

    SAFETY – Connections- I don’t like the fact that an electricity retailer will be able to turn on and off your electricity remotely. At the moment a person has to come to your place to do this. Generally the person can see the state of a building, metering panel ans switchboard. They currently make a judgement as to the safety of turning on the electricity supply and ensure that the Main Switch is left off, just in case there is an appliance left plugged in that may start a fire, such as an empty kettle, or a heater. What if someone is working on the house and doing something with the wiring and all the sudden the power comes on without warning?

    Accidental Disconnections – I know that the power companies DO make a lot of mistakes and can actually select the wrong premises in their computer when arranging a change of occupancy or final reading/disconnection when you move out. Sometimes its not even their fault it only takes someone to accidentally say the wrong address, or in the case of a business provide the wrong shop number. At least if a person visits your house/business and you are there you will be able to tell the person, no, there must be a mistake do not disconnect my power. Or if you have just paid your electricity account late you could show the person the account and your payment receipt and they would not disconnect you.

    LOAD SHEDDING – I hear that SMART meters will eventually be linked to SMART appliances. That is the power company on a really hot day when the power generators are having troubles meeting the electricity demand they will be able to remotely and selectively shut down a SMART enabled air conditioner at your house. i.e. they send the command to your smart meter from their control room and your smart meter in turn sends a signal over your house wiring to your air conditioner…..I’m not sure about this one, How will you know that your air conditioner has been switched off rather than assuming it has broken down? What was wrong with the old way of communicating this via the media? i.e. Ask the public to voluntarily turn off their air conditioners or face blackouts?

    Anyway my concise view at the moment is, unnecessary expense to the Victorian public, with little to no real benefits to the consumer.

    • Steve says:

      Rob, you have raised some excellent points above. Although I believe a couple more can be added relating to privacy and electronic trespass. Although the article I have linked here is a couple of years old it does clearly demonstrate what kind of details are available to the power companies using smart meters to monitor our power usage. It also covers some of the concerns that the public has with respect to how this data can be used such as providing a profile of a household to determine whether a house is occupied or not.
      There are some good suggestions in this article on how household details can be obfuscated but it remains to seen whether any of them will be implemented. One suggestion of using batteries (charge them up at the time of low power usage) could have been further extended to provide additional power during peak power demand thereby reducing the need to worry about load shedding.

      More of a concern for me is that the smart meter combined with smart appliances creates the framework to support further monitoring measures particularly if we do not have a say in what electronics are incorporated into these smart appliances or have the ability to disable them. I see this as a form of electronic trespass where suddenly we invite corporations and potential government agencies into houses with out our knowledge.

      Although you may not be sensitive to radio frequencies and are not overly concerned about health issues there are those that are genuinely affected by these transmitters which have been installed in most houses. I should have a choice as to whether I want to have a radio transmitter on my property and this has been done without my consent. There is nothing in the mandate that says wireless must be used to convey data back to the utilities.

    • Mia Nony says:

      “I don’t intend to stand near my meter box for extended periods either.”
      They don’t call it a Wimax blanket for nothing. If the signal diminished it would not reach its goal, the next node, or meter, or collector hub, and must exceed the distance it has to provide coverage for. So distance does not help. Visualize overlapping circles in the billions. Every meter is able to cover a range of many kilometres. And it is mere feet from the next meter, also able to cover many kilometres. Yours radiate me, mine radiates you. This is a Wimax microwave blanket able to cause slow motion gradual bio-electrical failure of all creatures inside the ecosystem, that is what this is, and they even freely admit they are trying to cover the earth in microwaves. This is the machinery of death, and that is not a matter of opinion.
      The military is the agency which originally created these ultra high frequencies to do just that, kill, maim, disable, cause cognitive impairment, anything they want. This system is able to dial-a-disease at will, stroke, heart attack, dementia, Parkinson’s, MS, whatever they want, the facts, according to Barry Trower, He ought to know, He designed these frequencies for military application to do just that. Now, too late, he is nearly overwrought that they have turned these weapons of mass destruction on domestic populations all over the world and he is trying to warn everyone before it is too late.

  347. St Kilda Mike says:

    We are told that a government commissioned report gave the all clear for the meters. Has anyone read this document, or does anyone know the report brief?

    • Pete says:

      Hi Mike

      They are probably referring to the Energy Safe Victoria ‘white wash’. All the public submissions which raised negative issues were totally dimissed as misinformation or just simply ignored. Their ‘all clear’ is based on out of date standards issued between 2002 and about 2007, to my knowledge these standards have not been updated on the basis of new research information contained in the public submissions.

      • Mia Nony says:

        Premeditation of statute law points directly to prior intentions: In BC, Canada, the government first wrote statute laws in advance of the smart grid, to exempt themselves from all liability from all smart grid components and all possible harm even death, all done prior to deployment.
        To try to argue on the ground of outmoded safety “laws” may be accurate but this is the most difficult and almost impossible strategy to try to win. One is faced with collusion at the top levels, and must face off against the military and the telecom industry who jointly set international standards which are illegal. However, the illegality is waived on the pretext that it is done for purposes of national security. In other words safe radiation is too low for the military definition of “domestic security”.
        Translation: They have to burn the global village to save it.

    • Jason says:

      Yeah…and a ‘government-commissioned report gave the all-clear’ for governments, too!

  348. Viv says:

    HI – I live in a block of 8 units and recently learnt that 8 smart meters have been installed on the back of the bedroom wall. Is it safe and if not how unsafe is it? I’ve read many posts but can’t seem to get an answer. I need to get a flatmate in because I can’t afford the rent alone. I’m reluctant to advertise given the concerns expressed about safety issues.
    Any relevant info much appreciated???

    • Pam says:

      Viv – If it was my unit I would move my bedroom right away from the smart meters. Many people are ill because smart meters are behind their bedroom wall. These darn things emit radiation and it is harmfull to our health, safety,privacy and financially. Go back over the Posts ,especially Steve’s. You will probably get more Comments – hope this helps a little., Good Luck Pam

    • Opt Out says:

      Hi Viv, you could try to document the EMR readings found in your flat. However you’ll need the correct equipment, which you might not have access to. Maybe send an email to your local SSM group asking if there are any people with the equipment that are wanting to document installations such as yours, for free of course. What suburb are you in?

    • Anonymous says:

      Viv, don’t risk another second of your health in that unit – get out of there pronto and find another place to rent !!!

  349. For everyone’s information, there’s a new facebook page, “Stop Smart Meters Petition in Latrobe Valley” to advertise any upcoming events & possibly later on people can join it to set up a petition against smart meters. Feel free to join it, add your comments, information, photos etc on it

  350. Bearded Baboon Loather says:

    Just wondering if the house involved in the fatal fire in Alma Crt Newcomb had a smart meter installed. Or…..whether the power surge reported in the area was smart meter related.

    Could help but think of a previous house fire where SOME person organised to have the smart meter removed from the property before a proper investigation could be done as to ascertain the cause of the fire.

    • Rob says:

      Hi BBL,

      Power surges and spikes are created in several ways, lightning, an accident such as a car hitting a power pole causing the top high voltage wires fall on the bottom street mains wires (also called a High Voltage Injection), or when the high voltage power lines are switched off and then back on. I doubt that a smart meter would be able to cause a ‘power surge’ . In most if not all cases there needs to be something happening to the High Voltage Supply to cause a power surge.

      Generally if there is a power surge several homes would be effected, not just one! So if this fire was started at one house I would hope that the investigators were looking very carefully at the metering installed at that particular house and the condition of the wiring in the house to determine if the cause was electrical.

      Of the types of surges a ‘High Voltage Injection’ is the most likely to cause serious damage or a fire. Other surges and spikes can be caused by on the 240V side of things, such as large motors starting and stopping, and are more likely to just damage electronic appliances (computers etc) that’s why we should have a surge protection power board for sensitive electronics.

      Hope this helps.

      • Steve says:

        ” I doubt that a smart meter would be able to cause a ‘power surge’”

        Rob, you might be surprised that it is possible to create high voltage injection (HVI) events through smart meters. Several research articles in the past have shown that this is possible by dynamically altering the load on a grid by sending on/off power commands to a large number of smart meters in a common location to generate a HVI event.

        Here you will find a few articles that look at how to protect against these scenarios here and here The big question is whether the Australian power companies have implemented any of these protective mechanisms because there is a huge cost associated with implementing them. The other issue is that hackers are always one step ahead as they find and exploit new vulnerabilities.

    • Mia Nony says:

      The power company is the only one “authorized” to remove the meter, often the customer’s tell tale damaged base as well, and then all forensic evidence disappears, the minute they arrive at the scene. It is the perfect crime, really.

  351. Elijah B. says:

    I’d like to ask a hypothetical question:
    Suppose I have a generator wired into my house as well as being on the grid with a smart meter.
    Suppose I turn off the smart meter from supplying power on a hot day and run (for example) my air conditioner.
    If the power company decides to shut down aircons because of load issues, would my aircon also shut down even though it’s not being powered from the mains? Is the shutdown command transmitted through the wiring or through a radio signal from the meter box?
    It seems to me if the command is transmitted via wire then I’d be safe, but if it’s transmitted via signal they are able to interfere with usage from a private power generator.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your air conditioner needs to have a wireless communication chip in it for communication to occur via a wireless signal. Your present air conditioner is unlikely to have that.

      • Elijah B. says:

        On the face of it it sounds like it’s a matter of time then, and we will see devices that have such chips fitted.

        I know it’s rare for a person to have their own standby generator, but It sounds like another reason to not have a smart meter fitted, if the meter gives a power company the opportunity to interfere with one’s appliances that are in transmitter range, even if I were to provide my own electricity generation.

        • Pete says:

          Hi Elilah and Anonymous

          Check out AS4755, I believe it is a requirement in Victoria, that all air conditioners sold from 2012 are to comply with this requirement.

  352. Anonymous says:

    Five Distribution Companies
    You are going to pay a very heavy price for the grief that you are causing everyone

  353. B.J. says:

    If it means being exposed to any amount of pulsing electromagnetic radiation in my own home then you can stick smart grid electricity as far as I am concerned. I refuse to pay a single cent for a stinking product like that.

  354. Paul & Di McMahon says:

    Hi all,
    Re: Orgone devices – Check out Geoclense at Orgone Effects Australia.
    Huge amounts of info on this site and i will be contacting them this afternoon re a problem that has arisen since all the neighbourhood has had smart meters installed in the last few weeks.
    We are sandwiched between them and the effects are starting to kick in. Have kept the installers at bay as has our neighbour across the road, but obviously still need to protect ourselves.
    Hope this info may help anyone who is suffering from the effects of these noxious devices we have been FORCED to deal with. Cheers. Di McMahon

  355. Henry says:

    WARNING !!!!!!


    Jemena have announced in this weeks local community newspaper (Moonee Valley Leader) that they will be doing new smart meters installations in the areas mentioned above
    “during APRIL and MAY”

    So anybody living in these areas, be on your guard, lock your meter boxes and put up your signs NOW.

    They’ve indicated that they will do a letterbox mailout first prior to doing a meter exchange. Do not rely on this and procrastinate. PROTECT YOURSELF NOW.

    If you do not want a wireless transmitter installed on your premises that wirelessly communicates to other smart meters in bursts many thousands of times in a day and that with each burst pulses powerful and dangerous microwave radiation into your home, into your brain, into your children’s bodies and brains and into your neighbor’s homes, please take action NOW and protect yourself, lock your meter boxes, put up your signs and when you are visited, do not be in any way intimidated, you EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO SAY NO.

    If any unauthorised entry or inappropriate behaviour that were to occur on my premises, it will be dealt with in a VERY AFFIRMATIVE manner.

    • Henry says:

      The above warning is now also extended to EAST KEILOR residents as well who I’m told have received notice from Jemena that they will be doing installations from 28/4/13 to 11/5/13.

    • Gary says:

      We are in East Keilor. We have received the letter from Jemena indicating that they are doing the installations in the 10 day window from the week after next. They have stated in their letter that they will be ignoring signs and will be cutting locks. Does anyone know if they have actually been doing that ?

      As the mandate is only to the distribution companies, then I have legal right to refuse the installation don’t I ? If I thus state my position, then doesn’t that make any installer who proceeds to cut locks guilty of break and enter………………….

      • graeme says:

        Gary mate the only way that any body can come onto your property is by you the resident give your consent.
        Electricity suppliers can under their Distribution Code, service and maintain their existing equipment [eg; read meters ].
        What they can’t do is damage your property [eg;cut your locks chains meter box.].
        On the STOP SMART METER sign, it clearly states that trespassers will be prosecuted and would face a fine of $167,000 Download this sign fix it to your meter box.
        Lock up your Meter Box, use a strong padlock,take photo’s of your locked meter box.
        Send a letter to your electricity supplier stating you do not want a radiation emitting device fitted to my home. Also let them know that you do not want a monitoring device fitted to your home of which effects your privacy eg;third parties can steal your information.
        It is illegal for anybody to fit devices to your home that causes unhealthy concerns to any resident at your address.
        Smart Meters emit Pulses of harmful Radiation Thousands a time each day.
        The radiation is known to cause cancer in people espsecialy in children.
        I hope this information is helpfull.FIGHT THIS INVASION OF YOUR LAWFULL RIGHTS.

        • adrian isted says:

          hi greame i am writing to to you in relation to your comments in relation to smart meters on the “stop smart meter web site,you said in one part of your comment that it is illegal for anyone to install a device to your home that causes unhealthy concerns,so i was wondering is there any legal evidence of this that is written as law as my mother who is on chemotherapy medication for the rest of her life,and who is now facing a fight with the power company over installation of a smart meter on her property at the moment. any information would be greatly appreciated.

          • graeme says:

            Adrian;sorry to hear about your mum,my wife’s friend had the same treatment.
            About the statement you are referring to [illegal for anyone to install a device to your home that causes unhealthy concerns to residents of your dwelling.].
            I’m referring to my electricity supplier JEMENA who denies any responsibility and regard to occupants concerns of the effects of radiation emitted from their SMART METERS.
            I sent a document stating that i will except the installation of the SMART METER if the following conditions are met.

            I [Manager of JEMENA ] guarantee that OUR SMART METERS WILL NOT cause any fire related damage ,household appliance damage, theft of information due to third parties interests or health concerns to anybody that resides or frequents around and within the SMART METER NETWORK.

            The document was more thorough but you get the message.
            They didn’t sign it or send it back.
            There is common law that two parties have to form a contract stating their purpose of undertaking an agreed task to be implemented.
            I bet a pound of peanuts that no one in Victoria or all of Australia has been asked to sign a contract stating we both agree to fit a RADIATION EMITTING and SURVEILLANCE DEVICE to your home,eg; SMART METER.
            Once again [Illegal for anyone to install unhealthy devices ].
            Electricity Distribution Code ,nowhere in the code does it state that a SMART METER can be installed or for that matter a RADIATION EMITTING and or SURVEILLANCE DEVICE to your home.
            They are illegally breaking their own code and the agreement between customer and supplier.
            Laws that effect any devices that we live with or use in Australia must conform to strict safety standards.If a product is found to be faulty or causes people to be ill from the use of the product then it would be illegal for a company to proceed with the product.
            There is overwhelming evidence that the radiation emitted from SMART METERS could cause unhealthy issues in individuals.
            In the state of California U.S.A.there is a class action law suit on the way suing electricity companies EDISON and P.G.E..
            Liz Barris [the organizer]. Citizens for radiation free
            Is asking plaintiffs to register and document any changes in their health due the installation of SMART METERS and or the effects associated from a network [cluster] of SMART METERS.
            Health issues that may occur as follows;-
            Severe headaches, Stabbing pains in the ear, Heart arrhythmia, Heart attack, Cancer, Blood noses, Birth defects. Brain fog confusion, Loss of energy, Endocrine problems, Fertility problems, Hormonal problems, Immune problems,Neurological issues, Twitching of muscles, Tinnitus [ringing in your ears ], Insomnia, Exasperation of pre-existing medical problems, Medical device interference.
            Devices fitted to your home that cause health issues eg RADIATION EMITTING DEVICES eg;-SMART METERS the evidence is growing and when the Australian government WAKES UP they will determine them as an illegal product.
            Laws aside we the Australian people are easy going and we seem to take action when it is to late eg; Asbestos disease companies new of health risks but nothing was done until people started dying.
            Smoking ;-Action not taken until serious health concerns became increasingly evident.
            Treated Pine [Copper Arsenic]United States have restricted the use of this material.Here in Australia councils have removed it from the playgrounds and used other materials.But the building trade is still using it?
            We have to wake up and stop the devices and or products of which can cause disastrous health concerns on us.
            Adrian i hope i’ve answered your question and i wish all the best for your mother and gets well soon.

            • Anthony says:

              Hi Graeme You seem to be well informed on the smart meter issue. We already have 3 SM on our home and have exhausted all relevant govt and Powercor including EWOV,no help with our problems and Powercor are denying all. I have spoken with an insider about the health problems associated with SMs and was told that govt and power companies are well aware of what is going on but refuse to recognise this publicly due to the backlash it would cause, this explains the handballing from one dept to another and the silent treatment encountered by those such as myself. We would like to have the meters removed but have been advised that if I was to do so,would be breaking the law. Can you shed any light on what we and others in this situation can do. Cheers

              • Eric says:

                I suspect that the answer is en masse. ie. Whatever the course of action, it needs to be done en masse. Whether it is the so called “breaking the law” by having the meter removed oneself or whether it be going off the grid.

                Being made to live alongside a harmful device that one does not want and in such a way where that person is being literally held to ransom is A FORM OF TORTURE no different to waterboarding. It is one of the most VILE and unimaginable CRIMINAL ACTS that can be perpetrated upon another human being. Don’t tell me that those who inflict such an thing as this upon others have nothing that they must answer for.

                There is a concept in criminal law known as “justifiable homicide”. And killing in self defence is not a crime. So how far can you push a person in such a way as this and think that they don’t have any right to take some form of action to preserve their own well being. Some people had better start thinking very very closely about these very issues.

              • Jason says:

                Get support of enough people (Facebook, Sports-clubs, Churches, where-ever) to elect independent and willing non-party politicians who will (a) legislate to take Smart Meters off the agenda, and (b) open the books of the dirty deals done between both the ALP and the Libs and the power industry, with a view to allowing people to sue both the Parties/Industries AND THE INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED, personally. (Starting with Jeff Kennett.)

                The argument that they can’t undo a done deal ~ which the Coalition used ~ is a nonsense. Parliament has the power to make ANY legislation about any issue it likes….including retrospective legislation.

                If it’s not worth fighting for it’s not worth haggling over.

              • graeme says:

                Anthony sorry i’ve taken so long to get back to you.
                I have been sent information on the issue of getting the SMART METERS removed,then replace with safe non radiation emmitting and or surveillance meters.
                It has been done elsewhere and there is no reason why it can’t be here in Victoria.
                What i have been told, getting the meters removed and replaced with safe meters legally is the easy part.
                Fighting for our legal rights is paramount.
                We have to do it [as Eric has stated ] “en masse” to accomplish the task at hand.
                Can’t divulge too much at the moment until further research of relevant information is undertaken. There are prying eyes out there [power companys] that see this also.
                DON’T GIVE UP, it’s all of our future generations we are fightimg for.

              • Eric says:

                In respect to removing the smart meters ourselves and reinstalling analogue meters, a snippet from American sister sight may be of interest even though different jurisdiction…

                “They will tell you that if you replace the meter on your home, then you could be indicted on state or federal tampering charges. However, most states (check your local laws) define tampering only if it includes the “intent to defraud” the utility. In other words only if you have the intention to steal power. If you are taking reasonable necessary steps to protect your family’s health and safety, you are careful to document this fact, and you return the unwanted equipment to the utility (ideally in a very public, coordinated fashion) then you are very unlikely to be prosecuted. Again, do your own research and consult a good lawyer. This is not legal advice and we are not lawyers, just regular people standing up for our safety and health.”

      • Gerhard says:

        hi Gary
        if I receive a letter from my provider with sentences like “that they will be ignoring signs and will be cutting locks” I will write a letter back thanking the provider of stating his intention of unlawful enter my premises with the intention of wilful damage to my property and giving me this in writing *G*

        • Peter says:

          Hi Adrian
          Check out Electricity Safety Act 1998 sect 43, 44, 45/45a. These sections seem to put the onus of safety of installation of these devices fair and square on the INSTALLER! No wonder the distributors wash their hands of any safety issues! If the installer has ANY doubts about these things, THEY SHOULD NOT BE CERTIFYING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THEM!

  356. Eric says:

    Reading through a Law Handbook from the Fitzroy Legal Service I came across this and could not help but think about the installer from SP Ausnet who when leaving the home of a resident that had just refused smart meter installation, proceeded to call this same resident (who was only trying to protect the interests of himself and his family), by the name “Dickhead”

    Under Victorian law it is an offence to use indecent or threatening language or behaviour in or near a public place, or within the view or hearing of a person in a public place (s.17(1) SOA). The maximum penalty for a first offence is 10 penalty units or two months jail. “Public place” is very widely defined and includes roads, streets, alleys, footpaths, parks, gardens, railway stations, trains, piers, churches, state schools, theatres, markets, sporting grounds and open areas.

  357. Peter says:

    Hi all, so now the retailers are making your electricity usage availeable on line, (if you have a ‘smart meter’) So without your permission, your electricity usage is availeable to any hacker who gains access to your computer. What price privacy now?

    • Eric says:

      Smart meters will definitely make our personal information fair game for being compromised.

      In reference to comment made by US Secretary of State John Kerry on Reuters….

      Cyber security, Kerry said “affects the financial sector, banks, financial transactions, EVERY ASPECT of nations in modern times are affected by the use of cyber networking…..”

      Smart Meter networks are fair game

      • Jason says:

        The problem is that ALL your information these days is housed on data-banks to anyone with the tech. knowledge to access it. (City/Shire Councils actually make a few bucks by selling whatever information they hold on every individual ~ and make no secret of it.)
        And the sad thing is that ‘The Nitwit In The Street’ is all to willing to tell all the snoops their business; from the Census, Electoral Rolls and ATO down to dog-registration applications ~ including such tasty morsels as income/banking info widely disseminated through people’s addiction to plastic cards. These days most online business/dealings of any sort “require” your postcode…for marketing purposes.

        • Peter says:

          Hi Jason
          What you say may well be true, but in the case of these devices, there is so much detailed information about individual house holds all in one place.

  358. lindsay smith says:

    The following is my letter posted today approaching the topic from common law aspect where no man has the right to cause harm or loss to another. Common law trumps ALL legislative law, only many people are unaware of their basic rights.


    Power Core Australia
    Locked Bag 14090
    Melbourne Vic 8001

    RE: Notice Ref. NMI-##########

    To whom it may concern,

    I have received a letter ( Ref. NMI-##########) from Peter Wallace informing me of Powercor’s intention to install a smart meter at my residence in the near future.

    As explained previously in my letter (17/02/2012) I have in the past had severe health problems caused by EM emitting devices that were previously installed at my home.

    Since my letter to Janet Hogarty of Powercor (06/03/2012) I have been diagnosed by a specialist MD as being EM sensitive otherwise known as Esmog sensitive.
    I have extensive medical records as evidence of my efforts in trying to solve the cause of my debilitating ill health before I found the true cause.

    Since my diagnosis I have be able to keep the problem under control by either limiting or completely removing the sources of EM transmission within my home environs and I now enjoy good health because of this.

    Thus, in response to Powercor’s repeated attempts to fit a transmitting smartmeter:

    I do not consent to the fitting of a smart meter at my residence because of concerns about my health and the health of my family.

    As sovereign beings my family and I reserve the right of control over all substances, physical or energetic that enters our bodies. Similarly, anything that may be caused to enter our bodies without our consent will be considered a violation under common law.

    In the interests of fair warning, I hereby request that Powercor pass on this entire letter to all individuals in the chain of command, employment, contracted or subcontracted who might be involved in attempting to fit a smartmeter at my residence to inform them that:
    • their actions towards executing a smartmeter installation will be taken as a direct threat of intent to harm myself and my family and
    • as it is my right to defend myself and my family under common law I will take action against each individual personally in a court of law irrespective of their position of employment or engagement with Powercor or other contractors .

    By means of fair warning, should any installation technician/s arrive at my property, a warning of my intent to bring actions against the person will also be posted at the meter box next to the existing trespass, breaking and entering warning notices.

    I hasten to inform you that this letter is not an exhaustive list of actions I am prepared to take to protect myself and my family.

    Please note: I hereby consent to manual meter readers entering my property for the express purpose of reading the meter to enable accurate billing.

    Please feel free to contact me in writing regarding any alternative metering systems available.

    Yours sincerely,

    • Anonymous says:

      This morning, on ABC Breakfast Program, Christine Milne, leader of the Greens, whilst being interviewed by Virginia Trioli, called for MORE FUNDING FOR [SMART] GRIDS!
      As we had towards an election, I think people should know this.

      • Peter G says:

        Thanks Anon,Christine Milne should know better being leader of the greens.
        I’m sick to death of these smart meters,i’m VERY close to selling up and going bush to become self sufficient.
        Currently living in a block of units,i have 5 meters near my bedroom wall.Only 1 smart meter has been installed(public lighting)due to there being an outside main switch.Re:The other meters,all main switches are inside the units.I’ve advised occupants not to let anyone in and or have access to there main switch in there unit.
        Since they’ve installed the 1 for public lighting,i’ve suffered from tinnitus amongst other ailments,sleepless nights etc.
        Since installing the public lighting smart meter,they have sent a letter 2mnths ago that they’d be installing smart meters,luckily they didn’t show up for now.
        Also if these smart meters are the property of Eg:Jemena,why are we paying for them?
        Also,i’m told these so called smart meters will have to be replaced every 10yrs!
        Also,your usage information etc will be available to 3rd parties.
        The list is endless and also this ain’t about saving money by getting rid of the meter readers,they actually would have saved money if they kept the old meters and the meter readers.
        This whole rollout is a joke,the government is a joke,nothing more than lining the pockets of the HAVES and without disregard of the welfare of the HAVENOTS.
        Rant over.

        • Freedom Rules says:

          The ‘Greens’ are a farce! Sheep in wolves clothing, for sure. As I keep saying – don’t trust ANY pollies comments and tread your own path. Life’s too short to worry about their little agendas. They wont be getting any votes from ME!

          • Ashley says:

            I support your words, Freedom Rules.

            As a matter of fact, I’ve found that one way of discovering political parties who are genuinely in support of the public is to take note of preferences on How To Vote cards, especially where both major parties rank someone poorly.

      • keith says:

        As the Greens seem so keen on smart meters, I would urge all readers and supporters of stopsmartmeters web site, to put the Greens last at the coming election. In addition, I would recommend they vote for the DLP which is opposed to these “dumb” meters.

    • Newworldplease says:

      No one will convince me that the effects of all the wireless technology and the emr associated are not being experienced by most of the younger population, my son who is 18yo complains of lethargy, he suffers confusion, anxiety, depression and heart palpitations, he has less energy than I do and I am 50 yo, he forgets where he put something 5 mins before, he is constantly angry and cannot understand why he feels this way, he does not smoke, drink or take drugs, he is so lethargic, he takes his lap top to bed every night and his iphone it seems is now a part of his anatomy, he spends most of his time either at uni, on his lap top or tapping away at his phone, what a waste of life…..this is what they call progress ???

  359. Fiona says:

    I have just heard the people in New Zealand have been given the option to have their smart meter removed if they pay a fee. Yeah for New Zealand waking up!!! Maybe Victoria will wake up…..if there is a chance for them to make more money??

    • Anthony says:

      Hi Lindsay Regading the common law which gives the right to protect oneself from harm, how do you think this law would stand against a person removing or disabling the transmitting component of the smartmeters.This would be an interesting case and could give hundreds of suffering individuals relief now! Come on all you legal buffs out there lets get some workable solutions to those who desperately need it. Cheers. Anthony

      • Freedom Rules says:

        Yes there is no time to lose on this important issue – lives depend on it! Thanks Anthony and other aware individuals. We can fight this takeover here in Victoria and we MUST!!!

        • Anthony says:

          Hi All. After weeks of dealing with Powercor,EWOV,DPI,and all other relev Govt depts, no solution has been offered. Powercor flatly refuses any help because for the time being Govt legislation supports the smart meters, so legally they consider themselves untouchable.The EWOV was sympathetic to our case and have indicated that their hands are tied in helping people caught in the smart meter issue.So I say if those who have been placed by our Govt to protect us,cant,then I say protect yourself, take whatever steps to safeguard your health. As I noted in a previous post let’s get some workable solutions now, disable the transmitting component on the SM,find the legal loophole to remove the meters ourselves.Its up to us. Good luck all. Anthony

        • Chrissie says:

          We really do need to work out how to remove the meters ourselves. We need to go on the front foot and we need to work through the legals.

          May the rollout of smart meters be abolished to eternal hell together with all them who who have pushed and supported the agenda.

          • Shelley says:

            In the U.S some are removing the smart meter and returning them (in person) to the company. Obviously, they have been able to obtain a replacement analogue meter from the internet/electrician and this may be possible in Victoria also.

      • Anonymous says:

        I suspect that removing the transmitting component would be like removing a communications card out of a computer, maybe it’s exactly that…………

        • Tamara hicks says:

          Dear anonymous,
          Ive been looking up info on Silver springs CA the makers of smart meters in my area and there was mention of NICS or network interface cards. Try google and I will too for more info.

  360. Steve says:

    As I can see our government in Victoria and monopolistic energy suppliers ignore in total our cries and calls for STOP with installations of devices unknown effects on the health of our population. Obviously they treat people with disgust and humiliate them,,we are simply guinea pigs,,they experiment with us. It was not only Mengele during the Nazi regime in Germany that had conducted those experiments,,,we are all experimental humble beings depraved of basic choices and freedoms. What is the purpose of PRIVACY LAWS,,what is the purpose of CONTRACT LAW,…etc, if WE DO NOT HAVE ANY CHOICE IN THIS..who is THAT IS SO IMPORTANT AND POWERFULL THAT HUMILIATES MILLIONS HUMAN BEINGS AND TREAT THEM AS RATS?

    I already wrote letters here and I will continue to fights for my right to live not under direct surveillance and radiating equipment, the chosen equipment by BIG MORONS IN MONOPOLISTIC COMPANIES THAT ARE HIDING THEIR NAMES UNDER THE NAMES OF NONHUMAN BEINGS.

    How is IT POSSIBLE THAT WITH TODAY’S SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO MEASURE OUR ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTIONS IN OUR HOUSE FROM DISTANCE,,,I REPEAT F R O M D I S T A N C E,,,,the MORONS can keep their measurements units under their pillows, and pillows of their kids, and benefit from that,,,they say that this is of complete benefit for someone,,,and after that TO SEND US BILLS OF HOW MUCH KILOWATT HOURS OF ELECTRICITY WE SPENT….they keep THEIR LOVELY DEVICES IN THEIR PROXIMITY,,THEIR LAIRS, HEADQUARTERS OF THE COMPANIES,,and just informed us what those indicators LOVELY MACHINES show,,,how much we spend… On the other hand, we who do not like these beneficial equipment will buy analogue meters and keep them installed in our houses and just compare figures from their LOVELY BENEFICIAL MACHINES with figures on our old time fashioned machines….EVERYBODY HAPPY……..if THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, I ASK WHY,,,,IT IS NOT POSSIBLE,,PLEAS,,ELECTRONIC KNOWLEDGEABLE PEOPLE TO EXPLAIN TO ME AND EVERYBODY INTERESTED TO KNOW THAT.

    Fight continues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  361. Sarah Power says:

    Hi All,
    I would just like to first say how disgusted I am by smart meters.
    I am beginning to wonder what country I live in? Where are our rights?
    I saw something on TV a year or two ago about a couple being forced from their house because of the illness that came about because of the smart meter installation.
    I received a letter in the mail just over 2 months ago saying United Energy were coming to install a smart meter in my house. To be honest, I didn’t think much of it, but knew I’d prefer not to have one.
    Around 6 weeks ago, someone knocked on my door saying they were there to install a smart meter.
    I told him I didn’t want it and he was trespassing on my land. His response was that if I didn’t allow it today, he would come back another day and install it. After a heated argument, I gave in and let him install it. My biggest regret to this day.
    I had actually forgotten about the smart meter, but about a week or so after installation, I began suffering constant headaches, constant cold (4 weeks), blood noses, insomnia, agitation, fatigue and terrible stomach and back pains.
    I visited my doctor many times, unsure of why I was feeling so sick. I was sure I had cancer. I requested ultrasounds of my stomach and had blood tests. Everything came back normal.
    I’m not sure why, but I suddenly remembered the smart meter.
    I understand they have been installed for years and many people aren’t affected by them. I believe these are the people who have big houses, brick, insulation etc, or just the lucky ones.

    The smart meter installed in my house is right on my bedroom wall, and my house is sooo old with paper thin walls.

    For the last 4 nights I have moved into the spare room, and my headaches have stopped, although my house is the size of a box and I believe the radiation is running through the whole house. I am in the process of moving into the garage.
    I am so angry and upset, that I am being forced from my bedroom (and house). I worked hard to buy my house, and suddenly I am living in a spare room, and on my way to the garage.

    I have a dog and cat. My dog lived in my bedroom (whether I was home or not) and now the room is shut off and I won’t even let my dog in there.

    I will fight this til the day I die. I’m only a small person, but when it comes to injustice I will not back down. I am now having to move to my garage (no toilet, kitchen etc.) and come inside when I need to use the amenities.
    I have emailed our lovely Prime Minister (from which I’ll probably never receive a response).

    If we all work together, we can get smart meters removed (I told United Energy that if they don’t remove it, that I would pull it down myself. I was told I would get electrocuted and that it was illegal.)
    I don’t understand how removing something on my property is illegal.

    It seems there are sooooooooo many people getting sick from smart meters , and although they’re fighting, nothing is being done.

    I believe that if I can get letters from everyone who has suffered illness from smart meters, WE WILL GET SOMETHING DONE. I do hope to take civil action eventually also.

    I am trying to get as many letters as possible (hopefully in the tens of thousands). I will read every one.
    My plan is to go to all media. Believe me, with letters, I will get this hugely publicised.
    I have already spoken to several friends who are lawyers, and as I know nothing about legislation, they are currently researching for me.
    I have moved , but to everyone suffering from smart meters, PLEASE KEEP A DIARY OF SYMPTONS.
    If it’s written down with times/ dates etc, it can’t be discarded as evidence.

    If you know anyone who has suffered from smart meters, please forward my postal address.
    Also, please see below, Julia Gillard saying in an interview, smart meters will not be compulsory and my letter to her.
    No More Smart Meters
    7 Rosebud Avenue,
    Moorabbin, VIC, 3189

    Dear Miss Gillard,
    I am absolutely disgusted with the total breach of human rights committed against many Victorians with the ‘”roll out” of smart meters.
    I had a smart meter installed in my house 6 weeks ago against my wishes.
    Since that time, I have visited my doctor many, many times, unable to work out why I was feeling so sick?
    I have had ultrasounds, blood tests etc and everything has come back as normal.
    Since the installation, I have had constant headaches, chest pains, back pains, dizziness, ringing in my ears, fatigue, a constant cold, terrible stomach pains, just to mention a few symptoms.
    Victorians lives are being put at risk, all in the name of money.
    There are tens of thousands of people suffering illness from smart meters.
    I will not back down on this matter.
    I have contacted United Energy and have been told that the smart meter can not be removed.
    I am going to my doctor for the third time this week, to get in writing all the symptoms I have presented to her since the smart meter was installed.
    I believe in years to come there will be a huge civil case, as more and more people become ill.
    I would like the compulsory installation to be stopped. Where are our human rights?
    I will be going to every media source possible regarding this.
    I have taken part of a transcript from your interview on The Project, regarding smart meters.
    You have lied to the public once again.
    Please read your statement below:

    Julia, are smart meters really going to save us all money?

    PM: We are looking to make a difference to power bills and I’m glad the first ministers – that’s what we like to call them – the Premiers and Chief Ministers agreed to my plan today. It is about using new technology to help people manage their demand.

    HOST: Can you understand people’s concerns though? There’s been a report that one caught fire, reports of illness as a result, and some people are concerned that the devices will really just allow the power companies to charge us more, not less.

    PM: Well the devices won’t be compulsory; we’re not going to put that on anyone. People will have choices. But there are smart meters and there are other forms of technology that are emerging to help people with their power demand.

    I expect a reply from you regarding this matter, and I do not wish to receive a ‘template’ reply.

    I will fight this for as long as I have to, and believe me, I am not a person to back down where injustice is involved.

    I await your response.

    Sarah Power

    • Anthony says:

      Hi Sarah Hope you do well with everything, we had the SM 2 weeks ago and it’s been a nightmare.I agree that protest to the relevant authorities is the long term solution but for now it’s not the answer to the health effects and resulting damage. Exposure to the radiation now may result in long term permanent illness, the various Sheilding solutions can cost a lot of Dollars and in some cases may not be totally sufficient.There must exist a loophole for citizens to have these meters removed without a green light from the Dunderheads who put them there. I’m sure some bright spark out there can work it out. I have spoken to all the relevant depts and am waiting reply,but not holding my breath they are all hiding their heads in the sand over this one. I am soon to take matters in my own hands no one has the right to force this on anybody. Good luck to all. Anthony

    • Pam says:

      Sarah- Don’t wait till you have a 1000 letters. Go to the Media now. There are plenty of Posts you can refer to from this Website. We as a Huge Group are ALL FIGHTING TO STOP THE BLOODY ROLL-OUT OF THESE THINGS. I have been fighting now for two years. My Box Locked and signs everywhere and NO I DIDN’T LET THEM CON ME INTO INSTALLING A DARN SMART METER. After two lots of installers had been to my home, I told them in no un-certain terms to leave my Property as they were Tresspassing and couldn’t they read my signs. In the end it got too much for me and I engaged a Solicitor, who is still acting for me today. He wrote to Powwer Cor before Xmas to have me placed on the Refusal list and to date not even the decency of a Reply from the mongrels. I went to my Local Paper “Pensioner takes a Stance” (Warrnambool Standard) back in May last year and again a small article before Xmas. I plan another shortly. I have taken Posts to my Doctor for him to look at. I have a Doctor’s Certificate also. I too WILL FIGHT TO THE END – I WILL NEVER LET A SMART METER BE INSTALLED IN MY HOME, YES MY HOME NOT THE POWER COMPANIES and I will protect my annalogue meter as if it were my baby. I also have a cut-out and my box is backed with perspex so the friendly annalogue meter man can read my meter. I also take readings a few days before it is due to make sure i am not being overcharged. Good Luck Sarah, we are all with you….Cheers Pam 🙂

  362. We received a letter ..the second letter saying that smart meters would be installed between March 11 – March 22. I wrote a letter of objection, and stated that installers are not to install the smart meters, That I was concerned about health and cited web links, and tresspassing etc..
    So far the meters have not been installed. My question if anyone knows..If they give those dates of they actually adhere to those dates. Today is March 22 and no sign of installers at my apartment building of 19 units.

    • Jay says:

      I am guessing they will keep trying Jacqueline, so make sure you have locked your meter box either with a perspex door or with a hole cut just over the read out of the analogue meter so that the meter can still be read. If they then tamper with this set up, they are committing vandalism. Good luck.

      • Pam says:

        Jacqueline. Do as Jay says and lock your box preferrably with a perspex cut-out. Make sure you have all your signs in place on your box and by your front door or gate if you have one, especially the ‘NO TRESSPASS SIGN” the one with the Fine on it ( all availale from this website). Take photos of both your box and front door or gate signs. They have your letter, don’t waste your time phoning them or writing to them anymore. They have to use their “BEST ENDEAVOURS” to try and install a Smart Meter. Just try and stay home between those dates….never know when they will turn up. Tell them to leave your property for the reasons you put in your letter (show them a copy if you have one). If they persist that’s harrassment. Go to your Local Paper and tell them your Story. and lastly tell them to p….s off if you have to. Good Luck………………Pam 🙂

      • Faye Brown says:

        From my experience Jacqueline – yes they do. I had been given the same set of dates – and for me it was the third time I had to resist them at the door, even although I had previously written letters etc. and they knew my stance on smart meters. They rocked up on Wed 20th, told me I was wasting my time resisting as I would eventually have to have one and they would cut my power off if I didn’t. He also mentioned that the power co. owns both my meter AND the box it sits in – oh, and he also said he would have to take a photo of my locked box with its ‘do not fit a smart meter sign!’

        • Pam says:

          Faye they told me that 2 years ago – cut my power off blah blah blah. From information on this Website they do not own your box or your annalogue meter, they are just bluffing and harrassing you. Just persist. Use your mobile and video them if they come again. They must have heaps and heaps of our signs photographed. Well bully for them.You are NOT WASTING YOUR TIME – THEY ARE WASTING THEIR TIME, because once they fit a SMART METER – you are stuck with it. If you feel so strong about retaining your Safe annalogue meter, go to your Local Paper and tell them what happened to you. We need all the Publicity we can ge and people read papers. There are probably many out there in your area, who had the same exprience as you. Refer all your friends to this Website and then they can see for themselves the Dangers of Smart Meters ……………..Cheers Pam 🙂

          • Faye Brown says:

            Thanks Pam – I will be persisting. And it’s a big thanks to this site that I have both information at my fingertips and the support of others with similar experiences. Cheers…

          • Jason says:

            But wait! there’s more! (No steak-knives though!)
            When you sign up with a power provider it too is bound by the contract ~ cutting your power off would, I suspect, constitute a breach of contract and be be sue-able. The law doesn’t provide for a ‘two-wrongs-make -a-right defense’, and the threat of a few thousand law-suits might slow the bastards down.

            Even better if one has a grid-connect solar system, because it also involves a contract with the State and Federal governments (who provided the subsidies on the basis that those systems would provide power to the grid for at least five years.).

            Possibilities abound; and the final one is that you modify your grid-connect system to stand alone (or install your own stand-alone system) and tell ’em all to get stuffed.
            One risk is that said governments might legislate to force you to pay for the “availability” of grid-power whether you’re connected to it or not: as is the case with water and sewerage already.

            We really DO need a revolution in this country ~ and a new, user-friendly Constitution.

    • Ashley says:

      They did not come around according to my first notice. Then I received same notice nearly two months later and they arrived for that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thanks for the replies. Well still no sign of them, and it is now March 26. I Can keep an eye out as my apartment fronts the street and I am not working at the moment. Eyes are peeled. I spoke to my neighbours about refusing the installation but they didn’t say yes or no to my proposal to send letter etc, so I went ahead and did it anyway. I was annoyed by their apathy. I haven’t placed signs on the meter box yet..But will do.

      • Jacqueline says:

        Thanks for the replies. I thought I replied to this earlier, but Oh well.
        Still no sign of installers and it is 4 days after their letter notifying of the installation dates.
        I am keeping my eyes peeled and being that I am away from work at the moment, I can watch for them. Might contact my my local councillor and see if there is info…

        • Eric says:

          Jacqueline, please hesitate not, lock and signs asap. I warned my friend, he said he would lock and put signs. That very same night when he got home his electric clock was flashing for some reason. It was too late. When he checked his meter box he found installers had already been round that same day and had completed their dirty deed.

          • Pam says:


            • Renata says:

              O.K. you guys. When you get your new electrical bill. Check your account no. on your older bills.Compare it with the new bill. If you find anything different, such as “O’s” in front or in the back of your bill,that does not appear on your old bills, then they have you on a new contract
              Immediately connect with your electrical co. and tell them to change it to your original account no.
              Put it in to writing and sent it “registered mail” Inform them, that you will not accept any billing under the new account number that your not familiar with. Insist that they change it. Keep records. Good Luck! Many people have fallen in to this trap. Protect your self. All they do, is to protect their interest. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. . SO YOU PROTECT YOURS!

  363. Rebecca says:

    I live in Coburg, and a Smart Meter installer came a-knocking today after reading our No Smart Meter sign. He was incredibly hostile and rude, but despite that, and being under the weather, I stood my ground. My usually incredibly friendly Border Terrier backed me up by growling at him (she’s never growled at anyone in the three plus years she’s lived with me). The fellow took photographs of the sign, and left with a trail of verbal threats. I’m still in shock.

    • Jay says:

      Good on your little doggie! If I have a nasty dude who won’t take no for an answer I am going to warn them that I am about to start filming them. I’m not entirely sure of the legality of this, but I assume that if I have warned them that from now on anything they say or do will be filmed then I am not filming them against their knowledge. But I intend to do it behind a locked door in case they try to grab the camera. If they have a right to take a photo of our property then I think we have a right to photograph/film them doing so.

      • Pam says:

        Rebecca- Once again you were harrassed and bullied by these “pests” Do what Jay says – I hadn’t thought of filming them, cause only camera I have is my Mobile phone, but I will Video them if they ever come near me. Tell them you plan to do this, as Jay says. If they take photos of your Signs, you should have the right to do likewise. All dogs can smell “rats” my little Jack Russell would do the same. Good Luck Pam 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        They only take a photo to say they have been to your house so they get paid.

        • Pam says:

          Yes very true Annon. From what I am led to believe they get paid by the number they install. They did my whole street when people were at work. Fortunately I was home and I told them to leave went straight down the street and bought a lock perspex etc etc and locked my Box. Signs everywhere. I have noticed they did not check wiring in the houses and I have photos to prove it. They are supposed to line the boxes – what a joke, just pulled out the old meter and replaced it with a Smart Meter on the old board that the annalogue was on.I took photos of my Signs and Locked Meter Box for future reference, should they decide one day to snap my lock and lord help them if they do that I will sue them for trespass. I have a Solicitor acting for me.. NEVER GIVE UP………………PAM 🙂

        • Peter says:

          Hi Rebecca

          I strongly recommend you WRITE LETTERS to the EWOV, the Essential Services Commision, the DPI, your distributor and the Premier and complain strongly about the behaviour of this installer. He SHOULD have provided you with identification, if he did, you can provide that information in your letters. In all probability, the EWOV will simply refer you to your distributor, but they should add your complaint to their annual report to the ESC, there were about 60,000 electricity complaints last year!

          To all who read this site, I suggest that when these characters turn up, ask for their identification, write down their details and the rego of their vehicle. If you are not ENTIRLEY happy with their behaviour, do as I suggested to Rebecca, get letter writing and make these characters accountable for their actions. Photos would be a bonus!

  364. Eric says:

    The decision to proceed with a mandated rollout of smart meters was made under the Premiership of a man who could not even go halfway to achieving the legacy of Failed One Term Premier.

    What does that tell you about the integrity of the rationale that was used to make that decision ?

  365. Ashley says:

    Jerry Day video, from the USA but obviously highly relevant to our circumstance.

  366. Bill says:

    Yes Ted Baillieu’s anthem fulfilled yet again

    • Pam says:

      To all who use this Forum – What goes around, comes around – Baillieu Gone (bye bye!!!) – O’Brien promoted – should have been outsted,..New Premier Dennis Napthine – (I live in Warrnambool). He may help, but don’t hold out any hope. I contacted him 2 years ago re Smart Meters and he referred me to Power Cor. Dennis loves puiblicity, so all who use this Forum why not flood our New Premier with letters or (Emails with attachments) and see if he will help our Cause. If he can help stop the Roll-out in Victoria he would be Premier for the rest of his life. His address as our LOCAL MEMBER is 94 Liebig Street Warrnambool. Vic 3280 – phone
      03 55628230
      Just an Idea………………………Have a good weekend everyone and keep your BOXES LOCKED AND SIGNS IN PLACE……………………CHEERS PAM 🙂

      • Eric says:

        Maybe there was no real basis to this but my impression of Dennis Napthine in his former life as leader of the state liberal party was that he absolutely loved being opposition leader (and dreaded the premiership) as he could enjoy lots of long lunches without the responsibility of government. A “Steve Bracks can have it” type of person.

        Dennis Napthine has himself already been deposed once before just like his criminal predecessor Baillieu. And if he doesn’t stop the insanity of this immoral rollout of these harmful wireless communication devices (being passed of as electricity meters) he will experience being rolled again. He was deposed the first time by Robert Doyle, another “long luncher” who today is just a fat cat revenue raiser. Doyle’s justification for the coup was a claim that the party was “facing political oblivion” if it stayed under Napthine’s leadership. Well under Doyle’s leadership the 2002 state election was the Victorian Liberal party’s worst-ever Victorian defeat.

        If these politicians cannot concede that the decision to go ahead with smart meters was so so WRONG to begin with and be prepared to stop the charades and start doing something to put right this immoral situation, then they can all just go to hell both Liberal and Labor political representatives.

      • Jason says:

        Don’t count your chickens re. Napthine; the bastard is involved in puppy-farms, about the most miserable trade since slavery (except Tax-slavery) was abolished. He has NO heart and NO compassion.
        Why do people keep voting for such grotesque creatures ~ and paying taxes to support them??

  367. Anne says:

    Hi All,
    We had roll out a few weeks ago, and our region appears complete. I do not have a smart meter but to my disappointment my neighbours all do. A few days ago I experienced “popping” sounds at night. A cross between echoing Rice Bubbles and when you have water in your ear and can hear your heart beat from the inside. The pops were irregular and in groups like morse code.
    I sat up and checked my pulse (thought I might have severe arrythmia). Nope, it was in the ears and at night only.
    The reality has hit home.
    Despite reading so many other posts from people suffering, you think it won’t happen to you – especially if you refused a smart meter.
    So maybe we could address protection and share information, especially since this could be a long battle. I am afraid of the opportunistic marketing towards the “tin foil hat brigade” that will eventuate. How do unscientific people know what sounds feasible?
    Any leads into effective REAL protection please, anyone?
    PS I’m already wearing my hat!!! (only kidding, it’s late!)
    Look after yourselves.

    • Paul & Di McMahon says:

      Hi Anne and all out there,
      The roll out is here at the moment. Have secured the meter box and put up all No Trespass signs including a chain complete with padlock across our driveway with a No Trespass sign attached as we don’t have a front gate as yet.
      We expect like yourself Anne to be surrounded by smart meters, as no one has raised any concerns so will have to wait and see what the fallout will be.
      Am approaching our GP this week to make him aware of our situation and note any changes or disturbances regarding our health once these devices have all been rolled out.

    • Ashley says:

      Anne, Orgone Generators should be helpful.

      Also, I believe it’s well worth being wary of the trickery involved with the exposure of supposed quackery. For example, the elite controlled media is great at exposing alternative cancer treatment scams, which purposefully serves to throw sufferers off the scent of the very real and successful alternative cancer cures that do exist.

      • Anne says:

        Hi Paul & Di and to Ashley in regards to orgone,

        I have come across the matter “orgone” and its’ associated devices in my search, but as a non scientific person, I can’t make reasonable sense of it and there were a few sites that mentioned its ability to frighten off aliens if you bury it strategically around your yard….that’s when I figured I was on the wrong page…..or it was a deliberate attempt to mock or discredit orgone?
        Thanks Ashley, I did read some scientific literature on it but could not convince myself as yet. I would be pleased to hear if you actually have one and any further information if you choose to share.
        I also found some protective devices using “matter” if you google
        Maybe this principle of certain “matter” absorbing EMR is sound.

        • Ashley says:

          Hi Anne, I’m one of those rather unscientific people too but do trust my experience and natural ability to discern. Among lots of supposed well founded advice we are fed is that it is unlikely that life on other planets could exist having technology more advanced than a planet whose people allow Smart Meters to be installed on their homes, so I’m prepared to keep an open mind on the alien talk. Orgone Generators came to the fore around a decade ago and I’ve made hundreds of them myself. None for commercial gain although there are numerous vendors out there now. In my opinion some of the advice that comes from vendors might not always be one hundred percent accurate. There are online chat forums which should be ideal for honing accurate knowledge. Orgone Generators will transmute EMR into healthy energy. Some vendors market devices called Schumann Generators. The humanfirewall device possibly is a similar product although they did not seem to want to divulge much about it’s design. Since using Orgone Generators I have experienced increased energy and major improvement in sleep quality. At my shop I immediately noticed that people were more relaxed and friendly. I don’t underestimate what is possible from simply altering the mindset but have little doubt that the devices have been beneficial. One way to test their effectiveness could be to measure your pulse before and after. I also have small devices attached to my phones.

    • Mia Nony says:

      This is urgent, don’t delay on putting Faraday shielding in place right away using aluminum mosquito mesh covering outside walls to prevent radiation exposure to neighboring s/meters . Also shield the interior walls floor to ceiling and wall to wall with Reflectix type insulation and lay it flat in the attic. Cheaper than cancer.
      Microwave sickness is no laughing matter. What you want to avoid is ongoing exposure, crossing the threshold into chronic disability from EHS. If double DNA strands break they can be repaired with a lot of effort, judicious but not ever over 1 tsp of amounts of spirulina, + aloe vera, + chlorella, after first using bentonite clay to remove the radiation from your body.
      If triple DNA strands break all bets are off

    • Mark Cahoon says:

      Hi Anne.
      I don’t have a link, but I think I read somewhere where you can buy an undercoat type paint that is suppose to reduce the amount of effects that these things cause.
      It creates a barrier to suppress the signal, I think.
      Thats all I have got..


    Greater Dandenong Council to re-test radiation from smart meters

    And they have vowed to continue fighting against the meters, despite legal advice that they cannot stop installation.

    What do you think? Comment below or email

    The council will look into the cost of hiring an independent contractor to measure electromagnetic waves and radiation.

    Mayor Angela Long will write to the Energy Minister Michael O’Brien voicing the council’s opposition to the meters due to health, safety and environmental concerns.

    Cr Peter Brown said some reports had shown they were not safe.

    “My greatest concern with smart meters is the radiation issues from the electromagnetic fields especially from cluster groups installed at high-density apartment blocks,” Cr Brown said.

    • Sharron says:

      Hi Trevor – I think this is a step in the right direction by Dandenong Council. Good on them for putting the health of residents first and also joining various other councils around the state to oppose smart meters. With the shake-up of the Vic Liberal Govt. Michael O’Brien had better watch his back as there are many unhappy citizens out there, the terrible leadership needs to stop Michael, or you are as good as gone in my opinion. Keep on saying NO to these distributors’ demands to infect your property with a smart meter… it’s in all of our best interests to do so until this damned government wakes up to its many mistakes, frustrating as it is.

    • Tanya says:

      Let’s all pretend for one minute that we are gullible enough to believe the PR spin the power distributors are feeding us, being that with a smart meter we can all monitor our electricity consumption and use electricity during off peak hours. So if Dandenong council gets smart meters on their properties and they assess how they can use their electricity off peak, we can expect the announcement that we can only pay our rates at 3 a.m., swim in the local pool from 2 a.m. till 4 a.m., hire the local hall for our chess club from 1 a.m. till 4 a.m., borrow library books from midnight to 6 a.m., etc, etc. What use are smart meters to local council?

      For that matter, what use are smart meters to me? Do I want to wake up to a flooded laundry and kitchen because the dishwasher and washing machine went beserk at 3 a.m.? Do I really want to have to set the alarm for 15 minutes earlier so I can get up before the break of dawn to unload the washing machine and hang out the washing before getting ready for work? If I’m that keen on saving electricity then why don’t I just handwash my clothes and dishes before I go to bed?

      • Anonymous says:

        they cant force you onto a tou tarriff. its against the law and such a memoradum has been sent to all power companys. only way a tou tarriff could be forced on you is if it is a new connection. so dont believe everything you see on the news and do some hard research about tarriffs

  369. Anne says:
    Title: Video: ME Smart Meter Case-Supreme Court Oral Arguments May 10, 2012
    Time: 36
    Description: Actual courtroom footage of oral arguments presented on 5/10/12 in the precedent-setting Maine smart meter case. The subsequent court decision [7/12/12] in favor of no-smart meter advocates resulted in a remand to the Maine Public Utilities Commission ordering them to make a determination on the safety of smart meters. This also was a first in the country. A lengthy investigation into smart meter safety is now [1/11/13] in process. Of special importance is that the legal burden is on the PUC and utility to guarantee safety and that the PUC has said they will not be limited by 1996 FCC guidelines on RF exposure.

    This video gets especially juicy at :13 when the PUC attorney takes the stand. Note he lies about or is unaware new evidence [the WHO IARC study] was presented to the PUC in this complaint and also alludes to a PUC-ordered Central Maine Power smart meter informational brochure as providing safety information when it simply stated the two opt out choices.

    Copied from Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters site

  370. Paul & Di McMahon says:

    Still waiting for that call back from Cr Geoff Ablett at Casey council re his stance on smart meters…..and the roll out starting in our area tomorrow. Waiting…..waiting……waiting…..ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Di McMahon

  371. Lets take the Power Back says:

    We ask that we “the people” and the householders are respected too.
    How dare the Power Companies request that we respect their people, when they do not respect us and our rights to choose what we believe is right for our health and wellbeing in our own homes, and our rights against bullying, coercion and intimidation.
    The following was taken from an SPAusnet letter received last week.
    ” We ask that you continue to respect our people as they go about their work, and that any ‘trespass’ or ‘do not install’ signage and any unregistered locks or devices on the meter housing are removed for installation”.
    Well sorry, firstly I grew up being taught “mutual respect” by my parents, and secondly, my most important respect I have is for my health and well being, so my “unregistered” lock and signage is all staying in place

    • Paul & Di McMahon says:

      Exactly……..and anyone in the Balla Balla ward of Casey and Cardinia Council ( you can check what councillor and ward you are in by ringing the council offices ) can call,email or write to express your concern,outrage and experiences to Cr Geoff Ablett
      PO box 1000
      Narre Warren. Vic 3805

      Have just contacted him via mobile and was surprised to hear that he was not aware of any smart meter roll out in my area ( Warneet, Blind Bight, Cannons Creek )??????
      Will be speaking to him further re this matter and will keep you all posted on the outcome.
      Urge everyone out there in the Cranbourne and surrounding areas ( Devon Meadows Five Ways Blind Bight Warneet Cannons Creek etc) to contact Geoff and voice your concerns. Remember, there is power in numbers and we must address our outrage to our local councillors and even educate them if need be before it’s too late……..Will be directing him to the StopSmartMeters website pronto.

      Di McMahon.

    • Freedom Rules says:

      Exactly! How about them showing their customers some respect and NOT forcing these dangerous devices onto anyone, anymore.

    • Gerhard says:

      How is it disrespectfull to have a “no trespass’ or ‘do not install’ signage and any unregistered locks or devices on the meter housing are removed for installation”. eg how many of those no trespass etc signs on power companies properies ?????? does this mean they do not respect their own people. Furthermore – how can you be disrespectfull by displaying a legal sign ????? I still will be very respectful asked any smart meter instaler to get of my property or i will very respectfull inform the police.


    • Ashley says:

      There would be no need to ask us to respect their people if there was nothing wrong with their product. Asking us to respect their people is virtually an admission that they know they are attacking us with something.

  372. Eric says:

    SMUD Sacramento Municipal Utility District
    Integrated Resources and Customer Services Committee Meeting

    This audio is a unique inside look into industry plotting against their customers. (starts at 00:53:30)

  373. Eric says:

    Directors of SMUD (USA) mocking people who don’t want a smart meter on their property. The same breed of animal as the directors of Jemena and Powercorp and Citipower and Singapore Power Ausnet.

  374. Eric says:

    I can confirm that before going to bed last night my neighbors smart meter was a hotbed of activity with frequent wireless communication pulses being picked up and showing the spikes in the EMR readings just like in this video. I can also confirm that after waking up, today turned out to be a particularly bad day for me with my head pain…..I would have to use the term debilitating.

  375. Eric says:

    Over the last week or two there have been days where the pain in my head has been particularly pressing and piercing. I can confirm through measurements I have taken in the middle of the night that my neighbor’s smart meter is now operating back at full throttle and that the pulsing of EMR relating to sharp communication bursts lasting less than a second are definitely entering into my bedroom with elevated numbers. It’s a typical full throttle smart meters pattern of very short interval double and triple spike combinations occuring two or three times in a minute. I feel pretty assured that this can explain recent changes in the pattern relating to my head pains.

    • Eric says:

      The other concern that I have is that my pains are also being exarcerbated by other sources of EMR that were not a problem to me before but are a problem now with smart meters coming onto the scene and having made me sensitive to exposure from other sources. I have need to be visiting close family members on a daily basis but this has made it a real problem for me because there are those other souces there which were not a problem for me prior to smart meters being installed in my street but which I believe that these other sources have now become a major problem in that they are just enforcing the presence pain in my head.

      • Paul & Di McMahon says:

        Hi everyone.
        Google ‘EMR,EMF and chronic adrenal stress syndrome’ click on to this Canadian site Talking To Your Doctor- it’s in a PDF file format & talks extensively about how EMR and EMF’s can affect your adrenal system & aggravate chronic adrenal disorders.
        After long term stress caused a near adrenal shutdown 7 years ago, I cannot work full time, have major fatigue problems and have never fully recovered. I’m extremely concerned about the obvious danger that long term exposure to EMR and EMF’s COULD and apparently DO pose to weakened adrenal systems like my own and so many others out there. Great site, and could hopefully be a help to many. Have checked Aussie sites and there is a lot of important info posted on them as well. Just Google the same as
        above and read on……….

    • Mia Nony says:

      Every smart device coupled to home wiring on every single home has a radius of 21 sq miles (a kilometre is 5/8ths of a mile), when it is operating in meter – or rather virtual “estimator”- mode ode. Every device has a radiation radius of from 125 to 300 square miles when it is operating in cell relay collector mode. Overlap this with every other device and factor in the fact that every time frequencies intersect they create new frequencies. we are witnessing a global wild west of radiation exposure. a smart ‘meter’ is far worse than putting a cell tower on every home. It does not matter whether they MEAN to sicken and kill people by inducing slow electrical failure, or whether they could not care less; the outcome is the same. Every symptom described elsewhere on this site, ears popping, everything, is microwave sickness, a well known military phenomenon. When the spike occur this is your body slow cooking. In between, so called non thermal effects accomplish pretty much the same thing.
      One has to act quickly to survive.
      (warning – many products are almost at extortion price levels)

  376. Paul & Di McMahon says:

    Hi everyone,
    Sent a notice to SP Ausnet of Prohibition for Smart Meter installation via registered post (complete with return receipt slip) as suggested, and was wondering if anybody out there has had previous experience with these people in regards to written communication with them. Sent the notice on the 14th of this month and have just received a letter today (20th) stating that installation will be taking place 4-15 March. The last paragraph of the notice sent to them states that if a response is not received within 14 days it shall be fact that they accept and will honour the notice………should we expect a formal response or have they simply ignored it??? We haven’t received the return receipt from them so assume this may be the case. A similar notice was also sent to Michael O’Brien that same day and as to date no response or return receipt sighted. How on earth can they get away with this????
    Have had our meter box locked for some time now and have all the appropriate No Trepass signs posted on our property for all to see….should we consider placing a wire cage of some sort around the box?? as have read in a post on this forum where they have actually removed the door of the meter box to get the installation in, so a lock would be absolutely useless. Am so determined that this device is not being installed that any advise to deter these parasites would be greatly appreciated. Need to install a perspex peep hole for the meter reader and would appreciate advice on how to go about installing one on a metal meter box.
    Thanks very much in advance and will never give up the fight regardless…. next step will be seeking legal advice if need be.

    Di McMahon.

    • Onlinedrifter says:

      Hi Di,

      I don’t have a perspex peep hole but I unlock my meter box a few days before the meter read is due. I do have a heavy mesh grill on the inside of my meter box between my meter and the inside of the lid. I normally have the lid locked between meter readings.

      This is what the meter reader sees when he lifts the lid to read the meter:

      • Anne says:

        Onlinedrifter, thankyou for that fantastic idea!

      • Paul & Di McMahon says:

        Hi there,
        Thanks for the reply and photo of your set up. Looks great and the sort of thing we were considering……would you be able to give us an idea of how the bars and grill are fixed??? Are they welded?? Any advice or info would be appreciated as we are not sure if a perspex peep hole would be appropriate because of the type of meter we have. It’s not analogue but digital. Installed a few years ago when we got solar panels. Kind of a ‘smart meter’ without the antenna!!!!!! : (
        Thanks again,
        Paul & Di McMahon.

        • Onlinedrifter says:

          Hi Paul & Di McMahon,

          I had the setup made up by an engineering shop. The bars go through 4 short pipes (2 per bar) which are welded to the mesh grill. Each bar has a large washer welded to one end which acts like the head on a bolt. There is a hole drilled though the other end for the padlocks. There is also 2 pieces of flat steal welded across the grill to add strength as well as to prevent any installer sliding the meter out from behind the grill. I drilled holes through the wooden box for the bars. Tip: Use the right size drill bit to drill the holes in the meter box. I didn’t have a drill bit larger enough so I used a Demel to make the holes larger (and made a botch job of it).

          • Paul & Di McMahon says:

            Hi Onlinedrifter
            Thanks so much for your very helpful reply. Will now be in the process of finding an engineering shop in Cranbourne that can help us out with this setup. Have only got a small padlock and various signs on our property at the moment, ( have also sent letters etc. etc.) which we have realized after reading recent posts is just not enough. The meter roll out here in Blind Bight starts on Monday ( 4th ) Neighbour across the street from us is also standing firm and has no intention of letting them install this device. We are the only two on the WHOLE street that are taking any action, no one else seems concerned We are both going to be sandwiched between smart meter installations, the effects will make for some very interesting future posts for sure.
            Any further helpful suggestions from anyone out there would be gratefully received.

            • Pam says:

              Paul and Di – Just found this Forum. I am a widow and the only one in my street that doesn’t have a smart meter installed. They all think I am nuts, so be it. I have a wooden box with a perspex cut out and my box has been locked for yonks. Signs everywhere. Installers have been here twice over the last two years and I told them to leave my Property- I didn’t want a Smart Meter full stop. Have had two articles printed in our Local paper. I also have a Solicitor acting for me. He wrote to Power Cor back before Xmas to have me placed on their Reject List and still no Reply from them (which shows how ignorant they are and they don’t know anymore how to respond when cornered. Getting tired. Nite Nite. NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cheers Pam 🙂

              • Paul & Di McMahon says:

                Hi Pam
                We suspect that we will eventually be the only residents in our street without a smart meter installed……..have had the installers around apparently on Wed as sighted by our neighbour so let the games begin!!!! They didn’t enter our property coz of a chain with a No Trespass sign attached strung across our driveway. They just left a calling card in our mailbox asking us for our co-operation in upgrading our meter!!!!! Pfffffft!!!!!! No chance of that whatsoever!!!!!!. Love the careful wording of the note….no mention of a smart meter being installed…..just an upgrade. After simply skimming the Sage report posted on this site the other day, it makes us more determined to spread the truth and dig our heels in on these most important issues…….health, our constitutional rights, safety and privacy. And YES we do have a right to all of these……though in the state of Victoria you wouldn’t think so. Sadly most people are beginning to believe that……just rolling over and accepting anything..

              • Paul & Di McMahon says:

                Keep up the good fight and never give in……..we know we won’t.

                Cheers Paul & Di

                • Pam says:

                  Paul and Di. This “up-grade” is a new ploy, to get us to open our boxes…….No way will I ever do that for any Power Distributor. The installers are there to install Smart Meters not “service” Annalogue Meters. They must think we are stupid. Don’t worry I will never give in to them. I put a Comment in my Local Paper asking our new Premier what his intentions where to stop the roll-out of Smart Meters, pointing out that I have two very dear friends who are very ill with EMR and many many more people out there suffering in silence. I asked him did he realise EMR is now recognised as a disease???? – not to sweep stuff under the carpet like Baillieu and O’Briendid – take a step back and investigate the Dangers of Smart Meters on our Society………….See what happens and what response (if any) I will get……………….Nite Nite Pam 🙂

    • Gerhard says:

      Hi Di
      You can cut a hole in your meterbox yourself – perspex you get for a few dollar. I used double sided tape to glue it in place – now the meter can still be read. You don’t ned to be a handyman to do this – if you dont live to far from my place i come and do it for you (free of charge, you only have to buy the perspex.)


      • Jason says:

        Gedrhard, I’d suggest you have to be a lot more bloody-minded than that. I was looking at some properties at Loch Sport (a sleepy beachside holiday village) yesterday, and one meter box had the standard notice, a slot cut into the appropriate spot and a bit of perspex screwed across itAND a ‘smart meter’ installed
        I said to the agent they shouldve locked the box, and she said they’d done so, then showed me the remains of the steel hinge-and-hasp that’s been sawn through, apparently with a hacksaw blade.
        Objectors need to get far more aggressive. I have two locked gates between the driveway and the meter box ( a standard ‘security screen’ door would do as well to
        keep the the bastards of the porch altogether) and a ‘dangerous dog’ sign near the
        All the best.

    • Anne says:

      Hi Paul & Di McMahon,
      I have read the stories too about locks being broken and the like. I successfully avoided installation for now out of a stroke of luck. I saw the Citipower utes in adjoining streets as I left for work. Apparently they have a “schedule” on their clipboards as to which houses are on their daily agenda. I pulled over and asked what time they might be in my street (so I could fly home to defend my meter box.) They knock first to inform of their intentions…(cut power to install smart meter). Aside from a rehearsed lecture about the “mandatory” installation, the installer left quietly.
      I still check my meter box daily as it all seemed too easy, and never can be sure what they will do next! If you can’t be home, maybe put a sign up stating “life support system”
      on premises. “Do not cut power”. Anyone would be too scared to interfere with that while no one was home. So it’s a lie….they lie worse, and anyway a safe atmosphere IS a life support system!
      Oh, also I have no reply to letters from Powercor, other than a brochure and 2 photocopies of articles in the paper. Reminds me of those ransom notes in movies that are written with letters individually cut out of newspaper print. That is used to conceal the identity of the perpetrator. Only those GUILTY OF A CRIME avoid sending official letters with identifying signatures.
      Has anyone yet received an official response? On a legally binding document?

      Good Luck

      • Anne says:

        Hi everyone,
        I approached the Principal at my sons Primary School and he said he had not been notified of smart meter installation. He seemed pretty vague as to whether they would be getting any at all. (or lying) Does anyone know about schools please ?
        Possibly in regions that have experienced roll out already we can receive some feedback on results. How do we blockade the schools’ meter boxes?
        It frightens me that the children will be exposed to multiple meters all day.

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Hi Paul and Di,
      I think in this case……no news is good news. These foreign owned Power Companies are just very rude bully boys and girls. They hate written communication from us when we challenge them politely and say we refuse a to allow a so-called Smart Meter on our property. They seem to forget we still live in a Democracy. They can’t even prove to me they own the Analogue Passive Meters on our Properties so don’t put up with any bullying. I refuse to bow to their ongoing Nazi Like Tactics.

    • Paul & Di McMahon says:

      Thanks to the two awesome people ( Gerhard and Onlinedrifter ) that answered our post the other day….your kind advice is very much appreciated. We have another question that we need answered and was wondering if anyone out there could help.
      At the moment we have a digital meter and were wanting to know whether all SP Ausnet need to do is attach an antenna internally or externally to activate it and make it a so-called ‘smart meter’ or would they possibly replace this meter ??? This one was installed about 3-4 yrs ago and our old analogue meter taken away when we had solar panels put in. We are looking at further strong holding our meter box but would we be wasting our time apart from our padlocking it if they can still activate our meter ???
      Thanks very much in advance.

      • Tanya says:

        Paul & Di,

        I have received rather contradictory information that a meter installed with solar panels needs to be replaced with a smart meter. But I’ve also been told that there are smart meters out there without a communications card in them, so they cannot transmit wirelessly until the comms card is installed. Either way, go ahead and barricade your meter thoroughly so they can’t get a communications card in there if that is all they need to do.

        • Paul & Di McMahon says:

          Thanks Tanya……..we have done just that and are now sitting tight. No longer care about what needs to be done because we don’t intend to have ANYONE tampering with OUR meter… works just fine thanks. Cheers and thanks again for your reply.

    • Clive Thomas says:

      Hi Paul & Di, Make sure your ‘No Trespassing’ signs have been photographed, and possibly send them a copy on the next letter. It is your property and as such no one can enter without your permission, the only exception is in a case of a state of emergency, i.e. the fire brigade to save life/property within the area. I am now on my 4th reply to their photocopy letters. In this one they say they are unable to comment on a statement made by the Prime Minister (on it being voluntary), so if they do not respect the comments of of the leader of this country they too should not have any rights.

  377. Peter says:

    So, Jullia is worried about China hacking our grid system, she needn’t worry, they own it! Citipower/Powercor are majority owned by Chinese corporates.

  378. Gerhard says:

    i received the following letter from United Energy

    How is that for intimidatind , bullying , wrong and misleading information ????? (by the way – it did not answer my question which i had asked in my letter )
    Dear John, (my name is Gerhard)

    I write to you in response to your letter dated 1st February 2013
    In regards to radio frequency emission, Jemena is required to adhere to standards put in place by Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) and not other reporting agencies. As an Electrical Distribution Network, we are not in a position to comment on individual reports; however, we are obliged to adhere to ARPANSA’s standards and requirements.

    As is your agreement with your retailer this also extends to the Electricity Distribution Code in that a customer wishing to have power supplied through network infrastructure must in turn comply with this Code to the extent that an obligation to do so is included as a term or condition in your contract for the supply of electricity.
    Section 5.3 of the Electricity Distribution Code details a distributors’ right to interrupt supply; it is noted in this section that a Distributor may interrupt supply at any time for augmentation of the distribution system.

    Augmentation is defined in section 19 of the Electricity Distribution Code as the process of upgrading the Distribution System by replacing or enhancing existing plant and equipment or by adding new plant or equipment and includes modifying any of the Distributor’s fixed assets.

    Ms Gillard’s comments were also followed by media comments (20 December 2012) by Minister O’Brien confirming that smart meters were compulsory in Victoria: Energy and Resources Minister Michael O’Brien says smart meters are compulsory and those who do not allow them to be fitted risk being cut off from the supply grid. Minister O’Brien says any customer who wishes to remain connected is required to allow electricity companies to install smart meters. He also says anyone refusing to have a smart meter installed is breaking the law.

    The installation of smart meters is covered by the Electricity Act (2000) and Electricity Distribution Code (Version 6). This means customers are legally obliged to allow distribution companies access to their homes to replace old electricity meters with new smart meters.

    If you wish to discuss the above further or have any questions, please contact our Customer Relations department on 1800 136 643, or via email at

    Kind regards

    the letter was signed by Benjamin Docter – Senior AMI Customer Relations Case Manager – Jemena Asset Management Pty Ltd

  379. Pete says:

    In the Energy Safe Victoria latest report, 31/7/2012, Mr Fearon states that ‘more than 40,000 boards/panels had to be replaced due to damage/deterrioration at their cost. Bulldust! The distributors are permitted to recover costs plus a Profit Margin, how much? Who knows. These boards were fine up untill the forced replacement of the meter. So we are paying for a meter + PM + installation + PM and in some cases, a new board + PM + installation + PM.

    We are all well aware of how honest the Victorain government/distributors are, so who checks how much the distributors are actually paying for these meters, boards and their installation, (checking reciepts for the purchase and checking tax returns covering these costs) before the PM is added?

    Victoria, the place to be (NOT)

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Hi Pete,
      Actually the State of Victoria is effectively owned and controlled by what is seemingly Tthe New Mafia, but who are they exactly? When these foreign owned Victorian based Electric Power Companies dictate to the Victorian Minister for Power, methinks that they are all in BED TOGETHER screwing all of us Victorians. There is no Legal or Binding Contract with the individual Victorian Customers to accept these so called Smart Meters by these Electricity Power Companies or the Victorian Minister for Power.

      For a contract to be ‘LEGAL’ lt must be signed by both parties. Therefore the forced installation of these Microwave so-called Smart Meters without both parties signatures on the Contract makes the forced installation of these Microwave Electric Smart Meters an ILLEGAL ACT. Just as bad is the fact that Victorian home owners and Small business owners have never been shown any Duty of Care, for their Health and or Well Being by the C.E.O’s of these five foreign owned Electric Power Companies. Nor has any Duty of Care, ever been shown by the Victorian Minister for Power towards us for our health or well being. Therefore these C.E.O’s of these five companies and the Victorian Minister for Power should all be Tarred and Feathered.
      In fact, many of these Microwave so-called but deadly dangerous machines are proving to be INCENDIARY devices on so many Victorian Homes and Small Businesses.

    • John says:

      “Victoria, the place to be (NOT)”
      Loved that. Perhaps we should all put ^ NOT between place and be under our rego plates. There’s going to be a lot of migration between states soon. Perhaps when enough people move to a state that hasn’t introduced smart meters yet they may take some notice.

      • Peter says:

        Hi John

        The down side to interstate migration is that all the protesters would move out of Victoria, the installers would move in and the Victorian government/distributors would claim 100% acceptance of these surveillance and control devices.

        I had a reply on behalf of Gillard the other day, in response to her comment on tv that these devices would not be compulsory in other states; as far as she is conncerned. However, the respondent quoted all the same legislation as the Victorian governmet/distributors, so the federal government will not make them compulsory, but the distributors in other states undoubtedly will, and the government will do nothing to stop them. So beware all the other states, LOCK YOUR METER BOXES NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!

  380. Eric says:

    Being forced to accept a smart meter is no different to forcing unwilling Essendon footballers to be injected with certain unknown “sports medicine supplements” and telling them that they can’t refuse the injections

    • Anne says:

      Eric, yes it is different!
      This involves a small team of adult men who can excercise their free will and leave.
      Where can residents go and in fact, whole Townships?

      • Jason says:

        Anne, DO consider a stand-alone solar (and wind depending on your area) energy system. I’ve been living comfortably with them since my first set-up in 1981. They really are extremely simple, and these days are really quite cheap. (Thanks China!)
        That way you not only pay NOTHING for power (after – in my case – about 2,5 years), but also avoid the ever-escalating and usually over looked ‘service to property’ charge.
        The only snag is that you’ll probably have to adjust you usage (times and amounts) fairly substantially. Not that drastic, and you’ll get used to it easily.
        I’ve had much experience in DIY energy, and am happy to answer questions/ help out anyone who wants to know more. (Free – I don’t run a business.)

        Can be contacted :-

      • 1vimana1 says:

        Just padlock your Electric Meter Box as now mounting thousands of Victorians are now doing. I locked mine up over 12 months ago and got up my Legal No Trespass Signs with the $167,000:00 Legal Commonwealth Australia Constitution of (1900-1901 ) and still Legal Fine posted on this meter box. This has kept them off so far. But number one you must first Padlock your Electric Meter Box, you own it not these foreign Lying Electric Power Companies.

    • Trevor churchill says:

      it is sp ausnet policy to never unduly harass or coerce customers I guess this same statement would apply to all of the Distributors……lets make sure that they follow there own CHARTER!!!!

      • Eric says:

        Trevor, one of the SP Ausnet installers called a resident “dickhead” on their own property. You can read about it on some of the recent posts on this site. I tell you that I view this as a lot more serious a matter than mere name calling.

      • Anne says:

        Hi all,
        Just wondering if we can get an update of success stories. We are all operating in a vacuum and they are hitting my Town tomorrow in Vic. No one else down here in my region is very active. I am being ignored like some sort of looney (ha)!!
        I am refusing a meter, and it would help to know how people are doing so far.

        • 1vimana1 says:

          Simply Padlock your Electric Meter box with an Industrial Padlock, get up your Legal Anti-trespass signs with the $167,000:00 fine for trespassers. Put one on your Electric Meter Box and the other on your front fence firmly stuck with gaffer tape. Last of all write a polite but strong registered letter to your Electric Power Company’s C.E.O and state that for Health Reasons you refuse to take a so-called but Deadly Smart Meter ( which is not smart in any way at all). It is also an Incendiary Device and could damage your private electrical goods such as your fridge and or computer/s and or washing machine, and or radiogram etc. Also add that if you find that a Smart Meter has been installed on your property you will join the Common Class Action to SUE. Also send this Notice as well.

          They the Electric Power Company only have 14 days to answer this notice or you and your lawyers will sue them for $10,000,000:00 ten million dollars. This has worked for me. Don’t forget to fill in the required details such as the date of the first letter this Electric Power Company sent you and the name of the power company. Send the letter and the Notice of Undue Harassment by registered post and keep copies of both for Legal Reasons. Don’t forget to put down the Registered Postal Numbers on the original letter and the copy you need for Legal Reasons. Here is the ANTI HARASSMENT NOTICE…….

          (INSERT OWN NAME)

          (Insert name and
          Address of Power Distributor)

          This notice is provided to _______________________________________________ and any persons, entities,
          (Insert Power distributor name and ACN no off letter you received)
          Employees, associates, corporations, sub-contractors and agents of the fore mentioned (herein referred to as Your Company).
          Notice to agent is notice to principal.

          Note: This notice is provided in addition and following a NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR
          SMART METER INSTALLATION (date of your first letter) and NOTICE Your Company’s
          INSTALLATION NOTICE (date of your letter received from Power Distributor after) served on Your Company.
          Your Company is prohibited and forbidden from communication in any manner, with the intent to solicit for the installation of a “smart meter” or meter containing wireless communication function(s) at the following (service) address: (Insert your address). Such an act is herein referred to as a PROHIBITED ACT.
          I have lawful and legal standing and claim of right to make such a demand.

          Any PROHIBITED ACT will be considered an act of undue harassment or coercion with the supply or possible supply of goods or services as defined by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CTH) Vol. 3, Ch. 4, PT> 4-1, Div. 5 Sec. 168; such an offence carries a penalty of $10,000,000. If Your Company is in any way directed by the Government (State of Victoria) and State of Victoria Corporation to perform such an offence, the Government and individual members are liable under tort may in addition be held vicariously liable.
          Any PROHIBITED ACT remains prohibited unless I provide a NOTICE OF CESSATION OF PROHIBITION explicitly annulling this notice, or following a sale of property and change of property title holder for the property in question.
          A copy of this notice will also be provided for their records to (via regular mail):
          1. Customer Relations, DPI,
          2. Minister Michael O’Brien, Government in the State of Victoria.

          If a response to this notice containing any dispute of facts or CLAIM OF RIGHT based on lawful claim of right is not received within fourteen days from Your Company, it shall be fact that you accept as fact this notice and facts contained within, and will honour this notice; such requiring no further action on your behalf.


          _______________ ___________________ ____________
          Your Signature Witness to Signature Print Signature

          • Brad says:

            Has any body used this NOTICE ? What response has occured for Distributors (I am under SP Ausnet) ?
            This will be my 5th letter if I proceed….. are THEY ever going to get it ?! (and not just EMF sickness)
            I am hopefull of a ‘Stay of Installation’ !

      • Trevor Churchill says:

        FRI 07 DECEMBER 2012—juliar Gillard (interview)
        HOST: Can you understand people’s concerns though? There’s been a report that one caught fire, reports of illness as a result, and some people are concerned that the devices will really just allow the power companies to charge us more, not less.
        PM: Well the devices won’t be compulsory; we’re not going to put that on anyone. People will have choices

        • Peter says:

          Hi Trevor

          Read my post further up the page, re response from Gillard and her statement they will not be compulsory!

  381. Tanya says:

    It was reported on the TV news during the week that there has been an unexplained spike in heart attacks this summer. Well let me explain it to you,
    news reporters, health ‘experts’, etc. It’s called smart meter rollout. How many of us have to die prematurely from heart attacks before the
    authorities will listen to us?

    • 1vimana1 says:

      You are spot on. I say sue these people responsible for this gross irresponsiblity and all for money and filthy lucre, as will happen deaths to Heart Monitor Patients as could easily happen here in Victoria and World Wide.

  382. Eric says:

    Finnis said he was horrified by Thursday’s Australian Crime Commission report that stated athletes were being treated as ”guinea pigs”.

    ”These players have been used as guinea pigs. As the head of a players’ organisation I can’t think of anything more disturbing …”

    Well the whole of the population of Victoria are being used as guinea pigs in the rollout of smart meters. I have been made to sit in my home in the midst of a suburb filled with electro magnetic smog that’s being pulsed from smart meters having constant pain in my head with nausea never being too far away. This pain is not going anywhere and I really worry about what it is going to lead to in the future. And nobody in the Government cares. We are being forced to partake in a huge experiment where we ourselves are the guinea pigs.

    Honestly, there is nothing more disturbing than that.

    • Sharron says:

      I agree Eric – Why is nobody listening to the public outcry over health concerns, not even doctors? This roll-out is illegal on so many levels, and yet people who complain or merely stand up for their rights get treated like idiots and belittled by bullies working for the power companies. It needs to stop but unfortunately we have loads of residents who simply cannot feel their own brain telling them something is ‘wrong’ like we can and who are basically hanging around like sheep to be slaughtered. The Government are negligent on the issue and don’t do a thing for anyone’s benefit but their own, obviously accepting some kind of kickback from the greedy power sucks who are running the show. Victorians really are being mistreated by these low forms of life, who are not anything like us, they behave like aliens and I don’t trust any of ’em.

      • Jason says:

        Don’t confuse “illegal” with ‘illegitimate’, Sharron; you undermine your argument.
        These meters ARE legal ~ they’re just not legally required.

  383. Ross Holder says:

    On January 28, 2013, my mother passed away. She was allergic to many things, including various forms of radiation, including sunlight. My parents were not going to have a smart meter installed, and then they relented in August (I think) last year, and in the following months my mother’s allergies became increasingly worse. She had a massive anaphylactic shock around 3 am the preceding Friday which rendered her with severe hypoxic brain damage and she died in hospital after life support was withdrawn.


    • Elizabeth says:

      So sorry for the loss of your mum, Ross. How terrible it must be to watch your loved one struggle with their health problems to this extent due to some electricity distributors selfish agenda. They really have no regard for humankind, much less the environment and creatures who reside there – it’s just so sad. People, Stand-Up and be counted for the future generations sake. Ross’s story is an example of how badly treated by the government we actually are, just look at what the politicians are really interested in (money) and you get the picture. Health isn’t a priority or they would have ‘fixed’ that long ago.

  384. Eric says:

    The following excerpt is what’s making big news at the moment. The issues that are causing such consternation at this moment in matters in respect to football are the very same issues that apply to this wicked smart meter agenda. Words such as “unsafe”, “untested”, “unregulated” (meaningless regulations) and mentions of failing to exercise duty of care……..yep, these things are all part of the same dirty stain of corruption that applies to smart meters and those associated with pushing their agenda.

    Unsafe, untested and unregulated
    Date: February 08 2013
    ANY sportsperson who uses supplements containing peptides is playing Russian roulette with their health and career. These supplements are not regulated in any systematic way and their safety is completely untested. They may also contain illegal drugs or drugs prohibited in sport without the user being aware. There is no guarantee that what is listed on the label describes accurately what is actually in the supplement. The user has no way of knowing what they have bought and must put their faith in unregulated suppliers who have absolutely no regard for the safety of their products.

    I have analysed many products claiming to contain peptides. Some contain the peptide claimed on the label but others may contain untested variants of it, different peptides, unknown peptides and sometimes no peptides. In some cases these peptides have performance enhancing effects and therefore may breach the sporting rules. In other cases, at best, they may be beneficial to the athlete’s general health. In the worst case, they may have serious health consequences. I leave it to the lawyers to determine whether an organisation which provides such dubious materials to its staff has exercised an appropriate duty of care.

    Dr John Vine, Doncaster

  385. I am saying no to Smart meters (dumd meters) well thats what every one here calls them ,they are noisey, burn houses down an radiat people with microwave signals , how about us puting the instaler in a micro wave an see how he like it,!!!
    The roll out of SMART METERS MUST STOP Now

  386. Anf 88 Kms north of Melb Via Hwy 31 says:

    Is there any legal action been taken about these thing’s which law firm is leading the way to rid us of these things for ever ? smart meter’s that is.
    stop these sickening destructive devices in there tracks call them what you like.
    Fight to the death
    No smart meters
    No smart meters
    No smart meters
    No smart meters

    • Anne says:

      Anf Oh my, should you have the courage to declare online what we all feel?
      Ooops I guess that means, yes fight!!
      No smart meters.

      • Anne says:

        Further to that issue above, to ANF, the absolute highest order of dedication and passion to eradicate these smart meters is what drives us, and yet, a friend was horrified that we would go online and protest and make such declarations as “fight to the end! She is afraid even, to put her name to the petition!
        That indicates even more so that even the “silent” ones feel there is something sinister about the people behind the roll out.
        So many have given their lives in the fight for freedom. This is just another type of war.
        The invisible cyber war and it is a matter of life and death.
        The Earth has its’ own pulse and electromagnetic frequency. To override that globally with smart meter pulses affects our very own “life energy” and that of animals, especially those who use their natural “radar” to navigate (eg birds )
        The microwave frequency also interferes with cellular respiration, which is the pathway to healing and repairing the body after cancer and in fact all disease states.
        And of course, cellular respiration is essential for maintaining good health.

  387. Adrian Hollis says:

    Question if your meter box is at the end of your driveway 100 metres away from the house, how much risk does a smart meter pose.

    • Informed Choice says:

      I suspect that it alters your homes wiring, so that will be affected with microwaves throughout the home…. risk of fire & radiation pulsing.

      • Jason says:

        I don’t know too many people who have a 100-metre driveway. But the health issue is (or should be) an ancillary one. The main issue is that of personal liberty and the right to accept or reject any ‘service’ or product anyone seeks to force unto us. Even god, we’re told, offers us ‘Free Will’ to accept or reject what’s on offer, and I’m certainly not going to allow mis-bred politicians and/or bureaucrats over-rule that principle. This country needs a fair-dinkum revolution ~ an ‘Australian Spring’.
        We could probably borrow the beam from which they strung up Saddam Hussein if we ask nicely.

  388. CC says:

    The “Smart Meter” was fitted at my house while I wasn’t home. I already had a digital meter so was already getting cheaper power at night and all weekend so they had no good reason to install it at all. Soon after the “Smart Meter” was installed I went out one night. I had left at 7pm and got home at 11.30pm to find the door of the meter box propped open. I phoned the power supplier, PowerCor, it was nothing they had done and they told me to put a padlock on the meter box and report it to the police. This was the beginning of a lot of trouble. It wasn’t long before my laptop was hacked, the hacker went through 3 firewalls and destroyed Kaspersky Internet Security, then set about trying to rewrite the firmware in my modem/router. It turns out the hacker lives over the road from me. He has also now hacked Norton 360, made himself a trusted computer, hacked Wireshark and I’ve just had to purchase yet another modem/router. Victoria Police are still doing nothing and the Australian Federal Police say it’s not in their jurisdiction. I have been told and read online that these meters can give hackers access to your name, address and phone number. I’m not sure exactly how to connect the two incidents other than I’ve seen a car pull up over the road, passenger gets out to get something from the meter box where the hacker lives, returns to the car and the car drives off. This all started in August or September 2012 and it’s now almost February 2013 and I still can’t get the police to do anything about him.

  389. Rob says:

    Maybe this is the sort of action to follow up with from legals point of view in combatting utilities co’s. Also notices of criminal misconduct…………

    To: Michael R. Peevey, the CPUC, California Grand Jury and all California utility service providers.

    You have, by your failure of verified rebuttal to my affidavit (see copy enclosed), admitted and confessed to criminal misconduct in the emission of cancer-causing electromagnetic radiation on my property without consent and the conduct of unlawful surveillance on my property without consent. As a result of that confessed and admitted criminal misconduct, you and Hydro:

    1.No longer have right or privilege of contracted easement.
    2.No longer have right or privilege of any implied or presumed easement.
    3.No longer have right or privilege to control metering of my electricity or to determine what meter will be used on my property (you have not offered any safe and lawful meter).
    4.No longer have right or privilege to deny me and my property any essential public utility service (you may not interrupt my utility service).
    5.Have no right to charge fees for remedies made necessary by the criminal misconduct to which you have confessed.
    As having confessed criminal acts and intentions you and all Hydro agents, employees, contractors and agents are subject to the following terms and conditions for entry to my property:

    1.You must apply in writing for access to my property.
    2.Your application must state the full identity and contacts of all those wishing to enter the property
    3.Your application must state specifically and fully all actions to be taken on my property.
    4.Your application must be approved in writing by me and you will be given a time range for entry if your stated purposes are safe, lawful, legitimate and necessary by my judgment.
    5.When you or your agent/s makes the approved appointment he/she/they will be supervised by me or my agent/s while they are on my property.
    6.If you or your agent/s takes any action on my property not approved in advance in writing by me, or if they attempt to evade supervision on my property at any time, they will be in trespass and police will be called with criminal complaint and request for you and/or your agent/s to be taken into custody.
    7.In that case, criminal complaints of trespass will be pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
    At no time will any radiation emitting device or monitoring device be allowed on my property. I have provided a safe analog meter which is calibrated, zeroed and standard and which meets all requirements of electric consumption measurement and billing.

    Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal.

    • joeM says:

      OK… I have a Bi-Directional Meter due to solar panels installed under 2 years ago. I’m expecting a Smart Meter to be installed in the next 2 weeks. 3 letters have been sent to me over the past 6 months but now seems definite. I have rung the installation company stating I don’t want/need the installation to happen. However, if there is no one home the installation will happen! There is no meter box so I cannot lock it. I have placed a “do not install” sign but I’m sure it will not prevent the installation. They have told me to email/post a statement confirming my request. Can I use 6 of the above points in my letter? Or any other suggestions? Thanks

      • Jason says:

        How is it there’s no meter box? Can you build one – lockable?
        One thing I’ve done is to install a gate at the top of the front steps, to prevent anyone getting onto the front porch. The dogs love sunbaking out there these days….and have a wonderful instinct as to whom they should say ‘g’day’ to, and to whom to say ‘piss off!’
        It used to be that a grid-connect solar system wouldn’t accomodate a smart meter, but I was warned by my dogs that a boofhead had turned up at my door. When challenged he became quite intimidating and said he was going to install a smart meter. I said he wasn’t doing any such thing; he said he had a mandate from the government; I said that if he wasn’t off my property inside of ten seconds he could explain it to the dogs; it took him THREE seconds to clear the fence!

        My well-in-advance-planned option was to rewire the grid-connect system from series to parallel, and to disconnect from the grid when prices rose to where I wasn’t profiting. ie. run the whole house on a stand-alone system. Easy thing to do, (I installed my first solar system in 1981 and lived comfortably with it for 22 years.) and the stand-alone components required are fairly cheap and getting cheaper (and better) all the time.

        It’s an option we all have, even non-grid-connected people who need to start from scratch. Panels can be bought for well under a dollar a watt these days; with care in usage an ‘average’ house can get by with a 3kw system ~ and I keep a backup generator for a quick-charge for an hour or two about twice a year and also to run the heavy power users like the microwave, washing machine, etc. Am happy to answer any questions about how to go about all this. It really IS simple as.
        I’m still connected to the grid because ~ after paying the bills, including gas, Origin is still paying me about $1500 pa. The minute that stops, I’m off.

        PS. depending on location, a wind-turbine is also a useful addition to home-power-generation, and will work in conjunction with a solar system. Turbines have also become very cheap these days ~ thanks to the Chinese ~ and can cost less than $300 for a 600-watt unit.

        Point is:- you have choices which DON”T include the the power-company and/or government bully-boys.
        ….another choice is to vote against ANY government who tries to ram it’s crap down your throat. And TELL them you and all your friends will dump them out of office if they continue to ignore what people want.

        We DON’T need smart meters: what we DO need is smart voters.

        • Sharron says:

          I like your style, Jason – good for you! Gives us all something to work towards, thanks for sharing.

        • 1vimana1 says:

          Hi Jason,
          Great write up of yours, loved the bit about explain it to the dogs.
          The C.E.Os are the real culprits as well as this Super Timid Victorian Minister for Power who seems to support these five foreign owned Electric Power Companies at the expense of Victorians. One way to fix the lot of these SODS is to Forcefully Acquire all of the Five foreign owned Electric Power Stations.

          Silly old Geoff Kennett back in the 1990’s sold them all to the Chinese and the Singaporean Private Industries so we ought to Legally Confiscate them from these Chinese and Singaporean Private Industries by Forced Acquisition. After all we the people owned these Electric Power Companies under the Victorian S.E.C or Victorian State Electricity Company.

  390. Peter says:

    Take a look at this site, look at the photo, any one handling these devices have to wear thick rubber gloves, and according to Energy Safe Victoria these devices are safe!

    Have a look at some of the other information (interactive devices) on this site and you will see that ‘in order to better manage your electricity’, you now need not only a surveillance and control devise (they call them ‘smart meters’), but you also now need to buy and and run at your own expense, an In Home Display. Read carefully, and it will also tell you which devises use the most power, ie it will identify which devise you have switched on, The distributors want to make your power use available on the web, ie anyone who hacks into your computer will have access to this information, and with your consent! If you allow this information to be posted on the web!

    Watch this space, the next to be introduced will be AS4755 appliances, this will give the distributors the ability to turn any appliance with this AS installed, ‘on’ and ‘off’ at will, ie it will be able to turn your fridge/freezer ‘off’ just as it is about to run to maintain the set temperature, at the cheaper rate of electricity and turn it back ‘on’ at a higher rate. They claim that this system applied to your airconditioner only makes about half a degree difference, but once the airconditioner is turned back ‘on’, it will have to work longer to bring the temperature back to the setting! Nice when it is running during the peak period!

    Don’t be fooled people, this is the biggest ‘rip off’ since the petrol driven car! The USA had electric cars/trucks/trains back in the 1890’s!

    • Peter says:

      PS the site is

      • Rob Guy says:

        Hi, Peter, DPI are forecasting benefits which might or might not eventuate. The consumer will only benefit only if the retailer publishes variations in the tariff before they apply. I am not interested in discovering what my tariff was well after it has increased. Only if given advance notice, could I plan my daily routine to minimise costs.
        The appearance of AS4755 on the horizon poses yet another problem for consumers. RE-wiring my meter box was one thing-mofifying my house wiring is quite another.
        Cheers, RobinG

    • Jason says:

      In an idle conspiracy-theory moment, I occurred to me that these things could easily be used to count the number of people coming and going from your house, and ~ for all anybody knows ~ your entire electrical circuitry could be used as a giant radio antenna, picking up and recording everything that’s said. (Shades of Big Brother in ‘1984’??
      I’m not concerned about health-factors; it’s the arrogant invasion of my privacy and personal space I refuse to cop. There was a time Australians everywhere would have likewise refused; I don’t know when it was Australians turned into pussies. We need a revolution ~ this is the only country in the world that’s never staged one!

  391. Jay says:

    I wonder….if it has been established that property owners actually ‘own’ their existing meter boxes and in the case of a property owner stating in writing that they don’t want a smart meter installed….can the power company then be charged with theft and/or vandalism if they take the old one away and replace it with a smart meter?

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Simply Padlock Your Electric Meter Box, Cobber, with a stout Industrial padlock as I have done. You own the Meter Box .They say they own The Analogue Meter, and the Meter Box. I said to them prove it to me, send me the paper work that says you own the Meter Box and the Analogue Meter.” They’ve never have been able to.

      All of these people are just a lot of Bully Boys and Girls I have proven it over two years. Tell them to buzz off.

      • Trevor churchill says:

        1. CC says:
        January 31, 2013 at 7:44 pm
        CC said that Powercor told him to LOCK HIS POWER BOARD >>>see>>. I had left at 7pm and got home at 11.30pm to find the door of the meter box propped open. I phoned the power supplier, PowerCor, it was nothing they had done and they told me to put a padlock on the meter box and report it to the police. ISNT IT FUNNY HOW POWERCOR are Issuing customer’swith a defect NOTICES for Locking switch boards** and yet are advising a CUSTOMER to by PHONE to lock his what a JOKE!!

    • Jason says:

      When you buy/build a new house the meter-box is inlcuded in the price, and when you first get the power connected the contract says you have to get a meter-box installed at the required standard but at your own cost.
      Never doubt that YOU OWN THE METER-BOX.
      Moreover, if it got down to the nitty-gritty, you could seriously challenge the claim that the powercompany actually OWNS the metre (even a new-style one) since possession is 9/10ths of the law the onus would legally be on them to actually PROVE ownership ~ eg provide a receipt from whomever they claim they bought it from.
      Mt bet would be they couldn’t ~ especially if they couldn’t access your meter to record whatever ID numbers were on it, or even if there were ANY ID numbers on it at all.

  392. Anonymous says:

    Amazing that in any shop it is required that the customer can see how much a product weighs or its volume but with Smart meters both the communicating type and non communicating type we cannot see what power is used . How do we verify what they say we used is true?Trust the supplier ,of coarse we do???
    In NSW I signed a contract when I got a Solar system which meant a smart meter ,there was a little box that if you don’t tick it you go to time of use, Peak is from 2pm till 8 pm the highest price when everyone is home! Not ticking the box would have meant at least 30% rise in my bill costs!!!

    • Joe says:

      we just got a reply from the department of primary industries, basically saying stuff you the meters will be installed.

      • Alias Rodney says:

        Joe, how can it be that “the meters will be installed” if you’re not going to allow them to install ?

        Hey DPI, got some news for you. The meters will not be installed EVER !!!!!!

        • Peter says:

          Hi Joe

          It would be interesting to see some of the wording of this DPI response.

          It is amazing that Baillieu, O’Brien, the DPI, the ESC, are all very quick and confident to tell us what rights the distributors have, but remain silent when we ask what rights we have!

          It is also amazing that the same government people make threats against the very people who put them in office, on behalf of corporate business! We can only conclude that Victoria is now a facist state as in Germany/Italy in the 1920’s-30’s, ie you have no say in the matter.

          • Freedom Rules says:

            Speaking of the now infamous Mr O’Brien, I read with disgust in the paper lately that he was being ‘considered’ as a possible replacement for Ted Baillieu after Ted was apparently told to lift his game as Premier. No kidding… his name was mentioned along with the current planning minister (don’t know his name, sorry). It may interest those people who voted the liberals into power here in Victoria – this government is a total laughing stock!

  393. Kathy says:

    I have a Pensioner friend who didn’t want a Smart meter installed. When the Power company (Jemena) wrote her a threatening letter saying she would be taken to Court if she didn’t allow the installation to take place, she was afraid, and let them install it. Yesterday I went to visit her and luckily had my Cornet Electrosmog meter with me. I held the meter up to her meter box (on her bedroom wall), and there was no reading. I told her I didn’t think the smart meter was connected up yet but she assured me it had been installed for a few months and the readings were always on the screen. However, I told her it didnt appear to be broadcasting data. We went out, and when we arrived back, it so happened that we found an electrician working in her meterbox. He said he had been told to replace the smart meter as the other one was faulty and wasn’t sending any signals. I stood behind him, and as he worked on the new one, the Electrosmog meter was reading around 58mW/m2, high in the red danger zone. I told him this was a dangerous reading, but as he was more versed in Tamil than English I don’t think he was very concerned about what I said. When my friend saw the reading she realised the dangers of the device and is now thinking of finding another house. Of course, the Energy Company and the Government are satisfied once the device is installed and transmitting, they have full remote control of the energy use. It is they, not the consumer who has control, despite the spin they put out.

    • Bearded Baboon Loather says:

      Powercor, you threaten to do things to pensioners for which you have no legal basis. What exactly will you take people to court for when there is no law that obligates anyone to accept a smartmeter ? Do you think there are not people out there willing to reciprocate to you also in a way that is………….well, let’s say outside of legal basis also. Surely it’s only a matter of time before the day of your great regret arrives.

      • Ms Rebel says:

        This is true.

      • Adrian Hollis says:

        We see common law being overiden by statute that is by consent. This has been sneaking in over decades taking power from the people and giving it to corporations while making the courts of law nothing but administrative tribunals and now crossing the line into fascistism.

    • Ray Jenner says:

      This may not be the correct area for my comment but ,here it is. Recently received notification from Energy Australia suggesting that I have been selected to take part in the Smart Grid Smart City trial. Are they talking about Smart meters. To contact Enerdy Aust is a lengthy process. Ray

      • Peter says:

        Sure are, and once they have installed a sureillance and control device, (they call them smart meters) they will refuse to replace your old meter! just another sneaky attempt to install these things.

    • Mia Nony says:

      We do have a huge resistance going here – an uprising completely uncovered by mainstream media in BC, Canada.
      the world has split in two, those who carry on as if blind mute and deaf, and those in ever larger numbers at the forefront of this resistance. The estimates are possibly as many as 350,000+ out of under 2 million homes in BC who have locked or barricaded their analog meters. Another estimated 350,000+ are demanding the removal of these frequency delivery ATM usage “estimation” devices.
      Ownership has now been lawfully determined and the analog meters are indeed the property of private property owners.
      Those who have theirs locked up are in many cases also using not only locks or barricades but sealing and protecting their rights with carefully worded Common Law Notices of Contractual Default and Liability.
      BC Hydro has already admitted behind the scenes that they are in violation of common law on as many as ten counts but at the street level the force presses forward, using an escalated Nazified version of installation, rip and replace using force.
      Please write a brief comment to the journalist of the shocking level of admission of abuse in the article below. One can only surmise that a front page article of this sort is intended to “achieve compliance” (through fear) – to quote BC Hydro’s oft used phrase.
      This is openly fascistic. Much more is going on here than the smart grid. All pretence of out entitlement to democratic, civil, property or international safety or rights is ripped away now. The self defence we must all use now is COMMON LAW.
      This is where one’s rights are still intact, not the “you” with CAPITAL LETTERS, which is the “you” which belongs to the state, but the private “you” with small letters, the “you” which no one can own, and the “you” which has full rights.
      Utility corporations are now in a permanent state of date rape mode.
      Our Canadian Parliament, both federally and provincially in BC, is not only largely impotent but shut down. The Corporation of Canada seems to be in permanent suspension. Those oblivious continue life as if all of this were normal. It is up to each one of us to stand our ground, since the reality is that no one elected or appointed is stepping in to protect any of us, quite the opposite, putting the Rogue back in parliamentary prorogue.
      A silent unreported coup is taking place, one not covered at all by any media owned by the wireless industry which acts as if it apparently thinks it is our new unelected government Mussolini called what is taking place now the perfect form of government. corporatism. Read this and do something now, please!

      B.C. Hydro storming ahead with new meters by Rob Shaw – January 18, 2013:
      (Times Colonist: –
      B.C. Hydro storming ahead with new meters

      by Rob Shaw – January 18, 2013

      The battle over smart meters is heating up, with B.C. Hydro dispatching a new wave of installers and warning holdout customers that they can no longer reject the devices.

      Thousands of B.C. residents who have refused to accept the meters are receiving letters from B.C. Hydro this month that read “we can no longer delay the installation of a new meter at your home.”

      “The reality is that this is a necessary upgrade to the electricity system that supports our entire province and economy,” said Cindy Verschoor, spokeswoman for the $1-billion program.

      “B.C. Hydro needs to compete the installation and move everybody over to the new system, and so we have notified customers that we will actually be coming back to do the installation.”

      Hydro has faced fierce opposition from some residents, who say the wireless technology used by the new meters is unhealthy. Many people have blocked Hydro from replacing their old devices. Hydro has insisted the new meters are safe, and will provide more accurate billing and a host of new services.

      In December, the B.C. government granted Hydro an additional year to finish installing the devices.

      The new meters measure electricity use for billing and send the information to B.C. Hydro wirelessly, eliminating the need for human meter readers. The devices also monitor electricity flow and can send alerts about power outages, which Hydro said will help it to restore power faster.

      About 93 per cent of customers have had their meters switched, but almost 140,000 holdouts remain. In Greater Victoria, 95 per cent of customers have the meters, Hydro said.

      But resisting smart meters is about to get harder. Hydro’s next wave of installers plans to ignore signs from homeowners that request the company not install smart meters, Verschoor said. Installers have also been instructed to remove bars, boxes, locks or other barricades that might prevent access to the old meter, she said.

      “If we come across a barricaded meter, the barricade will be removed,” Verschoor said.

      If the meter is in a house or garage, and Hydro has been given a key, installers will go inside to replace the device, she said.

      The only way to stop an install is to be at home when Hydro (or a representative from subcontractor Corix Utilities) arrives. Even then, Hydro will immediately dispatch a roving customer service person to start a face-to-face conversation, Verschoor said.

      “They will physically come to the door so that the customer can talk to a real person and have their questions answered,” she said.

      “We find that makes a big difference.”

      For now, Hydro is stopping short of physically forcing its way past protesting homeowners.

      Verschoor said no decisions have been made on how to deal with people who continue, in person, to refuse Hydro access to the meter.

      The new push has outraged smart meter opponents, who call it “goon tactics.”

      “Basically, the reports coming in right now are Corix is showing up, they are threatening people, saying they don’t have choice, they have to take a meter, and when people turn them away, they have the B.C. Hydro people coming back shortly after,” said Jim Smith, president of

      “They are coercing, they are bullying, they are literally just trampling over our democratic rights.”

      Smith said he’s advising opponents to guard their meters, turn away Hydro or Corix personnel, and ask for all communication to be made in writing.

      Hydro said it cannot allow old meters to remain because it would require the company to maintain two types of electricity metering and billing, which would result in increased costs to customers.

      • Bearded Baboon Loather says:

        I think Cindy Veschoor herself personally should start showing up on people’s doorsteps. I’m sure there are many who would very much welcome the opportunity to have that personal “interaction” with her.

        I look forward to having a similar manner of personal interaction with Paul Adams one day.

      • Bill says:

        “For now, Hydro is stopping short of physically forcing its way past protesting homeowners.”

        Well it seems they are really quite considerate people after all……..

      • Bill says:

        “If we come across a barricaded meter, the barricade will be removed,” Verschoor said.

        Why wouldn’t they still do this also if the person happens to be home ?

      • Bill says:

        Hallelujah !

        BC Hydro have decided that for the time being they won’t be physically assaulting homeowners.

        Maybe a little bit later down the track hey Cindy ?

    • Brian says:

      How close were you to the meter when you took the reading?

  394. Ross Holder says:

    Received another letter today stating that United Energy were going to make another attempt to install a Smart Meter. This time the letter wasn’t dated, so there is no telling how long it sat in the mail room or when the ’10 day period’ actually started.
    This time it also states: “The government has also confirmed that all Victorian households and small businesses must have the existing electricity meter replaced with a new meter by the end of 2013. Meter installations cannot be deferred and “no AMI meter” stickers of signs on the meter box will be disregarded.”
    Which government exactly?
    This flies in the face of what Julia Gillard stated recently about Smart Meters being NOT COMPULSORY. In fact, by having it reported that she has stated that Smart Meters are not compulsory, she has engaged in a contract with the Australian people. Correct me if I am wrong, but Federal Law still overrules State Law, and if any body says it has the authority to install a meter against your consent then they are in breach of the Australian Constitution.
    Stay strong comrades!!!
    Anyone attempting to damage MY locked meter box will be reported to the police.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Ross

      According to the COAG agreement, this is ‘AN INDUSTRY LEAD ROLLOUT’, The government has NO RIGHT to tell private industry how to run its business, or Victorians that they have NO RIGHT to say no a private industry, for the purchase of some thing they do not want.

      This is the same old retoric, ‘the previous government has mandated these things’. ‘You cannot refuse to have one’, ‘there are clear and precise detailed procedures to disconnect if you refuse’, etc, BULLDUST! Produce the legislation which says CLEARLY, EXACTLY, what they are claiming is law.

      As I have said before, in my opinion, if they CAN provide CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS legislation to this effect, then Victoria has covertly been declared a dictatorship and this without a doubt; will flow on to the other states, because the other states have already agreed to ‘follow my leader’, (the COAG agreement) and are simply waiting to see what happens here in Victoria.

    • Eric says:

      Ross, got that letter too. A couple of days later got another in the mail stating that “the new meter will be installed at your property between 8am and 5pm between 28/01/2013 and 08/02/2013”.
      Ha! Let them try AGAIN…Locked box you know.
      I’ll have a video camera at the ready if home. Should make for good YouTube viewing. 🙂
      Anyone have some questions they’d like me to ask the “installer” whilst on camera?

      • Stand Up says:

        The locked box did not work for my brother so be aware of that… all they did was take the box off around it apparently… and while he was not home… in other words his lock was not cut off

        • Peter says:

          Hi Stand up

          Is this not illegal entry? In my oppinion, they have no legal right to dismantle or interfere in any way with your property,

          • Eric says:

            Peter, illegal entry is more credible when there is proof. Any illegal activity is not beyond these despicable people if they know that they can get away with it. That’s why security should be beefed up and implemented in such a way that any breaches are obvious and can be proved.

            • Peter says:


              I would say that the fact the meter has been replaced should be evidence that an entry has been made illegally, if the meter box was locked, how did they get access to change the meter? Personally, would still be inclined to inform the police and at least demand an explination of how the installer accessed the meter. The installer will have to admit at least forced entry or illegal entry? These people MUST be made accountable for their actions, the more they are allowed to get away with it the worse they will behave.

      • Gerhard says:

        Hi Eric

        do you know if it is legal to take pictures of the instalation attempt and if police arrives to take pictures and video of the police as well? If any attempt is made to install a smartmeter at my locked meterbox i will video the attemt – i will asked the person for a)- his id – b his qualification and record both then i will asked him (or her) if he can read if he says yes i will point the signs displayed out to him and asked hin to leave my property becouse he ist treaspassing – if he says he can not read *G* i will read it to him and than asked him to leaf – i will videotape everything and my wife will take fotos at the same time


        • Eric says:

          Hi Gerhard and everyone in the forum.

          Here is an update on their second “attempt” to install the smart meter here at home.
          In short, the installer connected the house next door (no one home), and as he was walking down the driveway he could see my locked box. He didn’t even bother coming to the front door (lucky for him he didn’t, I had the camera an questions at the ready), he just got into his van and drove off to his next job.
          “Smart meter installer VS home owner”. Score stands at 0-2 🙂

          Oh and Gerhard, I believe as long as you are at your home, you can record video and audio as long as you inform the other party that you are recording.
          To be sure best seek advice from a liar, oops lawyer.
          Here is a link from the “violent state”:

          Stay strong fellow anti-Smart meter advocates, and keep those boxes locked.

          • Melbourne Mum says:

            Hi all, On the second round of install I blocked entry to my front porch (and my locked meterbox) by placement of an old aluminium pool fence with a sign on it stating: Due to the recent Power surge ‘event’ in our suburb, we are unwilling to put OUR home at risk by allowing United + Jemena to tamper with our electricity supply or meter. Smart meters are NOT COMPULSARY – as said by Julia Gillard on “The Project” on 7th Dec, 2012. Look up Victorian Charter of Human Rights Act, 2006. My anti-trespass was also attached to my mailbox. The installer made no attempt to knock at my front door, my hubby saw him drive off in a black van with surfboard on the roof, probably went to catch a wave as the weather was perfect!

  395. Tanya says:

    Can people who have had their home painted in the YShield carbon paint tell me if this has increased the temperature inside their home?
    Also let me know if you painted the interior or exterior.

  396. Has anyone explored the possibility of using a Faraday Cage to shield the EMR? If done right and completely encloses the unit it would negate the health risks and prevent the signal being sent/received. Anyone doing this yet?

    • Troy says:

      I have a smart meter and was thinking of doing this but not sure how to go about it?
      Any ideas would be appreciated

    • Fiona says:

      I have mesh and lead in the house on the inside wall behind the meter. I have 2 layers of lead over the external antenna which is outside the box. I have wrapped lead around the actual meter which goes around the bottom of it and behind the inside of the external antenna. I have special cloth with copper in it on the outside of the box on both sides and the bottom. I still am being ‘spiked,’ with radiation. Last night I felt it coming from under the floor. This is my attempt at a faraday cage. I am now thinking I need to put one aorund my bed or line the whole room floor to ceiling. My Dr told me to sit in one so I can give my body a chance to recover from the radiation shocks but I think night is worse in bed. Love to know how to do this better. Possibly the metal in the matress attracts the spikes.

  397. Domenic says:

    It’s happening already as Victoria is in the grip of a massive 46c+ heat wave power companies are selecting areas to turn off people have reported their smart meter was remotely switched off
    As their neighbour with no smart meter still had power
    Smart meters are bad under no circumstances should you let your power distributor install one tell them to forcefully JOG ON!!!!!!! Don’t let them bully you

    • 1vimana1 says:

      If any of your relatives die or any of your friends, who rely on air-conditioning to stay alive like very much older people who can be terribly distressed by heat, because the air conditioning of any home has been purposely tuned off by a particular Electric Power Company here in Victoria, then see a good Lawyer and SUE the careless C.E.O. of that Electric Power Company for Manslaughter! Also sue this truly weak Victorian Minister for Power Mr Michael O’ Brien as well ! as he is also knowiingly complicit in this ongoing disaster.

  398. John Smith Anonymous says:

    A heartfelt New Year Wish for 2013 that from left field will a massive blow for justice be struck with the whole smart meter program being totally sunk dead and buried and the Draconian government that pushed it to go down with it a mighty sinking.

    And may the pains of all those that have suffered fall upon all them that have caused their suffering.

    • Informed Choice says:

      Yep, well said John- may 2013 be the year for un-doing all the failed attempts at leadership shown by this Liberal state government, afterall they were supposed to “fix Labors’ previous mistakes” as promised in winning the election – We are still waiting for improvements. Neither political party deserves our vote on this one.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with your new years wish, bearing in mind that the rollout is supposed to be completed by the end of this year!

  399. Con says:

    Hi guys just needing some urgent help and infornation.
    Does anyone know if all new 3 phase meters installed are smart meters?
    A friend of mine as been told that the look of the meter does not change, to become a smart meter “they have to be installed with a module” that gets put in later.
    I find this very hard to belive but i am very happy to be proven wrong.

    • Joe S says:

      All new meters installed as per government mendate has to be a smart meter regardless of the phase needed at a new property or supply upgrade at an existing property.

      • Peter says:

        Correction Joe, the distributors ‘are to use their best endeavours to install a surveillance and control device’ (they call them ‘smart meters’), They DO NOT HAVE to install them, this is one of the main arguments put forward on this site. Sorry if I sound ‘picky’, but I am just stating facts.

        • Con says:

          The meter I am referring to is a meter put on a new property with 3 phase supply. I just want to know if they are “smart meters” (surveillance and control devices) from factory or do they have to be fitted with a “module” after installation to become a dumb metter….as the ruthless company told my friend. He would like to find out because he has his suspicions but is finding it hard to find answers so any information would be appreciated.
          Joe do not belittle us, when you find the word “mandate” on any government legislation regarding these dangerous meters please be kind enough to point it out, it would save us a lot of time looking for it because we still haven’t found it.

  400. Joe S : Human Rights Charter says:

    If its a concern of Human Rights (as some have inferred to in some comments) rather than spending energy on this webpage, why not contact the Victorian Ombudsman (not the Energy & Water Ombudsman – who cannot investigate government policy) who can investigate independently; government policy/mandates and how they comply in accordance with the Human Rights Charter? It appears to be a free service, consider that before blowing money on a class action with no guarantee of success,

    • Peter says:

      Hi Joe, I contacted the Victorian Ombudsman over a year ago, and was informed that they could not help me and referred me to the EWOV, I have recently contacted the Victorian Human Rights Commision requesting information, you will find their response on the ‘actions you can take’ page. None of the government departments, the government itself or the distributors will answer ANY questions regarding human and democratic rights, they simply respond by quoting legislation. I have also writen to Gllard with reference to her comments on tv regarding the AMI rollout, I’m not holding my breath for an honest response from her either.

      • Joe S says:

        That doesn’t sound correct. The state ombudsman is obliged under its constitution,charter and national benchmarks of accessibility to investigate your concerns. Did you actually write to the ombudsman addressing very specificAlly your direct concerns under the Victorian human rights charter – specifying sections? If u spoke to the call centre they may nt have understood you. I would write to the state Victorian ombudsman directly, therefore he or his deputy are ogled to respond formally, and if they are outside jurisdiction in investigating further they have to outline very clearly how so…..

        • Joe S says:

          … To clarify the EWOV is industry based it can investigate, for example, a complaint about emf concerns as to whether a particular meter tests within ‘,allowable’ limits if not it can order distributors to power down their assets in line with the current standards. The state ombudsman is a completely different kettle of fish who reports to Parliament and has jurisdiction to investigate government decisions. Therefore ur complaint needs to set aside the distributors and retailers and focus only on the state governments ability to make Orders in Council and how this SPECIFICALLY impedes on human Rights – under the charter etc. if u do this I’m interested in what they say.

          • Peter says:

            Thanks for the advise Joe, below is a copy of my letter to the Ombudsman sent in May 2010 and their reply. Reading your coments, I may have worded the letter incorrectly, but I am sure they understood what I was getting at.

            Dear Ombudsman,

            I am writing to express my great concern over the mandatory introduction of `Smart Meters’ and the misleading information put out by the power companies and the DPI, plus the lack of information to the general public who will be affected most. All of the information I have, I have had to find for myself by spending hours of search on the Internet.

            I had never heard of smart meters until I received my March 2010 quarter electricity bill which informed me that I am now paying for a smart meter that I don’t even have. I phoned my retailer (Origin) to make enquiries about another item on my bill and casually asked about the smart meter charge, I asked to speak to the manager in charge (Penny Gray) but was refused access to her. I was most unsatisfied with the information I was given, but the assistant advised me to change to a `Daily Saver’ account as I would receive 7% discount on my electricity bill and 4% on my gas bill, so I switched over. (When I did some research I am now paying more than on the original account [so much for trusting the retailer!]) In the mean time I wrote a letter to Penny Gray expressing my dissatisfaction and asking about the impact of smart meters, I also wrote to Premier Brumby, Opposition leader Ted Baillieu and the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd expressing my concerns. These letters went out between 4/4/2010 and 13/4/2010. To date I have not had a response from any of them.

            While waiting for replies, I have done a little research of my own.

            It would appear that COAG made the decision to mandate these meters back in April 2007 in Victoria and New South Wales. I have not seen or heard of any information regarding these things in the media, that being the case, it usually indicates that some thing is amiss.

            Installation of these meters commenced in Victoria in September 2009. Further research shows that according to the DPI `smart meter research and development document’, there will be considerable savings for the power

            companies, which according to the enclosed document put out by the ESC do NOT HAVE to be passed on to the customer. Do we really believe the power companies will behave any differently to the banks in passing on their reduced costs? The Energy Minister Peter Batchelor announced an `indefinite moratorium’ on the smart meter roll out, but the installations are still going ahead, that can only mean that regardless of public opinion, they are still going ahead. I am sure the Government is rushing the installation programme so that they can say it is too far advanced to stop and they will fix any major problems later. If like me you thought the moratorium was to find out more about the effects of these things, you would be wrong. The `moratorium’ is only to ensure the `smooth transition to smart meters’, not whether they are acceptable to the customer. If these are beneficial to the customer, the installation should be by consent and refusal should not incur a penalty.

            According to the many documents on the DPI web site, the ONLY benefit of the smart meter for the customer is that `they will be able to better manage their power use’! My question is HOW? meals have to be cooked at meal times, air conditioners have to be on in hot weather and heating on in cold weather and fridges and freezers have to be on at all times to preserve ever more expensive food. I guarantee, no one will feel like doing house hold chores (Vacuuming, washing and ironing) during off peak hours after a day at work.

            It appears to me that the possible and/or inevitable consequences of these meters have received little consideration. It looks to me as if this system is connected by some sort of `wireless broadband’, how long before it is `hacked into’ and havoc reeked with the power system? Information is available to the customer via the internet, which will also be abused by hackers. On several chat sites, there are many cases of large bills being received by people who have these meters fitted, we are assured by the power companies and the DPI that they are not yet `activated’, if this is true, where are the abnormally high bills being generated?

            I consider these devises as a gross invasion of my privacy; they will inform the power companies every half hour of what I am doing in my own home, which is no longer my castle, it will also tell them and anyone with access to this information whether I am at home or not. I have no doubt that this information WILL be `leaked’ or sold on to other relevant businesses, privacy breaches would be extremely hard and expensive to prove.

            Time of use pricing will bring about a nightmare of customer tariff lists and will `victimise’ some customers for living where they do.

            With remote connecting and disconnecting, imagine the catastrophic effect of inadvertently disconnecting a hospital during a critical part of an operation, or a

            business being inadvertently connected to a private dwelling! (Murphy’s Law) At the moment I believe this cannot happen as it is done manually.

            Part of my research shows that I will pay for the meter and its installation. This is a tool of the trade, why am I required to pay for it? I already have a meter, (There is no mention of a refund on the old meter which I must surely have paid for by now)) and I certainly do NOT want a smart meter on my property. I cannot get an accurate figure for the cost and installation, but I am already paying for some thing I don’t want and can’t get a price for! Far from the meter charge going down as they are paid for, there is an indication that the charge will go UP! I have no problem with these meters being applied to businesses and companies, but I dread the thought of one being attached to my house!

            Finally, at the moment we are only discussing ELECTRICAL issues, how long before it spreads to GAS AND WATER?

            In my opinion, essential services should never have been privatised as it is quite obvious that in private hands, the profit driven companies can hold the nation to ransom. There fore they should be returned to a none profit Government Department.

            I am a pensioner, and for years I looked forward to my retirement. Since I retired in December 2006, trying to keep up with ever increasing costs has turned retirement into a financial nightmare.

            I have enclosed a:
            Power Corp document
            ESC document
            And a DPI document, to assist with your research.
            I would also draw your attention to the Auditor Generals Office comments on this subject.

            Yours sincerely

            And their reply:

            28 May 2010 File No: C/”10/7956
            Dear Mr
            Complaint regarding the introduction of ‘smart meters’

            I refer to your correspondence dated 16 May 2010 and our telephone conversations of 21 and 25 May 2010.

            Your complaint is in relation to the mandatory introduction of ‘smart meters’ which you state occurred without consultation and has had a financial and privacy impact on customers. You also advise that a number of Members of Parliament have not answered your correspondence and Origin Energy provided incorrect information which resulted in you receiving a higher energy bill than would otherwise have been the case.

            As discussed on 25 May 2010, the Ombudsman Act 1973 (the Act) empowers the Ombudsman to enquiries into complaints about administrative actions taken by, or on behalf of, Victorian government departments, statutory authorities and staff of municipal councils. The Ombudsman is independent and impartial and as such does not act on behalf of a complainant or a respondent in the manner of a legal representative. The Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction over decisions by Members of Parliament or private bodies.

            I note that the Victorian State Government formally endorsed the introduction of the smart metres in 2006. This decision and the delays by Members of Parliament in responding to your complaint are outside the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman.

            In relation to your complaint regarding the information provided by Origin Energy, the Energy and Water Ombudsman is the appropriate body for this aspect of your complaint. I have provided these details below should you wish to pursue the matter further.

            Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
            Freecall: 1800 500 509
            Freefax: 1800 500 549
            Email: cwovinfo(u)

            I trust this information is of assistance.

            If you have any queries please contact me on (03) 9613 6222 or country callers on 1800 806 314 (toll free).

            Yours sincerely

            • Joe S says:

              Peter, the state ombudsman’s investigations officer appears to need a lesson here. The energy retail code and distribution code is passed by the Essential Services Commission (ESC). The Orders in Council of a smart meter device was passed/gazetted by this body. This is not a private body or a member of parliament BUT it IS a government body and statutory authority. Therefore; if u wanted to be specific, which sometimes u need to be with the Ombudman, this would fall within jurisdiction so therefore; ur concerns stemming from this Order in having such a device rolled out in every victorian home and towards ur concerns of human rights under the Victorian human rights Charter would HAVE to be investigated. You need to word ur letter correctly and re-mail and give it another shot. As a free service it will investiagte fairly and independently- this is crucial as it would give u a heads up as to whether any class action would be viable. I am very familiar as to how ombudsman schemes run and very familiar with the energy industry. If u like I am happy to proof read ur letter before u send it.

      • Fiona says:

        How did you go with the letter to the PM? I received a reply referring me back to the Victorian Government.

    • 1vimana1 says:

      To Joe S: Human Rights Charter,
      Of course it is a Human Rights Charter Issue. Please see the World Charter of Human Rights 1948 as have I, which was passed in the houses of Parliament in London and in the Hague in Holland also in 1948. See also the Victorian Charter of Human Rights 2006 which gives you the same protection as the World Charter of Human Rights. These Scheming Foreign owned Electric Power Companies C.E.O’s and this weak Victorian Minister for Power Mr Michael O’ Brien seems to be in the pocket of these foreigh overseas Chinese and Singaporian Masters of his. Here in Victoria these seemingly Corrupt C.E.O’s are trading on many Victorian peoples’ ignorance of the Law. I have already seen my two Lawyers after I checked these two charter out myself. They examined same and said………
      Richard you are correct we live in a democracy here in Victoria Australia and no one can force you to accept a so-called Dopey Microwave Smart Meter or any goods of any kind against your Will and Better judgement when you feel that said goods or services threaten your health and the safety of your electrical domestic goods.

      Just padlock your meter box Richard and get up your Legal Anti-Tresspass signs you have shown me from the Commonwealth of Australia and write a polite and forceful Registered Letter to the C.E.O of the Electric Power Company for your area ,detailing your objectrions to the Dangerous Microwave Smart Meter. This I did and they backed off. Lets hope they stay away. That’s it people, follow these guiding principles and see a good Lawyer it’s worth the effort.
      These Power Company C.E.O’s here in Victoria obiously don’t remember what Jesus Christ commanded.” Do unto others, as you would have them do unto YOU.”

      Phone me if you like….. 03 5352 3639 or Email me ……..

  401. Bearded Baboon Loather says:

    A Christmas Carol for PAUL ADAMS and MICHAEL O’BRIEN

    Copyright 2011 by Ellen Cecil
    (A Parody Sung to WHITE CHRISTMAS by Irving

    I’m dreaming of a Smart Meter-free planet
    Just like the one I used to know
    Where the radiation’s no stress
    With zero microwave mess…so
    The pulses won’t make my circuits blow.

    I’m praying for a Smart Meter Meltdown
    Because Big Brother wants control
    Over birds, bees and trees plus
    Our money, lives ‘n’ disease, but…
    By God, he’ll never have our souls!

    I’m standing up to unjust laws and evil
    Since freedom is my sovereign right.
    I say “NO” to Smart Meters
    And the power company cheaters.
    Now my future is looking awfully bright!

    I’m fighting for the children of tomorrow
    Never to die by digital death.
    Let them breathe the pure air
    And know that I care
    With every heartbeat, every breath.

    May our meters be an analog delight
    And may all our daydreams reach new heights!

    May our meters be an analog delight
    And may all our daydreams reach new heights!

  402. Annette says:

    So, I sent off my letter to the Minister for Energy and Resources, the Hon. Michael O’Brien MP, stating that I won’t be allowing a smart meter to be installed on my property. I have finally received a reply today. It says, “Smart meters will continue to be rolled out to all Victorian households and small to medium-sized businesses in Victoria by the end of 2013”. It also basically says that I can’t refuse the meter and will have to have it replaced. Further, it says that the power company is entitled to replace its own equipment etc. What the???? Okay, now what? Gillard says no one will be forced to have one, and our own Minister for Energy and Resources basically says we have no choice. I keep hearing there is no law to say we have to do this and have the right to refuse them onto our property to change it. My meter box is locked and has a window to allow it to be read and is fully signed. It is staying that way, but I would like to now know where I stand.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Annette
      There is no law which says a customer must accept one of these devices, the laws they quote refer to ownership of the device and access to your property for maintenance. As far as I am aware, the only reasons for disconnection are for none payment of bills, abuse of the power supply and not being able to read the meter for 3 consecitive reads. You can give access for maintenance by appointment (at a time when you are present) on condition that your distributor does not install one of their surveillance and control devices, (they call them ‘smart meters’) They will try to tell you that they can only install a surveillance and control device, there is no law forcing them to install these devices only.

      • Jason says:

        There’s ALWAYS the simple option of going to a stand-alone solar/wind system. Then charge rent for the cabling attached to and crossing your property, as well as for the meter’s they claim they own.

    • Paul Nugent says:

      If it comes to the point where you have no choice at least line your meter box so the radiation cannot penetrate. I have already had one installed and while its not too late I would have to get the smart meter moved out of the way. Personally I’m not worried about it and at the risk of repeating myself personally I find them OK and far more accurate than the old analogue ones. We should educate people on how to prepare their meter boxes for them if we are not going to have any choice in the matter.

      • Peter says:

        Hi Paul

        Fair comment, you have no problem with these devices. Many other Victorians who DO have a problem with them are already paying through the nose for something they do not want. My question is, why on earth should they have go to the added expense of protecting themselves from these unwanted devices? By the way, at the risk of repeating myself, we DO have a choice, there is still no law which states specifically that we cannot refuse them.

        • Anonymous says:

          I will still refuse regardless of ANY other laws that were to be brought in.

          Any law that would attempt to say “we cannot refuse” that which we know is not safe and which has not been PROVEN to be safe is a WRONG law and I can guarantee that were any such decree to be made, it would invite a state of anarchy into the Nation.

      • Anne says:

        Paul, you obviously have not had the time to research the impact of these meters on a global scale, let alone the bio-effects of microwaves. We are all overwhelmed with after choosing our own careers, we now have to work into the wee hours studying scientific concepts we left behind in High School. All the lies, the poisoning of the people, it was still a matter of lifestyle choice……now it is a matter of URGENCY…..WE ARE directly being forcefed smart meters and all it’s consequences regardless of lifestyle choice!
        You cannot submit.

      • Jason says:

        Death is the ONLY thing about which we have “no choice”; everything else is negotiable and depends purely on how far one is willing to dig one’s heels in.

      • Peter G says:

        No surprise Paul you advocate Smart meters.Going by a few comments you have made on this site and having personally known you for a few years in the past,i think you are the Paul Nugent who use to work as a Business Analyst for Lumo,Sp Ausnet and now a at People Energy.
        Paul i understand your stance on Smart meters,maybe blinded by work politics?But look outside the square and please understand mate how it affects peoples health,privacy etc.
        Just because as you and i work in the industry,doesn’t mean you have to be a sheep.
        Think with your own mind,your a very smart guy.Money is pointless if you don’t have your health.

  403. Maud Crossing says:

    The Prime Minister has said that no one would be forced to do anything they did not wish to do with regard to smart meters.

    The Victorian Government says you have no choice – we are going to force these things onto you whether you like it or not!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maud, perhaps a few of us could shoot this link off to our local Federal Member and also the PM’s office.

      I think Michael O’Brien is right about the distribution code being black and white. It’s black and white that the Distribution Code was never an agreement for the puchase of electricity under an AMI distribution model. The only model in the distribution code for which we have obligation is one where supply is supply, metering is metering (and only metering), billing is billing. We have no obligation to any other integrated model that will expose us to the pulsing of toxic EMR.

      My GP has been unable to explain via conventional medical means why I have been an unwell person ever since smart meters were installed up and down my street. Maybe Mr O’Brien has an explanation for it. Of course Mr O’Brien will deny the existance of anyone having health issues as a result of smart meters. Because “the meters are safe they are within Australian Standards”

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course the “Australian standards” are safe, they tell us quite clearly that if we are exposed to a smart meter for six minutes, we are not going to be cooked.

      Mr O’Brien, safety is not just about whether we are going to be cooked or not. It’s also about not predisposing ourselves to the future onset of gliomas, neurological disorders, cardiovascular disorders. It’s about not seeing our kids mysteriously developing austism. Have you done much research into these things Mr O’Brien ?

      But you just seem to think that because we are not going to cook so we’re safe. What would you think if the day ever came that you were diagnosed with a glioma Mr O’Brien ?

      By the way Mr O’Brien, I actually know somebody who actually experiences heating effects when exposed to the PULSING and SPIKING of smart meters.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr O’Brien refers to doing the “upgrade”. What we are talking about here with it’s implications is not just a mere upgrade.

      Mr O’Brien, be very careful Sir about what you would accuse people of doing. When you say “breaking the law”, why don’t you state exactly which law is being broken. The only law I see beeing broken is that which comes through your thuggery upon the citizens of Victoria.

      • Melbourne Mum says:

        No agreement signed with the distributor here Mr O’Brien, so what planet do you live on buddy? We’re talking about an essential service, so your empty threat to cut power off from fellow Victorians is an outright lie and you need a reality check…. and a muzzle.

  404. Tanya says:

    I had an interesting interaction recently at my local shopping centre. I emailed the facilities manager, asking him to tell me where the smart meters are located so that I can avoid that area. It ended up with the centre manager buying me coffee and dicussing my concerns with him. The cynic in me says he wasn’t genuinely concerned with my health, but it was excellent public relations and a good way for me to get the message out there.

  405. Tanya says:

    Gotta love PowerCor’s PR BS. In a radio ad I recently heard PowerCor talk about how they are upgrading power poles in bushfire prone areas because “PowerCor are working to ensure the safety of the communities they serve”.

    Read that as PowerCor are working to destroy the safety, health and financial security of the people in communities they bully. What they give with one hand to bushfire prone areas, they take away, and then some more, with the other hand from people who have smart meters inflicted on them.

  406. Mariel says:

    Thanks fellow objectors for the comments. It helps to have support. My latest reply to United Energy harassment includes the text…”to the best of our knowledge, any previous agreement made for energy supply, was done without the knowledge that our meter would be changed. We argue the validity of any compulsion or harassment to accept changes to our current meter…..etc” So wish me luck…..I’ll keep trying.

    May I draw your attention some other written information (which may be available elsewhere on this site…not sure) I hope this will save you searching and I imagine you might find interesting:

    Click to access sm-legal-advice-2012.pdf

    and this:

    It seems that even our human rights are not ensured in this otherwise great nation?

  407. Mariel says:

    Interesting discussions for months now on Whirlpool Forums. A lot of very confused people seeking answers and a few “power company” supporters making intimidating suggestions. I’ve copied one such comment and pasted it for everyone here to read. Be warned, though, as it makes for two pages of reading – mostly legislation quotes. If you decide to read Whirlpool forums to follow this, then the quote I’ve posted about is dated around 6 November, 2012. Here is the quote:
    As soon as the distributors were privatised, each customer’s agreement became a contract, under contract law.

    (Being that an agreement between two private parties, for goods and/or services, is deemed a verbal or written contract, with or without the exchange of Monies.)

    As such is the nature of contracts, the conditions are alterable. As a contract is a negotiation between the parties.

    ‘Negotiation’, being the objective word.

    (mates missus, works in Contract Law.)
    I suggest you google the Victorian Electricity Industry Act and in particular Section 40A, and have your “mate’s missus” read it to you, before you start lecturing on statutory and legal obligations versus contract law, as your interpretation is incorrect, there are deemed contracts already put in place, but they are not negotiable.
    2.1.2 Distribution
    In the electricity sector, deemed distribution contracts are enabled through s. 40A of the EIA. These contracts provide the default contract that exists between customers and distributors. These contracts must be published in the Government Gazette in order to take effect. Deemed distribution contracts must be consistent in their terms with the Electricity Distribution Code9 which provides for regulatory guidance in terms of liability, indemnity and force majéure. These contracts also have the effect of requiring compliance by customers with provisions of the Code.

    Deemed distribution contracts have been gazetted by all five licensed distributors and are in effect between distributors and customers in Victoria.
    As an example:
    These standard terms and conditions for electricity distribution are published under section 40A of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 (the Act) and have been approved by the Regulator.
    These terms and conditions take effect on the day on which they are published in the Government Gazette.

    When does this contract end?
    This contract will end on the earlier of:
    (a) the date we disconnect your supply address from our distribution system; or
    (b) the effective date of any new terms and conditions published by us in
    accordance with section 40A of the Act.
    In spite of this contract ending, any rights or liabilities incurred under this contract continue.
    5. Compliance with the Distribution Code and the Electricity Law
    (a) The Distribution Code sets out a number of rights and obligations of customers and distributors. This contract is taken to include each provision of the Distribution Code.
    (b) You must comply with the obligations imposed on customers under the Distribution Code.
    © We must comply with the obligations imposed on us under the Distribution Code.
    (d) If there is an inconsistency between the Distribution Code and this contract, the Distribution Code prevails. A term or condition of this contract is void to the extent that it is inconsistent with the Distribution Code.
    (e) If the Distribution Code is amended after the date this contract starts, as specified in clause 3.1, the Distribution Code will thereafter apply to this contract as amended.
    (f) We will provide to you a copy of the Distribution Code upon request from you. We may charge you a reasonable fee for this copy.
    (g) The parties must also comply with all other applicable provisions of the Electricity Law in relation to distribution services.
    So a deemed contract created under Victorian Electricity Law, ending when you disconnect, and making the customer responsible to the Distribution Code and Electricity Law.
    And of course the Distribution Code and Electricity Industry Law is where all of the SECV’s statutory powers are vested into the Distributors.
    Hence the Victorian Distributors retain ALL of the statutory rights of the SECV, including rights to enter, and rights to access their equipment on private property etc

  408. Mariel says:

    Here we go again! I have just been informed by United Energy (for the fourth time now – and four times I have refused) that another round of Smart Meter intimidation and installation is to take place in my street. I have successfully held off the installers three times previously. My concern now is how to deal with the “new customer contract” which I’m told now quickly follows “continual refusal of Smart Meter”. There has been mention on this forum of new additions to a supply contract which make Smart Meter refusal difficult. Can anyone here help or tell me how I should get around such contract issues should this come up?

    Another commenter on this forum has suggested that, as objectors, perhaps it’s time to get organized and form a committee of some sort. A protest march to parliament might also be something to consider in the near future – IMO sooner than later!

    NSW is next in line for Smart Meters. And the distributors seem to have their promoters there already at work. I found a webpage belonging to, what looks like, one such advocate. I thought it might interest fellow objectors here, so I’ll leave the link below:

    • Eric says:

      Wouldn’t any “new customer contract” require consent in order to have validity ?

      I wonder if they are devising some means to justify them cutting off a customer’s power.

      And I suppose they can’t be fined for any residences for which they are no longer required to do an installation ie. lost customers.


      Surely if this is their game then those already having had smart meters installed which they did not want have means to and must use those means to bring the Distributors to account for their misleading conduct.

    • Eric says:

      Sounds like this sort of play………….you can’t have electricity unless you agree to a new contract but guess what, the new contract comes with a smart meter.

      It may be that just like we told them collectively what to do with their smart meters, we are going to have to also tell them collectively what they can do with any “new customer contract”.

      This could just be another ploy to gain consent but remember….electricity remains an essential service.

    • Concerned Citizen says:

      Hi Mariel, you hold all the cards. They are bluffing you into signing a “new” legally binding contract (in their favour) and/or accepting a Smart Meter. They’re the ones who are sweating.

      Any “new customer contracts” should be refused in writing. Do not ignore them, silence is acceptance under law. Corporations can make offers, but we are at liberty to refuse them. Just say thanks – but no thanks, and please CEASE and DESIST from any further offers!

      From wiki:
      “A contract is an agreement entered into voluntarily by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between or among them. The elements of a contract are offer and acceptance by competent persons having legal capacity who exchange consideration to create mutuality of obligation, and, in some circumstances, do so in writing.[1]”

      “Voluntarily” is the key. No-one is forced into a contract.
      The only “legal obligation” we have is to allow them access to the meter for reading and repair. Smart Meters weren’t a consideration when creating the mutuality of obligation, case closed.

      • Joe S says:

        There are also ‘deemed contracts’. In the energy industry this implies that if you do not enter into a ‘contract’ – for example move into a property without notifying/signing a contract with a retailer (based on whatever terms and conditions are outlined) and you continue to use electricity supplied to you by the distribution business, you are under a deemed contract and therefore may still need to pay for your usage as well as comply under the codes outlining the distributors rights to its infrastructure at the dwelling based on the fact that you are utilising its service (unjust enrichment- there is no such thing as a free lunch). I wouldn’t rely on Wiki to place context in this particular matter.

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Lock that Electric Meter box of yours immediately with a strong Industrial Padlock.
      Next see a good Lawyer as I did, he or she should help you as they did me.

      Get your Commonwealth of Australia Legal Anti-tresspass signs up, one on the Electric Meter Box, the other on your front gate. Send a polite and forceful Registered Letter to the C.E.O of the Power Company for your area, stating that you refuse to accept a dopey and deadly Microwave Smart Meter for Health reasons and the safety of your electrical goods. Send a similar one to the Victorian Minister for Power Mr Michel O’ Brien also Registered Post.Keep a copy of both of these letters for Legal Reasons and send copies of same to your lawyer.
      Don’t let these People Win at any cost !

  409. I’ve just watched a remarkable film called “ Resonance – Beings of Frequency”

    This film explores the issues raised by such organisations as stopsmartmeters and will be of great interest to those of us who are already suffering ill effects from electromagnetic smog.

    I urge you to take the time to watch this film – available on youtube – and then spread the word as you see fit.


  410. Mia Nony says:

    Is a smart meter licensed and approved for everything of which it is capable?
    This failure to disclose specs and technical information is what renders utility actions illegal.
    Any kind of approvals granted are not based on what this device is CAPABLE OF DOING, only based on what it was intended to do when installed.
    We now have been offered (gratis!) the skills of a very capable legal team with skills related to Contractual Law and Constitutional rights.
    which has devised lawful documents to counter this travesty.
    These documents are working!
    They’re a series of documents called Notices of Default.
    Each one of the Notices focus on several key questions.
    The first avenue pursued was errors and loopholes in how this program was conceived and implemented.
    Next, the Constitutionally granted rights of individuals.
    So these documents assert the inherent rights of every private person (versus the public persona over which a corporation has sway, meaning Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms).
    There are specific rights accorded to every private person.
    Notice(s) Of Contractual Default address legal issues such as:
    Violation of Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    Ownership of analogue meter as a private property fixture
    Violation of and limits of utility easement rights
    Trespass for a purpose unrelated to easement rights
    Installation of a microwave enabling device capable of conducting surveillance and data mining.
    Unqualified installers
    Absence of safety certification of the device.
    Violation of the electrical code (wireless induced metal corrosion)
    Violation of building code (vibration)
    And one of my personal favourites:
    The use of the electrical system of a private home as an extension of a network management system.
    Did you ever agree to allow them to conduct their business using your unshielded wiring?

  411. Dawn says:

    United Energy – Bullying Tactics
    Sent letter to United Energy in July 2012 refusing SM and this was followed by UE’s people coming to my door and demanding that I open meter box. Refused and 1 week later comes to door and says “you must open meter box to allow installation of SM” . Another person showed up again yesterday and left card in letter box about meter box being closed. I have complained to UE and my requests are being ignored. At the end of the day they will end up having their own way by intimidating and bullying people. Ted Baillieu has lost my vote.

    • Peter says:


      It must be hard, but do not give in! Send a letter of complaint to the EWOV, In my opinion, they will do nothing, but it will go on record as yet another complaint in their annual report, there were over 60,000 complaints last year!

      Also send a letter to O’Brien and another to the Essential Services Commision asking if this continued harrassment is acceptable in complying with the Baillieu governments interpretation of the ‘distributors best endeavours’

      Baillieu has lost many thousands of votes, you can be sure of that!

      Personally, I won’t be voting for either major party at the next election!

      • Sharron says:

        Hi Dawn, You have to be even more defiant and they will leave you alone. Be just as ignorant of them as they are of you and keep your box locked up. They will then move on to someone else, lets face it….. there are thousands of us smarter citizens, not just a handful. Maintain the Rage Everyone!

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Please see your Lawyer as I did, I received just on half an hour of his time for free and the same a week later. Very useful, suggest you do the same.


      Richard L

    • Jason says:

      Don’t forget to actually TELL Baillieu that he’s lost your vote and that of anybody you can influence. Then get a rottweiler; discourages the bullies better than a herd of lawyers. (Don’t threaten anyone ~ just let the dog roam the front yard/front porch.)
      Rotties speak the same language as the bullying bureaucrats.

  412. Bill says:

    I hear Ted Baillieu loves The Beatles
    His favorite song is “Yesterday”.

    Well, when you look at the lyrics, no wonder.

    Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
    Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
    Oh, I believe in yesterday
    Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to be
    There’s a shadow hanging over me
    Oh, yesterday came suddenly
    Why she had to go
    I don’t know, she wouldn’t say
    I said something wrong
    Now I long for yesterday
    Yesterday love was such an easy game to play
    Now I need a place to hide away
    Oh, I believe in yesterday
    Why’d she have to go?
    I don’t know, she wouldn’t say
    I said something wrong
    Now I long for yesterday
    Yesterday love was such an easy game to play
    Now I need a place to hide away
    Oh, I believe in yesterday

    Now I can just imagine Ted in his office just playing this over and over again. So this one is for you Mr Premier of Victoria

  413. Tanya says:

    When I phoned my power distributor about the impact of smart meters upon my health the employee enthusiastically offered to send me their brochure about ARPANSA declaring smart meters safe. She also directed me to check ARPANSA’s web site. ARPANSA, in turn, tell you that their expert, the World Health Organisation can assure you that smart meters are safe. ARPANSA direct you via a link on their website to a report from WHO which states that they see no evidence for concern from wireless networks.

    Trouble is, that WHO article is 6 1/2 years old. It has been superceded by a press release from WHO stating that wireless technology is a 2B possible carcinogen. This statement is only 18 months old. Why is ARPANSA upholding outdated views? That’s like me pointing someone to a report dating back to 1956 stating that smoking cigarettes is good for your health as the final authority on the subject.

  414. Anonymous says:

    Here is a post from the American sister site

    Melissa says:
    August 30, 2012 at 1:05 pm
    One of my co-workers got rid of her smart meter because it made her bill go up. After paying a $75.00 fee to replace the old one and $10.00 per month for someone to come out and read the old meter, it was well worth it. Her bill dropped back down from $600 to $200 a month.

  415. Michelle says:

    Hi everyone

    I received a letter with 2 working days notice about installing a Smart Meter next week. I have phoned and emailed asking to be put on the Refusal/Conscientious Objector List but am hitting a brick wall. They won’t do it for me. The last email response I received back was an extremely long winded response about testing and approved levels etc. What can I do now? Do I have any citizens rights? I don’t have enough time now to arrange a traddie to add a lock to my meter and create a perspex window as others have done and I can’t do it myself.

    • Sharron says:

      Do you have a male relative who is handy Michelle? Or get some advice from Bunnings/nearest hardware store. There is still time if it said next week as when i got the letter, they came on a Wednesday of the next week….good luck in preventing the dumb meter and retaining your ever reliable analogue model. If all else fails, call the police to remove the trespassers from your property.

    • Anonymous says:

      Michelle, locking the box is the answer. You should at the very least put up a sign. Sound like you are not at home. If you are you could wait to intercept the installers as I once did. You can then put the installers in their place in whatever manner you deem fit. It may help if you mention your residential area and leave a contact email just in case someone on this forum was in a position to assist. If you can, try to be at home to keep on top of installer visit and at the same time buy yourself the time you need to organise a tradie.
      I can be reached on

    • Peter says:

      Hi Michelle

      Unfortunately this is the latest low down tactic being used by the distributors, they are supposed to give at least 20 days notice. It appears that in your case they have notified at extremly short notice and too close to the weekend to do anything about it. If you are not able to lock your meter box over the weekend, I suggest you download and print the ‘tresspass’ notice from this site, and display it in a prominent postion, ie, your gate or entrance to your property. Try to be present when the installer turns up, you have the right to forbid entry onto your property. If at all possible, guard your meter box persnally, untill you can get a tradie to lock it for you. Best of luck with your ‘best endeavors’.

    • Peter.G says:

      Hi Michelle,
      If the smart meter hasn’t been installed as yet and you live in the s/e,i could put a lock on and persplex(for free)on thursday 6th.Leave your email on here for me to contact you.
      Cheers Peter.G
      Ps.I can’t put my email here as i’ll lose my job;)

      • Jason says:

        I’m in Gippsland (Victoria) and would be pleased to help out with a lock ~ or even a lockable security door to keep the riff-raff off the front porch altogether.
        MY email address is

      • Eric says:

        Peter.G, if you want to make yourself anonymously contactable by any specific person on this forum it’s easy. And you can always create a new email address that you use just for that purpose only. That’s one way we can help one another thru this forum without compromising our public contact details.

  416. Frank says:

    Hi there, I’ve so far not been contacted re the installation of a smart meter, but have taken all steps suggested here, ie, the signs and the lock on the box. My question is in regards to an energy plan renewal. I got a letter from AGL asking me to renew my energy plan with them. I skimmed the fine print and in the general terms that they sent along, they state that I must give them or their contractors unhindered access to my supply address for purposes including reading, installing, testing, repairing, maintaining or removing the meter.
    So if I go on this plan and hence accept those terms, do I shoot myself in the foot in regards to the smart meter? I know AGL are not the ppl who maintain the infrastructure, it is Jemena in my case, but still I stumbled over this clause and thought this might be a catch.
    Any feedback is much appreciated

    • Eric says:

      Frank, I am with the same distributor and retailer as yourself and I am purchasing without any contract committment. I’m assuming that those terms being quoted are those of the Electricity Distribution Code which apply to all of us here. Maybe just clarify with AGL if those terms they are quoting are specifically part of AGL’s Energy Plan or just the standard terms from the Distribution Code. If in doubt avoid signing new paperwork. Also Frank, the term “removing the meter” does not appear in the Distribution Code nor in the Customer Metering Code. If AGL want you to sign up to something that uses actual wording “removing the meter”, then you’d best avoid.

      • Frank says:

        Thank you Eric, very good point, I will find out. You are right, I also did not find any reference to removing a meter in the Electricity Distribution Code

        • Frank says:

          I spoke to AGL and they told me the terms are part of this specific contract, so I moved away from it and went to a plan without any contracts….
          Guess we cannot be careful enough…

          • Eric says:

            Sounds like they are now setting traps in new retail contracts just to give distributors more leverage over customers when trying to get their meters installed.

            Well done Frank.

            Folks, beware of the wording in any new Energy Contract put in front of you. Take the time to ask and go through the fine print if you need to.

            Remember, if in doubt, get out.

          • Pete says:


            I am with another distributor/retailer and when I changed my plan many moons ago, from memory, I didn’t agree with their statement regarding passing on information, so I put an ink line through that part, dated and initialled it, and have heard nothing since. I don’t know if they accepted this alteration or not, just had no response.

  417. Eric says:

    Can someone tell me whether installers such as Service Stream work on weekends and if there is a knock off time in the weekday evenings when I could have assurance that they are done for the day ?

  418. Annette says:

    I just had the smart meter installer at my door and he tells me that if we don’t get the smart meter installed now, that they will be charging us to install it once it is made legally compulsory. I sent him away and he was happy to leave, but not before taking photos of my locked and signed meter box. Has anyone else had this said to them about charging? Sounds to me like it might be a bit of a blackmail… I don’t normally like having to do this type of thing and it does make me a bit nervous, but on the other hand, who will look out for myself and my family’s health if we don’t? I have had cancer once and do not like the idea of anything that is possibly damaging to my health being installed and running 24/7 in my home where I cannot turn it off, unlike a mobile phone, cordless phone or modem. If enough people stay strong about this I’m hoping we will be given an opt-out. My neighbour did not even realise it was a smart meter that was installed when he wanted solar panels put in. All the installer said was if you want solar panels we need to change your meter as the existing one was not good. Kept in the dark and fed on BS is what many of us Victorians are finding. Why is this democratic government forcing on us something that many do not want? Who will be making money out of this scheme apart from the power suppliers who no longer have to pay meter readers, and for people to come out and disconnect or connect supply. Is there an ulterior motive? Governments would be reluctant to do something like this if there was not money to be made in it. for them.
    I’m sure the installer will be back, but has anyone got advice on how long I can hold them off, please?

    • Eric says:

      Annette, think about it. Being made to pay for something that is made legally compulsory is a bit contradictory, don’t you think. If our friend was so much in the know you would have thought then that he would have also told you what would happen if you elected not to pay that supposed charge.
      Annette, these people that come to your door are dunny bowl cleaners and that is relected in the words that they excrete out of their mouths. You just need to keep standing strong and don’t allow yourself to be rattled by anything that they say.
      There is a battle that needs to be fought and won.

    • Peter says:

      The cost of the meter reader is already included in your service to proprty charge.
      This roll-out is all about rationing electricity, and later water and gas, by 2020. It will also give control over your house hold appliances to the distributors once the AS4755 is applied to our electrical appliances; and any one else who hacks into your survellance and control device.

    • Jason says:

      “…. I sent him away and he was happy to leave, but not before taking photos of my locked and signed meter”.
      Keep a camera handy, and while they’re taking photos take a few of them and their vehicle ~ particularly the number plates; you’ll notice a sudden change in attitude!

  419. holster100 says:

    Can I legally stop the install of a smart meter until the end of 2013?
    As the government states all homes must have one by the end of 2013 so what is stopping my from deferring this until that time?

    • Peter says:

      There is no law which says a customer MUST have one of these surveillance and control devices at ANY time. The onus is on the distributors to use their BEST ENDEAVORS to install them. NOTHING MORE!

  420. Rob Guy says:

    There are many Victorians, particularly those living under rental or Torrens Title arrangements, who have no say in the installation of a smart meter. For them, the only assurance of safety is the result card left by the installer which claims the installation conforms to Australian Standard AS4741-2010. Tellingly, this standard does not cover electromagnetic radiation but does cover electrical shock hazards.
    AS4741 is copyrighted and available only on payment of $75-$90. I am sure it would ease many minds, and satisfy copyright conditions, if the two pages of 15 covering sections 3.2 and 4.7 were downloaded to this site. Would any kind souls do a look-up.
    P.S. A copy of this letter also sent to the Australian Standards Association.

  421. Bill says:

    The tricks that these bastards play when they know that they’re being tracked

    “Radiation sources can be shut down. If a cellular company knows about the measurement it can lower the transmission levels or shut down the antenna during the test. In this case measured values will be very low compared with the actually existing values at most days when the antenna operates at full strength.”

  422. Dan says:

    Hello, I have signs on meter box, padlock in place and letters coming in thick and fast from the power company to say that they are fitting a meter this week. I have requested to be on the conscientious objectors list so I will let you know what happens

    I had a bloke come out and do an assessment, cost me a few hundred dollars then wanted me to buy $000’s in shielding materials on the spot. I suspect he might have set the meter so that all the readings were amped up as he’s indicating every room in the house needs shielding and my concern with that is that I will trap radiation in the home and it will bounce around making matters even worse. Seems a bit extreme to me given low density housing, no smart meters or cell towers close by. He says all rooms need walls, ceilings painted and grounded with the paint plus special window materials and all up was going to be about $6k and that’s if I painted it myself.

    Thanks folks and let’s all ban together and fight this to the end. Looking forward to the forum later this month.

    • Anf says:

      For 6K you could have a standalone solar system with battery back up and tell both of them the power company & the assessment bloke to take a very long walk off a very short pier

      • Anonymous says:

        You would still need to look at any issues relating to any EMR being emitted from the solar inverter and the panels.
        The other major problem when you don’t have a smart meter is that all the other smart meters that have been installed on neighboring and surrounding premises will still be communicating with one another all day long as part of this mesh network that has been set up by the distribution company and in so doing will still cause a constant pulsation of Electromagnetic Radiation into your home at intervals that will be only seconds apart.
        It’s an absolute curse.

      • Pete says:

        Hi Anf
        Where do we get these stand alone solar systems?

        • There is a company in Thornbury “” who have most of the gear very cheap. Go to Jaycar for the rest. I’m doing just that for my rental property soon to be advertised. Key is gas or wood for all cooking and heating, otherwise you can NEVER do it for $6K. To save on battery costs and battery wear, try to set up a solar EUTECTIC fridge (ice-making mode from 9am to 3pm daily).

          First step is to abolish your connection to the grid, and IMO you do NOT need the power company (distributor) to charge you $350 for the privilege: see my alternate solution here: — start the revolution, comrades!!

          Michael G

      • frequencyhurtz says:

        All solar system which converts the solar panels DC power to AC power via an inverter creates a large amount of what they call “Dirty Power”.
        Don’t jump from the frying pan and into the fire without accessing all risks first.

    • Anonymous says:

      What suburb are you in ?

    • keith says:

      Listening to the radio this morning, I heard comments from the Federal Gov’t and from Ted Baillieu saying that time of use charging was the way of the future with electricity usage. The premier said that we are probably more advanced than other states because of Victoria’s roll out of smart meters. There was no mention of course, of the large numbers of consumers opposed to this rollout, or of the many people getting sick as a result of the installation. The ominous signs of these statements , are that it is only a matter of time, before states such as S.A. and Queensland start smart meter rollouts.
      Therefore we need to realise that this is an Australia wide problem and not just a Victorian one.
      At the forum this month, it is probably time to ramp up opposition to these meters and perhaps make moves towards electing formal positions such as President, Secretary and Treasurer etc; also perhaps a fund raising committee.
      Unless the fight is ramped up, this battle may not be won, and all of Australia may be stuck with these radiation emitting meters.

    • Charlie b says:

      his meter would pick up any cordless phones stations, cordless security cameras, wifi (your own, or neighbour’s), mobile phones, mobile internet (if you use that) – maybe even dirty electricity. you would need Stetzer filters for the electricity, and the bin for the rest. if you need the rest, eg mobile internet – mount it permanently outside – use a wok to direct the signal in a specific direction and seal the device in a bottle (in the shade).


      • Anonymous says:

        Thx Charlie, dirty electricity seemed to be the main culprit and we isolated the offending switches. There was not a lot being picked up from other devices. I don’t use mobile phone/internet/cordless and once the offending switches were turned off in the meter box, the readings were very low suggesting that neighbour’s wifi was not a huge issue – of course these things travel long distances and can’t be avoided. My concern is that even if you shielded the whole house (which seems excessive especially since this is unavoidable), what happens when you open a window or a front door or a friend comes into your house with their phone turned on in their back pocket. Does the radiation then get trapped in the house, bouncing off the walls that have been shielded with the special paints? How do these waves eventually dissipate/absorb? I like the theory of shielding but not sure how effective it really is and whether too much shielding might actually make the problem worse?

        • Charlie b says:

          You are right, they do get trapped inside until they find something to be absorbed in. so i would probably have to change my comment to say that you should start to buy fish tanks 🙂 anything wet makes a fine absorber (same as in the microwave). I would be a little curious what you switched off. i only know that those older style (triac) dimmer switches (the dial type, and sometimes the discrete which are used for lamps and motors, are able to make noise.

          i know i have to get rid of the things i suggested but i am not living alone and theres phones and wifi, i would turn the wifi off if it werent for the Tbox, and will have to find another job. I figured I’d earth the bed (with a dedicated grounding post) in case that helps.

          • Charlie b says:

            Sources on dirty electricity suggest florescent lamps, computers and plasma screens have also been said to create noise, probably due to the poor power factor. Some computer power supplies can feature passive and active PFCs which may solve the problem. the stetzer filters may help also. they are made with capacitors connected between Live and earth and Neutral and earth – according to (the capacitors described here seem to be quite large and may the circuit for one of those whole-house units, either that or its inaccurate). Dirty electricity may also come in on water pipes and one source says a dielectric seperator worked, with a dedicated earth plate (i couldnt locate that but i found )

        • Tanya says:

          With the shielding paint, my understanding is that it absorbs AND reflects radiation. So opening the door to radiation will allow some of it to bounce off the walls and some to be absorbed. I don’t think opening the door is a huge problem. However, having a mobile phone inside the area would be more problematic, as the worst place to use a mobile phone is inside a vehicle (car, train, tram, bus) as the radiation bounces off the metal walls and you get struck by it, whereas it would otherwise have passed through other material.

          You are right about too much shielding. You can get it wrong and make things worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dan, what suburb are you in?

    • EJ says:

      Hi Bill,
      I have a friend who has just purchased an EMF meter, where are you located? You can purchase the following meter via EBay. (Cornet ED85EX 1MHz – 8GHz RF EMF Meter). Hope this helps.

  423. Eric says:

    Have spoken to a Department of Primary Industries phone representative and asked what the penalties are if I organised my own removal/uninstall of an installed smart meter. The information given (after discussion with the team leader was that if I was going to do that I should be letting the Distributor know as it is their equipment. Unable to get any more info than that.

    I believe I am having health issues with surrounding smart meters (constant headaches, nausea, lack of head clarity, dizziness, inability to concentrate) and asked the rep what I should do. They looked at their database and kept quoting that the smart meters are safe and within ARPANSA’s safety limits. I told them that these limits are ridiculous and have no meaning. I said that they are only relevant to heating effects for a six minute exposure and not to biological (non thermal effects) over a long term continuous exposure. I asked the question are you personally aware that there are people out there getting sick and was unable to get a direct yes or no answer only that I could only be told what was on their database. I was then told that if I was concerned that the levels were a bit high that maybe I could speak to the distributor as sometimes they may get things wrong. I then said that the problem wasn’t just the levels of EMR but the constant pulsating nature of the EMR exposure due to short sharp bursts of wireless communication every few seconds ALL DAY LONG EACH DAY EVERY DAY FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER and that even at low levels of EMR, it’s the constant pulsing that is destructive to the human condition. When sleeping at my mother’s house I’m still getting some degree of head pain. The EMR readings seem to be mostly (not always) under the 5 microwatts/m2 regarded by some as an acceptable exposure level for a sleeping environment. HOWEVER even at these low levels these readings are being CONSTANTLY PULSED into the house at intervals of several seconds apart (evidenced on my EMR reader) and that is the real nature of the problem, not just the signal strength levels alone.

    It’s like driving from Melbourne to Geelong. Consider difference in driving methods….
    1. Accelerate and then sit on 100kph all the way. The vehicle just cruises.
    2. Accelerate to 100kph. At 100kph, hit the brakes and stop. Wait a couple of seconds.
    Accelerate again to 100kph then hit the brakes and stop. Wait a couple of seconds.
    Accelerate again to 100kph then hit the brakes and stop. Wait a couple of seconds.
    Accelerate again to 100kph then hit the brakes and stop. Wait a couple of seconds.
    etc. etc. etc. all the way to Geelong.

    Both methods should get you to Geelong in theory but which method will be more destructive to that motor vehicle ? You would also think that driving at 10 kph couldn’t do as much damage to a vehicle as driving it at 100kph, yet driving it according to method 2 (ie. stop start stop start etc.) will still very quickly destroy that vehicle much more rapidly than cruising on 100.

    I told the DPI person that such is the destructive effect on the human body when you have exposure to ongoing constant short sharp wireless communications ie. smart meter pulsings. I was told that I could contact the Energy Ministers office if I had concerns. I politely informed the lovely person how pathetic this man has shown himself to be.

    • Mia Nony says:

      “They looked at their database and kept quoting that the smart meters are safe and within ARPANSA’s safety limits.” What people are actually witnessing everywhere is corporate contractual default. You’ve never consented to allow your unshielded house wiring to be used & degraded by microwaves, co-opted & converted into a network data mining & energy harvesting corporate business location. The utilities are in full violation of contractual law. They have fundamentally changed the nature of the relationship to the customer, – without consent. Please research & understand that they, not you, are in full violation of multiple contractual laws. Defend your legal & property rights. Frequencies enabled by & generated from s/meters are already fully illegal. Besides which, smart meters are simply end devices in a system that is also operating outside all international safety & property laws. Ever single s/meter covers 21 sq miles w/ weapons grade microwave frequency radiation. Every single collector hub covers 125 sq miles. Every one of the fields radically overlaps with all the other fields. This is a form of biological warfare. These frequencies violate all international safety codes. No one can escape the Wimax “blanket? It is like trying to outrun Agent Orange, intended to eliminate all dead signal zones, while simultaneously creating biological dead zones thru combining frequencies from router collector hubs, Medusa collector meters, smart towers, signal relay bouncers.

  424. Peter Waller says:

    What about computer security for those of us who network our homes with 240 volt powerline adapters? Does this mean that the elecricity companies will be able to take over our computers at will? Or worse, steal from our intenet banking accounts? If people are able to indulge in fraudulent activites in this way they sure enough will – sooner or later. Where are the cast iron assurances that this will not, or can not, happen?

  425. Danny Tay says:

    Hello Dear comrades,

    Last week I received a letter from United Energy to say to expect Service Stream to install a Smartmeter at my home between the 5th to 16th Nov 2012.

    I have written back to UE & Service Stream with an official NO CONSENT letter. Today, to increase the level of defence to “DEFCON 2”, I installed my own Smartmeter Inhibitor ‘heavy-duty model’ version 1.0.

    See the 2 fotos I deposited in Flickr of my Smartmeter inhibitor “heavy-duty model” version.


    • Steve Cadby says:

      Hi Danny,
      Would you be able to provide me and others with the mailing addresses here for United Energy and Service Stream as I received a letter with no addresses given to post my non-consent. I’m sure many others will appreciate it also.
      Thanks heaps

      Steve C

    • Suffering from Head Pains and Nausea says:

      For those putting on a hasp and staple as danny has done, try to either us a hasp where the hasp itself actually covers the screws/bolts so that you can’t get to them to try and un do them. If not possible to use hasp that covers the screws/bolts, there are various means you should use to secure the nuts on the inside of the box so that the screws/bolts cannot be done from the outside. Consider using lock nuts or using products such as loctite which will make it impossible to unnscrew from the outside. Also consider using high tensile/stainless stell bolts which have greater strength than normal zinc bolts and less prone to snapping under pressure.

  426. Peter says:

    Food for thought.

    If you refuse access to prevent the installation of a ‘surveillance and control device’, the distributors refer to the ‘on opt out clause’, and quote various pieces of legislation which relate to access, and say ‘you are therefore DEEMED to have not complied with this piece of legislation.

    Well, I am not legal beagle, but I can read English; as it is my 1st language, but, Electricity Customer Metering Code 2.1 also relates to access, and states, 2.1.a ‘provided that official identification is produced on request, a customer must at all times make available….DAH-DE-DAH (access)

    If one of these devices has been/is installed WITHOUT the customer being given the opportunity to request identification, then the installer can be DEEMED to have not complied with this code. Therfore, the customer should have the right to have their analogue meter reinstalled, as the new meter was installed contrary to this code.


  427. Rob Guy says:

    Reposting comment on Glen Eira letter;
    Trawling throught the archives on this site I found a statement in the Age newspaper at which has the Relevant Victorian government minister, Mr O’Brien, saying that “there would be no penalties or fines for people who refuse to have meters installed. Instead, he said, “they would have to “work with” electricity companies, who own the meters.”
    Has this announcement been withdrawn? Exactly what does “work with” mean?
    How is it that people are still consenting to installation of a smart meter? Can anyone enlighten me?

  428. Eric says:

    I went to our holiday property on the Mornington Peninsula for a couple of days. I thought I was going to feel better than here in Melbourne but I felt more sicker than ever. Sure enough my neighbors meter had been replaced with a “smart meter” and his meter box was not too far from the bedroom I was in.

    Close (but still some distance from the smart meter) to the meter box and using my RF reader meter, I measured the pulse of the smartmeter at 100 mW/m2. Later on I put my RF signal reader right up against my mobile phone and dialled my mobile number from the landline. The strength of the signal was 79 mW/m2. Clearly the strength of the RF signals pulsing from the smart meter are much stronger than the RF signals emitted from a mobile phone. Not only are smart meters exposing people to more EMR than mobile phones but the pulsing action means that each time a person is exposed to regular single pulsing, they experience the JOLT of that signal as it goes from zero to 100 mW/m2. In other words, in addition to the high exposure there is a constant jolting to the brain. With each pulse of the smartmeter, the brain experiences JOLT JOLT JOLT JOLT all in a matter of microseconds. You don’t see any of this happening and yet the head pain is constant piercing radiating. And the nausea is killing me. I had to fight all the way on the two hour drive back to Melbourne just to try and keep my focus on my driving because my head just wasn’t right.

    Smart meters would have to be the most IMMORAL situation ever perpertrated by government in this country. What’s more, these cowboys have the control levers in their remote hands to be able to increase/decrease signal strength without us having any clue whether the meter that may be just next to us is transmitting at 10mW/m2, 50mW/m2, 100mW/m2 or 200mW/m2. In other words these cowboys have been literally given the power to increase/decrease this jolting to our brains. It’s WRONG that anybody should be allowed to be in such possession of such power over the citizens of any civilized/democratic society. Some do not believe in notion of evil but I must say that this is nothing other than PURE EVIL as many on this forum have already stated also.

    • WellAware says:

      You are correct Eric. I live here on the peninsula and since about 5 months ago I am constantly aware of the uncomfortable symptoms, including dizziness and headaches. In addition, the number of phone towers has increased enormously, which I believe only adds to the problem. I cannot understand why there’s not more uproar over this issue, too many lazy fence-sitters or just naively unaware residents I’m afraid. Frustration is ever present in my mind because of the ignorance I find in the majority of people… not helpful, especially the ones who have children! They have allowed this to happen by their inaction and now we must all pay for their stupidity in letting themselves be ‘dictated’ to by a service provider. If everyone just said ‘NO’ for once in their lives, this TAKEOVER wouldn’t be happening in Victoria. Forget what government say, do they EVER listen to any of us? They treat us with Contempt for the most part and never follow through with their election promises. Reform needs to happen… the Baillieu and O’Brien Show MUST GO!!!! They are Deadbeats posing as leaders.

    • Charlie b says:

      you should leave a note on your neighbours house describing your ill health effects and state that you will install a shielding screen on the side of your house to protect yourself and tell them that this screen will reflect the radiation back into their house. it shouldnt be illegal since it is their radiation from their “legal” transmitter… alternatively you could try harvesting their energy….

  429. Paul Starr says:
    here is an article in New Scientist about SM security issues.

  430. Joanne says:

    On Friday 15th of Oct, my partners block of flats in Melbourne and the ones next door were left 2 smart meter installation calling cards. These stated “smart meter installation will happen between 10 and 5 on Monday the 18th.”

    These details were provided via a tick box provision with the preceding statement “I could not replace the electricity meter today because I need to access the switchboard inside your premises in order to safely install the new meter.”

    The card went on to say “Your electricity will be temporarily disconnected while we install the new meter. After we have replaced the meter we will need access to the switchboard inside your premises to conduct a safety test before reconnecting your electricity supply. You will need to be at your premises to provide sour technician with access to the switchboard. If you are not available to provide access to the switchboard we will be unable to reconnect your electricity supply. If this occurs, we will leave instructions on how to have the electricity supply connected quickly. ”

    They also left numbers to call for alternative installation arrangements.

    On Monday morning I went to the meter box and put up two “Do Not Install A Smart Meter ” signs and waited till 2pm for two installers from Powercor to show up.

    They agreed not to install mine and another. They then commenced to turn the power off without notifying anyone in the block.
    Within 2.5 hours they had installed 16 smart meters in both blocks lying adjacent to each other.
    They explained to me that these older flats had their switchboard inside, but in newer flats they can do all the work outside the flats.

    They then went on to say “In this instance we cannot complete the job without getting into the flat to finish the job.” They then went on to say “We got permission from all the residents.”

    This is not what happened at all.
    No one was told when the power was turned off and around 6pm I heard someone call out “My shower is cold, can you do flat 8 before anyone else’s?”

    Power is an essential service and I wonder how this loop hole of customer service was so conveniently overlooked. My feeling is that most residents would not put up their hand for a smart meter.

  431. Eric says:

    I have captured (and imaged) another set of figures from my electrosmog reader and am now starting to become evermore convinced by the numbers of the possibility and even the probability that the pain in my forehead and temples has it’s origin from smart meters and particularly my neighbor’s smart meter.

    The pulsing of the smart meter’s signal is deceptive. It will regularly pulse but the strength will vary whenever it does pulse. I wish I could post the images of the meter with it’s readings but I am not sure if that can be done on this website. Anyway, the way I obtained these readings was to leave my electrosmog meter switched on and walk away for a few minutes. This device will show the signals as they pulse but will also update a constant maximum figure so you will always be able to read the maximum strength of the pulsing signal from the time that the electrosmog meter was switched on. The readings I obtained were 51.51 mW/m2 and 4.405 V/M. Just to reiterate, these figures were captured from inside my bedroom and I don’t even have a smart meter but my neighbor does.

    Forget ARPANSA. According to one source The Bioinitiative Report, 0.19 V/M is the acceptable level of exposure to RF indoors. This figure of 4.405 V/M seems a massive figure and if this is the sort of strength that is in some of the overnight pulsing activity of my neighbor’s smart meter and it’s being picked up in my bedroom at these levels, it makes sense to me why when I wake up in my bed, the first thing I am ALWAYS aware of is a presence of pain in my head which has never previously existed in my life. And I cannot protect myself from this by just sticking my head under the blanket. I am intent on compiling such a dossier of hard evidence which I intend to use to put a skewer through these Distribution Companies (and the Victorian Govt will not be spared in the process).

    Here is some useful information I have referenced to assist me in my understanding of the process. It’s from a website called and I have include some quotes and the links where the quotes can be referenced.
    What Are The Most Common Units of Measurement For Measuring RF Radiation?
    RF radiation or radio frequency radiation is situated in the GHz frequency range.
    The most common units of measurement for measuring radio frequency radiation are microWatts per square meter (µW/m2), microWatts per square centimeter (µW/cm2), milliWatts per square meter (mWm²) and Volts per meter (V/m). And herein lies the problem, there is no accepted standard on this.
    What Are The Best Units of Measurement For Measuring RF Radiation?
    That depends on what your objectives are. But for personal EMF measurement we are interested in relatively low levels of radiation because we now know that even relatively weak RF signals have biological consequences. Most RF meters for personal use have now incorporated this parameter. For instance the Cornet meters now use V/m and mW/m² and the Acoustimeter uses V/m and μW/m². I recommend meters that give readings in V/m this is the most meaningful measurement for personal testing and protection.
    What is the Advantage of Obtaining Measurements in V/m?
    Technically speaking W/m² (and its derivatives mWm², μW/cm² etc.) measures something called Power Flux Density. PFD is measured by averaging the power over time (6 minutes for official RF measurements) and is therefore most relevant to measuring the heating effect of RF radiation.
    Studies show that it is the pulsing effects of EMFs that are particularly dangerous. V/m is considered the best unit of measurement for measuring microwave signals at non-thermal levels (as used by WiFI and cell phones and the like) because it gives peak signal strength (some devices have peak power levels up to 100 times more than their average power levels).

    “What I don’t understand is how to tell when a reading is in a dangerous level for a person to be living in…such as my apartment”
    “……if you are getting a reaction to these EMFs then this is what you must listen to”

    “Can you also please mention the acceptable upper limits of these types of radiation?”

    “My recommendations are to follow the advice of the Bioinitiative report (see that’s to say 1 mG (0.1μT) for ELFs ( low frequency EMFs) and 0.01 μW/cm2 ( 0.19 Volts/meter) for indoor RF exposure.”

    What Are The BioInitiative Reports Recommended Safe Limits For Radiation?

    For ELFs ( low frequency EMFs) the BioInitiative Report recommends 1milliGauss (0.1 microTesla) planning limit for habitable space adjacent to all new or upgraded power lines and a 2 mG (0.2 μT) limit for all other new constructions. It is also recommends that a 1 mG (0.1μT) limit be established for existing habitable space for children and/or women who are pregnant (because of the possible link between childhood leukemia and in utero exposure to ELF).
    For RF radiation the Bioinitiative report recommends a limit of 0.1 μW/cm2 ( 0.61 Volts/meter) for outdoor exposure and a limit of 0.01 μW/cm2 ( 0.19 Volts/meter) for indoor exposure.

    • Brian says:

      Limits are typically expressed in W/kg. Some time ago, 4W/kg was considered safe however that has been reduced by a factor of 10 to 400mW/kg. Take your readings. Consider your body surface area that you present to the RF source. Now factor in your body weight.

      If you must scour the Internet for information, at least use Google Scholar ( to focus on credible sources and steer clear of the cranks.

    • Brian says:

      Have a look at this URL.

      It explains EMF in simple terms. It explains what it is and the circumstances under which it can be harmful. The site also brings together credible research from many countries across the globe on the topic. They even have a page dedicated to the Bioinitiatives Report you have been looking at.

  432. Eric says:

    My electrosmog reader is picking up the frequent microwave pulsing of the smart meter next door (that the installers had the gall to install even immediately after I made them to depart from my premises). From my bedroom this morning I picked up a reading of 0.874 mW/m2

    Can some informed and unbiased person advise whether this type of reading indicates whether I am in trouble or not and considering of course that the signal is being pulsed and not a continuous wave.
    (And don’t even mention the word ARPANSA)
    The ever presence of annoying pain that I have now had in my forehead and temples for the last month tells me I am in deep trouble all because this installer was able to talk his way into my neighbor’s trust whilst I had to just watch on.

    • Ms Rebel says:

      Neighbours! Can be our worst enemy sometimes… I forewarned my next door one, but they now have the smart meter and I also had to watch it’s installation. Now I am getting the weird headaches and they say they aren’t , so i have asked them to call Jemena and get it turned down, after all why should I suffer for their ignorance? I feel betrayed actually. The meter is only 6 metres from my bedroom, but I really didn’t expect to feel anything and now I’m shattered as I can’t enjoy being home anymore. I agree with your posts below re control freaks running our lives and ruining us all financially & physically… they are already doing it.

    • Rob Guy says:

      Whether there is a threshold level for safe exposure is still with the jury. Same for ther accumulated dose a measufrement for which would require you to carry your electrosmog meter on your person-not good when trying to sleep. All any of us can do is to shield our houses which is expensive and uncertain, The only remedy I see is to repace the microwave transmitter with an optical cable connecting the smart meter to the public telephone system.which would allow the retailers command and control of your usage.
      PS ACMA are still trying to decide which parts of the frequency spectrum will be reserved for smart meters, so shielding is, for the moment, not pracicable

      • Eric says:

        What’s clear is that different people react in different ways to different exposures. Therefore it is wrong to try and present exposure as being at safe levels. Some people react even to the most minimal exposure. The preventative approach is the only safe approach and not any level that is presented as part of an all out cowboy gung ho (bs) approach.

    • Fiona says:

      I would love your reading Eric! But I would guess if you took the measurement at a different time it is likely to be even higher. I have found the readings vary considerably-possibly dependent on what is switched on at the power point, in your case it would be in relation to your neighbours as well as who knows how many other factors. I have a reading of1827mw/m2. I may be biased but you don’t want this reading.
      I would listen to what your body is telling you and start looking at how to protect yourself. No matter what the reading, it is accumulative.

  433. Smartmeter Gutfull says:

    How’s this for a “Dunny Rat” ?

    Here’s a video showing how some people’s lives have been totally destroyed by smartmeters.

    What do you think Mr Adams ?

    • Informed Choice says:

      What an awful thing to inflict on your fellow human beings… these poor people are now in the fight of their lives because of this imbalance of modern technology being forced onto the public with no proper testing or research beforehand. It is SO WRONG for these bloody power bullies to totally IGNORE the pleas of the INNOCENT! No-one deserves to be pushed out of their homes just so these mongrels can make a fortune at their customers expense …. They should come clean – NOW!!!

  434. Eric says:

    The bullying tactics of the government and it’s enforcers are a purposeful attempt by the hand of force TO TRY AND CAUSE US TO RELINQUISH OUR RIGHTS.

    We knowing this, let us EVERMORE STRENGTHEN OUR RESOLVE.

  435. Eric says:

    Smartmeters – where the concept of “supply” is no longer thought of as a constant source over a fixed line but as that which is provided on a stop start start basis only as it is prepaid.

    Once the smartmeters mechanisms (the “Infrastructure”) are all in, nothing will be able to stop this switch in the global distribution model.

  436. Eric says:

    Smartmeters – the implementation of PREPAID ELECTRICITY at PREPAID RATES

  437. Eric says:

    Four words best describe this agenda to place “smart meters” onto our properties. Before I go on, when you really think about it, when you think about what the real agenda is here, the word “smart meter” is itself a total deception in the same way that satan himself would disguise himself as an angel. The four words are DIABOLICAL, SINISTER, ABOMINABLE and TOXIC.

    When you think about what they are telling us about the problem of climate change and global warming, we see how that there has been the introduction of a carbon tax. It’s a scheme to tax the “corporate polluters” and involves carbon credits but that’s only the corporate world. The remotely CONTROLLED smart meter facilitates a mechanism where we will no longer run our appliances via a dedicated electricity supply but our appliances are going to be “smart appliances” which we can only operate with the electrical power that comes with OUR INDIVIDUAL CARBON CREDITS. And when we use up our credits, our appliances in our houses will be switched off remotely and we won’t have a say in that. And the only way we will be able to continue to operate those appliances will be to pay for more credits and the price we will be charged is going to be huge and in some cases even unaffordable. When you think about various global agendas such as the United Nations Agenda 21 which is stated as “global action plan for sustainable development into the 21st century”, it starts to open your eyes to the (add one more word) INSIDIOUS prospect of this “mandating” method of rolling out these “smart meters” on a global scale in many other countries alongside Australia as a means of facilitating a global population control agenda.

    The “smart appliances” themselves will contain radio transmitters that will enable communication with the “smart meter”. Thus not only will there be Electromagnetic Radiation pulsing through our house because of the MULTIPLE (not just one) transmitters in the “smart meter” device itself but each and every “smart appliance” will be adding to those EMR levels in our homes because they will also be constantly communicating to the “smart meter”. Add to that, that certain individual resident’s smart meters will be performing the functionality of “collector meters” and that the Distribution Companies will not reveal which resident’s meter is functioning as a collector meter. All the “smart meters” in an area transmit their data to a collector meter installed on some unbeknowing person’s property and that collector meter will in turn transmit all that copious amount of data to the Distributor. How can the constant pulsing of that communication and the amount of EMR emitted from such voluminous and powerful signals not make that residence a certain cancer risk and a certainty for detrimental health to all habitants in vicinity.

    So we will no longer be paying for a fixed electricity supply but we will be paying for individual carbon credits to operate each and every individual appliance in our home whilst living under a blanket of electromagnetic radiation that will be creating havoc with people’s everyday health and will surely lead to an epidemic of cancers in the longer term.

    We have read of one case on this forum where Jemena were able to turn down the strength of the communications output signal on one resident’s “smart meter” by 90% and it made a difference insofar as it alleviated the symptoms of that resident’s sickness. Now listen to this, it was revealed and admitted that if Jemena wanted to, that the strength of that signal could actually be turned down 99%. Let’s also consider the revelation that in a US miltary document recently obtained via freedom of information (which was mentioned on this website), the same technology that is utilised in the “smart meter” device is classified as a weapon of war. In other words it’s an acknowledgent of the many forms of harm that certain radio frequencies are capable of causing to the human condition. It’s therefore confirmed that what Jemena and (other controlling institutes) have in their hand is the ability to remotely control a device placed permanently within our own homes which when they turn up the signal strength of that device it will effect our health adversly and when they turn it down it can alleviate/prevent adverse health effect. They can turn the strength of that signal all the way up or all the way down without us being aware of it. In other words having the “smart meter” on our residence actually facilitates the higher powers having a in their hands what is effectively an acknowledged weapon that gives them the capability to remotely control even the very state of our health. It is the ultimate extortion tool. We can be made sick and held to ransom. It would not just be a case of having to pay for expensive credits to operate our individual appliances but having to pay just to be allowed to maintain some state of health. So when we get back to Global Agendas, it’s frightening to hear of the existance of rich and powerful individuals who are part of groups and societies whose agendas consist of population reduction and yet one’s mind starts to open up and begins to understand that what is happening is indeed very diabolical. The very word diabolical in the dictionary means “of, concerning, characteristic of the devil”. Interestingly enough the Bible in the book of Ephesians (Ch2 Verse2) talks about the “course of this world” being as “according to the prince of the power of the air”. An interesting choice of words by the author.

    • Rob Guy says:

      G’day Eric,
      G’day Eric I agree that government oversight of the vexed question of microwave emissions from smart meters has been badly handled. The first error of judgement was when the Essential Services Commission agreed to deal with the electricity distributors’ peak body rather than with individual licence applicants. From that time, ESV oversight was at arms length from where the work was actually being performed, so ESV had to pass their requests for information through the peak industry body——naturally time passed while the ESV request was submitted, the distributor or their sub-contractor replied to the peak body and that body informed ESV whose oversight was consequently somewhat impeded.
      A second error of judgement occurred in 2011 when ESV requested the Department of Primary Industries to arrange a field safety test on smart meter radiation. DPI are better known for their expertise in fat lamb production than for setting the terms of reference for precision measurements of field intensity in the Fraunhofer region of a microwave antenna. The test results tell us that the meter design is capable of meeting ARPANSA radiation limits but contain no information about peak power density or, for that matter, whether meters in later production, after unavoidable changes to methods and materiel, still meet the safety limits.
      The real tragedy is that a minor (a few dollars) addition during production could have allowed the consumer a choice between wireless and copper wire connection to the internet. Retrofitting this capability will probably require several hundred dollars per meter.

      • Ross Holder says:

        Having three children with Autism, I did some research into the increasing level of EMR and the increasing level of Autism since the mid-90’s. Plot the two curves on a graph and there is a remarkable similarity (I will get around to this one day and send it to this web site). More research is required to gain evidence that Autism, at least in part, results from EMR damaging DNA, but as far as I am concerned, when there is doubt, do nothing. Until INDEPENDENT research shows that Smart Meters have no deleterious health effects, they should not be installed.
        My major beef with Smart Meters is the loss of individual freedom for the benefit of a few fat cats. The de-commissioning of Hazelwood has no doubt been delayed until the Smart Grid is fully operational…. and the two power stations that were meant to replace it have not been built. What do you think is going to happen? As Melbourne’s population increases, there will come a point where electricity rationing will become a daily occurrence, as it does in third world countries.

    • Ross Holder says:

      Eric, I am not religious but I am sure that the bible was written by some very wise persons and as a moral compass, it has stopped the bulk of humanity from killing each other for a few thousand years. I am a scientist (biology) and if anything, my ‘god’ is Charles Darwin Hence I do not believe in the notion of ‘evil’.
      However, I do believe in ‘deception’. I have witnessed the underhanded manipulation of truth by virtually every public servant I have ever met, and due to the disability of my children I have unfortunately met more than my share. They are manipulative, condescending, lazy, and slipperier than dunny rats. At the lower levels they are merely foot soldiers, easily brainwashed, and as they move up the hierarchy they become increasingly dangerous. Is it a condition of their employment that they must accept without question what they are told?
      Though we may be on different sides of the theological divide, we seek the same thing- truth, and a fair go.

      • Eric says:

        Ross, I couldn’t help but think of a certain act of “deception” ‘purported’ to have taken place many years ago…….and guess who the perpertrator was there.

        Ross, I love your analogy of those foot soldiers. I can name one particular person very typical to what you have described and he works in Jemena’s Customer Service department. He rung me on my mobile number once and asked me about my concerns. After I told him, he was prepared to show just what a silly clown he truly was by trying to make a point that I was exposing myself to that same danger because I was prepared to talk on a mobile phone device to him. At the end he told me that the installation is going ahead regardless of anything I had told him. Footsoldiers, exactly that. Ideal people for Customer Service. They think that they are somebody when they see their names appear in the company letterheaded mail with the stamp “Customer Service” beside it. Service Stream has these type of people too. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are failed high school students, uni students or backpackers. All expendable footsoldiers.

        And the really “dangerous ones” as you mention are like he who has such stupid smirk upon his face and abides in Spring St. It is such an one as this who prior to the Govt review made the statement “if people don’t want a smart meter they shouldn’t have to have one forced upon them”. How dangerous is such a person who after the review then says “the review has concluded and it is now mandated, everyone will be getting a smart meter”. Dangerous deceptive people, exactly.

        Those characteristics must surely have some source of origin.

        Best wishes with your kids Ross.

  438. Bill says:

    What WHO and State Govt and Energy Companies keep telling us is that RF is a class 2B “Possible carcinogen” was actually in fact initially proposed to be classified as class 2A “Probable carcinogen” by US EPA in their Draft Report. This report was actually supressed because according to a US Air Force paper “If published, the EPA report will contribute to public anxiety and have serious impacts on capabilities and costs of air force programs.”


    • Rob Guy says:

      G’day Bil. An interesting read but there are just too many national standards to sustain any one court case. The lawyers would just be throwing thunderbolts at each other. And one can not argue with a report issued by a suitably accredited laboratory certifying that the measured electromagnetic field emitted by a test piece is within the limits defined by a national standard. However, unrealistic conclusions drawn by governments and commercial interests could and should be challenged.
      For exampe, a field survey by EMC Technologies reported that all 30 -odd smart meters tested met standard requirements. In one breathtaking leap from the particular to the general, the Victorian government, obviously unaware of the risks in forming statistical inferences from a small sample declared all (2 million) smart meters safe,
      Tellingly, the Victorian government has since passed the question of EMR safety to ACMA, a respected Commonwealth agency. And see my earlier post about the Department of Primary Industries reduced to flogging a commercial source of smart meter web portals.
      As a old naval dockyard worker, I am only too well aware of em risks in the confines of a ship.Cheers, RobinG

  439. Domenic says:

    Well no news for the community action group in mildura victoria Once again mildura has gone soft letting powercor go around in their fleet of new install vans installing meters everywhere

    i have not given up i have received numerous phone calls & txt messages & email to call powercor regarding my electricity supply at my property well after having one woman not shut up & talk over the top of me things became nasty i gave her some very strong words which i didnt want to but she wouldn’t listen she talked over the top of me constantly needless to say i won that heated exchange the 2nd call was a different lady she wanted to meet with me to discuss my concerns & arrange a time for install i said Love im aware of the concerns from both sides & let me tell you Clearly no ifs no butts You your company are NOT Putting a smart meter on my property
    she said sorry for wasting your time hung up then today i got a txt message from Tcowie 0427042684 i replied to the message stating NO Smart Meter at this address NO!!!
    no reply.

    its PURE & SIMPLE People LOCK YOUR POWER BOXES SAY NO DO NOT GIVE IN TO THEIR NAG TACTICS NO Means NO i cant stress this enough just Say NO NO NO NO ! end of discussion.
    people let me put it in a way you may understand better YOU ARE BEING RAPED BY POWERCOR if you let them put in a smart meter they will rule your castle being able to put you in darkness when ever they feel like it being able to charge you what ever they want do i need to go on!
    THEY ARE A PRIVATE COMPANY the Gov wont do a thing they will put it to the DPI the DPI put it to powercore SIMPLY SAY NO NO MEANS NO
    Come on people its not hard the problem we’re all facing is people are too Stupid Scared or lack Diplomacy to SAY NO WAY No smart meter at my address
    & if you rent who cares Say no padlock the box put up the sign you will find most landlords DO not want a smart meter they just don’t have the time to visit all their properties & lock the boxes
    & powercor doesn’t know you’re renting the less you say to them the better Just for goodness sake SAY NO NO & NO Go away leave me alone
    did you know you can call the police if you are being harassed They will come to save you
    a friend checked with the police station they can tell them to go as they are trespassing if you have the sign up Put the sign up secure the meter box with a padlock

    • Anonymous says:

      Domenic people are stupid I have spoken to people about the dangers of smart meters and they just deny everything. I suppose its easier to deny the dangers as who wants to really think about their families being exposed to a possible carcinogen

    • Domenic says:

      Powercor called me again today 0396832022 went on to say it was compulsory because it was mandated i said No No & No good Bye i also said i talked to Janet there she put me on the No Smart meter List the lady then said ok goodbye See People THE POWER OF NO!!!!! SAY NO NO NO NO NO NO . END OF DISCUSSION!!!

  440. Peter says:

    I have just come across this little bit of information on the DPI site. Can we refuse these things? read item 5! If we CAN’T refuse them what are they worried about?

  441. Rob Guy says:

    The AMI meter installation program has already encountered a significant number of safety-related problems, with some remaining outstanding. I offer here an outline of methods used by other governments, which, for brevity, was written with a thumbnail dipped in tar.
    In parts of the USA we would find a solitary itinerant accountant roaming the countryside checking that the Distribution Business’s financial records show expenditure on product safety is at an agreed percentage of gross income. (We are moving in this direction-see below). Should the government require added assurance, laboratory reports on a test piece are contracted to a house insurance underwriter who would have a strong incentive to ensure thorough testing. The incentive is greed.
    In Europe, governments rely on product safety by insisting that contractors demonstrate an effective management system conforming to an international standard. Their system is periodically topped up through external audit providers who apply objective tests to the system. These auditors in turn are accredited by a national body. If the national body proves ineffectual, the government breaks their rice bowl and overall control defaults to start. The incentive is fear

    The Age Newspaper Front page.5OCT12. “…Auditor-General is calling for new powers that would give him access to the financial of private companies that are contracted by the government,

    • Rob Guy says:

      My last post lamented ESV’s laissez-faire response to the smart meter roll-out, so I forward suggestions from others which might, or might not, ameliorate concerns felt by those who feel compelled to allow installation in the belief that their legal status is at best nebulous. In all cases seek professional advice before proceeding.
      (a) Buy an extinguisher suited to electrical fires-do this even if no smart meter is fitted. Seek ESV advice before fitting a battery-operated smoke alarm inside the meter box.
      (b) On receiving notification of imminent installation, e-mail the distributor asking for a return copy of the subcontractor’s installation instructions. If refused, point out that meter installation requires work on the house wiring which is your property and is your responsibility and you therefore have the right to know what is done and whether or not the workmanship is to approved standards. Be polite and firm.
      (c) Avoid being in a relay chain-occasionally count the radiation bursts from the meter———cheap and easy—-more in later posts
      (d) To reduce the overburden of electrical radiation;
      Choose a cordless phone that can be switched off. Use the older plug-in bedside phone at night.
      Set your wireless router to minimum radiated power consistent with acceptable computer performance. (The default is maximum power).
      Switch off all power points before retiring for the night,
      Use electromagnetic screens-more on this in a later post.
      Robin G
      “It is easy to do something if you already have dome nothing”
      (The March Hare in conversation with Alice)

      • Rob Guy says:

        Screening mentioned in my last post available from several Aussie sources, eg

        I am hopeful that short bursts of high energy electromagnetic fields surrounding our meter boxes will eventually disappear after some bright spark in the electricity distribution business realises they can make money by selling an optical cable which connects the smart meter to the rearest telstra junction box thereby sending usage data via the public telephone network. Cost of killing the microwave transmitter —several hundred dollars.
        Sady, the Victorian government could have saved us this impost by requiring this option as a condition of licence, ( Cost of Implementation during production only a few dollars.)

      • Rob Guy says:

        More on my OCT13 post on avoiding a daisy chain,
        The EMR and shielding link in the header to this forum offers specialised receivers to monitor emissions from smart meters-ask your local council to buy one for rent to residents. If the meter shows more than one burst per hour you are in a chain and could take several steps depending on the distributors’ control software. One step is to turn off the main switch briefly and see if the traffic reduces on switch on. Other steps are possible. Provided you intercept data and not information, you are compliant with the Commonwealth Communications act.

  442. Anonymous says:


  443. Rob Guy says:


    A flyer from the Departmenty of Primary Industries extolling the virtues of web portals hosted by United Energy, Jemena and Origin Energy landed in my letterbox. Three questions flew into my mind;
    (1) How does SpAusnet feel about their tax money being used to promote the products of rival companies?
    (2) The question is not whether government should get into bed with commercial interests,- – the question is, who gets to be on top?
    (3)Someone should attract, or rather awaken , DPI attention to the ongoing government investigations into smart meter software security ?
    A near copy of the flyer is at

  444. Rob Guy says:

    In writing 3 posts on the ESV 31/7/12 safety report, I became concerned that ESV corrective actions almost always occur after the event-not before. This reactive approach to problem solving does not comply with the stated objective in the ESV business plan 2012-13 which is to adopt both preventative and corrective actions to ensure safety. I am concerned that ESV are not actively assessing risk areas in the smart meter rollout and this concern was heightened on reading in their safety report that three long-term safety issues remain outstanding at the mid-point of this project.
    There is nothing in the July’12 report to suggest that they are taking any preventative action despite being authorised to do so through access to all contractors’ top level risk management documentation, (see clause 14 ,page 24 of the Order-in-Council ###.) In fact, for the EMR safety question, they actually relieved contractors of their responsibility by delegating the problem to a Commonwealth Authority. I suspect that contractors have opposed ESV access to their risk analysis for the usual reasons;

    (1)”Government should not be involved in the details of a private business.”
    (2)”….might adversely affect doing business in the emerging markets of Asia”
    and even
    (3)”questioning overseas manufacturers’ certificates would be seen as a slap in the face to a friendly foreign power”

    Contributors to this website are doing valuable work in reminding the government that people come before sordid commercial considerations..

    Robin G

    14A.1 A distributor must have and must keep up to date to the End Date a risk management strategy to:
    (a) identify, address and mitigate technological or other risks of and in connection with the provision, installation, maintenance and operation of advanced metering infrastructure and associated services and systems; and
    (b) manage expenditure increases arising from those risks.
    14A.2 The documents that set out the risk management strategy must be provided to the Minister if he so requests in writing.


  445. Melbourne Mum says:

    I think the time is right for Stop Smart Meters Australia to organise another mass protest – who else is ready for Action? Media needs to get involved though, what is stopping them? Peoples lives are being ruined.

  446. Tanya says:

    Presumably before long all TV models will be ‘smart’. Ditto for washing machines, clothes dryers, etc. I will be unable to buy a replacement TV that is not smart enabled, even if I continue to not have a smart meter. Does anyone know if my smart appliances will be able to be controlled by outsiders or do they need to be linked by me to a smart meter in order to be remotely accessed?

  447. Urban User says:

    Just have a look at this extract from article below -he’s in la-la land with the word lukewarm 🙂

    Peter Bryant, in charge of smart meters for CitiPower and Powercor, said Victoria would benefit for years to come because of the devices. “(We) expect to have automatic fault detection in place for customers with smart meters by mid next year,” Mr Bryant said. “So customers will never have to call us again to tell us their lights are out.” ***Mr Bryant blamed a failure to sell smart meters for the public’s lukewarm response to them****.

    • Ms Rebel says:

      Indeed this guy and all his co-robots are in la-la land… In need of a dose of REALITY. The public are exercising their right to refuse to listen to any bull$%!# excuses as to why they will ‘benefit’ from these ridiculous devices and the appliances made to go with them that cost them even MORE of their hard-earned cash, with the added ‘bonus’ of making their entire families sick! GIVE US A BREAK BRYANT… YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE OF ANYTHING BUT BETRAYAL & LIES BY A SERVICE COMPANY, GOT THAT???

  448. Ross Holder says:

    I clicked on the ‘Actions you can take’ tab and there is my meter box!! I notice that in the last couple of weeks the rider “we do not encourage anyone to break the law” (or whatever) has been dropped from this page…. good thing too, because people must realise the meter box is their property, and can lock it for whatever reason.

    So roll on 2014…. the pictured locked meter box is still without a smart meter, and they were meant to have been installed in this area more than six month ago. I am moving and the pictured meter box, complete with house will soon be on the market, and the new owners can continue the fight (or they can roll over… which will be disappointing) but there is another locked meter box at the property which will become my new abode for at least a while…. and by the end of 2013 there will be a dirty great diesel genny and PV solar power, and if it comes to the crunch SPASnet can go and get ……

    I will go off grid if I have to. Fortunately I have the smarts to make it happen, but more so I have the resolve to not be dictated to by public servants – especially since I pay their wages.

  449. Ray Novosel says:

    Can anyone tell me if a smart meter is the same as a Bi directional meter? I have just had a solar system installed and have been told that I need one.

    • Freddie says:

      A Bi directional meter is not a smart meter, it is what in South Australia is called an ‘import-export’ meter, which is usually electronic, but not wireless. However, if you live in Victoria, you will be required to have smart meter with solar panels. That means that the Bi directional meter will also be given ‘smart’ capability, ie. it will transmit your energy consumption data wirelessly to the base.

  450. Rob Guy says:

    My second post is an opinion on the July 2012 ESV final report on smart meter safety at . Paragraph 1.5 reports that issues raised during the April 2011 review of one distribution business (DB) business management system have since been addressed. Drilling down into the section 8 of that report, (
    , I became aware that the audit team produced a professional and incisive report. Given that the pass/fail criterion was entirely subjective, (define “effective business management system”) the findings in para 8.3 contained no deficiencies, but a considerable number of requirements for improvement.
    I am concerned that some of these requirements were sufficiently overly prescriptive to themselves create risks to the AMI safety program. In brief, my concerns are;
    (1) Regulations authorise ESV to require DBs to have an “effective business management system” but do NOT authorise ESV to require how this is to be achieved. ESV do not have any direct experience in business management, so or a best result, should have restrained themselves to monitoring the DB’s corrective action.
    (2) Two audit findings required specific ESV-defined editorial changes to company manuals. The DB’s business management system is defined by this set of manuals which must be both self-consistent and consistent with related manuals to allow line managers cohesive and concerted action. Customer-initiated changes evade company internal configuration control thus reducing effective management of risks to quality, ie ensuring meter safety.
    (3) During the bid phase of a project, the prospective customer will usually examine company management manuals. Amendments required by ESV may not be palatable to the customer who might decline the bid. ESV might find themselves at the wrong end of a claim for compensation.
    Concluding, there are some improvements which make things worse.

  451. Joe M says:

    Can someone please tell me why a class action has not been started yet?

    Why are we waiting?

  452. Claire says:

    I was just wondering if it might be a good idea for those who are unable to prevent smart meters being installed in at their homes to go to the Doctor before hand to get a clean bill of health, so that if they then become sick after it is installed they have documents to support what has ‘probably’ caused it to use if neccessary.
    Even though this isn’t acknowledged in Australia, what are the symptoms we need to look out for? Thanks

  453. Thought you might like to see the latest letter sent to members of parliament. I’ll give the the obligatory 10 days to reply, then send it (and any replies if they send some) on to the media. You are all welcome to join in if you want. From the East Gippsland Action Group
    Questions relating to smart meters

    Dear Minister,
    I have attached further research for your convenience and I now ask for your reply to the following questions:
    1. Have any, non-industry funded, studies been carried out to assure the safety and compatibility of wireless smart meters with medical equipment such as pacemakers and other electronic living assistance aids?

    2. What financial assistance will be offered to those most vulnerable to the rising electricity costs that are being brought about by the installation of smart meters?

    3. A wireless system is highly vulnerable to being instantly shut down and suffering severe damage from either a natural solar or maliciously targeted EMP event. What precautions have been put into place for the safety and security of infrastructure and personal property when this happens?

    4. Since the use of wireless meters necessitates the erection of multiple transmission towers, what provision has been provided to compensate home owners whose valuation is decreased as a result of a tower being placed near their home?

    5. The original plan for smart meters was to be hard-wired and to be supplied via the NBN. As this eliminated the majority of risks and concerns, please explain why this direction was not continued with?

    6. As electro-hypersensitivity is a recognized condition that is made worse by exposure to EMF particularly in the RF wavelength that smart meters emit, what provisions have been made for those that are or become sensitive? How will their continued protection and quality of life be assured?

    7. What environmental flora and fauna impact studies, not funded by industry, have been completed? What strategies are in place to rectify any damage that should be shown to occur?

    8. What research, not funded by their proponents, is there to show the accuracy and reliability of smart meters for billing?

    9. Can homes with solar panels put power back into the grid without the current type of smart meter?

    10. How would you advise us to get a moratorium on the installation of smart meters until the above questions are answered?
    Yours Sincerely
    Cc:, michael.o’, lily.d’,,,,,, edward.o’,,,,,,

    • Steve says:

      Marni, Unfortunately EHS is not recognized by our Government and Health services. The WHO recognizes the symptoms but not the cause. This may change when the WHO releases an updated ICD in 2015. A number of countries do recognise EHS including Sweden. The European parliament has begun to raise this issue and recently asked that its member states sign a document that requests WHO recognise this condition in the next ICD. Unfortunately they required over 300+ signatures to pass the motion and only achieved 188 signatures. It is still early days and this issue will not be going away.

      Mr O’Brien stated in his response to my letter that “it is my understanding that the WHO states electrohypersensitivity is not a medical diagnosis and there is no scientific basis to link electrohypersensitivity to electromagnetic emissions exposure.”
      Even if the rest of world recognises this issue Australia will be one of the last to do so as none of politicians appear to be interested in dealing with it.

      I am in the process of formulating a response that is highly critical of our RF standards (ARPANSA) and Health policies around EHS.

    • Informed Choice says:

      Marni – Congrats on your efforts! These are all very valid questions needing answers and I hope you get a satisfactory response. I’m sure everyone on this site wants the same answers and swift Action to be taken by the parliament. I encourage everyone to contact media, local MP’s and councils in regard to putting a stop to the roll-out of these harmful devices. Good Luck All…. NEVER SURRENDER!

      • Informed Choice Thank you. I don’t expect to get much from the pollies yet, they are still playing games, but what I am working towards is media exposure so that the general public start to put pressure on them. I have deliberately chosen questions that will impact on the majority of the public, one way or another, regardless of whether they agree with the concept of smart meters or not.

        I have had a really good response from the media that I have pre-warned about this, so fingers crossed they don’t back down when the time comes. Never surrender and NEVER comply with a system that is wrong.

  454. dave says:

    If we are to believe there will be no health risks from continuous low level radiation, no fire hazards, no invasion of privacy, no greatly increased cost to the consumer, no interference with medical devices etc then the corporations should be willing put up a security of a few hundred million to cover possible future law suits, include the pollies that supported this for the benefit of energy company’s as they should also be held personally responsible financially thereby releasing the taxpayer from future claims should they occur)

    As to mobile phones, wifi etc there is no comparison as these are voluntary not mandated

    Interesting read on health relating to smart meters

    This scam, the way it is set up, is as bad as the carbon tax in that even more small firms will just give up and increase unemployment with the only gains going to international banks and corporations

    As to forcing people to cut back on power due to the price that has already been done. EG I now use only the basic power for my needs which does NOT include air conditioners pool pumps electric heating etc in fact I use 40% less power than I used 4 years ago yet my power bill has more than doubled. At this rate Australia will be on a par with the UK where pensioners are in some cases freezing to death in winter. Lucky country? I think not.

    Just my 2 cents worth

  455. Jodie says:

    I am so glad that I found all you guys, I have a story, I had a smart meter installed without my permission about 4 mths ago and I complained strongly to Ausgrid and my local member who happens to be Mr Greg Combet( guess who I will be not voting for), and he did nothing the moron he ignored me completely, anyway they eventually got sick of me and came around to pull it out but my stupid husband asked them to meter our solar panels so they went on with all this cock and bullcrap story about how you have to have a smart meter when you have solar panels, can anyone tell me if this is true. So now I am still stuck with that stupid meter and I feel like I’m taking two steps back all the time. Also I have 3 autistic boys and I have asked them to provide some independant studies on the effect on this type of disability, but nothing so far.

    • Freddie says:

      Jodie, smart meters are not required for solar panels to work and to calculate the portion of power that is put back into the grid. In South Australia they use ‘import-export’ meters, as they do not have smart meters there (for now!). ETSA may be able to help you with that. Phone number is 131261 (prefix 08). Good luck!

      • Paul of Gosford says:

        My solar power system was set up with the analogue meter and that’s how it will stay. So anyone who would try to tell me otherwise better put ear muffs on.

        • Tamara Hicks says:

          Dear Paul,
          smart meters are not compulsory in NSW but power companies are using stand over tactics and putting them on when people are out. Residents should complain to your energy minister and power company about this behaviour even if they haven’t got a smart meter. I give permission for my email address to be forwarded to you as I,m originally from the Gosford area and would like to chat.

          • Marc says:

            Hi Tamara, we received a letter from Ausgrid yesterday, informing us that a technician would be here on Friday (3 days notice) to install a smartmeter, the technician left his contact details as well as the NSW Ombudsman number, i called the Ombudsman who informed me i had no choice in the matter as it is their equipment and nothing to do with the electricity retailer, when I spoke to the technician, he also informed me it was compulsory, I raised my concerns about health issues, overcharging etc, with him, and he informed me that he himself has had a smartmeter for some years and had had no problem and further added that the smartmeter being installed was a basic one and NOT a wireless system that communicates back to base, or emits electronic radiation. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

            Marc of Gosford

            • Peter says:

              Hi Marc
              Here in Victoria we are locking our meter boxes and providing a window for meter reading, it seems this is the ONLY way to prevent corporate bullying into installing these surveillance and control devices. You can provide access to your meter box BY APPOINTMENT (so you are complying with access legislation) on the proviso that a Surveillance and control devices is not installed. There is no law which says you cannot refuse the installation of these devices.

            • Eric says:


              just lock your box and put up a sign. Better to be safe than sorry. And don’t take it for granted that what they are proposing is wireless. Lock your box and do your own investigations in your own time and space re anything you need clarifying. Don’t be bullied and believe nobody. We are dealing with multitudes of very deceitful people with vested interests and despite what they tell you, they don’t care about you. Protect yourself and don’t cave in because that is the only way that they can beat you.

  456. Anf says:

    Now have we all forgotten how governments work?

    A long time ago Governments said smoking is not harmful and took the advice of tobacco companies and promoted smoking as good for you and reaped in mega billions of dollars and still are today.

    At the same time the government also promoted asbestos as a safe building material at the advice of corporations E.G the James Hardy Corporation
    So we all smoked like troopers and put asbestos in homes and buildings
    that we all work and live in.

    Now it is proven that smoking causes lung cancer and other diseases it is also proven that asbestos causes asbestoses and other related diseases but while you and I are or could be dying from these diseases the government has its head in the sand about smart meters and is listening to these power companies and the lies that these companies are telling to protect their bottom line and at the same time the government will be reaping in billions of dollars so they all have an vested interest in these smart meters and it doesn’t mater one bit to the government that we will all suffer in the long run from these smart meters and the disease that they will cause and as you all know we will have to prove that these thing made us sick and then treat us like tobacco and asbestos victims they the government will label us all liars and only after thirty years or more when most of the population fall to these smart meter then they the government will legislate in parliament the they the government are not liable for this out come.

    It is in our interest to protest these meters out of existence and you do this by word of mouth and on the steps of parliament in your capital city.

    I do know that a Wi-Fi affects children I have autistic child at home and since I have turned off the Wi-Fi router in our home my son is like a different child no more aggravation four to five years I ran this stupid thing and I never once got it what it was doing.
    I don’t want such a meter on my home they can stick it on the power poll if they like or where the sun doesn’t shine.

  457. Ms Rebel says:

    On the channel 9 morning news today Patti Newton & family were spruking smart meters and their *benefits* – What the…. Doesn’t she know that her grandchildren are being irradiated 24/7 by these devices? Talk about stupid! some people will do anything for publicity and it never ceases to amaze. Then – there he was, Minister O’Brien adding his ‘spin’ to the mix with his smugness and the usual BS was regurgitated by this moronic example of government representatives. The guy is a deceitful liar who cannot be trusted… a shame we are stuck with the likes of him!

  458. Con says:

    If you listen to 3AW this morning it’s sorry to hear that Neil Mitchell has jumped the fence on the smart meter issue, it was only time until they BIG companies turned him over.

  459. fiona says:

    I rang Maurice Blackburn today. They said they are not following up the joint suite. Is there other suggestions on this?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hi fiona
      I believe Micheal Mori, the American who got Hicks out of Guantanamo is now working in Melbourne, If anyone is willing to persue Human Rights, I think he is the ‘Right Stuff’.

  460. Justice says:

    I was listening to the news the other day and Gilard said she said the smart meters were the way to go, and she was all on for them. Well now Gilard is moving out of the Lodge because there is old lead piping and asbestos to be removed from the lodge. Yes, Gilard is concerned about her own health in reference to the lead in the pipes and asbestos, and states the people of Victoria have to live with the smart meter, which means we are exposed to radio frequency radiation [without an option] and she knows there is no evidence the smart meters are safe and there is no justification for the power companies or Government to force us to accept the risk or the increase of carcinoginic tumours which most probable would be a definate result if exposed for a long time to the smart meter.

    • Paul of Gosford NSW says:

      Justice, Gillard also said we were to all buy an iPhone so we could load the dishwasher before going to work then switch it on at say 2pm when the power is cheaper. Yeah right! We’re all public servants are we? Anyway, I found out you have to have the whole house rewired to be able to do that – estimates are about $10,000 per household. Gillard lives in fairy land and has no idea what’s involved – but I would hasted to add that since all her policies are failures then the smart meters will be added to the list. I wonder if her face will go as red as her hair when she discovers that in NZ they are optional, in the UK they are voluntary and in California the meters are being rolling back…It’s all about privacy – if the Powerlords lost one single case in court it would have enormous implications for them – so we the people have the real power whenever we decide to twitch it on.

      • justice says:

        I love your reply never spoke truer woods count me in a court action everyone should go for a big massive fight on this and maybe we could employ an agressive solicitor company who can stop these power companies.This is worse than Hitler

  461. John Cornish says:

    Another credible expression of concern about the dangers of constant exposure to smart meters.

    • Paul of Gosford NSW says:

      on Youtube you will also find the following called “the dark Side of Smart Meters” it’s very interesting to say the least. Enough to scare anyone out of having a smart meter.

  462. Anf says:

    It seems to me that the government like to use this word mandate quite allot when I looked up the word mandate in the dictionary it’s written (Judicial or legal command from a superior) well if I am not wrong neither the government or any power company is my superior cause at the moment neither of these two organisation that are beneath me order me to go to work or when to shower sleep and eat or how I spend my money until this day comes there is only one superior to me and that is my wife.

    It is also apparent to me that this government has become a dictatorship government the kind of government that our grandfathers went to war to stop and fort for our freedom a freedom from communism and dictatorship and free speech the right to except or to not except with the forced introduction to smart meters is also the introduction to a communist dictatorship way.

    And why aren’t we all fighting this on the steps of parliament

    Also SP Oznet is facing a massive class action over the east Kilmore fires that killed more than 100 one hundred people and left many more hundreds of people out of house and homes.

    Stop smart meters in their tracks on the steps of Parliament

    • Domenic says:

      Well SAID ANF i love your style & your 100% correct in everything you said & SP Ausnet majorly Screwed up with the kilmore fires why would any power company risk the major class action that will come it will come look at the banks being held accountable with a class action against rippoff fees after so many years the court system is no where near big enough to deal with this PEOPLE POWER will PREVALE

  463. Geoffrey Payne says:

    Castlemaine, Central Victoria – (Powercor area)
    I have just had my second visit from a “smart” meter installer in six days. He was from Skiltech – Powercor, paid hourly and courteous. He explained that he had read my previous comments (internal, Skiltech) and after my second refusal to have the meter installed, said he would mark me down as “red” and the negotiators would come in, otherwise if he marked me as “green”, installers would keep coming back until I wasn’t home. I suggested he should be on piece rates. He did knock and gave me some of the procedure. I thought there would be lots of letter writing and threats and they may be forthcoming, I don’t know, but the determination by these power companies defies belief. The installer said several times that I will receive a “smart” meter, it is only a matter of time.
    Geoff Payne, Castlemaine, Central Victoria

    • Informed Choice says:

      So, installers will keep coming back until you’re not home? What is this .. Nazi Germany or something?? These low lifes need to BACK OFF! This can’t be happening to decent law- abiding Australians. How long before someone gets seriously hurt by defending their home from installers I wonder. If they are saying they will not cut padlocks off, then how the heck do they plan to install whilst you aren’t home? Good Luck negotiating what is NOT NEGOTIABLE Powercor and other utilities!!!

      • Pete says:

        As far as I am concerned, negotiation is not an option! The government/distributors refuse to listen to the very people who are paying for these surveillance and control devices, so I refuse to argue! Simple as that,

        NO means NO, end of story!

    • Domenic says:


  464. Con says:

    I received a letter today from Jemena and they are now stating that “the Victorian Government mandated that all residential and small business electricity customers must have their existing meter replaced with a smart metre by end of 2013”
    I was wondering if anyone else received a letter stating that they are MANDATED. This is the first time they have put it in writing.
    If so in my opinion they are misleading the public.
    What I also noticed is that the letter comes from Jemena but with a different ABN number to the previous letters.

    • Paul of Gosford NSW says:

      A mandate to me means that a majority of votes were in favour of smart meters – or smart meters were on the agenda at least – but does anyone remember voting for smart meters? They would still have to change the privacy laws…and that aint gonna happen.
      see >>>
      quote: “The Preamble to the Australian Privacy Charter provides that, “A free and democratic society requires respect for the autonomy of individuals, and limits on the power of both state and private organizations to intrude on that autonomy . . Privacy is a key value which underpins human dignity and other key values such as freedom of association and freedom of speech. . Privacy is a basic human right and the reasonable expectation of every person.”

  465. Paul of Gosford says:

    Okay everyone, this link is SO GOOOD !
    Its an Australian website – it’s beautifully put together and me thinks it must have been set up by a lawyer or at least someone who knew exactly what they’re doing.. Download the lot. Feed back please!

    • Domenic says:

      Ok so i was watching the yet to be released movie trailer Based on true events COMPLIANCE (Link) & it hit me that most people just Comply with Authoritative figures & dont raise the questions & just comply even when its wrong I mean what is this world coming to we need to stand up stand proud & stand strong & say NO SMART METERS END OF STORY Thats it slam the door in the face of installers lock your power boxes End of discussion We will not be bullied by private companies Or even the Dam Government we will not comply with Health Effecting Privacy invading devices being attached to our homes which we WORK HARD TO PAY FOR STAND UP AUSTRALIA WE HAVE RIGHTS (i dont see power core or sp ausnet or jemena buying us a house) & as for the Government Well we put them there we can take them out DONT you EVER Forget that Stand united as one in the fight to stop this Bureaucratic Madness

    • Domenic says:

      Wow Paul Thank you for the link it has some powerful legal documents that will be most helpful

  466. Steve says:

    It appears the Federal Government, under the innocuous cover of house holders should be rewarded for saving energy, is looking to set the scene for a national roll-out of smart meters. The third paragraph is of particular interest when he says “the nation needs metering and tariff structures” to support this.

    “Federal Energy Minister Martin Ferguson says Australians should be rewarded for turning down their heaters and air-conditioners in extreme weather.

    Ferguson says managing peak demand is one of the biggest challenges facing the energy sector, with one-sixth of the nation’s network infrastructure being used only four days a year.

    He says the nation needs metering and tariff structures to allow consumers to be rewarded for reducing their demand at these peaks.

    He says around 25 per cent of retail electricity costs in the national electricity market are derived from peak events, occurring over less than 40 hours per year.”


  467. FreePower says:

    My neighbour here in south east inner Melbourne hasn’t paid an electricity bill for 15 years on both his house, yet he burns electricity like its… He doesn’t even have a smartmeter installed. How? He has made his house inaccessible by piling the front with junk. The power companies won’t cut off his power because they think he is poor and struggling which is far from the truth.

  468. Dawn says:

    I followed all guidelines and wrote to United Energy advising them that I do not agree to the installation of a smart meter and will only agree when they provide me with a guarantee that the SM will not affect my health or cause a fire or explode. I also locked the meter box which is in my back yard and put a notice on meter box “not to instal smart meter”. I also requested UE to provide me with written consent from all occupants in my small block of units that each occupier permits the installation of the SM.
    Got a letter today from United Energy stating “customers must have their existing meters replaced” and quoted Electricity Distribuiton Code – “Distributors reserves the right to access their property at all times” and quoted Section 1.3.4 (customer must comply) and Section 3.2.2 (unhindered access to meter at all times). It went on to say I cannot defer any longer and must permit the installation as it is mandatory to replace existing meters. No mention of Guarantee or written approval from other occupants in my block of units.
    Is this another bullying tactic or can I still refuse to have the SM installed in my backyard?

    • Peter says:

      Hi Dawn

      I’m not sure, but I think it is up to your landlord as to whether they can install one of these surveillance and control devices, contact him/her ASAP and find out what they want, if they give consent to the installation, then I’m afraid your only option will be to find somewhere else.

      • Dawn says:

        Hi Peter
        The meter box is in my back yard and I am the owner. UE is demanding that I unlock the meter box so they can change all meters for the block of units. No other unit owner has been informed that SM are going to be installed. They have quoted Electricity Distribution Code to force me to agree to SM. So confused

        • United we stand says:

          Dawn, check out today’s post “Advice for landlords and tenants” looks like there is a lot of information there that may help you, good luck, we are all behind you.

        • Informed Choice says:

          If I were you Dawn, I would keep saying NO! Government and Power companies are playing a game of deceit here and trying to bully everyone who has their meter box locked. Once they get their meters in, do you think they will care if you have a problem? They have failed to give a guarantee of safety so that is a valid enough reason to refuse. Keep fighting for your Rights. Other owners will most likely follow your lead if they know the facts!

          • justice says:

            Dawn do not give in to them, there are thousands of people out there who lock their meter boxes and they cannot do anything about it people power will win, your health is more important than these miserable greedy power companies, tell them to get lost.

        • Jason says:

          LUVVIT!! —> “The meter box is in my back yard and I am the owner”.
          Is the yard big enough to accomodate a couple of large homeless dogs from the animal shelter?

  469. Gary says:

    Heard on the radio (2GB-Sydney),that Origin(Integral) are going to be installing smart meters to ALL their NSW customers in 2013.
    My bill has gone up over $300/qtr and I live alone,work afternoon shift and have everything turned off as well.I have a combustion fire for my heating,gas cooker so its only lights and water heated that I use.
    Will be putting a lock on my meter box come the beginning of 2013.

  470. Paul of Gosford says:

    MAKE THEM LIABLE. ASK THEM TO SIGN AN INDEMNITY (knowing they will never do so thus exposes them since their unwillingness is based on the fact that they know the system may cause health problems for which they will never sign the indemnity. It’s a catch22.
    I don’t know if anyone has thought of this as I haven’t had the time to read all there is on here, but my past experiences with authorities and in this case, contractors, is that you have to turn the tables on them by creating your own agreement for them to sign that you know corners them completely. It must be addressed to management and be signed by a representative of the supplying company.
    It is an agreement that you will NOT go ahead with the installation unless they agree to indemnify you and will pay for and fully guarantee you against health problems or increases the cost of your electricity supply.
    They will refuse to sign it !!!!!
    GET IT? I have used this tactic before and it never fails.
    Love this place and well done to you all for standing up for our freedoms.
    We are under the control of a Communistic Government BUT we still have our democratic rights in place.

  471. Con says:

    I had to do some research on the smart meter review that was done on 14th December 2011 that the distributors always love to refer to over the phone and keep stating that after that review on 14/12/11 the Government and the Department of Primary Industries made smart meters mandatory, but they will not put it in writing off course.

    I have found the media release from Minister Michael O’Brien and his interview with 3AW on the 14th December 2011 I DID NOT SEE, READ OR HEAR THAT SMART METERS ARE MANDATORY ANYWERE!!!! (Please correct me if I am wrong)

    It is very disturbing that the distributors can make such statements with no actual facts, and then they expect the public to trust them.

    Relevant Links Below: (I Hope They Help)

    [audio src="" /]

    [audio src="" /]

    • Steve says:

      Con, the response I received (in a letter) from Mr O’Brien regarding my right to refuse the installation was as follows:

      “…since the Government has completed its review and decided that the roll out will continue, all Victorian homes and small businesses will need to have their meter replaced.
      The responsibility of installation of smart meters rests with the electricity distribution business…..As such, the business is entitled to replace its own equipment and there is an obligation on a property owner to provide reasonable access to their property for this to occur…..”

  472. Mel says:

    I have sent a letter to SP Ausnet (my meter people) and posted the Stop No Insatllation sign.
    Today I recieved an email stating that I MUST let these people install them and any signage or locked boxes must be removed to allow them to do their work as SP Ausnet own the meter and are therefore entitled to upgrade it. Do I have a choice????
    Please help – Mel

    • Sharron says:

      Mel, don’t let them install it…keep refusing. There is nothing they can do about it.They are bullying people into accepting the new technology and THEY are aware that there are problems but do not care…there is lots of helpful and true information here on this site. You’re not alone, in fact you’re part of the majority! Many more customers are ‘waking-up’ to the deceit and lies as these greedy companies are on the lookout for soft targets in order to carry out their plan and will say anything to make it happen.

      • Joanna says:

        I’m in the same boat Mel I have written to my energy company and a total of 8 members of parliament including The Premier of Victoria (who has yet to reply). Some Ministers / MP’s have written back or rather just sent a signed carbon copy of the standardized blurb that the installation of smart meters is going ahead and that they are safe quoting a few research sites blah blah. A couple of MP’s however were willing to provide support as they have had several citizens come to them outlining their concerns with data to back it up. I recently found out that in England the Government has ruled that people have the right to choose whether they want to upgrade to digital smart meters or keep their analogue meter. Its only a matter of time that a similar decision will filter to Australia. My aim is to keep writing back outlining the health research and privacy info from this very site and continue to state that ‘they’ are not permitted to install a smart meter on my property. You just need to keep applying what’s called the “broken record technique” and always remember that you are not alone there are a growing number of Australians who feel the same way. Continue to have faith justice will prevail and always persevere.

    • United we stand says:

      They don’t own our powerboxes. Last time I checked Australia was still classed as a democracy and we had human rights. Interesting how the members of Parliament we elected all seem to be towing their party line and not representing the views of their constituents. Maybe they have forgotten how they became a member of Parliament. My guess after hearing what most people have to say is that the next election will be very interesting, not many trust or want anyone in labour party, liberal party or national party. Labour brought smart meters in, LNP kept it in, and now Julia announces that she plans to take it over and have a whole of Australia Smart Grid to control us all, sorry she said to reduce our costs and give us control over our power!!!! What a joke. Well watch this space all members of Parliament and enjoy your short stay. Time for a Human Rights party that will seriously represent the people and their rights.

    • keith says:

      Mel ;they may own the meter but their right to change their equipment, ends with your right not to have a piece of equipment that may endanger your health, or the health of anyone else who lives with you, to be installed. Be firm, keep resisting. There are many thousands of others not allowing them to install these meters. There is strength in numbers; the more people resist, the more the government will have to take notice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Be aware that e-mail is not a legal document

    • Anonymous says:

      When a power company replies by e-mail, be aware that e-mail is not a legal document and carries no weight in law.

    • Jason says:

      Since possession is 9/10s of the law, demand they PROVE ownership in a court of law, and that meanwhile you continue to claim that YOU own it.
      ….and don’t let them anywhere near it.

  473. Joe M says:

    Lets invite the experts from both sides of the fence to argue THE FACTS, and lets see what comes of it.

    What has either side got to lose?

    Whats the bet the govt/power companies wont be involved?

    The question has to be asked WHY?

    But we all know the answer don’t we?

    • Peter says:

      Hi Joe

      As I understand the situation, surveillance and control devices (smart meters) are NOT ESSENTIAL to opperatate a ‘smart grid’, they simply give greater control over the power use, and can be used to ‘rashion’ the dwindling available power supply. So although the governmrnt and distributors claim that these devices are part of the AMI, they are not essential to run the grid.

    • Vickie says:

      To Joe M, What a brilliant idea ! A Public debate, maybe we could consult the media and tv and really make it happen, I like that idea, we could make it happen if we really want it too.

      • Steve says:

        I also agree. Perhaps a Stop Smartmeters representative should contact SBS Insight as they appear to do televised debates on hot topics…… I am sure there are plenty of people on this forum who would be willing to participate (me included).

  474. Vickie says:

    Hi Everyone, came across this story from the US, Regan lived in her home for 20 years, whilst she was out, a smart meter was installed at her home, the very next day her house burns down, the cause apparently a cracked smart meter base, BC Hydro states that Regan is Liable as the base is part of her house, this is the sort of deception people are up against.

  475. ray says:

    Place a few over lapping pieces of aluminium foil on the wall behind the meter to reflect the radiation out of your house try to aim it to the sky so as to not give your neighbour an extra dose place a poster or a picture and frame over it to cover it up or you could also cover the back of the picture frame in al foil this will reflect it upwards basically make a back reflector
    Then cover the rest of the meter in al foil therefore if you cover the meter totally with aluminium foil there will be very little emission of radiation
    They probably will turn up to see what’s wrong with the meter
    Just recover it when the go just keep doing this
    Geelong go cats

  476. Joe M says:

    So it looks like another round of deceit and lies is being undertaken.
    Received another letter from united energy saying that these abhorrent devices are again being rolled out in my area.
    What part of NO do they not understand.
    Over my dead body will a dumb meter for elect/gas/water be installed on my property.
    If the spies at Powercor/united energy/Jemena are reading this, give up because none of us will.
    In the end we are protected by the Australian constitution, NOBODY can be forced to have one installed.
    You know it and so do we.

    • Ms Rebel says:

      Well said!

    • keith says:

      Just a reminder there is a meeting at SEAFORD COMM. CENTRE HALL STATION ST. SEAFORD this coming THURSDAY 9TH AUGUST @ 7 PM. A large attendance will hopefully put some pressure on the Vic. Gov’t. to listen to our concerns about smart meters.

  477. Con says:

    Had a phone call today from JEMENA’s customer relation officer following my e-mail to them over the weekend. Firstly I am surprised at their speedy costumer service and also how they got my home number as it is PRIVATE and not written anywhere in the letter!!
    He asks me what are my concerns regarding the smart meter, I tell him, health, privacy, exploding issues, installers qualification, etc. etc….

    He tells me that the footage shown on today tonight if false and not in Australia, and those meters were sabotaged by acid that’s why they caught on fire, so when I replied is all the footage relating to the smart meters on Today Tonight false he replied NO!

    He advised me that the public had been misinformed and that the meters are SAFE!!
    Then I went on asking him if JEMENA uses the same meters as Powercor, he was quick to answer NO, as he knew where I was going with it.

    Be very careful when talking to them they are very quick with their answers and have an answer for everything, I suppose dealing with these issues all day you become an expert!!

    He went on to say that the meters are mandatory and they own our meters and I have to provide access to it, I told him that the meter box has a lock on it and no TRESPASS signs are up and I DO NOT WISH TO HAVE A SMART METER on my property as it was clearly stated in my letter.

    His Advice was that I am not fully aware of my legal rights and he will be sending me something in the mail as I advised him all correspondence to be made in writing from now on.

    I cannot thank the people behind this website enough because if it wasn’t for you guys I would not know where to start!!!! THANK YOU!!

    P.S I Have Just received a response via e-mail by Jemena, putting it up so we all know what to expect, any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    Dear Mr Con
    Once again thank you for raising your concerns by an email to our Managing Director (received 30 July 2012) regarding the installation of a Smart Meter at (MY ADDRESS).
    Based on some of the concerns you further detailed today during a phone conversation with my colleague xxxxxxx (Community Relations Manager), I have attached some materials and fact sheets in response to your concern on health and safety. Please refer to the attached.
    The safety regulator (Energy Safe Victoria) and the State Government have confirmed that meters and installation processes meet strict, industry safety standards. For further health and safety details, please visit the Department of Primary Industries website at or call 136 186.
    Over 1.2 million smart meters are operating safely across the state in accordance with state government policy and the Metropolitan Fire Brigade has stated that there is no evidence to link smart meters with switchboard fires.
    In regards to billing concerns, please refer to page 15 of the Smart Meter Booklet which I have attached for you.
    As discussed, in accordance with the Victorian Government smart meter review announcement made in December 2011, all Victorian homes and small businesses are required to have existing meters exchanged for a digital, smart meter by the end of 2013. Customers are no longer able to defer the installation.
    The metering equipment at your property belongs to Jemena as your electricity distribution company. In accordance with the Electricity Distribution Code, Jemena has the right to replace its own equipment and we are now replacing our old analogue meters with new digital smart meters.
    For further information about the Electricity Distribution Code, please visit the Essential Services Commission website at or call 03 9651 0222.

    • Pete says:

      Hi Con

      Interesting letter from your distributor.It amazes me how they continue to totally ignore our human and democratic rights while they make statements like,’ they are obliged by law to install these things,’ there is ‘no opt out legislation’ and ‘you cannot refuse the installation of one of their surveillance and control device’s. The legislation they refer to does not say what THEY are saying. As we are all well aware now, the ‘mandate’ simply requires them to ‘use their best endeavours’ to install them, it does not stop them from reinstalling the old analogue meter, or any other meter. The ‘no opt out laws, refer to ACCESS legislation, it does not prevent you from refusing their surveillance and control device, you are refusing access for one reason only, TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY FROM THE INSTALLATION OF A DEVICE YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT, there are several very valid reasons for refusing them, one of which is we do not accept the government/ distributors claims they are safe, do not present a health hazard, they are an invasion of our privacy etc etc.

      I don’t know about anyone else, but I for one am fed up with being treated like a mushroom, and no longer am interested in being fed the same old bull!!!!


      • Con says:

        Hi Pete And that you for your reply
        I find it very concerning as they do not respect our wishes and we have to except their’s.
        The correspondence I received in the mail from the distributor was a letter stating that “We are installing a new electricity meter at your property” and the dated between they want it to happen.
        It is very concerning that they just ignore out letters to them expressing our concerns and NOT allowing them access to OUR property but at the same time we are from their point of view supposed to comply with their wishes.

        There is a lot of “handballing” happening with this issue, I have written to over 10 organisations/people same have to yet replied not sure if they will and the ones that have replied keep passing it on to other organisation. For example ESV said that “the issue is out of their jurisdiction” and to contact The Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner and the The Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner although they gave me a little information on what they have done about the issue they directed me to Federal Privacy Commissioner, it seems no government department what’s to deal directly with the issue.

        In having said all of the above NO Australian Government Body has replied and stated that the Smart Meters are mandatory!!

        Can someone advise me or direct me to the review that that was done and completed according to the distributors on the 14th Of December 2011 and the smart meter according to them was made mandatory, because the distributors keep referring to that and I am sick of hearing about it, that is their answer to everything!!

  478. Janet Doherty says:

    I know the Goverment is issuing it’s own kind of propoganda re: this issue, but so are sites like this. Hyping up angry people is wrong.

    I admit, I do not know for sure that smart meters are an overall good or bad thing. I do this the bad aspect are WAY overblowm, as with many Goverment initiatives.

    There seem to be a few main issues:

    Health: there is a lot of uninformed people on this site with this issue. I am the first to admit, I’m not a scientist, or engineer. I don’t KNOW for certain, as too I doubt many people on this site know, despite citing overseas studies etc., the genuine health effects, if any. I do know, that many devices emit potentially harmful EF. But so do many other devices, are far, far higher levels. E.g. many people have a mobile phone in their pocket, or pressed to their head for many hours a day. These levels were tested by an independant body, and found to be far below Australian and international standards.

    Tresspass/access: This isn’t really an issue at all. The distributor owns the meter. That’s it. Legally, you DO NOT own your meter. If you don’t like this, contact the distributor and have their meter removed and live off the grid with solar, generators, whatever.

    Pricing: TOU pricing is NOT being implemented. Customers are still being charged on their current pricing, so I don’t see an issue here. For the majority of households, TOU will DECREASE their bills, with cheapest energy on weekends and at night. I understand some people, those who stay at home during the day, may be adversly affected. This doesn’t mean the meter is to blame, instead the pricing plans through retailers need to be tailored to suit people with such needs. Something not many people mention, the amount of money saved through distributor fees. If meters can be read remotely, customers will no longer be charged for verify data, disconnection, reconnection fees etc. If you have you power disconnected, say for non-payment, and need it reconnected in Victoria, depending where you live, this can cost hundreds of dollars. Move in? Fee. Move out? Fee. Verify data? Fee. Change companies? Fee. (usually absorbed by reatilers) Smart meters would mean these fees would not be charged. Additionally, at the moment customers can only see their average daily usage. Being able to see at half hour intervals, and therefore the day and time electricity was used, is hugely beneficial when comparing bills and seeing where and how energy is being used.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Janet

      I hope you will forgive me if I say your submission sounds like the well worn replies from the Victorian government and distributors.

      Hyping up angry customers is wrong? Don’t you think they have a right to be angry with the government and distributors who completely ignore our human and democratic rights?

      If you can’t make up your mind whether these surveillance and control devices are good or bad, how can you say that the bad aspects are WAY over blown? Do you live in Victoria? How much research have you done into the various aspects of these devices? I am quite sure from your comments that subscribers to this and other similar sites have done far more research than you, the Victorian government and distributors.

      As for your comments on health issues, you admit you are not a scientist or engineer, but like the Victorian government and distributors; you dismiss research by scientists, doctors, physicists, etc, who do not have any connection to the industry. Unlike what little if any research/trials have been carried out here in Victoria, and that is only to establish that they meet the outdated Australian standard. In this respect you use the same comparisons with mobile phones, baby monitors etc; as the Victorian government and distributors, and like them, completely dismiss the fact that none of these devices are forced on Victorians, and none of these devices operate 24/7. With regard to misinformation, the distributors claim that these devices only operate for very short periods three or four times a day. Yet there is hard evidence that they operate every few seconds all day every day, I am sure if you doubt this, we can put this evidence on the site.

      Tresspass/access, just because the distributors claim to own these devices, IT DOES NOT GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO TRESSPASS!

      Why should we live off grid, when your job is to provide an electricity supply, an ESSENTIAL SERVICE? NOTHING MORE. It is NOT the prerogative of a privately owned company to DICTATE how and when Victorian CUSTOMRS use the electricity they are paying for.

      TOU pricing. If TOU pricing is not being implemented, how do you explain some electricity bills jumping hundreds of dollars after the installation of one of these devices? Stay at home people MAY be affected? No doubt about it they WILL be adversely affected, and judging by the behavior of the distributors during their FORCED rollout, these people will get about the same response.

      Moving in and out fees? Some people are born and die in the same house; others may move a couple of times in their life. Correct me if I am wrong but there will still be a verification fee, even with a surveillance and control device? As you say changing company fees are normally born by the retailer. Anyone who doesn’t know when they are using power, without a surveillance and control device AND an in home display, will be no wiser with these devices!

      Janet, may I suggest you take off those rose colored glasses, start doing some of your own research and take a long hard look at all the other capabilities of these devices, which the Victorian government and distributors are NOT in a rush to make public.

      We are supposed to be living in a democratic state, and you have every right to express your views on this site, I would suggest you do not be surprised if a couple of Victorians disagree with you
      One question I would like you to answer, if you are happy with your surveillance and control device, (and that’s fine, we are supposed to be a democratic state) why do you even bother to visit these sites?

      • Ms Rebel says:

        Peter is right! Janet, your motives for posting such comments on this website are highly questionable in my opinion. I find it amazing how IGNORANT you appear on the subject and to go and suggest that if people don’t like this then they should live ‘off the grid’ speaks volumes about your insecurity…maybe you’re a power bully! WE know what WE are fighting for and that is ALL that matters isn’t it? By the way, I will pass on your condolences to the many sick people being made even more ill by the lack of concern people such as yourself have shown for them!

    • trevor says:

      March 24, 2011
      California is Turning off the Microwave Transmitters on their SMART METERS
      PG&E proposes that the SmartMeter Program be modified to provide residential customers the choice to request that PG&E “turn-off”/disable the radio inside their gas and/or electric SmartMeters

      • Pete says:

        Hi Guys

        Would you believe your distrubutor if they were to tell you they have turned off their radio’s? I know I wouldn’t. If they turn off their radios, how will they collect their half hourly reads? In the very remote event they do turn off their radios, but are still collecting personal data about your habits, this does not protect your privacy, or your democratic right to say no to having your privacy invaded, The ONLY way to protect yourself from ALL the issues with these devices is to keep saying NO, NO, NO!

    • Justice says:

      HI Janet

      Why don`t you ask a brain surgeon how many malignant tumours he removes in patients every week who have been exposed to radio frequency radiation, or perhaps you might like be brave and test the smart meter for a period of 5 – 10 years in the wall of your bedroom and then let us know your opinion.Do not offer foolish counsel unless you have the answers, try always to seek wise counsel and you will be guided in the right direction. Justice

    • Jason says:

      BULLSHIT! —> “Being able to see at half hour intervals, and therefore the day and time electricity was used, is hugely beneficial when comparing bills and seeing where and how energy is being used.”
      List the alleged “huge” benefits? (keeping in mind most people aren’t in a postion to read their meter every half-hour anyway).

      Does the ability to read my water=meter every 5 minutes result in “huge’ benefits too.
      Does the word ‘shill’ mean anything to you ‘Janet’ ~ supposing that’s your real name.

  479. Phil says:

    Thanks so much for the site , Could some one tell me if we have clear access to the meter box but it is locked , & SP Auset gives us a defect notice what can they do.

    • Pete says:

      Hi Phil
      Ask them to specify the defect, see what they come back with, then we can start asking some serious questions

    • Graeme T says:

      Interesting Phil – my meter box is also locked but I have put it on a long shacked padlock so that if in an emergency the power can be turned off by opening the door about 80mm and you can flick the power switch. I know when the meter reader is going to be reading the meter as it is on my previous bill so I can unlock the box for him/her. I did notice the other day though that someone has pulled the door open and tried to look inside(and also there was a person wondering around) so I’m just wondering if I’m going to get a letter from SP AusNet myself. (my meter is an electronic one connected to the hotwater service with a boost button (Nilson EMS 2100 Analyser)).
      Just a question does anyone know what SP AusNet’s Smart Meter;s aerial look like? there’s a couple of meter boxes around with a small plastic coated rectangular box on the front side of them(these meter boxes are on the side of the houses unlike mine which is on the front of the house). Just that the chap next door has just had 18 Solar Panels put on his roof, and another one down the road has panels also and has this same appendage 🙂 hanging off the meter box.

      • keith says:

        Graeme these are probably aerials. New solar power installations appear to have smart meters fitted . People need to be aware that if they get solar power fitted to their homes, they will now be stuck with a smart meter.

        • Jason says:

          I had a grid-connect system fitted early, got a TOU metre and was told ‘smart meters’ would not work with solar. ‘twould appear that’s changed: I hand to hunt a redneck bully-boy off the porch just recently; caught him trying to install a SM.

  480. Peter says:

    Rest easy everybody, these surveillance and control devices ARE SAFE, Energy Safe Victoria say so!

    In their draft report (17/05/2012) These things do not require to be certified and marked with an approval number, regardless of where they are made or what it costs to produce them, ESV is satified they meet the necessary standards!

    There are very small amounts of chemicals (it doesn’t say what these chemicals are) but because the surveillance and control device itself is not a hazardous substance, it doesn’t require an MSDS (material safety data sheet [normally required for hazardous substances]) They say this is because it is SIMILAR to a battery.

    They claim that ‘most of the recent incidents appear to have been the result of criminal damage’, but present no evidence to support this statement.

    They have consulted EXTENSIVELY with key stake holders including Electrical Trades Union, Metropolitan Fire brigade, each of the five electricity distribution companies of Victoria and the main manufacturers of the surveillance and control devices being installed here in Victoria, er, are we forgetting someone? What about the 2.5 million Victorians who are paying for all this rubbish?

    In 2010, there were 38 meter box type fires, only one was identified as including a surveillance and control device.
    In 2011 there were 39 such fires with three identified as including surveillance and control devices.
    In January 2012 alone, there were 3 such fires, and ALL of them were identified as including surveillance and control devices. Despite these figures, ESV accepts this as a DOWNWARD trend and do not believe they cause fires or explode.

    There are other such issues with this document, I hope you all had your input to this draft document.

    So, don’t worry fellow Victorians, Energy Safe Victoria will make sure your concerns are ‘taken care of’…………

  481. Graeme T says:

    Melbourne Mum well done – Its interesting looking at other areas of the Web re these smart meters. The point seems to be (elsewhere) that are the meters we are getting here (Vic/Aust) the same as the ones overseas or different, configured for Aust Conditions etc..
    What the main gripe is whats happening to people with others refuting that with this and that and making the whole thing very, very confusing. The main thing I’m getting from this site is that there is something very wrong with these meters and surely if the government could see this (even if they discounted say 50%) there is something that needs to be looked at.

    Now one thing that need to be considered which I feel is very important is that::
    1. We are being TOLD that we are getting these meters not asked (ie no choice).
    2. How secure are these things ie. Foreign Companies own the electricity company and they are free to manipulate our supply at their will(turn areas down when the demand is up etc. ) AND hacking of the system (they hack into banks, Military sites etc) with the signals everywhere and easily got at, the mind boggles at the possibilities (overloading the system by increasing Voltage marginally and bingo lots of appliances kaput).
    3. And the Environment/Fauna doesn’t seem to rate a mention either – what is all this network of meters going to do?????

    No wonder I’m confused, how about you?????

    • Peter says:

      Hi Graeme
      What’s it all about? Look at all the reports etc regarding this dictate, they all relate to COST/benefit, no mention of democratic rights, human rights, health, privacy, security, surveillance, home invasion and destructivness.

      The government and distributors go on about protecting our privacy, yet the government have given the distributors THE RIGHT to disclose (without your permission) your CONFIDENTIAL information to: ‘an employee or officer of the distributor, or a RELATED BODY CORPORATE of the distributor, subject to any relavant guideline’. (Essential Services Commission, Electricity Distribution Code, dated January 2011 version 6) We are all well aware of the distributors interpretation of ‘best endeavours’, so what will they make of this ‘little pearler’?

  482. Melbourne Mum says:

    Petition is going gang-busters! All these people all over Victoria cannot possibly be wrong. Many more are not yet aware of the whole smart meter ‘plan’ because of misinformation put out there by utility companies and the like to ‘sell’ the idea of smart meters to the public. Education is key here… judging by the comments being made by everyone on the petition, this Government needs to smarten up or get out!!!! Well done and if you know anyone who hasn’t yet visited this site, please suggest they check it out ASAP…Thanks!

  483. gemma says:

    is there a victorian electricity company at the moment that isnt offering smart meters maybe if we all changed to that company we could put the smart meter companies out of business

  484. Andrew says:

    Hi everyone, my area in the mornington peninsula is marked for smart meter installation tommorow. I have read the suggested actions but am worried that we will be charged extra for locking my meter box. Is this true? Is there anything I can do? ( urgent )

    • Dom says:

      The meter box is your property and so is the analogue meter. They want to “steal” your perfectly good analogue and replace it with “their” surveillance radiation emitting device called smart meter. If you are fine with that,then do nothing but be warned : You will pay more with the smart meter installed – lock your meter box asap! Did you know that they have been charging customers for the smart meters since last yr anyway?

    • Pete says:

      Hi Andrew

      According to the Essential Services Commission, distributors cannot charge ‘extra’, they can ONLY RECOVER COSTS, the cost of installing a meter has already been allowed for in their cost recovery plan, so I fail to see how they can justify any charge.

    • Andrew Johns says:

      Hi all, just had my door knocked on as well up in Sydney’s north. Thanks for the comments you’ve all left, it has helped me say no. They say down the track it will help reward less use at off-peak times, but isn’t that what we already have with peak/off-peak. I’m curious though – we have an analog meter, and it’s behind a locked gate, and went for 12 months with only estimated readings due to non-access. So how do they get peak/shoulder/offpeak readings from analog meters?

      • United we stand says:

        HI Andrew, they are being very sneaky in NSW as they are sending out offers to people to go onto a trial to save power. In the small print the trial includes having a smart meter installed and the fact that it will not be removed after the trial. I find this deceitful as do the people who have contacted me to tell me about it. Suggest you use all avenues possible to warn all that you know that this is what is occurring in some areas of NSW. Also, as people are agreeing to the trial, they have given their consent freely to having the smart meter installed as it is part of the trial.

        • Paul says:

          The fact that it’s an offer means they have given you a choice….hmmmm!!! I would imagine if you turn down their offer and keep their offer on file as evidence, they may have snookered themselves as far as an argument goes. Thoughts anyone?

    • keith says:

      Andrew download the no smart meters form, place it on the mtr box door, then cut a section out so the meter can still be read, and finally lock the meter box. That way you should be able to keep your trusty analogue meter. Be strong there are thousands who have locked their meter boxes.

  485. Carol says:

    Friday July 13, 2012
    I just spoke to Energy and Water Onbudsman office who told me that Victorian Government HAS passed a Law to enforce the installation of Smart Meters – can anyone confirm this for me? Thanks for all comments I feel justified in making a stand knowing we are not alone…

    • Peter says:

      Hi Carol
      Did they say which law? They are probably referring to the S200 Victorian Gazette 28th of August 2007. If so, this is the ‘law’ which states that distributors ‘are to use their best endeavours’ to install these surveillance and control devices. It does NOT say they Have to install these devices, and it does NOT say that customers HAVE to accept them. I would advise that you WRITE to the Ombudsman and ask for a copy of the law they are referring to. All ways get this sort of comment in writing for later use.
      If the government has introduced further legislation confirming the Ombudsmans statement, then without a boubt, Victoria has been declared a dictatorship by stealth, with foreign masters.

  486. angie says:

    I have recently bought a house that has already had a smart meter installed, it is incredibly frustrating as many other houses in the area are yet to have theirs installed.
    Anyway, I’d really love to hear from anyone who has successfully had a smart meter ‘uninstalled’. Is this even possible?
    Please tell me it is!

    • Regional_Victorian says:

      Hi Angie
      I know one person who had her smart meter uninstalled last year. However the only reason the power distributor did this was because there was a technical issue, which they weren’t able to resolve at the time (a very audible ‘humming’ sound came from the household wiring when a certain appliance was on in connection with the smart meter).

  487. Gerard Bini says:

    l am an EMF/Sick Building Consultant in Melbourne.
    I often see people trying to shield their smart meters and who have purchased proprietory shielding products to protect themselves from the RF emitted from them.
    None of these methods work beccuase the shielding still leaves an energy field which creates a resonant effect on human organs, or in other words creates organ stress..
    The only device which l know that totaly removes the resonant effect on organs is the Geoclense.

  488. Ryan says:

    And another spate of house fires in Melbourne and surrounding areas this weekend, many house fires have been happening whilst no one is home, no one is asking questions, I am, under investigation is stated always, I want to see the results of these investigations, many people have died in house fires the past 12 months but no results forthcoming, why?

    • Ryan says:

      just a quick update to my previous post. I just looked at some footage on ninemsn video of a house fire Caulfield South, the house was built in the 40s, the camera zoomed in on the burning power box near the roof, I may be wrong but I am becoming increasingly more suspicious of a dangerous cover up involving house fires. wondering if anyone shares my view. I added an article of interest.

    • Melbourne Mum says:

      It is highly possible there is a massive cover-up happening here as to the cause of all these fires. Very disturbing Ryan.

      • Informed Choice says:

        and yet another house fire is ‘under investigation’ here in Taylors Lakes Victoria. News report said the roof was well alight at 5am this morning… will we ever know whether it was a smart meter related fire? most likely… no. Still don’t trust these things made in India!

  489. FightingBack says:

    Look what they are saying mobile phones are doing to us. Imaging the effects of smart meters on our bodies. I think it is time to band together and hire a lawyer and start suing those responsible. How about a fighting fund to start? Used for taking action. In Europe they are fighting back against these groups especially in Greece. We need to fight back too.
    Take a look at this on iphone, mobile, watch the video –

  490. Pete says:

    I see on the petition, we are now getting entries from NSW, I am putting this submission in, as I think most other states don’t realise that the AMI is a COAG agreement (all states) and if these things get FORCED into Victoria and NSW, the other states will quickly follow on. I urge any intersate readers to get onto your ‘pollies’ ASAP and let them know right now, before they start in earnest, that you refuse to have one of these ‘surveillance and control devices’ in your home.

    • 1vimana1 says:

      Great advice Pete,
      Get stuck in early folks, don’t even waste a second. Firstly though, all of you in every State of Australia, lock your Electric Meter Boxes now, it’s the best thing to do. Once the dreaded dopey smart meter is on your property it will be a hell of a fight to get it removed.

  491. Vickie says:

    Could someone please answer this for me, I have been told by many in my area that Service Stream now need you to be home so that they can have access to come inside your home? prior to installation,if this is true which I believe they are doing so as a safety measure as a result of all the electrical fires that have been happening recently, this may mean that they cannot infact install the meter while you are out? this could be good news. could anyone please verify this. as it would mean if you do not allow them to come inside they will not be able to install the so called smart meter.

    • Pete says:

      Hi Vickie
      This sounds a bit ‘sus’ to me, why would they require to come INSIDE your house just to fit one of these devices which are normally fitted OUTSIDE? I would be questioning Service Stream about this, getting a reply in writing to post here on this site. I’ve never heard of this mob, who are they?

      • Sharron says:

        Service Stream are contracted by United Energy/Jemena to install the meters on their behalf, that’s all. I don’t know what their qualifications are though?? One of their installers showed me his ID the other week when I was discussing my concerns with him and he had no problems walking away after first taking a photo of my meter box locked! Photos … again! whatever…

      • Vickie says:

        Hi Pete, Well some people do have along with the outside power meter a power box located inside the house, I guess this may have something to do with it..I dont make up stories for the sake of posting on here. thanks for your help.

        • Pete says:

          Hi Vickie

          Sorry for the confusion, I was ‘sus’ about the need to enter a customers house, not the stories, as we are all well aware, it seems the installers will go to any lengths to get these devices installed. Incidentally, it appears that the installers are hired by the power companies, so I suggest, any complaints about the behaveur of installers be referred to both the EWOV and the power company, it also seems the government couldn’t care less how these devices are installed, as long as they get them in!

      • Sorina says:

        This is your home protect it.Vickie! I agree with Pete, why in the world would they have to be inside your home? Unless there is a warrant or a search needed. Get it in writing
        signed preferably by a lawyer . Make sure you have a friend with you. Bullying, intimidation and a host of other problems are coming to the surface. These Electrical Co’s need to get their investment back at all cost. All too often the cost is on the back of the consumers.These meters have been presented to the clients as safe. According to a respectable ” Fraud Detective.” They are guilty of deceit, fraud and even extortion when threatened with cutting off your service . DON’T ALLOW THEM TO INSTALL THE METER. PLACE A LOCK ON IT OR HEAVY CHAIN . PROTECT YOURSELF AND FAMILY
        These meters are unsafe well known world wide by now. Ill health effects, privacy, higher cost of electricity use and a high risk of fire to your home .The Smart Meter is not compatible with the Analogue, because it is wire-less. The impulses from the meter are not a few seconds as stated by the electrical Co. The exposure is proven to be 24/7 They are called carcinogens. and health departments do not approve of these meters..
        Get support from the neighbors you’re stronger in groups. One person facing the installer becomes vulnerable .Ask for his credentials, is he a professional electrical engineer.
        If he states that he is; let him show it to you. If he does not have it, let him come back another time with the necessary documentation. Good Luck Vickie, we are on your side.

        • Peter says:

          Hi Sorina and Vickie, I have recently visited an older, smaller house where the electricity meter was situated on the wall in the (small) lounge/dinning room! no more than a couple of feet from the dinning table! This person was having to sleep at the back of the house where the readings I took were slightly lower. These readings must have come from the neighbours ‘surveillance and control devices’, as the original analogue meter was still fitted. It did not occur to me that these things were fitted inside some houses, this must surely open a whole new can of worms.

          • Hello Peter! this to me is now becoming a criminal offense. They cannot tell me, that these contraptions are safe. The problem is; they need their investment back. What worries me, is that some of the components were made in China. The quality control is not the same as we experience here in Canada. Stay informed, and hook up to ..Also get together with apartments,condo’s and a host of other people. Power is with the people in numbers, and not on the grid…
            We are fighting corruptions here and we are the only ones that can change the scenery before it is too late . Also check out the news posted under the link: ” Enderby” meeting July 18th , 2012. It is an eye opener. Plenty of reasons to be concerned.

            • Pete says:

              Hi Shaccou

              You are qute right, they want to get their investment back, who from? Us Victorian CUSTOMERS of course, I wonder how they would go if we just stopped paying for something we refuse to have………EN-MASS!!!!!!!!!!

  492. Paul & Di McMahon says:

    Just a quick recommendation to anyone interested in viewing a very informative and thought provoking DVD in regard to EMF’s and EMR……..granted it is specifically about cell phones but even so it gives you an insight into the major concerns that everyone should have when it comes to electro magnetic air pollution……the statistics are frightening. Full Signal…the hidden cost of cell phones is available through Amazon or, & apparently you can download the doco on Youtube. You’ll never look at those towers the same way again!!!!!…………guaranteed.

  493. Art says:

    Joshua Hart is Director of Stop Smart Meters! He has worked in the energy industry, as a transportation planner, environmental advocate, and freelance journalist. Growing out of the grassroots group Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters, started in June 2010, Stop Smart Meters! has now evolved into an advocacy, media outreach, and direct action organization providing activism consultation and advice to dozens of local groups sprouting up who are fighting the wireless ‘smart’ meter assault. We’ll discuss how the smart meter debacle is a huge threat to our health, safety, privacy, and wallet. Also, how it is an opportunity for spying, centralized power and corporate control. Joshua tells us why Smart Meters are a false solution to the green movement. He’ll get into the specifics of how these meters operate. We will talk about the dangers of wireless technology, the smart grid propaganda and the inappropriate ways utility companies are demanding and enforcing the installations of these meters. Later, Joshua tells us about a utility company that has been spying, following and attempting to get info from his organization as though it is a military operation.

  494. Ben says:

    Hi All,

    After having a smart meter now for over 6 months I can say these things are extremely dangerous to ones health. After doing some research I found that the smart meters have a 2 pronged attack in place.. 1 dirty electricity, this one is the main culprit , 2 Wireless transmissions..

    The side affects of Smart meters mirror that of dirty electricity, from the site

    health issues from dirty electricity.
    headaches, nausea, lack of concentration, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, muscle and joint pain, muscle spasms
    palpitations, arrhythmia, low or high blood pressure, shortness of breath
    sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma
    skin rash, itching, burning, facial ?ushing
    pain or burning in eyes, pressure in or behind eyes, deteriorating vision, ?oaters, cataracts
    digestive problems, dehydration, immune abnormalities, pain in teeth

    Dont take my word for it.. do the research for yourself, I have no afiliation with the products other than i had to do something for my wife and kids , and found this product to be well proven in the US and europe.

    Yes bring on the class action, not just for the choice on smart meters, but also for Treason as the state government has implemented this for the benefit of private offshore corporations, which is treason and is not in the best interest of the public.

    • Ben says:

      EMR = electromagnetic radiation

    • Joanna says:

      I wonder if we can take action against the dirty electricity and EMFs that are being and will be released into our environment by the smart meters via Greenpeace Australia. I had a brief look on their website. They could potentially take action on the basis that EMFs and dirty electricity are an unacceptable risk to the environment and humanity. Simply putting a price on pollution will not stop this threat. Under their climate heading their goal is to keep our planet healthy and want to revolutionize the way we use and produce energy that is clean and cheap. There is enough information out there that proves the smart meter power grid will have a huge and very negative impact on the environment, the animals and humans. Perhaps we could raise our issues with this organisation and see what comes of it. Worth a shot!

  495. Mary says:

    I asked my local MLA from Victorian Parliament to send me proof that “actual legislation” now exists making it COMPULSORY that we MUST comply and have a Smart Meter installed when notified. A copy is being emailed to me. Please help, I only have four days to go before “SM” day. Does this means that if I refuse to allow installation then I am liable to prosecution? We are pensioners and notification in my area seems selective with older people first. I obtained an exemption last year but now they are back. It would be interesting to note if particular suburbs are being targeted and if socio-economics is a factor also.

    • Terry says:

      Your local MP can’t send proof that actual legislation exists, because it doesn’t.
      If you don’t mind, Mary, please share with us the contents of the email he sends you. We could do with a good laugh. You definitely will not be prosecuted for saying no to a smart meter. They haven’t come up with a plan as to how they’re going to deal with us dissidents yet. When they do you’ll be sure to read it on here first, I bet. At this stage they are all bluff and bluster, they are lying con artists. I’m not saying they will never come up with an evil plan, just that they don’t have one yet. You must keep your meter box locked and keep saying no, Mary. Hang in there, you have lots of mates.

  496. A Nony Mouse says:

    If you receive a letter signed by someone stating that smart meters are safe, then reply saying you take that as a “personal guarantee” and inform them you have left a copy with your Solicitor for future reference should there be any problem. (Erin Brockovich at Shine Lawyers in Sydney might be interested in a Class Action)
    You should also indicate that anyone making a statement that something is “safe” is leaving themselves personally open to legal action against them by either an individual or a group action in the future. Remember someone once said Thalidomide was “safe” as did someone in regard to Asbestos.

    • Pete says:

      Good one A Nony Mouse,I wonder how the installers would go, bearing in mind they are ‘licenced electricians’ who install these devices, and certify that the installation is ‘safe’?

      • ryan says:

        Pete, are you sure the installers are now Licenced Electricians? this was not the case a while ago.

        • Pete says:

          Ryan, I did read somewhere that the installers must supply the power companies, (not the home owner) with certicates of compliance for each installation, I will have to check back through my ‘archives’.

        • Pete says:

          Hi Ryan

          Check out Electricity Safety Act 1998 sect 45A.b.ii.

    • Terry says:

      Good post.
      For those who already have a smart meter installed, watch this add then ask yourself the question “What are you waiting for?”

      • Terry says:

        For Victorians interested there are also offices in Melbourne, Dandenong & Reservoir.
        13 11 99

        • Domenic says:

          I find it amazing that a law firm hasn’t come to the rescue here
          Like Erin brockovich did with pg&e with the cover up of contaminated ground water

  497. Pete says:

    Fair Dinkum Aussies’ comment about the spirit of the ANZACs and all the other Aussies’ that fought for our freedom, rings true, untill we ‘dig in’ and start to fight back using the ‘bully boy’ tactics being used on us, these forced installations will just carry on. Customers who have had these devices installed against their will should DEMAND the removal of this unwanted devise, failure to do this can be seen by these bullies as a weakness they will just continue to exploit.

  498. Pete says:

    On the Channel Seven; 6 oclock news today, during the coverage of ‘bullying tactacs’ to install these devices, the presenter said, ‘the DPI’s response was that “installation was between the power companies and their customers” ‘. Therefore any issues with the ‘forced installation’ MUST be delt with by the power companies, because the government is not interested how they (the power companies) achieve the the roll out!

    Obviuosly it is up to us; the customer; to leave the power companies in no doubt that we will not accept THEIR DECISION, there does not appear to be any law which states they HAVE to install these devices, by continuing to refuse the installation; and DEMANDING the immediate removal of installed devices.

  499. Health Issues says:

    Neil Mitchell just said on radio that he is doesn’t believe there are health issues with smart meters. Perhaps all those with issues should ring him. What world is he living in?

    • Vickie says:

      I have sent Neil numerous Scientifically proven Evidence of the Health effects from Smart meters, he said on radio today I may be naive, I believe he is naive and very ignorant and obviously doesnt read what I send him . in case you are reading this Neil, here is Evidence for you…….

    • anne hadden says:

      I am having real health issues and now have to leave my unit I live in, On doing a bitresearch I have found that it could be a connection with the adjoining unit having solar panels and send power back to the grid at the smart meter. I have 3 smart meters attached to my unit wall and the solar panels are about 1 foot from the dividing wall above my bed. Does anyone know if this is whats causing this?. are other sick people in the close vicinity of solar panels and a smart meter

  500. Anonymous says:

    Hi, was just wondering if you had any information on installation of smart meters in factories. We have 3-phase. SPAusnet say they now have 3-phase meters. We do not want one but we cannot lock the meter box due to layout of power board. I have telephoned SPAusnet they say I cannot even delay the installation. Do you have any suggestions on how we can delay this? Thank you.

    • Terry says:

      It is disgusting but these morons show so little respect for your wishes that you will definitely need to physically obstruct them. I have seen a few inventive ways, apart from locking the box, such as metal brackets around the meter bolted to the wall. Another person had put a strong steel cable and padlock around the meter in such a way that they can’t get at it to take it out. I can’t see how your meter is set up so I can’t be any more help. You will need to employ some inventiveness. Just make sure they can still read it. That’s important.

  501. Pete says:

    On the share your storey page, ‘meter just appeared’, I would like to know how Origin knew exactly how much this customers bill would be before the bill arrived? $100 straight up to $702!!!!!!!

    As for recourse, demand a detailed account before payment. Depending on the reply, send your complaint to the EWOV.

    regards Pete

  502. Terry says:

    The petition has crossed the 1000 mark! 🙂 Go people!

  503. Terry says:

    Petition, as I type, is at 989 names. 1000 would look so much stronger! Do you have any friends or family members who may like to sign?

  504. Peter Ellis says:

    In the US, a hacking expert says that the new electric-power Smart Grid now being installed across the country is 100% certain to be hacked, leading to massive failure of the entire grid:

  505. jackV says:

    I’ve just come across this:

    In part it says:
    “A Ministerial Advisory Council for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Smart Meter) program has recently been formed.
    It will focus on realising the benefits to consumers from Smart Meters and will ensure that Victorians have a strong voice in the program.”

    The focus is on “benefits” so I guess they don’t want to hear from the tens of thousands of Victorians that don’t want them.

    Also the list of organisations on the council clearly will not represent Victorians.
    I checked out the most independent sounding one: Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre.
    They had a press release last year in which they stated:

    “The Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre (CUAC) welcomes today’s announcement by the Minister for Energy and Resources, Mr Michael O’Brien MP, that the government will continue with the roll-out of smart meters across Victoria.”

    despite their mission statement being:

    “To ensure the interests of Victorian consumers, especially low-income, disadvantaged, rural and regional and indigenous consumers, are effectively represented in the policy and regulatory debate on electricity, gas and water.”

    I thought that the illusionary benefits of these dumb meters was a done deal but obviously not if we need to put more of our tax dollars into figuring it out.

    • Eric says:

      Yes jackV, I read that too.
      Fait accompli, so the government thinks.

      “A Ministerial Advisory Council for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Smart Meter) program”…Sounds more like the propaganda arm of government, for those that have a vested interest in the “roll out” of smart meters.

      “Members will include key stakeholders including consumer groups and industry representatives – a good cross-section of both the community and industry.”…Check out the good “cross-section” below. Seems the majority are all big business that profit from the “roll out” at our/the peoples expense.

      AGL Energy
      Citipower and Powercor
      Energy Retailers Association of Australia
      Origin Energy
      SmartGrid Australia
      SP AusNet
      United Energy Distribution

      This “advisory council” only advises on the the pros of their big business and money, not health, environment, freedom of choice and safety etc.
      They are only it it to make profit at your expense!
      Where is the opposing ministerial advisory group?
      Say not to these so called “smart meters”.

      • Pete says:


        I sent the following email to the customer service department DPI on 25/4/2012, as yet (and usual) no reply.

        ‘I note with interest that the announcement of this council has been made AFTER it has been formed, and is made up of mainly industry and government departments, very impartial, (just like the ‘cost/benefit analysis’)!

        I note there are 15 members of this group, how many represent the many Victorians who refuse to have one of these devices installed in their homes? These Victorian CUSTOMERS are being forced to deny access to their meters for the sole reason they refuse to have them!

        How many of these members have a vested (monetary) interest in totally ignoring their CUSTOMERS protests? Money is quite obviously the sole concern of these members to the exclusion of all other issues with the AMI roll out.

        Remember, this is Victorian tax payers money you are spending, on some thing many Victorians do not want; for several very valid reasons which you continue to ignore!


        • jackV says:

          Nice, willing to bet that you don’t get an answer tho. Something seems to happen to these people when they are being paid to push a point of view. They sell their soul just to make their weekly wage.

          • Pete says:

            Right on JackV, No response as yet.

          • Sasha says:

            Jack V. We know, that these meters are poison. But the installer apparently gets a bonus for every meter installed. So that is the reason they get aggressive and bully you if necessary. Threats are also commonly used, disconnecting your electricity, if you don’t accept the meter. Well you could call this extortion. These installers are driven, because they also have to pay their bills and/or support families. So it is up to all of us to show our teeth. THIS IS STILL A DEMOCRACY IS IT NOT ??????????

            • Pete says:

              Hi Sasha, IF we still have a DEMOCRACY, then the laws, as quoted by the Victorian government and the power companies, ie, ‘they are compulsory’ and ‘you cannot refuse to have one’ and the power companies ‘are obliged by law to fit them’ CAN NOT EXIST! In my oppinion the tactics being used are worse than extorsion, if you or I made these sorts of threats, we would probably be faceing bullying charges or worse still, blackmail charges. (We are talking about an ESSENTIAL SERVICE)
              I have asked the goverment, ‘do Victorians have the democratic right to refuse to have one of these things installed in their homes’ and the reply was the standard, ‘the previous govermnet has mandated them’, neither the government nor the power companies will give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, because if they do, they are either declaring that Victoria is a dictatorship, or they will open the flood gates for refusing them. As a matter of interest, I have sent the same question to all the other state governments asking the same question, and I got no reply from NSW or the Northern Teritory, it seems that we are the only state that has ‘mandated’ them, but the other states still say that the matter of CHOICE of meter is up to the distrbutors, and you can not refuse their choice. So it seems your question in bold letters really does need an OFFICIAL answer.

  506. Sega says:

    Our NSW household received a letter from Ausgrid a few days ago, notifying us that they will be replacing our current meter with a smart meter within the next few days as part of a “trial”, but the fine print on the Ausgrid smart meter trial website confirmed the meter will not be removed even after the “trial” is over. So in reality it’s a stealth NSW rollout, and people are not being warned. Not much time between Ausgrid’s letter and their installation schedule, just a few days. Thankfully our family read the letter in time. I phoned the installer first to tell him I legally opt-out of the trial and refuse consent to install it on my property. He asked me to call Ausgrid’s 1300 number to get the installation job cancelled in the job tracking system. So I phoned the 1300 number on the Ausgrid smart meter NSW trial website, and was connected with a smug arrogant Ausgrid customer support person, who tried to convince me the reasons I had for refusing the install were not valid. I was in a bad mood about the subject and grumpily held my ground, insisting they acknowledge my legal opt-out of their “trial”. Eventually the Ausgrid phone guy agreed but gleefully added that in the future after the trial I (NSW resident) would be forced to comply and to have one installed as part of Ausgrid’s mandate… he said every house in Australia will.

    • Terry says:

      Let’s not be too worried about smug customer support staff. They are just company puppets who are taken into meeting rooms and fed sausage rolls, cakes and BS by their managers about how customers are mandated to have smart meters installed. For future reference, you are better off not even speaking to these people, do all your corresponding in writing if possible. But if you do happen to speak to one of these trained parrots and they adopt their high and mighty attitude about how we will be forced to comply and have a smart meter installed as a part of THEIR mandate, ask them if they would kindly forward to you a copy of the regulation which states CUSTOMERS are mandated to accept one of these meters. You know what? It doesn’t exist. The only mandate that exists is one that states that the electricity utility must use their best endeavours. That’s it. They’ve got nothing but bluff – at this stage. That’s not to say the government won’t try to pass some law and try to coerce us into agreeing later on. I’m sure they’ll try. But this will be such a difficult thing for them to do. People have to understand just how difficult that will be for the government. We are in a much stronger position than people realise. Think about it. What sort of country will we have become if we get to the stage where decent, honest people, the elderly, families with small children and babies are having their power cut off or being charged outrageous charges becayse they have refused, in all good conscience, to have a device fitted which they believe is dangerous for their health, safety and privacy. If that day ever comes, the game is up for these corrupt agenda driven crooks. Their disdain for the freedom and rights of Australian citizens will then be out in the open for all to see. That’s when they will find out that not all Australians are asleep or compliant like sheep and those of us
      who are not have some real ticker and are prepared to fight for our freedom!

    • Tigeress Mum says:

      Sega, I know how you feel – I too am thankful I did my research on these meters and acknowledgeed the letter in time before they installed it at our home as part of the trial. The frustrating thing is they have not acknowledged expert opinion and happenings overseas where smart meters are now clearly implicated in adverse health affects.

      The DPI website sites low levels of exposure to radiation and goes so far as stating it meets ARPANSA codes; they even give a lovely graph showing how our microwaves and telephones emit higher levels of radiation. What they don’t explain is that these are intermittent and that the codes relate to thermal ionizing radiation levels – not non-thermal levels which recent worldwide scientific studies state are hazardous to our health. It doesn’t explain how the pulsed radiation emitted from smart meters is the problem regardless if it is lower than other home appliances. It is false and misleading to compare levels emitted from home appliances and smart meters – if you don’t do your research you can be easily fooled into a false sense of safety……the risk is just too great and I’m mad they care so little – I intend to look out for my family; because they aren’t.

      If you’ve time check out this sage report and the expert letters written by experts in this field…..

      Included just one such letter

      University at Albany State University of New York
      Institute for Health and the Environment
      Department of Environmental Health Sciences
      School of Public Health

      This is a report on the review of the California Council on Science and Technology document, “Health Impacts of Radiofrequency from Smart Meters”. I am a public health physician and former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University at Albany. I have been involved in review and analysis of studies on electromagnetic fields, including radiofrequency fields, for many years. I served as the Executive Secretary to the New York State Powerlines Project in the 1980s, and have published several reviews on the subject and have edited two books. In addition I was invited to present to the recent President’s Cancer Panel on the subject of powerline and radiofrequency fields and cancer.

      This document is not an accurate description of the state of the science on the issue of radiofrequency fields, and is full of inaccuracies. My specific concerns are as follows:
      1.The benefit of the smart meters is entirely to the utilities, and is economic in nature. If they install smart meters they can fire those individuals who at present are employed to go around reading meters. Thus this is a job-killing proposal, and will increase unemployment in a state that already has too much.
      2.When a smart meter is installed residents have no choice in the matter nor ability to avoid exposure. But every individual has the option to use or not use other personal wireless devices, until more is known about health consequences of chronic RF exposure. There is a major difference between an exposure which an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced on individuals who can do nothing about it.
      3.The statement “The potential for behavioral disruption from increase body tissue temperatures is the only biological health impact that has been consistently demonstrated and scientifically proven to result from absorbing RF within the band of the electromagnetic spectrum that smart meters use” is totally wrong. In the first place there are many adverse health effects other than “behavioral disruption” demonstrated as a result of tissue heating. The evidence for increased risk of brain tumors, acoustic neuromas and parotid gland tumors in individuals who have used a cell phone for 10 years or more is consistent, and the tumors occur predominantly on the side of the head where the phone is used. There is also strong and consistent evidence for increased risk of leukemia in individuals who live near to high power AM radio transmission towers, even though this report characterizes such exposures as being “quite low” and show in Figure 7 that they are lower than the RF fields from smart meters.
      4.The statement “The scientific consensus is that body temperatures must increase at least 1oC to lead to potential biological impacts from the heat” is totally wrong, and makes it obvious that no persons with medical or biological expertise participated in this report. Every enzyme system in the body is exquisitely sensitive to temperature, and increases activity by even a fraction of a degree increase in temperature. In fact all RF generates heat, and what is defined as “non-thermal” is only a function of our ability to measure the temperature increase.
      5.The statement “While concerns of brain cancer associated with mobile phone usage persist, there is currently no definitive evidence linking cell phone usage with increased incidence of cancer” is incorrect. The evidence is strong and consistent among studies looking at long-term and intensive use of cell phones. The AM radio studies mentioned above are also relevant, particularly because like smart phones radio transmission towers give whole body radiation, not just to the head.
      6.The statement “There currently is no conclusive scientific evidence pointing to a non-thermal cause-and-effect between human exposure to RF emissions and negative health impacts is
      inaccurate, and depends totally on what one defines as conclusive”. In biology and medicine there is nothing that is 100% proven. We rely on statistical significance and weight of evidence when drawing conclusions about health effects. When one uses these definitions there is conclusive scientific evidence for adverse health effects in humans.
      7.The evidence for adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation is currently strong and grows stronger with each new study. Wired meters with shielded cable do not increase exposure. The report clearly indicates that “smart meters could conceivably be adapted to non-wireless transmission of data. However, retrofitting millions of smart meters with hard-wired technology could be difficult and costly.” Clearly the answer to this dilemma is not to install wireless smart meters to begin with.

      Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this faulty report, and on the general issue of smart meters. Their use is unwise from both a public health point of view, which is where my expertise lies, but and also from a purely short and long-term economic point of view.

      Yours sincerely,

      David O. Carpenter, M.D.

      Director, Institute for Health and the Environment

      University at Albany

      Stay strong because as others have said they will try to convince you it is safe…we are already bombarded with greater levels of electomagnetic radiation, smart meters add just another layer – and who is to say this combined level meets current (and experts believe outdated) ARPANSA guidelines!

      Tigeress Mum

    • Fair Dinkum Aussie says:

      To our NSW friendly smart meter fighters. It is not just Ausgrid. My brother is in NSW and under Country Energy – he didn’t get a letter – he arrived home to find the spare fuses he had stored in his meter box thrown on the ground, so he opened the meter box to check what the story was. Guess what he found—- a smart meter of course. This was a few months ago, his first account was $300 higher so he asked when he was supposed to be using all this extra power as there is no one home during the day. He was told he was using a huge amount of power at night, – yep you guessed it all he had going was his fridge. He has repeatedly asked Country Energy ever since about it and they keep saying they will come and check it – but of course no one is turning up – probably too busy stealthily installing other smart meters while people are at work. Oh and of course when he queried his first account he was told that his old analogue meter wasn’t working properly – same story as they are using in Victoria.
      From our experience in Victoria – suggest ALL NSW citizens ignore ALL propoganda from Govt and Power Companies – do your own investigation of all the great info available overseas via the internet – and most importantly – those of us fighting to the end in Victoria have locked our meter boxes – put windows in them for the meters to be read, put up the No trespass and no consent signs on the meter box and at the entry to our properties and sent the NO CONSENT to install smart meters to the Power Companies and the Govt depts supervising the roll out – very sneaky to call yours a trial – maybe they don’t want to have to deal with all the anti being experienced in Victoria.
      The ANZACs and all the other wonderful Aussies who fought for our freedom should be our models – we need to fight for our rights and freedom NOW. So to all other States in Australia, fight to the end.

      • Pete says:

        Hi Fair Dinkum Aussie

        Perhaps your brother should inform his power company that he will not pay any further bills untill the problem is sorted out TO HIS SATISFACTION?

        regards Pete

  507. Art says:

    Does anyone know of an Australian equivalent of Freedomtaker, offering safe old style meters to replace these new violations please?

    • Art says:

      Does anyone know of an Australian equivalent of Freedomtaker, offering safe old style meters to replace these new violations please, or a sparky with old supplies? About ready to smash this thing off, though I know this isn’t the right approach, maybe a niche business idea manufacturing good old analogue meters!?

  508. Kev says:

    Smartmeters, with all their widely OBVIOUS disastrous features are beng rolled out in so many countries across the world, and it is pretty obvous that our Government, who we would hope would be acting as our elected representatives, are not in full control of the extent of the Scheme and are simply falling into line. That global Scheme is being orchestrated by something else, beyond our borders. Something that is controlling OUR Government. That OUR Government should go along with this global big brother Scheme should ring WARNING BELLS in the minds of all democratically minded people. Australia can still be an outstanding nation – but unless the smart meter Scheme of control and all its minions are eradicated, this will be its undoing. Wake up people, see what is happening.

  509. Don Maisch says:

    Don Maisch says:

    Essential reading is the latest report on smart meters by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine that calls for immediate caution regarding Smart Meter Installation. This should be widely distributed.

    April 12, 2012


    Wichita, KS‐ The American Academy of Environmental Medicine today released its position paper on electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) health effects calling for immediate caution regarding smart meter installations. Citing several peer‐reviewed scientific studies, the AAEM concludes that “significant harmful biological effects occur from non‐thermal RF exposure” showing causality. The AAEM also expresses concern regarding significant, but poorly understood quantum field effects of EMF and RF fields on human health.

    “More independent research is needed to assess the safety of ‘Smart Meter’ technology,” said Dr. Amy Dean, board certified internist and President‐Elect of the AAEM. “Patients are reporting to physicians the development of symptoms and adverse health effects after ‘Smart Meters’ are installed on their homes. Immediate action is necessary to protect the public’s health.”


    The full paper is available online at:

    Click to access pressadvisoryemf.pdf

  510. Tigeress Mum says:

    Received an offer to be part of a trial for smart meters in NSW, today (Wed). Date of work set for this Fri or Sat. Not much time between being informed and having instalation. Was skeptical as the letter assured me of no additional costs during trial period (runs till oct 2013). Did not give instuctions on how to opt out; rang 1300 no. to ask questions and felt I was being given ‘the spin’. I was told it would help me lower my bill.

    I’ve been up researching and am horrified our gov seems not to care about its peoples health and safety. Would love to know if those in charge of this have the smart meters in their homes; exposing their families to the Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation. Woman on the phone said I could opt out but would need to do so before Thurs lunchtime. I plan to do just this, first thing in the morning. And will let neighbours know. Was told that in the future my provider could install a smart meter if they wanted regardless of my wish not to have one!!

    I feel so angry right now, which has spurred me on to fight this….so glad this site exists. It horrifies me to think after a long work day I could of just asked my son to leave the mail on the bench and not read it until after the smart meter was installed (you see the mail clearly pointed out they needed no further communication from me and would install the device without my being home).

    Tigeress Mum

    • Terry says:

      After browsing through the many posts on this site it becomes abundantly clear the “authorities” have no respect whatsoever for us mere plebeians. Make sure you padlock your meter box, Tigeress Mum. They have no respect for the signs. Apparently they just rip them off. To my knowledge they haven’t started cutting locks off yet – but give it time. As for this line about them having the right to install a smart meter whether you like it or not, that is total rubbish. Call their bluff on that and ask them to provide chapter and verse of the supposed law that backs up that claim. There is none. Banish them from your property and keep saying no. That’s what we have to do for now.

      I feel sorry for the poor buggers who already have the wretched things installed, I really do. Stopping the installation is one thing, having them remove the smart meter is a whole different battle. I’m sure our corrupt leaders are working feverishly to enact a law that will enable them to punish all those who refuse the installation. I guess we’ll just have to address that issue when the time comes. But for now we can legally tell them to get the hell off our property and stick their smart meter where the sun don’t shine. But you will need to physically prevent them by locking your meter box, because they are sneaky rats.

      • Tigeress Mum says:

        Good advice Terry – I will be padlocking my meter box. I called to opt out of the trial and was told I don’t have to participate in the trial; but that it may be two weeks, two months or two years but I would be getting a smart meter; as will all NSW residents. I was told I was put on ‘hold’ for installation. ‘NO’, I do not want to be put on ‘hold’; I do not want one I replied – Well we’ll put you on ‘hold’, that’s all we can do, as you will eventually have to.

        Ausgrid tried to persuade me they were safe and I was receiving more eloctromagnetic radiation from my phone……thankfully I’d done research and was not persuaded. When asked the source of their safety ascertions I was told it came from the smart meter manufacturers! I place greater validity in unbiased, scientific, robust research!!

        I naively supposed our gov would look out for us… I’m angry and wonder where is the integrity! I want to help stop this and I too feel for those who have smart meters installed in their homes and do not want them. The petition is signed and I’ve spoken with neighbours and friends; it’s scary cause like myself initially, these people know little about the issues surrounding smart meters.

        My fear is ‘they’ will win and we will be forced to have these smart meters installed eventually. I will stay strong and continue to say NO….although they say it is their meter on my property and can be changed as I do not own it. I was told I could always choose to swich off my electricity supply.

        Intend to tell everyone I can about the health issues surrounding these meters

        Tigeress Mum

        • 1vimana1 says:

          Dear Tigress Mum,
          Lock that Electric Meter Box of yours pronto, you own it as it is part of your home property when you first bought your home.
          Next, go and see a good lawyer as I did. I got the first 30 minutes of this lawyer’s time for free the first week and the same the second week. You could ask for the first 30 minutes free, same deal as me. Now he like me, has locked his Electric Meter Box.

          If these oveseas ownned Electric Power Company stand-over merchants send you another letter demanding you accept a dopey and now proven to be dangerous Type 2B Mirowave Smart Meter, from World wide evidence coming in every day over the Internet and other means of communication. See your lawyer and get him to reply politely by Registered Postal letter to these FIENDS and forcefully. He could write to them stating something like …..” You are to desist with communicating with my client immediately. Get this lawyer’s advice on the best way to fight this Electric Power Companies’ wicked tactics. Perhaps this lawyer of yours could advise this Electric Power Company along these lines……..That, if you get another Harassing Letter from them, then you and your Lawyer will ill sue them for say $10,000,000:00 or perhaps $20,000,000:00 dollars. This is the only type of language these Criminals understand. I sent them a $10,000,000;00 Notice of intent to sue if they sent me another Letter of Harassment or if they so much as phoned me ever again. You get your Lawyer to do the same. So far it’s worked for me. I haven’t had a phone call from them or another letter for just on four months now.

    • Ross Holder says:

      From reading this I cannot determine whether they have already installed one or not. If not, get a lock on your meter box ASAP.

      This is how they work. My notification letter sat in United Energy’s mailroom for 10 days before it was posted, and arrived just a few days before the commencement of the installations in our area. I was prepared. I had the hardware sitting there purchased months ago, and although my SMC (Smart Meter Countermeasures) are elaborate they are now installed. I have a literally bulletproof polycarbonate window for future meter readings and a big chunky padlock on a hasp and staple.

      This rapid turnaround is to circumvent any organised opposition. If these things are ‘mandated’, what’s with all the cloak and dagger stuff?

      • Tigeress Mum says:

        Ross, smart meter not installed, I will be padlocking my meter box and making a ‘peep’ hole for future readings. My neighbour is not sure if she’s thrown her letter out or never received an offer – she often throws ‘junk’ mail out and mine appeared like ‘junk’ – no envelope just the offer to be “lucky” to be selected. After alerting my neighbours they say they will look into it; I beleive my families health is at risk if smart meters are istalled at neighbouring properties; so want my community smart meter free, as much as possible. How many others are too busy with everyday life and before they notice it, have a smart meter installed – all because of assumed consent.

        Angry and sad that this is happening in beautiful Australia. I have been reading about situations in the US, Canada and England. Why wont our gov listen to the cautions issued by researchers in the know regarding smart meters and the risks posed to health and safety.

        Go Ross, I like the sound of your SMC

        Tigeress mum

      • Pete says:

        Even if you have had one installed against your will, I would be writing a letter DEMANDING its removal! If you are told you will be disconnected from the electricity supply, DEMAND the legal authority for them to do so!

  511. Eric says:

    A few questions I have asked myself (perhaps someone can help answer):

    *Who owns the smart meters or analogue meters?
    *Who pays or has paid for them?
    *The distribution companies claim to own the meters, so, did we pay for them in any way, or did/does the distribution company pay for them outright?
    *If we pay for the meters, do we own them, or is this a rental?
    *Can the distribution company provide proof of their claim that they own the analogue meters and smart meters, given payment?

    Who actually owns the meter at your residence?
    I suspect the distribution companies etc are making FALSE CLAIMS about ownership.

    • ben says:

      seeing that possession is relevant to the property I would say they are making false claims. how often do you see electricity companies taking meters back when you sell your house.

      is there a change of ownership based on who owns the meter? no its partof the house therefore the resident is the owner.

      the new meters are not ours though so basically they are stealing your property and putting theres in its place.

      • Eric says:

        Time to ask for proof of their claim that they own the current meters I think.
        Next time they write to me, I shall do so…as a condition of course.

  512. Peter says:

    I have been waiting (and asking) for three months for a copy of the ‘detailed procedure to disconnect a customer from their power supply’ from the DPI, I have told them to simply ‘copy and paste’ the procdure. As yet I have not been able to obtain this procedure, which both the DPI and Powercor (they refered me to the DPI for this information) have been threatening their customers with for the last couple of years.

    I can only come to the conclusion that either the procedure does not exist, or, that it cannot be legally applied.

    I ask every one on this site to demand this procedre from their power company and the DPI.


    • Di says:

      Well said Peter. What I find interesting is that many including myself, are not receiving anything in writing from Power Distributors and DPI re disconnection at the moment – however many are being threatened/harrassed/coerced verbally with such comments when standing up for their rights and saying they are totally refusing/not consenting to having a smart meter installed. I find this really interesting. The BULLYING and Coercion of vulnerable citizens is a real concern to me – this is illegal everywhere else except by Power Distributors and DPI. Makes me wonder how the installers are being trained???? and the staff on the phones?? What are their directions??? I suggest to ALL citizens refusing/not consenting to the installation of a smart meter DO NOT HAVE TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS WITH THEM, ASK FOR EVERYTHING IN WRITING. IF THEY COME TO THE DOOR RECORD THE “EVENT” ON VIDEO/IPHONE/IPAD. IF YOU ARE BULLIED TAKE A PHOTO OF THE PERSON AND THE VEHICLE WITH REGISTRATION SHOWING – THEN CONTACT THIS SITE with details.

      • Peter says:

        I’m with you Di, unfortunately I did what you said not to do. Silly me. It is not just the DPI and power companies that refuse to respond to our concerns. I recently wrote a seven page letter to our local members of parliament stating my concerns and refusal to have one of these devices in my home. The Liberal member simply pressed the ‘standard response button’ and I got the same old programmed letter that we get from the DPI and the power company. The labor member had her assistant or office girl ring me, it did not take long for her to admit ‘there is nothing they can do as they are not in office’!
        So, we have Baillieu blaming ‘the the previous government’ and saying they can’t fix ALL their mistakes, as I see it, they haven’t fixed ANY of their mistakes, and the Labor pollies saying they can’t do anything about the mess they implimented!

        VICTORIA, THE PLACE TO BE!!!!!!!!

        • ryan says:

          I woke up this morning to hear on the news there were 6 fires overnight, 4 or 5 were house fires and no one is thinking this is odd, whats goiing on????

        • Ryan says:

          I just came across this article by the Sydney Herald sun, already hackers are on the job with Smart Meters, the FBI are worried about it, maybe some spanners are being thrown into the works, I have a feeling this Smart Meter rollout plan is going to have one problem after another, I hope the bosses are worried, I have included the link

          • Peter says:

            It looks like the hackers were straight into the American AMI years ago! We have seen here in Victoria bills as high as $4,500! You can bet the hackers are already in here as well, if they are, could they simply pass part of their bill onto some one else? The other concern is, if they have gained access, they may be selling all the credit card, pension card, bank accounts, addresses and all the other ‘personal details’ held by the power companies.
            As for the bosses being worried, I don’t think so, they will just add the losses to their customers future bills!

        • Ross Holder says:

          Yes, I have the same opinion… I had the same response from United Energy distribution after I sent my “non consent under contract law” letter…. nothing in writing about disconnection and misleading language about mandates. I would be VERY SURPRISED if the threat of disconnection is real, as my experiences with written responses from government departments display VERY CAREFUL WORDING and if you don’t want to face legal action, NEVER PUT ANYTHING IN WRITING.

          I’m just waiting for the TV news where an electricity distributor reprimands one of their employees about threatening to cut off someone’s electricity.

          Also, I am sure the moment someone has their power cut off for refusing to have a smart meter installed it will be headline news…. and a bad day for electricity distributors.

          • peterrocker says:

            My aged Father-In-Law receieved his letter today about the installation in the near future. I haven’t seen it yet but he said the letter said he could not refuse to have one.
            Obviously this is part of the bully boy type of threat.

  513. paula says:

    For those of you having a hard time sleeping, having palpitations or various other symptoms as I had and various clients of mine had, I can assure you that despite various opinions, placing organite in our homes made a significant difference. I found I did need more of it over time, but this might well be due to increased levels of radiation. Fair enough. If you are open to the idea, (weird though it sounds and look) and willing to try it, Google and find someone selling it. It should not be expensive. It might be that some is made better than others. The guy I used to get it from is not currently making it, but kindly gave me this advise today on making it onesself. ( And there are plenty of You Tube videos on how to make it) ” It’s really pretty easy to make, just a bit of a messy job but anyone can do it. You need epoxy resin or polyester resin (as well as catalyst to harden it), a mold (any shape really, muffin tins work or plastic cups.) Metal shavings / pieces, preferably including some copper, but steel and aluminum seem to work fine. And a quartz or amethyst crystal. My preference is to wrap thin copper wire clockwise around the crystal. The mix should be about 50/50 resin to metal. Some say there’s benefit to adding other crystals to the mix, I really don’t know if that’s true or not.”
    No-one really understands how it works, but don’t worry about that if you want help. Just try it if you need help. For me it made the difference between tense all night, palpitations, unable to sleep, anxiety, bursting head, mood all over the place, and a reasonable night’s sleep and getting back my mind and heartrate. That’s worth not understanding how it works! I am not promising anyone anything, so don’t blame me if it doesn’t work for you please- but it has worked for me and many others. Clients of mine went from headaches, feeling weird, insomnia, inrritability to none of those. It is loosley based onthe work of of Dr Wilhelm Reich from a century or so ago.
    Another thing that helped me a lot in using my laptop was removing the battery altogether and installing a modem that is incapable of wireless. Suddely I did not feel as weird when I used it. And of course no wireless appliances in the home at all.
    Good luck!

  514. paula says:

    Hi all, I suggest we attempt to persuade doctors to gather data on those who seem afffected by recently installed/ Turned on smart meters. I have devised a short patient survey for them to fill in and started with the agreement of one doctor, after also giving him a page of information and explaining the issue- minus the emotion, which would not help. The idea is if a patient arrives with a new set of symptoms that seem to relate to the ones commonly experienced from EMF, ( or a sudden exacerbation of existing saymptoms) he checks out their smart meter situation and then if it seems to fit, fills out the form. As my GP said, these are very common symptoms….however at least this starts to educate the doctors, who mostly have no idea about this topic- and not many would be watching channels 7,9 or 10!
    Should you wish to follow suit with your local doctors here is the survey. Bear in mind they have little time and may have little motivation- so short is good. You can fit two of these on an A4. Where is says Drs name, hopefully they will use their stamp with their provider no- makes it more authentic. If you do get doctors to take these, don’t forget to go back in a few months and see if there are some filled in! Below is an info sheet you can give them as well. Obviously the info could go on ad infinitum, but too long and they would not read it. Too emotive and they would not take it seriously. You might like to change it or not..I think I pinched most of it from you, Don Maisch. Hope this is OK!:

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SMART METER PATIENT SURVEY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Date of consultation:………………………….. Patient’s home suburb ……………………………………..
    Presenting symptoms: new/ increased ……………………………………………………………………..
    Duration of current symptoms/ change ………………………………………………………………………..
    How long ago was smart meter installed ……………………………………………………………………….
    When was remote reading activated (if known) …………………………………………………………….
    Signed by Dr ……………………………………………… Drs name ……………………………………………….
    *********************************************************************************************************************** Health Effects of Smart Meters
    Tens of thousands of smart meter complaints overseas have been submitted to authorities. In Victoria, as elsewhere, people are becoming sick when smart meters are connected to their electrical systems, even people who were not previously electro-hypersensitive. The most common symptoms are:
    • Insomnia
    • tinnitus
    • headache
    • fatigue
    • dizziness
    • agitation
    • nausea
    • memory
    • problems
    • palpitations
    • other heart problems
    About 3% of the population is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation according to overseas surveys, with some countries showing significantly higher results. Numbers are growing. Many scientific studies also show systemic long term effects … “exposure is additive and consumers may have already increased their exposure to radiofrequency radiation through voluntary use of wireless devices. It would be impossible to know how close a consumer might be to their limit, making safety an uncertainty with the installation of a mandatory SmartMeter “ Dr Namkung, Public Health Officer of Santa Cruz, 2012: Health Risks Associated with Smart Meters
    The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has opposed the installation of smart meters “based on a scientific assessment of the current medical literature… current medical literature raises credible questions about genetic and cellular effects, hormonal effects, male fertility, blood/brain damage and increased risk of certain types of cancers”.
    Health effects of radio frequency radiation
    Who else is concerned?
    Several schools in England and France have dismantled their Wi-Fi systems after concern from teachers and parents. In late 2007, the French National Library removed all Wi-Fi systems in Paris due to health complaints from staff.
    In 2005, the Austrian Medical Association published a recommendation to use cables instead of Wi-Fi. The Salzburg Government, the Frankfurt Local Education Authority and the German Teachers Union have also banned or advised against the use of Wi-Fi in schools.
    In mid-2007, the European Environment Agency released a statement advising precaution regarding exposure to Wi-Fi networks until more is known through science.
    In September 2007, the German Government issued a warning to citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi in the workplace or at home, suggesting cabled connections instead.
    In September 2007, following the Bioinitiative Report, Europe’s top environmental watchdog, the European Environmental Agency, called for immediate action to reduce exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi, mobile phones and their masts. It suggested that delay could lead to a health crisis similar to those caused by asbestos, smoking and lead in petrol
    The above information is from a Consumer Health and Safety Advice brochure from EM Facts consultancy Don Maisch has a PhD on the topic. His Study is entitled The Procrustean Approach -Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation- An examination of the manipulation of telecommunications standards by political, military, and industrial vested interests at the expense of public health protection.

  515. Peter says:

    I would like to hear if any one has had one of these devises installed AGAINST THEIR WILL, and written to the distributor DEMANDING its removal and if so what was the response?

    There are several points that could be argued,

    The whole issue is UNDEMOCRATIC. (they say you are FORCED to have a devise you do not concent to)

    The HEALTH issue.

    FALSE STATEMENTS by the distributor. (they state you cannot refuse to have one)

    They are surveillance devices. (INVASION OF PRIVACEY)

    They are capable of IDENTIFYING AND CONTROLING house hold appliances. (MANIPULATIVE)

    The distributors state that ‘they are designed to change the way we use our energy [and later gas and water]’, ie the way we live.


    I have to admit, I do not (and will not) have one of these devices in my home under ANY circumstances, and have informed the prime minister, the Victorian state premier, the DPI, the ESC, and Powercor to that fact.

    • Alan says:

      Up here in Shepparton one of the local radio stations went off air due to their smart meter blowing up in their transmission station at nearby Mt Major. I know the person who went to repair it and he works for one of the power companies. He showed me the photos and I was quite surprised to the extent of the damage. As my meter box is directly behind my head on the outside of my bedroom wall I woud be exposed to serious risk if one exploded. I do not want one and will take the fight to court if they try to install one against my will.
      So now we have companies using the government to force us us to accept something we dont want..
      That’s democracy in action for you. What a joke.

  516. kathy says:

    I have been reading everyones comments and stories and everyone on this site wants to do something to stop and reverse this roll out….there is no point contacting your electricity provider, they are all hopless and they don’t care that our lives have been ruined. Lets all march to parliament and protest just like the American’s did, lets make some physical noise, maybe then we will be taken seriously and maybe then we Victorians can have an opt out program too. We need to unite and fight for our health and our children. No point in complaining on this forum, who is listening to us??? Iam ready to fight lets unite, people power…who is willing to take action on this government NOW????

    • kenny says:

      I realize kathy’s post is 12 months old, but it sums up my thoughts at present.
      Promotion of an event like a march will enable us to knock on doors / hand out flyers etc. spreading awareness regarding SM’s. Let’s make some noise!

  517. Ross Holder says:

    We are moving to Kinglake (Victoria). Several locals have stated that smart meters have been installed without receiving a notification letter. SP Ausnet are getting sneaky- what’s with the cloak and dagger stuff if everything is above board?

    • Vickie says:

      I just watched an article on 9 news about a man named Simon who has gone to VCAT to prevent a smart meter at his heritage house the installation by jemena has been deferred until the next hearing, I wish him all the best, I found it amazing when Simon stated when asked why he didnt put a box around the meter if he didnt like its appearance, his response was I would need a planning permit for that, amazingly Jemena need no permits to come on our properties and install their dangerous devices. Keep up the fight people……

    • chris says:

      I phoned SP Ausnet and asked for a guarantee, in writing, that the smart meter would not cause harm to my family’s health nor to my property. I was emailed some info but not surprisingly no guarantee.

      Why am I going to pay through the nose for something I do not want, will never own and can’t get a guarantee for? Basic rights I would have thought.

      Anyway, they are in my street today. Wish me luck?

  518. kathy says:

    Hi, I would like to hear from those whom have suffered ill effects from your smart metre and your neighbours. I was probably one of the very first who made some noise about it last yr and went on today tonight. Since then many other’s have also. Whilst living with my sister whilst we renovated our home me and my child got very sick. As it turns out it was due to our neighbours metre and our own which was connected to my bedroom i slept in. When I got it independently tested the dumb metres as I like to call the was emmitting every half an hr at 20micro watts. Now that is quiet low but it was still enough to make me terribly ill. I had to Shield my home to stop the radiation and I of course had to pay for it as the Power company, SP Ausnet wanted nothing more but for me to go away. It took a good 6 weeks after shielding for my body to recover and for a while there lived happily ever after. But as of a week ago my nightmare has returned. We moved into our new home and my two front rooms are no go zones for me and my kids. My smart metre and the neighbours which directly faces my home is causing me grief. Now i took all precautionary measures before moving in. I had it tested independently and by City Power and of course what City Power told me was being emmitted was completly different to my independent test. The readings i was getting from my independent test was 150 to 300 microwatts per minute, when i was told by City Power it only emmitts very low doses only 6 times a day (bulls***). Anyhow i shielded our new home as well, at my own out of pocket expense, i shielded enough to protect my family from a nuclear bomb, but sadly the day i moved in my two front rooms were a big problem for me. One of the rooms is where my kids sleep so i moved them out and they are up stairs in my bed until i can sort this crap out. My house is a single front terrace so the loss of those two rooms is a big loss as the house ain’t overly huge. So tomorrow i will be back on the phone with my shielding guy to come bk and re test (more money) And ring City Power to get the surrounding smart metres turned down. This has been an on going nightmare for me for the past yr and a half and i can’t believe iam going through it again. How can the government allow this to go on, we are now being pounced with radiation 24/7 in our homes. What about our children, how many of them will get cancer from this 5 to 10 years from now. I cursed the day i became sensative to these dumb metres but in many ways I’am glad because i know how dangerous these things are and will become and it has allowed me to take all measures to protect my family and hopefully i can fix the problem in my new home soon as the anxiety and depression has set in because of this on going nightmare.

    • Di says:

      Suggest you contact Manager Communication and Public Relations, Energy Safe Victoria. Ph 9703 9744 or email: as they want to hear from people with issues of effects.

      • Ross Holder says:

        Ironic that it is called “Energy Safe Victoria”… I am still convinced that George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is the core text of the Victorian Bureaucrat Diploma!

        I don’t know if anyone else has picked it, but there has been a steady rise in Autism which is almost identical to the increase in environmental EMR. Graph the curve and it is the same shape.

        Coincidence? I don’t think so. There are a number of scientific studies citing EMR as a causal factor of Autism.

        There is a good chance that your children’s DNA is already fried.

  519. Vickie says:

    I dont want to be a part of the smart grid, I want no part of all these future plans, all wireless appliances, radiation filled homes, a government that can tell us what to do and when to do it. what a sad and sorry society, where we have no say regarding decisions that affect us, our children, animals and nature and we are dictated to how we live our own lives, the self absorbed leaders who I believe are cowards know the evidence of health and the effects on our eco system is proven, they turn their backs on us all, they dont have the guts to stand up and say what they all know…. THIS IS WRONG..

  520. Ryan says:

    A man from the DPI called me this evening, following previous contact I had made, he called regarding my refusal to have a smart meter, he claimed that I legally must have one, I told him that as far as I was concerned there was no Legal Mandate and told him that the power companies were informed by the Government to use their best endeavours to make customers have them, he then claimed that all the people who refuse the meters will be revisited and if still refused they would have mediation regarding the matter, he said if mediation did not solve the problem then that person would be excluding themselves from the grid, by excluding oneself from the grid, there will be no one to read their meters and he predicted inevitably they will be refused power services as a result of their refusal..

    • jackV says:

      It’s been suggested to me that if anyone wants to talk to me from the govt/power company that I insist that they communicate with me via letter or email. That way they will think twice about the BS they spin or any strong arm tactics.
      Be aware too that they would certainly frequent this site as they plan their strategy to bring those resisting on board.

    • Does anyone REALLY KNOW? says:

      Interesting about the prediction re inevitable refusing power services – we are repeatedly being told that there is a “set procedure to be followed prior to disconnection” yet the Power Dist, the Ministers Office and the DPI – no-one can tell us what it is.
      In the Consumer Action Law Centre’s submission to the AMI review in 2011, they stated “Further, we have concerns that consumers will at some point need to have their meter exchanged and that if a consumer continues to prevent access to the distribution business’ asset, the law has not been tested in this respect and the consequences are unknown for consumers.”
      They also stated “All consumers (including low income and vulnerable consumers) have a right access electricity due to its nature as an essential service” so is the “man from the DPI” in a position to give a “prediction”?????

      • Terry says:

        You make a good point. I have mentioned in other posts the fact that I do not believe that at this stage they, the authorities, have any clear idea about what they are going to do in relation to people who weather all the lies and propaganda and still say “No.” They will continue to bluff people into thinking that they have no say in the matter and that it’s a forgone conclusion and that they will have to have one of these damned devices. But that is all it is – bluff. I’m sorry to say, however, from my experience I have found so many people to be so easily bluffed and compliant in this country. But on the other hand, we have a significant number of decent, law abiding, tax paying, citizens, including the elderly and families with infants and small children, who will ultimately resist all coercion and refuse to have smart meters fitted. They will do this in good conscience because of safety, health and privacy concerns. So tell me this, what are the “authorities” going to do? Cut off their power? How can that happen? If that day ever comes everyone needs to realise that the so called freedom we are supposed to have is a load of rubbish and we are just living in a bloody glorified Gulag camp by another name!

        • Vickie says:

          I too see the bluff tactics they are using to make the public passive and hopefully force us all to have smart meters, I do not believe they will cut our power off but I do believe they will make it so costly for the people who refuse installation that in the end it will sadly come down to money, I read an article on the net regarding the opt out option which has been introduced in some countries and it seemed for those who opt out they will have huge costs inflicted on them, what a sorry and sad society, what about the so called leaders who know all this is wrong and show no concern for our health and safety, as I say the evil they inflict will come back to haunt them.

          • pete says:

            I think if we bear in mind that the distributors are BUSINESES, and we are their CUSTOMERS, are they prepared to loose possibly thousands of customers?
            During the ‘cost/benefit analysis’, approx 90.000 customers deferred their installation, if only 10% of these continue to refuse a ‘surveillance and control devise’, (9,000 customers) with an average of say $300/quater bill, and are disconnected, the BUSINESES will lose $2.7 MILLION/ quater! (just showing off my maths prowess!) With that prospect hanging over their heads, they must surely start to look at whether it is worth taking the risk?
            The power companies claim it will be too costly to run the analogue AND ami, my answer is, the analogue system is already up and running, so no ADDED cost there, if customers feel that they can benefit from the the ami then they should pay for it. Perhaps this is too logical for the government or distributors..
            Alas, this would not solve the health risk, but may at least reduce it?

    • peterrocker says:

      This threat of refusal of power services sounds so draconian it almost defies belief.
      I’ve noticed that politicians have never actually said this will happen but as they are as cunning as toilet rodents, one can’t take it as gospel.
      Perhaps the DPI might want to put it in writing if it really is a consquence of refusing this totalitarian dictated ”smart meter”.
      Perhaps you can ask them to do so and see if they will. Waving a threat in writing about it at this stage of the rollout should offend the decency of many.

    • L says:

      So what if no-one reads our meters…why can we not take a pic of the meter reading at a certain time in the month required – email the electrical company to charge us accordingly. Or instead of paying for the so-called smart meter via my electrical bill….I am happy to pay for someone to come for 2 mins to read my meter! Prob solved!

  521. Don Maisch says:

    In Tasmania we have a roll-out of smart water meters. They remain silent until the meter reader drives by with a wake up signal, send their data and then turn off until the next time. Probably once a month. I would assume that the gas smart reader will be the same.

    Don Maisch

  522. Ex Facie says:

    I have been informed today but Multinet (gas distributor in Victoria) that there is a current rollout of gas smart meters. This was the first time that I had become aware of gas meters being changed.

    • jackV says:

      I haven’t heard about this and can’t find any info about it.
      Was the letter to let you know when they were installing yours?

      • Ex Facie says:

        I received no letter. I called Multinet on an unrelated matter and their telephone number automatically has a message about smart meter installations. I asked one of their agents about this and apparently there is a gas smart meter rollout which will be communicated to households via letterbox drops. I have not received any letter. I suggest that you call your responsible gas distributor for more information.

    • Di says:

      I received a letter from SP Ausnet (didn’t know they were a Gas Distributor as well – what else do they own?) saying as part of ongoing maintenance they were coming to change our gas meter over – when I phoned and asked them they said that the gas smart meters were not ready to roll yet – bet this is more BULL….. – and installation by stealth and lies. I have put up a NO Trespass to install any Electricity, gas or water smartmeters on my property, at my entry. I’m sick of this. The guy told me that they hadn’t decided what type of smart meters to use for gas yet that they may have gas and water meters that would transmit through our electricity smart meter – I replied “that’s just great so our homes will be full of signals going everywhere”

      • Vickie says:

        Oh dear, gas too, wasnt it a gas smart meter that killed 8 people in San Bruno in America, it gets worse everytime I turn my computer on, seems this fight will last a lifetime oh well until they put me in the ground i will keep fighting, by the way, I am on twitter Knowlegedgirl is the name and at the moment I am trying to let the public see Michael O’Brien for the traitor he really is. keep up the good work people.

        • pete says:

          Hi Vickie

          According to the 2009 Futura report, by 2020 water smart meters too!

          All three essential services meters will be tracking you every time you fill your kettle to make a cup of tea, take a shower, bake a cake, all will be recorded in detail! Not only that, but according to one document it is possible to identify an appliance by its electrical signature, so they will be able to identify what appliances you are using, when and for how long.
          An Essential Services Commision Victoria document states ‘Potential for refllective tarriffs due to THE ABILITY OF DISTRIBUTORS TO PROFILE INDiVIDUALS’ CONSUMPTION!’
          VERY SCAREY!!!!

      • icexcream1587 says:

        This happened to me as well. I had a long night at work, slept in late, only to look at my window seeing two random people in my backyard (workers). I didn’t know if they were trying to break into my house, hence; I was never notified by the company, and the workers didn’t even knock on my door. They just came into my backyard like a bunch of thugs. Now, apart of me thinks that they are trying to break in, so I went outside to the front of my house to take pictures of their car (licence plate). I went back inside my home, looked at the window, and they were already gone. I live in sunbury.

  523. Ross Holder says:

    Received the ‘dated’ letter yesterday. The letter from United Energy was dated the 9th of March 2012. The Australia Post stamp said it was posted on the 19th of March 2012. Installation is meant to start on the 26th of March 2012.

    So this letter sat in United Energy’s mail room for ten days before being posted? Sounds dirty to me- allows less time to organise any collective opposition.

    Anyway, I have printed the letters to the United Energy CEO and Micheal O’Brien, and they will be posted in Express envelopes tomorrow morning (fast, and also allows tracking). Signs are up, and I have dropped a flyer in every letterbox in the street that says:


    Like me, you have probably received notice that a Smart Meter will be installed on your property in the near future.

    You have been misled about these meters being mandatory. You have also been misled about the safety of these devices.

    What you can do:
    • Lock your meter box immediately
    • Go to

    Make Elm Grove

    From a concerned neighbour and friend.

    • Dirty Tricks !!!! says:

      Powercor is also using the same dirty trick. Received my letter today, dated 19th March, arrived in letterbox 27th March, stating they will arrive 28th March – 10th April. 9 days from Melbourne to a regional City??? I don’t think so. More stealth and sneaky actions. Perhaps they think they will get few more in before people take further action. Mine is locked and staying locked. Not having any Smart Meters here. I have sent a letter to Gas Distributor too stating that I do not consent to the installation of a smart meter or any replacement meter with AS4755 capabilities, or any meter with which includes mandatory demand response capability or potential demand response capability. Figured that should cover it.
      Powercor ignored my first letter “prohibiting installation of smart meter” so I have now sent the letter Re UNDUE HARASSMENT OR COERCION FOR SMART METER INSTALLATION that someone has shared on this site under
      Actions you can take – “I understand that Contract law requires CONSENT” which includes templates and signs. These say exactly what I want to say. Thanks to this site and to the person who shared these actions.

  524. jackV says:

    This is what GE has planned (at least in the U.S.) to harness the benefits of Smart Meters.

    Nucleus energy manager allows you to build a home energy network, wirelessly connecting to a smart meter*, appliances, thermostat and other devices.
    The hand-sized Nucleus energy manager plugs into any standard electrical outlet, and is designed to wirelessly gather power usage information from your smart meter* (which provides whole home consumption data), as well as estimated consumption data from individual Brillion appliances and devices.

    I’m guessing from this that eventual setup is expected to be:
    1.the smart meter
    2. a device which communicates wirelessly to both the smart meter and home appliances
    3. Home appliances that communicate wirelessly to the Device.

    I was under the impression that appliances communicated directly with the smart meter but maybe that’s not the case.
    From what the website says it appears the power company won’t have data on individual appliances. They also won’t be able to turn off my air conditioner if they think I’m using too much power (which I read somewhere they could do).

    In any case I shudder to think how unhealthy a home would be that is constantly sending wireless data between most rooms as well as the smart meter.
    Keep up the good work guys!

    • jackV says:

      I’ve just read “Utility access to household appliances!” (on the home page here) so it seems that our power companies will eventually have control over our appliances.
      I also found this which confirms it.
      The review in itself is a year old but an interesting read.

    • J. Smith says:

      The ability of power companies to control heavy usage consumer appliances is indeed one of the main benefits that power distributors are hoping to achieve from the introduction of smart meters. For instance look at the following link:

      Click to access Finalreport.PDF

      In this paper (Smart Meters, Smart Justice? Energy, Poverty and the Smart Meter Rollout) from the University of Melbourne, it is stated:
      “For instance, the smart meters that are being rolled out in Victoria have the ability to communicate with appliances in the home via what’s called a Home Area Network (HAN). This allows for the direct load control of heavy usage appliances, such as heat pumps, pool pumps and air‐conditioners, where such appliances can be programmed to cycle on‐and‐off during peak periods so as to reduce network load. Appliances could be controlled in this way either directly through the home area network or remotely by a third‐party—for instance, a network business or retailer—using the communications infrastructure of the smart meter.”

      Another quote, this time from Lockstep Consulting:

      Click to access Lockstep-DPI-AMI-PIA-Report-1.2.1.pdf

      “It [smart metering] will allow direct load control of power hungry appliances such as air conditioners, in-floor heating and swimming pool pumps, so that in times of crisis, electricity companies can ration supply to such appliances items, without noticeably affecting their amenity.”

      So in other words, if you have an enabled HAN, then this will provide power companies with the means to shed load. So yes, they would be able to turn off your air-conditioner. And then there’s the health effects of the extra barrage of microwaves bouncing around inside your home to consider….

  525. Vickie says:

    Some may label me as paranoid, but I simply want to put out this concern. have you noticed that there doesnt seem to be many bees and less birds in your gardens? unless it is only mine, my garden is normally frequented by many birds and recently my garden is barren, I dont like to see my garden barren and I really want to know where all the birds who enjoyed my garden have gone, I found this article and I am wondering if there is a connection and it helps to explain why they have left, What do you think?

  526. vickie foster says:

    I thought a school would have a safety switch to guard against potential fires, especially from a faulty light fitting, mind you I have read four differing opinions of what caused this fire, I wonder if they had a smart meter installed, hmmm something tells me we will never know.

  527. Ross Holder says:

    I’m gobsmacked!! We have had a major victory… national TV exposure on Channel 7’s Today Tonight. Lots of video of smart meters catching fire, and the Jemena CEO denying there is a problem.

    The message is getting into the Australian living room. The people are starting to think for themselves. The tide is turning. Lock your meter box, send those letters, tell anyone who will listen!!!

    • jackV says:

      Locked! The thing that was disappointing was that the only mention of health effects (which I believe is the man concern) is that smart meters can cause headaches!!??
      Whatever happened to the good old days when a journalist would go and do some real research and then present their findings to the audience. The most that seems to happen nowadays is they interview someone about their “opinion” on health effects and more often than not end with an industry spokesman telling all that it is safe.

      • Ryan says:

        I see this as a small Victory to all the people who have contributed to this site, the information from all of you is invaluable, congratulations to all of you who refused to give up, who stood your ground, writing, phoning and emailing in our quest to retain our own human rights, we have to keep fighting and never give up, the people who have these meters and want them removed need our help, Jack, I am not sure if you saw the Current Affair report, It was much more in depth regarding the health and radiation issues, check it out the link is on the home page, the fact that both shows highlighted the dangers of these meters is very significant . As for the Jemena Information session, in my opinion the Spin Doctors will be out in force, but it may good for us to show our feelings while getting some more publicity and let them know we will not accept being dictated to, we will not accept having these dangerous meters in our homes no matter what.

  528. Lianne Robertson says:

    Many years ago I rang Sydney Electricity and asked if there was a better system of using elecricity. I had read that a meter exsisted which benefited those wanting to use off peak electricity. When I spoke with the man on the phone he told me that we can put one in your home but generally they were only used for large building/ businesses which used LARGE amounts of electricity. He told me that they did NOT benefit a normal household and I would be better off staying with the metering system that I have. I would assume they were talking about Smart meters as it was about 3 years ago I made this call.

  529. vickie foster says:

    I was reading a statement from Paul Fearon about Smart Meters on the Energy Safe Victoria site, in the statement he is trying to reassure the general public about Smart meters, he quotes; there is currently no evidence that smart meters are unsafe, do you like the wording ? Currently, do you think he has used this word to cover himself and energy safe by using this word Currently, it is almost as if he is expecting evidence to the contrary, as we all know there is no evidence that proves that smart meters are safe to our health, nor could they ever produce it, and by using the word currently he covers himself and Energy safe about future and long term health affects on all of us, I am sure that secretly there would be members of the Government and Authorities who must be a little worried about the long term health effects of these meters and if you look between the lines they seem to be covering themselves with the wording of their statements.

    • jackV says:

      exactly! If you look at comments by industry regarding health effects of mobile phone radiation there’s a lot of “the current weight of evidence…..”,”according to the most recent science….”,”there is no credible evidence….” etc etc. They KNOW that there is plenty of evidence showing radio frequencies (as used by dumb meters) are hazardous to humans but it’s all about keeping their place in the system. As soon as they step out of line they risk demotion, ridicule and losing their job. Spineless

  530. Ross Holder says:

    Come one people!!! This is starting to gain momentum… if there are ‘lurkers’ on this website they need to have their voice heard, and put their shoulders to the load where the rubber meets the road!!! If what Olga says is true then smart meters are on borrowed time. The power companies and the government have lost the battle to install these things by duping the public into believing they are mandatory- at a million meters they haven’t reached half way yet- but it is million too many. ‘The people’ should have stopped this before it began, but who knows what ‘backroom’ deals are being struck between government and big business to the detriment of citizens? Whatever YOUR reason that you want to stop smart meters we are united under the common goal of STOPPING SMART METERS!! STOP THE ROT NOW!!!

  531. jackV says:

    I’ve heard/read a few times that we will get less emr exposure to dumb meters than we would to a mobile phone. My understanding is that in Victoria a “mesh” system is being installed that communicates information and syncs with other dumb meters.
    This would be similar to the one being set up in California. According to this paper

    Click to access 110212_GBG-on-Smart-Meters.pdf

    “The SmartMeter thus would produce 160 times more cumulative whole body
    exposure than the cell phone”
    We seriously need to force a change on both Big Bizz and our government.

    • Ryan says:

      Stay tuned for the next episode of The Smart Meter Soap Opera, now Jemena has managed to create a nice diversion away from the fact that these dangerous meters are a risk to our lives, now they are claiming Tampering and sabotage and getting the police involved and the Media, this seems to be putting the real concerns on the back burner, makes me wonder….

      • jackV says:

        yes I thought the same thing, I heard that the stuff oozing from some smart meters was not part of the original smart meter, gee really?
        Also I think the real concerns are on the back burner anyway, maybe this will help make more people aware of all the smart meter issues?

      • Ross Holder says:

        HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! When you can’t blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bulsh*t!!!

  532. Olga says:

    Powercor (et al) employ words such as “the smart meter program has been mandated by the Victorian government” and “Powercor is obliged by law to install a smart meter” and “the law does not entitle any customer to opt out of having a smart meter installed at their premises” … and so on. Very strong words designed to make people give up.
    After all, it’s “the law”, right??

    To quote from a letter written in the Geelong Independent: “Powercor has government authorisation to install smart meters, but it does not have the force of the law – see National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005, section 16B.”

    So I checked out the Act on the Victorian Government’s website, and here it is:-
    National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005
    16B Disapplication of national smart meter rollout provisions
    Despite section 6—
    (a) Part 8A of the NEL does not apply as a law of Victoria; and
    (b) any Rule made for the purpose of that Part does not have the force of law in Victoria.
    [FYI, Section 6 states that the National Electricity Law (NEL), as per the National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996, is to apply in Victoria; Part 8A is about smart metering services and Ministerial smart meter pilot & rollout determinations in South Australia. (Part 8A is on the SA Govt’s website)]

    AND, the letter goes on to say: “Government cannot legislate for private companies. We have checked with a local politician and he reluctantly confirmed this fact.”

    AND, from another letter (Geelong Advertiser, 24/2/12): “Having refused the meters, I and a colleague sent the appropriate lawful documentation to Powercor head office, and were subsequently visited by two of Powercor’s top brass, who came from Melbourne, to speak to us. In the course of that conversation, rumours of $500 fines for refusing the meters were scotched, and my friend and I were exempted from the roll-out, because of our refusal.” … “The Powercor representatives confirmed that there was no compulsion (nor fine) applicable for that refusal.”

    The author of this letter has written to the newspaper on numerous subjects, displaying considerable knowledge of our Constitution – so here is another quote from his letter:-
    “Once again, constitutionally, no Australian government has any power of civil conscription. No one can be forced into the army, to be medicated (as in fluoridation, or forced vaccinations), and no one can be forced to have a smart meter.”

    We tried, unsuccessfully, to meet the author. I wanted to ask if he could explain the important differences between the Constitution, Common Law, and legislation – especially after reading that legislation was being drafted to “trump the common law of trespass” that currently keeps installers away.
    I can only offer some basics: Our Constitution is the vitally important fundamental document of our democracy, and offers us certain protections that nothing else can. Common Law is natural law, based on principles of decent, civilised behaviour. Legislation, on the other hand, is Uniform Commercial Code – more of a policy or contract than law as such. You can make Common Law “trump” legislation – but you REALLY have to know what you’re doing! QUESTION: Does anyone know a genuine Common Law expert who could help us?

    In any case, even if the new legislation “allows” trespass, the installer still can’t lawfully force you to have the smart meter. I hope this information helps; we may have more in our favour than we realise.

    • jackV says:

      Good post Olga. “Government cannot legislate for private companies” – I take this to mean that, now that electricity is privatised, the government is unable to give power companies legal permission to force the installation of smart meters?
      & you’re right, we need a common law expert on side.

  533. Ex Facie says:

    Sale of Offices Act 1551 and Sale of Offices Act 1809 are in full effect within the Commonwealth of Australia under the Constitution and to my knowledge cannot be repealed by Victorian Parliament. This may invalidate any claim of ownership by power companies of any property (including rights) obtained by a sale of office. I would certainly appreciate any legal practitioners to give their thoughts on this.

  534. Mia Nony says:

    I listened to Neil Mitchell radio on the exploding smart meters. Other than John the whistleblower, the other interviews of politicians, energy minister, etc., sounded to Clarke and Dawe on youtube, their famous 20 year old routine THE FRONT FELL OFF. It would be strictly hilarious if what is unfolding wasn’t so ominously dangerous.
    Humour does seem to be how to get the point across about the pathological co-joined political/corporate mentality. the smart grid is one continuous series of surges and pulses which no house wiring or power transmission lines were designed to withstand. This creates harmonics which wreak havoc with all electrical systems, including our bio-energetic biological electrical systems. When people are asked to pay to build their own gallows, when those who are elected and appointed make transparently and patently false excuses for dangerous exploding meters by attributing it to routine high voltage surges, when the cost to keep on replacing an electronic device which by definition is vulnerable to surges, hacking, fires, over billing, and creation of a disease burden no one can afford, when people are expected to build their own gallows at that point democracy itself is not only a grave risk, it is exploding in our faces. We have been betrayed. Take back your clean power.

    • Ryan says:

      Wow, what an eye opener, I heard on Neil Mitchell, there is a possible toxic substance
      dribbling from some Smart Meters, now being investigated by Jemena, hmmm, they are using Meters coming from India $4 each, wait there is even more, instead of being installed on fire retardant material they are going straight on to chip board, but the Jemena spokesperson claims all this meets the Australian Standards, I am speechless!!

  535. Mia Nony says:

    Smart Meter Health Alert:


    “Smart Meter” is a term given to new utility meters that are currently being installed on virtually every home and building. Throughout the United States and on a worldwide basis, utility companies are replacing our safe analog meters with dangerous devices that are harmful to human health.

    The new meters function within a “Mesh Network” made up of individual meters, collector antennas, relay devices, repeaters, and other components. The pulsed radiofrequency microwaves used by the system ultimately permeate our homes, neighborhoods, and entire cities. The meters can also affect the wiring in our homes in ways that can make us ill.

    There are many objections to the Smart Meters, including matters of privacy, safety, and cost. However, it is the danger they pose to our health that concerns us the most. The technology used by the meters is making many of us sick and may have serious long-term health impacts. Even if we do not all feel the health effects, we all may be affected in ways that we do not yet realize.

    In those areas where meters were installed, health problems began to be reported and are now numbering in the thousands. Despite these complaints, the utilities persist in their relentless program of installation, largely ignoring our concerns. They tell us that we have no choice in the matter, that the meters are mandatory and that the technology that the meters use cannot harm us.

    We believe otherwise. Our bodies are letting us know that something is wrong. Scientific studies back this up. Many medical professionals, scientists, and engineers have issued cautionary statements regarding the impact that the meters can have on our health.

    A major problem is that many of us don’t yet know that the recent headaches, insomnia, nausea, irritability, heart palpitations and other distressing health issues that we have begun to experience can be caused by the new meters that now surround us. The utility companies and large corporations profiting from the meters did not warn us of this possibility, but we are now discovering the truth of the matter.

    It is our goal to share this information with everyone so that they we may all protect our health, the health of our families and communities, and work together to take back our inalienable right to safe homes, healthy environments, and freedom of choice.

    Health and Smart Meters: –

    Expert Opinions

    International experts speak out against Smart Meters.


    Click to access Carpenter.pdf


    Click to access Olle.pdf


    Click to access Havas.pdf


    Click to access Maret.pdf


    Click to access Neutra.pdf


    Click to access Richter.pdf


    Click to access Margaritis.pdf


    Click to access Sage.pdf


    Click to access Milham.pdf


    For many of us, the involuntary constant exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RF) coming from the meters and the mesh network in which they function, becomes a perilous tipping point. Our bodies can no longer sustain the constant barrage, causing many of us, and our children, to begin to suffer from symptoms such as:

    Difficulty concentrating
    Ringing or buzzing in ears
    Heart palpitations
    Sensations of pressure in the chest or lungs
    Difficulty breathing
    Body aches
    Interference with medical devices such as pacemakers

    One of the most insidious parts of this is that, for many of us, the connection between the recent installation of Smart Meters and the harm they are doing to our bodies has not been made! We cannot even begin to take a stand against this assault if we do not know its source. So we become more and more ill but don’t know why.

    Among the many reasons that the Opt Out will not work to bring an end to the health effects caused by the meters are the following:

    1. Meters work within a network. If one or two or even dozens are removed, there are literally millions left functioning. This means that the problems with radiofrequency radiation and dirty electricity still persist. If enough meters are removed, it is possible that boosters and repeaters will have to be added to make the system work, thus creating the possibility of even higher levels of RF.

    2. If meters are removed from a few homes or buildings, this does nothing to create healthy environments in other areas of the community. People will still suffer health effects when they are in homes, schools, businesses, theaters, houses or worship, hospitals, etc. that have meters in place. This goes back to the “safe zone” issue. How is it conceivable that certain areas should be off-limits to any of us? What happened to equal access?

    3. One “solution” under consideration is to replace Smart Meters with “radio- off” meters. These types of meters still use switching mode power supplies that can negatively impact the quality of electricity, creating dirty electricity that is known to create illness. This is not an acceptable option.

    4. The utilities are telling us that we might be “granted the privilege” of an opt out – but only at a cost. Although we believe that concept of an opt out is entirely flawed, just the hypothetical possibility of charging people to have meters that will not harm their health is nothing less than extortion. We wholeheartedly disagree with this idea.

    We believe that the ONLY answer is to end this ill-conceived, dangerous program that was purely for the benefit of the utilities and the corporations with which they have partnered.

    There is absolutely nothing to be gained by any of us when segments of our population are immediately and seriously sickened and the rest of us are at risk for long-term consequences, including the possibility that these could extend into future generations through DNA damage and a host of other possible mechanisms.

    We say: End it — and end it now! Bring back our safe analog meters. Let us restore our health and take back our rights. Nothing less than this is acceptable.


    Get Involved

    Learn more, Be inspired, Network with others














    OTHER LINKS…/not-so-smart-meters-overbilling-californians

  536. Ross Holder says:

    Having seen the end result of neurological disorders I have often questioned why there has been such a sharp rise in the incidence of Autism. I have a degree in biology- no, I am not clutching at straws and looking for scapegoats. I am convinced that something in the environment has changed to cause such a massive increase in the incidence of Autism and related developmental disorders.

    Since 1996, incidence of Autism has increased exponentially.

    The placement of mobile telephone towers in the US was deregulated by the Federal Communications Act of 1996. Since then the level of EMR in our immediate vicinity has increased exponentially.

    Cause and effect? As far as I am concerned- YES!! Research is required. However, we are kept ignorant as to the REAL causes of Autism. Funding for research is non-existent or is provided by big rich multinationals and governments who fund research for the results they want and ignore research which offer a balanced or opposing viewpoint. Take, for instance, the highly skewed ‘scientific’ research which the Australian Federal Government used to stonker the Australian public with their OBSESSIVE NEED for the Carbon Tax. There was a lot of contrary evidence which the government-appointed scientists simply chose to ignore because it didn’t support their case…. no doubt the same thing is happening with smart meters.

    Smart meters will increase the levels of EMR way beyond their levels today. Therefore the rollout should cease immediately.

    As recently as the Black Saturday bushfires we have seen how a utility puts profit over safety. SP Ausnet (who I renamed Spaznet) killed 119 people because it was not profitable to replace a $10 part. There has been a little bit of compensation, but it has been through hard fought CIVIL COURT ACTION. Spaznet continues to trade, has faced no prosecution from the government and continue to put profit over maintenance – and public safety.

    No doubt this trend will continue. It is cheaper to control the end user with dubious technology (THAT THE END USER PAYS FOR!!!!!) rather than upgrade infrastructure. Government and multinationals are in bed together- government is too weak to control multinationals who are hellbent on raping every last cent from ageing infrastructure that should have been upgraded decades ago.

    • Anonymous says:

      “OBSESSIVE NEED for the Carbon Tax”
      Smart grids hitched their wagon to climate alarmism. And now?
      Google Fakegate or go to
      On January 27th, a key climate monger player committed forgery and had to resign and the ripples are huge, more like tidal. Google to your gal down and select her site at Jo Then read about the death of a climate meme. The entire climate alarmist world’s baseless foundation appears to be a crumbling edifice, as we speak. Shameful sham, and climate’s equally evil twin is the smart grid. Without the one, how can they continue with the other? And besides everything about it is illegal anyway. Looks as if smart meters will no longer be able to use the pretext of climate phobia policies once the dust settles, that is if people Just Say No to involuntary coercive radiation exposure.

  537. Adrian says:

    I would like to say that I had my meter fit the other day and a potential dangerous fault was detected at my house. The power was turned off until all was fixed and certified. Without the meter who knows what could have happened.

    • Mia Nony says:

      May I inquire: What kind of fault was detected?
      You will need to be told exactly which type of “fault” was “discovered” in order to determine if it was indeed a pre-existing condition or one which was was precipitated by an incorrect install, which is more likely since 8000 fires to date have been precipitated on perfectly good wiring, and then the owner is told it was his wiring not the meter installation method and his “old wiring” is at fault, not the utility.Therefore any assertion of a pre-existing “fault” needs further analysis, as assumptions may risk leaving a few key questions unanswered:

      1) Was the installer qualified to diagnose the fault? In Canada they have 3 weeks training, and are hired off craigslist, so this is why I ask.

      Can the “fault” which presumably the installer discovered perhaps be linked to the method of installation? Was the meter installed under live load which professional electricians know is a dangerous methodology – any live load s/meter install? If they install s/meters live in Australia similarly to how they are doing so in Canada, the reality is that this dangerous practice requires a subsequent whole house forensic arc assessment analysis to determine which components of the entire house wiring have been affected by this act. It is not simply about the meter base.

      2) Wiring inspection and meter installation are two separate actions. You do not need a s/meter installed to find out about compromised fault in the system.

      3) Smart meters are causing pitting, corrosion, arcing, and compromised faults in house wiring systems which lead to delayed fires which are not immediately linked to the unsafe practice of installation under full electrical load.

      4) When a qualified professional does any electrical work at a home they never do so under full electrical load. When a temp employee installs a smart meter they lack the authority to shut off the power at the pole and there is no one home to shut off the power at the dwelling. Not only does the homeowner not sign off on the work done with the electrical panel off, as it should be, but there are many other immediate as well as delayed incipient risks associated with any live load install, which no self respecting electrician would ever do. This is why smart meters are uninsurable. This type of installation done live when a house is running at high voltage is pure madness. Worse, amateur installs are a guarantee that something will go wrong as pitting of wires is almost impossible to avoid. This entire military style “deployment” is both experimental and high risk. It is a recipe for latent or immediate disaster, since wrenching torquing and twisting are inevitable, as the installer is trying to “outrace” the electrical arc coming from the meter base toward any metal.
      Electricity is exceedingly unstable.

      5) Even if not installed live, the power lines, the meter base and your entire house wiring were NEVER meant to handle microwave surges or destabilizing pulses frequencies of this nature. You remain at risk.

      Multiply whatever bandwidth your smart grid is piggy backing on to to understand why metal corrosion is inevitable with these frequencies. Example for Canada 927 megahertz X 2 =1854 billion times a second translates to this amount of vibration and accelerated metal degradation induced by these frequencies which are “switching” on an off on your house wiring.
      When did any of us agree to this level of risk?
      Imagine what it does to biology for a minute.
      And if that is what happens to solid buildings, which delusion allows us to assume that these frequencies penetrate walls, destabilize wiring and metal and all structural components… and then come to a screeching halt at your uninsulated skin? Our bodies can NOT withstand having the nerves and muscles turned on and off like a strobe light by these artificial frequencies. Yet in the name of green and efficiency every living biological entity is have its nerves and muscles coupled to and then polarized and depolarized at this rate.
      Pardon my passion here but this is nothing less than an emergency and after well over a year fighting this monstrous system I confess it can be difficult to remain patient when trying to reason with any narrow focus base only on self interest rather than the BIG PICTURE.
      This SCHEME is SO DIABOLICAL that it encourages each person to think that as long as THEY are okay then what is the big deal, right?.
      We as an inextricable part of the ecosystem, and as biological creatures are unable to adapt to what is happening here.
      We humans are 7.85 hertz creatures whose brains drop to a mere .5 hertz when asleep.
      There is nothing more vulnerable that our own biology, that the lifetime supply of ovarian eggs your little daughter was born with and which is irradiated at industrial strength by school Wifi and home wiring.
      How is this not about extinction?

      • Ryan says:

        Well said Mia, I couldnt agree with you more, just for information there is an online forum to add comments about the Smart Meter issue on the 3AW neil mitchell breakfast site under the Smart meter article, I noted one comment from from a self claimed employee of Jemena claims there have been more explosions over the past few days.

      • Adrian says:

        There are some great points raised.
        I no way wanted a smart meter fitted but gave in as thought I would rather watch the installation.
        I asked to see the installers quals. He was full Vic A-Grade, plus training from Powercor and other training facilities.
        He turned the main switch off before pulling the service fuse. He even put up with all my questions and explained each test.
        A neutral fault was diagnosed and an inspector was called.
        The power was off for about 3hrs but the installation was fixed. I have since had my switchboard upgraded and wiring checked.

        Smart meters arent my cup of tea but at least one good thing come of them. It did wake me up to potential electrical faults.

  538. Peter Turner says:

    It seems that the Government in its total backing of these outrageous Smart Meters ts using the “Original Meters Belong To The Power Company” argument to ensure we are forced to have them.
    But can anyone tell me if this is true?
    My memory will not allow me actually recall if the original anologue meter was purchased from the SEC or not. Did Kennett sell the meters already installed in our homes to them??
    Pete Turner

  539. Ryan says:

    This article about mobile phones and children is a government article please read it [Moderator – as radiation emitted from smart meters is similar to that of mobile phones, this official government advice is clearly relevant to issues pertaining to smart meters].

    • Vickie says:

      I also found an article where work safe is telling the reader that rfs can heat up the bodies tissues, much like a microwave, and i wonder if the govt has made a fact sheet for us all to tell us if these smart meters will be safe to our babies and children, I think not, they do not care about us, its all about money, if you notice the article has an alert at the top, I also would like to raise the fact that no one has answers about insurance , if you are not insured and you lose everything in a smart meter related fire, no one will claim liability, as we have heard it will be a result of lightening, tree branches ect, and if we are insured we still may not be covered, we were told they would fix the problem of unqualified installers but they have not, I am so ashamed to live in a society where the government is forcing this issue and as a result is causing stress to us all including the elderly lady who said on 3AW she was worried that the explosion will happen again. I have included the link from worksafe, thanks people

      • Mia Nony says:

        You are right, The frequencies also violate Worksafe BC.
        They violate Safety Code Six, Federal law on EMF safety. And your law on EMF safety is the same as ours. Check out and click on EMF education to see Curtis Bennett’s documentation of how SC6 is being violated as written. Why? Because microwatts per square centimetre is not what we are. We are not one square centimetre. The effects are not just thermal. And that formula violates the law because it is not using the weight of evidence approach it refers to in its own code which is also the law. The telecommunications industry which has taken over all power transmission lines in the world would not recognize electrical induction caused by ENFs and frequency conflict with our bioenergetic bodies and those of the entire ecosystem ….because it is outside their area of expertise. The telecom corporate industry has merged with politics and utilities and in so doing they have exceeded the limits of their own knowledge. They are indeed outside the law and that means they are outlaws.

      • says:

        Vickie, thanks for this link – on reading it I found the following under Control Measures
        Control measures
        ” employers need to ensure that they are able to continually verify the strength of the signal during the works”.
        I find this really interesting – they are only talking about during the works, but they are forcing us to “live” with these signals and no one is going to continually verify the strength of signal “during living in our homes” are they.
        We just have to stop this madness.

  540. Mia Nony says:

    [Explosions – Victoria, Australia] Smart meter blasts covered up by 3AW Radio – February 22, 2012:

    [Explosions – Victoria, Australia] Jemena says no smart meter blasts in its patch by Cathy Nilbett – Moreland Leader – February 22, 2012:

  541. mel says:

    I forwarded my concerns to the Government regarding smart meters and health issues requesting a precautionary approach and support for abandoning the roll out. This is part of my response from the Office of the Minister for Energy and Resources –

    The letter states that the smart meters – “meet all relevant Australian Standards for electricity metering equipment and safety guidelines”. Followed by paragraphs of info that don’t answer my concerns. Followed by –
    ” Installation Refusal : In relation to whether you can refuse to have a smart meter installed, now that the government has completed its review and decided that the roll out will continue all Victoria homes and small business will need to have their meter replaced.

    Just as the move to digital TV, where all customers have been required to change over to the new system, the same is necessary with the new electricity metering system.

    Further, I am advised that the current metering equipment is the property of the distribution business. As such, the business is entitled to replace its own equipment and there is an obligation on a property owner to provide reasonable access to their property for this to occur.”

    – A disturbing comment in the letter reads – “While the Coalition Government cannot fix all of the problems left by Labor, the government is determined to do everything it can to deliver benefits for energy customers from this program”

    Clearly they are not doing EVERYTHING to deliver benefits as they had/have the power to halt this roll out or at the very least give people a choice regarding installation of which they have done neither. The comment also implies that energy benefits that they aim to deliver are more important than a precautionary approach to people’s health which was the essence of my letter referencing international concerns.

    I would rather not gamble with my health than have an energy benefit ! Not an encouraging perspective from leadership.

    This all just seems so wrong 😦

    • Joe M says:

      Dont give up there Mel.

      There are thousands of us with the same concerns and if we stick together we will get somewhere.
      Dont let them install the meter, lock it up do whatever you can.

      I have no doubt that if this keeps going the way it is, a class action will be started and hopefully events in California which have seen people have the ability to choose will be the case here also.

  542. Ross Holder says:

    Smart Meter Countermeasures (SMC) have been installed. I have included a 0.250″ polycarbonate window for viewing the meter held in with two galvanised steel frames secured by stainless pan-head bolts and nylock nuts. Meter box is locked with hasp and staple and Lockwood 234 padlock, also secured with stainless pan-head bolts and nylock nuts. Why nylock nuts? You might have an Allen key for the bolts but unless you can get a spanner onto the nylock nut (in this case, locked inside the meter box) they will loosen a little bit and just keep spinning!! I would post photos here if I knew how….
    Had the letter this week, I knew action was needed.
    People might be seduced into believing that the utility owns the meter…. but who owns the meter box? THE HOME OWNER!!! Has anyone thought about this as a human rights violation under ‘security of person’? You can lock your front door but not your meter box?
    No doubt others in my street have had ‘the letter’. I am considering a pamphlet drop in all letterboxes in the area.

    • Mia Nony says:

      Now THAT SMC is what I call creative non compliance! Wonderful. Friend of mine put weld bonding putty into the screw heads.
      Non compliance is a fascinating strategy. Instead of taking the corporation as seriously as it takes itself & instead of going after them legally which is futile since we long ago enriched them at our own expense & now cannot afford to duke it out in court, the idea of unique physical statements of resistance to coercion makes common sense.
      A case in point about determining what might be the most effective strategy. Maybe it is better to stop empowering them by being reactive, instead be proactive, rather than anxiously taking them seriously. There is a lot to be said for strategical subversion instead.
      Example of effective application of even handed non compliance: Link below for a hilarious news story doing the rounds, a guy who tried to rob a pub in Rotterdam at gunpoint. None of the patrons took him seriously, called his bluff, he ended up reduced to demanding a pack of cigarettes, was refused that too, finally left in frustration, then half the pub patrons followed him and a few blocks later they had him arrested. All caught on camera.
      Not coincidentally, the entire country of Holland also said no to smart meters. What an interesting attitude!

    • Anonymous says:

      Congratulations, Ross. Would love to see diagrams or photos of how you put the SCM’s together.
      I don’t believe that the utilities own the meters. A few years ago Alinta came to replace a drooping power line (due to several hot 40+ degree days) which had been clipped by a passing removals truck. The truck almost pulled the junction box out of my roof when it hit the power line drooping low across the street. Alinta installed a new power line from the post across the road and replaced the junction box above my roof. When I asked how much that would cost me, they said: “Nothing. We own the supply line as far as, and including your junction box. Everything below your roof, such as your meter box is yours, and your responsibility.
      In addition to that, my analog meter was installed by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, which was owned by the public, and I paid for my meter. United Energy have never purchased it from me, so I still own it.

      • Mia Nony says:

        Many people here in BC who bought land and then built homes have receipts for the purchase of their analog meter. Otherwise, the analog meters are considered a fixture which belongs to the owner and comes with buying and owning the property. That makes removal by the installer a case of trespass and theft. There is no BC Hydro name on them either. In fact they charge for the smart meter, and the utility name is not on it either.

      • Ross Holder says:

        As soon as I am able to find the time I will send photos of my ‘SMC’. I have already received an email address to which to send said photos. I am between two properties at the moment, one which I am renovating for sale and one to which I have moved my family- it’s a long story, but in a nutshell we were treated like crap by the Victorian government because we have Autistic children (one profoundly so, who we had to put into full time care) and we are enduring great hardships, which we will overcome. As far as I am concerned, from what my partner, my children and I have received from the Victorian government, if they could place a dollar value on their credibility they would not have two cents to rub together. This is regardless of what colours they fly. Hence any dubious practice created by the hallucinations of the Victorian Government should be vigorously opposed, as far as I am concerned.
        Needless to say, at 40, I am starting again from further behind when I was twenty. You can appreciate how hard I must work, and why I have little time. You may also start to understand why I am so defiant about Smart Meters (and other things). This is not a sympathy pitch. I will win.
        The new property will have SMC installed this weekend.
        No, I don’t remember the sixties simply because I was yet to be born. However, enough damage has been caused by the Victorian government’s belligerent DENIAL to the concerns myself and my partner raised regarding their interference to our family. So now we fight fire with fire: deliberate belligerent denial of their authority to impose legislation and devices upon my family which are dangerous and dilute the already watered-down freedoms we enjoy (?) today, and in essence, are just plain stupid.
        I have other concerns, such as the reported ability to turn off someone’s electricity by remote control. Governments have lost control of the internet- it is a runaway success story for FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Computers need electricity to access the internet, and whether you want to add your ideas to a global audience or simply read the ideas of others, you can imagine the sinister connotations of someone being able to turn off your electricity by remote control if they didn’t like what you were typing. Once the Smart Grid is up and running, how long will this website last? Thomas Jeffersen: ‘The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance’.
        My SMC may be elaborate. I didn’t want the utility using ‘I can’t see the meter’ as an excuse to extort me with ‘guesstimated’ bills. All you need to do is go to Mitre 10, Bunnings etc and get yourself a hasp and staple and a padlock, and some decent bolts with nylock nuts. I am sure there will be someone handy enough among your friends or family who can be tempted to install it for you, maybe with beer or a homemade cake, if you can’t do it yourself. Material should be as little as $30. The big hurdle to jump is to find the courage to defy the government. The government is wrong. I once heard ‘courage’ defined as ‘being too scared to do something, and doing it anyway’.

  543. Mia Nony says:


    A summary of Canadian laws breached.
    Retain this information.
    Feel empowered to legally obstruct your utility and its subsidiaries on personal property.

    We have legal rights.
    Hydro has repeatedly promised in public to respect individual decisions to refuse meters.
    Show laws below to installers in person.


    Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom guarantees the right to liberty to make important personal choices.

    Hydro and Corix are intending to install a wireless smart meter on my home without my permission, & against my wishes.

    Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom guarantees the right to life, liberty & security.

    Hydro & Corix infringe on my right to life by attempting to install a wireless device which emits a W.H.O. 2b carcinogen.

    Hydro & Corix infringe upon my liberty to choose for or against exposure to wireless devices which experts consider dangerous.

    Hydro and Corix infringe upon my right to security by attempting to install a device which transmits private data accessible to persons without my knowledge or permission, which could endanger my security.

    Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom guarantees the right to security from unreasonable search & seizure.

    Hydro and Corix infringe upon my right to security from unreasonable search by installing a device capable of transmission & receipt of data of a personal nature not required for billing purposes.

    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom guarantees the right to respect for private life & non-disclosure of confidential information.

    Hydro and Corix infringe upon my right to privacy & the right to not disclose confidential information by installation of a device able to transmit & receive personal information without my knowledge or permission.

    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right to well-being.

    Hydro & Corix fail to acknowledge my right to well-being by attempting to install a wireless transmitter on my home which many recognized experts consider dangerous to health.

    Trespass Act of British Columbia – BC 462.

    Hydro & Corix are guilty of trespass when installers under instruction enter premises AFTER receipt of notice by the owner/resident of premise that entry is prohibited, &/or when they engage in activity on premises after receipt of notice that permission for such activity is refused.

    Hydro and Corix are guilty of trespass when an installer is found on or in enclosed premises without consent of the occupant.

    Hydro and Corix are guilty of trespass once an installer has been directed, either orally or in writing, by occupant or the owner of the property to leave & to stop engaging in installation of the smart meter.

    Clean Energy Act

    Clean Energy Act mandates that every residence must have a advance metering system by the end of December, 2012.
    Wireless meters are not mandated anywhere in the Act. No law is broken by refusal of installation of a wireless smart meter. Legally, your electrical power cannot be shut of unless you fail to pay for the electricity for which you have been billed.

    Provincial & National Building, Electrical Codes, Safety Codes

    Provincial Building Code law, Section Four (vibration)-violated by smart meter frequencies.

    Canadian Electrical Code law, Section re Harmonics -violated by smart meter frequencies. Frequencies are non compliant with Federal EMF Safety Code Six Laws based on weight of evidence of harm as of 09/244/2011.

    Weights & Measures Act

    Smart Meters violate W&M Act regarding regulations concerning usage only billing.

    Smart meters bill customers for dissipated energy lost to ground en route to meter.

  544. Mia Nony says:

    Resistance In Action

    One example from one 1000 person island community in Canada

    Thank You For Your Response To The Installer Alert

    To those who initiated and everyone who responded to yesterday’s Installer alert, BIG HUGS and heartfelt THANK YOU’s,

    On receipt of separate early morning calls from two ferry passengers, our phone tree was immediately activated. Despite the early hour and inclement weather, within minutes Hornby Islanders from far away were converging on the ferry landing.
    Other drivers and at least one cyclist fanned out to locate installers and help them to not install any Smart Meters, before backup teams could escort them off our island.

    Though the four unmarked vehicles that triggered this alert turned out to be carrying only friendly meter readers, the actions of alert residents and immediate response to our first “call-out” was more than heartening! (In order to safeguard all involved, my own video and still cameras were ready to roll.)

    This practice drill provided some valuable lessons, which will be discussed and further refined at this Sunday’s strategy meeting.

    Though Hydro continues to insist that their Smart Meter installers will not be coming until next June or July, yesterday’s event demonstrated that we are ready right now to block any further Smart Meter assaults under a program that violates
    the Building Code, the Electrical Code, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Trespass Act, Canada’s Human Right’s Act, the BC Privacy Act, moratoriums called by local government and Union of Municipalities – and our fundamental right of free choice.

    More than ever we are convinced that with your participation – as well as lawsuits seeking to block these illegal meters now being heard in Provincial courts – we will keep Smart Grid radiation off our island.

    If you wish to be included in our island defence phone tree, please call:




    If you cannot join our first responders, you and your neighbours can still greatly assist your community by acting as “coast watchers”.
    Anyone spotting installer vehicles (most often identical compact cars) or Smart Meter installers on the island –
    PLEASE CALL ***-**** or ***-**** IMMEDIATELY. We will send assistance to help you keep these health-and-privacy compromising devices out of your homes, bee colonies and neighbourhoods.

    Remember: neither the Provincial Clean Energy Act, nor your contract with your own utility company called Hydro mandate the installation and use or wireless meters.

    As long as you are paying your hydro bill, even if you forbid Smart Meter installation, Hydro cannot turn off your power. It is deemed an “essential service” by the Provincial Government.

    As Churchill famously vowed, and responsible residents demonstrated yesterday by their resolve, we will meet the invaders on the beaches and turn them back street by street.

    Thank You Again,

    PS: Of course, anyone who wishes to irradiate your neighbours, family members and animals with weapons-grade electromagnetic frequencies 24/7 – while Hydro consolidates its ability to monitor activities within your home and remotely operate your appliances – can make private arrangements to have a microwave-emitting meter installed. You can also purchase “upgraded” appliances equipped with individual transmitters to continuously emit RF radiation throughout your living space. Just be aware of a multiplicity of dangers.
    And the fact that without a microwave Smart Grid saturating our entire island, a device that could compromise your home wiring and existing appliances is not going to work any better than your existing analogue or replacement (non-wireless) digital meter.

    Why take the risk?

  545. Ryan says:

    Just a quick question, How does one go about finding out the results of recent fire investigations,?
    I noticed some recent meter and power box fires including Cranbourne Safeway yesterday, I want to know more if Smart Meters were involved, the Public should be told of these results so that we can avoid other potential house fires.

    • Mia Nony says:

      About 8000 fires in various countries, reported to date involving smart meters, not counting pending investigation of the horrific San Bruno California fire that killed many.

      Smart Meter Fires and Explosions | EMF Safety Network

      • Ryan says:

        Thanks Mia. 8000 fires and sadly many more to come most likely, It makes me heartbroken to see what greed can do, to watch our once beautiful planet be slowly destroyed before our eyes. no words can describe it.

  546. David L says:

    Not really about smart meters, I now never sleep at all as a result of chronic exposure to EMR experienced at Torrens Island Power Station in 1987!

    • Mia Nony says:

      Use health food store sourced bentonite clay to detox radiation, and more. Very gentle. Use small amounts of spirulina and chlorella, all sea vegetables reverse all kinds of radiation, that is how people who ate these things survived Hiroshima without cancer even one mile from ground zero. There are lots of ways to reverse radiation poisoning.
      Magnetics, albeit the properly designed ones are an antidote to EMFs.
      For every POISON there is an ANTIDOTE.
      That must be why those in power are busy outlawing as many antidotes as they can to keep us “safe”.

      My biggest issue with EMF & EMR exposure is the chronic disability it creates if people don’t shield themselves from the invisible but deadly rays. Once you cross that line, there is no going back, prudent avoidance, that is what they advise?
      And how exactly does the global population prudently avoid a Wimax Frequency Blanket covering the planet, radiation masquerading as green? Does it get any more insane?
      Let’s face it, someone diabolical like Kissinger figured out we are all electricity junkies, the one common denominator of civilization.
      I hope justice is served and these sociopaths rot in jail for life for what they are doing to our ecosystem and to every biological creatures and pollinator in it.

  547. Mia Nony says:

    Try this:
    As I understand it, it may be illegal for smart meters to share mined data collected from one household with other households, which is what the utilities do to save on the cost of collectors.
    The frequencies contravene Building Codes (any section concerned with vibration), Electrical Codes (section concerned with harmonics), + EMF safety codes.
    Frequency consultants explain that vibrations from 900 MHz would be 1.8 billion times a second. For 2.4 Gigahertz, it would be 4.8 billion times a second. Buildings are built to certain specifications. If vibrations loosen contacts, and if that voids specs, which voids occupancy permits and insurance, … what then? Just how long will developers and/or investors be willing to wait indefinitely for occupancy permits?
    Harmonics corrode, beginning with metal.
    Andrew Michrowski discusses this corrosion in detail.
    Imagine for a moment just how many structural components are metal.
    In addition, in Canada the frequencies appear to violate the Weights and Measures Act by billing a customer for energy generated at source and then dissipated along the transmission lines, instead of billing the customer for usage, which is what analog meters do. That is only one legal challenge away from being derailed.
    So then, this begs the question: Is this really about “modernization”?
    Or demolition? And might wireless be the unintentional equivalent of a slow motion EMP?

    • jackV says:

      Thanks Mia, I’ve never heard of that aspect before,
      You’ve sent me on Google hunt for “Andrew Michrowski”.
      Here’s an interesting paper I came across:

      Click to access wholelife_emf_2011.pdf

      Do you have the link where he specifically discusses corrosion?

      • Mia Nony says:


        EMF/microwaves/RF is harmful not only to living creatures but also to hard materials and infrastructure.

        Dr. Michrowski writes:
        “I came across this during a survey for a legal case involving a brand-new underground electric distribution system + gas + optoelectronic network + water + sewage in a “high-tech” tourist-promotion downtown upgrade of rue Principal in Sutton, Eastern Townships, Quebec. In that urban-development district, some sewer tops (manhole covers) were rapidly rusting — or, more accurately, “shrinking” — in a strange non-rust-like colour.

        Instead of the familiar reddish-brown of oxidized iron, the surface was turning yellow (with spots) then orange.

        “I was able to obtain the power density data. At the wireless technology bandwidth the phenomenon became pronounced: in a few months the equivalent of 1 to 2 decades of traditional rust-corrosion was occurring.

        “Then, as a presenter at the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) international meeting in Ottawa, I attended a series of thesis presentations by several teams of University of Waterloo students who were reporting a new type of corrosion. Their observations were taken at the Chalk River nuclear reactor (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, the world’s largest research reactor and one of the first to be built). It had been in good maintenance for decades — until recently.

        “The doctoral students examined [the Chalk River nuclear plant] with special (and extremely expensive) spectroscopy equipment.

        “Their data revealed a linearly frequency-dependent, electron-stripping process that is so accelerated that there is no time available for oxidation (normal, red-brown rusting) to occur. This new corrosion phenomenon follows a fractal geometry pattern (branching out after each penetration-stripping), rather than progressing layer by layer.

        “This new branching degenerative phenomenon is designated “Pit Corrosion”. (It’s also been nicknamed “Tora Bora” corrosion, on the analogy of the multi-directional caves which the Taliban dug in the Afghan mountains, in order to confuse intruders.)

        “When downtown Ottawa underwent extensive, national-security-related laying of communication systems — optoelectronic cables with nuclear-coating and with high bps count — I noticed which manhole covers (including brand new ones) were yellowing away in a similar manner to that described above. These were in near-fields of the “environmental/background level” power density, equivalent to what was noted in Sutton, Quebec.

        “Even without the use of sophisticated meters, you can now observe across the landscape — where there is significant presence of background microwave emissions — reinforced concrete sidewalks, bridges, and building foundations being ‘eaten away’. Weakened window frames, popping panes and so on, are occurring.

        “Adding to the overload are more wireless gadgets: so-called SMART meters, often communication-deficient D.E.C.T. (radiofrequency or “cordless” phones), colour-TV cellphones, Wi-Fi tablets, and other bandwidth-hungry wireless devices.

        “Meanwhile Canadian municipalities express alarm, getting up-in-arms over the extraordinary new maintenance expenditures — many billions of dollars (trillions for their US colleagues) — which they face trying to maintain the provision of essential services. The infrastructure is corroding away thousands of times faster than planners expected their amortization plans to cover.”
        Further proof that structural investments are deemed to be far more important than people or love or family, especially when electrical engineers in BC are aware of the connection to what they all learned back in school. NO matter WHICH utility deems harmonics okay, the laws in Canada do NOT. Want to see an immediate impact on whole nations’ economies if this happens the way it could and should, by law? Think about it: Due to liability issues and inability to get insurance coverage building approval engineers could now IMMEDIATELY refuse to sign off on or approve multi million $ buildings with smart meters and wifi, to refuse occupancy permits due to frequencies that are why structures, bridges, subways, buses, entire cities, are being destabilized and suffering “premature failure” due to cumulative unanticipated frequency contravention of structural laws.
        Consider wireless induced vibration at up to 10,000 times a second at 5 gigahertz, (EMFs become kind of a demolition tool at that point). How about harmonics induced corrosion. This is where the rubber meets the road, with the investors. When it comes to occupancy permits, insurance, failure to meet specs due to vibration & loosened contacts, corrosion of structural beams, metal roofing, locks, hinges, nails, screws, firewall separations, electrical systems, you name it, all structural compromise induced by wireless frequencies, this alters the whole game re safety for everyone. Like firemen, for instance. Risk of structural collapse, or like entire electrical systems corroded wirelessly, fire, explosion, throw gas into the mix, add a smart meter arc, as in Palo Alto, or San Bruno, BIG SURPRISE, not allowed to have smart meters anywhere near gas smart meters or gas leaks. . Boom. Legal precedent and laws broken on structural technicalities -not re health, which they deem “subjective” – is how one wins the day.
        And here the winning dark horses are!
        Things are ramping up fast and really hopping here, pivotal meeting in Penticton BC, 80% meters installed there by the city only to be confronted with – OH OH illegal? and go to EMF education link, read the legal declarations for the Oregon Wifi trial.

        Big Meeting is on February 22nd re smart meter/grid frequencies that are unequivocally in contravention of Canadian electrical code law regarding illegal harmonics as well as National and BC Building Code laws re vibration, so I did not get a chance to also look this other stuff over:

        Click to access 17.MichrowskionEMRadn.pdf

  548. Anonymous says:

    Erin Brockovich style Shine Lawyers – where are you ?

  549. jackV says:

    If anyone is interested as to why smart meters have burst onto the scene in most developed countries over the last few years then you’ll find this both interesting and disturbing.

    • Yes JackV, I also found this disturbing, but it also made me more determined to keep fighting this total disregard for our rights. Many of us living in developed countries would have had “reasonable trust” in those “elected” to run our Countries. I wonder do many of our Members of Parliament really know what’s behind this or have they been “conned” too all in the name of “sustainability” and “save the planet”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tried this link -> “Webpage not found”.
      Any other clues to find this information, Jack?

      • jackV says:

        That’s odd, I just tried it and it worked for me.
        If you google “Technocracy, Sustainable Development and the SMART Grid” it’ll be the first result (at least it was for me).

  550. Anonymous says:

    You have pinpointed the problem exactly. Also, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has cited the same problem existing with their FCC standards. Both the Australian and US standards are obsolete.
    We learned about this years ago when dealing with ARPANSA in relation to mobile phone towers being set up. They just refused to admit there was a non-thermal effects problem. I wonder what kind of inducement would make people behave like that?

  551. Peter S says:

    Dan, regarding ARPANSA radio frequency radiation standards, the question is why does ARPANSA base Australian RF standards only on thermal effects when non-thermal effects can occur long before the body can detect heating? In my research, I have found that there are non-thermal health effects on people. Last year, the Seletun Scientific Panel, comprised of international experts on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields announced in a statement that “new, biologically-based public exposure standards, taking into account long-term as well as non-thermal exposures, are urgently needed to protect public health world-wide‰ (The Seletun Scientific Statement, 2011, p.1). They are calling for standards that are approximately 50,000 to 60,000 times lower than the current ICNIRP standard on which Australia bases its standard.
    ARPANSA would be aware of this but refuse to take non-thermal effects into consideration – hence, Australia’s standards aren’t worth the paper they are written on. And claiming smart meters are safe because they are within Australian standards is a complete joke!

    • Dan says:

      Thanks Peter, I had a lengthy conversation with a scientist at ARPANSA. I asked him to explain why the Aus standard does not take into account the non-ionizing effects. He simply answered the the majority of studies do not show any bad effects & explained that he had 3 wireless laptops at his home, all in close vecinity to his small baby, so the addition of a smart meter would be negligable. That’s is his choice but I have made the concious decision to have no wireless devices in my home for obvious reasons, that is my choice. I guess we will not know all the answers to the effects of all this wireless pollution for maybe 30 years

      • jackV says:

        Hey Dan,
        I’ve had some communication with ARPANSA over the last few years too. Many people don’t realise just hw influenced they are by Industry. Don Maisch has written an excellent paper called The Peocristean Approach which looks at the politicl/industry interactions in Australia over the last few decades. It’s a long read but very interesting.
        I also have no wireless devices in my home.

  552. Dan says:

    Is someone able to explain to me this section of the Standard.

    There is also a mandatory requirement [sub-clause 5.7 (e) of the Standard] for:
    Minimising, as appropriate, RF exposure which is unnecessary or incidental to achievement of service objectives or process requirements, provided this can be readily achieved at reasonable expense. Any such precautionary measures should follow good engineering practice and relevant codes of practice. The incorporation of arbitrary additional safety factors beyond the exposure limits of this Standard is not supported.

    Maybe I’m stupid but I’m sure it says RF radiation should be minimized. Especially since the proposed location will be very close to my young child. If there is even the slightest risk to my child’s health & wellbeing I will never allow any such device on my property.

  553. Anonymous says:

    Mia, you’re a legend! It’s a wonderful thing to have this “hands across the Pacific” assistance. I have checked out some of the material on those links and was amazed at what you folks have achieved. For example on
    – a dozen or so people returned their smart meters to PG&E after having them removed by qualified electricians, and buying their own analog meters and getting them connected
    – a smart meter attached to an empty house scheduled for demolition was found to be registering usage from the incoming supply line even though the power board inside the house had been stripped and had wires dangling, not connected to anything in the house. It’s no wonder electricity bills soar once smart meters are connected.

  554. Ryan says:

    First we were forced to have energy saving light globes, now i cant read at night, then we had the insulation debarcle then we have digital TV and radio so out with all our old tvs, i bought a tuner and I still cant get the digital channels. no choices and now the not so smart meters that we are being forced to have regardless of our own safety concerns, I am wondering how much more the Government can control our lives and what goes on in and around our own homes. it is an utter disgrace to humanity. where will it end

  555. Mia Nony says:

    Sorry, forgot to include the links.
    Google DEFEND YOUR ANALOG METER (there are six pages of pix)
    Another link
    Yet another:
    Welcome to the revolution

  556. Mia Nony says:

    Here are some good links to in spire people to lock up analog meters or get rid of smart meters. California is fighting it and gaining ground.
    The hand part about “THE FREQUENCIES ARE ILLEGAL” is that it is not a matter of opinion.
    When electrical, and building and electro magnetic safety codes are all being contravened in country after country and no one realizes it, you know you are on the right track to pursue this angle, and that heads will roll. Imagine, structural beams, electrical systems. locks, amalgam, hip replacements, pacemakers.
    Really? It is up to all of us whether or not a corporate police state takes over and ignores the laws we do have. In the meantime?
    My hubbie built the most delightful and completely enclosed little meter room with a small meter viewing window, steel doors and multiple levels of locks and door bars. We are posting the analog readings on the door and they can verify them through the small window. If they shut off our power I will submit a journalistic piece to any willing media outlet and include the letter from my oncologist as evidence that they are out to cull us. That ought to wake up the sleep walkers

  557. Peter says:

    This is a great website. The more people know about the dangers of smart meters the better!
    Keep up your great work.

  558. Anonymous says:

    The Smart Meter roll out is a huge world wide scam with one aim, to reduce electricity suppliers operating costs and increase profits.
    Operators such as LUMO ENERGY claim
    1 The increase are due to growth in network distributors costs . UNTRUE
    2 Cost increases in complying with Victoria Energy Efficiency Target. UNTRUE
    3 A rise in retail service delivery costs. UNTRUE
    So what exactly does this mean, all of the reasons given have no foundation other than a
    There is no major expansion of the electricity grid that would
    require such price increases , there is no major expansion to the maintenance of the grid because there is simply not enough qualified linesmen to carry out such work.
    What to do.
    Approach your local printing company and ask them to sponsor the printing and laminating of some A4 POSTERS with an appropriate message (Such as NO Smart Meters in (PLACE YOUR SUBURB NAME) include the web address, tack the posters to trees and telephone poles in your area .
    The roll out must be stopped.

  559. Alan McDonald says:

    A brief reply to Alan Burke regarding where the majority overseas ownership of Powercor is – so we all are informed about who owns what and where the decisions are made. Powercor (and CitiPower and ETSA the South Australian energy company) are all 51% owned by companies in the Cheung Kong Group listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The remaining 49% is owned by Spark Infrastructure which, as I understand it, is a company set up to manage investment in energy type industries. Spark Infrastructure is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. I’m not sure whether Spark plays any part in the management decisions of Powercor (I suspect it doesn’t). I don’t regard majority overseas ownership itself as an issue but being a good corporate citizen in the country of operation IS important. Giving us all a low dose of radiation at regular intervals, particularly if we work or sleep adjacent to the meters, might well suit a company’s bottom line but for our elected representatives to allow it is extraordinary.

  560. Alda says:

    Ross, deepest sympathy from all of us.
    It’s not surprising that an increase in EMF causes an increase in autism. Children’s skulls are much thinner, and so absorb more radiation. We also know that EMF even from mobile phones can cause DNA damage, and the more of it we are exposed to, the more emf sensitive we all become. Once the smart meters are fully operational, we will all be blanketed by an RF smog estimated to be a hundred times more intense than that from just mobile phone towers. On top of that, there are plans for gas and water “smart meters” as well. What the government is doing is nothing short of criminal in my opinion, because the information is out there, not hard to find.

  561. Ross Holder says:

    I have three children, all affected by Autism to varying degrees. There is evidence to suggest that the increased exposure to the EMF emitted by smart meters will cause an increase in the incidence of Autism.

    Autism is not something I would wish upon my worst enemy, to either parent or the child affected, because it is a constant living hell. Government services are non-existent now, and resort to bigotry and intimidation to silence the public exposure of the suffering they create and maintain under the misnomer of ‘Community Based Care’.

    If there is any element of doubt of the safety of these devices, then the installation of a smart meter should be prevented by law.

    Forced installation of these meters already contravenes both the Victorian Human Rights Charter and the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights.

    Check out this link:

    Click to access EMR-Autism-ACNEM-final.pdf

  562. Alda says:

    Alan your post is along the same lines as one I posted about the threat to national security, which has not been published.
    Are you sure that smart meters are being installed for all those organisations? I understood they were only for residential and small business electricity users, though for those of us, the threat is just as real if we are left without power in case of an emergency, whether national or personal.

  563. Alan burke says:

    So these “Smart Meters” can be controlled from say Singapore;what if singapore fell into “enemy” hands? They could turn off all power to Australia,s Armed forces,police,sas,customs,fire dept.Administration,hospitals,rail;you name it it won,t operate WITHOUT POWER!! We cannot overestimate this filching of our power resources! Alan B.

    • Mia Nony says:

      You and James Woolsey, head of the CIA are saying exactly the same thing. He calls it the stupid grid. I don;t like him but at least he is on record Check him out on Youtube, he is interviewed covering himself in advance for liability for a global cyberattack

  564. Alda says:

    Following Mia’s post I found these useful resources:,73,0

    People in Canada and USA have learnt a lot more than we know, so far.
    So we don’t need to waste time ‘reinventing the wheel’.

  565. Alda says:

    Mia, this has really cheered me up. Now we have the clues to how we can begin to fight this problem over here in Melbourne, Australia.
    Armed with this information, have you been able to stop the roll out of “smart” meters in BC Canada?
    Thank you so much for this post.

    • Mia Nony says:

      In BC Canada there is at least one cease & desist injunction, one Human Rights Tribunal legal action underway, a few injury lawsuits on the way, and more.

      In Oregon there is a pretrial going very well.

      Here is one other way people are hanging on to their Hydro approved registered original analog meters:

  566. Mia Nony says:

    In British Columbia, Canada, we have spent this Year of the Smart Meter Scam finding out that people had fallen in the foolish trap of ASSUMING that smart meters were indeed legally mandatory – that is, until someone finally checked the legislation.
    Turns out nowhere in the legislation did it mention WIRELESS meters.
    The “Act” referred to advanced metering, meaning meters read more often than once a month.
    It referred to digital meters, but NOT Mandatory WIRELESS meters? Not mentioned at all.
    But wait, it gets better.
    Then it came to light that the way in which the legislation had been pushed through the legislature excluded any debate or discussion and forbade the involvement of the public watchdog, called the Public Utilities Commission, and that they way this was done was ALSO illegal, since they had used a parliamentary technique called “closure”.
    Turns out legislative use of “closure” is not allowed when public funds are involved.
    Meanwhile, other people dug deeper and it came to light that the frequencies violate Canadian Health laws such as our EMF Safety Codes. Why? Because the low frequencies have recently, as of the autumn of 2010, been proven to cause old fashioned illegal electrical induction which is also illegal.
    That in turn meant that installers were now violating the law in a myriad of ways. First there was the terms of rights of easement, broken on several counts, since easement rights to go on properties are very specific, not limitless.
    These rights are granted verbally or in writing by the owner for the purpose of allowing the utility to read the customer’s analog meter and maintain it in working order. Easement rights do NOT grant the right to a bait and switch manoeuvre such as removing the mechanical analog meter and then installing a frequency enabling radiation emitting surveillance device, ESPECIALLY NOT by installing it “live”, while the home is under full electrical live load, or while installed by non professional installers, thereby risking wiring damage, fires now and later on, and worse harm from unavoidable arcing, pitting, torquing, scorching, wrenching.
    Then people became aware that there are no terms of easement which grant anyone the right to install a radiation emitting surveillance device, never mind any right to trespass, use force, verbal abuse or intimidation, and never mind the issue of theft of a publicly owned analog utility meter – which it turns out belongs to the public who also are controlling interest majority shareholders in the public utility.
    Next was the realization that the meters have no safety approval stamps, no UL no CSA, nothing. Uninsurable.
    As if all of this wasn’t enough? When appliances and people began to fry, there was no coverage for either possessions or people.
    Soon electricians discovered that the frequencies enabled by the meters violate all aspects of Building Codes, not least due to rapid frequency induced vibration of structural building materials which in turn causes both slow and rapid damage and vastly accelerated corrosion of structural and electrical system metals.
    As if fire hazard wasn’t bad enough!
    Next those who asked the right questions learned that the frequencies violate Workplace Safety codes.
    It goes on and one, way too much to add here.
    But hey! Other than that?
    What is not to like?

    • Paul of Gosford says:

      Great information Mia – we now have to do research to see how our laws in Oz apply to this.
      Wish I didn’t have to go to work as I’d be happy to spend a few days in research but if anyone out there has the time I think there is much to be revealed that would stop these things dead in their tracks. Maybe get the help of a Lawyer on side ??!!

  567. Art says:

    This is part of the world wide franchise roll out……Welcome to a Brave (cowardly) New World.

    We are the ones who can deactivate this madness.

  568. Michael says:

         I would be interested in a class action, too – but I do wonder what the cost would amount to per person – I don’t imagine such things come cheap. I am on a disability pension, so this really matters to me.


    • Anonymous says:

      We should look for free lawyer. A lot of people affected my Smart meters, there should be some lawyers among us!

  569. Michael says:

         I read on one of the web sites somewhere that, as of late last year, there were monthly meetings being held on fighting smart meters, and apparently there was someone there giving legal advice on the issue. I seem to recall it was somewhere in the northern suburbs, on the last Tuesday of each month.
         I was just wondering if these are still taking place, and where to go – I don’t quite recall the details, and it may be out of date now.


    • Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

      Hi Michael, this was the post about the meetings
      but they were not all specifically about Smart meters.

      • Michael says:

             I don’t think those are the ones I was talking about, actually. I don’t remember where I read it; but I’m sure these were in the northern suburbs, in the same location each time. It was (primarily, at least) about smart meters, and there was some lawyer offering advice about it.
             Does anyone know about this?

      • Michael says:

             I think I posted a bit too quickly just now. I’ve taken a closer look at it, and the *first* of these, in Ashburton, was the one I meant. (I’m not sure where I got the northern suburbs idea from.) It mentions the last Tuesday of each month. Are these still taking place as of now?

  570. Anonymous says:

    Please post class action contact details

  571. Alda says:

    A class action is what I was thinking of, also. The sooner, the better. We have no time to lose.
    Remember, “the only requirement for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing”.

  572. Martin says:

    I would like to join a class action if one is initiated.

  573. Anonymous says:

    Has a legal group initiated a class action representing home owners in Melbourne who are not wanting a smart meter ? If so, who ?

    • says:

      I believe some are investigating this type of action for all Victorians, not just Melbourne home owners.

      • Trudi says:

        Do you know who is conducting the investigation? Something needs to be done.
        I can not believe it is legal for a Government to mandate such a blatant action, which has been done to benefit private business profit.
        Don’t Stop.
        Where’s John Wilson?

  574. Art says:

    How does one go about removing an existing smart meter from rental property? I already have landlord approval. Seems to be happening in the US, would love to know where one stands according to Australia’s archaic law practices?

  575. Stop Smart Meters Australia says:

    Here you can raise any topic or ask general questions.

    • Joe M says:

      Count me in to join a class action.

      The sooner the better.

      What is going on in this country is truly absurd!

    • Don Maisch says:

      Increased health risk if a smart meter is placed on a bedroom wall

      As mentioned on this site there are a number of significant unresolved problems with the technology, but there is one aspect that I find particularly concerning from my experience:

      Apparently in Victoria once 90% of all buildings in a region have a smart meter installed the system goes active, with an increase in 24/7 emissions from the smart meter. However, regardless of region, if you have solar panels on the roof feeding back into the grid your smart meter will already be active. One such meter, which I measured recently on a Bendigo home, was emitting (at 1 foot) three radiofrequency (RF) spikes every two minutes. Ambient power levels were .004 mW/m2 (okay) but spiking up to 67.4 mW/m2 (not good). This spike is significantly higher than what one would be exposed to when having a cordless DECT phone by the bedhead (about 1.2 mW/m2 at 1 foot), which can cause insomnia and fatigue.

      It is not unusual to find in many Australian homes that the electrical meter box has been placed on a bedroom wall, with a bedhead hard up against that wall. As I have seen on numerous cases in this situation the powerfrequency magnetic fields from the electrical meter can cause insomnia and fatigue in some people.

      What will be the effects, however, once a smart meter has been installed and RF is added as well? It is my understanding that the pineal gland may sense impinging electromagnetic fields as ‘light’ and suppress nocturnal melatonin release, upsetting the sleep cycle. When a bedhead is close to a smart meter I suspect that those frequent smart meter RF spikes will have a deleterious effect on anybody trying to sleep nearby.
      I am now advising a number of medical practitioners who are treating patients with sleep and fatigue disorders that they must take into consideration the location of smart meters and other electrical appliances in relation to where their patients sleep. Anyone who has a smart meter on their bedroom wall I would like to hear from.
      Don Maisch PhD

      • Terry says:

        Thanks so much Doctor Maisch. Information such as you have presented is an invaluable aid in our struggle for victory over these hideous monstrosities.

      • Mia Nony says:

        “I am now advising a number of medical practitioners who are treating patients…”
        You might want to mention to them that in North America this fellow (below) collaborates with an entire medical team. The team jointly teaches the hazards and disease links from exposure to EMF electrical induction harm, including from ultra low frequencies, taught to medical students and doctors, for continuing education medical credits.

        Click to access 2013_3.pdf

        Curtis Bennett
        Chief Science Officer
        Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
        Engineering Technologist
        Adjunct Faculty for IHF & GEDI
        33 Year Advanced Thermography Background
        Ph: 604-239-2694

    • anon says:

      I have de-classified Seee Eye Aye docs proving our case. Contact me.

  576. The roll out of SMART METERS MUST STOP
    ACT NOW …

    • Anonymous says:

      may be better bring matter to court?
      I found some interesting tips:

      • Happy Dissenter says:

        Dear Anonymous, I went to congratulate you on your blog but couldn’t post as I don’t have an ID. Is it possible to change the perimeters for normal posting such as this site does? Otherwise, I can read but not comment. Keep up the good work. 🙂

        • Anonymous says:

          If I open posting for everyone I will get a lot of junk. Sorry.

          If you create ID there we will be able to communicate privately, I will be able to give you more specific advice relevant to your situation.

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