Take Back Your Power Screening – Hobart, Friday 18th October

TBYP Hobart Tasmania

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2 Responses to Take Back Your Power Screening – Hobart, Friday 18th October

  1. Jennifer Brown says:

    All Tasmanians do not let them install this smart meter, it does cause health problems, not only health problems your bill will escalate in costs, please do not allow this greedy Energy Company to rip you off and give you concerns now and in the future. with health disorders Melbournians have gone through a hard time and we still are with sleepless nights and big concerns with these radioactive frequencies causing your children and adults serious health problems, Be brave say no to these do – gooders
    and these extremely dishonest Power Companies, all their one concern is how rich they can become and certainly no concern for the public.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to Future Tasmania and the University of Tasmania for hosting a very important event. Hope the beautiful isle of Tasmania remains free of the dumb meters that are a direct threat to its beautiful flora and fauna (not to mention people!).
    Tasmanians, don’t repeat Victoria’s mistakes!

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